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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TreeMakerCopyAndMakeClusters.C
1 #include <TreeMaker.h>
3 #include <phool/getClass.h>
6 // --- calorimeter towers
7 #include <calobase/RawTower.h>
8 #include <calobase/RawTowerContainer.h>
9 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeom.h>
10 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeomContainer.h>
12 // --- calorimeter clusters
13 #include <calobase/RawCluster.h>
14 #include <calobase/RawClusterv1.h>
15 #include <calobase/RawClusterContainer.h>
17 using std::cout;
18 using std::endl;
23 {
25  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26  // ---
27  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29  // --- calorimeter tower containers
30  // RawTowerContainer* towersEM3 = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_CEMC");
31  // RawTowerContainer* towersIH3 = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_HCALIN");
32  // RawTowerContainer* towersOH3 = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_HCALOUT");
34  // --- calorimeter geometry objects
35  // RawTowerGeomContainer* geomEM = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_CEMC");
36  // RawTowerGeomContainer* geomIH = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALIN");
37  // RawTowerGeomContainer* geomOH = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALOUT");
39  // --- clorimeter cluster containers
40  RawClusterContainer* clustersEM3 = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode,"CLUSTER_CEMC");
41  RawClusterContainer* clustersIH3 = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode,"CLUSTER_HCALIN");
42  RawClusterContainer* clustersOH3 = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode,"CLUSTER_HCALOUT");
44  if ( verbosity > 3 )
45  {
46  cout << "clustersEM3 " << clustersEM3 << endl;
47  cout << "clustersIH3 " << clustersIH3 << endl;
48  cout << "clustersOH3 " << clustersOH3 << endl;
49  }
53  // --------
54  // --- CEMC
55  // --------
57  // --- make new cluster object
58  RawClusterContainer* new_cemc_clusters = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode,"CLUSTER_CEMC_MOD"); // this node is created in createnode
59  if ( verbosity > 0 )
60  {
61  cout << "Regular clusters node: " << clustersEM3 << endl;
62  cout << "Modified clusters node: " << new_cemc_clusters << endl;
63  }
64  if ( !clustersEM3 || !new_cemc_clusters )
65  {
66  cout << "One or more invalid pointers, exiting event" << endl;
67  return 0;
68  }
70  // --- print sizes of old and new objects for diagnostic purposes
71  if ( verbosity > 0 )
72  {
73  cout << "process_event: entering with # original clusters = " << clustersEM3->size() << endl;
74  cout << "process_event: entering with # new clusters = " << new_cemc_clusters->size() << endl;
75  }
77  // --- loop over cemc clusters
78  RawClusterContainer::Range cemc_range = clustersEM3->getClusters();
79  for ( RawClusterContainer::Iterator cemc_iter = cemc_range.first; cemc_iter != cemc_range.second; ++cemc_iter )
80  {
81  // --- get the current cluster
82  RawCluster* old_cluster = cemc_iter->second;
83  double energy = old_cluster->get_energy();
84  //double eta = old_cluster->get_eta(); // no longer a member of RawCluster class. why?
85  double r = old_cluster->get_r();
86  double z = old_cluster->get_z();
87  double phi = old_cluster->get_phi();
88  double ecore = old_cluster->get_ecore();
89  double chi2 = old_cluster->get_chi2();
90  double prob = old_cluster->get_prob();
91  if ( verbosity > 10 )
92  {
93  cout << "for old cluster:" << endl;
94  cout << "energy " << energy << endl;
95  //cout << "eta " << eta << endl;
96  cout << "r " << r << endl;
97  cout << "z " << z << endl;
98  cout << "phi " << phi << endl;
99  cout << "ecore " << ecore << endl;
100  cout << "chi2 " << chi2 << endl;
101  cout << "prob " << prob << endl;
102  }
103  // --- make the new cluster
104  RawCluster* new_cluster = new RawClusterv1();
105  // --- set the cluster variables
106  new_cluster->set_id(old_cluster->get_id());
107  new_cluster->set_energy(energy);
108  //new_cluster->set_eta(eta);
109  new_cluster->set_r(r);
110  new_cluster->set_z(z);
111  new_cluster->set_phi(phi);
112  new_cluster->set_ecore(ecore);
113  new_cluster->set_chi2(chi2);
114  new_cluster->set_prob(prob);
115  // --- add the new cluster to the new cluster container
116  new_cemc_clusters->AddCluster(new_cluster);
117  }
121  // --------
122  // --- HCALIN
123  // --------
125  // --- make new cluster object
126  RawClusterContainer* new_hcalin_clusters = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode,"CLUSTER_HCALIN_MOD"); // this node is created in createnode
127  if ( verbosity > 0 )
128  {
129  cout << "Regular clusters node: " << clustersIH3 << endl;
130  cout << "Modified clusters node: " << new_hcalin_clusters << endl;
131  }
132  if ( !clustersIH3 || !new_hcalin_clusters )
133  {
134  cout << "One or more invalid pointers, exiting event" << endl;
135  return 0;
136  }
138  // --- print sizes of old and new objects for diagnostic purposes
139  if ( verbosity > 0 )
140  {
141  cout << "process_event: entering with # original clusters = " << clustersIH3->size() << endl;
142  cout << "process_event: entering with # new clusters = " << new_hcalin_clusters->size() << endl;
143  }
145  // --- loop over hcalin clusters
146  RawClusterContainer::Range hcalin_range = clustersIH3->getClusters();
147  for ( RawClusterContainer::Iterator hcalin_iter = hcalin_range.first; hcalin_iter != hcalin_range.second; ++hcalin_iter )
148  {
149  // --- get the current cluster
150  RawCluster* old_cluster = hcalin_iter->second;
151  double energy = old_cluster->get_energy();
152  //double eta = old_cluster->get_eta();
153  double r = old_cluster->get_r();
154  double z = old_cluster->get_z();
155  double phi = old_cluster->get_phi();
156  double ecore = old_cluster->get_ecore();
157  double chi2 = old_cluster->get_chi2();
158  double prob = old_cluster->get_prob();
159  if ( verbosity > 10 )
160  {
161  cout << "for old cluster:" << endl;
162  cout << "energy " << energy << endl;
163  //cout << "eta " << eta << endl;
164  cout << "r " << r << endl;
165  cout << "z " << z << endl;
166  cout << "phi " << phi << endl;
167  cout << "ecore " << ecore << endl;
168  cout << "chi2 " << chi2 << endl;
169  cout << "prob " << prob << endl;
170  }
171  // --- make the new cluster
172  RawCluster* new_cluster = new RawClusterv1();
173  // --- set the cluster variables
174  new_cluster->set_id(old_cluster->get_id());
175  new_cluster->set_energy(energy);
176  //new_cluster->set_eta(eta);
177  new_cluster->set_r(r);
178  new_cluster->set_z(z);
179  new_cluster->set_phi(phi);
180  new_cluster->set_ecore(ecore);
181  new_cluster->set_chi2(chi2);
182  new_cluster->set_prob(prob);
183  // --- add the new cluster to the new cluster container
184  new_hcalin_clusters->AddCluster(new_cluster);
185  }
189  // --------
190  // --- HCALOUT
191  // --------
193  // --- make new cluster object
194  RawClusterContainer* new_hcalout_clusters = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode,"CLUSTER_HCALOUT_MOD"); // this node is created in createnode
195  if ( verbosity > 0 )
196  {
197  cout << "Regular clusters node: " << clustersOH3 << endl;
198  cout << "Modified clusters node: " << new_hcalout_clusters << endl;
199  }
200  if ( !clustersOH3 || !new_hcalout_clusters )
201  {
202  cout << "One or more invalid pointers, exiting event" << endl;
203  return 0;
204  }
206  // --- print sizes of old and new objects for diagnostic purposes
207  if ( verbosity > 0 )
208  {
209  cout << "process_event: entering with # original clusters = " << clustersOH3->size() << endl;
210  cout << "process_event: entering with # new clusters = " << new_hcalout_clusters->size() << endl;
211  }
213  // --- loop over hcalout clusters
214  RawClusterContainer::Range hcalout_range = clustersOH3->getClusters();
215  for ( RawClusterContainer::Iterator hcalout_iter = hcalout_range.first; hcalout_iter != hcalout_range.second; ++hcalout_iter )
216  {
217  // --- get the current cluster
218  RawCluster* old_cluster = hcalout_iter->second;
219  double energy = old_cluster->get_energy();
220  //double eta = old_cluster->get_eta();
221  double r = old_cluster->get_r();
222  double z = old_cluster->get_z();
223  double phi = old_cluster->get_phi();
224  double ecore = old_cluster->get_ecore();
225  double chi2 = old_cluster->get_chi2();
226  double prob = old_cluster->get_prob();
227  if ( verbosity > 10 )
228  {
229  cout << "for old cluster:" << endl;
230  cout << "energy " << energy << endl;
231  //cout << "eta " << eta << endl;
232  cout << "r " << r << endl;
233  cout << "z " << z << endl;
234  cout << "phi " << phi << endl;
235  cout << "ecore " << ecore << endl;
236  cout << "chi2 " << chi2 << endl;
237  cout << "prob " << prob << endl;
238  }
239  // --- make the new cluster
240  RawCluster* new_cluster = new RawClusterv1();
241  // --- set the cluster variables
242  new_cluster->set_id(old_cluster->get_id());
243  new_cluster->set_energy(energy);
244  //new_cluster->set_eta(eta);
245  new_cluster->set_r(r);
246  new_cluster->set_z(z);
247  new_cluster->set_phi(phi);
248  new_cluster->set_ecore(ecore);
249  new_cluster->set_chi2(chi2);
250  new_cluster->set_prob(prob);
251  // --- add the new cluster to the new cluster container
252  new_hcalout_clusters->AddCluster(new_cluster);
253  }
257  if ( verbosity > 0 )
258  {
259  cout << "process_event: exiting with # original cemc clusters = " << clustersEM3->size() << endl;
260  cout << "process_event: exiting with # new cemc clusters = " << new_cemc_clusters->size() << endl;
261  cout << "process_event: exiting with # original hcalin clusters = " << clustersIH3->size() << endl;
262  cout << "process_event: exiting with # new hcalin clusters = " << new_hcalin_clusters->size() << endl;
263  cout << "process_event: exiting with # original hcalout clusters = " << clustersOH3->size() << endl;
264  cout << "process_event: exiting with # new hcalout clusters = " << new_hcalout_clusters->size() << endl;
265  }
267  return 0;
269 }