acts | |
  _adapter | |
  examples | |
   dd4hep | |
   detector | |
   edm4hep | |
   geant4 | |
    dd4hep | |
    hepmc3 | |
   hepmc3 | |
   itk | |
   mockupbuilder | |
   odd | |
   odd_light | |
   onnx | |
    mlpack | |
   reconstruction | |
   simulation | |
 Acts | Acts includes to create all necessary definitions |
  AxisJsonConverter | |
  Ccl | |
   internal | |
  Concepts | |
   Linearizer | |
   SourceLinkAccessor | |
   Stepper | |
   VertexFinder | |
   VertexFitter | |
  Cuda | |
   Details | |
  detail | These functions perform the transport of a covariance matrix using given Jacobians. The required data is provided by the stepper object with some additional data. Since this is a purely algebraic problem the calculations are identical for StraightLineStepper and EigenStepper . As a consequence the methods can be located in a separate file |
   Test | |
   VerticesHelper | Helper methods for polyhedron vertices drawing and inside/outside checks |
  detail_lt | |
  detail_tc | |
  detail_vmt | |
  detail_vtc | |
  DetectorJsonConverter | |
  DetectorVolumeJsonConverter | |
  DetrayJsonHelper | |
  EDM4hepUtil | |
   detail | |
  EventDataView3DTest | |
  Experimental | |
   Blueprint | |
   detail | |
    BlueprintHelper | |
    CylindricalDetectorHelper | |
    GridAxisGenerators | |
    PortalHelper | |
    SupportHelper | This file contains helper methods to build common support structures such as support cylinders or discs |
  Geant4PhysicalVolumeSelectors | |
  GridJsonConverter | |
  GsfConstants | |
  HashedStringLiteral | |
  IndexedSurfacesJsonConverter | |
  IntegrationTest | |
  KalmanVertexTrackUpdater | |
   detail | |
  KalmanVertexUpdater | |
   detail | |
  Legacy | |
  Logging | Debug output related helper classes and functions |
  MultiTrajectoryHelpers | |
  MultiTrajectoryTraits | |
  PhysicalConstants | |
  PlanarHelper | Helpers for planar surfaces that share the same maths |
  podio_detail | |
  PodioUtil | |
  PortalJsonConverter | |
  PrimitivesView3DTest | |
  Python | |
  SurfaceBoundsJsonConverter | |
  SurfaceJsonConverter | |
  SurfaceView3DTest | |
  Svg | |
   DetectorConverter | |
   DetectorVolumeConverter | |
   EventDataConverter | |
   GridConverter | |
   IndexedSurfacesConverter | |
   LayerConverter | |
   PortalConverter | |
   Sheet | |
   SurfaceArrayConverter | |
   SurfaceConverter | |
   TrackingGeometryConverter | |
   TrackingGeometryProjections | |
   View | |
  Sycl | |
   detail | |
  Test | |
   benchmark_tools_internal | |
   events | |
   float_compare_internal | |
   Layers | |
   states | |
  TrackingGeometryView3DTest | |
  Transform3JsonConverter | |
  UnitConstants | |
  UnitLiterals | |
  VectorHelpers | |
   detail | |
  VolumeBoundsJsonConverter | |
  VolumeView3DTest | |
 ActsAlignment | |
  detail | |
 ActsExamples | |
  Contextual | |
  DD4hep | |
  DefaultHoughFunctions | |
  detail | |
   NuclearInteractionParametrisation | |
  Digitization | |
  EDM4hepUtil | |
  Geant4 | |
   HepMC3 | |
  Generic | |
  Geometry | |
  HepMC3Event | |
  HepMC3Particle | |
  HepMC3Vertex | |
  JsonSurfacesReader | |
  Options | |
   detail | |
  PlotHelpers | |
  Simulation | |
  tbbWrap | |
  Telescope | |
 ActsFatras | |
  Casts | |
  detail | |
 ActsPodioEdm | |
 ActsTests | |
  PropagationDatasets | |
 add_histos | |
 add_histos_bX | |
 adl_test | |
 AjParameters | |
 AlignmentDefs | |
 ambiguity_solver_full_chain | |
 ambiguity_solver_network | |
 ambiguity_solver_perf | |
 at | |
 autodiff | |
  detail | |
 bar | |
 bbc_onlmon | |
 BbcDefs | |
 BbcReturnCodes | |
 bfield_writing | |
 BJetDCA | |
 BlackHoleGeometry | |
 boost | |
  detail | |
  filesystem | |
  math | |
  program_options | |
 c10 | |
 CaloTowerDefs | |
 CDB | |
 centProxy | |
 check_clang_tidy | |
 check_end_of_file | |
 check_fpe_masks | |
 check_include_guards | |
 check_license | |
 check_smearing_config | |
 ckf | |
 CKF_timing_vs_mu | |
 ckf_tracks | |
 cl | Forward declaration of incomplete type cl::sycl::queue |
  detail | |
  sycl | |
 CLHEP | |
 clvisc | |
 common | |
 conf | |
 configureMap | |
 conftest | |
 cpp | |
  ast | |
  gmock_class | |
  gmock_class_test | |
  keywords | |
  tokenize | |
  utils | |
 Dataset | |
 dd4hep | |
 DD4hepTestsHelper | |
 det | |
  utils | |
 detail | |
 digitization | |
 digitization_config | |
 DstOut | |
 emid_commons | |
 Enable | |
 EPDDefs | |
 erhic | |
 event_recording | |
 exatrkx | |
 fastjet | |
  contrib | |
 Fatras | |
  casts | |
  detail | |
  Test | |
 fatras | |
 fetchrun | |
 filter | |
 findNode | |
 fix_pragma | |
 fixGDML | |
 foo | |
 full_chain_itk | |
 full_chain_itk_FTF | |
 full_chain_odd | |
 Fun4AllReturnCodes | |
 Fun4AllUtils | |
 fuse_gmock_files | |
 fuse_gtest_files | |
 G4CEMC | |
 G4EPD | |
 G4Eval | |
 g4evalfn | |
 G4INTT | |
 G4MBD | |
 G4MVTX | |
 G4MVTXAlignment | |
 G4PIPE | |
 G4TPC | |
 G4USER | |
 G4WORLD | |
 G4ZDC | |
 gbl | Namespace for the general broken lines package |
 geant4 | |
 geant4_parallel | |
 gen_gtest_pred_impl | |
 generate_files_AA | |
 generate_files_AA_dag | |
 generate_particle_data_table | |
 generate_run_files_300evts_AA_MDC2 | |
 generic_plotter | |
 genfit | Defines for I/O streams used for error and debug printing |
  RKTools | Array matrix multiplications used in RKTrackRep |
  tools | |
 geometry | |
 GeometryVisualisationAndMaterialHandling | |
 global-time-converter | |
 gmock_doctor | |
 gmock_gen | |
 gmock_leak_test | |
 gmock_output_test | |
 gmock_test_utils | |
 graph_fancy | |
 gtest_break_on_failure_unittest | |
 gtest_catch_exceptions_test | |
 gtest_color_test | |
 gtest_env_var_test | |
 gtest_filter_unittest | |
 gtest_help_test | |
 gtest_list_tests_unittest | |
 gtest_output_test | |
 gtest_shuffle_test | |
 gtest_test_utils | |
 gtest_throw_on_failure_test | |
 gtest_uninitialized_test | |
 gtest_xml_outfiles_test | |
 gtest_xml_output_unittest | |
 gtest_xml_test_utils | |
 GTL | |
 H5 | |
 HeavyFlavorReco | |
 helpers | |
  hash_root | |
 HepMC | |
 HFjets | |
  Enable | |
  KFParticleBaseCut | |
 HFTriggerRequirement | |
 Input | |
 INTT | |
 INTT_Felix | |
 InttDefs | Utility functions for INTT |
 InttFelix | |
 InttNameSpace | |
 INTTVtxZ | |
 item | |
 itk | |
 itk_seeding | |
 Jetscape | |
 KF_timing | |
 KFParticleBaseCut | |
 KFPMath | |
 LambdaJetHunterOptions | |
 make_inp_lists | |
 makeCondorJobs | |
 matcher_test | |
 MatcherComparatorOptions | |
 material_mapping | |
 material_mapping_itk | |
 material_mapping_optimisation | |
 material_recording | |
 material_validation | |
 material_validation_itk | |
 MbdDefs | |
 MbdReturnCodes | |
 merge_hashes | |
 MicromegasDefs | |
 mvtx | |
  lhcConstants | |
 mvtx_utils | |
 MvtxDefs | Utility functions for MVTX |
 mvtxGeomDef | |
 my_namespace | |
  testing | |
 myAnalysis | |
 namespace1 | |
 namespace2 | |
 nanoflann | |
 odbc | |
 OnCalDBCodes | |
 OnCalHistoBinDefs | |
 OnlMonDefs | |
 OnlMonStatus | |
 Optuna_tuning | |
 Orion_tuning | |
 Ort | |
 parse_clang_tidy | |
 parse_cmake_options | |
 particle_gun | |
 perf_headwind | |
 PHG4CellDefs | |
  EtaPhiBinning | |
  EtaXsizeBinning | |
  MVTXBinning | |
  ScintillatorSlatBinning | |
  SizeBinning | |
  SpacalBinning | |
  TPCBinning | |
 PHG4CylinderCellDefs | |
 PHG4HcalDefs | |
 PHG4HitDefs | |
 PHG4InttDefs | |
 PHG4MvtxDefs | |
 PHG4PrototypeHcalDefs | |
 PHG4ScintillatorSlatDefs | |
 PHG4Sector | |
 PHG4StepStatusDecode | |
 PHG4TpcColorDefs | |
 PHG4TpcDefs | |
 PHG4TrackStatusDecode | |
 PHG4TrackUserInfo | |
 PHG4ZDCDefs | |
 PHGenFit | Simple class to hold conversion information This could be optimized by initializing the object with the necessary node pointers |
 phooldefs | |
 physmon_ckf_tracking | |
 physmon_common | |
 physmon_simulation | |
 physmon_track_finding_ttbar | |
 physmon_truth_tracking_gsf | |
 physmon_truth_tracking_kalman | |
 physmon_vertexing | |
 PktSizeCommon | |
 plot-woods-saxon | |
 plot_DataSimComp | |
 plotTracklet | |
 plotUtil | |
 pr_commands | |
 print_units_physical_constants | |
 Private | |
 propagation | |
 propagation_timing | |
 proto2 | |
 pump | |
 PYTHIA6 | |
 PYTHIA8 | |
 pythia8 | |
 Pythia8 | |
 python_algorithm | |
 QA | |
 QAG4Util | |
 QAHistManagerDef | |
 quick_view | |
 rave | |
 RawClusterDefs | |
 RawTowerDefs | |
 RecoPV_optimization | |
 release | |
 release_docs | |
 ROOT | |
  Shadow | |
 root_event_diff_np | |
 ROOTDict | |
 ROOTShadow | |
  Shadow | |
 runCondor | |
 runCondor_beamspot | |
 runCondor_plotTracklet | |
 runCondor_recotracklet | |
 runCondor_recovtxz | |
 s95p | |
 SColdQcdCorrelatorAnalysis | |
  SCorrelatorUtilities | |
 seeding | |
 ServiceProperties | |
 sigmaEff | |
 sigslot | |
 smearing-config | |
 std | STL namespace |
  tr1 | |
   gtest_internal | |
 summary | |
 SVM_v1 | |
 syncdefs | |
 tau_commons | |
 TauVsDIS_MachineLearning_Differentiation | |
 telescope_simulation | |
 test_algorithms | |
 test_base | |
 test_detectors | |
 test_examples | |
 test_fpe | |
 test_magnetic_field | |
 test_material | |
 test_propagation | |
 test_reader | |
 test_writer | |
 testing | |
  gmock_generated_actions_test | |
   action_test | |
  gmock_generated_function_mockers_test | |
  gmock_matchers_test | |
  gmock_more_actions_test | |
  gmock_nice_strict_test | |
  gtest_printers_test | |
  internal | |
   edit_distance | |
   invoke_argument | |
   posix | |
  internal2 | |
 testing_internal | |
 testSigmaEff | |
 tgeo-response2json | |
 tinyxml2 | |
 TMVA | |
 torch | |
  jit | |
 TowerInfoDefs | |
 TPC_Cluster_Drift_Animator | |
 TPC_Cluster_Drift_Animator_beam | |
 TPCDaqDefs | |
  FEEv1 | TPC v1 FEE test stand decoder |
 TpcDefs | Utility functions for TPC |
 TpcPrototypeDefs | |
  FEEv2 | TPC v1 FEE test stand decoder |
 TpotMonDefs | |
 TrackAnalysisUtils | |
 train_ambiguity_solver | |
 trento | |
  hdf5 | |
  random | |
 TrkrDefs | Define a namespace for Trkr typedefs |
 truth_tracking_gsf | |
 truth_tracking_gsf_refitting | |
 truth_tracking_gx2f | |
 truth_tracking_kalman | |
 truth_tracking_telescope | |
 upload | |
 upload_gmock | |
 upload_gtest | |
 util | |
 utils | |
 varids | |
 versiongenerate | |
 vertex_fitting | |
 vertex_mu_scan | |
 volume_association_test | |
 warnings_filter | |
 writeMapConfig | |