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Analysis Software
Documentation for sPHENIX simulation software
Variables | |
tuple | csv_e np.genfromtxt('testdata/set001/CalorimeterResponseHijingCentralRapidity_e_8GeV.csv') |
tuple | csv_pi np.genfromtxt('testdata/set001/CalorimeterResponseHijingCentralRapidity_pi_8GeV.csv') |
list | data_e_sub csv_e[:,2:5] |
list | data_pi_sub csv_pi[:,2:5] |
list | data_e_train data_e_sub[0:500,:] |
list | data_e_test data_e_sub[500:1000,:] |
list | data_pi_train data_pi_sub[0:500,:] |
list | data_pi_test data_pi_sub[500:1000,:] |
tuple | data_train np.vstack((data_e_train,data_pi_train)) |
tuple | data_test np.vstack((data_pi_test,data_e_test)) |
int | id_pi 0 |
int | id_e 1 |
tuple | pid_train np.vstack(( np.ones((500,1)) , np.zeros((500,1)) )) |
tuple | pid_test np.vstack(( np.zeros((500,1)) , np.ones((500,1)) )) |
list | X data_train[:,1:3] |
tuple | y np.ravel(pid_train) |
int | h 001 |
float | C 1.0 |
tuple | svc svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=C) |
tuple | rbf_svc svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=0.7, C=C) |
tuple | poly_svc svm.SVC(kernel='poly', degree=3, C=C) |
tuple | lin_svc svm.LinearSVC(C=C) |
list | titles |
tuple | Z clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) |
tuple | pid_predict clf.predict( data_test[:,1:3] ) |
int | count_all 0 |
int | count_electron_as_electron 0 |
int | count_pion_as_pion 0 |
int | count_electron_as_pion 0 |
int | count_pion_as_electron 0 |
int | count_true_electron 0 |
int | count_true_pion 0 |
float SVM_v1.C 1.0 |
int SVM_v1.count_all 0 |
int SVM_v1.count_electron_as_electron 0 |
int SVM_v1.count_electron_as_pion 0 |
int SVM_v1.count_pion_as_electron 0 |
int SVM_v1.count_pion_as_pion 0 |
int SVM_v1.count_true_electron 0 |
int SVM_v1.count_true_pion 0 |
tuple SVM_v1.csv_e np.genfromtxt('testdata/set001/CalorimeterResponseHijingCentralRapidity_e_8GeV.csv') |
tuple SVM_v1.csv_pi np.genfromtxt('testdata/set001/CalorimeterResponseHijingCentralRapidity_pi_8GeV.csv') |
list SVM_v1.data_e_sub csv_e[:,2:5] |
list SVM_v1.data_e_test data_e_sub[500:1000,:] |
list SVM_v1.data_e_train data_e_sub[0:500,:] |
list SVM_v1.data_pi_sub csv_pi[:,2:5] |
list SVM_v1.data_pi_test data_pi_sub[500:1000,:] |
list SVM_v1.data_pi_train data_pi_sub[0:500,:] |
tuple SVM_v1.data_test np.vstack((data_pi_test,data_e_test)) |
tuple SVM_v1.data_train np.vstack((data_e_train,data_pi_train)) |
int SVM_v1.h 001 |
int SVM_v1.id_e 1 |
Definition at line 37 of file SVM_v1.py.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 37 of file SVM_v1.py
Referenced by fjetResol(), and likelihood().
int SVM_v1.id_pi 0 |
tuple SVM_v1.pid_test np.vstack(( np.zeros((500,1)) , np.ones((500,1)) )) |
tuple SVM_v1.pid_train np.vstack(( np.ones((500,1)) , np.zeros((500,1)) )) |
list SVM_v1.titles |
list SVM_v1.X data_train[:,1:3] |
tuple SVM_v1.Z clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) |
Definition at line 72 of file SVM_v1.py.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 72 of file SVM_v1.py
Referenced by Acts::BinnedSPGroupIterator< external_spacepoint_t >.BinnedSPGroupIterator(), Acts::Test.BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), genfit::MeasurementCreator.create(), Acts::Legacy::AtlasSeedFinder< SpacePoint >.fillLists(), Acts::BinnedSPGroupIterator< external_spacepoint_t >.findNotEmptyBin(), fullMaterial(), ActsAlignmentStates.get_projectionXY(), HelicalFitter.get_projectionXY(), is_nucleus(), layerMaterial(), genfit::EventDisplay.makeLines(), Acts::Geant4MaterialConverter.material(), genfit.MeanExcEnergy_get(), momentumDistributions(), Hydro.NSquant(), Fatras::GeneralMixture.operator()(), PseudoJet.operator()(), Acts::BinnedSPGroupIterator< external_spacepoint_t >.operator*(), Acts::BinnedSPGroupIterator< external_spacepoint_t >.operator++(), Acts::BinnedSPGroupIterator< external_spacepoint_t >.operator==(), KFPInputData.Print(), PHTpcCentralMembraneClusterizer.process_event(), Acts::Legacy::AtlasSeedFinder< SpacePoint >.production3Sp(), KFParticlePVReconstructor.ReconstructPrimVertex(), ALICEKF.repairCovariance(), Acts::SurfaceArrayCreator.surfaceArrayOnDisc(), three_charge(), Acts::AtlasStepper.transportCovarianceToBound(), ActsExamples::MaterialSteppingAction.UserSteppingAction(), while(), and ActsExamples::RootMaterialWriter.writeMaterial().