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BDiJetModule Class Reference

#include <analysis/blob/master/HF-Jet/HFDiJetMomImbalance/BDiJetModule.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for BDiJetModule:
+ Collaboration diagram for BDiJetModule:

Public Member Functions

 BDiJetModule (const std::string &name="BDiJetModule", const std::string &ofName="out.root")
int Init (PHCompositeNode *)
int InitRun (PHCompositeNode *)
int process_event (PHCompositeNode *)
int End (PHCompositeNode *)
 Called at the end of all processing.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SubsysReco
 ~SubsysReco () override
virtual int EndRun (const int)
 Called at the end of each run.
virtual int Reset (PHCompositeNode *)
virtual int ResetEvent (PHCompositeNode *)
 Clean up after each event.
void Print (const std::string &="ALL") const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Fun4AllBase
virtual ~Fun4AllBase ()
virtual const std::string Name () const
 Returns the name of this module.
virtual void Name (const std::string &name)
 Sets the name of this module.
virtual void Verbosity (const int ival)
 Sets the verbosity of this module (0 by default=quiet).
virtual void Verbosity (enu_Verbosity ival)
 Sets the verbosity of this module (0 by default=quiet).
virtual int Verbosity () const
 Gets the verbosity of this module.

Private Member Functions

void ResetVariables ()
int GetNodes (PHCompositeNode *)
 Reset TTree variables.
void InitTree ()
 Get all nodes.
PHGenFit::TrackMakeGenFitTrack (PHCompositeNode *, const SvtxTrack *intrack, const SvtxVertex *vertex)
 Initialize the TTree.
void FillVertexMap (const std::vector< genfit::GFRaveVertex * > &rave_vertices, const std::vector< genfit::Track * > &gf_tracks)
 Fill SvtxVertexMap from GFRaveVertexes and Tracks.
int GetSVMass_mom (const genfit::GFRaveVertex *rave_vtx, float &vtx_mass, float &vtx_px, float &vtx_py, float &vtx_pz)

Private Attributes

SvtxClusterMap * _clustermap
 Truth jet information.
bool _verbose
bool _write_tree
 Verbose printing.
bool _ana_truth
bool _ana_reco
 Analyze truth info.
bool _do_evt_display
 Analyze reconstructed info.
bool _use_ladder_geom
 Event display for GenFit.
bool _cut_jet
bool _cut_Ncluster
std::string _foutname
TFile * _f
TTree * _tree
int _b_event
int _truthjet_n
 Event counter.
int _truthjet_parton_flavor [10]
 Number of truth jets.
int _truthjet_hadron_flavor [10]
 Truth jet parton flavor.
float _truthjet_pt [10]
 Truth jet hadron flavor.
float _truthjet_eta [10]
 Truth jet pT.
float _truthjet_phi [10]
 Truth jet eta.
float gf_prim_vtx [3]
 Truth jet phi.
float gf_prim_vtx_err [3]
int gf_prim_vtx_ntrk
float rv_prim_vtx [3]
float rv_prim_vtx_err [3]
int rv_prim_vtx_ntrk
int rv_sv_njets
int rv_sv_jet_id [10]
int rv_sv_jet_prop [10][2]
float rv_sv_jet_pT [10]
float rv_sv_jet_phi [10]
int rv_sv_pT00_nvtx [10]
float rv_sv_pT00_vtx_x [10][30]
float rv_sv_pT00_vtx_y [10][30]
float rv_sv_pT00_vtx_z [10][30]
float rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ex [10][30]
float rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ey [10][30]
float rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ez [10][30]
int rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ntrk [10][30]
int rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ntrk_good [10][30]
float rv_sv_pT00_vtx_mass [10][30]
float rv_sv_pT00_vtx_mass_corr [10][30]
float rv_sv_pT00_vtx_pT [10][30]
int _ievent
int _primary_pid_guess
double _cut_min_pT
 Particle ID guess for GenFit.
double _cut_chi2_ndf
 Cut on min track pT.
double _cut_jet_pT
 Cut on max track chi2.
double _cut_jet_eta
 Cut on min jet pT.
double _cut_jet_R
 Cut on jet eta.
std::string _track_fitting_alg_name
 Cut on jet R.
std::string _vertexing_method

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Fun4AllBase
enum  enu_Verbosity {
  VERBOSITY_A_LOT = 4, VERBOSITY_MAX = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - 10
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SubsysReco
 SubsysReco (const std::string &name="NONAME")

Detailed Description

Definition at line 48 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 48 of file BDiJetModule.h

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BDiJetModule::BDiJetModule ( const std::string &  name = "BDiJetModule",
const std::string &  ofName = "out.root" 

Definition at line 90 of file BDiJetModule.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 90 of file BDiJetModule.C

Member Function Documentation

int BDiJetModule::End ( PHCompositeNode )

Called at the end of all processing.

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 491 of file BDiJetModule.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 491 of file BDiJetModule.C

References _f, and _write_tree.

void BDiJetModule::FillVertexMap ( const std::vector< genfit::GFRaveVertex * > &  rave_vertices,
const std::vector< genfit::Track * > &  gf_tracks 

Fill SvtxVertexMap from GFRaveVertexes and Tracks.

Definition at line 875 of file BDiJetModule.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 875 of file BDiJetModule.C

References _vertexmap, SvtxVertexMap::begin(), SvtxVertexMap::end(), SvtxVertex::get_error(), SvtxVertex::get_x(), SvtxVertex::get_y(), SvtxVertex::get_z(), genfit::GFRaveVertex::getCov(), genfit::GFRaveVertex::getNTracks(), genfit::GFRaveVertex::getPos(), gf_prim_vtx, gf_prim_vtx_err, gf_prim_vtx_ntrk, rv_prim_vtx, rv_prim_vtx_err, rv_prim_vtx_ntrk, and SvtxVertex::size_tracks().

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BDiJetModule::GetNodes ( PHCompositeNode topNode)

Reset TTree variables.

Definition at line 619 of file BDiJetModule.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 619 of file BDiJetModule.C

References _ana_reco, _ana_truth, _clustermap, _ievent, _jetmap_truth, _trackmap, _vertexmap, Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT, Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK, and PHWHERE.

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BDiJetModule::GetSVMass_mom ( const genfit::GFRaveVertex rave_vtx,
float &  vtx_mass,
float &  vtx_px,
float &  vtx_py,
float &  vtx_pz 

Definition at line 916 of file BDiJetModule.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 916 of file BDiJetModule.C

References genfit::GFRaveTrackParameters::getMom(), genfit::GFRaveVertex::getNTracks(), genfit::GFRaveVertex::getParameters(), and genfit::GFRaveTrackParameters::getWeight().

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BDiJetModule::Init ( PHCompositeNode )

Called during initialization. Typically this is where you can book histograms, and e.g. register them to Fun4AllServer (so they can be output to file using Fun4AllServer::dumpHistos() method).

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 123 of file BDiJetModule.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 123 of file BDiJetModule.C

References _write_tree, InitTree(), and ResetVariables().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

int BDiJetModule::InitRun ( PHCompositeNode )

Called for first event when run number is known. Typically this is where you may want to fetch data from database, because you know the run number.

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 137 of file BDiJetModule.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 137 of file BDiJetModule.C

References _b_event, _do_evt_display, _fitter, _ievent, _track_fitting_alg_name, _vertex_finder, _vertexing_method, Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN, ckf::field, PHFieldUtility::GetFieldMapNode(), PHGenFit::Fitter::getInstance(), PHGeomUtility::GetTGeoManager(), PHWHERE, genfit::GFRaveVertexFactory::setMethod(), and verbosity.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void BDiJetModule::InitTree ( )
PHGenFit::Track * BDiJetModule::MakeGenFitTrack ( PHCompositeNode topNode,
const SvtxTrack intrack,
const SvtxVertex vertex 

Initialize the TTree.

Definition at line 665 of file BDiJetModule.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 665 of file BDiJetModule.C

References _clustermap, _fitter, _primary_pid_guess, _use_ladder_geom, PHGenFit::Track::addMeasurements(), SvtxTrack::begin_clusters(), Acts::Test::cov, SvtxTrack::end_clusters(), PHGenFit::Track::extrapolateToPoint(), PHG4CylinderGeom::find_segment_center(), PHG4Cell::get_chip_index(), PHG4Cell::get_half_stave_index(), PHG4Cell::get_ladder_phi_index(), PHG4Cell::get_ladder_z_index(), PHG4Cell::get_module_index(), PHG4Cell::get_stave_index(), SvtxVertex::get_x(), SvtxVertex::get_y(), SvtxVertex::get_z(), PHG4CylinderGeomContainer::GetLayerGeom(), i, j, layer, LogError, LogWarning, n, PHWHERE, Acts::Test::pos, PHGenFit::Fitter::processTrack(), physmon_track_finding_ttbar::r, verbosity, ambiguity_solver_full_chain::x, and y.

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BDiJetModule::process_event ( PHCompositeNode )

Called for each event. This is where you do the real work.

stands for Refit_GenFit_Tracks

find vertex using tracks

change the vertex finding method

scan jetmap

SV reco

jet information

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 169 of file BDiJetModule.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 169 of file BDiJetModule.C

References _ana_reco, _ana_truth, _b_event, _clustermap, _cut_chi2_ndf, _cut_jet_eta, _cut_jet_pT, _cut_jet_R, _cut_min_pT, _cut_Ncluster, _ievent, _jetmap_truth, _trackmap, _tree, _truthjet_eta, _truthjet_hadron_flavor, _truthjet_n, _truthjet_parton_flavor, _truthjet_phi, _truthjet_pt, _verbose, _vertex_finder, _vertexing_method, _vertexmap, _write_tree, A, Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT, SvtxTrackMap::begin(), JetMap::begin(), SvtxTrack::begin_clusters(), INTTVtxZ::dphi, SvtxTrackMap::end(), JetMap::end(), SvtxTrack::end_clusters(), Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK, FillVertexMap(), genfit::GFRaveVertexFactory::findVertices(), SvtxVertexMap::get(), SvtxTrack::get_chisq(), SvtxTrack::get_eta(), Jet::get_eta(), SvtxTrack::get_id(), Jet::get_id(), SvtxTrack::get_ndf(), SvtxTrack::get_phi(), Jet::get_phi(), Jet::get_property(), SvtxTrack::get_pt(), Jet::get_pt(), genfit::GFRaveVertex::getCov(), PHGenFit::Track::getGenFitTrack(), GetNodes(), genfit::GFRaveVertex::getNTracks(), genfit::GFRaveVertex::getPos(), GetSVMass_mom(), Jet::has_property(), layer, MakeGenFitTrack(), PHWHERE, prop_JetHadronFlavor, prop_JetPartonFlavor, ResetVariables(), rv_prim_vtx, rv_sv_jet_id, rv_sv_jet_phi, rv_sv_jet_prop, rv_sv_jet_pT, rv_sv_njets, rv_sv_pT00_nvtx, rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ex, rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ey, rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ez, rv_sv_pT00_vtx_mass, rv_sv_pT00_vtx_mass_corr, rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ntrk, rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ntrk_good, rv_sv_pT00_vtx_pT, rv_sv_pT00_vtx_x, rv_sv_pT00_vtx_y, rv_sv_pT00_vtx_z, genfit::GFRaveVertexFactory::setMethod(), Jet::size_comp(), ActsTests::PropagationDatasets::theta, and verbosity.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void BDiJetModule::ResetVariables ( )

Member Data Documentation

bool BDiJetModule::_ana_reco

Analyze truth info.

Definition at line 95 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 95 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by GetNodes(), InitTree(), and process_event().

bool BDiJetModule::_ana_truth

Definition at line 94 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 94 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by GetNodes(), InitTree(), and process_event().

int BDiJetModule::_b_event

Definition at line 107 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 107 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitRun(), InitTree(), and process_event().

SvtxClusterMap* BDiJetModule::_clustermap

Truth jet information.

Definition at line 86 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 86 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by GetNodes(), MakeGenFitTrack(), and process_event().

double BDiJetModule::_cut_chi2_ndf

Cut on min track pT.

Definition at line 149 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 149 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by process_event().

bool BDiJetModule::_cut_jet

Definition at line 98 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 98 of file BDiJetModule.h

double BDiJetModule::_cut_jet_eta

Cut on min jet pT.

Definition at line 151 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 151 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by process_event().

double BDiJetModule::_cut_jet_pT

Cut on max track chi2.

Definition at line 150 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 150 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by process_event().

double BDiJetModule::_cut_jet_R

Cut on jet eta.

Definition at line 152 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 152 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by process_event().

double BDiJetModule::_cut_min_pT

Particle ID guess for GenFit.

Definition at line 148 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 148 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by process_event().

bool BDiJetModule::_cut_Ncluster

Definition at line 99 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 99 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by process_event().

bool BDiJetModule::_do_evt_display

Analyze reconstructed info.

Definition at line 96 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 96 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitRun().

TFile* BDiJetModule::_f

Definition at line 103 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 103 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by End(), and InitTree().

PHGenFit::Fitter* BDiJetModule::_fitter

Definition at line 155 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 155 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitRun(), and MakeGenFitTrack().

std::string BDiJetModule::_foutname

Definition at line 102 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 102 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree().

int BDiJetModule::_ievent

Definition at line 144 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 144 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by GetNodes(), InitRun(), and process_event().

JetMap* BDiJetModule::_jetmap_truth

Definition at line 85 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 85 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by GetNodes(), and process_event().

int BDiJetModule::_primary_pid_guess

Definition at line 146 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 146 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by MakeGenFitTrack().

std::string BDiJetModule::_track_fitting_alg_name

Cut on jet R.

Definition at line 154 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 154 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitRun().

SvtxTrackMap* BDiJetModule::_trackmap

Definition at line 87 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 87 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by GetNodes(), and process_event().

TTree* BDiJetModule::_tree

Definition at line 104 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 104 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), and process_event().

float BDiJetModule::_truthjet_eta[10]

Truth jet pT.

Definition at line 113 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 113 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

int BDiJetModule::_truthjet_hadron_flavor[10]

Truth jet parton flavor.

Definition at line 111 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 111 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

int BDiJetModule::_truthjet_n

Event counter.

Definition at line 109 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 109 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

int BDiJetModule::_truthjet_parton_flavor[10]

Number of truth jets.

Definition at line 110 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 110 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::_truthjet_phi[10]

Truth jet eta.

Definition at line 114 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 114 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::_truthjet_pt[10]

Truth jet hadron flavor.

Definition at line 112 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 112 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

bool BDiJetModule::_use_ladder_geom

Event display for GenFit.

Definition at line 97 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 97 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by MakeGenFitTrack().

bool BDiJetModule::_verbose

Definition at line 92 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 92 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by process_event().

genfit::GFRaveVertexFactory* BDiJetModule::_vertex_finder

Definition at line 159 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 159 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitRun(), and process_event().

std::string BDiJetModule::_vertexing_method

Definition at line 158 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 158 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitRun(), and process_event().

SvtxVertexMap* BDiJetModule::_vertexmap

Definition at line 88 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 88 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by FillVertexMap(), GetNodes(), and process_event().

bool BDiJetModule::_write_tree

Verbose printing.

Definition at line 93 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 93 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by End(), Init(), and process_event().

float BDiJetModule::gf_prim_vtx[3]

Truth jet phi.

Definition at line 116 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 116 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by FillVertexMap(), InitTree(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::gf_prim_vtx_err[3]

Definition at line 117 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 117 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by FillVertexMap(), InitTree(), and ResetVariables().

int BDiJetModule::gf_prim_vtx_ntrk

Definition at line 118 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 118 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by FillVertexMap(), InitTree(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_prim_vtx[3]

Definition at line 119 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 119 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by FillVertexMap(), InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_prim_vtx_err[3]

Definition at line 120 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 120 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by FillVertexMap(), InitTree(), and ResetVariables().

int BDiJetModule::rv_prim_vtx_ntrk

Definition at line 121 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 121 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by FillVertexMap(), InitTree(), and ResetVariables().

int BDiJetModule::rv_sv_jet_id[10]

Definition at line 124 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 124 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_sv_jet_phi[10]

Definition at line 127 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 127 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

int BDiJetModule::rv_sv_jet_prop[10][2]

Definition at line 125 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 125 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_sv_jet_pT[10]

Definition at line 126 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 126 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

int BDiJetModule::rv_sv_njets

Definition at line 123 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 123 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

int BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_nvtx[10]

Definition at line 129 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 129 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ex[10][30]

Definition at line 133 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 133 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ey[10][30]

Definition at line 134 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 134 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ez[10][30]

Definition at line 135 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 135 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_vtx_mass[10][30]

Definition at line 138 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 138 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_vtx_mass_corr[10][30]

Definition at line 139 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 139 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

int BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ntrk[10][30]

Definition at line 136 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 136 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

int BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_vtx_ntrk_good[10][30]

Definition at line 137 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 137 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_vtx_pT[10][30]

Definition at line 140 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 140 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_vtx_x[10][30]

Definition at line 130 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 130 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_vtx_y[10][30]

Definition at line 131 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 131 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

float BDiJetModule::rv_sv_pT00_vtx_z[10][30]

Definition at line 132 of file BDiJetModule.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 132 of file BDiJetModule.h

Referenced by InitTree(), process_event(), and ResetVariables().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: