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TrackAnalysisUtils Namespace Reference


using DCA = std::pair< float, float >
 Returns DCA as .first and uncertainty on DCA as .second.
using DCAPair = std::pair< DCA, DCA >


TrackAnalysisUtils::DCAPair get_dca (SvtxTrack *track, Acts::Vector3 &vertex)
std::vector< TrkrDefs::cluskeyget_cluster_keys (SvtxTrack *track)

Typedef Documentation

using TrackAnalysisUtils::DCA = typedef std::pair<float, float>

Returns DCA as .first and uncertainty on DCA as .second.

Definition at line 14 of file TrackAnalysisUtils.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 14 of file TrackAnalysisUtils.h

using TrackAnalysisUtils::DCAPair = typedef std::pair<DCA, DCA>

Definition at line 15 of file TrackAnalysisUtils.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 15 of file TrackAnalysisUtils.h

Function Documentation

std::vector< TrkrDefs::cluskey > TrackAnalysisUtils::get_cluster_keys ( SvtxTrack track)

Definition at line 67 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 67 of file

References SvtxTrack::get_silicon_seed(), SvtxTrack::get_tpc_seed(), out, and seed.

Referenced by TpcSpaceChargeReconstruction::accept_track(), PHTpcResiduals::checkTrack(), TrackEvaluation::evaluate_tracks(), TrackEvaluation::get_max_contributor(), PHGenFitTrkFitter::MakeSvtxTrack(), TrackResiduals::process_event(), FullJetFinder::process_event(), TpcSpaceChargeReconstruction::process_track(), PHTpcResiduals::processTrack(), and PHGenFitTrkFitter::ReFitTrack().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

DCAPair TrackAnalysisUtils::get_dca ( SvtxTrack track,
Acts::Vector3 vertex 

First pair is DCA_xy +/- DCA_xy_err

Second pair is DCA_z +/- DCA_z_err

Definition at line 9 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 9 of file

References SvtxTrack::get_error(), SvtxTrack::get_px(), SvtxTrack::get_py(), SvtxTrack::get_pz(), SvtxTrack::get_x(), SvtxTrack::get_y(), SvtxTrack::get_z(), i, j, ActsTests::PropagationDatasets::phi, Acts::Test::pos, and physmon_track_finding_ttbar::r.

Referenced by TrkrNtuplizer::fillOutputNtuples(), SvtxEvaluator::fillOutputNtuples(), QAG4SimulationTracking::get_dca(), SColdQcdCorrelatorAnalysis::SCorrelatorUtilities::GetTrackDcaPair(), SColdQcdCorrelatorAnalysis::SCorrelatorJetTree::GetTrackDcaPair(), and MakeMilleFiles::process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function: