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Photons Class Reference

#include <analysis/blob/master/PhotonJet/Photons/Photons.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Photons:
+ Collaboration diagram for Photons:

Public Member Functions

 Photons (const std::string &name="photonjet.root")
int Init (PHCompositeNode *)
int process_event (PHCompositeNode *)
int End (PHCompositeNode *)
 Called at the end of all processing.
void set_cluspt_mincut (double pt)
void SetFirstEventNum (int eventnum)
void set_eta_lowhigh (float etalow, float etahi)
void use_embedding (int yesorno)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SubsysReco
 ~SubsysReco () override
virtual int EndRun (const int)
 Called at the end of each run.
virtual int InitRun (PHCompositeNode *)
virtual int Reset (PHCompositeNode *)
virtual int ResetEvent (PHCompositeNode *)
 Clean up after each event.
void Print (const std::string &="ALL") const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Fun4AllBase
virtual ~Fun4AllBase ()
virtual const std::string Name () const
 Returns the name of this module.
virtual void Name (const std::string &name)
 Sets the name of this module.
virtual void Verbosity (const int ival)
 Sets the verbosity of this module (0 by default=quiet).
virtual void Verbosity (enu_Verbosity ival)
 Sets the verbosity of this module (0 by default=quiet).
virtual int Verbosity () const
 Gets the verbosity of this module.

Public Attributes

double isoconeradius
double mincluspt
float jet_cone_size
float _etalow
float _etahi
int _embed

Private Member Functions

void Set_Tree_Branches ()
void initialize_to_zero ()

Private Attributes

TFile * file
TTree * tree
TTree * cluster_tree
TTree * truth_g4particles
TTree * inhcal_tree
TTree * fcluster_tree
TTree * recal_cluster_tree
std::string outfilename
int nevents
TH1F * histo
float hcal_energy
float hcal_eta
float hcal_phi
float hcal_pt
float hcal_px
float hcal_py
float hcal_pz
float hcal_theta
float hcal_x
float hcal_y
float hcal_z
float hcal_t
float clus_energy
float clus_eta
float clus_phi
float clus_pt
float clus_px
float clus_py
float clus_pz
float clus_theta
float clus_x
float clus_y
float clus_z
float clus_t
float fmodphi
float fmodeta
float clus_ecore
float clus_chi2
float clus_prob
float rclus_energy
float rclus_eta
float rclus_phi
float rclus_pt
float rclus_px
float rclus_py
float rclus_pz
float rclus_theta
float rclus_x
float rclus_y
float rclus_z
float rclus_t
float rclus_ecore
float rclus_chi2
float rclus_prob
float truthpx
float truthpy
float truthpz
float truthp
float truthphi
float trutheta
float truthpt
float truthenergy
int truthpid
int numparticlesinevent
int process_id
float clustruthpx
float clustruthpy
float clustruthpz
float clustruthenergy
float clustruthpt
float clustruthphi
float clustrutheta
int clustruthpid
float hclustruthpx
float hclustruthpy
float hclustruthpz
float hclustruthenergy
float hclustruthpt
float hclustruthphi
float hclustrutheta
int hclustruthpid
float fclusenergy
float fclus_eta
float fclus_phi
float fclus_theta
float fclus_pt
int fclustruthpid
float fclustruthpx
float fclustruthpy
float fclustruthpz
float fclustruthenergy
float fclustruthpt
float fclustruthphi
float fclustrutheta
float fclus_px
float fclus_py
float fclus_pz
const float pi2 = -1.5707963
const float threepi2 = 4.71238898
const float pi = 3.1415926

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Fun4AllBase
enum  enu_Verbosity {
  VERBOSITY_A_LOT = 4, VERBOSITY_MAX = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - 10
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SubsysReco
 SubsysReco (const std::string &name="NONAME")

Detailed Description

Definition at line 26 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 26 of file Photons.h

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Photons::Photons ( const std::string &  name = "photonjet.root")

Definition at line 44 of file Photons.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 44 of file Photons.C

References _embed, _etahi, _etalow, initialize_to_zero(), perf_headwind::name, nevents, and outfilename.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

int Photons::End ( PHCompositeNode )

Called at the end of all processing.

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 638 of file Photons.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 638 of file Photons.C

References file.

int Photons::Init ( PHCompositeNode )

Called during initialization. Typically this is where you can book histograms, and e.g. register them to Fun4AllServer (so they can be output to file using Fun4AllServer::dumpHistos() method).

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 64 of file Photons.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 64 of file Photons.C

References file, histo, nevents, outfilename, Set_Tree_Branches(), and tree.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

int Photons::process_event ( PHCompositeNode )

Called for each event. This is where you do the real work.

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 79 of file Photons.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 79 of file Photons.C

References _embed, _etahi, _etalow, assert, clus_chi2, clus_ecore, clus_energy, clus_eta, clus_phi, clus_prob, clus_pt, clus_px, clus_py, clus_pz, clus_t, clus_theta, clus_x, clus_y, clus_z, cluster_tree, clusters, clustruthenergy, clustrutheta, clustruthphi, clustruthpid, clustruthpt, clustruthpx, clustruthpy, clustruthpz, fclus_eta, fclus_phi, fclus_pt, fclus_px, fclus_py, fclus_pz, fclus_theta, fclusenergy, fcluster_tree, fclustruthenergy, fclustrutheta, fclustruthphi, fclustruthpid, fclustruthpt, fclustruthpx, fclustruthpy, fclustruthpz, RawCluster::get_chi2(), PHG4Particle::get_e(), RawCluster::get_ecore(), PHG4Particle::get_pid(), RawCluster::get_prob(), PHG4Particle::get_px(), PHG4Particle::get_py(), PHG4Particle::get_pz(), PHG4Particle::get_track_id(), GlobalVertex::get_x(), GlobalVertex::get_y(), GlobalVertex::get_z(), RawClusterContainer::getClusters(), RawClusterUtility::GetEVec(), PHG4TruthInfoContainer::GetPrimaryParticleRange(), hcal_energy, hcal_eta, hcal_phi, hcal_pt, hcal_px, hcal_py, hcal_pz, hcal_t, hcal_theta, hcal_x, hcal_y, hcal_z, hclustruthenergy, hclustrutheta, hclustruthphi, hclustruthpid, hclustruthpt, hclustruthpx, hclustruthpy, hclustruthpz, inhcal_tree, PHG4TruthInfoContainer::isEmbeded(), mincluspt, nevents, rclus_chi2, rclus_ecore, rclus_energy, rclus_eta, rclus_phi, rclus_prob, rclus_pt, rclus_px, rclus_py, rclus_pz, rclus_t, rclus_theta, rclus_x, rclus_y, rclus_z, recal_cluster_tree, tree, truth_g4particles, truthenergy, trutheta, truthp, truthphi, truthpid, truthpt, truthpx, truthpy, truthpz, vec, and Fun4AllBase::Verbosity().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void Photons::set_cluspt_mincut ( double  pt)

Definition at line 39 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 39 of file Photons.h

References mincluspt, and physmon_track_finding_ttbar::pt.

Referenced by Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX_photons().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Photons::set_eta_lowhigh ( float  etalow,
float  etahi 

Definition at line 41 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 41 of file Photons.h

References _etahi, and _etalow.

Referenced by Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX_photons().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Photons::SetFirstEventNum ( int  eventnum)

Definition at line 40 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 40 of file Photons.h

References nevents.

void Photons::use_embedding ( int  yesorno)

Definition at line 46 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 46 of file Photons.h

References _embed.

Referenced by Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX_photons().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

int Photons::_embed

Definition at line 34 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 34 of file Photons.h

Referenced by Photons(), process_event(), and use_embedding().

float Photons::_etahi

Definition at line 32 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 32 of file Photons.h

Referenced by Photons(), process_event(), and set_eta_lowhigh().

float Photons::_etalow

Definition at line 32 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 32 of file Photons.h

Referenced by Photons(), process_event(), and set_eta_lowhigh().

float Photons::clus_chi2

Definition at line 87 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 87 of file Photons.h

Referenced by process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_ecore

Definition at line 86 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 86 of file Photons.h

Referenced by process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_energy

Definition at line 76 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 76 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_eta

Definition at line 77 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 77 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_phi

Definition at line 78 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 78 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_prob

Definition at line 88 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 88 of file Photons.h

Referenced by process_event().

float Photons::clus_pt

Definition at line 79 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 79 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_px

Definition at line 80 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 80 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_py

Definition at line 81 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 81 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_pz

Definition at line 82 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 82 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_t

Definition at line 84 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 84 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_theta

Definition at line 83 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 83 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_x

Definition at line 84 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 84 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_y

Definition at line 84 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 84 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clus_z

Definition at line 84 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 84 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

TTree* Photons::cluster_tree

Definition at line 53 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 53 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clustruthenergy

Definition at line 117 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 117 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clustrutheta

Definition at line 120 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 120 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clustruthphi

Definition at line 119 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 119 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

int Photons::clustruthpid

Definition at line 121 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 121 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), and process_event().

float Photons::clustruthpt

Definition at line 118 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 118 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clustruthpx

Definition at line 114 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 114 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clustruthpy

Definition at line 115 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 115 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::clustruthpz

Definition at line 116 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 116 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclus_eta

Definition at line 133 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 133 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclus_phi

Definition at line 134 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 134 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclus_pt

Definition at line 136 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 136 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclus_px

Definition at line 145 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 145 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclus_py

Definition at line 146 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 146 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclus_pz

Definition at line 147 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 147 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclus_theta

Definition at line 135 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 135 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclusenergy

Definition at line 132 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 132 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

TTree* Photons::fcluster_tree

Definition at line 56 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 56 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclustruthenergy

Definition at line 141 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 141 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclustrutheta

Definition at line 144 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 144 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclustruthphi

Definition at line 143 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 143 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

int Photons::fclustruthpid

Definition at line 137 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 137 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), and process_event().

float Photons::fclustruthpt

Definition at line 142 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 142 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclustruthpx

Definition at line 138 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 138 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclustruthpy

Definition at line 139 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 139 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fclustruthpz

Definition at line 140 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 140 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

TFile* Photons::file

Definition at line 51 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 51 of file Photons.h

Referenced by conftest.RootHashAssertionError::__init__(), End(), Init(), and initialize_to_zero().

float Photons::fmodeta

Definition at line 85 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 85 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::fmodphi

Definition at line 85 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 85 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_energy

Definition at line 65 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 65 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_eta

Definition at line 66 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 66 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_phi

Definition at line 67 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 67 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_pt

Definition at line 68 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 68 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_px

Definition at line 69 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 69 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_py

Definition at line 70 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 70 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_pz

Definition at line 71 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 71 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_t

Definition at line 73 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 73 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_theta

Definition at line 72 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 72 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_x

Definition at line 73 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 73 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_y

Definition at line 73 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 73 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hcal_z

Definition at line 73 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 73 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hclustruthenergy

Definition at line 125 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 125 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hclustrutheta

Definition at line 128 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 128 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hclustruthphi

Definition at line 127 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 127 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

int Photons::hclustruthpid

Definition at line 129 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 129 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), and process_event().

float Photons::hclustruthpt

Definition at line 126 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 126 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hclustruthpx

Definition at line 122 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 122 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hclustruthpy

Definition at line 123 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 123 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::hclustruthpz

Definition at line 124 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 124 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

TH1F* Photons::histo

Definition at line 62 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 62 of file Photons.h

Referenced by Init(), and initialize_to_zero().

TTree* Photons::inhcal_tree

Definition at line 55 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 55 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

double Photons::isoconeradius

Definition at line 30 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 30 of file Photons.h

float Photons::jet_cone_size

Definition at line 31 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 31 of file Photons.h

double Photons::mincluspt

Definition at line 30 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 30 of file Photons.h

Referenced by process_event(), and set_cluspt_mincut().

int Photons::nevents

Definition at line 61 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 61 of file Photons.h

Referenced by Init(), initialize_to_zero(), Photons(), process_event(), Set_Tree_Branches(), and SetFirstEventNum().

int Photons::numparticlesinevent

Definition at line 110 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 110 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero().

std::string Photons::outfilename

Definition at line 59 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 59 of file Photons.h

Referenced by Init(), and Photons().

const float Photons::pi = 3.1415926

Definition at line 151 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 151 of file Photons.h

const float Photons::pi2 = -1.5707963

Definition at line 149 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 149 of file Photons.h

int Photons::process_id

Definition at line 111 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 111 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero().

float Photons::rclus_chi2

Definition at line 100 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 100 of file Photons.h

Referenced by process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_ecore

Definition at line 100 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 100 of file Photons.h

Referenced by process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_energy

Definition at line 91 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 91 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_eta

Definition at line 92 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 92 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_phi

Definition at line 93 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 93 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_prob

Definition at line 100 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 100 of file Photons.h

Referenced by process_event().

float Photons::rclus_pt

Definition at line 94 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 94 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_px

Definition at line 95 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 95 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_py

Definition at line 96 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 96 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_pz

Definition at line 97 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 97 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_t

Definition at line 99 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 99 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_theta

Definition at line 98 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 98 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_x

Definition at line 99 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 99 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_y

Definition at line 99 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 99 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::rclus_z

Definition at line 99 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 99 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

TTree* Photons::recal_cluster_tree

Definition at line 57 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 57 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

const float Photons::threepi2 = 4.71238898

Definition at line 150 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 150 of file Photons.h

TTree* Photons::tree

Definition at line 52 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 52 of file Photons.h

Referenced by Init(), initialize_to_zero(), and process_event().

TTree* Photons::truth_g4particles

Definition at line 54 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 54 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::truthenergy

Definition at line 108 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 108 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::trutheta

Definition at line 106 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 106 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::truthp

Definition at line 104 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 104 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::truthphi

Definition at line 105 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 105 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

int Photons::truthpid

Definition at line 109 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 109 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::truthpt

Definition at line 107 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 107 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::truthpx

Definition at line 103 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 103 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::truthpy

Definition at line 103 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 103 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

float Photons::truthpz

Definition at line 103 of file Photons.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 103 of file Photons.h

Referenced by initialize_to_zero(), process_event(), and Set_Tree_Branches().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: