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KFParticle_nTuple Class Reference

#include <coresoftware/blob/master/offline/packages/KFParticle_sPHENIX/KFParticle_nTuple.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for KFParticle_nTuple:
+ Collaboration diagram for KFParticle_nTuple:

Public Member Functions

 KFParticle_nTuple ()
 ~KFParticle_nTuple () override=default
void initializeVariables ()
 Unused for now, variables are initialised in the header.
void initializeBranches ()
 Initialises required branches based off the user selection (number of tracks, PV constraints etc ) and sets branch names if specified.
void fillBranch (PHCompositeNode *topNode, KFParticle motherParticle, const KFParticle &vertex, std::vector< KFParticle > daughters, std::vector< KFParticle > intermediates, int nPVs, int multiplicity)
 Fills required information for your selection, also requests truth and detector information if needed.
float calc_secondary_vertex_mass_noPID (std::vector< KFParticle > kfp_daughters)
- Public Member Functions inherited from KFParticle_truthAndDetTools
 KFParticle_truthAndDetTools ()
virtual ~KFParticle_truthAndDetTools ()
SvtxTrackgetTrack (unsigned int track_id, SvtxTrackMap *trackmap)
GlobalVertexgetVertex (unsigned int vertex_id, GlobalVertexMap *vertexmap)
PHG4ParticlegetTruthTrack (SvtxTrack *thisTrack, PHCompositeNode *topNode)
void initializeTruthBranches (TTree *m_tree, int daughter_id, const std::string &daughter_number, bool m_constrain_to_vertex_truthMatch)
void fillTruthBranch (PHCompositeNode *topNode, TTree *m_tree, const KFParticle &daughter, int daughter_id, const KFParticle &vertex, bool m_constrain_to_vertex_truthMatch)
void fillGeant4Branch (PHG4Particle *particle, int daughter_id)
void fillHepMCBranch (HepMC::GenParticle *particle, int daughter_id)
int getHepMCInfo (PHCompositeNode *topNode, TTree *m_tree, const KFParticle &daughter, int daughter_id)
void initializeCaloBranches (TTree *m_tree, int daughter_id, const std::string &daughter_number)
void fillCaloBranch (PHCompositeNode *topNode, TTree *m_tree, const KFParticle &daughter, int daughter_id)
void initializeDetectorBranches (TTree *m_tree, int daughter_id, const std::string &daughter_number)
void initializeSubDetectorBranches (TTree *m_tree, const std::string &detectorName, int daughter_id, const std::string &daughter_number)
void fillDetectorBranch (PHCompositeNode *topNode, TTree *m_tree, const KFParticle &daughter, int daughter_id)
void allPVInfo (PHCompositeNode *topNode, TTree *m_tree, const KFParticle &motherParticle, std::vector< KFParticle > daughters, std::vector< KFParticle > intermediates)
void clearVectors ()

Protected Attributes

bool m_has_intermediates_nTuple
bool m_extrapolateTracksToSV_nTuple
bool m_constrain_to_vertex_nTuple
bool m_get_all_PVs
std::vector< int > m_num_tracks_from_intermediate_nTuple
bool m_truth_matching
bool m_detector_info
bool m_calo_info
std::string m_mother_name
bool m_use_intermediate_name
bool m_get_charge_conjugate_nTuple
std::vector< std::string > m_intermediate_name_ntuple
- Protected Attributes inherited from KFParticle_truthAndDetTools
std::string m_trk_map_node_name_nTuple = "SvtxTrackMap"
std::string m_vtx_map_node_name_nTuple = "SvtxVertexMap"
SvtxEvalStackm_svtx_evalstack = nullptr
SvtxClusterEvalclustereval = nullptr
SvtxHitEvalhiteval = nullptr
SvtxTrackEvaltrackeval = nullptr
SvtxTruthEvaltrutheval = nullptr
SvtxVertexEvalvertexeval = nullptr
SvtxTrackMapdst_trackmap = nullptr
SvtxTracktrack = nullptr
PHG4Particleg4particle = nullptr
PHG4VtxPointg4vertex_point = nullptr
SvtxVertexMapdst_vertexmap = nullptr
SvtxVertexvertex = nullptr
TrkrClusterContainerdst_clustermap = nullptr
int m_num_tracks_nTuple = 0
int m_num_intermediate_states_nTuple = 0
float m_true_daughter_vertex_x [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_vertex_y [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_vertex_z [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_ip [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_ip_xy [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_px [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_py [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_pz [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_p [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_pt [max_tracks] = {0}
int m_true_daughter_id [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_pv_x [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_pv_y [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_true_daughter_pv_z [max_tracks] = {0}
std::vector< int > m_true_daughter_track_history_PDG_ID [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > m_true_daughter_track_history_PDG_mass [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > m_true_daughter_track_history_px [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > m_true_daughter_track_history_py [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > m_true_daughter_track_history_pz [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > m_true_daughter_track_history_pE [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > m_true_daughter_track_history_pT [max_tracks]
float detector_emcal_deltaphi [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_emcal_deltaeta [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_emcal_energy_3x3 [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_emcal_energy_5x5 [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_emcal_cluster_energy [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_ihcal_deltaphi [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_ihcal_deltaeta [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_ihcal_energy_3x3 [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_ihcal_energy_5x5 [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_ihcal_cluster_energy [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_ohcal_deltaphi [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_ohcal_deltaeta [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_ohcal_energy_3x3 [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_ohcal_energy_5x5 [max_tracks] = {0}
float detector_ohcal_cluster_energy [max_tracks] = {0}
std::vector< float > detector_local_x [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > detector_local_y [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > detector_local_z [max_tracks]
std::vector< int > detector_layer [max_tracks]
std::vector< int > mvtx_staveID [max_tracks]
std::vector< int > mvtx_chipID [max_tracks]
std::vector< int > intt_ladderZID [max_tracks]
std::vector< int > intt_ladderPhiID [max_tracks]
std::vector< int > tpc_sectorID [max_tracks]
std::vector< int > tpc_side [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > allPV_x
std::vector< float > allPV_y
std::vector< float > allPV_z
std::vector< float > allPV_mother_IP
std::vector< float > allPV_mother_IPchi2
std::vector< float > allPV_daughter_IP [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > allPV_daughter_IPchi2 [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > allPV_intermediates_IP [max_tracks]
std::vector< float > allPV_intermediates_IPchi2 [max_tracks]
PHG4TruthInfoContainerm_truthinfo = nullptr
PHHepMCGenEventMapm_geneventmap = nullptr
PHHepMCGenEventm_genevt = nullptr

Private Attributes

TTree * m_tree
float m_calculated_mother_mass = -1
float m_calculated_mother_mass_err = -1
float m_calculated_mother_decaytime = -1
float m_calculated_mother_decaytime_err = -1
float m_calculated_mother_decaylength = -1
float m_calculated_mother_decaylength_err = -1
float m_calculated_mother_dira = -1
float m_calculated_mother_fdchi2 = -1
float m_calculated_mother_ip = -1
float m_calculated_mother_ip_xy = -1
float m_calculated_mother_ipchi2 = -1
float m_calculated_mother_ip_err = -1
float m_calculated_mother_x = -1
float m_calculated_mother_y = -1
float m_calculated_mother_z = -1
float m_calculated_mother_px = -1
float m_calculated_mother_py = -1
float m_calculated_mother_pz = -1
float m_calculated_mother_pe = -1
float m_calculated_mother_p = -1
float m_calculated_mother_p_err = -1
float m_calculated_mother_pt = -1
float m_calculated_mother_pt_err = -1
char m_calculated_mother_q = -1
float m_calculated_mother_eta = -1
float m_calculated_mother_rapidity = -1
float m_calculated_mother_theta = -1
float m_calculated_mother_phi = -1
float m_calculated_mother_v = -1
float m_calculated_mother_chi2 = -1
int m_calculated_mother_ndof = -1
int m_calculated_mother_pdgID = -1
float m_calculated_mother_cov [21] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_mass [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_mass_err [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_decaytime [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_decaytime_err [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_decaylength [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_decaylength_err [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_dira [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_fdchi2 [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_ip [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_ip_xy [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_ipchi2 [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_ip_err [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_x [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_y [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_z [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_px [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_py [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_pz [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_pe [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_p [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_p_err [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_pt [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_pt_err [max_intermediates] = {0}
char m_calculated_intermediate_q [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_eta [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_rapidity [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_theta [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_phi [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_v [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_chi2 [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_ndof [max_intermediates] = {0}
int m_calculated_intermediate_pdgID [max_intermediates] = {0}
float m_calculated_intermediate_cov [max_intermediates][21] = {{0}, {0}}
float m_calculated_daughter_mass [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_ip [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_ip_xy [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_ipchi2 [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_ip_err [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_x [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_y [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_z [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_px [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_py [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_pz [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_pe [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_p [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_p_err [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_pt [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_pt_err [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_jt [max_tracks] = {0}
char m_calculated_daughter_q [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_eta [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_rapidity [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_theta [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_phi [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_chi2 [max_tracks] = {0}
int m_calculated_daughter_ndof [max_tracks] = {0}
int m_calculated_daughter_trid [max_tracks] = {0}
int m_calculated_daughter_pdgID [max_tracks] = {0}
float m_calculated_daughter_cov [max_tracks][21] = {{0}, {0}}
float m_daughter_dca [99] = {0}
float m_calculated_vertex_x = -1
float m_calculated_vertex_y = -1
float m_calculated_vertex_z = -1
float m_calculated_vertex_v = -1
int m_calculated_vertex_nTracks = -1
float m_calculated_vertex_chi2 = -1
float m_calculated_vertex_ndof = -1
float m_calculated_vertex_cov [6] = {0}
float m_sv_mass = -1
int m_nPVs = -1
int m_multiplicity = -1
int m_runNumber = -1
int m_evtNumber = -1

Static Private Attributes

static const int max_intermediates = 8

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from KFParticle_truthAndDetTools
static const int max_tracks = 20

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 14 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

KFParticle_nTuple::KFParticle_nTuple ( )


Definition at line 28 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 28 of file

KFParticle_nTuple::~KFParticle_nTuple ( )


Member Function Documentation

float KFParticle_nTuple::calc_secondary_vertex_mass_noPID ( std::vector< KFParticle kfp_daughters)

Definition at line 622 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 622 of file

References KFParticle::AddDaughter(), KFParticle::Create(), KFParticle::GetCovariance(), KFParticle::GetMass(), KFParticle::GetParameter(), i, j, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::m_num_tracks_nTuple, and Q().

Referenced by fillBranch().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void KFParticle_nTuple::fillBranch ( PHCompositeNode topNode,
KFParticle  motherParticle,
const KFParticle vertex,
std::vector< KFParticle daughters,
std::vector< KFParticle intermediates,
int  nPVs,
int  multiplicity 

Fills required information for your selection, also requests truth and detector information if needed.

Definition at line 305 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 305 of file

References KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::allPVInfo(), calc_secondary_vertex_mass_noPID(), KFParticle_Tools::calculateEllipsoidVolume(), KFParticle_Tools::calculateJT(), KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::clearVectors(), KFParticle_Tools::eventDIRA(), KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::fillCaloBranch(), KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::fillDetectorBranch(), KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::fillTruthBranch(), PHNodeIterator::findFirst(), KFParticle_Tools::flightDistanceChi2(), EventHeaderv1::get_EvtSequence(), EventHeaderv1::get_RunNumber(), KFParticle::GetChi2(), KFParticle::GetCovariance(), KFParticle::GetDecayLength(), KFParticleBase::GetDeviationFromVertex(), KFParticleBase::GetDistanceFromParticle(), KFParticleBase::GetDistanceFromVertex(), KFParticle::GetDistanceFromVertexXY(), KFParticle::GetE(), KFParticle::GetErrP(), KFParticle::GetErrPt(), KFParticle::GetEta(), KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::getHepMCInfo(), KFParticle::GetLifeTime(), KFParticle::GetMass(), KFParticle::GetNDF(), KFParticle::GetP(), KFParticle_Tools::getParticleMass(), KFParticleBase::GetPDG(), KFParticle::GetPhi(), KFParticle::GetPt(), KFParticle::GetPx(), KFParticle::GetPy(), KFParticle::GetPz(), KFParticle::GetRapidity(), KFParticle::GetTheta(), KFParticle_Tools::getTracksFromVertex(), KFParticle::GetX(), KFParticle::GetY(), KFParticle::GetZ(), i, KFParticleBase::Id(), j, k, m_calculated_daughter_chi2, m_calculated_daughter_cov, m_calculated_daughter_eta, m_calculated_daughter_ip, m_calculated_daughter_ip_err, m_calculated_daughter_ip_xy, m_calculated_daughter_ipchi2, m_calculated_daughter_jt, m_calculated_daughter_mass, m_calculated_daughter_ndof, m_calculated_daughter_p, m_calculated_daughter_p_err, m_calculated_daughter_pdgID, m_calculated_daughter_pe, m_calculated_daughter_phi, m_calculated_daughter_pt, m_calculated_daughter_pt_err, m_calculated_daughter_px, m_calculated_daughter_py, m_calculated_daughter_pz, m_calculated_daughter_q, m_calculated_daughter_rapidity, m_calculated_daughter_theta, m_calculated_daughter_trid, m_calculated_daughter_x, m_calculated_daughter_y, m_calculated_daughter_z, m_calculated_intermediate_chi2, m_calculated_intermediate_cov, m_calculated_intermediate_decaylength, m_calculated_intermediate_decaylength_err, m_calculated_intermediate_decaytime, m_calculated_intermediate_decaytime_err, m_calculated_intermediate_dira, m_calculated_intermediate_eta, m_calculated_intermediate_fdchi2, m_calculated_intermediate_ip, m_calculated_intermediate_ip_err, m_calculated_intermediate_ip_xy, m_calculated_intermediate_ipchi2, m_calculated_intermediate_mass, m_calculated_intermediate_mass_err, m_calculated_intermediate_ndof, m_calculated_intermediate_p, m_calculated_intermediate_p_err, m_calculated_intermediate_pdgID, m_calculated_intermediate_pe, m_calculated_intermediate_phi, m_calculated_intermediate_pt, m_calculated_intermediate_pt_err, m_calculated_intermediate_px, m_calculated_intermediate_py, m_calculated_intermediate_pz, m_calculated_intermediate_q, m_calculated_intermediate_rapidity, m_calculated_intermediate_theta, m_calculated_intermediate_v, m_calculated_intermediate_x, m_calculated_intermediate_y, m_calculated_intermediate_z, m_calculated_mother_chi2, m_calculated_mother_cov, m_calculated_mother_decaylength, m_calculated_mother_decaylength_err, m_calculated_mother_decaytime, m_calculated_mother_decaytime_err, m_calculated_mother_dira, m_calculated_mother_eta, m_calculated_mother_fdchi2, m_calculated_mother_ip, m_calculated_mother_ip_err, m_calculated_mother_ip_xy, m_calculated_mother_ipchi2, m_calculated_mother_mass, m_calculated_mother_mass_err, m_calculated_mother_ndof, m_calculated_mother_p, m_calculated_mother_p_err, m_calculated_mother_pdgID, m_calculated_mother_pe, m_calculated_mother_phi, m_calculated_mother_pt, m_calculated_mother_pt_err, m_calculated_mother_px, m_calculated_mother_py, m_calculated_mother_pz, m_calculated_mother_q, m_calculated_mother_rapidity, m_calculated_mother_theta, m_calculated_mother_v, m_calculated_mother_x, m_calculated_mother_y, m_calculated_mother_z, m_calculated_vertex_chi2, m_calculated_vertex_cov, m_calculated_vertex_ndof, m_calculated_vertex_nTracks, m_calculated_vertex_v, m_calculated_vertex_x, m_calculated_vertex_y, m_calculated_vertex_z, m_calo_info, m_constrain_to_vertex_nTuple, m_daughter_dca, m_detector_info, m_evtNumber, m_extrapolateTracksToSV_nTuple, m_get_all_PVs, m_get_charge_conjugate_nTuple, m_has_intermediates_nTuple, m_multiplicity, m_nPVs, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::m_num_intermediate_states_nTuple, m_num_tracks_from_intermediate_nTuple, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::m_num_tracks_nTuple, m_runNumber, m_sv_mass, m_tree, m_truth_matching, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::m_vtx_map_node_name_nTuple, full_chain_odd::multiplicity, KFParticle::Q(), and KFParticleBase::SetProductionVertex().

Referenced by KFParticle_sPHENIX::process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void KFParticle_nTuple::initializeBranches ( )

Initialises required branches based off the user selection (number of tracks, PV constraints etc ) and sets branch names if specified.

Definition at line 47 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 47 of file

References KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::allPV_daughter_IP, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::allPV_daughter_IPchi2, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::allPV_intermediates_IP, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::allPV_intermediates_IPchi2, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::allPV_mother_IP, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::allPV_mother_IPchi2, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::allPV_x, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::allPV_y, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::allPV_z, i, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::initializeCaloBranches(), KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::initializeDetectorBranches(), KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::initializeTruthBranches(), j, m_calculated_daughter_chi2, m_calculated_daughter_cov, m_calculated_daughter_eta, m_calculated_daughter_ip, m_calculated_daughter_ip_err, m_calculated_daughter_ip_xy, m_calculated_daughter_ipchi2, m_calculated_daughter_jt, m_calculated_daughter_mass, m_calculated_daughter_ndof, m_calculated_daughter_p, m_calculated_daughter_p_err, m_calculated_daughter_pdgID, m_calculated_daughter_pe, m_calculated_daughter_phi, m_calculated_daughter_pt, m_calculated_daughter_pt_err, m_calculated_daughter_px, m_calculated_daughter_py, m_calculated_daughter_pz, m_calculated_daughter_q, m_calculated_daughter_rapidity, m_calculated_daughter_theta, m_calculated_daughter_trid, m_calculated_daughter_x, m_calculated_daughter_y, m_calculated_daughter_z, m_calculated_intermediate_chi2, m_calculated_intermediate_cov, m_calculated_intermediate_decaylength, m_calculated_intermediate_decaylength_err, m_calculated_intermediate_decaytime, m_calculated_intermediate_decaytime_err, m_calculated_intermediate_dira, m_calculated_intermediate_eta, m_calculated_intermediate_fdchi2, m_calculated_intermediate_ip, m_calculated_intermediate_ip_err, m_calculated_intermediate_ip_xy, m_calculated_intermediate_ipchi2, m_calculated_intermediate_mass, m_calculated_intermediate_mass_err, m_calculated_intermediate_ndof, m_calculated_intermediate_p, m_calculated_intermediate_p_err, m_calculated_intermediate_pdgID, m_calculated_intermediate_pe, m_calculated_intermediate_phi, m_calculated_intermediate_pt, m_calculated_intermediate_pt_err, m_calculated_intermediate_px, m_calculated_intermediate_py, m_calculated_intermediate_pz, m_calculated_intermediate_q, m_calculated_intermediate_rapidity, m_calculated_intermediate_theta, m_calculated_intermediate_v, m_calculated_intermediate_x, m_calculated_intermediate_y, m_calculated_intermediate_z, m_calculated_mother_chi2, m_calculated_mother_cov, m_calculated_mother_decaylength, m_calculated_mother_decaylength_err, m_calculated_mother_decaytime, m_calculated_mother_decaytime_err, m_calculated_mother_dira, m_calculated_mother_eta, m_calculated_mother_fdchi2, m_calculated_mother_ip, m_calculated_mother_ip_err, m_calculated_mother_ip_xy, m_calculated_mother_ipchi2, m_calculated_mother_mass, m_calculated_mother_mass_err, m_calculated_mother_ndof, m_calculated_mother_p, m_calculated_mother_p_err, m_calculated_mother_pdgID, m_calculated_mother_pe, m_calculated_mother_phi, m_calculated_mother_pt, m_calculated_mother_pt_err, m_calculated_mother_px, m_calculated_mother_py, m_calculated_mother_pz, m_calculated_mother_q, m_calculated_mother_rapidity, m_calculated_mother_theta, m_calculated_mother_v, m_calculated_mother_x, m_calculated_mother_y, m_calculated_mother_z, m_calculated_vertex_chi2, m_calculated_vertex_cov, m_calculated_vertex_ndof, m_calculated_vertex_nTracks, m_calculated_vertex_v, m_calculated_vertex_x, m_calculated_vertex_y, m_calculated_vertex_z, m_calo_info, m_constrain_to_vertex_nTuple, m_daughter_dca, m_detector_info, m_evtNumber, m_get_all_PVs, m_has_intermediates_nTuple, m_intermediate_name_ntuple, m_mother_name, m_multiplicity, m_nPVs, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::m_num_intermediate_states_nTuple, m_num_tracks_from_intermediate_nTuple, KFParticle_truthAndDetTools::m_num_tracks_nTuple, m_runNumber, m_sv_mass, m_tree, m_truth_matching, m_use_intermediate_name, Acts::Test::pos, and to_string().

Referenced by KFParticle_sPHENIX::process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void KFParticle_nTuple::initializeVariables ( )

Unused for now, variables are initialised in the header.

Definition at line 42 of file

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 42 of file

Member Data Documentation

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_chi2[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 153 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 153 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_cov[max_tracks][21] = {{0}, {0}}

Definition at line 158 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 158 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_eta[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 149 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 149 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_ip[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 132 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 132 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_ip_err[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 135 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 135 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_ip_xy[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 133 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 133 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_ipchi2[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 134 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 134 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_jt[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 147 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 147 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_mass[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 131 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 131 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

int KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_ndof[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 154 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 154 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_p[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 143 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 143 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_p_err[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 144 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 144 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

int KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_pdgID[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 156 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 156 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_pe[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 142 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 142 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_phi[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 152 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 152 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_pt[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 145 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 145 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_pt_err[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 146 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 146 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_px[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 139 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 139 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_py[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 140 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 140 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_pz[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 141 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 141 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

char KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_q[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 148 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 148 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_rapidity[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 150 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 150 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_theta[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 151 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 151 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

int KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_trid[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 155 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 155 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_x[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 136 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 136 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_y[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 137 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 137 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_daughter_z[max_tracks] = {0}

Definition at line 138 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 138 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_chi2[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 124 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 124 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_cov[max_intermediates][21] = {{0}, {0}}

Definition at line 128 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 128 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_decaylength[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 99 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 99 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_decaylength_err[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 100 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 100 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_decaytime[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 97 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 97 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_decaytime_err[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 98 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 98 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_dira[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 101 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 101 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_eta[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 119 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 119 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_fdchi2[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 102 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 102 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_ip[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 103 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 103 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_ip_err[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 106 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 106 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_ip_xy[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 104 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 104 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_ipchi2[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 105 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 105 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_mass[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 95 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 95 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_mass_err[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 96 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 96 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_ndof[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 125 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 125 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_p[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 114 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 114 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_p_err[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 115 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 115 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

int KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_pdgID[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 126 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 126 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_pe[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 113 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 113 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_phi[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 122 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 122 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_pt[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 116 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 116 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_pt_err[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 117 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 117 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_px[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 110 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 110 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_py[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 111 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 111 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_pz[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 112 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 112 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

char KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_q[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 118 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 118 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_rapidity[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 120 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 120 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_theta[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 121 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 121 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_v[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 123 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 123 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_x[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 107 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 107 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_y[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 108 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 108 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_intermediate_z[max_intermediates] = {0}

Definition at line 109 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 109 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_chi2 = -1

Definition at line 88 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 88 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_cov[21] = {0}

Definition at line 92 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 92 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_decaylength = -1

Definition at line 63 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 63 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_decaylength_err = -1

Definition at line 64 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 64 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_decaytime = -1

Definition at line 61 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 61 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_decaytime_err = -1

Definition at line 62 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 62 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_dira = -1

Definition at line 65 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 65 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_eta = -1

Definition at line 83 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 83 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_fdchi2 = -1

Definition at line 66 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 66 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_ip = -1

Definition at line 67 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 67 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_ip_err = -1

Definition at line 70 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 70 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_ip_xy = -1

Definition at line 68 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 68 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_ipchi2 = -1

Definition at line 69 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 69 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_mass = -1

Definition at line 59 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 59 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_mass_err = -1

Definition at line 60 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 60 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

int KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_ndof = -1

Definition at line 89 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 89 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_p = -1

Definition at line 78 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 78 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_p_err = -1

Definition at line 79 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 79 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

int KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_pdgID = -1

Definition at line 90 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 90 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_pe = -1

Definition at line 77 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 77 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_phi = -1

Definition at line 86 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 86 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_pt = -1

Definition at line 80 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 80 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_pt_err = -1

Definition at line 81 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 81 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_px = -1

Definition at line 74 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 74 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_py = -1

Definition at line 75 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 75 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_pz = -1

Definition at line 76 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 76 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

char KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_q = -1

Definition at line 82 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 82 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_rapidity = -1

Definition at line 84 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 84 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_theta = -1

Definition at line 85 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 85 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_v = -1

Definition at line 87 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 87 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_x = -1

Definition at line 71 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 71 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_y = -1

Definition at line 72 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 72 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_mother_z = -1

Definition at line 73 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 73 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_vertex_chi2 = -1

Definition at line 167 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 167 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_vertex_cov[6] = {0}

Definition at line 170 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 170 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_vertex_ndof = -1

Definition at line 168 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 168 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

int KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_vertex_nTracks = -1

Definition at line 166 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 166 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_vertex_v = -1

Definition at line 165 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 165 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_vertex_x = -1

Definition at line 162 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 162 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_vertex_y = -1

Definition at line 163 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 163 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_calculated_vertex_z = -1

Definition at line 164 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 164 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

bool KFParticle_nTuple::m_calo_info

Definition at line 49 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 49 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), KFParticle_sPHENIX::getCaloInfo(), and initializeBranches().

bool KFParticle_nTuple::m_constrain_to_vertex_nTuple

Definition at line 42 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 42 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by KFParticle_sPHENIX::constrainToPrimaryVertex(), fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_daughter_dca[99] = {0}

Definition at line 160 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 160 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

bool KFParticle_nTuple::m_detector_info

Definition at line 48 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 48 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), KFParticle_sPHENIX::getDetectorInfo(), and initializeBranches().

int KFParticle_nTuple::m_evtNumber = -1

Definition at line 178 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 178 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

bool KFParticle_nTuple::m_extrapolateTracksToSV_nTuple

Definition at line 41 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 41 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by KFParticle_sPHENIX::extraolateTracksToSV(), and fillBranch().

bool KFParticle_nTuple::m_get_all_PVs

Definition at line 43 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 43 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), KFParticle_sPHENIX::getAllPVInfo(), and initializeBranches().

bool KFParticle_nTuple::m_get_charge_conjugate_nTuple

Definition at line 53 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 53 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and KFParticle_sPHENIX::getChargeConjugate().

bool KFParticle_nTuple::m_has_intermediates_nTuple

Definition at line 40 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 40 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), KFParticle_sPHENIX::hasIntermediateStates(), and initializeBranches().

std::vector<std::string> KFParticle_nTuple::m_intermediate_name_ntuple

Definition at line 54 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 54 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by initializeBranches(), and KFParticle_sPHENIX::setIntermediateStates().

std::string KFParticle_nTuple::m_mother_name

Definition at line 50 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 50 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by initializeBranches(), and KFParticle_sPHENIX::setMotherName().

int KFParticle_nTuple::m_multiplicity = -1

Definition at line 175 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 175 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

int KFParticle_nTuple::m_nPVs = -1

Definition at line 174 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 174 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

std::vector<int> KFParticle_nTuple::m_num_tracks_from_intermediate_nTuple

Definition at line 46 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 46 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), initializeBranches(), and KFParticle_sPHENIX::setNumberTracksFromIntermeditateState().

int KFParticle_nTuple::m_runNumber = -1

Definition at line 177 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 177 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

float KFParticle_nTuple::m_sv_mass = -1

Definition at line 172 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 172 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

TTree* KFParticle_nTuple::m_tree

Definition at line 57 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 57 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

bool KFParticle_nTuple::m_truth_matching

Definition at line 47 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 47 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by KFParticle_sPHENIX::doTruthMatching(), fillBranch(), and initializeBranches().

bool KFParticle_nTuple::m_use_intermediate_name

Definition at line 52 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 52 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

Referenced by initializeBranches(), and KFParticle_sPHENIX::useIntermediateName().

const int KFParticle_nTuple::max_intermediates = 8

Definition at line 94 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 94 of file KFParticle_nTuple.h

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: