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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file HoughTransformSeeder.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
28 #include <algorithm>
29 #include <cmath>
30 #include <iterator>
31 #include <ostream>
32 #include <stdexcept>
33 #include <variant>
35 static inline int quant(double min, double max, unsigned nSteps, double val);
36 static inline double unquant(double min, double max, unsigned nSteps, int step);
37 template <typename T>
38 static inline std::string to_string(std::vector<T> v);
42  : ActsExamples::IAlgorithm("HoughTransformSeeder", lvl),
43  m_cfg(std::move(cfg)),
44  m_logger(Acts::getDefaultLogger("HoughTransformSeeder", lvl)) {
45  // require spacepoints or input measurements (or both), but at least one kind
46  // of input
47  bool foundInput = false;
48  for (const auto& spName : m_cfg.inputSpacePoints) {
49  if (!(spName.empty())) {
50  foundInput = true;
51  }
53  auto& handle = m_inputSpacePoints.emplace_back(
55  this,
56  "InputSpacePoints#" + std::to_string(m_inputSpacePoints.size())));
57  handle->initialize(spName);
58  }
59  if (!(m_cfg.inputMeasurements.empty())) {
60  foundInput = true;
61  }
63  if (!foundInput) {
64  throw std::invalid_argument(
65  "HoughTransformSeeder: Missing some kind of input (measurements of "
66  "spacepoints)");
67  }
69  if (m_cfg.outputProtoTracks.empty()) {
70  throw std::invalid_argument(
71  "HoughTransformSeeder: Missing hough tracks output collection");
72  }
73  if (m_cfg.outputSeeds.empty()) {
74  throw std::invalid_argument(
75  "HoughTransformSeeder: Missing hough track seeds output collection");
76  }
78  if (m_cfg.inputSourceLinks.empty()) {
79  throw std::invalid_argument(
80  "HoughTransformSeeder: Missing source link input collection");
81  }
87  if (not m_cfg.trackingGeometry) {
88  throw std::invalid_argument(
89  "HoughTransformSeeder: Missing tracking geometry");
90  }
92  if (m_cfg.geometrySelection.empty()) {
93  throw std::invalid_argument(
94  "HoughTransformSeeder: Missing geometry selection");
95  }
96  // ensure geometry selection contains only valid inputs
97  for (const auto& geoId : m_cfg.geometrySelection) {
98  if ((geoId.approach() != 0u) or (geoId.boundary() != 0u) or
99  (geoId.sensitive() != 0u)) {
100  throw std::invalid_argument(
101  "HoughTransformSeeder: Invalid geometry selection: only volume and "
102  "layer are allowed to be set");
103  }
104  }
105  // remove geometry selection duplicates
106  //
107  // the geometry selections must be mutually exclusive, i.e. if we have a
108  // selection that contains both a volume and a layer within that same volume,
109  // we would create the space points for the layer twice.
110  auto isDuplicate = [](Acts::GeometryIdentifier ref,
112  // code assumes ref < cmp and that only volume and layer can be non-zero
113  // root node always contains everything
114  if (ref.volume() == 0) {
115  return true;
116  }
117  // unequal volumes always means separate hierarchies
118  if (ref.volume() != cmp.volume()) {
119  return false;
120  }
121  // within the same volume hierarchy only consider layers
122  return (ref.layer() == cmp.layer());
123  };
124  auto geoSelBeg = m_cfg.geometrySelection.begin();
125  auto geoSelEnd = m_cfg.geometrySelection.end();
126  // sort geometry selection so the unique filtering works
127  std::sort(geoSelBeg, geoSelEnd);
128  auto geoSelLastUnique = std::unique(geoSelBeg, geoSelEnd, isDuplicate);
129  if (geoSelLastUnique != geoSelEnd) {
130  ACTS_WARNING("Removed " << std::distance(geoSelLastUnique, geoSelEnd)
131  << " geometry selection duplicates");
132  m_cfg.geometrySelection.erase(geoSelLastUnique, geoSelEnd);
133  }
134  ACTS_INFO("Hough geometry selection:");
135  for (const auto& geoId : m_cfg.geometrySelection) {
136  ACTS_INFO(" " << geoId);
137  }
139  // Fill convenience variables
142  for (unsigned i = 0; i <= m_cfg.houghHistSize_x; i++) {
143  m_bins_x.push_back(
145  }
146  for (unsigned i = 0; i <= m_cfg.houghHistSize_y; i++) {
147  m_bins_y.push_back(
149  }
157 }
160  const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
161  // clear our Hough measurements out from the previous iteration, if at all
162  houghMeasurementStructs.clear();
164  // add SPs to the inputs
165  addSpacePoints(ctx);
167  // add ACTS measurements
168  addMeasurements(ctx);
170  static thread_local ProtoTrackContainer protoTracks;
171  protoTracks.clear();
173  // loop over our subregions and run the Hough Transform on each
174  for (int subregion : m_cfg.subRegions) {
175  ACTS_DEBUG("Processing subregion " << subregion);
176  ActsExamples::HoughHist m_houghHist = createHoughHist(subregion);
178  for (unsigned y = 0; y < m_cfg.houghHistSize_y; y++) {
179  for (unsigned x = 0; x < m_cfg.houghHistSize_x; x++) {
180  if (passThreshold(m_houghHist, x, y)) {
181  /* now we need to unpack the hits; there should be multiple track
182  candidates if we have multiple hits in a given layer So the first
183  thing is to unpack the indices (which is what we need) by layer */
185  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Index>>> hitIndicesAll(
186  m_cfg.nLayers); // [layer,vector<Index]
187  std::vector<size_t> nHitsPerLayer(m_cfg.nLayers);
188  for (auto measurementIndex : m_houghHist(y, x).second) {
189  HoughMeasurementStruct* meas =
190  houghMeasurementStructs[measurementIndex].get();
191  hitIndicesAll[meas->layer].push_back(meas->indices);
192  nHitsPerLayer[meas->layer]++;
193  }
194  std::vector<std::vector<int>> combs = getComboIndices(nHitsPerLayer);
196  for (auto [icomb, hit_indices] :
197  Acts::enumerate(combs)) { // loop over all the combination
199  ProtoTrack protoTrack;
200  for (unsigned layer = 0; layer < m_cfg.nLayers; layer++) {
201  if (hit_indices[layer] >= 0) {
202  for (auto index : hitIndicesAll[layer][hit_indices[layer]]) {
203  protoTrack.push_back(index);
204  }
205  }
206  }
207  protoTracks.push_back(protoTrack);
208  }
209  }
210  }
211  }
212  }
213  ACTS_DEBUG("Created " << protoTracks.size() << " proto track");
215  m_outputProtoTracks(ctx, ProtoTrackContainer{protoTracks});
216  // clear the vector
217  houghMeasurementStructs.clear();
219 }
223  int subregion) const {
224  ActsExamples::HoughHist houghHist(m_cfg.houghHistSize_y,
225  m_cfg.houghHistSize_x);
227  for (unsigned index = 0; index < houghMeasurementStructs.size(); index++) {
229  if (meas->layer != layer) {
230  continue;
231  }
232  if (!(m_cfg.sliceTester(meas->z, meas->layer, subregion)).value()) {
233  continue;
234  }
236  // This scans over y (pT) because that is more efficient in memory
237  for (unsigned y_ = 0; y_ < m_cfg.houghHistSize_y; y_++) {
238  unsigned y_bin_min = y_;
239  unsigned y_bin_max = (y_ + 1);
241  // Find the min/max x bins
242  auto xBins =
243  yToXBins(y_bin_min, y_bin_max, meas->radius, meas->phi, meas->layer);
244  // Update the houghHist
245  for (unsigned y = y_bin_min; y < y_bin_max; y++) {
246  for (unsigned x = xBins.first; x < xBins.second; x++) {
247  houghHist(y, x).first++;
248  houghHist(y, x).second.insert(index);
249  }
250  }
251  }
252  }
254  return houghHist;
255 }
258  int subregion) const {
259  ActsExamples::HoughHist houghHist(m_cfg.houghHistSize_y,
260  m_cfg.houghHistSize_x);
262  for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_cfg.nLayers; i++) {
263  HoughHist layerHoughHist = createLayerHoughHist(i, subregion);
264  for (unsigned x = 0; x < m_cfg.houghHistSize_x; ++x) {
265  for (unsigned y = 0; y < m_cfg.houghHistSize_y; ++y) {
266  if (layerHoughHist(y, x).first > 0) {
267  houghHist(y, x).first++;
268  houghHist(y, x).second.insert(layerHoughHist(y, x).second.begin(),
269  layerHoughHist(y, x).second.end());
270  }
271  }
272  }
273  }
275  return houghHist;
276 }
279  HoughHist const& houghHist, unsigned x, unsigned y) const {
280  // Pass window threshold
281  unsigned width = m_cfg.threshold.size() / 2;
282  if (x < width || (houghHist.size(1) - x) < width) {
283  return false;
284  }
285  for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_cfg.threshold.size(); i++) {
286  if (houghHist(y, x - width + i).first < m_cfg.threshold[i]) {
287  return false;
288  }
289  }
291  // Pass local-maximum check, if used
292  if (m_cfg.localMaxWindowSize != 0) {
293  for (int j = -m_cfg.localMaxWindowSize; j <= m_cfg.localMaxWindowSize;
294  j++) {
295  for (int i = -m_cfg.localMaxWindowSize; i <= m_cfg.localMaxWindowSize;
296  i++) {
297  if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
298  continue;
299  }
300  if (y + j < houghHist.size(0) && x + i < houghHist.size(1)) {
301  if (houghHist(y + j, x + i).first > houghHist(y, x).first) {
302  return false;
303  }
304  if (houghHist(y + j, x + i).first == houghHist(y, x).first) {
305  if (houghHist(y + j, x + i).second.size() >
306  houghHist(y, x).second.size()) {
307  return false;
308  }
309  if (houghHist(y + j, x + i).second.size() ==
310  houghHist(y, x).second.size() &&
311  j <= 0 && i <= 0) {
312  return false; // favor bottom-left (low phi, low neg q/pt)
313  }
314  }
315  }
316  }
317  }
318  }
320  return true;
321 }
324 // Helpers
326 // Quantizes val, given a range [min, max) split into nSteps. Returns the bin
327 // below.
328 static inline int quant(double min, double max, unsigned nSteps, double val) {
329  return static_cast<int>((val - min) / (max - min) * nSteps);
330 }
332 // Returns the lower bound of the bin specified by step
333 static inline double unquant(double min, double max, unsigned nSteps,
334  int step) {
335  return min + (max - min) * step / nSteps;
336 }
338 template <typename T>
339 static inline std::string to_string(std::vector<T> v) {
340  std::ostringstream oss;
341  oss << "[";
342  if (!v.empty()) {
343  std::copy(v.begin(), v.end() - 1, std::ostream_iterator<T>(oss, ", "));
344  oss << v.back();
345  }
346  oss << "]";
347  return oss.str();
348 }
351  double phi) const {
352  double d0 = 0; // d0 correction TO DO allow for this
353  double x =
354  asin(r * ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::m_cfg.kA * y - d0 / r) + phi;
356  if (m_cfg.fieldCorrector.connected()) {
357  x += (m_cfg.fieldCorrector(0, y, r)).value();
358  }
360  return x;
361 }
363 // Find the min/max x bins of the hit's line, in each y bin. Max is exclusive.
364 // Note this assumes yToX is monotonic. Returns {0, 0} if hit lies out of
365 // bounds.
366 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::yToXBins(
367  size_t yBin_min, size_t yBin_max, double r, double phi,
368  unsigned layer) const {
369  double x_min = yToX(m_bins_y[yBin_min], r, phi);
370  double x_max = yToX(m_bins_y[yBin_max], r, phi);
371  if (x_min > x_max) {
372  std::swap(x_min, x_max);
373  }
374  if (x_max < m_cfg.xMin || x_min > m_cfg.xMax) {
375  return {0, 0}; // out of bounds
376  }
378  // Get bins
379  int x_bin_min = quant(m_cfg.xMin, m_cfg.xMax, m_cfg.houghHistSize_x, x_min);
380  int x_bin_max = quant(m_cfg.xMin, m_cfg.xMax, m_cfg.houghHistSize_x, x_max) +
381  1; // exclusive
383  // Extend bins
384  unsigned extend = getExtension(yBin_min, layer);
385  x_bin_min -= extend;
386  x_bin_max += extend;
388  // Clamp bins
389  if (x_bin_min < 0) {
390  x_bin_min = 0;
391  }
392  if (x_bin_max > static_cast<int>(m_cfg.houghHistSize_x)) {
393  x_bin_max = m_cfg.houghHistSize_x;
394  }
396  return {x_bin_min, x_bin_max};
397 }
399 // We allow variable extension based on the size of m_hitExtend_x. See comments
400 // below.
402  unsigned y, unsigned layer) const {
403  if (m_cfg.hitExtend_x.size() == m_cfg.nLayers) {
404  return m_cfg.hitExtend_x[layer];
405  }
407  if (m_cfg.hitExtend_x.size() == m_cfg.nLayers * 2) {
408  // different extension for low pt vs high pt, split in half but irrespective
409  // of sign first nLayers entries of m_hitExtend_x is for low pt half, rest
410  // are for high pt half
411  if (y < m_cfg.houghHistSize_y / 4 || y > 3 * m_cfg.houghHistSize_y / 4) {
412  return m_cfg.hitExtend_x[layer];
413  }
415  return m_cfg.hitExtend_x[m_cfg.nLayers + layer];
416  }
417  return 0;
418 }
435 std::vector<std::vector<int>>
437  std::vector<size_t>& sizes) const {
438  size_t nCombs = 1;
439  std::vector<size_t> nCombs_prior(sizes.size());
440  std::vector<int> temp(sizes.size(), 0);
442  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++) {
443  if (sizes[i] > 0) {
444  nCombs_prior[i] = nCombs;
445  nCombs *= sizes[i];
446  } else {
447  temp[i] = -1;
448  }
449  }
451  std::vector<std::vector<int>> combos(nCombs, temp);
453  for (size_t icomb = 0; icomb < nCombs; icomb++) {
454  size_t index = icomb;
455  for (size_t isize = sizes.size() - 1; isize < sizes.size(); isize--) {
456  if (sizes[isize] == 0) {
457  continue;
458  }
459  combos[icomb][isize] = static_cast<int>(index / nCombs_prior[isize]);
460  index = index % nCombs_prior[isize];
461  }
462  }
464  return combos;
465 }
468  const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
469  // construct the combined input container of space point pointers from all
470  // configured input sources.
471  for (const auto& isp : m_inputSpacePoints) {
472  const auto& spContainer = (*isp)(ctx);
473  ACTS_DEBUG("Inserting " << spContainer.size() << " space points from "
474  << isp->key());
475  for (auto& sp : spContainer) {
476  double r = std::hypot(sp.x(), sp.y());
477  double z = sp.z();
478  float phi = std::atan2(sp.y(), sp.x());
479  ResultUnsigned hitlayer = m_cfg.layerIDFinder(r).value();
480  if (!(hitlayer.ok())) {
481  continue;
482  }
483  std::vector<Index> indices;
484  for (const auto& slink : sp.sourceLinks()) {
485  const auto& islink = slink.get<IndexSourceLink>();
486  indices.push_back(islink.index());
487  }
489  auto meas =
490  std::shared_ptr<HoughMeasurementStruct>(new HoughMeasurementStruct(
491  hitlayer.value(), phi, r, z, indices, HoughHitType::SP));
492  houghMeasurementStructs.push_back(meas);
493  }
494  }
495 }
498  const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
499  const auto& measurements = m_inputMeasurements(ctx);
500  const auto& sourceLinks = m_inputSourceLinks(ctx);
502  ACTS_DEBUG("Inserting " << measurements.size() << " space points from "
503  << m_cfg.inputMeasurements);
505  for (Acts::GeometryIdentifier geoId : m_cfg.geometrySelection) {
506  // select volume/layer depending on what is set in the geometry id
507  auto range = selectLowestNonZeroGeometryObject(sourceLinks, geoId);
508  // groupByModule only works with geometry containers, not with an
509  // arbitrary range. do the equivalent grouping manually
510  auto groupedByModule = makeGroupBy(range, detail::GeometryIdGetter());
512  for (auto [moduleGeoId, moduleSourceLinks] : groupedByModule) {
513  // find corresponding surface
514  const Acts::Surface* surface =
515  m_cfg.trackingGeometry->findSurface(moduleGeoId);
516  if (surface == nullptr) {
517  ACTS_ERROR("Could not find surface " << moduleGeoId);
518  return;
519  }
521  for (auto& sourceLink : moduleSourceLinks) {
522  // extract a local position/covariance independent of the concrete
523  // measurement content. since we do not know if and where the local
524  // parameters are contained in the measurement parameters vector, they
525  // are transformed to the bound space where we do know their location.
526  // if the local parameters are not measured, this results in a
527  // zero location, which is a reasonable default fall-back.
528  auto [localPos, localCov] = std::visit(
529  [](const auto& meas) {
530  auto expander = meas.expander();
531  Acts::BoundVector par = expander * meas.parameters();
533  expander * meas.covariance() * expander.transpose();
534  // extract local position
536  // extract local position covariance.
537  Acts::SquareMatrix2 lcov =
538  cov.block<2, 2>(Acts::eBoundLoc0, Acts::eBoundLoc0);
539  return std::make_pair(lpar, lcov);
540  },
541  measurements[sourceLink.index()]);
543  // transform local position to global coordinates
544  Acts::Vector3 globalFakeMom(1, 1, 1);
545  Acts::Vector3 globalPos =
546  surface->localToGlobal(ctx.geoContext, localPos, globalFakeMom);
547  double r = std::hypot(globalPos[Acts::ePos0], globalPos[Acts::ePos1]);
548  double phi = std::atan2(globalPos[Acts::ePos1], globalPos[Acts::ePos0]);
549  double z = globalPos[Acts::ePos2];
550  ResultUnsigned hitlayer = m_cfg.layerIDFinder(r);
551  if (hitlayer.ok()) {
552  std::vector<Index> index;
553  index.push_back(sourceLink.index());
554  auto meas = std::shared_ptr<HoughMeasurementStruct>(
555  new HoughMeasurementStruct(hitlayer.value(), phi, r, z, index,
557  houghMeasurementStructs.push_back(meas);
558  }
559  }
560  }
561  }
562 }