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ntuple_variables.C File Reference
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ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ("event",&event)
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ("ntracks",&ntracks)
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ("gntracks",&ngtracks)
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ("nhittpcin",&nhittpcin)
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ("vx",&evx)
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ("vy",&evy)
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ("vz",&evz)
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ("gvx",&egvx)
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ("gvy",&egvy)
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ("gvz",&egvz)
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ("gvt",&egvt)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("px",&rpx)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("py",&rpy)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("pz",&rpz)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("pt",&rpt)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gpx",&rgpx)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gpy",&rgpy)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gpz",&rgpz)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gpt",&rgpt)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gfx",&rgfx)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gfy",&rgfy)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gfz",&rgfz)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("charge",&rcharge)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("quality",&rquality)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("chisq",&rchisq)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("trackID",&rtrackid)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gtrackID",&rgtrackid)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gflavor",&rgflavor)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gprimary",&rprimary)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("nfromtruth",&rnfromtruth)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("pcax",&rpcax)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("pcay",&rpcay)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("pcaz",&rpcaz)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("dca2d",&rdca2d)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("dca2dsigma",&rdca2dsigma)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("nhits",&rnhits)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gnhits",&rgnhits)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gembed",&rgembed)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("nlmaps",&rnlmaps)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gnlmaps",&rgnlmaps)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("nlintt",&rnlintt)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gnlintt",&rgnlintt)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("nltpc",&rnltpc)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gnltpc",&rgnltpc)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("nmaps",&rnmaps)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gnmaps",&rgnmaps)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("nintt",&rnintt)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gnintt",&rgnintt)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("ntpc",&rntpc)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("gntpc",&rgntpc)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("cemce",&cemc_e)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("cemce3x3",&cemc3x3_e)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("cemcdphi",&cemc_dphi)
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ("cemcdeta",&cemc_deta)
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ("dca3dz",&trdca3dz)
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ("gfpx",&tfpx)
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ("gfpy",&tfpy)
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ("gfpz",&tfpz)
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ("geta",&teta)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("hitID",&hitID)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("x",&x)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("y",&y)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("z",&z)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("gx",&gx)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("gy",&gy)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("gz",&gz)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("r",&r)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("gr",&gr)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("ephi",&ephi)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("gphi",&tphi)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("phi",&trphi)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("layer",&layer)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("g4hitID",&g4hitID)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("efromtruth",&efromtruth)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("size",&size)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("zsize",&zsize)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("phisize",&phisize)
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ("nparticles",&nparticles)


Float_t event
Float_t ntracks
Float_t ngtracks
Float_t ng4hits
Float_t nhittpcin
Float_t evx
Float_t evy
Float_t evz
Float_t egvx
Float_t egvy
Float_t egvz
Float_t egvt
Float_t hit_occupancy_layer0
Float_t hit_occupancy_layer1
Float_t hit_occupancy_layer2
Float_t hit_occupancy_layer3
Float_t hit_occupancy_layer4
Float_t hit_occupancy_layer5
TBranch * b_event = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("event")
TBranch * b_ntracks = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("ntracks")
TBranch * b_ngtracks = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("gntracks")
TBranch * b_ng4hits
TBranch * b_nhittpcin = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("nhittpcin")
TBranch * b_evx = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("vx")
TBranch * b_evy = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("vy")
TBranch * b_evz = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("vz")
TBranch * b_egvx = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("gvx")
TBranch * b_egvy = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("gvy")
TBranch * b_egvz = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("gvz")
TBranch * b_egvt = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("gvt")
Float_t rpx
Float_t rpy
Float_t rpz
Float_t rpt
Float_t rgfx
Float_t rgfy
Float_t rgfz
Float_t rgpx
Float_t rgpy
Float_t rgpz
Float_t rgpt
Float_t rquality
Float_t rchisq
Float_t rcharge
Float_t revent
Float_t rtrackid
Float_t rgtrackid
Float_t rgflavor
Float_t rprimary
Float_t rnfromtruth
Float_t rvz
Float_t rpcax
Float_t rpcay
Float_t rpcaz
Float_t rdca2d
Float_t rdca2dsigma
Float_t rnhits
Float_t rgnhits
Float_t rgembed
Float_t rnlmaps
Float_t rgnlmaps
Float_t rnlintt
Float_t rgnlintt
Float_t rnltpc
Float_t rgnltpc
Float_t rnmaps
Float_t rgnmaps
Float_t rnintt
Float_t rgnintt
Float_t rntpc
Float_t rgntpc
Float_t cemc_e
Float_t cemc3x3_e
Float_t cemc_dphi
Float_t cemc_deta
TBranch * b_px = ntp_track->GetBranch("px")
TBranch * b_py = ntp_track->GetBranch("py")
TBranch * b_pz = ntp_track->GetBranch("pz")
TBranch * b_pt = ntp_track->GetBranch("pt")
TBranch * b_gpx = ntp_track->GetBranch("gpx")
TBranch * b_gpy = ntp_track->GetBranch("gpy")
TBranch * b_gpz = ntp_track->GetBranch("gpz")
TBranch * b_gpt = ntp_track->GetBranch("gpt")
TBranch * b_gfx = ntp_track->GetBranch("gfx")
TBranch * b_gfy = ntp_track->GetBranch("gfy")
TBranch * b_gfz = ntp_track->GetBranch("gfz")
TBranch * b_quality = ntp_track->GetBranch("quality")
TBranch * b_chisq
TBranch * b_charge = ntp_track->GetBranch("charge")
TBranch * b_revent = ntp_track->GetBranch("event")
TBranch * b_trackid = ntp_track->GetBranch("trackID")
TBranch * b_gtrackid = ntp_track->GetBranch("gtrackID")
TBranch * b_gflavor = ntp_track->GetBranch("gflavor")
TBranch * b_primary = ntp_track->GetBranch("gprimary")
TBranch * b_nfromtruth = ntp_track->GetBranch("nfromtruth")
TBranch * b_gvz = ntp_track->GetBranch("gvz")
TBranch * b_pcax = ntp_track->GetBranch("pcax")
TBranch * b_pcay = ntp_track->GetBranch("pcay")
TBranch * b_pcaz = ntp_track->GetBranch("pcaz")
TBranch * b_dca2d = ntp_track->GetBranch("dca2d")
TBranch * b_dca2dsigma = ntp_track->GetBranch("dca2dsigma")
TBranch * b_rnhits = ntp_track->GetBranch("nhits")
TBranch * b_rgnhits
TBranch * b_rgembed = ntp_track->GetBranch("gembed")
TBranch * b_rnlmaps = ntp_track->GetBranch("nlmaps")
TBranch * b_rgnlmaps = ntp_track->GetBranch("gnlmaps")
TBranch * b_rnlintt = ntp_track->GetBranch("nlintt")
TBranch * b_rgnlintt = ntp_track->GetBranch("gnlintt")
TBranch * b_rnltpc = ntp_track->GetBranch("nltpc")
TBranch * b_rgnltpc = ntp_track->GetBranch("gnltpc")
TBranch * b_rnmaps = ntp_track->GetBranch("nmaps")
TBranch * b_rgnmaps = ntp_track->GetBranch("gnmaps")
TBranch * b_rnintt = ntp_track->GetBranch("nintt")
TBranch * b_rgnintt = ntp_track->GetBranch("gnintt")
TBranch * b_rntpc = ntp_track->GetBranch("ntpc")
TBranch * b_rgntpc = ntp_track->GetBranch("gntpc")
TBranch * b_cem_e
TBranch * b_cem3x3_e
TBranch * b_cem_dphi
TBranch * b_cem_deta
Float_t tpx
Float_t tpy
Float_t tpz
Float_t tpt
Float_t trpt
Float_t trdca2d
Float_t trdca3dz
Float_t tfpx
Float_t tfpy
Float_t tfpz
Float_t tevent
Float_t tgtrackid
Float_t ttrackid
Float_t tflavor
Float_t tvx
Float_t tvy
Float_t tvz
Float_t tgnhits
Float_t tnhits
Float_t tnfromtruth
Float_t tchisq
Float_t tquality
Float_t tprimary
Float_t tbestpurity
Float_t tembed
Float_t teta
TBranch * b_tpx = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gpx")
TBranch * b_tpy = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gpy")
TBranch * b_tpz = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gpz")
TBranch * b_tpt = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gpt")
TBranch * b_trdca2d = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("dca2d")
TBranch * b_trdca3dz = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("dca3dz")
TBranch * b_trpt = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("pt")
TBranch * b_tfpx = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gfpx")
TBranch * b_tfpy = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gfpy")
TBranch * b_tfpz = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gfpz")
TBranch * b_tevent = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("event")
TBranch * b_tgtrackid = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gtrackID")
TBranch * b_ttrackid
TBranch * b_tflavor = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gflavor")
TBranch * b_tvx = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gvx")
TBranch * b_tvy = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gvy")
TBranch * b_tvz = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gvz")
TBranch * b_tgnhits
TBranch * b_tnhits = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gnhits")
TBranch * b_tnfromtruth
TBranch * b_tchisq
TBranch * b_tquality
TBranch * b_tprimary = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gprimary")
TBranch * b_tbestpurity
TBranch * b_tembed = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gembed")
TBranch * b_teta = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("geta")
float_t cevent
Float_t hitID
Float_t x
Float_t y
Float_t z
Float_t gx
Float_t gy
Float_t gz
Float_t r
Float_t gr
Float_t ephi
Float_t tphi
Float_t trphi
Float_t geta
float_t layer
float_t g4hitID
Float_t gtrackID
Float_t trackID
Float_t gflavor
Float_t gprimary
Float_t efromtruth
Float_t gpx
Float_t gpy
Float_t gpz
Float_t gvt
Float_t glast
Float_t size
Float_t zsize
Float_t phisize
Float_t nparticles
Float_t cgembed
TBranch * b_cevent = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("event")
TBranch * b_hitID = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("hitID")
TBranch * b_x = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("x")
TBranch * b_y = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("y")
TBranch * b_z = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("z")
TBranch * b_gx = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gx")
TBranch * b_gy = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gy")
TBranch * b_gz = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gz")
TBranch * b_r = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("r")
TBranch * b_gr = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gr")
TBranch * b_ephi = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("ephi")
TBranch * b_tphi = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gphi")
TBranch * b_trphi = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("phi")
TBranch * b_geta = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("geta")
TBranch * b_layer = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("layer")
TBranch * b_g4hitID = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("g4hitID")
TBranch * b_gtrackID = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gtrackID")
TBranch * b_trackID
TBranch * b_cgflavor = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gflavor")
TBranch * b_cgprimary = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gprimary")
TBranch * b_cefromtruth = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("efromtruth")
TBranch * b_cgpx = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gpx")
TBranch * b_cgpy = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gpy")
TBranch * b_cgpz = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gpz")
TBranch * b_cgvt = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gvt")
TBranch * b_size = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("size")
TBranch * b_zsize = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("zsize")
TBranch * b_phisize = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("phisize")
TBranch * b_nparticles = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("nparticles")
TBranch * b_cgembed = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gembed")
Float_t hgpx
Float_t hgpy
Float_t hgpz
Float_t hgx
Float_t hgy
Float_t hgz
float_t hlayer
float_t hgembed
float_t hgprimary
float_t hgflavor
float_t hefromtruth
TBranch * b_hgpx = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gpx")
TBranch * b_hgpy = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gpy")
TBranch * b_hgpz = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gpz")
TBranch * b_hgx = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gx")
TBranch * b_hgy = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gy")
TBranch * b_hgz = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gz")
TBranch * b_hlayer = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("glayer")
TBranch * b_hgembed = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gembed")
TBranch * b_hgprimary = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gprimary")
TBranch * b_hgflavor = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gflavor")
TBranch * b_hefromtruth = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("efromtruth")

Function Documentation

ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ( "ntracks"  ,
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ( "gntracks"  ,
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ( "nhittpcin"  ,
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ( "vx"  ,
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ( "vy"  ,
ntp_vertex SetBranchAddress ( "vz"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "gvx"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "gvy"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "gvz"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "gvt"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "px"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "py"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "pz"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "pt"  ,
ntp_g4hit SetBranchAddress ( "gpx"  ,
ntp_g4hit SetBranchAddress ( "gpy"  ,
ntp_g4hit SetBranchAddress ( "gpz"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "gpt"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "gfx"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "gfy"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "gfz"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "charge"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "quality"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "chisq"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "trackID"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "gtrackID"  ,
ntp_g4hit SetBranchAddress ( "gflavor"  ,
ntp_g4hit SetBranchAddress ( "gprimary"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "nfromtruth"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "pcax"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "pcay"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "pcaz"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "dca2d"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "dca2dsigma"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "nhits"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "gnhits"  ,
ntp_g4hit SetBranchAddress ( "gembed"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "nlmaps"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "gnlmaps"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "nlintt"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "gnlintt"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "nltpc"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "gnltpc"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "nmaps"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "gnmaps"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "nintt"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "gnintt"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "ntpc"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "gntpc"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "cemce"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "cemce3x3"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "cemcdphi"  ,
ntp_track SetBranchAddress ( "cemcdeta"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "dca3dz"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "gfpx"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "gfpy"  ,
ntp_gtrack SetBranchAddress ( "gfpz"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "geta"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "hitID"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "x"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "y"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "z"  ,
ntp_g4hit SetBranchAddress ( "gx"  ,
ntp_g4hit SetBranchAddress ( "gy"  ,
ntp_g4hit SetBranchAddress ( "gz"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "r"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "gr"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "ephi"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "gphi"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "phi"  ,
ntp_g4hit SetBranchAddress ( "layer"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "g4hitID"  ,
ntp_g4hit SetBranchAddress ( "efromtruth"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "size"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "zsize"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "phisize"  ,
ntp_cluster SetBranchAddress ( "nparticles"  ,

Variable Documentation

b_cefromtruth = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("efromtruth")

Definition at line 477 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 477 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_cem3x3_e

Definition at line 204 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 204 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_cem_deta

Definition at line 206 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 206 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_cem_dphi

Definition at line 205 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 205 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_cem_e

Definition at line 203 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 203 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_cevent = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("event")

Definition at line 457 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 457 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_cgembed = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gembed")

Definition at line 486 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 486 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_cgflavor = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gflavor")

Definition at line 475 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 475 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_cgprimary = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gprimary")

Definition at line 476 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 476 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_cgpx = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gpx")

Definition at line 478 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 478 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_cgpy = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gpy")

Definition at line 479 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 479 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_cgpz = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gpz")

Definition at line 480 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 480 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_cgvt = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gvt")

Definition at line 481 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 481 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_charge = ntp_track->GetBranch("charge")

Definition at line 171 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 171 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_chisq

Definition at line 169 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 169 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_dca2d = ntp_track->GetBranch("dca2d")

Definition at line 182 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 182 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_dca2dsigma = ntp_track->GetBranch("dca2dsigma")

Definition at line 183 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 183 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_egvt = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("gvt")

Definition at line 49 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 49 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_egvx = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("gvx")

Definition at line 46 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 46 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_egvy = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("gvy")

Definition at line 47 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 47 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_egvz = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("gvz")

Definition at line 48 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 48 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_ephi = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("ephi")

Definition at line 467 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 467 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_event = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("event")

Definition at line 37 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 37 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_evx = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("vx")

Definition at line 43 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 43 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_evy = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("vy")

Definition at line 44 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 44 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_evz = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("vz")

Definition at line 45 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 45 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_g4hitID = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("g4hitID")

Definition at line 472 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 472 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_geta = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("geta")

Definition at line 470 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 470 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gflavor = ntp_track->GetBranch("gflavor")

Definition at line 175 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 175 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gfx = ntp_track->GetBranch("gfx")

Definition at line 165 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 165 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gfy = ntp_track->GetBranch("gfy")

Definition at line 166 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 166 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gfz = ntp_track->GetBranch("gfz")

Definition at line 167 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 167 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gpt = ntp_track->GetBranch("gpt")

Definition at line 164 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 164 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gpx = ntp_track->GetBranch("gpx")

Definition at line 161 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 161 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gpy = ntp_track->GetBranch("gpy")

Definition at line 162 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 162 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gpz = ntp_track->GetBranch("gpz")

Definition at line 163 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 163 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gr = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gr")

Definition at line 466 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 466 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gtrackid = ntp_track->GetBranch("gtrackID")

Definition at line 174 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 174 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gtrackID = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gtrackID")

Definition at line 473 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 473 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gvz = ntp_track->GetBranch("gvz")

Definition at line 178 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 178 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gx = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gx")

Definition at line 462 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 462 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gy = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gy")

Definition at line 463 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 463 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_gz = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gz")

Definition at line 464 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 464 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hefromtruth = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("efromtruth")

Definition at line 576 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 576 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hgembed = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gembed")

Definition at line 573 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 573 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hgflavor = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gflavor")

Definition at line 575 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 575 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hgprimary = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gprimary")

Definition at line 574 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 574 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hgpx = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gpx")

Definition at line 566 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 566 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hgpy = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gpy")

Definition at line 567 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 567 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hgpz = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gpz")

Definition at line 568 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 568 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hgx = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gx")

Definition at line 569 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 569 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hgy = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gy")

Definition at line 570 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 570 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hgz = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("gz")

Definition at line 571 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 571 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hitID = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("hitID")

Definition at line 458 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 458 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_hlayer = ntp_g4hit->GetBranch("glayer")

Definition at line 572 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 572 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_layer = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("layer")

Definition at line 471 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 471 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by trackpT().

b_nfromtruth = ntp_track->GetBranch("nfromtruth")

Definition at line 177 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 177 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_ng4hits

Definition at line 40 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 40 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_ngtracks = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("gntracks")

Definition at line 39 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 39 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_nhittpcin = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("nhittpcin")

Definition at line 41 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 41 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_nparticles = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("nparticles")

Definition at line 485 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 485 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_ntracks = ntp_vertex->GetBranch("ntracks")

Definition at line 38 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 38 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_pcax = ntp_track->GetBranch("pcax")

Definition at line 179 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 179 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_pcay = ntp_track->GetBranch("pcay")

Definition at line 180 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 180 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_pcaz = ntp_track->GetBranch("pcaz")

Definition at line 181 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 181 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_phisize = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("phisize")

Definition at line 484 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 484 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_primary = ntp_track->GetBranch("gprimary")

Definition at line 176 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 176 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_pt = ntp_track->GetBranch("pt")

Definition at line 160 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 160 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_px = ntp_track->GetBranch("px")

Definition at line 157 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 157 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_py = ntp_track->GetBranch("py")

Definition at line 158 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 158 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_pz = ntp_track->GetBranch("pz")

Definition at line 159 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 159 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_quality = ntp_track->GetBranch("quality")

Definition at line 168 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 168 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_r = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("r")

Definition at line 465 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 465 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_revent = ntp_track->GetBranch("event")

Definition at line 172 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 172 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rgembed = ntp_track->GetBranch("gembed")

Definition at line 186 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 186 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_rgnhits

Definition at line 185 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 185 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rgnintt = ntp_track->GetBranch("gnintt")

Definition at line 198 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 198 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rgnlintt = ntp_track->GetBranch("gnlintt")

Definition at line 191 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 191 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rgnlmaps = ntp_track->GetBranch("gnlmaps")

Definition at line 189 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 189 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rgnltpc = ntp_track->GetBranch("gnltpc")

Definition at line 193 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 193 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rgnmaps = ntp_track->GetBranch("gnmaps")

Definition at line 196 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 196 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rgntpc = ntp_track->GetBranch("gntpc")

Definition at line 200 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 200 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rnhits = ntp_track->GetBranch("nhits")

Definition at line 184 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 184 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rnintt = ntp_track->GetBranch("nintt")

Definition at line 197 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 197 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rnlintt = ntp_track->GetBranch("nlintt")

Definition at line 190 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 190 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rnlmaps = ntp_track->GetBranch("nlmaps")

Definition at line 188 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 188 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rnltpc = ntp_track->GetBranch("nltpc")

Definition at line 192 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 192 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rnmaps = ntp_track->GetBranch("nmaps")

Definition at line 195 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 195 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_rntpc = ntp_track->GetBranch("ntpc")

Definition at line 199 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 199 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_size = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("size")

Definition at line 482 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 482 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_tbestpurity

Definition at line 367 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 367 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_tchisq

Definition at line 364 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 364 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tembed = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gembed")

Definition at line 368 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 368 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_teta = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("geta")

Definition at line 369 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 369 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tevent = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("event")

Definition at line 354 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 354 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tflavor = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gflavor")

Definition at line 357 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 357 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tfpx = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gfpx")

Definition at line 351 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 351 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tfpy = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gfpy")

Definition at line 352 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 352 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tfpz = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gfpz")

Definition at line 353 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 353 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_tgnhits

Definition at line 361 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 361 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tgtrackid = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gtrackID")

Definition at line 355 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 355 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_tnfromtruth

Definition at line 363 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 363 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tnhits = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gnhits")

Definition at line 362 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 362 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tphi = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("gphi")

Definition at line 468 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 468 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tprimary = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gprimary")

Definition at line 366 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 366 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tpt = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gpt")

Definition at line 347 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 347 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tpx = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gpx")

Definition at line 344 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 344 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tpy = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gpy")

Definition at line 345 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 345 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tpz = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gpz")

Definition at line 346 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 346 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_tquality

Definition at line 365 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 365 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_trackid = ntp_track->GetBranch("trackID")

Definition at line 173 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 173 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_trackID

Definition at line 474 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 474 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_trdca2d = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("dca2d")

Definition at line 348 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 348 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_trdca3dz = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("dca3dz")

Definition at line 349 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 349 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_trphi = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("phi")

Definition at line 469 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 469 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_trpt = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("pt")

Definition at line 350 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 350 of file ntuple_variables.C

TBranch* b_ttrackid

Definition at line 356 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 356 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tvx = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gvx")

Definition at line 358 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 358 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tvy = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gvy")

Definition at line 359 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 359 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_tvz = ntp_gtrack->GetBranch("gvz")

Definition at line 360 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 360 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_x = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("x")

Definition at line 459 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 459 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by generate_ep_dis().

b_y = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("y")

Definition at line 460 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 460 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by generate_ep_dis().

b_z = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("z")

Definition at line 461 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 461 of file ntuple_variables.C

b_zsize = ntp_cluster->GetBranch("zsize")

Definition at line 483 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 483 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t cemc3x3_e

Definition at line 153 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 153 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t cemc_deta
Float_t cemc_dphi
Float_t cemc_e

Definition at line 152 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 152 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by plotpirej(), QAG4SimulationJet::process_Spectrum(), SoftLeptonTaggingTruth::process_Spectrum(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

float_t cevent

Definition at line 425 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 425 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t cgembed

Definition at line 455 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 455 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by cluster_resolution().

Float_t egvt

Definition at line 28 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 28 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t egvx

Definition at line 25 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 25 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t egvy

Definition at line 26 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 26 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t egvz

Definition at line 27 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 27 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by cluster_resolution(), and purity().

Float_t event

Definition at line 16 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 16 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ActsExamples::detail::NuclearInteractionParametrisation::buildMomPerMult(), ActsExamples::detail::NuclearInteractionParametrisation::calculateMeanAndCovariance(), Cone_Plots(), ActsExamples::detail::NuclearInteractionParametrisation::convertEventToGaussian(), create_pythia_dummy(), ActsExamples::detail::NuclearInteractionParametrisation::cumulativeMultiplicityProbability(), ActsExamples::detail::NuclearInteractionParametrisation::cumulativeNuclearInteractionProbability(), ActsExamples::detail::NuclearInteractionParametrisation::cumulativePDGprobability(), ActsExamples::determineEventFilesRange(), ColoredHadronization::DoHadronization(), ColorlessHadronization::DoHadronization(), draw_acts_eval(), Draw_BDiJetImbalance(), eic_sphenix_fill_xq2(), eic_sphenix_test_smearing(), eic_unsmeared_eta_p(), eicsmear_check_calorimeter(), eicsmear_check_tracking(), eicsmear_dvmp_tree(), EMCalTowerRingStudy(), clvisc::OpenclBackend::enqueue_copy(), clvisc::OpenclBackend::enqueue_run(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueAcquireGLObjects(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueCopyBuffer(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueCopyBufferToImage(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueCopyImage(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueCopyImageToBuffer(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueMapBuffer(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueMapImage(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueMarker(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueNativeKernel(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueNDRangeKernel(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueReadBuffer(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueReadImage(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueReleaseGLObjects(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueTask(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueUnmapMemObject(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueWriteBuffer(), cl::CommandQueue::enqueueWriteImage(), TrackEvaluation::evaluate_event(), EvtVtx_map_tklcluster(), ActsExamples::HepMCProcessExtractor::execute(), ActsExamples::EventRecording::execute(), ExploreTTrees(), psTOFTimezeroEval::fillOutputNtuples(), SvtxEvaluatorHaiwang::fillOutputNtuples(), TrkrNtuplizer::fillOutputNtuples(), SvtxEvaluator::fillOutputNtuples(), fjetResol(), hera_dis_fillbins(), STrackCutStudy::InitTuples(), HybridHadronization::invoke_py(), main(), makeDists(), makehist(), makeMaps(), makephotonM(), makepTDist(), makepTEff(), makepTRes(), makePythiaSpec(), makeRefitDist(), makeVtxEff(), makeVtxR(), makeVtxRes(), MatchJets(), matchPlot(), cl::KernelFunctor::operator()(), ActsExamples::detail::NuclearInteractionParametrisation::prepareInvariantMasses(), ActsExamples::detail::NuclearInteractionParametrisation::prepareMomenta(), RunInfoUnpackPRDF::process_event(), EventInfoSummary::process_event(), TempInfoUnpackPRDF::process_event(), MvtxRunInfoUnpackPRDF::process_event(), PHSartre::process_event(), PHHepMCParticleSelectorDecayProductChain::process_event(), MicromegasRawDataDecoder::process_event(), MicromegasRawDataCalibration::process_event(), MicromegasRawDataEvaluation::process_event(), TPCFEETestRecov1::process_event(), TpcPrototypeUnpacker::process_event(), sPHAnalysis::process_event_bimp(), sPHAnalysis::process_event_hepmc(), sPHAnalysis::process_event_pythiaupsilon(), project_quarkonium_mass(), ActsExamples::HepMC3AsciiReader::read(), ActsExamples::Sequencer::run(), searchLeadingJets(), SColdQcdCorrelatorAnalysis::SCorrelatorUtilities::ParInfo::SetInfo(), ActsExamples::detail::NuclearInteractionParametrisation::softProbability(), TEST_CASE(), testCuts(), TPCEventDisplay_Clusters(), TPCEventDisplay_Hits(), trackpT(), ActsExamples::Geant4::HepMC3::SteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(), ActsExamples::HepMC3AsciiWriter::writeT(), SmashWrapper::WriteTask(), and zdc_calib().

Float_t evx

Definition at line 22 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 22 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t evy

Definition at line 23 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 23 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t evz

Definition at line 24 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 24 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by cluster_resolution(), purity(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

float_t g4hitID

Definition at line 440 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 440 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by psTOFTimezeroEval::fillOutputNtuples(), SvtxEvaluatorHaiwang::fillOutputNtuples(), and SvtxEvaluator::fillOutputNtuples().

Float_t glast

Definition at line 450 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 450 of file ntuple_variables.C

float_t hefromtruth

Definition at line 564 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 564 of file ntuple_variables.C

float_t hgembed

Definition at line 561 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 561 of file ntuple_variables.C

float_t hgflavor

Definition at line 563 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 563 of file ntuple_variables.C

float_t hgprimary

Definition at line 562 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 562 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t hgpx

Definition at line 554 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 554 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t hgpy

Definition at line 555 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 555 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t hgpz

Definition at line 556 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 556 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t hgx

Definition at line 557 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 557 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t hgy

Definition at line 558 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 558 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t hgz

Definition at line 559 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 559 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by pyresd(), and pysgwz().

Float_t hit_occupancy_layer0

Definition at line 29 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 29 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t hit_occupancy_layer1

Definition at line 30 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 30 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t hit_occupancy_layer2

Definition at line 31 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 31 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t hit_occupancy_layer3

Definition at line 32 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 32 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t hit_occupancy_layer4

Definition at line 33 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 33 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t hit_occupancy_layer5

Definition at line 34 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 34 of file ntuple_variables.C

float_t hlayer

Definition at line 560 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 560 of file ntuple_variables.C

float_t layer

Definition at line 439 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 439 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by PHG4TpcDetector::add_geometry_node(), TrackEvaluation::add_trk_information_micromegas(), TrackEvaluation::add_truth_information(), TrackEvaluation::add_truth_information_micromegas(), TrkrClusterHitAssocv2::addAssoc(), TrackFitUtils::addClusters(), TrkrClusterContainerv2::addClusterSpecifyKey(), PHG4BlockCellGeomContainer::AddLayerCellGeom(), PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer::AddLayerCellGeom(), PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer::AddLayerCellGeom(), PHG4BlockGeomContainer::AddLayerGeom(), PHG4CylinderGeomContainer::AddLayerGeom(), PdbParameterMapContainer::AddPdbParameterMap(), Acts::SingleSeedVertexFinder< spacepoint_t >::SortedSpacepoints::addSP(), MakeMilleFiles::addTrackToMilleFile(), ALICEKF::ALICEKalmanFilter(), alignmentTransformationContainer::alignmentTransformationContainer(), SvtxClusterEval::all_clusters_from(), PHTruthClustering::all_truth_clusters(), SvtxTruthEval::all_truth_clusters(), SvtxClusterEval::all_truth_hits_by_nhit(), Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder::analyzeContent(), AnalyzeResiduals(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), Acts::Test::Layers::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), Acts::Test::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), Acts::Test::BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(), g4evalfn::calc_match_statistic(), PHG4TpcDigitizer::CalculateCylinderCellADCScale(), PHG4InttDigitizer::CalculateLadderCellADCScale(), InttClusterizer::CalculateLadderThresholds(), PHG4MvtxDigitizer::CalculateMvtxLadderCellADCScale(), InttVertexFinder::calculateZvertex(), Calibrator::calibrate(), ChargePerLayer(), ActsPropagator::checkLayer(), TrackSeed_v1::circleFitByTaubin(), TpcClusterBuilder::cluster_hits(), cluster_resolution(), PHG4InttHitReco::cluster_truthhits(), PHG4MvtxHitReco::cluster_truthhits(), InttClusterizer::ClusterLadderCells(), InttClusterizer::ClusterLadderCellsRaw(), MvtxClusterizer::ClusterMvtx(), MvtxClusterizer::ClusterMvtxRaw(), PHG4MicromegasDetector::construct_fee_board(), PHG4MicromegasDetector::construct_micromegas_tile(), PHG4EICMvtxDetector::ConstructMvtx_Layer(), PHG4MvtxDetector::ConstructMvtx_Layer(), Acts::Svg::TrackingGeometryConverter::convert(), create_barrel_detector(), AlignmentTransformation::createMap(), PHG4InttDeadMapLoader::deadMapPath(), PHG4TpcDigitizer::DigitizeCylinderCells(), PHG4InttDigitizer::DigitizeLadderCells(), PHG4MvtxDigitizer::DigitizeMvtxLadderCells(), TpcPrototypeGenFitTrkFitter::DisplayCluster(), Draw(), Acts::GeometryHierarchyMapJsonConverter< Acts::SurfaceAndMaterialWithContext, Acts::ITrackingGeometryJsonDecorator >::encodeIdentifier(), EMCalCalib::eval_photon(), EMCalAna::eval_trk(), QAG4SimulationIntt::evaluate_clusters(), QAG4SimulationMvtx::evaluate_clusters(), QAG4SimulationMicromegas::evaluate_clusters(), QAG4SimulationTpc::evaluate_clusters(), TrackEvaluation::evaluate_event(), QAG4SimulationMicromegas::evaluate_hits(), DSTTrackInfoWriter::evaluate_track_info(), DSTEmulator::evaluate_tracks(), ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::execute(), TpcPrototypeUnpacker::exportDSTCluster(), helixResiduals::fill_residuals(), psTOFTimezeroEval::fillOutputNtuples(), SvtxEvaluatorHaiwang::fillOutputNtuples(), TrkrNtuplizer::fillOutputNtuples(), SvtxEvaluator::fillOutputNtuples(), PHG4EICMvtxDetector::FillPVArray(), PHG4MvtxDetector::FillPVArray(), PHCASeeding::FillTree(), PHCASeeding::FindBiLinks(), TrkrClusterContainerv2::findCluster(), PHActsKDTreeSeeding::findInttMatches(), PHActsSiliconSeeding::findInttMatches(), PHCASeeding::FollowBiLinks(), ClusterErrorPara::get_cluster_error(), ClusterErrorPara::get_clusterv5_modified_error(), ClusterErrorPara::get_fix_tpc_cluster_error(), ClusterErrorPara::get_si_cluster_error(), ClusterErrorPara::get_simple_cluster_error(), ActsGeometry::get_tpc_surface_from_coords(), TowerBackgroundv1::get_UE(), TpcPrototypeGenFitTrkFinder::getChi2Ndf(), TrkrClusterHitAssocv2::getClusterMap(), TrkrClusterContainerv2::getClusters(), ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::getExtension(), MultiDetectorMultiplicity::getFilteredNtracks(), TrkrClusterHitAssocv2::getHits(), PHSiliconTpcTrackMatching::getInttCrossings(), PHTruthSiliconAssociation::getInttCrossings(), PHTruthTrackSeeding::getInttCrossings(), InttDeadMap::getInttKey(), MakeActsGeometry::getInttKeyFromNode(), AlignmentDefs::getLabelBase(), AlignmentDefs::getMvtxClamshell(), MakeActsGeometry::getMvtxKeyFromNode(), SColdQcdCorrelatorAnalysis::SCorrelatorUtilities::GetNumClust(), SColdQcdCorrelatorAnalysis::SCorrelatorJetTree::GetNumClust(), SColdQcdCorrelatorAnalysis::SCorrelatorUtilities::GetNumLayer(), SColdQcdCorrelatorAnalysis::SCorrelatorJetTree::GetNumLayer(), dNdEtaINTT::GetRecoClusterInfo(), PHTruthSiliconAssociation::getSiliconClustersFromParticle(), Acts::SingleSeedVertexFinder< spacepoint_t >::SortedSpacepoints::getSP(), alignmentTransformationContainer::getsphlayer(), MvtxMon::getStavePoint(), MakeActsGeometry::getTpcHitSetKeyFromCoords(), ActsSurfaceMaps::getTpcSurface(), HelicalFitter::getTrackletClusterList(), SvtxClusterEval::gtrackid_and_layer_by_nhit(), Hit::Hit(), TrkrClusterContainerv2::identify(), TrkrClusterContainerv4::identify(), TrkrClusterContainerv3::identify(), TrkrHitSetv1::identify(), RawHitSetv1::identify(), TrkrClusterHitAssocv2::identify(), TrkrHitTruthAssocv1::identify(), TrkrHitSetContainerv1::identify(), RawHitSetContainerv1::identify(), TrkrClusterContainerv1::identify(), TrkrTruthTrackv1::identify(), SVReco::InitEvent(), TpcClusterMover::initialize_geometry(), PHG4BlockCellReco::InitRun(), PHG4CylinderCellReco::InitRun(), QAG4SimulationIntt::InitRun(), QAG4SimulationMvtx::InitRun(), QAG4SimulationMicromegas::InitRun(), TPCDataStreamEmulator::InitRun(), PHTpcClusterMover::InitRun(), TPCMLDataInterface::InitRun(), PHTruthClustering::InitRun(), MakeActsGeometry::InitRun(), PHGenFitTrkFitter::InitRun(), InttMonDraw::InttGlobalChipExec(), InttMonDraw::InttGlobalLadderExec(), InttMonDraw::InttLocalChannelExec(), InttMonDraw::InttLocalChipExec(), MicromegasHotChannelMapData::is_hot_channel(), InttMaskedChannelSet::IsDeadChannel(), INTT::LADDERS_(), Acts::LayerArrayCreator::layerArray(), layerMaterial(), TrackSeed_v1::lineFit(), main(), MakeActsGeometry::MakeActsGeometry(), BDiJetModule::MakeGenFitTrack(), SVReco::MakeGenFitTrack(), MakeActsGeometry::makeInttMapPairs(), Acts::GeometryHierarchyMap< MeasurementResolution >::makeLeadingLevelsMask(), MakeActsGeometry::makeMmMapPairs(), MakeActsGeometry::makeMvtxMapPairs(), PHGenFitTrkFitter::MakeSvtxTrack(), MakeActsGeometry::makeTpcMapPairs(), TpcPrototypeGenFitTrkFitter::MakeTpcPrototypeTrack(), PHActsSiliconSeeding::matchInttClusters(), Acts::MaterialSlab::MaterialSlab(), SvtxClusterEval::max_truth_particle_by_cluster_energy(), ResidualOutlierFinder::operator()(), TrkrClusterIsMatcher::operator()(), PHG4InttDetector::PHG4InttDetector(), PHG4InttSteppingAction::PHG4InttSteppingAction(), plot_comparisons_clusters(), plot_residuals(), PHSimpleKFProp::PrepareKDTrees(), TrkrNtuplizer::printOutputInfo(), SvtxEvaluator::printOutputInfo(), PHSiliconTruthTrackSeeding::Process(), PHTruthTrackSeeding::Process(), MomentumEvaluator::process_event(), TpcPrototypeClusterizer::process_event(), PHG4Prototype2HcalCellReco::process_event(), TPCIntegratedCharge::process_event(), TpcMon::process_event(), QAG4SimulationDistortions::process_event(), PHG4BlockCellReco::process_event(), QAG4SimulationVertex::process_event(), PHG4CylinderCellReco::process_event(), PHTrackClusterAssociator::process_event(), G4CellNtuple::process_event(), TpcClusterCleaner::process_event(), MicromegasClusterizer::process_event(), TpcSimpleClusterizer::process_event(), TpcCombinedRawDataUnpacker::process_event(), PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::process_event(), TpcRawWriter::process_event(), DetermineTowerBackground::process_event(), MicromegasCombinedDataDecoder::process_event(), QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event(), TPCGemGainCalb::process_event(), TpcClusterizer::process_event(), PHG4MvtxHitReco::process_event(), MvtxHitPruner::process_event(), HFMLTriggerInterface::process_event(), TPCDataStreamEmulator::process_event(), PHTpcClusterMover::process_event(), TpcRawDataTree::process_event(), TPCRawDataTree::process_event(), HFMLTriggerOccupancy::process_event(), SynRadAna::process_event(), PHG4MicromegasHitReco::process_event(), MvtxCombinedRawDataDecoder::process_event(), TPCMLDataInterface::process_event(), tpc_hits::process_event(), PHMicromegasTpcTrackMatching::process_event(), PHTruthClustering::process_event(), PHG4TpcElectronDrift::process_event(), TpcRawDataDecoder::process_event(), TpcPrototypeGenFitTrkFinder::process_event(), readDigitalCurrents::process_event(), PHActsTrackProjection::process_event(), PHTpcCentralMembraneClusterizer::process_event(), AnaMvtxTestBeam2019::process_event(), HelicalFitter::process_event(), BDiJetModule::process_event(), FillTruthRecoMatchTree::process_event(), sPHAnalysis::process_event_test(), sPHAnalysis::process_event_upsilons(), TpcDirectLaserReconstruction::process_track(), TrackClusterEvaluator::processRecoTracks(), TpcClusterMover::processTrack(), TrackClusterEvaluator::processTruthTracks(), readFile(), readSeedFile(), TpcPrototypeGenFitTrkFitter::ReFitTrack(), PHGenFitTrkFitter::ReFitTrack(), TrkrClusterContainerv2::removeCluster(), TrkrClusterContainerv2::Reset(), TrkrClusterHitAssocv2::Reset(), ActsExamples::selectLayer(), SvtxTrack_v1::set_cal_cluster_e(), SvtxTrack_v2::set_cal_cluster_e(), SvtxTrack_v3::set_cal_cluster_e(), SvtxTrack_v1::set_cal_cluster_id(), SvtxTrack_v2::set_cal_cluster_id(), SvtxTrack_v3::set_cal_cluster_id(), SvtxTrack_v1::set_cal_cluster_key(), SvtxTrack_v2::set_cal_cluster_key(), SvtxTrack_v3::set_cal_cluster_key(), SvtxTrack_v1::set_cal_deta(), SvtxTrack_v2::set_cal_deta(), SvtxTrack_v3::set_cal_deta(), SvtxTrack_v1::set_cal_dphi(), SvtxTrack_v2::set_cal_dphi(), SvtxTrack_v3::set_cal_dphi(), SvtxTrack_v1::set_cal_energy_3x3(), SvtxTrack_v2::set_cal_energy_3x3(), SvtxTrack_v3::set_cal_energy_3x3(), SvtxTrack_v1::set_cal_energy_5x5(), SvtxTrack_v2::set_cal_energy_5x5(), SvtxTrack_v3::set_cal_energy_5x5(), PHG4MicromegasDetector::set_first_layer(), PHGenFitTrkFitter::set_fit_silicon_mms(), PHMicromegasTpcTrackMatching::set_min_tpc_layer(), TowerBackgroundv1::set_UE(), CMFlashClusterv3::setLayer1(), CMFlashClusterv3::setLayer2(), PHActsTrackProjection::setLayerRadius(), MakeActsGeometry::setPlanarSurfaceDivisions(), PHActsTrackPropagator::setPropagationLayer(), TrkrClusterContainerv2::size(), TrkrClusterHitAssocv2::size(), testCuts(), TPCEventDisplay_Updated(), TPCEventDisplay_Updated_BCO(), Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder::trackingVolume(), Acts::MultiTrajectoryHelpers::trajectoryState(), sPHENIXActsDetectorElement::transform(), Acts::TrigFTF_GNN_Geometry< external_spacepoint_t >::TrigFTF_GNN_Geometry(), TriggerMultiplicity(), G4Eval::trklayer_0123(), Acts::TrackingVolume::visitSurfaces(), and PHG4MvtxHitReco::zero_strobe_bits().

Float_t ngtracks

Definition at line 18 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 18 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t nhittpcin

Definition at line 20 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 20 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by STrackCutStudy::InitTuples(), and quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded().

Float_t nparticles

Definition at line 454 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 454 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t r

Definition at line 433 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 433 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rcharge

Definition at line 120 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 120 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded().

Float_t rchisq

Definition at line 118 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 118 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rdca2d

Definition at line 131 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 131 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by TrackingPerformanceCheck::process_event(), purity(), quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rdca2dsigma

Definition at line 132 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 132 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t revent

Definition at line 121 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 121 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rgembed

Definition at line 135 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 135 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rgflavor

Definition at line 124 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 124 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rgfx

Definition at line 110 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 110 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rgfy

Definition at line 111 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 111 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rgfz

Definition at line 112 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 112 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rgnhits

Definition at line 134 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 134 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rgnintt

Definition at line 147 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 147 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rgnlintt

Definition at line 140 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 140 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t rgnlmaps

Definition at line 138 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 138 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t rgnltpc

Definition at line 142 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 142 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t rgnmaps

Definition at line 145 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 145 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rgntpc

Definition at line 149 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 149 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rgpt

Definition at line 116 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 116 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t rgpx

Definition at line 113 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 113 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rgpy

Definition at line 114 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 114 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rgpz

Definition at line 115 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 115 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rgtrackid

Definition at line 123 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 123 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rnfromtruth

Definition at line 126 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 126 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rnhits

Definition at line 133 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 133 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rnintt

Definition at line 146 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 146 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rnlintt

Definition at line 139 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 139 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t rnlmaps

Definition at line 137 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 137 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t rnltpc

Definition at line 141 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 141 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t rnmaps

Definition at line 144 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 144 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t rntpc

Definition at line 148 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 148 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rpcax

Definition at line 128 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 128 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rpcay

Definition at line 129 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 129 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t rpcaz

Definition at line 130 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 130 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t rprimary

Definition at line 125 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 125 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t rpt

Definition at line 109 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 109 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by TrackingPerformanceCheck::process_event(), purity(), and pykmap().

Float_t rpx

Definition at line 106 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 106 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by TrackingPerformanceCheck::process_event(), quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rpy

Definition at line 107 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 107 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by TrackingPerformanceCheck::process_event(), quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rpz

Definition at line 108 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 108 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by TrackingPerformanceCheck::process_event(), purity(), quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rquality

Definition at line 117 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 117 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rtrackid

Definition at line 122 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 122 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t rvz

Definition at line 127 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 127 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded(), and track_calorimeter_matching().

Float_t size

Definition at line 451 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 451 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by ClosestPair2D::_deal_with_points_to_review(), ClosestPair2D::_insert_into_search_tree(), ClosestPair2D::_remove_from_search_tree(), analyzeClusterEtIso(), testing::internal::ArrayEq(), Bias::Bias(), Acts::Test::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), bin_heap< T, Pred >::bubble_down(), pq_tree::bubble_up(), PHIODataNode< T >::BufferSize(), TpcMon::calculateMedianAndStdDev(), Acts::detail::calculateResiduals(), Acts::LayerCreator::checkBinning(), Acts::detail_vtc::VectorTrackContainerBase::checkConsistency(), bin_heap< T, Pred >::clear(), ActsFatras::NuclearInteraction::convertParametersToParticles(), testing::internal::CopyArray(), Acts::CpuVector< var_t >::CpuVector(), SDeltaPtCutStudy::CreateSigmaGraphs(), Acts::Test::CubicBVHTrackingGeometry::CubicBVHTrackingGeometry(), KFPTrackVector::DataSize(), oncsSub_idcaenv1742::decode(), AZigzag::DetermineCommonMode(), AZigzag::DetermineQ(), Acts::Frustum< value_t, DIM, SIDES >::draw(), CemcMonDraw::DrawSecond(), PairMaker::End(), ActsExamples::TruthSeedingAlgorithm::execute(), ActsExamples::SeedingAlgorithm::execute(), FFT::FFT(), groot::FillAccessBlobs(), FillHoughHist(), psTOFTimezeroEval::fillOutputNtuples(), SvtxEvaluatorHaiwang::fillOutputNtuples(), TrkrNtuplizer::fillOutputNtuples(), SvtxEvaluator::fillOutputNtuples(), OnlMonServer::getHisto(), Fun4AllHistoManager::getHisto(), OnlMonServer::getHistoName(), Fun4AllHistoManager::getHistoName(), JetBkgdSub::GetMedian(), SColdQcdCorrelatorAnalysis::SCorrelatorUtilities::GetNumTrks(), PktSizeDBodbc::GetPacketContent(), clvisc::CLIdeal::half_step_(), handler(), RawTowerDeadMapv1::identify(), PidInfoContainer::identify(), RawClusterContainer::identify(), PHG4CellContainer::identify(), RawTowerContainer::identify(), PHG4CylinderCellContainer::identify(), interpCubicDirect(), interpCubicMono(), interpLinearDirect(), interpLinearMono(), interpNearestDirect(), interpNearestMono(), oncsSub_idinttv0::intt_decode(), intt_pool::intt_decode(), invertTableDirect(), bin_heap< T, Pred >::is_empty(), RawTowerDeadMapv1::isValid(), oncsSub_idtpcfeev2::iValue(), oncsSub_idinttv0::iValue(), tinyxml2::XMLDocument::LoadFile(), main(), Acts::Sycl::make_device_array(), PairMaker::MakeMixedPairs(), PktSizeMonDraw::MakeNoisyCandidates(), ActsFatras::NuclearInteraction::match(), testing::internal::SizeIsMatcher< SizeMatcher >::Impl< Container >::MatchAndExplain(), clvisc::CLIdeal::max_energy_density(), mbuf_insert(), mbuf_resize(), mg_print_dir_entry(), intt_pool::min_depth(), TDirectoryHelper::mkdir(), Acts::detail::Axis< AxisType::Equidistant, bdt >::neighborHoodIndices(), Acts::detail::Axis< AxisType::Variable, bdt >::neighborHoodIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper::neighborHoodIndices(), OnlineAnalysis(), KFParticleBaseSIMD::operator new(), KFParticleSIMD::operator new(), KFPInputData::operator new(), KFPSimdAllocator< T >::operator new(), KFPTrackVector::operator new(), KFPLinkedList::operator new(), KFParticleBaseSIMD::operator new[](), KFParticleSIMD::operator new[](), KFPInputData::operator new[](), KFPSimdAllocator< T >::operator new[](), KFPTrackVector::operator new[](), KFPLinkedList::operator new[](), Jetscape::operator<<(), bin_heap< T, Pred >::operator=(), testing::internal::NativeArray< Element >::operator==(), Bias::Plot(), Bias::Plot_FFT(), Acts::Svg::EventDataConverter::pointXY(), Acts::Svg::EventDataConverter::pointZR(), bin_heap< T, Pred >::pop(), PHSimpleKFProp::PrepareKDTrees(), Acts::detail::printMeasurement(), BbcCheck::process_emcal(), PHG4InEventReadBack::process_event(), PktSizeMon::process_event(), TPCMLDataInterface::process_event(), FillTruthRecoMatchMap::process_event(), QAG4SimulationCalorimeter::process_event_Tower(), EMCalAna::process_event_Tower(), EMCalCalib::process_event_Tower(), BbcCheck::process_ihcal(), BbcCheck::process_ohcal(), HCalCalibTree::process_towers(), CaloAna::process_towers(), CaloValid::process_towers(), pi0EtaByEta::process_towers(), BbcCheck::process_zdc(), bin_heap< T, Pred >::push(), intt_pool::rawValue(), Hydroinfo_MUSIC::readHydroData(), pq_tree::replace_pert(), planarity::run_on_biconnected(), Acts::Experimental::detail::CylindricalDetectorHelper::rzphiBoundaries(), ActsFatras::NuclearInteraction::sampleInvariantMasses(), ActsFatras::NuclearInteraction::sampleMomenta(), Acts::Cuda::SeedFinder< external_spacepoint_t >::SeedFinder(), set_eventsizes(), TruthPhotonJet::set_jetcone_size(), PhotonJet::set_jetcone_size(), TpcRawWriter::set_max_cluster_half_size_phi(), TpcClusterizer::set_max_cluster_half_size_phi(), TpcRawWriter::set_max_cluster_half_size_z(), TpcClusterizer::set_max_cluster_half_size_z(), PHG4ParticleGeneratorBase::SetParticleId(), EcoMug::SetSkySize(), testing::internal::ShuffleRange(), Acts::AxisAlignedBoundingBox< entity_t, value_t, DIM >::svg(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_P(), oncsSub_idtpcfeev2::tpc_decode(), oncsSub_idtpcfeev3::tpc_decode(), tpc_pool::tpc_decode(), MvtxStandaloneTracking::TrackFitXY(), MvtxStandaloneTracking::TrackFitZY(), TriggerMultiplicity(), FastJetOptions::update(), ActsExamples::SensitiveSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(), SearchTree< T >::verify_structure_linear(), Fun4AllEventOutStream::WriteEvent(), and Jetscape::Hadronization::WriteTask().

Float_t tbestpurity

Definition at line 340 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 340 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t tchisq

Definition at line 337 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 337 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t tembed

Definition at line 341 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 341 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), and quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded().

Float_t teta

Definition at line 342 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 342 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by TrkrNtuplizer::fillOutputNtuples(), and purity().

Float_t tevent

Definition at line 327 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 327 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded().

Float_t tflavor

Definition at line 330 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 330 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded().

Float_t tfpx

Definition at line 324 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 324 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t tfpy

Definition at line 325 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 325 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t tfpz

Definition at line 326 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 326 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t tgnhits

Definition at line 334 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 334 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t tgtrackid

Definition at line 328 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 328 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), and quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded().

Float_t tnfromtruth

Definition at line 336 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 336 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t tnhits

Definition at line 335 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 335 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t tphi

Definition at line 436 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 436 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by cluster_resolution(), and TrkrNtuplizer::fillOutputNtuples().

Float_t tprimary

Definition at line 339 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 339 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t tpt

Definition at line 320 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 320 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by TrkrNtuplizer::fillOutputNtuples(), DISKinematicsReco::InsertCandidateFromCluster(), and purity().

Float_t tpx

Definition at line 317 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 317 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), and quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded().

Float_t tpy

Definition at line 318 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 318 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), and quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded().

Float_t tpz

Definition at line 319 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 319 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity(), and quarkonia_reconstruction_embedded().

Float_t tquality

Definition at line 338 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 338 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t trdca2d

Definition at line 322 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 322 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t trdca3dz

Definition at line 323 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 323 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t trphi

Definition at line 437 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 437 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by cluster_resolution().

Float_t trpt

Definition at line 321 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 321 of file ntuple_variables.C

Referenced by purity().

Float_t ttrackid

Definition at line 329 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 329 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t tvx

Definition at line 331 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 331 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t tvy

Definition at line 332 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 332 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t tvz

Definition at line 333 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 333 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t x

Definition at line 427 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 427 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t y

Definition at line 428 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 428 of file ntuple_variables.C

Float_t z

Definition at line 429 of file ntuple_variables.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 429 of file ntuple_variables.C