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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file fjetResol.C
1 /*
2  Auther: Chong Kim (
4  - Target: study resolution of 1st/2nd leading jets reconstructed in fsPHENIX calorimeter
5  - Environments:
6  a. Requires root file contains reconstructed forward jets, which is results of
7  /macros/macros/g4simulations/Fun4All_G4_fsPHENIX.C
8  * modified Fun4All_G4_fsPHENIX.C used for this code can be found at:
9  /gpfs/mnt/gpfs04/sphenix/user/ckim/fjets/Fun4All_G4_fsPHENIX.C
10  b. Uses root branch "ntp_truthjet"
12  - How code works:
13  a. List up 1st/2nd leading jets using true pT (gpt) which satisfying min pT cut (cutPT)
14  (function searchLeadingJets)
15  b. Study target variable (ex. energy) using collected 1st/2nd leading jets in each event
16  For now only energy is checked but any variable in "ntp_truthjet" can be studied
17  c. Loop through multiple events and root files
19  - Parameters (ex. Pythia version, beam energy, Anti_kT radius, etc) can be arranged via arrays in top
20  - Tested by using output files in "/gpfs/mnt/gpfs04/sphenix/user/ckim/fjets/Ana/results_1121" at Mar.2, 2017
21 */
23 #include <TCanvas.h>
24 #include <TFile.h>
25 #include <TF1.h>
26 #include <TGraph.h>
27 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
28 #include <TH1.h>
29 #include <TH2.h>
30 #include <TLatex.h>
31 #include <TLegend.h>
32 #include <TNtuple.h>
33 #include <TString.h>
34 #include <TStyle.h>
35 #include <iostream>
36 using namespace std;
38 std::vector<int> searchLeadingJets(TNtuple *T, float cutPT, const char *targetV = "gpt");
40 //=========================================================
41 void fjetResol(
42  const char* path = "/gpfs/mnt/gpfs04/sphenix/user/ckim/fjets/Ana/results_1121",
43  const char* var = "e",
44  const char* suffix = "",
45  bool print = true
46  )
47 {
49  //Parameters
50  const int setPy[] = {8/*, 6*/}; //Pythia8 or 6
51  const int setBeamE[] = {200/*, 510*/};
52  const int setR[] = {4, 6}; //Anti-kT radius
53  const int setMinPT[] = {/*3, 4,*/ 5, 10, 15}; //Minimum parton pT in pythia cfg
54  const float setEta[] = {1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.4, 2.8, 3.2, 3.6};
55  const float setE[] = {20,25,30,35,40,45,50, 60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160, 180,200}; //True jet E
57  const int nsetPy = sizeof(setPy) /sizeof(setPy[0]);
58  const int nsetBeamE = sizeof(setBeamE)/sizeof(setBeamE[0]);
59  const int nsetR = sizeof(setR) /sizeof(setR[0]);
60  const int nsetMinPT = sizeof(setMinPT)/sizeof(setMinPT[0]);
61  const int nsetEta = sizeof(setEta) /sizeof(setEta[0]) - 1;
62  const int nsetE = sizeof(setE) /sizeof(setE[0]) - 1;
64  //----------------------------------------------
66  //Histograms to be filled
67  TH2F *h2[nsetPy][nsetBeamE][nsetR][nsetEta];
68  TH1F *h1[nsetPy][nsetBeamE][nsetR][nsetEta][nsetE];
69  for (int a=0; a<nsetPy; a++)
70  for (int b=0; b<nsetBeamE; b++)
71  for (int c=0; c<nsetR; c++)
72  for (int x=0; x<nsetEta; x++)
73  {
74  const char* h2Name = Form("sanity_py%i_%i_r0%i_eta%i", setPy[a],setBeamE[b],setR[c],x);
75  h2[a][b][c][x] = new TH2F(h2Name, "", 100,0,b==0?100:200, 60,0,2);
76  for (int y=0; y<nsetE; y++)
77  {
78  const char* h1Name = Form("h1_%s_py%i_%i_r0%i_eta%i_e%i", var,setPy[a],setBeamE[b],setR[c],x,y);
79  h1[a][b][c][x][y] = new TH1F(h1Name, "", 150,-1.5,1.5);
80  }
81  }
83  //----------------------------------------------
85  //Iterate through each file and tree
86  for (int a=0; a<nsetPy; a++)
87  for (int b=0; b<nsetBeamE; b++)
88  for (int c=0; c<nsetR; c++)
89  for (int d=0; d<nsetMinPT; d++)
90  {
91  //Link input
92  const char *finName = Form("%s/pythia%i_%i_r0%i_pT%i.root", path,setPy[a],setBeamE[b],setR[c],setMinPT[d]);
93  TFile *F = TFile::Open(finName);
94  TNtuple *T = (TNtuple*)F->Get("ntp_truthjet");
95  cout <<Form("Open %s from %s...", T->GetName(), F->GetName()) <<endl;
97  //Search 1st/2nd leading jets in this file
98  std::vector<int> jetList = searchLeadingJets(T, (float)setMinPT[d]);
99  //for (unsigned int i=0; i<jetList.size(); i++) cout <<i <<" " <<jetList[i] <<endl;
101  //Link branches
102  float event, geta, gphi, ge, eta, phi, e;
103  T->SetBranchAddress("event", &event);
104  T->SetBranchAddress("geta", &geta);
105  T->SetBranchAddress("gphi", &gphi);
106  T->SetBranchAddress("ge", &ge);
107  T->SetBranchAddress("eta", &eta);
108  T->SetBranchAddress("phi", &phi);
109  T->SetBranchAddress("e", &e);
111  //Iterate through for leading jets found
112  for (unsigned int i=0; i<jetList.size(); i++)
113  {
114  T->GetEntry(jetList[i]);
116  int id_eta = -1;
117  for (int x=0; x<nsetEta; x++) { if (geta > setEta[x] && geta < setEta[x+1]) id_eta = x; }
118  if (id_eta == -1) continue;
120  h2[a][b][c][id_eta]->Fill(ge, e/ge); //Sanity plots
122  int id_e = -1;
123  for (int y=0; y<nsetE; y++) { if (ge > setE[y] && ge < setE[y+1]) id_e = y; }
124  if (id_e == -1) continue;
126  if (!strcmp(var, "e")) h1[a][b][c][id_eta][id_e]->Fill(e/ge);
127  }//i, leading jets
129  //Cleanup
130  T->ResetBranchAddresses();
131  T->Delete();
132  F->Delete();
133  }//d, c, b, a
135  //----------------------------------------------
137  gStyle->SetOptStat("e");
139  //Sanity check plots
140  TCanvas *c1[nsetPy][nsetBeamE][nsetR];
141  for (int a=0; a<nsetPy; a++)
142  for (int b=0; b<nsetBeamE; b++)
143  for (int c=0; c<nsetR; c++)
144  {
145  const char* c1Name = Form("sanity_py%i_%i_r0%i", setPy[a],setBeamE[b],setR[c]);
146  c1[a][b][c] = new TCanvas(c1Name, c1Name, 1280, 800);
147  c1[a][b][c]->Divide(nsetEta/2, 2, 0.015, 0.015, 10);
148  for (int x=0; x<nsetEta; x++)
149  {
150  c1[a][b][c]->cd(x+1)->SetGrid();
151  h2[a][b][c][x]->SetTitle(Form("%2.1f < #eta < %2.1f;True e;Reco e/True e", setEta[x], setEta[x+1]));
152  h2[a][b][c][x]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.45);
153  h2[a][b][c][x]->Draw("colz");
154  }
155  if (print) c1[a][b][c]->Print(Form("%s%s.png", c1[a][b][c]->GetName(),suffix));
156  }//c, b, a
158  //Get resolutions
159  TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(Form("resol_%s", var), var, 1280, 800);
160  c2->Divide(nsetEta/2, 2, 0.015, 0.015, 10);
161  TF1 *f1Gaus = new TF1("f1Gaus", "[0]*TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2])", -0.2, 0.2);
162  TLegend *leg1 = new TLegend(0.4, 0.6/*0.9 - 0.15*nsetPy*/, 0.9, 0.9);
163  for (int a=0; a<nsetPy; a++)
164  for (int b=0; b<nsetBeamE; b++)
165  for (int c=0; c<nsetR; c++)
166  for (int x=0; x<nsetEta; x++)
167  {
168  TGraphErrors *g1 = new TGraphErrors();
169  g1->SetName(Form("g1_%s_py%i_%i_r0%i_eta%i_e%i", var,setPy[a],setBeamE[b],setR[c],x));
170  g1->SetLineColor(2 * (b+1));
171  g1->SetMarkerColor(2 * (b+1));
172  g1->SetMarkerSize(1.);
173  g1->SetMarkerStyle(20 + 4*c);
175  for (int y=0; y<nsetE; y++)
176  {
177  if (h1[a][b][c][x][y]->GetEntries() < 50)
178  {
179  h1[a][b][c][x][y]->Delete();
180  continue;
181  }
182  f1Gaus->SetParameters(
183  h1[a][b][c][x][y]->GetMaximum(),
184  h1[a][b][c][x][y]->GetMean(),
185  h1[a][b][c][x][y]->GetRMS()
186  );
187  h1[a][b][c][x][y]->Fit(
188  f1Gaus->GetName(), "QR0", "",
189  h1[a][b][c][x][y]->GetMean() - h1[a][b][c][x][y]->GetRMS() * 3,
190  h1[a][b][c][x][y]->GetMean() + h1[a][b][c][x][y]->GetRMS() * 3
191  );
192  g1->SetPoint(g1->GetN(), (setE[y]+setE[y+1])/2, f1Gaus->GetParameter(2));
193  g1->SetPointError(g1->GetN()-1, 0, f1Gaus->GetParError(2));
194  }//y (energy)
196  c2->cd(x+1)->SetGrid();
197  if (a==0 && b==0 && c==0)
198  {
199  const char *yTitle = "#sigma (Reco e / True e)";
200  const char *gTitle = Form("%2.1f < #eta < %2.1f;True e;%s", setEta[x],setEta[x+1], yTitle);
201  gPad->DrawFrame(20-5, 0.05, 200+5, 0.3, gTitle);
202  gPad->Modified();
203  }
204  if (a==0 && x==0)
205  {
206  leg1->AddEntry(g1, Form("PYTHIA%i, #sqrt{s} = %i, R = 0.%i", setPy[a], setBeamE[b], setR[c]), "p");
207  }
208  g1->Draw("pe same");
209  if (a==(nsetPy-1) && b==(nsetBeamE-1) && c==(nsetR-1) && x==0) leg1->Draw("same");
210  }//x (eta), c, b, a
211  if (print) c2->Print(Form("%s%s.png", c2->GetName(),suffix));
213  return;
214 }//Main
216 //==============================================================================
217 std::vector<int> searchLeadingJets(TNtuple *T, float cutPT, const char *targetV)
218 {
219  std::vector<int> jetList; //Return (event # of target jets)
221  float event, gpt, var;
222  T->SetBranchAddress("event", &event);
223  if (strcmp("gpt", targetV))
224  {
225  T->SetBranchAddress("gpt", &gpt);
226  cout <<"Search leading jets by using " <<targetV <<endl;
227  }
228  T->SetBranchAddress(targetV, &var); //gpt or ge (truth info)
230  //Note: high1_v should always higher than high2_v
231  int evtCheck = -1;
232  int high1_n = -1; //1st leading jet's entry # in the tree
233  int high2_n = -1;
234  float high1_v = -1; //1st leading jet's value
235  float high2_v = -2;
237  const int allEntries = T->GetEntries();
238  for (int a=0; a<allEntries; a++)
239  {
240  /*
241  Iterate through all entries with same event number,
242  find 1st and 2nd leading jets of the event,
243  then save them when next event (different event #) found
244  */
246  T->GetEntry(a);
248  //pT cut
249  float tempPT = (strcmp("gpt", targetV))?gpt:var;
250  if (tempPT < cutPT) continue;
252  if (evtCheck != event || a == allEntries) //Save jet entries
253  {
254  if (high1_n != -1 && high2_n != -1)
255  {
256  if (high1_n < high2_n)
257  {
258  jetList.push_back(high1_n);
259  jetList.push_back(high2_n);
260  }
261  else
262  {
263  jetList.push_back(high2_n);
264  jetList.push_back(high1_n);
265  }
266  }
268  //Update dummy indices for next iteration
269  evtCheck = event;
270  high1_n = a;
271  high2_n = -1;
272  high1_v = var;
273  high2_v = -1;
274  }
275  else //Iterate & Update
276  {
277  if (var > high1_v)
278  {
279  high2_n = high1_n;
280  high2_v = high1_v;
281  high1_n = a;
282  high1_v = var;
283  }
284  else if (var > high2_v)
285  {
286  high2_n = a;
287  high2_v = var;
288  }
289  }
290  }//a, nEvents
292  T->ResetBranchAddresses();
293  return jetList;
294 }//searchLeadingJets