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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file mapper.C
1 #include <iostream>
2 using namespace std;
4 #include "TFile.h"
5 #include "TTree.h"
6 #include "TChain.h"
7 #include "TLegend.h"
8 #include "math.h"
9 #include "TH1.h"
10 #include "TH2.h"
11 #include "TEfficiency.h"
12 #include "TLine.h"
13 #include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
15 TChain* handleFile(string name, string extension, string treename, unsigned int filecount){
16  TChain *all = new TChain(treename.c_str());
17  string temp;
18  for (int i = 0; i < filecount; ++i)
19  {
21  ostringstream s;
22  s<<i;
23  temp = name+string(s.str())+extension;
24  all->Add(temp.c_str());
25  }
26  return all;
27 }
29 void makeMaps(TChain* ttree,TFile* out_file){
30  float vtxR;
31  float tvtxR;
32  float vtx_phi;
33  float tvtx_phi;
34  ttree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_radius",&vtxR);
35  ttree->SetBranchAddress("tvtx_radius",&tvtxR);
36  ttree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_phi",&vtx_phi);
37  ttree->SetBranchAddress("tvtx_phi",&tvtx_phi);
39  TH2F *map = new TH2F("recoMap","",100,-30,30,100,-30,30);
40  TH2F *tmap = new TH2F("truthMap","",100,-30,30,100,-30,30);
41  map->Sumw2();
42  tmap->Sumw2();
44  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
45  {
46  ttree->GetEvent(event);
47  map->Fill(vtxR*TMath::Cos(vtx_phi),vtxR*TMath::Sin(vtx_phi));
48  tmap->Fill(tvtxR*TMath::Cos(tvtx_phi),tvtxR*TMath::Sin(tvtx_phi));
49  }
50  out_file->Write();
51 }
53 void makeDists(TChain *vtxTree, TChain *mainTree, TFile *outf){
54  TH1F *tmap = new TH1F("truthDist","",60,0,30);
55  TH1F *rmap = new TH1F("recoDist","",90,0,45);
56  TH1F *cmap = new TH1F("correctedDist","",60,0,30);
57  tmap->Sumw2();
58  rmap->Sumw2();
59  cmap->Sumw2();
61  float tvtx,rvtx,cvtx;
62  vtxTree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_radius",&rvtx);
63  vtxTree->SetBranchAddress("tvtx_radius",&tvtx);
64  mainTree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_radius",&cvtx);
66  for (int event = 0; event < vtxTree->GetEntries(); ++event)
67  {
68  vtxTree->GetEvent(event);
69  tmap->Fill(tvtx);
70  rmap->Fill(rvtx);
71  }
72  for (int event = 0; event < mainTree->GetEntries(); ++event)
73  {
74  mainTree->GetEvent(event);
75  cmap->Fill(cvtx);
76  }
77  cmap->Scale(1./mainTree->GetEntries());
78  tmap->Scale(1./vtxTree->GetEntries());
79  rmap->Scale(1./vtxTree->GetEntries());
80  outf->Write();
81 }
83 void mapper()
84 {
85  TFile *out_file = new TFile("maps.root","RECREATE");
86  string treePath = "/sphenix/user/vassalli/gammasample/truthconversionembededanalysis";
87  string treeExtension = ".root";
88  unsigned int nFiles=1000;
89  TChain *vtx_tree = handleFile(treePath,treeExtension,"vtxingTree",nFiles);
90  TChain *main_tree = handleFile(treePath,treeExtension,"cutTreeSignal",nFiles);
91  cout<<"mapping with "<<vtx_tree->GetEntries()<<" verticies"<<endl;
92  makeMaps(main_tree,out_file);
93 // makeDists(vtx_tree,main_tree,out_file);
94 }