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1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // ''
3 // Derek Anderson
4 // 03.14.2022
5 //
6 // Reads in the 'ntp_track' Ntuple
7 // generated by the SVtxEvaluator
8 // class and studies the impact
9 // of cutting on various quantities.
10 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 #pragma once
14 using namespace std;
18 // i/o methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
20 void STrackCutStudy::SetBatchMode(const Bool_t doBatch) {
22  inBatchMode = doBatch;
23  if (inBatchMode) {
24  cout << " Will run in batch mode." << endl;
25  } else {
26  cout << " Will not run in batch mode." << endl;
27  }
28  return;
30 } // end 'SetBatchMode(Bool_t)'
34 void STrackCutStudy::SetInputOutputFiles(const TString sEmbedOnlyInput, const TString sPileupInput, const TString sOutput) {
36  sInFileEO = sEmbedOnlyInput;
37  sInFilePU = sPileupInput;
38  sOutfile = sOutput;
39  cout << " Set i/o files:\n"
40  << " Embed Only = " << sInFileEO.Data() << "\n"
41  << " With Pileup = " << sInFilePU.Data() << "\n"
42  << " Output = " << sOutput.Data()
43  << endl;
44  return;
46 } // end 'SetInputOutputFiles(TString, TString, TString)'
50 void STrackCutStudy::SetInputTuples(const TString sEmbedOnlyTuple, const TString sPileupTuple, const TString sEmbedOnlyClusterTuple) {
52  sInTupleEO = sEmbedOnlyTuple;
53  sInTuplePU = sPileupTuple;
54  sInClustEO = sEmbedOnlyClusterTuple;
55  cout << " Set input track tuples:\n"
56  << " Embed Only = " << sInTupleEO.Data() << "\n"
57  << " With Pileup = " << sInTuplePU.Data()
58  << endl;
60  if (sEmbedOnlyClusterTuple != "") {
61  cout << " Set input cluster tuples:\n"
62  << " Embed-only cluster tuple = " << sInClustEO.Data()
63  << endl;
64  }
65  return;
67 } // end 'SetInputTuples(TString, TString)'
71 void STrackCutStudy::SetStudyParameters(const Bool_t plots, const Bool_t pileup, const Bool_t intNorm, const Bool_t beforeCuts, const Bool_t avgClustCalc, const Double_t normalFracMin, const Double_t normalFracMax) {
73  makePlots = plots;
74  doPileup = pileup;
75  doIntNorm = intNorm;
76  doBeforeCuts = beforeCuts;
77  doAvgClustCalc = avgClustCalc;
78  normalPtFracMin = normalFracMin;
79  normalPtFracMax = normalFracMax;
80  cout << " Set normal pT fraction:\n"
81  << " Normal Pt Fraction = (" << normalPtFracMin << ", " << normalPtFracMax << ")"
82  << endl;
84  if (makePlots) {
85  cout << " Making plots." << endl;
86  } else {
87  cout << " Not making plots." << endl;
88  }
90  if (doPileup) {
91  cout << " Looking at pileup tuple." << endl;
92  } else {
93  cout << " Not looking at pileup tuple." << endl;
94  }
96  if (doIntNorm) {
97  cout << " Normalizing by integral." << endl;
98  } else {
99  cout << " No normalization." << endl;
100  }
102  if (doBeforeCuts) {
103  cout << " Including quantities before cuts." << endl;
104  } else {
105  cout << " Not including quantities before cuts." << endl;
106  }
108  if (doAvgClustCalc) {
109  cout << " Will calculate average cluster size." << endl;
110  } else {
111  cout << " Will not calculate average cluster size." << endl;
112  }
113  return;
115 } // end 'SetStudyParameters(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, double, double)'
119 void STrackCutStudy::SetCutFlags(const Bool_t doPrimary, const Bool_t doMVtx, const Bool_t doTpc, const Bool_t doVz, const Bool_t doDcaXY, const Bool_t doDcaZ, const Bool_t doQuality) {
121  doPrimaryCut = doPrimary;
122  doMVtxCut = doMVtx;
123  doTpcCut = doTpc;
124  doVzCut = doVz;
125  doDcaXyCut = doDcaXY;
126  doDcaZCut = doDcaZ;
127  doQualityCut = doQuality;
128  cout << " Set cut flags:\n"
129  << " doPrimaryCut = " << doPrimaryCut << "\n"
130  << " doMVtxCut = " << doMVtxCut << "\n"
131  << " doTpcCut = " << doTpcCut << "\n"
132  << " doVzCut = " << doVzCut << "\n"
133  << " doDcaXyCut = " << doDcaXyCut << "\n"
134  << " doDCaZCut = " << doDcaZCut << "\n"
135  << " doQualityCut = " << doQualityCut
136  << endl;
137  return;
140 } // end 'SetCutFlags(Bool_t, Bool_t, Bool_t, Bool_t, Bool_t, Bool_t, Bool_t)'
144 void STrackCutStudy::SetTrackCuts(const pair<UInt_t, UInt_t> nMVtxRange, const pair<UInt_t, UInt_t> nTpcRange, const pair<Double_t, Double_t> vzRange, const pair<Double_t, Double_t> dcaXyRange, const pair <Double_t, Double_t> dcaZRange, const pair<Double_t, Double_t> qualityRange) {
146  nMVtxCut = nMVtxRange;
147  nTpcCut = nTpcRange;
148  vzCut = vzRange;
149  dcaXyCut = dcaXyRange;
150  dcaZCut = dcaZRange;
151  qualityCut = qualityRange;
152  cout << " Set track cuts:\n"
153  << " mvtx hits = (" << nMVtxCut.first << ", " << nMVtxCut.second << ")\n"
154  << " tpc hits = (" << nTpcCut.first << ", " << nTpcCut.second << ")\n"
155  << " z-vertex = (" << vzCut.first << ", " << vzCut.second << ")\n"
156  << " dca (xy) = (" << dcaXyCut.first << ", " << dcaXyCut.second << ")\n"
157  << " dca (z) = (" << dcaZCut.first << ", " << dcaZCut.second << ")\n"
158  << " quality = (" << qualityCut.first << ", " << qualityCut.second << ")"
159  << endl;
160  return;
162 } // end 'SetTrackCuts(pair<UInt_t, UInt_t>, pair<UInt_t, UInt_t>, pair<Double_t, Double_t>, pair<Double_t, Double_t>, pair<Double_t, Double_t>, pair<Double_t, Double_t>)'
166 void STrackCutStudy::SetPlotText(const Ssiz_t nTxtE, const Ssiz_t nTxtP, const TString sTxtE[], const TString sTxtP[]) {
168  nTxtEO = nTxtE;
169  nTxtPU = nTxtP;
170  for (Ssiz_t iTxtEO = 0; iTxtEO < nTxtEO; iTxtEO++) {
171  sTxtEO.push_back(sTxtE[iTxtEO]);
172  }
173  for (Ssiz_t iTxtPU = 0; iTxtPU < nTxtPU; iTxtPU++) {
174  sTxtPU.push_back(sTxtP[iTxtPU]);
175  }
176  cout << " Set plot text." << endl;
177  return;
179 } // end 'SetPlotText(Ssiz_t, Ssiz_t, TString[], TString[])'
185  // open files
186  fOut = new TFile(sOutfile.Data(), "recreate");
187  fInEO = new TFile(sInFileEO.Data(), "read");
188  fInPU = new TFile(sInFilePU.Data(), "read");
189  if (!fOut || !fInEO || !fInPU) {
190  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't open a file!\n"
191  << " fOut = " << fOut << ", fInEO = " << fInEO << ", fInPU = " << fInPU << "\n"
192  << endl;
193  assert(fOut && fInEO && fInPU);
194  }
195  cout << " Initialized files." << endl;
196  return;
198 } // end 'InitFiles()'
204  // grab embed-only tuples
205  ntTrkEO = (TNtuple*) fInEO -> Get(sInTupleEO.Data());
206  if (!ntTrkEO) {
207  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't grab an input Ntuple!\n"
208  << " ntTrkEO = " << ntTrkEO << "\n"
209  << endl;
210  assert(ntTrkEO);
211  }
213  if (doPileup) {
214  ntTrkPU = (TNtuple*) fInPU -> Get(sInTuplePU.Data());
215  if (!ntTrkPU) {
216  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't grab an input Ntuple!\n"
217  << " ntTrkPU = " << ntTrkPU << "\n"
218  << endl;
219  assert(ntTrkPU);
220  }
221  }
223  if (doAvgClustCalc) {
224  ntClustEO = (TNtuple*) fInEO -> Get(sInClustEO.Data());
225  if (!ntClustEO) {
226  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't grab an input cluster NTuple!\n"
227  << " ntClustEO = " << ntClustEO << "\n"
228  << endl;
229  assert(ntClustEO);
230  }
231  }
232  cout << " Initialized input ntuples." << endl;
234  // set embed-only branch addresses
235  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("event", &event);
236  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("seed", &seed);
237  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("trackID", &trackID);
238  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("crossing", &crossing);
239  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("px", &px);
240  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("py", &py);
241  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("pz", &pz);
242  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("pt", &pt);
243  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("eta", &eta);
244  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("phi", &phi);
245  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("deltapt", &deltapt);
246  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("deltaeta", &deltaeta);
247  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("deltaphi", &deltaphi);
248  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("charge", &charge);
249  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("quality", &quality);
250  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("chisq", &chisq);
251  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ndf", &ndf);
252  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nhits", &nhits);
253  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nmaps", &nmaps);
254  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nintt", &nintt);
255  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntpc", &ntpc);
256  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nmms", &nmms);
257  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntpc1", &ntpc1);
258  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntpc11", &ntpc11);
259  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntpc2", &ntpc2);
260  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntpc3", &ntpc3);
261  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nlmaps", &nlmaps);
262  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nlintt", &nlintt);
263  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nltpc", &nltpc);
264  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nlmms", &nlmms);
265  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("layers", &layers);
266  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("vertexID", &vertexID);
267  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("vx", &vx);
268  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("vy", &vy);
269  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("vz", &vz);
270  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("dca2d", &dca2d);
271  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("dca2dsigma", &dca2dsigma);
272  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("dca3dxy", &dca3dxy);
273  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("dca3dxysigma", &dca3dxysigma);
274  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("dca3dz", &dca3dz);
275  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("dca3dzsigma", &dca3dzsigma);
276  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("pcax", &pcax);
277  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("pcay", &pcay);
278  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("pcaz", &pcaz);
279  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gtrackID", &gtrackID);
280  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gflavor", &gflavor);
281  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gnhits", &gnhits);
282  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gnmaps", &gnmaps);
283  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gnintt", &gnintt);
284  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gntpc", &gntpc);
285  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gnmms", &gnmms);
286  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gnlmaps", &gnlmaps);
287  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gnlintt", &gnlintt);
288  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gnltpc", &gnltpc);
289  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gnlmms", &gnlmms);
290  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gpx", &gpx);
291  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gpy", &gpy);
292  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gpz", &gpz);
293  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gpt", &gpt);
294  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("geta", &geta);
295  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gphi", &gphi);
296  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gvx", &gvx);
297  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gvy", &gvy);
298  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gvz", &gvz);
299  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gvt", &gvt);
300  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gfpx", &gfpx);
301  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gfpy", &gfpy);
302  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gfpz", &gfpz);
303  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gfx", &gfx);
304  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gfy", &gfy);
305  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gfz", &gfz);
306  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gembed", &gembed);
307  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("gprimary", &gprimary);
308  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nfromtruth", &nfromtruth);
309  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nwrong", &nwrong);
310  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntrumaps", &ntrumaps);
311  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntruintt", &ntruintt);
312  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntrutpc", &ntrutpc);
313  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntrumms", &ntrumms);
314  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntrutpc1", &ntrutpc1);
315  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntrutpc11", &ntrutpc11);
316  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntrutpc2", &ntrutpc2);
317  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("ntrutpc3", &ntrutpc3);
318  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("layersfromtruth", &layersfromtruth);
319  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nhittpcall", &nhittpcall);
320  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nhittpcin", &nhittpcin);
321  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nhittpcmid", &nhittpcmid);
322  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nhittpcout", &nhittpcout);
323  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nclusall", &nclusall);
324  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nclustpc", &nclustpc);
325  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nclusintt", &nclusintt);
326  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nclusmaps", &nclusmaps);
327  ntTrkEO -> SetBranchAddress("nclusmms", &nclusmms);
329  // set with-pileup branch
330  if (doPileup) {
331  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("event", &pu_event);
332  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("seed", &pu_seed);
333  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gntracks", &pu_gntracks);
334  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gtrackID", &pu_gtrackID);
335  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gflavor", &pu_gflavor);
336  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnhits", &pu_gnhits);
337  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnmaps", &pu_gnmaps);
338  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnintt", &pu_gnintt);
339  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnmms", &pu_gnmms);
340  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnintt1", &pu_gnintt1);
341  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnintt2", &pu_gnintt2);
342  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnintt3", &pu_gnintt3);
343  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnintt4", &pu_gnintt4);
344  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnintt5", &pu_gnintt5);
345  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnintt6", &pu_gnintt6);
346  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnintt7", &pu_gnintt7);
347  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnintt8", &pu_gnintt8);
348  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gntpc", &pu_gntpc);
349  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnlmaps", &pu_gnlmaps);
350  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnlintt", &pu_gnlintt);
351  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnltpc", &pu_gnltpc);
352  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gnlmms", &pu_gnlmms);
353  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gpx", &pu_gpx);
354  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gpy", &pu_gpy);
355  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gpz", &pu_gpz);
356  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gpt", &pu_gpt);
357  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("geta", &pu_geta);
358  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gphi", &pu_gphi);
359  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gvx", &pu_gvx);
360  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gvy", &pu_gvy);
361  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gvz", &pu_gvz);
362  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gvt", &pu_gvt);
363  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gfpx", &pu_gfpx);
364  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gfpy", &pu_gfpy);
365  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gfpz", &pu_gfpz);
366  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gfx", &pu_gfx);
367  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gfy", &pu_gfy);
368  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gfz", &pu_gfz);
369  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gembed", &pu_gembed);
370  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("gprimary", &pu_gprimary);
371  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("trackID", &pu_trackID);
372  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("px", &pu_px);
373  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("py", &pu_py);
374  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("pz", &pu_pz);
375  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("pt", &pu_pt);
376  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("eta", &pu_eta);
377  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("phi", &pu_phi);
378  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("deltapt", &pu_deltapt);
379  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("deltaeta", &pu_deltaeta);
380  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("deltaphi", &pu_deltaphi);
381  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("charge", &pu_charge);
382  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("quality", &pu_quality);
383  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("chisq", &pu_chisq);
384  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ndf", &pu_ndf);
385  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nhits", &pu_nhits);
386  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("layers", &pu_layers);
387  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nmaps", &pu_nmaps);
388  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nintt", &pu_nintt);
389  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntpc", &pu_ntpc);
390  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nmms", &pu_nmms);
391  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntpc1", &pu_ntpc1);
392  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntpc11", &pu_ntpc11);
393  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntpc2", &pu_ntpc2);
394  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntpc3", &pu_ntpc3);
395  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nlmaps", &pu_nlmaps);
396  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nlintt", &pu_nlintt);
397  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nltpc", &pu_nltpc);
398  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nlmms", &pu_nlmms);
399  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("vertexID", &pu_vertexID);
400  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("vx", &pu_vx);
401  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("vy", &pu_vy);
402  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("vz", &pu_vz);
403  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("dca2d", &pu_dca2d);
404  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("dca2dsigma", &pu_dca2dsigma);
405  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("dca3dxy", &pu_dca3dxy);
406  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("dca3dxysigma", &pu_dca3dxysigma);
407  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("dca3dz", &pu_dca3dz);
408  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("dca3dzsigma", &pu_dca3dzsigma);
409  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("pcax", &pu_pcax);
410  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("pcay", &pu_pcay);
411  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("pcaz", &pu_pcaz);
412  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nfromtruth", &pu_nfromtruth);
413  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nwrong", &pu_nwrong);
414  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntrumaps", &pu_ntrumaps);
415  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntruintt", &pu_ntruintt);
416  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntrutpc", &pu_ntrutpc);
417  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntrumms", &pu_ntrumms);
418  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntrutpc1", &pu_ntrutpc1);
419  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntrutpc11", &pu_ntrutpc11);
420  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntrutpc2", &pu_ntrutpc2);
421  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("ntrutpc3", &pu_ntrutpc3);
422  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("layersfromtruth", &pu_layersfromtruth);
423  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nhittpcall", &pu_nhittpcall);
424  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nhittpcin", &pu_nhittpcin);
425  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nhittpcmid", &pu_nhittpcmid);
426  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nhittpcout", &pu_nhittpcout);
427  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nclusall", &pu_nclusall);
428  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nclustpc", &pu_nclustpc);
429  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nclusintt", &pu_nclusintt);
430  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nclusmaps", &pu_nclusmaps);
431  ntTrkPU -> SetBranchAddress("nclusmms", &pu_nclusmms);
432  }
433  cout << " Set branch addresses." << endl;
434  return;
436 } // end 'InitTuples()'
442  // create output directories
443  TDirectory *dOut[NType];
444  for (UInt_t iDir = 0; iDir < NType; iDir++) {
446  // check if directory should be created
447  if (isBeforeCuts[iDir] || isPileup[iDir]) {
448  if (isBeforeCuts[iDir] && !doBeforeCuts) continue;
449  if (isPileup[iDir] && !doPileup) continue;
450  }
452  // create directory
453  fOut -> cd();
454  dOut[iDir] = (TDirectory*) fOut -> mkdir(sTrkNames[iDir].Data());
455  }
456  cout << " Made directories." << endl;
458  // save histograms
459  for (int iType = 0; iType < NType; iType++) {
461  // check if histograms should be saved
462  if (isBeforeCuts[iType] || isPileup[iType]) {
463  if (isBeforeCuts[iType] && !doBeforeCuts) continue;
464  if (isPileup[iType] && !doPileup) continue;
465  }
467  dOut[iType] -> cd();
468  for (size_t iTrkVar = 0; iTrkVar < NTrkVar; iTrkVar++) {
469  hTrkVar[iType][iTrkVar] -> Write();
470  hTrkVarDiff[iType][iTrkVar] -> Write();
471  hTrkVarFrac[iType][iTrkVar] -> Write();
472  hTrkVarVsNTpc[iType][iTrkVar] -> Write();
473  hTrkVarVsPtReco[iType][iTrkVar] -> Write();
474  hTrkVarVsPtTrue[iType][iTrkVar] -> Write();
475  hTrkVarVsPtFrac[iType][iTrkVar] -> Write();
476  }
477  for (size_t iPhysVar = 0; iPhysVar < NPhysVar; iPhysVar++) {
478  hPhysVar[iType][iPhysVar] -> Write();
479  hPhysVarDiff[iType][iPhysVar] -> Write();
480  hPhysVarFrac[iType][iPhysVar] -> Write();
481  hPhysVarVsNTpc[iType][iPhysVar] -> Write();
482  hPhysVarVsPtReco[iType][iPhysVar] -> Write();
483  hPhysVarVsPtTrue[iType][iPhysVar] -> Write();
484  hPhysVarVsPtFrac[iType][iPhysVar] -> Write();
485  }
486  } // end type loop
488  cout << " Saved histograms." << endl;
489  return;
491 } // end 'SaveHists()'
493 // end ------------------------------------------------------------------------