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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file arsenal.cpp
1 // Ver 1.7.0
2 // Zhi Qiu
3 /*==========================================================================================
4 Change logs: see arsenal.h
5 ==========================================================================================*/
7 #include <vector>
8 #include <iostream>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <sstream>
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <cmath>
13 #include <iomanip>
14 #include <cstdarg>
16 #include "arsenal.h"
18 #define OUTPUT_PRECISION 10
20 // for log_gamma function
21 #define D1 -0.5772156649015328605195174
22 #define D2 0.4227843350984671393993777
23 #define D4 1.791759469228055000094023
24 #define SQRTPI 0.9189385332046727417803297
25 #define FRTBIG 1.42E+09
26 #define PNT68 0.6796875
27 #define XBIG 4.08E+36
28 #define MACHINE_EPSILON 2.22044604925031e-016
30 using namespace std;
32 //**********************************************************************
33 double sixPoint2dInterp(double x, double y,
34  double v00, double v01, double v02, double v10, double v11, double v20)
35 {
36  /* Assume a 2d function f(x,y) has a quadratic form:
37  f(x,y) = axx*x^2 + axy*x*y + ayy*y^2 + bx*x + by*y + c
38  Also assume that:
39  f(0,0)=v00, f(0,1)=v01, f(0,2)=v02, f(1,0)=v10, f(1,1)=v11, f(2,0)=v20
40  Then its value at (x,y) can be solved.
41  The best result is produced if x and y are between 0 and 1.
42  */
44  // Calculate coefficients:
45  double axx = 1.0/2.0*(v00 - 2*v10 + v20);
46  double axy = v00 - v01 - v10 + v11;
47  double ayy = 1.0/2.0*(v00 - 2*v01 + v02);
48  double bx = 1.0/2.0*(-3.0*v00 + 4*v10 - v20);
49  double by = 1.0/2.0*(-3.0*v00 + 4*v01 - v02);
50  double c = v00;
52  // Calcualte f(x,y):
53  return axx*x*x + axy*x*y + ayy*y*y + bx*x + by*y + c;
54 }
57 //**********************************************************************
58 double interpCubicDirect(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double x0)
59 // Returns the interpreted value of y=y(x) at x=x0 using cubic polynomial interpolation method.
60 // -- x,y: the independent and dependent double x0ables; x is assumed to be equal spaced and increasing
61 // -- x0: where the interpolation should be performed
62 {
63  long size = x->size();
64  if (size==1) {cout<<"interpCubicDirect warning: table size = 1"; return (*y)[0];}
65  double dx = (*x)[1]-(*x)[0]; // increment in x
67  // if close to left end:
68  if (abs(x0-(*x)[0])<dx*1e-30) return (*y)[0];
70  // find x's integer index
71  long idx = floor((x0-(*x)[0])/dx);
73  if (idx<0 || idx>=size-1)
74  {
75  cout << "interpCubicDirect: x0 out of bounds." << endl
76  << "x ranges from " << (*x)[0] << " to " << (*x)[size-1] << ", "
77  << "x0=" << x0 << ", " << "dx=" << dx << ", " << "idx=" << idx << endl;
78  exit(-1);
79  }
81  if (idx==0)
82  {
83  // use quadratic interpolation at left end
84  double A0 = (*y)[0], A1 = (*y)[1], A2 = (*y)[2], deltaX = x0 - (*x)[0]; // deltaX is the increment of x0 compared to the closest lattice point
85  return (A0-2.0*A1+A2)/(2.0*dx*dx)*deltaX*deltaX - (3.0*A0-4.0*A1+A2)/(2.0*dx)*deltaX + A0;
86  }
87  else if (idx==size-2)
88  {
89  // use quadratic interpolation at right end
90  double A0 = (*y)[size-3], A1 = (*y)[size-2], A2 = (*y)[size-1], deltaX = x0 - ((*x)[0] + (idx-1)*dx);
91  return (A0-2.0*A1+A2)/(2.0*dx*dx)*deltaX*deltaX - (3.0*A0-4.0*A1+A2)/(2.0*dx)*deltaX + A0;
92  }
93  else
94  {
95  // use cubic interpolation
96  double A0 = (*y)[idx-1], A1 = (*y)[idx], A2 = (*y)[idx+1], A3 = (*y)[idx+2], deltaX = x0 - ((*x)[0] + idx*dx);
97  //cout << A0 << " " << A1 << " " << A2 << " " << A3 << endl;
98  return (-A0+3.0*A1-3.0*A2+A3)/(6.0*dx*dx*dx)*deltaX*deltaX*deltaX
99  + (A0-2.0*A1+A2)/(2.0*dx*dx)*deltaX*deltaX
100  - (2.0*A0+3.0*A1-6.0*A2+A3)/(6.0*dx)*deltaX
101  + A1;
102  }
104 }
109 //**********************************************************************
110 double interpLinearDirect(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double x0)
111 // Returns the interpreted value of y=y(x) at x=x0 using linear interpolation method.
112 // -- x,y: the independent and dependent double x0ables; x is assumed to be equal spaced and increasing
113 // -- x0: where the interpolation should be performed
114 {
115  long size = x->size();
116  if (size==1) {cout<<"interpLinearDirect warning: table size = 1"<<endl; return (*y)[0];}
117  double dx = (*x)[1]-(*x)[0]; // increment in x
119  // if close to left end:
120  if (abs(x0-(*x)[0])<dx*1e-30) return (*y)[0];
122  // find x's integer index
123  long idx = floor((x0-(*x)[0])/dx);
125  if (idx<0 || idx>=size-1)
126  {
127  cout << "interpLinearDirect: x0 out of bounds." << endl
128  << "x ranges from " << (*x)[0] << " to " << (*x)[size-1] << ", "
129  << "x0=" << x0 << ", " << "dx=" << dx << ", " << "idx=" << idx << endl;
130  exit(-1);
131  }
133  return (*y)[idx] + ((*y)[idx+1]-(*y)[idx])/dx*(x0-(*x)[idx]);
135 }
140 //**********************************************************************
141 double interpNearestDirect(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double x0)
142 // Returns the interpreted value of y=y(x) at x=x0 using nearest interpolation method.
143 // -- x,y: the independent and dependent double x0ables; x is assumed to be equal spaced and increasing
144 // -- x0: where the interpolation should be performed
145 {
146  long size = x->size();
147  if (size==1) {cout<<"interpNearestDirect warning: table size = 1"<<endl; return (*y)[0];}
148  double dx = (*x)[1]-(*x)[0]; // increment in x
150  // if close to left end:
151  if (abs(x0-(*x)[0])<dx*1e-30) return (*y)[0];
153  // find x's integer index
154  long idx = floor((x0-(*x)[0])/dx);
156  if (idx<0 || idx>=size-1)
157  {
158  cout << "interpNearestDirect: x0 out of bounds." << endl
159  << "x ranges from " << (*x)[0] << " to " << (*x)[size-1] << ", "
160  << "x0=" << x0 << ", " << "dx=" << dx << ", " << "idx=" << idx << endl;
161  exit(-1);
162  }
164  return x0-(*x)[idx]>dx/2 ? (*y)[idx+1] : (*y)[idx];
166 }
171 //**********************************************************************
172 double interpCubicMono(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double xx)
173 // Note that this function does NOT perform well with small x and y table spacing; in which case use "direct" version instead.
174 // Returns the interpreted value of y=y(x) at x=x0 using cubic polynomial interpolation method.
175 // -- x,y: the independent and dependent double x0ables; x is *NOT* assumed to be equal spaced but it has to be increasing
176 // -- xx: where the interpolation should be performed
177 {
178  long size = x->size();
179  if (size==1) {cout<<"interpCubicMono warning: table size = 1"<<endl; return (*y)[0];}
181  // if close to left end:
182  if (abs(xx-(*x)[0])<((*x)[1]-(*x)[0])*1e-30) return (*y)[0];
184  // find x's integer index
185  long idx = binarySearch(x, xx);
187  if (idx<0 || idx>=size-1)
188  {
189  cout << "interpCubicMono: x0 out of bounds." << endl
190  << "x ranges from " << (*x)[0] << " to " << (*x)[size-1] << ", "
191  << "xx=" << xx << ", " << "idx=" << idx << endl;
192  exit(-1);
193  }
195  if (idx==0)
196  {
197  // use linear interpolation at the left end
198  return (*y)[0] + ( (*y)[1]-(*y)[0] )/( (*x)[1]-(*x)[0] )*( xx-(*x)[0] );
199  }
200  else if (idx==size-2)
201  {
202  // use linear interpolation at the right end
203  return (*y)[size-2] + ( (*y)[size-1]-(*y)[size-2] )/( (*x)[size-1]-(*x)[size-2] )*( xx-(*x)[size-2] );
204  }
205  else
206  {
207  // use cubic interpolation
208  long double y0 = (*y)[idx-1], y1 = (*y)[idx], y2 = (*y)[idx+1], y3 = (*y)[idx+2];
209  long double y01=y0-y1, y02=y0-y2, y03=y0-y3, y12=y1-y2, y13=y1-y3, y23=y2-y3;
210  long double x0 = (*x)[idx-1], x1 = (*x)[idx], x2 = (*x)[idx+1], x3 = (*x)[idx+2];
211  long double x01=x0-x1, x02=x0-x2, x03=x0-x3, x12=x1-x2, x13=x1-x3, x23=x2-x3;
212  long double x0s=x0*x0, x1s=x1*x1, x2s=x2*x2, x3s=x3*x3;
213  long double denominator = x01*x02*x12*x03*x13*x23;
214  long double C0, C1, C2, C3;
215  C0 = (x0*x02*x2*x03*x23*x3*y1
216  + x1*x1s*(x0*x03*x3*y2+x2s*(-x3*y0+x0*y3)+x2*(x3s*y0-x0s*y3))
217  + x1*(x0s*x03*x3s*y2+x2*x2s*(-x3s*y0+x0s*y3)+x2s*(x3*x3s*y0-x0*x0s*y3))
218  + x1s*(x0*x3*(-x0s+x3s)*y2+x2*x2s*(x3*y0-x0*y3)+x2*(-x3*x3s*y0+x0*x0s*y3))
219  )/denominator;
220  C1 = (x0s*x03*x3s*y12
221  + x2*x2s*(x3s*y01+x0s*y13)
222  + x1s*(x3*x3s*y02+x0*x0s*y23-x2*x2s*y03)
223  + x2s*(-x3*x3s*y01-x0*x0s*y13)
224  + x1*x1s*(-x3s*y02+x2s*y03-x0s*y23)
225  )/denominator;
226  C2 = (-x0*x3*(x0s-x3s)*y12
227  + x2*(x3*x3s*y01+x0*x0s*y13)
228  + x1*x1s*(x3*y02+x0*y23-x2*y03)
229  + x2*x2s*(-x3*y01-x0*y13)
230  + x1*(-x3*x3s*y02+x2*x2s*y03-x0*x0s*y23)
231  )/denominator;
232  C3 = (x0*x03*x3*y12
233  + x2s*(x3*y01+x0*y13)
234  + x1*(x3s*y02+x0s*y23-x2s*y03)
235  + x2*(-x3s*y01-x0s*y13)
236  + x1s*(-x3*y02+x2*y03-x0*y23)
237  )/denominator;
238 /* cout << x0s*x03*x3s*y12 << " "
239  << x2*x2s*(x3s*y01+x0s*y13) << " "
240  << x1s*(x3*x3s*y02+x0*x0s*y23-x2*x2s*y03) << " "
241  << x2s*(-x3*x3s*y01-x0*x0s*y13) << " "
242  << x1*x1s*(-x3s*y02+x2s*y03-x0s*y23) << endl;
243  cout << denominator << endl;
245  cout << x0 << " " << x1 << " " << x2 << " " << x3 << endl;
246  cout << y0 << " " << y1 << " " << y2 << " " << y3 << endl;
247  cout << C0 << " " << C1 << " " << C2 << " " << C3 << endl;*/
248  return C0 + C1*xx + C2*xx*xx + C3*xx*xx*xx;
249  }
251 }
257 //**********************************************************************
258 double interpLinearMono(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double xx)
259 // Returns the interpreted value of y=y(x) at x=x0 using linear interpolation method.
260 // -- x,y: the independent and dependent double x0ables; x is *NOT* assumed to be equal spaced but it has to be increasing
261 // -- xx: where the interpolation should be performed
262 {
263  long size = x->size();
264  if (size==1) {cout<<"interpLinearMono warning: table size = 1"<<endl; return (*y)[0];}
266  // if close to left end:
267  if (abs(xx-(*x)[0])<((*x)[1]-(*x)[0])*1e-30) return (*y)[0];
269  // find x's integer index
270  long idx = binarySearch(x, xx);
272  if (idx<0 || idx>=size-1)
273  {
274  cout << "interpLinearMono: x0 out of bounds." << endl
275  << "x ranges from " << (*x)[0] << " to " << (*x)[size-1] << ", "
276  << "xx=" << xx << ", " << "idx=" << idx << endl;
277  exit(-1);
278  }
280  return (*y)[idx] + ( (*y)[idx+1]-(*y)[idx] )/( (*x)[idx+1]-(*x)[idx] )*( xx-(*x)[idx] );
282 }
287 //**********************************************************************
288 double interpNearestMono(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double xx)
289 // Returns the interpreted value of y=y(x) at x=x0 using nearest interpolation method.
290 // -- x,y: the independent and dependent double x0ables; x is *NOT* assumed to be equal spaced but it has to be increasing
291 // -- xx: where the interpolation should be performed
292 {
293  long size = x->size();
294  if (size==1) {cout<<"interpNearestMono warning: table size = 1"<<endl; return (*y)[0];}
296  // if close to left end:
297  if (abs(xx-(*x)[0])<((*x)[1]-(*x)[0])*1e-30) return (*y)[0];
299  // find x's integer index
300  long idx = binarySearch(x, xx);
302  if (idx<0 || idx>=size-1)
303  {
304  cout << "interpNearestMono: x0 out of bounds." << endl
305  << "x ranges from " << (*x)[0] << " to " << (*x)[size-1] << ", "
306  << "xx=" << xx << ", " << "idx=" << idx << endl;
307  exit(-1);
308  }
310  return xx-(*x)[idx] > (*x)[idx+1]-xx ? (*y)[idx+1] : (*y)[idx];
312 }
317 //**********************************************************************
318 double invertFunc(double (*func)(double), double y, double xL, double xR, double dx, double x0, double relative_accuracy)
319 //Purpose:
320 // Return x=func^(-1)(y) using Newton method.
321 // -- func: double 1-argument function to be inverted
322 // -- xL: left boundary (for numeric derivative)
323 // -- xR: right boundary (for numeric derivative)
324 // -- dx: step (for numeric derivative)
325 // -- x0: initial value
326 // -- y: the value to be inverted
327 // -- Returns inverted value
328 //Solve: f(x)=0 with f(x)=table(x)-y => f'(x)=table'(x)
329 {
330  double accuracy;
331  int tolerance;
333  double XX1, XX2; // used in iterations
334  double F0, F1, F2, F3, X1, X2; // intermedia variables
335  int impatience; // number of iterations
338  // initialize parameters
339  accuracy = dx*relative_accuracy;
341  tolerance = 60;
342  impatience = 0;
344  // initial value, left point and midxle point
345  XX2 = x0;
346  XX1 = XX2-10*accuracy; // this value 10*accuracy is meanless, just to make sure the check in the while statement goes through
348  while (abs(XX2-XX1)>accuracy)
349  {
350  XX1 = XX2; // copy values
352  // value of function at XX
353  F0 = (*func)(XX1) - y; // the value of the function at this point
355  // decide X1 and X2 for differentiation
356  if (XX1>xL+dx)
357  X1 = XX1 - dx;
358  else
359  X1 = xL;
361  if (XX1<xR-dx)
362  X2 = XX1 + dx;
363  else
364  X2 = xR;
366  // get values at X1 and X2
367  F1 = (*func)(X1);
368  F2 = (*func)(X2);
369  F3 = (F1-F2)/(X1-X2); // derivative at XX1
371  XX2 = XX1 - F0/F3; // Newton's mysterious method
373  impatience = impatience + 1;
374  //cout << "impatience=" << impatience << endl;
375  if (impatience>tolerance)
376  {
377  cout << "invertFunc: " << "max number of iterations reached." << endl;
378  exit(-1);
379  }
381  } // <=> abs(XX2-XX1)>accuracy
383  return XX2;
384 }
388 //**********************************************************************
389 vector<double> *zq_x_global, *zq_y_global;
391 double invertTableDirect(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double y0, double x0, double relative_accuracy)
392 // Return x0=y^(-1)(y0) for y=y(x); use interpCubic and invertFunc.
393 // -- x,y: the independent and dependent variables. x is assumed to be equal-spaced.
394 // -- y0: where the inversion should be performed.
395 // -- x0: initial guess
396 {
397  long size = x->size();
398  if (size==1) return (*y)[0];
399  zq_x_global = x; zq_y_global = y;
400  return invertFunc(&invertTableDirect_hook, y0, (*x)[0], (*x)[size-1], (*x)[1]-(*x)[0], x0, relative_accuracy);
401 }
406 //**********************************************************************
407 vector<double> stringToDoubles(string str)
408 // Return a vector of doubles from the string "str". "str" should
409 // be a string containing a line of data.
410 {
411  stringstream sst(str+" "); // add a blank at the end so the last data will be read
412  vector<double> valueList;
413  double val;
414  sst >> val;
415  while (sst.eof()==false)
416  {
417  valueList.push_back(val);
418  sst >> val;
419  }
420  return valueList;
421 }
424 //**********************************************************************
425 double stringToDouble(string str)
426 // Return the 1st doubles number read from the string "str". "str" should be a string containing a line of data.
427 {
428  stringstream sst(str+" "); // add a blank at the end so the last data will be read
429  double val;
430  sst >> val;
431  return val;
432 }
436 //**********************************************************************
437 vector< vector<double>* >* readBlockData(istream &stream_in)
438 // Return a nested vector of vector<double>* object. Each column of data
439 // is stored in a vector<double> array and the collection is the returned
440 // object. Data are read from the input stream "stream_in". Each line
441 // of data is processed by the stringToDoubles function. Note that the
442 // data block is dynamicall allocated and is not release within the
443 // function.
444 // Note that all "vectors" are "new" so don't forget to delete them.
445 // Warning that also check if the last line is read correctly. Some files
446 // are not endded properly and the last line is not read.
447 {
448  vector< vector<double>* >* data;
449  vector<double> valuesInEachLine;
450  long lineSize;
451  long i; // temp variable
452  char buffer[99999]; // each line should be shorter than this
454  // first line:
455  stream_in.getline(buffer,99999);
456  valuesInEachLine = stringToDoubles(buffer);
457  // see if it is empty:
458  lineSize = valuesInEachLine.size();
459  if (lineSize==0)
460  {
461  // empty:
462  cout << "readBlockData warning: input stream has empty first row; no data read" << endl;
463  return NULL;
464  }
465  else
466  {
467  // not empty; allocate memory:
468  data = new vector< vector<double>* >(lineSize);
469  for (i=0; i<lineSize; i++) (*data)[i] = new vector<double>;
470  }
472  // rest of the lines:
473  while (stream_in.eof()==false)
474  {
475  // set values:
476  for (i=0; i<lineSize; i++) (*(*data)[i]).push_back(valuesInEachLine[i]);
477  // next line:
478  stream_in.getline(buffer,99999);
479  valuesInEachLine = stringToDoubles(buffer);
480  }
482  return data;
483 }
486 //**********************************************************************
487 void releaseBlockData(vector< vector<double>* >* data)
488 // Use to delete the data block allocated by readBlockData function.
489 {
490  if (data)
491  {
492  for (unsigned long i=0; i<data->size(); i++) delete (*data)[i];
493  delete data;
494  }
495 }
498 //**********************************************************************
499 // From Wikipedia --- the free encyclopeida
500 //
501 // Recursive auxiliary function for adaptiveSimpsons() function below
502 //
503 double adaptiveSimpsonsAux(double (*f)(double), double a, double b, double epsilon,
504  double S, double fa, double fb, double fc, int bottom) {
505  double c = (a + b)/2, h = b - a;
506  double d = (a + c)/2, e = (c + b)/2;
507  double fd = f(d), fe = f(e);
508  double Sleft = (h/12)*(fa + 4*fd + fc);
509  double Sright = (h/12)*(fc + 4*fe + fb);
510  double S2 = Sleft + Sright;
511  if (bottom <= 0 || fabs(S2 - S) <= 15*epsilon)
512  return S2 + (S2 - S)/15;
513  return adaptiveSimpsonsAux(f, a, c, epsilon/2, Sleft, fa, fc, fd, bottom-1) +
514  adaptiveSimpsonsAux(f, c, b, epsilon/2, Sright, fc, fb, fe, bottom-1);
515 }
516 //
517 // Adaptive Simpson's Rule
518 //
519 double adaptiveSimpsons(double (*f)(double), // ptr to function
520  double a, double b, // interval [a,b]
521  double epsilon, // error tolerance
522  int maxRecursionDepth) { // recursion cap
523  double c = (a + b)/2, h = b - a;
524  double fa = f(a), fb = f(b), fc = f(c);
525  double S = (h/6)*(fa + 4*fc + fb);
526  return adaptiveSimpsonsAux(f, a, b, epsilon, S, fa, fb, fc, maxRecursionDepth);
527 }
530 //**********************************************************************
531 double qiu_simpsons(double (*f)(double), // ptr to function
532  double a, double b, // interval [a,b]
533  double epsilon, int maxRecursionDepth) // recursion maximum
534 // My version of the adaptive simpsons integration method.
535 {
536  double f_1=f(a)+f(b), f_2=0., f_4=0.; // sum of values of f(x) that will be weighted by 1, 2, 4 respectively, depending on where x is
537  double sum_previous=0., sum_current=0.; // previous and current sum (intgrated value)
539  long count = 1; // how many new mid-points are there
540  double length = (b-a), // helf length of the interval
541  step = length/count; // mid-points are located at a+(i+0.5)*step, i=0..count-1
543  int currentRecursionDepth = 1;
545  f_4 = f(a+0.5*step); // mid point of [a,b]
546  sum_current = (length/6)*(f_1 + f_2*2. + f_4*4.); // get the current sum
548  do
549  {
550  sum_previous = sum_current; // record the old sum
551  f_2 += f_4; // old mid-points with weight 4 will be new mid-points with weight 2
553  count*=2; // increase number of mid-points
554  step/=2.0; // decrease jumping step by half
555  f_4 = 0.; // prepare to sum up f_4
556  for (int i=0; i<count; i++) f_4 += f(a+step*(i+0.5)); // sum up f_4
558  sum_current = (length/6/count)*(f_1 + f_2*2. + f_4*4.); // calculate current sum
559  //cout << sum_current << endl;
561  if (currentRecursionDepth>maxRecursionDepth)
562  {
563  cout << endl << "Warning qiu_simpsons: maximum recursion depth reached!" << endl << endl;
564  break; // safety treatment
565  }
566  else currentRecursionDepth++;
568  } while (abs(sum_current-sum_previous)>epsilon);
570  return sum_current;
571 }
573 //**********************************************************************
574 double qiu_simpsonsRel(double (*f)(double), // ptr to function
575  double a, double b, // interval [a,b]
576  double epsilon, int maxRecursionDepth) // recursion maximum
577 // My version of the adaptive simpsons integration method.
578 {
579  double f_1=f(a)+f(b), f_2=0., f_4=0.; // sum of values of f(x) that will be weighted by 1, 2, 4 respectively, depending on where x is
580  double sum_previous=0., sum_current=0.; // previous and current sum (intgrated value)
582  long count = 1; // how many new mid-points are there
583  double length = (b-a), // helf length of the interval
584  step = length/count; // mid-points are located at a+(i+0.5)*step, i=0..count-1
586  int currentRecursionDepth = 1;
588  f_4 = f(a+0.5*step); // mid point of [a,b]
589  sum_current = (length/6)*(f_1 + f_2*2. + f_4*4.); // get the current sum
591  do
592  {
593  sum_previous = sum_current; // record the old sum
594  f_2 += f_4; // old mid-points with weight 4 will be new mid-points with weight 2
596  count*=2; // increase number of mid-points
597  step/=2.0; // decrease jumping step by half
598  f_4 = 0.; // prepare to sum up f_4
599  for (int i=0; i<count; i++) f_4 += f(a+step*(i+0.5)); // sum up f_4
601  sum_current = (length/6/count)*(f_1 + f_2*2. + f_4*4.); // calculate current sum
602  //cout << sum_current << endl;
604  if (currentRecursionDepth>maxRecursionDepth)
605  {
606  cout << endl << "Warning qiu_simpsons: maximum recursion depth reached!" << endl << endl;
607  break; // safety treatment
608  }
609  else currentRecursionDepth++;
611  } while (abs(sum_current-sum_previous)/(sum_current-sum_previous)>epsilon);
613  return sum_current;
614 }
617 //**********************************************************************
618 string toLower(string str)
619 // Convert all character in string to lower case
620 {
621  string tmp = str;
622  for (string::iterator it=tmp.begin(); it<=tmp.end(); it++) *it = tolower(*it);
623  return tmp;
624 }
626 //**********************************************************************
627 string trim(string str)
628 // Convert all character in string to lower case
629 {
630  string tmp = str;
631  long number_of_char = 0;
632  for (size_t ii=0; ii<str.size(); ii++)
633  if (str[ii]!=' ' && str[ii]!='\t')
634  {
635  tmp[number_of_char]=str[ii];
636  number_of_char++;
637  }
638  tmp.resize(number_of_char);
639  return tmp;
640 }
643 //**********************************************************************
644 long binarySearch(vector<double>* A, double value, bool skip_out_of_range)
645 // Return the index of the largest number less than value in the list A
646 // using binary search. Index starts with 0.
647 // If skip_out_of_range is set to true, then it will return -1 for those
648 // samples that are out of the table range.
649 {
650  int length = A->size();
651  int idx_i, idx_f, idx;
652  idx_i = 0;
653  idx_f = length-1;
654  if(value > (*A)[idx_f])
655  {
656  if (skip_out_of_range) return -1;
657  cout << "binarySearch: desired value is too large, exceeding the end of the table." << endl;
658  exit(-1);
659  }
660  if(value < (*A)[idx_i])
661  {
662  if (skip_out_of_range) return -1;
663  cout << "binarySearch: desired value is too small, exceeding the beginning of table." << endl;
664  exit(-1);
665  }
666  idx = (int) floor((idx_f+idx_i)/2.);
667  while((idx_f-idx_i) > 1)
668  {
669  if((*A)[idx] < value)
670  idx_i = idx;
671  else
672  idx_f = idx;
673  idx = (int) floor((idx_f+idx_i)/2.);
674  }
675  return(idx_i);
676 }
679 //**********************************************************************
680 long double gamma_function(long double x)
681 // gamma.cpp -- computation of gamma function.
682 // Algorithms and coefficient values from "Computation of Special
683 // Functions", Zhang and Jin, John Wiley and Sons, 1996.
684 // Returns gamma function of argument 'x'.
685 //
686 // NOTE: Returns 1e308 if argument is a negative integer or 0,
687 // or if argument exceeds 171.
688 {
689  int i,k,m;
690  long double ga,gr,r=0,z;
692  static long double g[] = {
693  1.0,
694  0.5772156649015329,
695  -0.6558780715202538,
696  -0.420026350340952e-1,
697  0.1665386113822915,
698  -0.421977345555443e-1,
699  -0.9621971527877e-2,
700  0.7218943246663e-2,
701  -0.11651675918591e-2,
702  -0.2152416741149e-3,
703  0.1280502823882e-3,
704  -0.201348547807e-4,
705  -0.12504934821e-5,
706  0.1133027232e-5,
707  -0.2056338417e-6,
708  0.6116095e-8,
709  0.50020075e-8,
710  -0.11812746e-8,
711  0.1043427e-9,
712  0.77823e-11,
713  -0.36968e-11,
714  0.51e-12,
715  -0.206e-13,
716  -0.54e-14,
717  0.14e-14};
719  if (x > 171.0) return 1e308; // This value is an overflow flag.
720  if (x == (int)x) {
721  if (x > 0.0) {
722  ga = 1.0; // use factorial
723  for (i=2;i<x;i++) {
724  ga *= i;
725  }
726  }
727  else
728  ga = 1e308;
729  }
730  else {
731  if (fabs(x) > 1.0) {
732  z = fabs(x);
733  m = (int)z;
734  r = 1.0;
735  for (k=1;k<=m;k++) {
736  r *= (z-k);
737  }
738  z -= m;
739  }
740  else
741  z = x;
742  gr = g[24];
743  for (k=23;k>=0;k--) {
744  gr = gr*z+g[k];
745  }
746  ga = 1.0/(gr*z);
747  if (fabs(x) > 1.0) {
748  ga *= r;
749  if (x < 0.0) {
750  ga = -M_PI/(x*ga*sin(M_PI*x));
751  }
752  }
753  }
754  return ga;
755 }
762 //**********************************************************************
763 long double log_gamma_function(long double x)
764 // Return ln(Gamma(x)).
765 // Courtesy to
766 // This funcion is under GP license.
767 {
768  if (x <= 0 || x > XBIG)
769  return HUGE_VAL;
771  if (x <= MACHINE_EPSILON)
772  return -log(x);
774  if (x <= 4)
775  {
776  double
777  p1[8] =
778  {
779  4.945235359296727046734888E+00, 2.018112620856775083915565E+02, 2.290838373831346393026739E+03,
780  1.131967205903380828685045E+04, 2.855724635671635335736389E+04, 3.848496228443793359990269E+04,
781  2.637748787624195437963534E+04, 7.225813979700288197698961E+03
782  },
783  q1[8] =
784  {
785  6.748212550303777196073036E+01, 1.113332393857199323513008E+03, 7.738757056935398733233834E+03,
786  2.763987074403340708898585E+04, 5.499310206226157329794414E+04, 6.161122180066002127833352E+04,
787  3.635127591501940507276287E+04, 8.785536302431013170870835E+03
788  },
789  p2[8] =
790  {
791  4.974607845568932035012064E+00, 5.424138599891070494101986E+02, 1.550693864978364947665077E+04,
792  1.847932904445632425417223E+05, 1.088204769468828767498470E+06, 3.338152967987029735917223E+06,
793  5.106661678927352456275255E+06, 3.074109054850539556250927E+06
794  },
795  q2[8] =
796  {
797  1.830328399370592604055942E+02, 7.765049321445005871323047E+03, 1.331903827966074194402448E+05,
798  1.136705821321969608938755E+06, 5.267964117437946917577538E+06, 1.346701454311101692290052E+07,
799  1.782736530353274213975932E+07, 9.533095591844353613395747E+06
800  };
802  double corr = x >= PNT68 ? 0 : -log(x);
803  double xden = 1, xnum = 0, xm = x <= 1.5 ? (x > 0.5 ? x - 1 : x) : x - 2;
804  bool flag = false;
805  if (x <= 1.5 && (x <= 0.5 || x >= PNT68)) flag = true;
806  double *p = flag ? p1 : p2, *q = flag ? q1 : q2;
808  xnum = xnum * xm + p[0], xden = xden * xm + q[0];
809  xnum = xnum * xm + p[1], xden = xden * xm + q[1];
810  xnum = xnum * xm + p[2], xden = xden * xm + q[2];
811  xnum = xnum * xm + p[3], xden = xden * xm + q[3];
812  xnum = xnum * xm + p[4], xden = xden * xm + q[4];
813  xnum = xnum * xm + p[5], xden = xden * xm + q[5];
814  xnum = xnum * xm + p[6], xden = xden * xm + q[6];
815  xnum = xnum * xm + p[7], xden = xden * xm + q[7];
817  return (x > 1.5 ? 0 : corr) + xm * ((flag ? D1 : D2) + xm * (xnum / xden));
818  }
820  if (x <= 12)
821  {
822  double xm = x - 4, xden = -1, xnum = 0,
823  p[8] =
824  {
825  1.474502166059939948905062E+04, 2.426813369486704502836312E+06, 1.214755574045093227939592E+08,
826  2.663432449630976949898078E+09, 2.940378956634553899906876E+010,1.702665737765398868392998E+011,
827  4.926125793377430887588120E+011, 5.606251856223951465078242E+011
828  },
829  q[8] =
830  {
831  2.690530175870899333379843E+03, 6.393885654300092398984238E+05, 4.135599930241388052042842E+07,
832  1.120872109616147941376570E+09, 1.488613728678813811542398E+010, 1.016803586272438228077304E+011,
833  3.417476345507377132798597E+011, 4.463158187419713286462081E+011
834  };
836  xnum = xnum * xm + p[0], xden = xden * xm + q[0];
837  xnum = xnum * xm + p[1], xden = xden * xm + q[1];
838  xnum = xnum * xm + p[2], xden = xden * xm + q[2];
839  xnum = xnum * xm + p[3], xden = xden * xm + q[3];
840  xnum = xnum * xm + p[4], xden = xden * xm + q[4];
841  xnum = xnum * xm + p[5], xden = xden * xm + q[5];
842  xnum = xnum * xm + p[6], xden = xden * xm + q[6];
843  xnum = xnum * xm + p[7], xden = xden * xm + q[7];
845  return D4 + xm * (xnum / xden);
846  }
848  double res = 0;
849  if (x <= FRTBIG)
850  {
851  double xsq = x * x,
852  c[7] =
853  {
854  -1.910444077728E-03, 8.4171387781295E-04, -5.952379913043012E-04, 7.93650793500350248E-04,
855  -2.777777777777681622553E-03, 8.333333333333333331554247E-02, 5.7083835261E-03
856  };
857  res = c[6];
858  res = res / xsq + c[0];
859  res = res / xsq + c[1];
860  res = res / xsq + c[2];
861  res = res / xsq + c[3];
862  res = res / xsq + c[4];
863  res = res / xsq + c[5];
864  }
865  double corr = log(x);
866  res /= x, res += SQRTPI - corr / 2 + x * (corr - 1);
867  return res;
868 }
874 //**********************************************************************
875 double beta_function(double x, double y)
876 // B(x,y):=Gamma(x)Gamma(y)/Gamma(x+y)
877 {
879 }
885 //**********************************************************************
886 double binomial_coefficient(double n, double k)
887 // Returns the binomial coefficient
888 // C_n^k := Gamma(n+1) / (Gamma(k+1)*Gamma(n-k+1))
889 {
890  return 1.0/(n+1)/beta_function(k+1,n-k+1);
891 }
897 //**********************************************************************
898 void print_progressbar(double percentage, int length, string symbol)
899 // Print out a progress bar with the given percentage. Use a negative value to reset the progress bar.
900 {
901  static int status=0;
902  static int previous_stop=0;
904  if (percentage<0)
905  {
906  // reset
907  status = 0;
908  previous_stop = 0;
909  }
911  // initializing progressbar
912  if (status==0)
913  {
914  cout << "\r";
915  cout << "[";
916  for (int i=1; i<=length; i++) cout << " ";
917  cout << "]";
918  cout << "\r";
919  cout << "[";
920  }
922  // plot status
923  int stop;
924  if (percentage>=0.99) stop=0.99*length;
925  else stop = percentage*length;
926  for (int i=previous_stop; i<stop; i++) cout << symbol;
927  if (previous_stop<stop) previous_stop=stop;
929  // simulate a rotating bar
930  if (status==0) cout << "-";
931  switch (status)
932  {
933  case 1: cout << "\\"; break;
934  case 2: cout << "|"; break;
935  case 3: cout << "/"; break;
936  case 4: cout << "-"; break;
937  }
938  cout << "\b";
939  status++;
940  if (status==5) status=1;
941  cout.flush();
942 }
945 //**********************************************************************
946 void formatedPrint(ostream& os, int count, ...)
947 // For easier scientific data outputing.
948 {
949  va_list ap;
950  va_start(ap, count); //Requires the last fixed parameter (to get the address)
951  for(int j=0; j<count; j++)
952  os << scientific << setprecision(OUTPUT_PRECISION) << " " << va_arg(ap, double); //Requires the type to cast to. Increments ap to the next argument.
953  va_end(ap);
954  os << endl;
955 }
959 //**********************************************************************
960 void display_logo(int which)
961 // Personal amusement.
962 {
963  switch (which)
964  {
965  case 1:
966  cout << " ____ ____ _ " << endl;
967  cout << "|_ || _| (_) " << endl;
968  cout << " | |__| | .---. __ _ .--. ____ " << endl;
969  cout << " | __ | / /__\\\\ [ | [ `.-. | [_ ] " << endl;
970  cout << " _| | | |_ | \\__., | | | | | | .' /_ " << endl;
971  cout << "|____||____| '.__.' [___] [___||__] [_____]" << endl;
972  cout << " " << endl;
973  break;
975  case 2:
976  cout << "::: ::: :::::::::: ::::::::::: :::: ::: :::::::::" << endl;
977  cout << ":+: :+: :+: :+: :+:+: :+: :+: " << endl;
978  cout << "+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ :+:+:+ +:+ +:+ " << endl;
979  cout << "+#++:++#++ +#++:++# +#+ +#+ +:+ +#+ +#+ " << endl;
980  cout << "+#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+# +#+ " << endl;
981  cout << "#+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+#+# #+# " << endl;
982  cout << "### ### ########## ########### ### #### #########" << endl;
983  break;
985  case 3:
986  cout << " __ __ ______ __ __ __ _____ " << endl;
987  cout << "/\\ \\_\\ \\ /\\ ___\\ /\\ \\ /\\ '-.\\ \\ /\\___ \\ " << endl;
988  cout << "\\ \\ __ \\ \\ \\ __\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\-. \\ \\/_/ /__ " << endl;
989  cout << " \\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\\\'\\_\\ /\\_____\\" << endl;
990  cout << " \\/_/\\/_/ \\/_____/ \\/_/ \\/_/ \\/_/ \\/_____/" << endl;
991  break;
993  }
995 }
999 //**********************************************************************
1000 void GaussLegendre_getWeight(int npts,double* xg,double* wg, double A, double B, int iop)
1001 // Calculate the sampling location and weight for Gauss-Legendre quadrature
1002 // -- From Hirano and Nara's MC-KLN code.
1003 {
1004 //ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
1005 // gauss.f: Points and weights for Gaussian quadrature c
1006 // c
1007 // taken from: "Projects in Computational Physics" by Landau and Paez c
1008 // copyrighted by John Wiley and Sons, New York c
1009 // c
1010 // written by: Oregon State University Nuclear Theory Group c
1011 // Guangliang He & Rubin H. Landau c
1012 // supported by: US National Science Foundation, Northwest Alliance c
1013 // for Computational Science and Engineering (NACSE), c
1014 // US Department of Energy c
1015 // c
1016 // comment: error message occurs if subroutine called without a main c
1017 // comment: this file has to reside in the same directory as integ.c c
1018 //ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
1020  static const double EPS = 3.0e-14;
1021  int m=(npts+1)/2;
1022  for(int i=0;i<m;i++) {
1023  double t=cos(M_PI*(i+1-0.25)/(npts+0.5));
1024  double t1=t;
1025  double pp;
1026  do {
1027  double p1=1.0;
1028  double p2=0.0;
1029  double aj=0.0;
1030  for(int j=0;j<npts;j++) {
1031  double p3=p2;
1032  p2=p1;
1033  aj += 1.0;
1034  p1=((2.0*aj-1.0)*t*p2-(aj-1.0)*p3)/aj;
1035  }
1036  pp=npts*(t*p1-p2)/(t*t-1.0);
1037  t1=t;
1038  t=t1-p1/pp;
1039  } while(abs(t-t1)>EPS);
1040  xg[i]=-t;
1041  xg[npts-1-i]=t;
1042  wg[i]=2.0/((1.0-t*t)*pp*pp);
1043  wg[npts-1-i]=wg[i];
1044  }
1046 //GaussLegendre::GaussRange(int N,int iop,double A,double B,
1047 // double* xg1,double* wg1)
1048 //{
1049 // transform gausspoints to other range than [-1;1]
1050 // iop = 1 [A,B] uniform
1051 // iop = 2 [0,inf] A is midpoint
1052 // opt = 3 [-inf,inf] scale is A
1053 // opt = 4 [B,inf] A+2B is midoint
1054 // opt = 5 [0,B] AB/(A+B)+ is midoint
1056  int N=npts;
1057  double xp, wp;
1058  for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
1059  if(iop == 1) {
1060  //...... A to B
1061  xp=(B+A)/2+(B-A)/2*xg[i];
1062  wp=(B-A)/2*wg[i];
1063  } else if(iop == -1) {
1064  //...... A to B
1065  xp=(B+A)/2+(B-A)/2*xg[i];
1066  if(i <= N/2)
1067  xp=(A+B)/2-(xp-A);
1068  else
1069  xp=(A+B)/2+(B-xp);
1070  wp=(B-A)/2*wg[i];
1071  } else if(iop == 2) {
1072  //...... zero to infinity
1073  xp=A*(1+xg[i])/(1-xg[i]);
1074  double tmp=(1-xg[i]);
1075  wp=2.*A/(tmp*tmp)*wg[i];
1076  } else if(iop == 3) {
1077  //...... -inf to inf scale A
1078  xp=A*(xg[i])/(1-xg[i]*xg[i]);
1079  double tmp=1-xg[i]*xg[i];
1080  wp=A*(1+xg[i]*xg[i])/(tmp*tmp)*wg[i];
1081  } else if(iop == 4) {
1082  //...... B to inf, A+2B is midoint
1083  xp=(A+2*B+A*xg[i])/(1-xg[i]);
1084  double tmp=1-xg[i];
1085  wp=2.*(B+A)/(tmp*tmp)*wg[i];
1086  } else if(iop == 5) {
1087  //...... -A to A , scale B
1088  //xp=A*pow(abs(xg[i]),B) *sign(1.0,xg(i));
1089  double tmp = xg[i] >= 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
1090  xp=A*pow(abs(xg[i]),B) * tmp;
1091  //xp=A*pow(abs(xg[i]),B) *sign(1.0,xg(i));
1092  wp=A*B*pow(abs(xg[i]),(B-1))*wg[i];
1093  } else if(iop == 6) {
1094  //...... 0 to B , AB/(A+B) is midpoint
1095  xp=A*B*(1+xg[i])/(B+A-(B-A)*xg[i]);
1096  double tmp = B+A-(B-A)*xg[i];
1097  wp=2*A*B*B/(tmp*tmp)*wg[i];
1098  } else {
1099  cerr << " invalid option iop = " << iop << endl;
1100  exit(-1);
1101  }
1102  xg[i]=xp;
1103  wg[i]=wp;
1104  }
1105 }
1111 //**********************************************************************
1112 void get_bin_average_and_count(istream& is, ostream& os, vector<double>* bins, long col_to_bin, void (*func)(vector<double>*), long wanted_data_columns, bool silence)
1113 // Group data into bins by set by the "bins". The data in the column
1114 // "col_to_bin" read from "is" are the ones used to determine the binning.
1115 // Once the binning is decided, the averages of all data are calculated.
1116 // The result, which has the same number of rows and the number of bins,
1117 // will be outputted to "os". The i-th line of the output data contains the
1118 // average of data from each column, for the i-th bin. The output will
1119 // have 2 more columns; the 1st being the number count N and the 2nd being
1120 // dN/dx where dx is the bin width.
1121 // The values given in "bins" define the boundaries of bins and is assumed
1122 // to be non-decreasing.
1123 // After each line is decided to go into which bin, the function specified
1124 // by "func" will be called to transform data. It is the transformed data
1125 // that will be averaged. The transformed data can have different number of
1126 // columns than the data passed in, in which case its number of columns
1127 // is specified by "wanted_data_columns". The counting info will still
1128 // be always written in the last two columns.
1129 // The function specified by "func" should accepts a vector of doubles
1130 // which is one line of data, and then modify it as returned result. The
1131 // data vector passed in already has the desired length so it can be modified
1132 // directly.
1133 // The argument "col_to_bin" starts with 1.
1134 // Refer also to getBinnedAverageAndCount MATLAB program.
1135 {
1136  // initialization
1137  char* buffer = new char[99999]; // each line should be shorter than this
1138  // get first line and continue initialization
1139  is.getline(buffer, 99999);
1140  vector<double> line_data = stringToDoubles(buffer);
1141  long number_of_cols = line_data.size();
1142  long number_of_bins = bins->size()-1;
1144  if (number_of_cols==0)
1145  {
1146  cout << "get_bin_average_and_count error: the input data is empty!" << endl;
1147  exit(-1);
1148  }
1150  // create the counting array
1151  if (wanted_data_columns>0) number_of_cols = wanted_data_columns;
1152  double bin_total_and_count[number_of_bins][number_of_cols+2];
1153  for (long i=0; i<number_of_bins; i++)
1154  for (long j=0; j<number_of_cols+2; j++)
1155  {
1156  bin_total_and_count[i][j] = 0;
1157  }
1159  // add up all data
1160  long number_of_lines=1;
1161  while (is.eof()==false)
1162  {
1163  // determine which bin
1164  long bin_idx = binarySearch(bins, line_data[col_to_bin-1], true);
1165  if (bin_idx!=-1)
1166  {
1167  // transform data
1168  line_data.resize(number_of_cols, 0);
1169  if (func) (*func) (&line_data);
1170  // add to the counting matrix
1171  for (long j=0; j<number_of_cols; j++) bin_total_and_count[bin_idx][j] += line_data[j];
1172  // also the counting column
1173  bin_total_and_count[bin_idx][number_of_cols] ++;
1174  }
1175  // next iteration
1176  is.getline(buffer, 99999);
1177  line_data = stringToDoubles(buffer);
1178  if (number_of_lines % 100000 == 0 && !silence) cout << "Line " << number_of_lines << " reached." << endl;
1179  number_of_lines++;
1180  }
1182  // find the averages
1183  for (long i=0; i<number_of_bins; i++)
1184  for (long j=0; j<number_of_cols; j++)
1185  {
1186  if (bin_total_and_count[i][number_of_cols]<1e-15) continue;
1187  bin_total_and_count[i][j] /= bin_total_and_count[i][number_of_cols];
1188  }
1191  // get dN/(d bin_width)
1192  for (long i=0; i<number_of_bins; i++)
1193  {
1194  if (bin_total_and_count[i][number_of_cols]<1e-15) continue;
1195  bin_total_and_count[i][number_of_cols+1] = bin_total_and_count[i][number_of_cols]/((*bins)[i+1]-(*bins)[i]);
1196  }
1198  // output
1199  for (long i=0; i<number_of_bins; i++)
1200  {
1201  for (long j=0; j<number_of_cols+2; j++)
1202  {
1203  os << scientific << scientific << setprecision(OUTPUT_PRECISION) << bin_total_and_count[i][j] << " ";
1204  }
1205  os << endl;
1206  }
1208 }