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matchedfilter.C File Reference

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#define PRECISION_COEFF   1./64.
#define SMAL_UNDEF   1.0e-99
#define ALevel   100.0
#define NNX   400
#define NN   128;
#define grf_NPTS   15
#define grf_NY   8
#define NCorr   256
#define UNIPOLAR   0
#define BIPOLAR   1
#define RECTANGULAR   2
#define GAUSS   3
#define STRIANGLE   4
#define RTRIANGLE   5
#define UTRIANGLE   6
#define UNKNOWN_SHAPE   7


void init (UChar_t nsamples=16, UChar_t sigshape=0)
Double_t shape (Double_t xx)
Double_t fshape (Double_t *xx, Double_t *par)
Double_t fshapeACorr (Double_t *xx, Double_t *par)
Double_t difup (Double_t *xx, Double_t *par)
void show (Double_t *xx, Int_t nn=200, Char_t *xname=NULL, Char_t *yname=NULL, Int_t lcolor=kBlue, Int_t mstyle=kStar, Double_t msize=0.75)
void showsig (Double_t ampl, Double_t position, Double_t length, Char_t *fname=NULL)
Double_t rms (Double_t *xx, Int_t nn=NX)
Double_t meanw (Double_t *xx, Int_t pos, Int_t nn)
void setSample (Double_t shift, Double_t noise_rms=10.)
Double_t round (Double_t x)
void go ()
Double_t series (Double_t pos, Double_t noise, Int_t ntry, Int_t nscans=1, Int_t acorr=1)
void nfits (Double_t pos, Double_t noise, Int_t ntry)
void saveCorrections ()
void doSeries (Double_t pos=50., Int_t ntry=100)
void getCoeffs ()
void roundCoeffs (Double_t precision=1./64.)
void showShape ()
void clearCorrections ()
void getCorrections ()
void showAutocorrelation ()


Int_t NX = NNX
Double_t x [NNX]
Double_t y [NNX]
Double_t yma [NNX]
Double_t dy [NNX]
Double_t dyma [NNX]
Double_t s [NNX]
Double_t v [NNX]
Double_t ni [NNX]
Double_t gmax
Double_t gmaxx
Double_t tau =0.
Double_t ymax =0.
Int_t quiet = 0
Int_t N
Double_t fN
Double_t g [NN]
Double_t gma [NN]
Double_t norm
Double_t norm_ma
Double_t gpos
Double_t gnoise
Int_t npars = 2
Double_t pars [] = {1.,0.,0,0}
Double_t serY [grf_NY]
Double_t grf_x [grf_NPTS] = {2000.,1000.,500.,200.,80.,60.,40.,30.,20.,10.,7.,5.,4.,2.5,2.0}
Double_t grf_y [grf_NY][grf_NPTS]
Double_t grf_ey [grf_NY][grf_NPTS]
Double_t grf_ex [grf_NPTS]
Char_t * grf_name [grf_NY]
TGraph * gr = 0
TF1 * gf
Double_t serCorr [2][NCorr]
Double_t aCorr [NCorr]
Double_t tCorr [NCorr]
TCanvas * gCnv =NULL
Int_t SigShape
TCanvas * gCanv [5]
TRandom grand
TCanvas * fc [grf_NY]
TGraphErrors * fg [grf_NY]

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ALevel   100.0

Definition at line 22 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 22 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by doSeries(), nfits(), series(), setSample(), and showShape().

#define BIPOLAR   1

Definition at line 69 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 69 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by fshape(), and init().

#define GAUSS   3

Definition at line 71 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 71 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by fshape(), and init().

#define grf_NPTS   15

Definition at line 40 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 40 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by doSeries().

#define grf_NY   8

Definition at line 41 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 41 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by doSeries().

#define NCorr   256

Definition at line 61 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 61 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by clearCorrections(), getCorrections(), saveCorrections(), series(), and showAutocorrelation().


Definition at line 77 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 77 of file matchedfilter.C

#define NN   128;

Definition at line 32 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 32 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by getCorrections(), and init().

#define NNX   400

Definition at line 24 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 24 of file matchedfilter.C

#define PRECISION_COEFF   1./64.

Definition at line 17 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 17 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by init().

#define RECTANGULAR   2

Definition at line 70 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 70 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by fshape(), and init().

#define RTRIANGLE   5

Definition at line 73 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 73 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by fshape().

#define SMAL_UNDEF   1.0e-99

Definition at line 21 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 21 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by clearCorrections(), and saveCorrections().

#define STRIANGLE   4

Definition at line 72 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 72 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by fshape().

#define UNIPOLAR   0

Definition at line 68 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 68 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by fshape(), and init().

#define UNKNOWN_SHAPE   7

Definition at line 75 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 75 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by init().

#define UTRIANGLE   6

Definition at line 74 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 74 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by fshape().

Function Documentation

void clearCorrections ( )

Definition at line 722 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 722 of file matchedfilter.C

References aCorr, NCorr, serCorr, SMAL_UNDEF, and tCorr.

Referenced by getCorrections().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Double_t difup ( Double_t *  xx,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 206 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 206 of file matchedfilter.C

References fN.

void doSeries ( Double_t  pos = 50.,
Int_t  ntry = 100 

Definition at line 563 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 563 of file matchedfilter.C

References ALevel, fc, fg, grf_ex, grf_ey, grf_name, grf_NPTS, grf_NY, grf_x, grf_y, ntry, Acts::Test::pos, series(), serY, and SetTitle().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Double_t fshape ( Double_t *  xx,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 153 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 153 of file matchedfilter.C


Referenced by fshapeACorr(), getCoeffs(), shape(), and showsig().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Double_t fshapeACorr ( Double_t *  xx,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 191 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 191 of file matchedfilter.C

References fshape(), and par0.

Referenced by showAutocorrelation().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void getCoeffs ( )

Definition at line 644 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 644 of file matchedfilter.C

References dy, dyma, fshape(), Acts::UnitConstants::g, gf, gma, gmax, gmaxx, N, norm, norm_ma, npars, pars, shape(), and y.

Referenced by init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void getCorrections ( )

Definition at line 731 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 731 of file matchedfilter.C

References aCorr, clearCorrections(), gCanv, NCorr, NN, saveCorrections(), series(), ambiguity_solver_full_chain::t1, and tCorr.

Referenced by init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void go ( )

Definition at line 320 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 320 of file matchedfilter.C

References dy, dyma, fN, Acts::UnitConstants::g, gma, gpos, meanw(), N, NX, quiet, round(), tau, ambiguity_solver_full_chain::x, y, yma, and ymax.

Referenced by __example_2.f__(), __example_3.f__(), __example_5.f__(), __example_6.f__(), __example_7.f__(), attflv(), attrad(), eix(), eixint(), gmin(), gmre(), hiboost(), hijcsc(), hijels(), hijfrg(), hijhrd(), hijing(), hijset(), hijsft(), hijsrt(), hirnd(), hirnd2(), jetini(), luprep(), parton(), pyhiremn(), pyhistfu(), quench(), romg(), series(), sgmin(), and vegas().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void init ( UChar_t  nsamples = 16,
UChar_t  sigshape = 0 

Definition at line 87 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 87 of file matchedfilter.C

References BIPOLAR, fN, GAUSS, gCanv, gCnv, getCoeffs(), getCorrections(), N, ni, NN, nsamples, NX, PRECISION_COEFF, RECTANGULAR, roundCoeffs(), showAutocorrelation(), showShape(), SigShape, UNIPOLAR, and UNKNOWN_SHAPE.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Double_t meanw ( Double_t *  xx,
Int_t  pos,
Int_t  nn 

Definition at line 271 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 271 of file matchedfilter.C

References Acts::Test::pos.

Referenced by go().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void nfits ( Double_t  pos,
Double_t  noise,
Int_t  ntry 

Definition at line 490 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 490 of file matchedfilter.C

References ALevel, gf, gmax, gr, mean(), ni, Acts::UnitConstants::ns, ntry, pars, quiet, setSample(), sigma, sum(), testSigmaEff::v, and ambiguity_solver_full_chain::x.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Double_t rms ( Double_t *  xx,
Int_t  nn = NX 

Definition at line 254 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 254 of file matchedfilter.C

References fN, sum(), and xmax.

Referenced by LeptoquarksReco::AddJetStructureInformation(), Bias::Bias(), hLabHelper::collect(), DrawCluster_SingleE(), DrawTowerSum_SingleE(), MicromegasRawDataCalibration::End(), estimateResiudalRange(), getMeanRMS(), hijwds(), Load_SF(), Fe55::PlotAvHit(), BbcMon::process_event(), TpotMon::process_event(), MicromegasRawDataDecoder::process_event(), MicromegasCombinedDataDecoder::process_event(), MicromegasCombinedDataEvaluation::process_event(), MicromegasRawDataEvaluation::process_event(), pyrvch(), pyrvgl(), pyrvgw(), pyrvi1(), pyrvi2(), pyrvi3(), pyrvne(), MicromegasCalibrationData::read(), setSample(), tileHelper::tilePattern(), and MicromegasCalibrationData::write().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void roundCoeffs ( Double_t  precision = 1./64.)

Definition at line 686 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 686 of file matchedfilter.C

References Acts::UnitConstants::g, N, and precision.

Referenced by init().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void saveCorrections ( )

Definition at line 525 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 525 of file matchedfilter.C

References aCorr, NCorr, serCorr, serY, SMAL_UNDEF, tCorr, v1, and v2.

Referenced by getCorrections().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Double_t series ( Double_t  pos,
Double_t  noise,
Int_t  ntry,
Int_t  nscans = 1,
Int_t  acorr = 1 

Definition at line 373 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 373 of file matchedfilter.C

References aCorr, ALevel, gmax, go(), gpos, mean(), NCorr, Acts::UnitConstants::ns, ntry, Acts::Test::pos, quiet, serCorr, serY, setSample(), sigma, tau, tCorr, v1, v2, and ymax.

Referenced by doSeries(), Acts::extractSeries(), getCorrections(), and showShape().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setSample ( Double_t  shift,
Double_t  noise_rms = 10. 

Definition at line 285 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 285 of file matchedfilter.C

References ALevel, gmax, gnoise, gpos, grand, N, NX, quiet, rms(), physmon_simulation::s, shape(), testSigmaEff::v, and ambiguity_solver_full_chain::x.

Referenced by nfits(), and series().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Double_t shape ( Double_t  xx)

Definition at line 147 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 147 of file matchedfilter.C

References fshape(), and pars.

Referenced by Acts::Test::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), ActsFatras::BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(), MbdCalib::Download_Shapes(), ABlob::Draw(), getCoeffs(), Acts::TGeoParser::select(), setSample(), and Acts::SurfaceBoundsJsonConverter::toJsonDetray().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void show ( Double_t *  xx,
Int_t  nn = 200,
Char_t *  xname = NULL,
Char_t *  yname = NULL,
Int_t  lcolor = kBlue,
Int_t  mstyle = kStar,
Double_t  msize = 0.75 

Definition at line 217 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 217 of file matchedfilter.C

References gCnv, gr, and ni.

Referenced by showShape().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void showAutocorrelation ( )

Definition at line 769 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 769 of file matchedfilter.C

References fN, fshapeACorr(), gCanv, and NCorr.

Referenced by init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void showShape ( )

Definition at line 696 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 696 of file matchedfilter.C

References ALevel, Acts::UnitConstants::g, gCanv, gmax, gpos, gr, N, pars, series(), show(), showsig(), ambiguity_solver_full_chain::x, and y.

Referenced by init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void showsig ( Double_t  ampl,
Double_t  position,
Double_t  length,
Char_t *  fname = NULL 

Definition at line 240 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 240 of file matchedfilter.C

References INTTVtxZ::fname, and fshape().

Referenced by showShape().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

Double_t aCorr[NCorr]

Definition at line 63 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 63 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by clearCorrections(), getCorrections(), saveCorrections(), and series().

Double_t dy[NNX]

Definition at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by MvtxAlign::AddAlignmentPar(), MvtxPrototype2Align::AddAlignmentPar(), Acts::ConeSurface::alignmentToPathDerivative(), Acts::CylinderSurface::alignmentToPathDerivative(), Fluid::calcTotals(), PHG4MicromegasDetector::construct_micromegas_tile(), Convert2CrossSection(), KFParticleSIMD::Create(), AlignmentTransformation::createMap(), CrossSection2RAA(), CrossSection2v2(), CrossSection2zg(), Coord2D::distance2(), CLVisc::EvolveHydro(), MvtxPrototype2Geom::extractMatrixSensor(), KFParticleFinder::Find2DaughterDecay(), Fluid::Fluid(), SetupDualRICHAnalyzer::get_emission_momentum(), PHG4TpcDistortion::get_y_distortion_cartesian(), getCoeffs(), GPUTPCTrackParam::GetDCAPoint(), GPUTPCTrackParam::GetDist2(), KFParticleBase::GetDistanceFromParticle(), KFParticleBaseSIMD::GetDistanceFromParticle(), KFParticle::GetDistanceFromParticleXY(), KFParticleSIMD::GetDistanceFromParticleXY(), KFParticle::GetDistanceFromVertexXY(), KFParticleSIMD::GetDistanceFromVertexXY(), KFParticleBaseSIMD::GetDistanceToVertexLine(), KFParticleBase::GetDStoParticleBz(), KFParticleBaseSIMD::GetDStoParticleBz(), KFParticleBase::GetDStoPointBz(), KFParticleBaseSIMD::GetDStoPointBz(), ReadLikelihoodD::GetMvaValue__(), KFParticle::GetPseudoProperDecayTime(), KFParticleSIMD::GetPseudoProperDecayTime(), TpcDirectLaserReconstruction::GetRelPhi(), TpcDirectLaserReconstruction::GetRelTheta(), s95p::getSongEps(), EmcCluster::GetSubClusters(), go(), han(), han_BUP2020(), hijcsc(), TrigFTF_GNN_EdgeState< external_spacepoint_t >::initialize(), trento::MinDistNucleus::is_too_close(), PHG4Utils::line_and_rectangle_intersect(), line_circle(), KFParticleSIMD::Load(), AnaMvtxPrototype1::MisalignLayer(), Hydro::NSquant(), trento::NucleonProfile::participate(), phidst_pol(), BEmcRec::PredictEnergy(), BEmcRec::PredictEnergyParam(), BEmcRec::PredictEnergyProb(), TrackSeedTrackMapConverter::process_event(), PHG4BlockCellReco::process_event(), PHG4CylinderCellReco::process_event(), MvtxAlign::process_event(), MvtxPrototype2Align::process_event(), AnaMvtxPrototype1::process_event(), Acts::Legacy::AtlasSeedFinder< SpacePoint >::production3Sp(), PHSimpleKFProp::PropagateTrack(), pymsin(), pyplot(), pyth_xsec(), quench(), radquad_pol(), MvtxAlign::ReadAlignmentParFile(), ReconstructTracks(), Acts::SeedFinderFTF< external_spacepoint_t >::runGNN_TrackFinder(), Acts::TGeoParser::select(), PHG4ParticleGeneratorVectorMeson::set_decay_vertex_offset(), RawTowerGeomv2::set_size_y(), RawTowerGeomv3::set_size_y(), ActsFatras::Particle::setDirection(), Jetscape::InitialState::SetSteps(), DD4hepTestsHelper::surfaceToXML(), TEST(), TEST_CASE(), tile(), tPath(), GPUTPCTrackParam::TransportToX(), Fluid::updateM(), and PHG4ZDCSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction().

Double_t dyma[NNX]

Definition at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by getCoeffs(), and go().

TCanvas* fc[grf_NY]

Definition at line 561 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 561 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by adaptiveSimpsons(), ana_hijbkg(), doSeries(), luzdis(), pyzdis(), and strf().

TGraphErrors* fg[grf_NY]

Definition at line 562 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 562 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by analysis(), ar3jet(), cluster_resolution(), doSeries(), pinit(), process_event(), serai(), and tileHelper::tilePattern().

Double_t fN

Definition at line 34 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 34 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by difup(), fshape(), go(), hLabHelper::hLabHelper(), init(), rms(), and showAutocorrelation().

Double_t g[NN]

Definition at line 35 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 35 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by fjet(), fjetrig(), g(), pycbal(), pycrth(), pydcyk(), pygfxx(), and pytbbn().

TCanvas* gCanv[5]

Definition at line 86 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 86 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by getCorrections(), init(), showAutocorrelation(), and showShape().

TCanvas* gCnv =NULL

Definition at line 64 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 64 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by init(), and show().

TF1* gf

Definition at line 59 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 59 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by getCoeffs(), nfits(), and QPileUpToy::QPileUpToy().

Double_t gma[NN]

Definition at line 35 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 35 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by getCoeffs(), and go().

Double_t gmax

Definition at line 28 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 28 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by getCoeffs(), getmass(), HybridHadronization::Init(), nfits(), series(), setSample(), and showShape().

Double_t gmaxx

Definition at line 28 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 28 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by getCoeffs().

Double_t gnoise

Definition at line 37 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 37 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by setSample().

TGraph* gr = 0

Definition at line 58 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 58 of file matchedfilter.C

TRandom grand

Definition at line 284 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 284 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by TruthConversionEval::process_event(), and setSample().

Double_t grf_ex[grf_NPTS]

Definition at line 46 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 46 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by doSeries().

Double_t grf_ey[grf_NY][grf_NPTS]

Definition at line 45 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 45 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by doSeries().

Char_t* grf_name[grf_NY]
Initial value:
"T/SigmaT, T/ErrorT",
"A/SigmaA, A/ErrorA",
"1/(Systematic Error) of Time",
"1/(Systematic Error) of Amplitude",

Definition at line 47 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 47 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by doSeries().

Double_t grf_x[grf_NPTS] = {2000.,1000.,500.,200.,80.,60.,40.,30.,20.,10.,7.,5.,4.,2.5,2.0}

Definition at line 43 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 43 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by doSeries().

Double_t grf_y[grf_NY][grf_NPTS]

Definition at line 44 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 44 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by doSeries().

Int_t N

Definition at line 33 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 33 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by ClusterSequence::_best_strategy(), ClusterSequence::_initialise_and_run_no_decant(), nanoflann::CArray< T, N >::assign(), boost::array< T, N >::back(), nanoflann::CArray< T, N >::back(), Acts::blockedMult(), Acts::MeasurementSelector::calculateChi2(), Acts::detail::calculateDeterminant(), ActsExamples::RefittingCalibrator::calibrate(), cl::vector< ::size_t, N >::capacity(), CBcalc(), CBcalc_exp(), CBcalc_LL(), boost::array< T, N >::cend(), nanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor< Distance, DatasetAdaptor, DIM, IndexType >::computeBoundingBox(), Acts::PodioUtil::convertSurfaceFromPodio(), Acts::ConvexPolygonBoundsBase::convex_impl(), Acts::ConvexPolygonBounds< N >::ConvexPolygonBounds(), Acts::detail_lt::TrackStateProxy< trajectory_t, M, ReadOnly >::copyFrom(), BEmcRec::CopyVector(), DataAna(), DataAna2(), AZigzag::Draw(), DrawCalibratedE_PlotTestBeam(), DrawCluster_AnaP(), DrawEMCalTower_Resolution(), DrawPrototype2EMCalTower_Resolution(), DrawPrototype2EMCalTower_ResolutionRecalib(), DrawTowerSum_AnaP(), Acts::detail_lt::TrackStateProxy< trajectory_t, M, ReadOnly >::effectiveCalibrated(), Acts::detail_lt::TrackStateProxy< trajectory_t, M, ReadOnly >::effectiveCalibratedCovariance(), boost::array< T, N >::end(), nanoflann::CArray< T, N >::end(), EnergyGlance(), testing::internal::TuplePrefix< N >::ExplainMatchFailuresTo(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::exteriorBinIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< 0u >::exteriorBinIndices(), FillEnergy(), fillEvent(), Acts::StepperExtensionList< extensions >::finalize(), Acts::RiddersPropagator< propagator_t >::fitLinear(), gamma_function(), GaussLegendre_getWeight(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getAxes(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getBinCenter(), getCoeffs(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getGlobalBin(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getLocalBinIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getLowerLeftBinEdge(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getLowerLeftBinIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getMax(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getMin(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getNBins(), GetResolution(), genfit::GblFitter::getScattererFromMatList(), getScattererFromMatList(), ActsFatras::detail::GeneralMixture::getSemigauss(), Fatras::GeneralMixture::getSemigauss(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getUpperRightBinEdge(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getUpperRightBinIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getWidth(), go(), hijfst_(), init(), Matter::IntegralPDF(), Acts::interpolate(), is_dyon(), is_excited_quark_or_lepton(), is_pentaquark(), is_Qball(), is_Rhadron(), is_SUSY(), is_technicolor(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::isInside(), Acts::StepperExtensionList< extensions >::k(), InttCombinedRawDataDecoder::LoadHotChannelMapLocal(), InttCombinedRawDataDecoder::LoadHotChannelMapRemote(), main(), makeLcD0(), makeLcD0_BUP2020(), makeLcD0_BUP2022(), testing::internal::TuplePrefix< N >::Matches(), boost::array< T, N >::max_size(), cl::vector< ::size_t, N >::max_size(), nanoflann::CArray< T, N >::max_size(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::neighborHoodIndices(), onnxInference(), ResidualOutlierFinder::operator()(), std::hash< std::array< T, N > >::operator()(), boost::array< T, N >::operator[](), Plot_FastTrack_Efficiency(), Plot_SVTX_Efficiency(), InttRawDataDecoder::process_event(), InttMon::process_event(), genfit::KalmanFitterRefTrack::processTrackPoint(), genfit::KalmanFitterRefTrack::processTrackPointSqrt(), Acts::Propagator< stepper_t, navigator_t >::propagate(), cl::vector< ::size_t, N >::push_back(), Acts::Test::GenericReadWriteTool< val_tuple_t, str_tuple_t >::read(), nanoflann::CArray< T, N >::resize(), roundCoeffs(), testing::SetArgPointee(), testing::SetArgumentPointee(), setSample(), showShape(), boost::array< T, N >::size(), nanoflann::CArray< T, N >::size(), boost::array< T, N >::swap(), Acts::template_switch(), Acts::template_switch_lambda(), TEST_CASE(), test_multi_stepper_state(), TestInitGoogleMock(), Acts::Test::MultiTrajectoryTestsCommon< factory_t >::testTrackStateProxyCopy(), Acts::Test::MultiTrajectoryTestsCommon< factory_t >::testTrackStateProxyStorage(), InttSurveyMapv1::v_LoadFromCDBTTree(), InttMaskedChannelSetv1::v_LoadFromCDBTTree(), Acts::GainMatrixUpdater::visitMeasurement(), Acts::Test::GenericReadWriteTool< val_tuple_t, str_tuple_t >::write(), and BEmcRec::ZeroVector().

Double_t ni[NNX]

Definition at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by init(), nfits(), pybesq(), pymael(), and show().

Double_t norm

Definition at line 36 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 36 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by ClusterSequence::_bj_set_jetinfo(), TrackFitUtils::addClusters(), Acts::ConeSurface::alignmentToPathDerivative(), Acts::CylinderSurface::alignmentToPathDerivative(), Acts::LineSurface::alignmentToPathDerivative(), Acts::Test::BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), Acts::Test::BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(), BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(), genfit::EventDisplay::boxCreator(), genfit::DAF::calcWeights(), CBFunction(), CBFunction_withBG(), Acts::PlanarModuleStepper::cellSteps(), Check(), SecondaryVertexFinder::circle_circle_intersection(), Acts::SurfaceArray::SurfaceGridLookup< Axes >::completeBinning(), Acts::SpacePointUtility::differenceOfMeasurementsChecked(), Acts::CartesianSegmentation::digitizationStep(), Acts::BoundaryCheck::distance(), Acts::Frustum< value_t, DIM, SIDES >::draw(), Draw_hotmap(), genfit::EventDisplay::drawEvent(), emb_eff_per_zdcx_binnedby3(), BbcCheck::End(), Glasma::EvolvePreequilibrium(), Acts::Polyhedron::extent(), extractShowerCalibFactor(), genfit::RKTrackRep::Extrap(), Acts::Experimental::detail::BlueprintHelper::fillGaps(), FitResolution(), fpeaks(), Acts::LineSurface::freeToPathDerivative(), Matter::generate_L(), genfit::KalmanFitterInfo::getClosestMeasurementOnPlane(), getCoeffs(), ReadBDT::GetMvaValue__(), genfit::RKTrackRep::getState7(), Martini::getThermalVec(), Acts::LineSurface::intersect(), Acts::detail::IntersectionHelper2D::intersectSegment(), Acts::makeCurvilinearUnitU(), PHCosmicSeeder::makeSeeds(), MakeTH1F(), Acts::SurfaceMaterialMapper::mapInteraction(), Acts::VolumeMaterialMapper::mapMaterialTrack(), norm_bottom(), norm_bottom_nosupp(), norm_charm(), norm_charm_nosupp(), norm_hf(), norm_hf_nosupp(), ZCylinderSurfaceBuilder::operator()(), MvtxQAHisto::process_event(), SecondaryVertexFinder::process_event(), ps(), pycmq2(), pycmqr(), genfit::RKTrackRep::RKutta(), RawClusterBuilderTemplate::setEnergyNorm(), genfit::RKTrackRep::setPosMom(), sipmPeaks(), sipmpeaks(), TEST_CASE(), tileHelper::tilePattern(), ActsFatras::Particle::transverseMomentum(), Acts::SingleSeedVertexFinder< spacepoint_t >::tripletValidationAndUpdate(), ActsExamples::RootTrackParameterWriter::writeT(), and ActsExamples::RootTrajectoryStatesWriter::writeT().

Double_t norm_ma

Definition at line 36 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 36 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by getCoeffs().

Int_t npars = 2

Definition at line 38 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 38 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by getCoeffs().

Int_t NX = NNX

Definition at line 25 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 25 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by BEmcProfile::GetProb(), BEmcProfile::GetTowerEnergy(), go(), init(), and setSample().

Int_t quiet = 0

Definition at line 31 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 31 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by go(), main(), nfits(), series(), and setSample().

Double_t serCorr[2][NCorr]

Definition at line 62 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 62 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by clearCorrections(), saveCorrections(), and series().

Double_t serY[grf_NY]

Definition at line 42 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 42 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by doSeries(), saveCorrections(), and series().

Int_t SigShape

Definition at line 67 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 67 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by fshape(), and init().

Double_t tau =0.

Definition at line 29 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 29 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by airy2(), airy2d(), FluidcellStatistic::calculate_hypersurface_3volume(), AdSCFT::DoEnergyLoss(), HybridHadronization::DoHadronization(), ffquas(), ActsFatras::Geant4Decay::generateProperTimeLimit(), Jetscape::EvolutionHistory::get_tz(), getdeltat(), getenergyhlle_(), CLVisc::GetHydroInfo(), Jetscape::FluidDynamics::GetHydroInfo(), Hydroinfo_MUSIC::getHydroValues(), getneff(), Cell::getPrimVarHLeft(), Cell::getPrimVarHRight(), Cell::getPrimVarLeft(), Cell::getPrimVarRight(), getscatterer(), gettemp(), go(), Hydro::hlle_flux(), Hydro::Hydro(), Hydro::ISformal(), Hydro::NSquant(), Hydroinfo_MUSIC::output_temperature_evolution(), Matter::P_z_gg_int(), Matter::P_z_qg_int(), Matter::P_z_qg_int_w_M(), Matter::P_z_qp_int(), Matter::P_z_qq_int(), Matter::P_z_qq_int_w_M_vac_only(), Hydro::performStep(), Jetscape::SurfaceFinder::PrepareASurfaceCell(), PHG4ParticleGeneratorD0::process_event(), pyevwt(), pyhiklim(), pyhikmap(), pyhimaxi(), pyhimult(), pyhisigh(), pykcut(), pyklim(), pykmap(), pymaxi(), pymign(), pymult(), pyptmi(), pysigh(), Acts::SeedFinderFTF< external_spacepoint_t >::runGNN_TrackFinder(), series(), Hydro::setDtau(), Hydro::setNSvalues(), SimX::Simulator(), Hydro::source_step(), strf(), Matter::sud_z_GG(), Matter::sud_z_QG(), Matter::sud_z_QG_w_M(), Matter::sud_z_QP(), Matter::sud_z_QQ(), Matter::sud_z_QQ_w_M_vac_only(), TEST(), ReadLikelihoodD::TransformLikelihoodOutput(), Hydro::visc_flux(), and Hydro::visc_source_step().

Double_t tCorr[NCorr]

Definition at line 63 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 63 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by clearCorrections(), getCorrections(), saveCorrections(), and series().

Double_t v[NNX]

Definition at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by aiz(), ar3jet(), arorie(), atrobo(), attrad(), biz(), cleanup(), compressevent(), converttohepmc(), dofistatescat(), doinstatescat(), dokinematics(), fg(), fgp(), genevent(), getdeltat(), getmass(), getnewmass(), getpnorad1(), getqvec(), hiboost(), hijfrg(), hijhrd(), hijing(), hirobo(), init(), initpythia(), isprimhadron(), isprimstring(), issecstring(), jewel(), klu(), lu1ent(), lu2ent(), lu3ent(), lu4ent(), luboei(), lucell(), luclus(), ludecy(), luedit(), lueevt(), luerrm(), luexec(), lufowo(), lugive(), luhepc(), luindf(), lujmas(), lujoin(), lulist(), luonia(), luprep(), lurobo(), lushow(), lusphe(), lustrf(), lutabu(), lutest(), luthru(), luxdif(), makebranch(), makecascade(), makeinsplit(), makesplitting(), makestrings_minl(), makestrings_vac(), pevrec(), plu(), poissonian(), py1ent(), py2ent(), py2frm(), py3ent(), py4ent(), py4frm(), py4jet(), py4jts(), py4jtw(), py6frm(), pyadsh(), pybesq(), pyboei(), pycell(), pyckbd(), pyclus(), pycttr(), pydecy(), pydiff(), pydisg(), pydocu(), pyedit(), pyeevt(), pyerrm(), pyevnt(), pyevnw(), pyevol(), pyexec(), pyfowo(), pyfscr(), pygaga(), pygfxx(), pygive(), pyhepc(), pyhidiff(), pyhiinki(), pyhimult(), pyhiremn(), pyhiresd(), pyhiscat(), pyhisspa(), pyhitest(), pyhithia(), pyinbm(), pyindf(), pyinki(), pyjmas(), pyjoin(), pyk(), pyklim(), pylist(), pymemx(), pymewt(), pymign(), pymihg(), pymihk(), pymirm(), pymult(), pyonia(), pyp(), pypdfu(), pypole(), pyprep(), pyptfs(), pyptis(), pyptmi(), pyreco(), pyremn(), pyresd(), pyrghm(), pyrobo(), pyscat(), pyshow(), pysigh(), pysphe(), pysspa(), pystbh(), pystrf(), pysubh(), pysugi(), pytabu(), pytaud(), pytbdy(), pytbhb(), pytbhg(), pytbhq(), pytest(), pythru(), pyupev(), pyupin(), pyveto(), and pyxdif().

Double_t x[NNX]

Definition at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C

Double_t y[NNX]

Definition at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C

Double_t yma[NNX]

Definition at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 26 of file matchedfilter.C

Referenced by ar3jet(), and go().

Double_t ymax =0.

Definition at line 30 of file matchedfilter.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 30 of file matchedfilter.C