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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file usm.C
2 #include <usmData.h>
4  // Generic tile plots
5 TH2 * tcs = new TH2F("tcs","Clear side", 11, 0.5, 11.5, 9, 2., 20.);
6 TH2 * tfs = new TH2F("tfs","Fiber side", 11, 0.5, 11.5, 9, 2., 20.);
7 TH2 * fcr = new TH2F("fcr","Ratio Fiber-to-Clear", 11, 0.5, 11.5, 9, 2., 20.);
8 TH1 * AtoB = new TH1F("AtoB","Reproducibility of measurements", 20, -0.5, 0.5);
9 TH1 * AtoB1cs = new TH1F("AtoB1cs","Ratio of Before-After mesurements in the last(away from SiPM) row (Clear)", 20, 0.5, 1.5);
10 TH1 * AtoB2cs = new TH1F("AtoB2cs","Ratio of Before-After mesurements in the first(close to SiPM) row (Clear)", 20, 0.5, 1.5);
11 TH1 * AtoBtcs = new TH1F("AtoBtcs","Ratio of Before-After mesurements in the first&last rows (Clear)", 20, 0.5, 1.5);
12 TH1 * AtoB1fs = new TH1F("AtoB1fs","Ratio of Before-After mesurements in the last(away from SiPM) row) (Fiber)", 20, 0.5, 1.5);
13 TH1 * AtoB2fs = new TH1F("AtoB2fs","Ratio of Before-After mesurements in the first(close to SiPM) row (Fiber)", 20, 0.5, 1.5);
14 TH1 * AtoBtfs = new TH1F("AtoBtfs","Ratio of Before-After mesurements in the first&last rows (Fiber)", 20, 0.5, 1.5);
17 TH2 * tcsn = new TH2F("tcsn","Normalized A: LED on Clear side", 11, 0.5, 11.5, 9, 2., 20.);
18 //tcsn -> SetMaximum(5.);
19 TH2 * tfsn = new TH2F("tfsn","Normalized A: LED on Fiber side", 11, 0.5, 11.5, 9, 2., 20.);
20 //tfsn -> SetMaximum(5.);
21 TH2 * fcrn = new TH2F("fcrn","Ratio Fiber-to-Clear (both normalized)", 11, 0.5, 11.5, 9, 2., 20.);
22 //fcrn -> SetMaximum(5.);
23 // Amplitudes and ratios away and over the fiber
24 TH1 * cs_all = new TH1F("cs_all","Normalized A: LED on Clear side", 40, 0., 3.);
25 TH1 * cs_off = new TH1F("cs_off","Off-fiber A: clear(black) & fiber(red) sides", 40, 0., 3.);
26 TH1 * cs_onf = new TH1F("cs_onf","Norm. amp. on fiber, clear side", 40, 0., 3.);
27 TH1 * fs_off = new TH1F("fs_off","Norm. amp. off fiber, fiber side", 40, 0., 3.);
28 TH1 * fs_onf = new TH1F("fs_onf","Norm. amp. on fiber, fiber side", 40, 0., 3.);
29 TH1 * rfc_off = new TH1F("rfc_off","Norm. amp. Ratio: off fiber", 40, 0., 3.);
30 TH1 * rfc_onf = new TH1F("rfc_onf","Norm. amp. Ratio: on fiber", 40, 0., 3.);
33 TProfile * tavsdnfcs = new TProfile("tavsdnfcs","Amp vs Dist from exit - no fiber - clear side", 20,0.,20.,0.,2000.,"");
34 TProfile * tavsdfcs = new TProfile("tavsdfcs", "Amp vs Dist from exit - fiber - clear side", 20,0.,20.,0.,2000.,"");
35 TProfile * tavsdnffs = new TProfile("tavsdnffs","Amp vs Dist from exit - no fiber - fiber side", 20,0.,20.,0.,2000.,"");
36 TProfile * tavsdffs = new TProfile("tavsdffs", "Amp vs Dist from exit - fiber - fiber side", 20,0.,20.,0.,2000.,"");
38  // DATA
39  // Clear side: lines 1-11
40  // line 12 - Y-positions
41  // Fiber side : lines 13-23
42  // col 0 - R(Y=3) = meas(A)/mes(B)
43  // col 1 - meas(B)
44  // col 2 - X (1-11, step 1)
45  // col 3 - meas(Y=3)
46  // col 4 - meas(Y=5)
47  // col .....
48  // col 11- meas(Y=19) - A
49  // col 12- meas(Y=19) - B
50  // col 13- R(Y=19) = meas(A)/mes(B)
51  // col 14-16 Comments
53 Double_t fiber[11][9];
54 Int_t tileId;
55 TString token; TString Item;
56 TString Tokens[24][20];
57 Double_t value[24][20];
58 Double_t tData[2][11][9]; // Measurements on both sides of the tile
59 Double_t cData[2][11][2]; // Control data (repeated measurements) in the first and last Y-rows
60 Double_t xValue[2][11], yValue[9];
61 Double_t csNorm(0.), fsNorm(0.); // normalization coefficients for the clear and fiber sides
62 Int_t X, Y, loc, line, pos;
64 // length along the fiber (from exit along decreasing Y then to small X then to large Y and then to the exit)
65 Double_t tPath(Int_t x, Int_t y){
66  // computes travel path to exit point (9,9)
67  Double_t dx = abs(x-exitX); Double_t dy = abs(y-exitY);
68  return sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
69 }
71 void init(){
72  for(Y = 0; Y<9; Y++) {for (X = 0; X<11; X++) fiber[X][Y] = 0.;}
73  for(Y = 0; Y<20; Y++) {for (X = 0; X<24; X++) value[X][Y] = 0.;}
74  for(int side =0; side<2; side++) {
75  for(Y = 0; Y<9; Y++) {for (X = 0; X<11; X++) tData[side][X][Y] = 0.;}
76  for(Y = 0; Y<2; Y++) {for (X = 0; X<11; X++) cData[side][X][Y] = 0.;}
77  for(X = 0; X<11; X++) xValue[side][X] = 0.;
78  }
79  for (Y = 0; Y<9; Y++) yValue[Y] = 0.;
80 }
84 void tile(TString tDcsv){
85  init();
86  // Data are structured into lines with carriage returns ending those lines
87  // Each line is 20 positions full with few last missing in some (comments)
88  Int_t from = 0; Int_t nTok = 0; Int_t nCom = 0; Int_t lCom = 0; Int_t lItem = 0;
89  while ((lCom=tDcsv.Index(",",lItem))>=0||(nCom==0)) {
90  Int_t cr = tDcsv.Index("\n",lItem);
91  if(cr>=0&&cr<lCom) lCom = cr;
92  Item = tDcsv(lItem, lCom-lItem);
93  // if item length is nonzero - check for carriage return (EOL)
94  // Int_t cr = Item.First("\n");
95  // if(cr!=TString::kNPOS) Item.Remove(cr);
96  line = nCom/20;
97  pos = nCom%20;
98  Tokens[line][pos] = Item;
99  // if Item is numeric - convert it to Double_t
100  if(Tokens[line][pos].IsFloat()) value[line][pos] = Tokens[line][pos].Atof();
101  // std::cout<<"Item "<<nCom<<" lItem="<<lItem<<" lCom="<<lCom<<" line="<<line<<" pos="<<pos<<" Item="<<Item<<" Value="<<value[line][pos]<<std::endl;
102  if(cr==lCom) {
103  // cout<<"CR found nCom = "<<nCom<<endl;
104  nCom = ((nCom/20)+1)*20;
105  } else nCom++;
106  lItem = lCom+1;
107  }
108  tileId = Tokens[0][0].Atoi();
109  cout<<"tileID = "<<tileId<<endl;
110  if(tileId>1) for(loc=0; loc<99; loc++) dam[loc] = 0;
111  // Rearranging tile data
112  int nEntCs(0), nEntFs(0);
113  for(Y = 0; Y < 9; Y++) {
114  pos = Y + 3;
115  yValue[Y] = value[12][pos];
116  for (X = 0; X < 11; X++) {
117  // clear side
118  line = 11-X;
119  loc = Y*11 + X;
120  tData[0][X][Y] = value[line][pos];
121  if(Y==0) {
122  xValue[0][X] = value[line][2];
123  // repeated (control) measurements
124  cData[0][X][0] = value[line][1];
125  cData[0][X][1] = value[line][12];
126  // normalization for clear side
127  if(!fib[loc]&&tData[0][X][0]>0.) {nEntCs++; csNorm += tData[0][X][0];}
128  }
129  // fiber side
130  line = 12+X+1;
131  loc = Y*11 + X;
132  tData[1][X][Y] = value[line][pos];
133  if(Y==0) {
134  xValue[1][X] = value[line][2];
135  cData[1][X][0] = value[line][1];
136  cData[1][X][1] = value[line][12];
137  if(!fib[loc]&&tData[1][X][0]>0.) {nEntFs++; fsNorm += tData[1][X][0];}
138  }
139  }
140  }
141  cout<<"Norm cs "<<nEntCs<<"/"<<csNorm<<" Norm fs "<<nEntFs<<"/"<<fsNorm<<endl;
142  if(nEntCs) csNorm /= Double_t(nEntCs);
143  csNorm *= tScale[tileId-1];
144  if(nEntFs) fsNorm /= Double_t(nEntFs);
145  fsNorm *= tScale[tileId-1];
146  cout<<"Norm cs "<<nEntCs<<"/"<<csNorm<<" Norm fs "<<nEntFs<<"/"<<fsNorm<<endl;
148  // Presentation
149  Double_t xExit = value[3][2]; // 91mm
150  Double_t yExit = value[12][11]; // 196mm
151  Double_t dx, dy, d;
152  // cout<<"xExit = "<<xExit<<" yExit = "<<yExit<<endl;
153  for(Y = 0; Y < 9; Y++) {
154  // distance to exit
155  pos = Y + 3;
156  // clear side
157  for (X = 0; X < 11; X++) {
158  line = 11-X;
159  loc = Y*11 + X;
160  dx = xValue[0][X] - xExit; dy = yValue[Y]- yExit;
161  Double_t d = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
162  // cout<<X<<" "<<Y<<" "<<xValue[0][X]<<" "<< yValue[Y]<<" tData "<< tData[0][X][Y]<<endl;
163  // std::cout<<"X/Y/loc/dam/fib/line/pos/V/tData "<<X<<"/"<<xValue[0][X]<<" "<<Y<<"/"<<yValue[Y]<<" "<<loc<<" D/F "<<dam[loc]<<"/"<<fib[loc]<<" "<<line<<" "<<pos<<" "<<value[line][pos]<<" tD "<<tData[0][X][Y]<<std::endl;
164  if(!dam[loc]) tcs -> Fill(xValue[0][X], yValue[Y], tData[0][X][Y]);
165  if(!dam[loc]&&csNorm>0.) tcsn -> Fill(xValue[0][X], yValue[Y], tData[0][X][Y]/csNorm);
166  if(!dam[loc]&&!fib[loc]) tavsdnfcs -> Fill(d, tData[0][X][Y]);
167  if(!dam[loc]&&fib[loc]) tavsdfcs -> Fill(d, tData[0][X][Y]);
168  }
169  // fiber side
170  for (X = 0; X<11; X++) {
171  line = 12+X+1;
172  loc = Y*11 + X;
173  dx = xValue[1][X] - xExit; dy = yValue[Y]- yExit;
174  Double_t d = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
175  // std::cout<<"X/Y/loc/dam/fib/line/pos/V "<<X<<" "<<Y<<" "<<loc<<" D/F "<<dam[loc]<<"/"<<fib[loc]<<" "<<line<<" "<<pos<<" "<<value[line][pos]<<std::endl;
176  if() tfs -> Fill(xValue[1][X],yValue[Y], tData[1][X][Y]);
177  if(fsNorm>0.) tfsn -> Fill(xValue[1][X],yValue[Y], tData[1][X][Y]/fsNorm);
178  if(!dam[loc]&&!fib[loc]) tavsdnffs -> Fill(d, tData[1][X][Y]);
179  if(!dam[loc]&&fib[loc]) tavsdffs -> Fill(d, tData[1][X][Y]);
180  }
182  for (X = 0; X<11; X++) {
183  // clear to fiber raw ratio
184  loc = Y*11 + X;
185  if(tData[0][X][Y]>0.&&tData[1][X][Y]>0.) {
186  Double_t fcrat = tData[1][X][Y]/tData[0][X][Y];
187  if(!dam[loc]) fcr -> Fill(xValue[1][X],yValue[Y], fcrat);
188  if(!dam[loc]&&csNorm>0.&&fsNorm>0.) fcrn -> Fill(xValue[1][X],yValue[Y], fcrat/(fsNorm/csNorm));
189  }
190  Double_t repr(0);
191  if(Y==0) {
192  // reproducibility of measurements
193  if(cData[0][X][0]>0.&&tData[0][X][0]>0.) {
194  repr = 2.*(tData[0][X][0]-cData[0][X][0])/(tData[0][X][0]+cData[0][X][0]);
195  AtoB -> Fill(repr);
196  AtoB1cs -> Fill(tData[0][X][0]/cData[0][X][0]);
197  AtoBtcs -> Fill(tData[0][X][0]/cData[0][X][0]);
198  }
199  if(cData[0][X][1]>0.&&tData[0][X][8]>0.) {
200  repr = 2.*(tData[0][X][8]-cData[0][X][1])/(tData[0][X][8]+cData[0][X][1]);
201  AtoB -> Fill(repr);
202  AtoB2cs -> Fill(tData[0][X][8]/cData[0][X][1]);
203  AtoBtcs -> Fill(tData[0][X][8]/cData[0][X][1]);
204  }
205  if(cData[1][X][0]>0.&&tData[1][X][0]>0.) {
206  repr = 2.*(tData[1][X][0]-cData[1][X][0])/(tData[1][X][0]+cData[1][X][0]);
207  AtoB -> Fill(repr);
208  AtoB1fs -> Fill(tData[1][X][0]/cData[1][X][0]);
209  AtoBtfs -> Fill(tData[1][X][0]/cData[1][X][0]);
210  }
211  if(cData[1][X][1]>0.&&tData[1][X][8]>0.) {
212  repr = 2.*(tData[1][X][8]-cData[1][X][1])/(tData[1][X][8]+cData[1][X][1]);
213  AtoB -> Fill(repr);
214  AtoB -> Fill(tData[1][X][8]/cData[1][X][1]);
215  AtoB2fs -> Fill(tData[1][X][8]/cData[1][X][1]);
216  AtoBtfs -> Fill(tData[1][X][8]/cData[1][X][1]);
217  }
218  }
219  }
220  }
221  for (X = 0; X < 11; X++) {
222  for (Y = 0; Y < 9; Y++) {
223  loc = Y*11 + X;
224  Double_t vacsn = tcsn -> GetBinContent(X, Y);
225  Double_t vafsn = tfsn -> GetBinContent(X, Y);
226  Double_t vfcrn = fcrn -> GetBinContent(X, Y);
227  if(vacsn>0.) cs_all ->Fill(vacsn);
228  if(fib[loc]) {
229  if(vacsn>0.) cs_onf ->Fill(vacsn);
230  if(vafsn>0.) fs_onf ->Fill(vafsn);
231  if(vfcrn>0.) rfc_onf->Fill(vfcrn);
232  } else {
233  if(vacsn>0.) cs_off ->Fill(vacsn);
234  if(vafsn>0.) fs_off ->Fill(vafsn);
235  if(vfcrn>0.) rfc_off->Fill(vfcrn);
236  }
238  }
239  }
241 }
243 TCanvas *tMap(NULL), * tDQ(NULL);
244 void plot(){
245  // Tile Response Map
246  if((tMap = (TCanvas *)(gROOT->FindObject("tMAP")))) delete tMap;
247  tMap = new TCanvas("tMap","Tile Response Map",200, 10, 600, 500);
248  // Tile Data Quality (sequential measurements)
249  tMap -> Divide(2,2,0.05,0.05,0);
250  tMap -> cd(1);
251  gStyle ->SetOptStat(0);
252  tcsn -> Draw("lego2");
253  tMap -> cd(2);
254  tfsn -> Draw("colz");
255  //tMap -> cd(3);
256  //fcrn -> Draw("lego2");
257  tMap -> cd(3);
258  //cs_off -> SetLineColor(2);
259  gStyle ->SetOptStat(111);
260  cs_all -> SetMaximum(20);
261  cs_all -> SetLineColor(1);
262  cs_all -> SetLineWidth(2);
263  cs_all -> Draw();
264  //cs_onf -> Draw("same");
265  tMap -> cd(4);
266  gStyle ->SetOptStat(0);
267  cs_off -> SetMaximum(20);
268  cs_off -> SetLineColor(1);
269  cs_off -> SetLineWidth(2);
270  cs_off -> Draw();
271  fs_off -> SetLineColor(2);
272  fs_off -> SetLineWidth(2);
273  fs_off -> Draw("same");
274  // tMap -> cd(6);
275  // rfc_off -> SetLineColor(2);
276  // rfc_off -> Draw();
277  // rfc_onf -> Draw("same");
279  if((tDQ = (TCanvas *)(gROOT->FindObject("tDQ")))) delete tDQ;
280  if(!tDQ) tDQ = new TCanvas("tDQ","Tile Data Quality", 160, 10, 400, 300);
281  gStyle -> SetOptStat(0);
282  AtoB -> SetLineWidth(2);
283  AtoB -> Draw();
284  // AtoBtcs -> Draw("same");
286 }
287 ;