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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file hijing.f
1 c Version 1.383
2 c The variables I_SNG in HIJSFT and JL in ATTRAD were not initialized.
3 c The version initialize them. (as found by Fernando Marroquim)
4 c
5 c
6 c
7 c Version 1.382
8 c Nuclear distribution for deuteron is taken as the Hulthen wave
9 c function as provided by Brian Cole (Columbia)
10 c
11 c
12 c Version 1.381
13 c
14 c The parameters for Wood-Saxon distribution for deuteron are
15 c constrained to give the right rms ratius 2.116 fm
16 c (R=0.0, D=0.5882)
17 c
18 c
19 c Version 1.38
20 c
21 c The following common block is added to record the number of elastic
22 c (NELT, NELP) and inelastic (NINT, NINP) participants
23 c
26 c
27 c Version 1.37
28 c
29 c A bug in the quenching subroutine is corrected. When calculating the
30 c distance between two wounded nucleons, the displacement of the
31 c impact parameter was not inculded. This bug was discovered by
32 c Dr. V.Uzhinskii JINR, Dubna, Russia
33 c
34 c
35 C Version 1.36
36 c
37 c Modification Oct. 8, 1998. In hijing, log(ran(nseed)) occasionally
38 c causes overfloat. It is modified to log(max(ran(nseed),1.0e-20)).
39 c
40 c
41 C Nothing important has been changed here. A few 'garbage' has been
42 C cleaned up here, like common block HIJJET3 for the sea quark strings
43 C which were originally created to implement the DPM scheme which
44 C later was abadoned in the final version. The lines which operate
45 C on these data are also deleted in the program.
46 C
47 C
48 C Version 1.35
49 C There are some changes in the program: subroutine HARDJET is now
50 C consolidated with HIJHRD. HARDJET is used to re-initiate PYTHIA
51 C for the triggered hard processes. Now that is done altogether
52 C with other normal hard processes in modified JETINI. In the new
53 C version one calls JETINI every time one calls HIJHRD. In the new
54 C version the effect of the isospin of the nucleon on hard processes,
55 C especially direct photons is correctly considered.
56 C For A+A collisions, one has to initilize pythia
57 C separately for each type of collisions, pp, pn,np and nn,
58 C or hp and hn for hA collisions. In JETINI we use the following
59 C catalogue for different types of collisions:
60 C h+h: h+h (I_TYPE=1)
61 C h+A: h+p (I_TYPE=1), h+n (I_TYPE=2)
62 C A+h: p+h (I_TYPE=1), n+h (I_TYPE=2)
63 C A+A: p+p (I_TYPE=1), p+n (I_TYPE=2), n+p (I_TYPE=3), n+n (I_TYPE=4)
64 C*****************************************************************
65 c
66 C
67 C Version 1.34
68 C Last modification on January 5, 1998. Two mistakes are corrected in
69 C function G. A Mistake in the subroutine Parton is also corrected.
70 C (These are pointed out by Ysushi Nara).
71 C
72 C
73 C Last modifcation on April 10, 1996. To conduct final
74 C state radiation, PYTHIA reorganize the two scattered
75 C partons and their final momenta will be a little
76 C different. The summed total momenta of the partons
77 C from the final state radiation are stored in HINT1(26-29)
78 C and HINT1(36-39) which are little different from
79 C HINT1(21-24) and HINT1(41-44).
80 C
81 C Version 1.33
82 C
83 C Last modfication on September 11, 1995. When HIJING and
84 C PYTHIA are initialized, the shadowing is evaluated at
85 C b=0 which is the maximum. This will cause overestimate
86 C of shadowing for peripheral interactions. To correct this
87 C problem, shadowing is set to zero when initializing. Then
88 C use these maximum cross section without shadowing as a
89 C normalization of the Monte Carlo. This however increase
90 C the computing time. IHNT2(16) is used to indicate whether
91 C the sturcture function is called for (IHNT2(16)=1) initialization
92 C or for (IHNT2(16)=0)normal collisions simulation
93 C
94 C Last modification on Aagust 28, 1994. Two bugs associate
95 C with the impact parameter dependence of the shadowing is
96 C corrected.
97 C
98 C
99 c Last modification on October 14, 1994. One bug is corrected
100 c in the direct photon production option in subroutine
101 C HIJHRD.( this problem was reported by Jim Carroll and Mike Beddo).
102 C Another bug associated with keeping the decay history
103 C in the particle information is also corrected.(this problem
104 C was reported by Matt Bloomer)
105 C
106 C
107 C Last modification on July 15, 1994. The option to trig on
108 C heavy quark production (charm IHPR2(18)=0 or beauty IHPR2(18)=1)
109 C is added. To do this, set IHPR2(3)=3. For inclusive production,
110 C one should reset HIPR1(10)=0.0. One can also trig larger pt
111 C QQbar production by giving HIPR1(10) a nonvanishing value.
112 C The mass of the heavy quark in the calculation of the cross
113 C section (HINT1(59)--HINT1(65)) is given by HIPR1(7) (the
114 C default is the charm mass D=1.5). We also include a separate
115 C K-factor for heavy quark and direct photon production by
116 C HIPR1(23)(D=2.0).
117 C
118 C Last modification on May 24, 1994. The option to
119 C retain the information of all particles including those
120 C who have decayed is IHPR(21)=1 (default=0). KATT(I,3) is
121 C added to contain the line number of the parent particle
122 C of the current line which is produced via a decay.
123 C KATT(I,4) is the status number of the particle: 11=particle
124 C which has decayed; 1=finally produced particle.
125 C
126 C
127 C Last modification on May 24, 1994( in HIJSFT when valence quark
128 C is quenched, the following error is corrected. 1.2*IHNT2(1) -->
129 C 1.2*IHNT2(1)**0.333333, 1.2*IHNT2(3) -->1.2*IHNT(3)**0.333333)
130 C
131 C
132 C Last modification on March 16, 1994 (heavy flavor production
133 C processes MSUB(81)=1 MSUB(82)=1 have been switched on,
134 C charm production is the default, B-quark option is
135 C IHPR2(18), when it is switched on, charm quark is
136 C automatically off)
137 C
138 C
139 C Last modification on March 23, 1994 (an error is corrected
140 C in the impact parameter dependence of the jet cross section)
141 C
142 C Last modification Oct. 1993 to comply with non-vax
143 C machines' compiler
144 C
145 C*********************************************
146 C LAST MODIFICATION April 5, 1991
147 CQUARK DISTRIBUTIOIN (1-X)**A/(X**2+C**2/S)**B
148 C(A=HIPR1(44),B=HIPR1(46),C=HIPR1(45))
150 C TWO COLOR CHANGES, (1-W)**2,W*(1-W),W*(1-W),AND W*2, W=HIPR1(18),
152 C
153 C gluon jets can form a single string system
154 C
155 C initial state radiation is included
156 C
157 C all QCD subprocesses are included
158 c
159 c direct particles production is included(currently only direct
160 C photon)
161 c
162 C Effect of high P_T trigger bias on multiple jets distribution
163 c
164 C******************************************************************
165 C HIJING.10 *
166 C Heavy Ion Jet INteraction Generator *
167 C by *
168 C X. N. Wang and M. Gyulassy *
169 C Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory *
170 C *
171 C******************************************************************
172 C
173 C******************************************************************
174 C NFP(K,1),NFP(K,2)=flavor of q and di-q, NFP(K,3)=present ID of *
175 C proj, NFP(K,4) original ID of proj. NFP(K,5)=colli status(0=no,*
176 C 1=elastic,2=the diffrac one in single-diffrac,3= excited string.*
177 C |NFP(K,6)| is the total # of jet production, if NFP(K,6)<0 it *
178 C can not produce jet anymore. NFP(K,10)=valence quarks scattering*
179 C (0=has not been,1=is going to be, -1=has already been scattered *
180 C NFP(k,11) total number of interactions this proj has suffered *
181 C PP(K,1)=PX,PP(K,2)=PY,PP(K,3)=PZ,PP(K,4)=E,PP(K,5)=M(invariant *
182 C mass), PP(K,6,7),PP(K,8,9)=transverse momentum of quark and *
183 C diquark,PP(K,10)=PT of the hard scattering between the valence *
184 C quarks; PP(K,14,15)=the mass of quark,diquark. *
185 C******************************************************************
186 C
187 C****************************************************************
188 C
190 C
191 C****************************************************************
193  CHARACTER frame*8
194  dimension scip(300,300),rnip(300,300),sjip(300,300),jtp(3),
195  & ipcol(90000),itcol(90000)
196  common/hiparnt/hipr1(100),ihpr2(50),hint1(100),ihnt2(50)
197  SAVE /hiparnt/
198 C
199  common/hijcrdn/yp(3,300),yt(3,300)
200  SAVE /hijcrdn/
201  common/hijglbr/nelt,nint,nelp,ninp
202  SAVE /hijglbr/
204 c+++BAC
205 c
206 c Add an error entry (IERRSTAT) to HIMAIN1 common block
207 c
209 c
210  common/himain1/natt,eatt,jatt,nt,np,n0,n01,n10,n11,ierrstat
211 c---BAC
212  SAVE /himain1/
214 C+++BAC
215 C COMMON/HIMAIN2/KATT(130000,4),PATT(130000,4)
217 C
218  common/himain2/katt(130000,4),patt(130000,4), vatt(130000,4)
219  SAVE /himain2/
220 C---BAC
222  common/histrng/nfp(300,15),pp(300,15),nft(300,15),pt(300,15)
223  SAVE /histrng/
224  common/hijjet1/npj(300),kfpj(300,500),pjpx(300,500),
225  & pjpy(300,500),pjpz(300,500),pjpe(300,500),
226  & pjpm(300,500),ntj(300),kftj(300,500),
227  & pjtx(300,500),pjty(300,500),pjtz(300,500),
228  & pjte(300,500),pjtm(300,500)
229  SAVE /hijjet1/
230  common/hijjet2/nsg,njsg(900),iasg(900,3),k1sg(900,100),
231  & k2sg(900,100),pxsg(900,100),pysg(900,100),
232  & pzsg(900,100),pesg(900,100),pmsg(900,100)
233  SAVE /hijjet2/
234 C+++BAC
235 C
236 C COMMON/HIJJET4/NDR,IADR(900,2),KFDR(900),PDR(900,5)
238 C
239  common/hijjet4/ndr,iadr(900,2),kfdr(900),pdr(900,5), vdr(900,5)
240  SAVE /hijjet4/
242 C---BAC
244  common/ranseed/nseed
245  SAVE /ranseed/
246 C
247  common/lujets/n,k(9000,5),p(9000,5),v(9000,5)
248  SAVE /lujets/
249  common/ludat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
250  SAVE /ludat1/
252 c+++BAC
253 c
254 c Initialize error return code
255 c
256 c---BAC
257  ierrstat = 0
259  bmax=min(bmax0,hipr1(34)+hipr1(35))
260  bmin=min(bmin0,bmax)
261  IF(ihnt2(1).LE.1 .AND. ihnt2(3).LE.1) THEN
262  bmin=0.0
263  bmax=2.5*sqrt(hipr1(31)*0.1/hipr1(40))
264  ENDIF
265 C ********HIPR1(31) is in mb =0.1fm**2
268 C
269  yp(1,1)=0.0
270  yp(2,1)=0.0
271  yp(3,1)=0.0
272  IF(ihnt2(1).LE.1) go to 14
273  DO 10 kp=1,ihnt2(1)
274 5 r=hirnd(1)
275 c
276  if(ihnt2(1).EQ.2) then
277  rnd1=max(atl_ran(nseed),1.0e-20)
278  rnd2=max(atl_ran(nseed),1.0e-20)
279  rnd3=max(atl_ran(nseed),1.0e-20)
280  r=-0.5*(log(rnd1)*4.38/2.0+log(rnd2)*0.85/2.0
281  & +4.38*0.85*log(rnd3)/(4.38+0.85))
282  endif
283 c
284  x=atl_ran(nseed)
285  cx=2.0*x-1.0
286  sx=sqrt(1.0-cx*cx)
287 C ********choose theta from uniform cos(theta) distr
288  phi=atl_ran(nseed)*2.0*hipr1(40)
289 C ********choose phi form uniform phi distr 0 to 2*pi
290  yp(1,kp)=r*sx*cos(phi)
291  yp(2,kp)=r*sx*sin(phi)
292  yp(3,kp)=r*cx
293  IF(hipr1(29).EQ.0.0) go to 10
294  DO 8 kp2=1,kp-1
295  dnbp1=(yp(1,kp)-yp(1,kp2))**2
296  dnbp2=(yp(2,kp)-yp(2,kp2))**2
297  dnbp3=(yp(3,kp)-yp(3,kp2))**2
298  dnbp=dnbp1+dnbp2+dnbp3
299  IF(dnbp.LT.hipr1(29)*hipr1(29)) go to 5
300 C ********two neighbors cannot be closer than
301 C HIPR1(29)
304 c*******************************
305  if(ihnt2(1).EQ.2) then
306  yp(1,2)=-yp(1,1)
307  yp(2,2)=-yp(2,1)
308  yp(3,2)=-yp(3,1)
309  endif
310 c********************************
311  DO 12 i=1,ihnt2(1)-1
312  DO 12 j=i+1,ihnt2(1)
313  IF(yp(3,i).GT.yp(3,j)) go to 12
314  y1=yp(1,i)
315  y2=yp(2,i)
316  y3=yp(3,i)
317  yp(1,i)=yp(1,j)
318  yp(2,i)=yp(2,j)
319  yp(3,i)=yp(3,j)
320  yp(1,j)=y1
321  yp(2,j)=y2
322  yp(3,j)=y3
324 C
325 C******************************
326 14 yt(1,1)=0.0
327  yt(2,1)=0.0
328  yt(3,1)=0.0
329  IF(ihnt2(3).LE.1) go to 24
330  DO 20 kt=1,ihnt2(3)
331 15 r=hirnd(2)
332 c
333  if(ihnt2(3).EQ.2) then
334  rnd1=max(atl_ran(nseed),1.0e-20)
335  rnd2=max(atl_ran(nseed),1.0e-20)
336  rnd3=max(atl_ran(nseed),1.0e-20)
337  r=-0.5*(log(rnd1)*4.38/2.0+log(rnd2)*0.85/2.0
338  & +4.38*0.85*log(rnd3)/(4.38+0.85))
339  endif
340 c
341  x=atl_ran(nseed)
342  cx=2.0*x-1.0
343  sx=sqrt(1.0-cx*cx)
344 C ********choose theta from uniform cos(theta) distr
345  phi=atl_ran(nseed)*2.0*hipr1(40)
346 C ********chose phi form uniform phi distr 0 to 2*pi
347  yt(1,kt)=r*sx*cos(phi)
348  yt(2,kt)=r*sx*sin(phi)
349  yt(3,kt)=r*cx
350  IF(hipr1(29).EQ.0.0) go to 20
351  DO 18 kt2=1,kt-1
352  dnbt1=(yt(1,kt)-yt(1,kt2))**2
353  dnbt2=(yt(2,kt)-yt(2,kt2))**2
354  dnbt3=(yt(3,kt)-yt(3,kt2))**2
355  dnbt=dnbt1+dnbt2+dnbt3
356  IF(dnbt.LT.hipr1(29)*hipr1(29)) go to 15
357 C ********two neighbors cannot be closer than
358 C HIPR1(29)
361 c**********************************
362  if(ihnt2(3).EQ.2) then
363  yt(1,2)=-yt(1,1)
364  yt(2,2)=-yt(2,1)
365  yt(3,2)=-yt(3,1)
366  endif
367 c*********************************
368  DO 22 i=1,ihnt2(3)-1
369  DO 22 j=i+1,ihnt2(3)
370  IF(yt(3,i),j)) go to 22
371  y1=yt(1,i)
372  y2=yt(2,i)
373  y3=yt(3,i)
374  yt(1,i)=yt(1,j)
375  yt(2,i)=yt(2,j)
376  yt(3,i)=yt(3,j)
377  yt(1,j)=y1
378  yt(2,j)=y2
379  yt(3,j)=y3
381 C********************
382 24 miss=-1
384 50 miss=miss+1
385  IF(miss.GT.50) THEN
386  WRITE(6,*) 'infinite loop happened in HIJING'
387  stop
388  ENDIF
390  natt=0
391  jatt=0
392  eatt=0.0
393  CALL hijini
394  nlop=0
395 C ********Initialize for a new event
396 60 nt=0
397  np=0
398  n0=0
399  n01=0
400  n10=0
401  n11=0
402  nelt=0
403  nint=0
404  nelp=0
405  ninp=0
406  nsg=0
407  ncolt=0
411 C BY THE ANGLE PHI FOR EACH COLLISION.******************
412 C
413  bb=sqrt(bmin**2+atl_ran(nseed)*(bmax**2-bmin**2))
414  phi=2.0*hipr1(40)*atl_ran(nseed)
415  bbx=bb*cos(phi)
416  bby=bb*sin(phi)
417  hint1(19)=bb
418  hint1(20)=phi
419 C
420  DO 70 jp=1,ihnt2(1)
421  DO 70 jt=1,ihnt2(3)
422  scip(jp,jt)=-1.0
423  b2=(yp(1,jp)+bbx-yt(1,jt))**2+(yp(2,jp)+bby-yt(2,jt))**2
424  r2=b2*hipr1(40)/hipr1(31)/0.1
425 C ********mb=0.1*fm, YP is in fm,HIPR1(31) is in mb
426  rrb1=min((yp(1,jp)**2+yp(2,jp)**2)
427  & /1.2**2/REAL(ihnt2(1))**0.6666667,1.0)
428  rrb2=min((yt(1,jt)**2+yt(2,jt)**2)
429  & /1.2**2/REAL(ihnt2(3))**0.6666667,1.0)
430  aphx1=hipr1(6)*4.0/3.0*(ihnt2(1)**0.3333333-1.0)
431  & *sqrt(1.0-rrb1)
432  aphx2=hipr1(6)*4.0/3.0*(ihnt2(3)**0.3333333-1.0)
433  & *sqrt(1.0-rrb2)
434  hint1(18)=hint1(14)-aphx1*hint1(15)
435  & -aphx2*hint1(16)+aphx1*aphx2*hint1(17)
436  IF(ihpr2(14).EQ.0.OR.
437  & (ihnt2(1).EQ.1.AND.ihnt2(3).EQ.1)) THEN
438  gs=1.0-exp(-(hipr1(30)+hint1(18))*romg(r2)/hipr1(31))
439  rantot=atl_ran(nseed)
440  IF( go to 70
441  go to 65
442  ENDIF
443  gstot_0=2.0*(1.0-exp(-(hipr1(30)+hint1(18))
444  & /hipr1(31)/2.0*romg(0.0)))
445  r2=r2/gstot_0
446  gs=1.0-exp(-(hipr1(30)+hint1(18))/hipr1(31)*romg(r2))
447  gstot=2.0*(1.0-sqrt(1.0-gs))
448  rantot=atl_ran(nseed)*gstot_0
449  IF(rantot.GT.gstot) go to 70
450  IF( THEN
451  CALL hijcsc(jp,jt)
452  go to 70
453 C ********perform elastic collisions
454  ENDIF
455  65 scip(jp,jt)=r2
456  rnip(jp,jt)=rantot
457  sjip(jp,jt)=hint1(18)
458  ncolt=ncolt+1
459  ipcol(ncolt)=jp
460  itcol(ncolt)=jt
462 C ********total number interactions proj and targ has
463 C suffered
464  IF(ncolt.EQ.0) THEN
465  nlop=nlop+1
466  IF(nlop.LE.20.OR.
467  & (ihnt2(1).EQ.1.AND.ihnt2(3).EQ.1)) go to 60
469  ENDIF
470 C ********At large impact parameter, there maybe no
471 C interaction at all. For NN collision
472 C repeat the event until interaction happens
473 C
474  IF(ihpr2(3).NE.0) THEN
475  nhard=1+int(atl_ran(nseed)*(ncolt-1)+0.5)
476  nhard=min(nhard,ncolt)
477  jphard=ipcol(nhard)
478  jthard=itcol(nhard)
479  ENDIF
480 C
481  IF(ihpr2(9).EQ.1) THEN
482  nmini=1+int(atl_ran(nseed)*(ncolt-1)+0.5)
483  nmini=min(nmini,ncolt)
484  jpmini=ipcol(nmini)
485  jtmini=itcol(nmini)
486  ENDIF
487 C ********Specifying the location of the hard and
488 C minijet if they are enforced by user
489 C
490  DO 200 jp=1,ihnt2(1)
491  DO 200 jt=1,ihnt2(3)
492  IF(scip(jp,jt).EQ.-1.0) go to 200
493  nfp(jp,11)=nfp(jp,11)+1
494  nft(jt,11)=nft(jt,11)+1
495  IF(nfp(jp,5).LE.1 .AND. nft(jt,5).GT.1) THEN
496  np=np+1
497  n01=n01+1
498  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,5).GT.1 .AND. nft(jt,5).LE.1) THEN
499  nt=nt+1
500  n10=n10+1
501  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,5).LE.1 .AND. nft(jt,5).LE.1) THEN
502  np=np+1
503  nt=nt+1
504  n0=n0+1
505  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,5).GT.1 .AND. nft(jt,5).GT.1) THEN
506  n11=n11+1
507  ENDIF
508 c
509  jout=0
510  nfp(jp,10)=0
511  nft(jt,10)=0
512 C*****************************************************************
513  IF(ihpr2(8).EQ.0 .AND. ihpr2(3).EQ.0) go to 160
514 C ********When IHPR2(8)=0 no jets are produced
515  IF(nfp(jp,6).LT.0 .OR. nft(jt,6).LT.0) go to 160
516 C ********jets can not be produced for (JP,JT)
517 C because not enough energy avaible for
518 C JP or JT
519  r2=scip(jp,jt)
520  hint1(18)=sjip(jp,jt)
521  tt=romg(r2)*hint1(18)/hipr1(31)
522  tts=hipr1(30)*romg(r2)/hipr1(31)
523  njet=0
524  IF(ihpr2(3).NE.0 .AND. jp.EQ.jphard .AND. jt.EQ.jthard) THEN
525  CALL jetini(jp,jt,1)
526  CALL hijhrd(jp,jt,0,jflg,0)
527  hint1(26)=hint1(47)
528  hint1(27)=hint1(48)
529  hint1(28)=hint1(49)
530  hint1(29)=hint1(50)
531  hint1(36)=hint1(67)
532  hint1(37)=hint1(68)
533  hint1(38)=hint1(69)
534  hint1(39)=hint1(70)
535 C
536  IF(abs(hint1(46)).GT.hipr1(11).AND.jflg.EQ.2) nfp(jp,7)=1
537  IF(abs(hint1(56)).GT.hipr1(11).AND.jflg.EQ.2) nft(jt,7)=1
538  IF(max(abs(hint1(46)),abs(hint1(56))).GT.hipr1(11).AND.
539  & jflg.GE.3) iasg(nsg,3)=1
540  ihnt2(9)=ihnt2(14)
541  ihnt2(10)=ihnt2(15)
542  DO 105 i05=1,5
543  hint1(20+i05)=hint1(40+i05)
544  hint1(30+i05)=hint1(50+i05)
545  105 CONTINUE
546  jout=1
547  IF(ihpr2(8).EQ.0) go to 160
548  rrb1=min((yp(1,jp)**2+yp(2,jp)**2)/1.2**2
549  & /REAL(ihnt2(1))**0.6666667,1.0)
550  rrb2=min((yt(1,jt)**2+yt(2,jt)**2)/1.2**2
551  & /REAL(ihnt2(3))**0.6666667,1.0)
552  aphx1=hipr1(6)*4.0/3.0*(ihnt2(1)**0.3333333-1.0)
553  & *sqrt(1.0-rrb1)
554  aphx2=hipr1(6)*4.0/3.0*(ihnt2(3)**0.3333333-1.0)
555  & *sqrt(1.0-rrb2)
556  hint1(65)=hint1(61)-aphx1*hint1(62)
557  & -aphx2*hint1(63)+aphx1*aphx2*hint1(64)
558  ttrig=romg(r2)*hint1(65)/hipr1(31)
559  njet=-1
560 C ********subtract the trigger jet from total number
561 C of jet production to be done since it has
562 C already been produced here
563  xr1=-alog(exp(-ttrig)+atl_ran(nseed)*(1.0-exp(-ttrig)))
564  106 njet=njet+1
565  xr1=xr1-alog(max(atl_ran(nseed),1.0e-20))
566  IF(xr1.LT.ttrig) go to 106
567  xr=0.0
568  107 njet=njet+1
569  xr=xr-alog(max(atl_ran(nseed),1.0e-20))
570  IF( go to 107
571  njet=njet-1
572  go to 112
573  ENDIF
574 C ********create a hard interaction with specified P_T
575 c when IHPR2(3)>0
576  IF(ihpr2(9) go to 110
577 C ********create at least one pair of mini jets
578 C when IHPR2(9)=1
579 C
580  IF(ihpr2(8).GT.0 .AND.rnip(jp,jt).LT.exp(-tt)*
581  & (1.0-exp(-tts))) go to 160
582 C ********this is the probability for no jet production
583 110 xr=-alog(exp(-tt)+atl_ran(nseed)*(1.0-exp(-tt)))
584 111 njet=njet+1
585  xr=xr-alog(max(atl_ran(nseed),1.0e-20))
586  IF( go to 111
587 112 njet=min(njet,ihpr2(8))
588  IF(ihpr2(8).LT.0) njet=abs(ihpr2(8))
589 C ******** Determine number of mini jet production
590 C
591  DO 150 i_jet=1,njet
592  CALL jetini(jp,jt,0)
593  CALL hijhrd(jp,jt,jout,jflg,1)
594 C ********JFLG=1 jets valence quarks, JFLG=2 with
595 C gluon jet, JFLG=3 with q-qbar prod for
596 C (JP,JT). If JFLG=0 jets can not be produced
597 C this time. If JFLG=-1, error occured abandon
598 C this event. JOUT is the total hard scat for
599 C (JP,JT) up to now.
600  IF(jflg.EQ.0) go to 160
601  IF(jflg.LT.0) THEN
602  IF(ihpr2(10).NE.0) WRITE(6,*) 'error occured in HIJHRD'
603  go to 50
604  ENDIF
605  jout=jout+1
606  IF(abs(hint1(46)).GT.hipr1(11).AND.jflg.EQ.2) nfp(jp,7)=1
607  IF(abs(hint1(56)).GT.hipr1(11).AND.jflg.EQ.2) nft(jt,7)=1
608  IF(max(abs(hint1(46)),abs(hint1(56))).GT.hipr1(11).AND.
609  & jflg.GE.3) iasg(nsg,3)=1
610 C ******** jet with PT>HIPR1(11) will be quenched
611  150 CONTINUE
612  160 CONTINUE
613  CALL hijsft(jp,jt,jout,ierror)
614  IF(ierror.NE.0) THEN
615  IF(ihpr2(10).NE.0) WRITE(6,*) 'error occured in HIJSFT'
616  go to 50
617  ENDIF
618 C
619 C ********conduct soft scattering between JP and JT
620  jatt=jatt+jout
622 200 CONTINUE
623 c
624 c**************************
625 c
626  DO 201 jp=1,ihnt2(1)
627  IF(nfp(jp,5).GT.2) THEN
628  ninp=ninp+1
629  ELSE IF(nfp(jp,5).EQ.2.OR.nfp(jp,5).EQ.1) THEN
630  nelp=nelp+1
631  ENDIF
632  201 continue
633  DO 202 jt=1,ihnt2(3)
634  IF(nft(jt,5).GT.2) THEN
635  nint=nint+1
636  ELSE IF(nft(jt,5).EQ.2.OR.nft(jt,5).EQ.1) THEN
637  nelt=nelt+1
638  ENDIF
639  202 continue
640 c
641 c*******************************
644 C********perform jet quenching for jets with PT>HIPR1(11)**********
646  IF((ihpr2(8).NE.0.OR.ihpr2(3).NE.0).AND.ihpr2(4).GT.0.AND.
647  & ihnt2(1).GT.1.AND.ihnt2(3).GT.1) THEN
648  DO 271 i=1,ihnt2(1)
649  IF(nfp(i,7).EQ.1) CALL quench(i,1)
650 271 CONTINUE
651  DO 272 i=1,ihnt2(3)
652  IF(nft(i,7).EQ.1) CALL quench(i,2)
653 272 CONTINUE
654  DO 273 isg=1,nsg
655  IF(iasg(isg,3).EQ.1) CALL quench(isg,3)
656 273 CONTINUE
657  ENDIF
658 C
659 C**************fragment all the string systems in the following*****
660 C
661 C********N_ST is where particle information starts
662 C********N_STR+1 is the number of strings in fragmentation
663 C********the number of strings before a line is stored in K(I,4)
664 C********IDSTR is id number of the string system (91,92 or 93)
665 C
666  IF(ihpr2(20).NE.0) THEN
667  DO 360 isg=1,nsg
668  CALL hijfrg(isg,3,ierror)
669  IF(mstu(24).NE.0 .OR.ierror.GT.0) THEN
670  mstu(24)=0
671  mstu(28)=0
672  IF(ihpr2(10).NE.0) THEN
673  call lulist(1)
674  WRITE(6,*) 'error occured, repeat the event'
675  ENDIF
676  go to 50
677  ENDIF
678 C ********Check errors
679 C
680 C
681 C DPM: call fastjet and record "jets" in LUJETS
682 C
683 c NSAVE = N
684  CALL hijfst(n,9000,k,p,v)
685 c WRITE(*,*)
686 c WRITE(*,*) N-NSAVE, ' "jets" produced'
687 c WRITE(*,*) ' id px py pz E m '
688 c WRITE(*,*) '==========================================='
689 c DO I = NSAVE+1, N
690 c WRITE(*,2718) K(I,1), (P(I,J), J=1,5)
691 c ENDDO
692 c 2718 FORMAT(I4,5(2X,F6.3))
693 C
694 C
695 C
697  n_st=1
698  idstr=92
699  IF(ihpr2(21).EQ.0) THEN
700  CALL luedit(2)
701 c+++BAC
702 c
703 c Don't perform the search for string if N=1 because it will search beyond the end of the valid particle list
704 c
705 c ELSE
706 c
707  ELSE IF (n .GT. 1) THEN
708 c---BAC
710 351 n_st=n_st+1
712 c+++BAC
713 c
714 c Check for inconsistency -- no string line found
715 c
716 c---BAC
717  if (n_st .GT. n) then
718  ierrstat = 2
720  ENDIF
722  IF(k(n_st,2).LT.91.OR.k(n_st,2).GT.93) go to 351
723  idstr=k(n_st,2)
724  n_st=n_st+1
725  ENDIF
726 C
727  IF(frame.EQ.'LAB') THEN
728  CALL hiboost
729  ENDIF
730 C ******** boost back to lab frame(if it was in)
731 C
732  n_str=0
733  DO 361 i=n_st,n
734  IF(k(i,2).EQ.idstr) THEN
735 C+++BAC
736  IF (k(i,3) .LT. n_st) THEN
737 C---BAC
738  n_str=n_str+1
739  go to 360
740  ENDIF
741  ENDIF
743  k(i,4)=n_str
744  natt=natt+1
745 c BAC+++
746 c
747 c Add a check on array overflow
748 c
749 c BAC---
750  if (natt .GT. 130000) THEN
751  ierrstat = 1
753  ENDIF
755  katt(natt,1)=k(i,2)
756  katt(natt,2)=20
757  katt(natt,4)=k(i,1)
758 C+++BAC
759 C IF(K(I,3).EQ.0 .OR. K(K(I,3),2).EQ.IDSTR) THEN
760  IF(k(i,3).EQ.0 .OR.
761  & k(i,3).LT.n_st .OR.
762  & (k(k(i,3),2) .EQ. idstr .AND.
763  & k(k(i,3),3) .LT. n_st)) THEN
764 C---BAC
765  katt(natt,3)=0
766  ELSE
767  katt(natt,3)=natt-i+k(i,3)+n_str-k(k(i,3),4)
768  ENDIF
769 C ****** identify the mother particle
770  patt(natt,1)=p(i,1)
771  patt(natt,2)=p(i,2)
772  patt(natt,3)=p(i,3)
773  patt(natt,4)=p(i,4)
774  eatt=eatt+p(i,4)
776  vatt(natt,1)=v(i,1)
777  vatt(natt,2)=v(i,2)
778  vatt(natt,3)=v(i,3)
780  IF ((abs(vatt(natt,3)) .GT. 0.00001) .and.
781  & (katt(natt,3) .eq. 0 )) THEN
782  CALL lulist(3)
783  ENDIF
785 C+++BAC
786  kparent = katt(natt,3)
787  if (kparent .ne. 0) then
788  r = sqrt(vatt(natt,1)**2 + vatt(natt,2)**2 +
789  & vatt(natt,3)**2)
791  rparent = sqrt(vatt(kparent,1)**2 +
792  & vatt(kparent,2)**2 +
793  & vatt(kparent,3)**2)
794  IF (r/rparent .LT. 0.85) THEN
795  CALL lulist(3)
796  ENDIF
797  ENDIF
798 C---BAC
800  vatt(natt,4)=v(i,4)
801  361 CONTINUE
802  360 CONTINUE
803 C ********Fragment the q-qbar jets systems *****
804 C
805  jtp(1)=ihnt2(1)
806  jtp(2)=ihnt2(3)
807  DO 400 ntp=1,2
808  DO 400 j_jtp=1,jtp(ntp)
809  CALL hijfrg(j_jtp,ntp,ierror)
810  IF(mstu(24).NE.0 .OR. ierror.GT.0) THEN
811  mstu(24)=0
812  mstu(28)=0
813  IF(ihpr2(10).NE.0) THEN
814  call lulist(1)
815  WRITE(6,*) 'error occured, repeat the event'
816  ENDIF
817  go to 50
818  ENDIF
819 C ********check errors
820 C
821 C
822 C DPM: call fastjet
823 C
824  CALL hijfst(n,9000,k,p,v)
825 C
826 C
827 C
829  n_st=1
830  idstr=92
831  IF(ihpr2(21).EQ.0) THEN
832  CALL luedit(2)
833 c+++BAC
834 c
835 c Don't perform the search for string if N=1 because it will search beyond the end of the valid particle list
836 c
837 c ELSE
838 c
839  ELSE IF (n .GT. 1) THEN
840 c---BAC
841 381 n_st=n_st+1
843 c+++BAC
844 c
845 c Check for inconsistency -- no string line found
846 c
847 c---BAC
848  if (n_st .GT. n) then
849  print *, 'inconsistency, n = ', n, ', n_st = ', n_st
850  ierrstat = 2
852  ENDIF
854  IF(k(n_st,2).LT.91.OR.k(n_st,2).GT.93) go to 381
855  idstr=k(n_st,2)
856  n_st=n_st+1
857  ENDIF
859  IF(frame.EQ.'LAB') THEN
860  CALL hiboost
861  ENDIF
862 C ******** boost back to lab frame(if it was in)
863 C
864  nftp=nfp(j_jtp,5)
865  IF(ntp.EQ.2) nftp=10+nft(j_jtp,5)
866  n_str=0
867  DO 390 i=n_st,n
868  IF(k(i,2).EQ.idstr) THEN
869 C+++BAC
870  IF (k(i,3) .LT. n_st) THEN
871 C---BAC
872  n_str=n_str+1
873  go to 390
874  ENDIF
875  ENDIF
876  k(i,4)=n_str
877  natt=natt+1
879 c BAC+++
880 c
881 c Add a check on array overflow
882 c
883 c BAC---
884  if (natt .GT. 130000) THEN
885  ierrstat = 1
887  ENDIF
889  katt(natt,1)=k(i,2)
890  katt(natt,2)=nftp
891  katt(natt,4)=k(i,1)
892 C+++BAC
893 C IF(K(I,3).EQ.0 .OR. K(K(I,3),2).EQ.IDSTR) THEN
894  IF(k(i,3).EQ.0 .OR.
895  & k(i,3).LT.n_st .OR.
896  & (k(k(i,3),2) .EQ. idstr .AND.
897  & k(k(i,3),3) .LT. n_st)) THEN
898 C---BAC
899  katt(natt,3)=0
900  ELSE
901  katt(natt,3)=natt-i+k(i,3)+n_str-k(k(i,3),4)
902  ENDIF
903 C ****** identify the mother particle
904  patt(natt,1)=p(i,1)
905  patt(natt,2)=p(i,2)
906  patt(natt,3)=p(i,3)
907  patt(natt,4)=p(i,4)
908  eatt=eatt+p(i,4)
910  vatt(natt,1)=v(i,1)
911  vatt(natt,2)=v(i,2)
912  vatt(natt,3)=v(i,3)
914  if ((abs(vatt(natt,3)) .gt. 0.00001) .and.
915  & (katt(natt,3) .eq. 0 )) then
916  call lulist(3)
917  endif
919 C+++BAC
920  kparent = katt(natt,3)
921  if (kparent .ne. 0) then
922  r = sqrt(vatt(natt,1)**2 + vatt(natt,2)**2 +
923  & vatt(natt,3)**2)
925  rparent = sqrt(vatt(kparent,1)**2 +
926  & vatt(kparent,2)**2 +
927  & vatt(kparent,3)**2)
928  IF (r/rparent .LT. 0.85) THEN
929  CALL lulist(3)
930  ENDIF
931  ENDIF
932 C---BAC
934  vatt(natt,4)=v(i,4)
935 390 CONTINUE
936 400 CONTINUE
937 C ********Fragment the q-qq related string systems
938  ENDIF
940  DO 450 i=1,ndr
941  natt=natt+1
943 c BAC+++
944 c
945 c Add a check on array overflow
946 c
947 c BAC---
948  if (natt .GT. 130000) THEN
949  ierrstat = 1
951  ENDIF
953  katt(natt,1)=kfdr(i)
954  katt(natt,2)=40
955  katt(natt,3)=0
956  patt(natt,1)=pdr(i,1)
957  patt(natt,2)=pdr(i,2)
958  patt(natt,3)=pdr(i,3)
959  patt(natt,4)=pdr(i,4)
960  eatt=eatt+pdr(i,4)
962  vatt(natt,1)=vdr(i,1)
963  vatt(natt,2)=vdr(i,2)
964  vatt(natt,3)=vdr(i,3)
965  vatt(natt,4)=vdr(i,4)
966 450 CONTINUE
967 C ********store the direct-produced particles
968 C
969  dengy=eatt/(ihnt2(1)*hint1(6)+ihnt2(3)*hint1(7))-1.0
970  IF(abs(dengy).GT.hipr1(43).AND.ihpr2(20).NE.0
971  & .AND.ihpr2(21).EQ.0) THEN
972  IF(ihpr2(10).NE.0) WRITE(6,*) 'Energy not conserved, repeat event'
973 C call lulist(1)
974  go to 50
975  ENDIF
977  END