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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file pyhiremn.f
2 C*********************************************************************
4  SUBROUTINE pyhiremn(IPU1,IPU2)
6 C...Adds on target remnants (one or two from each side) and
7 C...includes primordial kT.
8  common/hiparnt/hipr1(100),ihpr2(50),hint1(100),ihnt2(50)
9  SAVE /hiparnt/
10  common/histrng/nfp(300,15),pphi(300,15),nft(300,15),pthi(300,15)
11  SAVE /histrng/
13  common/lujets/n,k(9000,5),p(9000,5),v(9000,5)
14  SAVE /lujets/
15  common/ludat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
16  SAVE /ludat1/
17  common/ludat2/kchg(500,3),pmas(500,4),parf(2000),vckm(4,4)
18  SAVE /ludat2/
19  common/pyhipars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200)
20  SAVE /pyhipars/
21  common/pyhiint1/mint(400),vint(400)
22  SAVE /pyhiint1/
23  dimension kflch(2),kflsp(2),chi(2),pms(6),is(2),robo(5)
25 C...Special case for lepton-lepton interaction.
26  IF(mint(43).EQ.1) THEN
27  DO 100 jt=1,2
28  i=mint(83)+jt+2
29  k(i,1)=21
30  k(i,2)=k(i-2,2)
31  k(i,3)=i-2
32  DO 100 j=1,5
33  100 p(i,j)=p(i-2,j)
36 C...Find event type, set pointers.
37  IF(ipu1.EQ.0.AND.ipu2.EQ.0) RETURN
38  isub=mint(1)
39  ilep=0
40  IF(ipu1.EQ.0) ilep=1
41  IF(ipu2.EQ.0) ilep=2
42  IF(isub.EQ.95) ilep=-1
43  IF(ilep.EQ.1) iq=mint(84)+1
44  IF(ilep.EQ.2) iq=mint(84)+2
45  ip=max(ipu1,ipu2)
46  ilepr=mint(83)+5-ilep
47  ns=n
49 C...Define initial partons, including primordial kT.
50  110 DO 130 jt=1,2
51  i=mint(83)+jt+2
52  IF(jt.EQ.1) ipu=ipu1
53  IF(jt.EQ.2) ipu=ipu2
54  k(i,1)=21
55  k(i,3)=i-2
56  IF(isub.EQ.95) THEN
57  k(i,2)=21
58  shs=0.
59  ELSEIF(mint(40+jt).EQ.1.AND.ipu.NE.0) THEN
60  k(i,2)=k(ipu,2)
61  p(i,5)=p(ipu,5)
62  p(i,1)=0.
63  p(i,2)=0.
64  pms(jt)=p(i,5)**2
65  ELSEIF(ipu.NE.0) THEN
66  k(i,2)=k(ipu,2)
67  p(i,5)=p(ipu,5)
68 C...No primordial kT or chosen according to truncated Gaussian or
69 C...exponential.
70 C
71 c X.N. Wang (7.22.97)
72 c
73  rpt1=0.0
74  rpt2=0.0
75  ss_w2=(pphi(ihnt2(11),4)+pthi(ihnt2(12),4))**2
76  & -(pphi(ihnt2(11),1)+pthi(ihnt2(12),1))**2
77  & -(pphi(ihnt2(11),2)+pthi(ihnt2(12),2))**2
78  & -(pphi(ihnt2(11),3)+pthi(ihnt2(12),3))**2
79 C
80 C********this is s of the current NN collision
81  IF(ss_w2.LE.4.0*parp(93)**2) goto 1211
82 c
83  IF(ihpr2(5).LE.0) THEN
84 120 IF(mstp(91).LE.0) THEN
85  pt=0.
86  ELSEIF(mstp(91).EQ.1) THEN
87  pt=parp(91)*sqrt(-log(rlu(0)))
88  ELSE
89  rpt1=rlu(0)
90  rpt2=rlu(0)
91  pt=-parp(92)*log(rpt1*rpt2)
93  IF(pt.GT.parp(93)) goto 120
94  phi=paru(2)*rlu(0)
95  rpt1=pt*cos(phi)
96  rpt2=pt*sin(phi)
97  ELSE IF(ihpr2(5).EQ.1) THEN
98  IF(jt.EQ.1) jpt=nfp(ihnt2(11),11)
99  IF(jt.EQ.2) jpt=nft(ihnt2(12),11)
100 1205 ptgs=parp(91)*sqrt(-log(rlu(0)))
101  IF(ptgs.GT.parp(93)) go to 1205
102  phi=2.0*hipr1(40)*rlu(0)
103  rpt1=ptgs*cos(phi)
104  rpt2=ptgs*sin(phi)
105  DO 1210 i_int=1,jpt-1
106  pkcsq=parp(91)*sqrt(-log(rlu(0)))
107  phi=2.0*hipr1(40)*rlu(0)
108  rpt1=rpt1+pkcsq*cos(phi)
109  rpt2=rpt2+pkcsq*sin(phi)
110 1210 CONTINUE
111  IF(rpt1**2+rpt2**2.GE.ss_w2/4.0) go to 1205
112  ENDIF
113 C X.N. Wang
114 C ********When initial interaction among soft partons is
115 C assumed the primordial pt comes from the sum of
116 C pt of JPT-1 number of initial interaction, JPT
117 C is the number of interaction including present
118 C one that nucleon hassuffered
119 1211 p(i,1)=rpt1
120  p(i,2)=rpt2
121  pms(jt)=p(i,5)**2+p(i,1)**2+p(i,2)**2
122  ELSE
123  k(i,2)=k(iq,2)
124  q2=vint(52)
125  p(i,5)=-sqrt(q2)
126  pms(jt)=-q2
127  shs=(1.-vint(43-jt))*q2/vint(43-jt)+vint(5-jt)**2
128  ENDIF
129  130 CONTINUE
131 C...Kinematics construction for initial partons.
132  i1=mint(83)+3
133  i2=mint(83)+4
134  IF(ilep.EQ.0) shs=vint(141)*vint(142)*vint(2)+
135  &(p(i1,1)+p(i2,1))**2+(p(i1,2)+p(i2,2))**2
136  shr=sqrt(max(0.,shs))
137  IF(ilep.EQ.0) THEN
138  IF((shs-pms(1)-pms(2))**2-4.*pms(1)*pms(2).LE.0.) goto 110
139  p(i1,4)=0.5*(shr+(pms(1)-pms(2))/shr)
140  p(i1,3)=sqrt(max(0.,p(i1,4)**2-pms(1)))
141  p(i2,4)=shr-p(i1,4)
142  p(i2,3)=-p(i1,3)
143  ELSEIF(ilep.EQ.1) THEN
144  p(i1,4)=p(iq,4)
145  p(i1,3)=p(iq,3)
146  p(i2,4)=p(ip,4)
147  p(i2,3)=p(ip,3)
148  ELSEIF(ilep.EQ.2) THEN
149  p(i1,4)=p(ip,4)
150  p(i1,3)=p(ip,3)
151  p(i2,4)=p(iq,4)
152  p(i2,3)=p(iq,3)
153  ENDIF
154  IF(mint(43).EQ.1) RETURN
156 C...Transform partons to overall CM-frame (not for leptoproduction).
157  IF(ilep.EQ.0) THEN
158  robo(3)=(p(i1,1)+p(i2,1))/shr
159  robo(4)=(p(i1,2)+p(i2,2))/shr
160  CALL ludbrb(i1,i2,0.,0.,-dble(robo(3)),-dble(robo(4)),0d0)
161  robo(2)=ulangl(p(i1,1),p(i1,2))
162  CALL ludbrb(i1,i2,0.,-robo(2),0d0,0d0,0d0)
163  robo(1)=ulangl(p(i1,3),p(i1,1))
164  CALL ludbrb(i1,i2,-robo(1),0.,0d0,0d0,0d0)
165  nmax=max(mint(52),ipu1,ipu2)
166  CALL ludbrb(i1,nmax,robo(1),robo(2),dble(robo(3)),dble(robo(4)),
167  & 0d0)
168  robo(5)=max(-0.999999,min(0.999999,(vint(141)-vint(142))/
169  & (vint(141)+vint(142))))
170  CALL ludbrb(i1,nmax,0.,0.,0d0,0d0,dble(robo(5)))
171  ENDIF
173 C...Check invariant mass of remnant system:
174 C...hadronic events or leptoproduction.
175  IF(ilep.LE.0) THEN
176  IF(mstp(81).LE.0.OR.mstp(82).LE.0.OR.isub.EQ.95) THEN
177  vint(151)=0.
178  vint(152)=0.
179  ENDIF
180  peh=p(i1,4)+p(i2,4)+0.5*vint(1)*(vint(151)+vint(152))
181  pzh=p(i1,3)+p(i2,3)+0.5*vint(1)*(vint(151)-vint(152))
182  shh=(vint(1)-peh)**2-(p(i1,1)+p(i2,1))**2-(p(i1,2)+p(i2,2))**2-
183  & pzh**2
184  pmmin=p(mint(83)+1,5)+p(mint(83)+2,5)+ulmass(k(i1,2))+
185  & ulmass(k(i2,2))
186  IF(shr.GE.vint(1).OR.shh.LE.(pmmin+parp(111))**2) THEN
187  mint(51)=1
189  ENDIF
190  shr=sqrt(shh+(p(i1,1)+p(i2,1))**2+(p(i1,2)+p(i2,2))**2)
191  ELSE
192  pei=p(iq,4)+p(ip,4)
193  pzi=p(iq,3)+p(ip,3)
194  pms(ilep)=max(0.,pei**2-pzi**2)
195  pmmin=p(ilepr-2,5)+ulmass(k(ilepr,2))+sqrt(pms(ilep))
196  IF(shr.LE.pmmin+parp(111)) THEN
197  mint(51)=1
199  ENDIF
200  ENDIF
202 C...Subdivide remnant if necessary, store first parton.
203  140 i=ns
204  DO 190 jt=1,2
205  IF(jt.EQ.ilep) goto 190
206  IF(jt.EQ.1) ipu=ipu1
207  IF(jt.EQ.2) ipu=ipu2
208  CALL pyhispli(mint(10+jt),mint(12+jt),kflch(jt),kflsp(jt))
209  i=i+1
210  is(jt)=i
211  DO 150 j=1,5
212  k(i,j)=0
213  p(i,j)=0.
214  150 v(i,j)=0.
215  k(i,1)=3
216  k(i,2)=kflsp(jt)
217  k(i,3)=mint(83)+jt
218  p(i,5)=ulmass(k(i,2))
220 C...First parton colour connections and transverse mass.
221  kfls=(3-kchg(lucomp(kflsp(jt)),2)*isign(1,kflsp(jt)))/2
222  k(i,kfls+3)=ipu
223  k(ipu,6-kfls)=mod(k(ipu,6-kfls),mstu(5))+mstu(5)*i
224  IF(kflch(jt).EQ.0) THEN
225  p(i,1)=-p(mint(83)+jt+2,1)
226  p(i,2)=-p(mint(83)+jt+2,2)
227  pms(jt)=p(i,5)**2+p(i,1)**2+p(i,2)**2
229 C...When extra remnant parton or hadron: find relative pT, store.
230  ELSE
231  CALL luptdi(1,p(i,1),p(i,2))
232  pms(jt+2)=p(i,5)**2+p(i,1)**2+p(i,2)**2
233  i=i+1
234  DO 160 j=1,5
235  k(i,j)=0
236  p(i,j)=0.
237  160 v(i,j)=0.
238  k(i,1)=1
239  k(i,2)=kflch(jt)
240  k(i,3)=mint(83)+jt
241  p(i,5)=ulmass(k(i,2))
242  p(i,1)=-p(mint(83)+jt+2,1)-p(i-1,1)
243  p(i,2)=-p(mint(83)+jt+2,2)-p(i-1,2)
244  pms(jt+4)=p(i,5)**2+p(i,1)**2+p(i,2)**2
245 C...Relative distribution of energy for particle into two jets.
246  imb=1
247  IF(mod(mint(10+jt)/1000,10).NE.0) imb=2
248  IF(iabs(kflch(jt)).LE.10.OR.kflch(jt).EQ.21) THEN
249  chik=parp(92+2*imb)
250  IF(mstp(92).LE.1) THEN
251  IF(imb.EQ.1) chi(jt)=rlu(0)
252  IF(imb.EQ.2) chi(jt)=1.-sqrt(rlu(0))
253  ELSEIF(mstp(92).EQ.2) THEN
254  chi(jt)=1.-rlu(0)**(1./(1.+chik))
255  ELSEIF(mstp(92).EQ.3) THEN
256  cut=2.*0.3/vint(1)
257  170 chi(jt)=rlu(0)**2
258  IF((chi(jt)**2/(chi(jt)**2+cut**2))**0.25*(1.-chi(jt))**chik
259  & .LT.rlu(0)) goto 170
260  ELSE
261  cut=2.*0.3/vint(1)
262  cutr=(1.+sqrt(1.+cut**2))/cut
263  180 chir=cut*cutr**rlu(0)
264  chi(jt)=(chir**2-cut**2)/(2.*chir)
265  IF((1.-chi(jt))**chik.LT.rlu(0)) goto 180
266  ENDIF
267 C...Relative distribution of energy for particle into jet plus particle.
268  ELSE
269  IF(mstp(92).LE.1) THEN
270  IF(imb.EQ.1) chi(jt)=rlu(0)
271  IF(imb.EQ.2) chi(jt)=1.-sqrt(rlu(0))
272  ELSE
273  chi(jt)=1.-rlu(0)**(1./(1.+parp(93+2*imb)))
274  ENDIF
275  IF(mod(kflch(jt)/1000,10).NE.0) chi(jt)=1.-chi(jt)
276  ENDIF
277  pms(jt)=pms(jt+4)/chi(jt)+pms(jt+2)/(1.-chi(jt))
278  kfls=kchg(lucomp(kflch(jt)),2)*isign(1,kflch(jt))
279  IF(kfls.NE.0) THEN
280  k(i,1)=3
281  kfls=(3-kfls)/2
282  k(i,kfls+3)=ipu
283  k(ipu,6-kfls)=mod(k(ipu,6-kfls),mstu(5))+mstu(5)*i
284  ENDIF
285  ENDIF
286  190 CONTINUE
287  IF(shr.LE.sqrt(pms(1))+sqrt(pms(2))) goto 140
288  n=i
290 C...Reconstruct kinematics of remnants.
291  DO 200 jt=1,2
292  IF(jt.EQ.ilep) goto 200
293  pe=0.5*(shr+(pms(jt)-pms(3-jt))/shr)
294  pz=sqrt(pe**2-pms(jt))
295  IF(kflch(jt).EQ.0) THEN
296  p(is(jt),4)=pe
297  p(is(jt),3)=pz*(-1)**(jt-1)
298  ELSE
299  pw1=chi(jt)*(pe+pz)
300  p(is(jt)+1,4)=0.5*(pw1+pms(jt+4)/pw1)
301  p(is(jt)+1,3)=0.5*(pw1-pms(jt+4)/pw1)*(-1)**(jt-1)
302  p(is(jt),4)=pe-p(is(jt)+1,4)
303  p(is(jt),3)=pz*(-1)**(jt-1)-p(is(jt)+1,3)
304  ENDIF
305  200 CONTINUE
307 C...Hadronic events: boost remnants to correct longitudinal frame.
308  IF(ilep.LE.0) THEN
309  CALL ludbrb(ns+1,n,0.,0.,0d0,0d0,-dble(pzh/(vint(1)-peh)))
310 C...Leptoproduction events: boost colliding subsystem.
311  ELSE
312  nmax=max(ip,mint(52))
313  pef=shr-pe
314  pzf=pz*(-1)**(ilep-1)
315  pt2=p(ilepr,1)**2+p(ilepr,2)**2
316  phipt=ulangl(p(ilepr,1),p(ilepr,2))
317  CALL ludbrb(mint(84)+1,nmax,0.,-phipt,0d0,0d0,0d0)
318  rqp=p(iq,3)*(pt2+pei**2)-p(iq,4)*pei*pzi
319  sinth=p(iq,4)*sqrt(pt2*(pt2+pei**2)/(rqp**2+pt2*
320  & p(iq,4)**2*pzi**2))*sign(1.,-rqp)
321  CALL ludbrb(mint(84)+1,nmax,asin(sinth),0.,0d0,0d0,0d0)
322  betax=(-pei*pzi*sinth+sqrt(pt2*(pt2+pei**2-(pzi*sinth)**2)))/
323  & (pt2+pei**2)
324  CALL ludbrb(mint(84)+1,nmax,0.,0.,dble(betax),0d0,0d0)
325  CALL ludbrb(mint(84)+1,nmax,0.,phipt,0d0,0d0,0d0)
326  pem=p(iq,4)+p(ip,4)
327  pzm=p(iq,3)+p(ip,3)
328  betaz=(-pem*pzm+pzf*sqrt(pzf**2+pem**2-pzm**2))/(pzf**2+pem**2)
329  CALL ludbrb(mint(84)+1,nmax,0.,0.,0d0,0d0,dble(betaz))
330  CALL ludbrb(i1,i2,asin(sinth),0.,dble(betax),0d0,0d0)
331  CALL ludbrb(i1,i2,0.,phipt,0d0,0d0,dble(betaz))
332  ENDIF
335  END