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7 #include "PHSimpleKFProp.h"
8 #include "PHGhostRejection.h"
9 #include "ALICEKF.h"
10 #include "nanoflann.hpp"
11 #include "GPUTPCTrackParam.h"
19 #include <phfield/PHField.h>
20 #include <phfield/PHFieldUtility.h>
21 #include <phfield/PHFieldConfig.h>
22 #include <phfield/PHFieldConfigv1.h>
24 #include <phool/PHTimer.h>
25 #include <phool/getClass.h>
26 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
28 // tpc distortion correction
32 #include <trackbase/TrkrCluster.h>
34 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h>
36 #include <trackbase/ActsGeometry.h>
44 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
46 #include <Eigen/Core>
47 #include <Eigen/Dense>
49 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream
50 #include <vector>
52 //#define _DEBUG_
54 #if defined(_DEBUG_)
55 #define LogDebug(exp) std::cout << "DEBUG: " << __FILE__ << ": " << __LINE__ << ": " << exp
56 #else
57 #define LogDebug(exp) (void)0
58 #endif
60 #define LogError(exp) std::cout << "ERROR: " << __FILE__ << ": " << __LINE__ << ": " << exp
61 #define LogWarning(exp) std::cout << "WARNING: " << __FILE__ << ": " << __LINE__ << ": " << exp
63 // anonymous namespace for local functions
64 namespace
65 {
66  // square
67  template<class T> inline constexpr T square( const T& x ) { return x*x; }
68 }
70 using keylist = std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey>;
73  : SubsysReco(name)
74 {}
77 {
79 }
82 {
84  int ret = get_nodes(topNode);
85  if (ret != Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK) return ret;
86  PHFieldConfigv1 fcfg;
87  fcfg.set_field_config(PHFieldConfig::FieldConfigTypes::Field3DCartesian);
88  char *calibrationsroot = getenv("CALIBRATIONROOT");
89  assert(calibrationsroot);
90  auto magField = std::string(calibrationsroot) +
91  std::string("/Field/Map/sphenix3dtrackingmapxyz.root");
92  fcfg.set_filename(magField);
93  // fcfg.set_rescale(1);
94  _field_map = std::unique_ptr<PHField>(PHFieldUtility::BuildFieldMap(&fcfg));
96  fitter = std::make_unique<ALICEKF>(topNode,_cluster_map,_field_map.get(), _fieldDir,
98  fitter->useConstBField(_use_const_field);
99  fitter->setConstBField(_const_field);
100  fitter->useFixedClusterError(_use_fixed_clus_err);
101  fitter->setFixedClusterError(0,;
102  fitter->setFixedClusterError(1,;
103  fitter->setFixedClusterError(2,;
104  // _field_map = PHFieldUtility::GetFieldMapNode(nullptr,topNode);
105  // m_Cache = magField->makeCache(m_tGeometry->magFieldContext);
108 }
110 double PHSimpleKFProp::get_Bz(double x, double y, double z) const
111 {
112  if(_use_const_field) return _const_field;
113  double p[4] = {x*cm,y*cm,z*cm,0.*cm};
114  double bfield[3];
115  _field_map->GetFieldValue(p,bfield);
116  /* Acts::Vector3 loc(0,0,0);
117  int mfex = (magField != nullptr);
118  int tgex = (m_tGeometry != nullptr);
119  std::cout << " getting acts field " << mfex << " " << tgex << std::endl;
120  auto Cache = m_tGeometry->magField->makeCache(m_tGeometry->magFieldContext);
121  auto bf = m_tGeometry->magField->getField(loc,Cache);
122  if(bf.ok())
123  {
124  Acts::Vector3 val = bf.value();
125  std::cout << "bz big: " << bfield[2]/tesla << " bz acts: " << val(2) << std::endl;
126  }
127  */
128  return bfield[2]/tesla;
129 }
132 {
133  //---------------------------------
134  // Get Objects off of the Node Tree
135  //---------------------------------
137  _tgeometry = findNode::getClass<ActsGeometry>(topNode, "ActsGeometry");
138  if(!_tgeometry)
139  {
140  std::cout << "No Acts tracking geometry, exiting." << std::endl;
142  }
144  // tpc distortion correction
145  m_dcc = findNode::getClass<TpcDistortionCorrectionContainer>(topNode,"TpcDistortionCorrectionContainer");
146  if( m_dcc )
147  { std::cout << "PHSimpleKFProp::InitRun - found TPC distortion correction container" << std::endl; }
150  _cluster_map = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTER_TRUTH");
151  else
152  _cluster_map = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTER");
154  if (!_cluster_map)
155  {
156  std::cerr << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find node TRKR_CLUSTER" << std::endl;
158  }
160  _track_map = findNode::getClass<TrackSeedContainer>(topNode, "TpcTrackSeedContainer");
161  if (!_track_map)
162  {
163  std::cerr << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find TrackSeedContainer " << std::endl;
165  }
167  PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer *geom_container =
168  findNode::getClass<PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, "CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX");
169  if (!geom_container)
170  {
171  std::cerr << PHWHERE << "ERROR: Can't find node CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX" << std::endl;
173  }
175  for(int i=7;i<=54;i++)
176  {
177  radii.push_back(geom_container->GetLayerCellGeom(i)->get_radius());
178  }
181 }
184 {
185  if(_n_iteration!=0){
186  _iteration_map = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterIterationMapv1>(topNode, "CLUSTER_ITERATION_MAP");
187  if (!_iteration_map){
188  std::cerr << PHWHERE << "Cluster Iteration Map missing, aborting." << std::endl;
190  }
191  }
193  PHTimer timer("KFPropTimer");
195  timer.stop();
196  timer.restart();
198  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "starting Process" << std::endl;
199  PositionMap globalPositions = PrepareKDTrees();
200  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "prepared KD trees" << std::endl;
202  std::vector<std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey>> new_chains;
203  std::vector<TrackSeed_v1> unused_tracks;
204  for(int track_it = 0; track_it != _track_map->size(); ++track_it )
205  {
206  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "TPC seed " << track_it << std::endl;
207  // if not a TPC track, ignore
208  TrackSeed* track = _track_map->get(track_it);
209  const bool is_tpc = std::any_of(
210  track->begin_cluster_keys(),
211  track->end_cluster_keys(),
212  []( const TrkrDefs::cluskey& key ) { return TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(key) == TrkrDefs::tpcId; } );
214  if(is_tpc)
215  {
216  std::vector<std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey>> keylist;
217  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey> dumvec;
218  std::map<TrkrDefs::cluskey, Acts::Vector3> trackClusPositions;
220  iter != track->end_cluster_keys();
221  ++iter)
222  {
223  dumvec.push_back(*iter);
224  auto pos =*iter);
225  trackClusPositions.insert(std::make_pair(*iter,pos));
226  }
229  if(dumvec.size() < 3)
230  { continue; }
232  keylist.push_back(dumvec);
236  std::vector<float> trackChi2;
237  timer.stop();
238  timer.restart();
240  auto seedpair = fitter->ALICEKalmanFilter(keylist, false,
241  trackClusPositions, trackChi2);
243  timer.stop();
244  if(Verbosity() > 3)
245  { std::cout << "single track ALICEKF time " << timer.elapsed()
246  << std::endl;
247  }
248  timer.restart();
250  track->circleFitByTaubin(trackClusPositions, 7, 55);
251  track->lineFit(trackClusPositions, 7, 55);
252  timer.stop();
253  if(Verbosity() > 3)
254  { std::cout << "single track circle fit time " << timer.elapsed() << std::endl; }
255  if(seedpair.first.size() == 0 || seedpair.second.size() == 0)
256  { continue; }
257  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "is tpc track" << std::endl;
259  timer.stop();
260  timer.restart();
262  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "propagate first round" << std::endl;
263  auto preseed = PropagateTrack(track,,globalPositions);
265  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "preseed size " << preseed.size() << std::endl;
267  if(preseed.size()>40){
268  new_chains.push_back(preseed);
269  continue;
270  }
272  std::vector<std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey>> kl;
273  kl.push_back(preseed);
275  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "kl size " << kl.size() << std::endl;
276  std::vector<float> pretrackChi2;
277  auto prepair = fitter->ALICEKalmanFilter(kl,false,globalPositions,pretrackChi2);
278  if(prepair.first.size()==0 || prepair.second.size()==0) continue;
280  auto pretrack =;
281  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey> dumvec2;
282  std::map<TrkrDefs::cluskey, Acts::Vector3> pretrackClusPositions;
283  for(TrackSeed::ConstClusterKeyIter iter = pretrack.begin_cluster_keys();
284  iter != pretrack.end_cluster_keys();
285  ++iter)
286  {
287  dumvec2.push_back(*iter);
288  auto pos =*iter);
289  pretrackClusPositions.insert(std::make_pair(*iter,pos));
290  }
292  pretrack.circleFitByTaubin(pretrackClusPositions, 7, 55);
293  pretrack.lineFit(pretrackClusPositions, 7, 55);
295  new_chains.push_back(PropagateTrack(&pretrack,,
296  globalPositions));
297  timer.stop();
298  auto propagatetime = timer.elapsed();
299  if(Verbosity() > 3)
300  { std::cout << "propagate track time " << propagatetime << std::endl; }
301  }
302  else
303  {
304  // this is bad: it copies the track to its base class, which is essentially nothing
305  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "is NOT tpc track" << std::endl;
306  unused_tracks.push_back(*track);
307  }
308  }
310  _track_map->Reset();
311  timer.stop();
312  timer.restart();
314  std::vector<std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey>> clean_chains = RemoveBadClusters(new_chains, globalPositions);
315  timer.stop();
317  timer.stop();
318  timer.restart();
319  std::vector<float> trackChi2;
320  auto seeds = fitter->ALICEKalmanFilter(clean_chains, true, globalPositions,
321  trackChi2);
322  timer.stop();
323  auto alicekftime = timer.elapsed();
324  if(Verbosity() > 0 )
325  { std::cout << "full alice kf time all tracks " << alicekftime << std::endl; }
326  timer.stop();
327  timer.restart();
328  publishSeeds(seeds.first, globalPositions);
330  timer.stop();
331  auto circlefittime = timer.elapsed();
332  if(Verbosity() > 0)
333  { std::cout << "circle fit all tracks time " << circlefittime << std::endl; }
334  publishSeeds(unused_tracks);
337  PHGhostRejection rejector(Verbosity());
338  rejector.positionMap(globalPositions);
339  rejector.trackSeedContainer(_track_map);
340  timer.stop();
341  timer.restart();
342  rejector.rejectGhostTracks(trackChi2);
343  timer.stop();
344  if(Verbosity() > 2)
345  { std::cout << "ghost rejection time " << timer.elapsed() << std::endl; }
348 }
351 {
352  // get global position from Acts transform
353  auto globalpos = _tgeometry->getGlobalPosition(key, cluster);
355  // check if TPC distortion correction are in place and apply
356  if( m_dcc ) { globalpos = m_distortionCorrection.get_corrected_position( globalpos, m_dcc ); }
358  return globalpos;
359 }
362 {
363  PositionMap globalPositions;
364  //***** convert clusters to kdhits, and divide by layer
365  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double> > > kdhits;
366  kdhits.resize(58);
367  if (!_cluster_map)
368  {
369  std::cout << "WARNING: (tracking.PHTpcTrackerUtil.convert_clusters_to_hits) cluster map is not provided" << std::endl;
370  return globalPositions;
371  }
374  {
375  auto range = _cluster_map->getClusters(hitsetkey);
376  for (TrkrClusterContainer::ConstIterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it)
377  {
378  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluskey = it->first;
379  TrkrCluster* cluster = it->second;
380  if(!cluster) continue;
381  if(_n_iteration!=0){
382  if(_iteration_map != NULL ){
383  // std::cout << "map exists entries: " << _iteration_map->size() << std::endl;
384  if(_iteration_map->getIteration(cluskey)>0){
385  //std::cout << "hit used, continue" << std::endl;
386  continue; // skip hits used in a previous iteration
387  }
388  }
389  }
391  const Acts::Vector3 globalpos_d = getGlobalPosition( cluskey, cluster);
392  const Acts::Vector3 globalpos = { (float) globalpos_d.x(), (float) globalpos_d.y(), (float) globalpos_d.z()};
393  globalPositions.insert(std::make_pair(cluskey, globalpos));
395  int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluskey);
396  std::vector<double> kdhit(4);
397  kdhit[0] = globalpos_d.x();
398  kdhit[1] = globalpos_d.y();
399  kdhit[2] = globalpos_d.z();
400  uint64_t key = cluskey;
401  std::memcpy(&kdhit[3], &key, sizeof(key));
403  // HINT: way to get original uint64_t value from double:
404  //
405  // LOG_DEBUG("tracking.PHTpcTrackerUtil.convert_clusters_to_hits")
406  // << "orig: " << cluster->getClusKey() << ", readback: " << (*((int64_t*)&kdhit[3]));
408  kdhits[layer].push_back(kdhit);
409  }
410  }
411  _ptclouds.resize(kdhits.size());
412  _kdtrees.resize(kdhits.size());
413  for(size_t l=0;l<kdhits.size();++l)
414  {
415  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "l: " << l << std::endl;
416  _ptclouds[l] = std::make_shared<KDPointCloud<double>>();
417  _ptclouds[l]->pts.resize(kdhits[l].size());
418  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "resized to " << kdhits[l].size() << std::endl;
419  for(size_t i=0;i<kdhits[l].size();++i)
420  {
421  _ptclouds[l]->pts[i] = kdhits[l][i];
422  }
423  _kdtrees[l] = std::make_shared<nanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor<nanoflann::L2_Simple_Adaptor<double, KDPointCloud<double>>, KDPointCloud<double>, 3>>(3,*(_ptclouds[l]),nanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams(10));
424  _kdtrees[l]->buildIndex();
425  }
427  return globalPositions;
428 }
431 std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey> PHSimpleKFProp::PropagateTrack(TrackSeed* track, Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6>& xyzCov, const PositionMap& globalPositions) const
432 {
433  // extract cluster list
435  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey> ckeys;
436  std::copy(track->begin_cluster_keys(),track->end_cluster_keys(),std::back_inserter(ckeys));
438  if(ckeys.size()>1 && ((int)TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckeys.front()))>((int)TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckeys.back())))
439  {
440  std::reverse(ckeys.begin(),ckeys.end());
441  }
443  double track_x = track->get_x();
444  double track_y = track->get_y();
445  double track_z = track->get_z();
447  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "track (x,y,z) = (" << track_x << ", " << track_y << ", " << track_z << ")" << std::endl;
449  double track_px = NAN;
450  double track_py = NAN;
451  double track_pz = NAN;
452  if(_use_const_field)
453  {
454  float pt = fabs(1./track->get_qOverR()) * (0.3/100) * _const_field;
455  float phi = track->get_phi(_cluster_map, _tgeometry);
456  track_px = pt * std::cos(phi);
457  track_py = pt * std::sin(phi);
458  track_pz = pt * std::cosh(track->get_eta()) * std::cos(track->get_theta());
459  }
460  else
461  {
462  track_px = track->get_px(_cluster_map,_tgeometry);
463  track_py = track->get_py(_cluster_map,_tgeometry);
464  track_pz = track->get_pz();
465  }
467  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "track (px,py,pz) = (" << track_px << ", " << track_py << ", " << track_pz << ")" << std::endl;
469  // Move to first tpc cluster layer if necessary
470 // if(sqrt(track_x*track_x+track_y*track_y)<10.)
471 // {
472  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "WARNING: moving track into TPC" << std::endl;
473  std::vector<Acts::Vector3> trkGlobPos;
474  for(const auto& ckey : ckeys)
475  {
477  { trkGlobPos.push_back(; }
478  }
479  // want angle of tangent to circle at innermost (i.e. last) cluster
480  size_t inner_index;
481  if(TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckeys[0])>TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckeys.back()))
482  {
483  inner_index = ckeys.size()-1;
484  }
485  else
486  {
487  inner_index = 0;
488  }
490  double xc = track->get_X0();
491  double yc = track->get_Y0();
492  double cluster_x =;
493  double cluster_y =;
494  double dy = cluster_y-yc;
495  double dx = cluster_x-xc;
496  double phi = atan2(dy,dx);
497  double dx0 = - xc;
498  double dy0 = - yc;
499  double phi0 = atan2(dy0, dx0);
500  double dx1 = - xc;
501  double dy1 = - yc;
502  double phi1 = atan2(dy1, dx1);
503  double dphi = phi1 - phi0;
505  if(dphi < 0)
506  phi += M_PI / 2.0;
507  else
508  phi -= M_PI / 2.0;
510  double pt = sqrt(track_px*track_px+track_py*track_py);
511  // rotate track momentum vector (pz stays the same)
512  track_px = pt * cos(phi);
513  track_py = pt * sin(phi);
514  track_x =;
515  track_y =;
516  track_z =;
518  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "new track (x,y,z) = " << track_x << ", " << track_y << ", " << track_z << ")" << std::endl;
519  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "new track (px,py,pz) = " << track_px << ", " << track_py << ", " << track_pz << ")" << std::endl;
521 // }
523  double track_pt = sqrt(track_px*track_px + track_py*track_py);
524  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "track pt: " << track_pt << std::endl;
526  // get track parameters
527  GPUTPCTrackParam kftrack;
528  kftrack.InitParam();
529  float track_phi = atan2(track_y,track_x);
530  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "track phi: " << track_phi << std::endl;
531  kftrack.SetQPt(track->get_charge()/track_pt);
533  float track_pX = track_px*cos(track_phi)+track_py*sin(track_phi);
534  float track_pY = -track_px * sin(track_phi) + track_py * cos(track_phi);
536  kftrack.SetSignCosPhi(track_pX/track_pt);
537  kftrack.SetSinPhi(track_pY/track_pt);
538  kftrack.SetDzDs(-track_pz/track_pt);
540  // Y = y
541  // Z = z
542  // SinPhi = py/sqrt(px^2+py^2)
543  // DzDs = pz/sqrt(px^2+py^2)
544  // QPt = 1/sqrt(px^2+py^2)
546  const double track_pt3 = std::pow( track_pt, 3. );
548  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,5> Jrot;
549  Jrot(0,0) = 0; // dY/dx
550  Jrot(1,0) = 1; // dY/dy
551  Jrot(2,0) = 0; // dY/dz
552  Jrot(3,0) = 0; // dY/dpx
553  Jrot(4,0) = 0; // dY/dpy
554  Jrot(5,0) = 0; // dY/dpz
556  Jrot(0,1) = 0; // dZ/dx
557  Jrot(1,1) = 0; // dZ/dy
558  Jrot(2,1) = 1; // dZ/dz
559  Jrot(3,1) = 0; // dZ/dpx
560  Jrot(4,1) = 0; // dZ/dpy
561  Jrot(5,1) = 0; // dZ/dpz
563  Jrot(0,2) = 0; // dSinPhi/dx
564  Jrot(1,2) = 0; // dSinPhi/dy
565  Jrot(2,2) = 0; // dSinPhi/dz
566  Jrot(3,2) = -track_py*track_px/track_pt3; // dSinPhi/dpx
567  Jrot(4,2) = track_px*track_px/track_pt3; // dSinPhi/dpy
568  Jrot(5,2) = 0; // dSinPhi/dpz
570  Jrot(0,3) = 0; // dDzDs/dx
571  Jrot(1,3) = 0; // dDzDs/dy
572  Jrot(2,3) = 0; // dDzDs/dz
573  Jrot(3,3) = -track_px*track_pz/track_pt3; // dDzDs/dpx
574  Jrot(4,3) = -track_py*track_pz/track_pt3; // dDzDs/dpy
575  Jrot(5,3) = 1./track_pt; // dDzDs/dpz
577  Jrot(0,4) = 0; // dQPt/dx
578  Jrot(1,4) = 0; // dQPt/dy
579  Jrot(2,4) = 0; // dQPt/dz
580  Jrot(3,4) = -track_px/track_pt3; // dQPt/dpx
581  Jrot(4,4) = -track_py/track_pt3; // dQPt/dpy
582  Jrot(5,4) = 0; // dQPt/dpz
584  Eigen::Matrix<double,5,5> kfCov = Jrot.transpose()*xyzCov*Jrot;
586  int ctr = 0;
587  for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
588  {
589  for(int j=0;j<5;j++)
590  {
591  if(i>=j)
592  {
593  kftrack.SetCov(ctr,kfCov(i,j));
594  ctr++;
595  }
596  }
597  }
599  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey> propagated_track;
601  kftrack.SetX(track_x*cos(track_phi)+track_y*sin(track_phi));
602  kftrack.SetY(-track_x*sin(track_phi)+track_y*cos(track_phi));
603  kftrack.SetZ(track_z);
605  if(Verbosity()>0)
606  {
607  std::cout << "initial track params:" << std::endl;
608  std::cout << "X: " << kftrack.GetX() << std::endl;
609  std::cout << "Y: " << kftrack.GetY() << std::endl;
610  std::cout << "Z: " << kftrack.GetZ() << std::endl;
611  std::cout << "SinPhi: " << kftrack.GetSinPhi() << std::endl;
612  std::cout << "DzDs: " << kftrack.GetDzDs() << std::endl;
613  std::cout << "QPt: " << kftrack.GetQPt() << std::endl;
614  std::cout << "cov: " << std::endl;
615  for(int i=0; i<15; i++) std::cout << kftrack.GetCov(i) << ", ";
616  std::cout << std::endl;
618  }
620  // get layer for each cluster
621  std::vector<unsigned int> layers;
622  std::transform( ckeys.begin(), ckeys.end(), std::back_inserter( layers ), []( const TrkrDefs::cluskey& key ) { return TrkrDefs::getLayer(key); } );
624  double old_phi = track_phi;
625  unsigned int old_layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckeys[0]);
626  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "first layer: " << old_layer << std::endl;
627  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "cluster (x,y,z) = (" <<[0])(0) << ", " <<[0])(1) << ", " <<[0])(2) << ")" << std::endl;
628  propagated_track.push_back(ckeys[0]);
630  GPUTPCTrackLinearisation kfline(kftrack);
632  kftrack.CalculateFitParameters(fp);
634  // first, propagate downward
635  for(unsigned int l=old_layer+1;l<=54;l++)
636  {
637  if(std::isnan(kftrack.GetX()) ||
638  std::isnan(kftrack.GetY()) ||
639  std::isnan(kftrack.GetZ())) continue;
640  if(fabs(kftrack.GetZ())>105.) continue;
641  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "\nlayer " << l << ":" << std::endl;
642  // check to see whether layer is already occupied by at least one cluster
643  // choosing the last one first (clusters organized from inside out)
644  bool layer_filled = false;
645  TrkrDefs::cluskey next_ckey = 0;
646  for(int k=layers.size()-1; k>=0; k--)
647  {
648  if(layer_filled) continue;
649  if(layers[k]==l)
650  {
651  layer_filled = true;
652  next_ckey = ckeys[k];
653  }
654  }
655  // if layer is already occupied, reset track parameters to last cluster in layer
656  if(layer_filled)
657  {
658  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "layer is filled" << std::endl;
659  TrkrCluster* nc = _cluster_map->findCluster(next_ckey);
660  auto globalpos =;
661  double cx = globalpos(0);
662  double cy = globalpos(1);
663  double cz = globalpos(2);
664  double cphi = atan2(cy,cx);
665  double cxerr = sqrt(fitter->getClusterError(nc,next_ckey,globalpos,0,0));
666  double cyerr = sqrt(fitter->getClusterError(nc,next_ckey,globalpos,1,1));
667  double czerr = sqrt(fitter->getClusterError(nc,next_ckey,globalpos,2,2));
668  double alpha = cphi-old_phi;
669  double tX = kftrack.GetX();
670  double tY = kftrack.GetY();
671  double tx = tX*cos(old_phi)-tY*sin(old_phi);
672  double ty = tX*sin(old_phi)+tY*cos(old_phi);
673  double tz = kftrack.GetZ();
674 // GPUTPCTrackParam::GPUTPCTrackFitParam fp;
675 // kftrack.CalculateFitParameters(fp);
676  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "track position: (" << tx << ", " << ty << ", " << tz << ")" << std::endl;
677  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
678  double newX = cx*cos(cphi)+cy*sin(cphi);
679  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial((tX+newX)/2.,kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
680  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
681  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial(cx*cos(cphi)+cy*sin(cphi),kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
682  if(std::isnan(kftrack.GetX()) ||
683  std::isnan(kftrack.GetY()) ||
684  std::isnan(kftrack.GetZ())) continue;
685  tX = kftrack.GetX();
686  tY = kftrack.GetY();
687  tx = tX*cos(cphi)-tY*sin(cphi);
688  ty = tX*sin(cphi)+tY*cos(cphi);
689  tz = kftrack.GetZ();
690  double tYerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(0));
691  double tzerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(5));
692  double txerr = fabs(tYerr*sin(cphi));
693  double tyerr = fabs(tYerr*cos(cphi));
694  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "cluster position: (" << cx << ", " << cy << ", " << cz << ")" << std::endl;
695  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "cluster position errors: (" << cxerr << ", " << cyerr << ", " << czerr << ")" << std::endl;
696  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "new track position: (" << kftrack.GetX()*cos(cphi)-kftrack.GetY()*sin(cphi) << ", " << kftrack.GetX()*sin(cphi)+kftrack.GetY()*cos(cphi) << ", " << kftrack.GetZ() << ")" << std::endl;
697  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "track position errors: (" << txerr << ", " << tyerr << ", " << tzerr << ")" << std::endl;
698  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "distance: " << sqrt(square(kftrack.GetX()*cos(cphi)-kftrack.GetY()*sin(cphi)-cx)+square(kftrack.GetX()*sin(cphi)+kftrack.GetY()*cos(cphi)-cy)+square(kftrack.GetZ()-cz)) << std::endl;
699  if(1)//fabs(tx-cx)<_max_dist*sqrt(txerr*txerr+cxerr*cxerr) &&
700  //fabs(ty-cy)<_max_dist*sqrt(tyerr*tyerr+cyerr*cyerr) &&
701  //fabs(tz-cz)<_max_dist*sqrt(tzerr*tzerr+czerr*czerr))
702  {
703  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "Kept cluster" << std::endl;
704  propagated_track.push_back(next_ckey);
705 // kftrack.SetX(cx*cos(cphi)+cy*sin(cphi));
706 // kftrack.SetY(-cx*sin(cphi)+cy*cos(cphi));
707 // kftrack.SetZ(cz);
708  }
709  else
710  {
711  if(Verbosity()>0)
712  {
713  std::cout << "Rejected cluster" << std::endl;
714  std::cout << "dx: " << fabs(tx-cx) << " when max = " << _max_dist*sqrt(txerr*txerr+cxerr*cxerr) << std::endl;
715  std::cout << "dy: " << fabs(ty-cy) << " when max = " << _max_dist*sqrt(tyerr*tyerr+cyerr*cyerr) << std::endl;
716  std::cout << "dz: " << fabs(tz-cz) << " when max = " << _max_dist*sqrt(tzerr*tzerr+czerr*czerr) << std::endl;
717  }
718  kftrack.SetNDF(kftrack.GetNDF()-2);
719  //ckeys.erase(std::remove(ckeys.begin(),ckeys.end(),next_ckey),ckeys.end());
720  }
721  old_phi = cphi;
722  }
723  // if layer is not occupied, search for the nearest available cluster to projected track position
724  else
725  {
726  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "layer not filled" << std::endl;
727  // get current track coordinates to extract B field from map
728  double tX = kftrack.GetX();
729  double tY = kftrack.GetY();
730  double tx = tX*cos(old_phi)-tY*sin(old_phi);
731  double ty = tX*sin(old_phi)+tY*cos(old_phi);
732  double tz = kftrack.GetZ();
733 // GPUTPCTrackParam::GPUTPCTrackFitParam fp;
734 // kftrack.CalculateFitParameters(fp);
735  double newX = radii[l-7];
736  double alpha = atan2(ty,tx)-old_phi;
737  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
738  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial((tX+newX)/2.,kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
739  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
740  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial(radii[l-7],kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
741  if(std::isnan(kftrack.GetX()) ||
742  std::isnan(kftrack.GetY()) ||
743  std::isnan(kftrack.GetZ())) continue;
744  // update track coordinates after transport
745  tX = kftrack.GetX();
746  tY = kftrack.GetY();
747  double tYerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(0));
748  double tzerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(5));
749  tx = tX*cos(old_phi)-tY*sin(old_phi);
750  ty = tX*sin(old_phi)+tY*cos(old_phi);
751  tz = kftrack.GetZ();
752  double query_pt[3] = {tx, ty, tz};
754  if(m_dcc)
755  {
756  // The distortion corrected cluster positions in globalPos are not at the layer radius
757  // We want to project to the radius appropriate for the globalPos values
758  // Get the distortion correction for the projection point, and calculate the radial increment
760  double proj_radius = sqrt(tx*tx+ty*ty);
761  if(proj_radius > 78.0 || abs(tz) > 105.5) continue; // projection is bad, no cluster will be found
763  Acts::Vector3 proj_pt(tx,ty,tz);
764  if(Verbosity() > 2)
765  std::cout << " call distortion correction for layer " << l << " tx " << tx << " ty " << ty << " tz " << tz << " radius " << proj_radius << std::endl;
766  proj_pt = m_distortionCorrection.get_corrected_position( proj_pt, m_dcc );
767  // this point is meaningless, except that it gives us an estimate of the corrected radius of a point measured in this layer
768  double radius = sqrt(proj_pt[0]*proj_pt[0] + proj_pt[1]*proj_pt[1]);
769  // now project the track to that radius
770  if(Verbosity() > 2)
771  std::cout << " call transport again for layer " << l << " x " << proj_pt[0] << " y " << proj_pt[1] << " z " << proj_pt[2]
772  << " radius " << radius << std::endl;
773  double newX = radius;
774  double alpha = atan2(ty,tx)-old_phi;
775  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
776  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial((tX+newX)/2.,kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
777  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
778  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial(radius,kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
779  if(std::isnan(kftrack.GetX()) ||
780  std::isnan(kftrack.GetY()) ||
781  std::isnan(kftrack.GetZ())) continue;
782  tX = kftrack.GetX();
783  tY = kftrack.GetY();
784  tYerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(0));
785  tzerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(5));
786  tx = tX*cos(old_phi)-tY*sin(old_phi);
787  ty = tX*sin(old_phi)+tY*cos(old_phi);
788  tz = kftrack.GetZ();
789  query_pt[0] = tx;
790  query_pt[1] = ty;
791  query_pt[2] = tz;
792  }
794  double txerr = fabs(tYerr*sin(old_phi));
795  double tyerr = fabs(tYerr*cos(old_phi));
796  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "transported to " << radii[l-7] << "\n";
797  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "track position: (" << tx << ", " << ty << ", " << tz << ")" << std::endl;
798  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "track position error: (" << txerr << ", " << tyerr << ", " << tzerr << ")" << std::endl;
800 // size_t ret_index;
801 // double out_dist_sqr;
802 // nanoflann::KNNResultSet<double> resultSet(1);
803 // resultSet.init(&ret_index,&out_dist_sqr);
804 // _kdtrees[l]->findNeighbors(resultSet, &query_pt[0], nanoflann::SearchParams(10));
805  std::vector<long unsigned int> index_out(1);
806  std::vector<double> distance_out(1);
807  int n_results = _kdtrees[l]->knnSearch(&query_pt[0],1,&index_out[0],&distance_out[0]);
808  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "index_out: " << index_out[0] << std::endl;
809  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "squared_distance_out: " << distance_out[0] << std::endl;
810  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "solid_angle_dist: " << atan2(sqrt(distance_out[0]),radii[l-7]) << std::endl;
811  if(n_results==0) continue;
812  std::vector<double> point = _ptclouds[l]->pts[index_out[0]];
813  TrkrDefs::cluskey closest_ckey = (*((int64_t*)&point[3]));
814  TrkrCluster* cc = _cluster_map->findCluster(closest_ckey);
815  auto ccglob =;
816  double ccX = ccglob(0);
817  double ccY = ccglob(1);
818  double ccZ = ccglob(2);
820  /*
821  // alternatively:
822  if(m_dcc)
823  {
824  // The distortion corrected cluster positions in globalPos are not at the layer radius
825  // We want to project to the radius appropriate for the globalPos values
826  // Get the radius from the nearest associated cluster found above
827  Acts::Vector3 proj_pt(ccX, ccY, ccZ);
828  double radius = sqrt(proj_pt[0]*proj_pt[0] + proj_pt[1]*proj_pt[1]);
830  // now project the track to that radius
831  if(Verbosity() > 2)
832  std::cout << " call transport again for layer " << l << " x " << proj_pt[0] << " y " << proj_pt[1] << " z " << proj_pt[2]
833  << " radius " << radius << std::endl;
834  kftrack.TransportToX(radius,kfline,_Bzconst*get_Bz(ccX,ccY,ccZ),10.);
835  if(std::isnan(kftrack.GetX()) ||
836  std::isnan(kftrack.GetY()) ||
837  std::isnan(kftrack.GetZ())) continue;
838  tX = kftrack.GetX();
839  tY = kftrack.GetY();
840  tYerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(0));
841  tzerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(5));
842  tx = tX*cos(old_phi)-tY*sin(old_phi);
843  ty = tX*sin(old_phi)+tY*cos(old_phi);
844  tz = kftrack.GetZ();
845  query_pt[0] = tx;
846  query_pt[1] = ty;
847  query_pt[2] = tz;
849  n_results = _kdtrees[l]->knnSearch(&query_pt[0],1,&index_out[0],&distance_out[0]);
850  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "index_out: " << index_out[0] << std::endl;
851  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "squared_distance_out: " << distance_out[0] << std::endl;
852  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "solid_angle_dist: " << atan2(sqrt(distance_out[0]),radii[l-7]) << std::endl;
853  if(n_results==0) continue;
854  point = _ptclouds[l]->pts[index_out[0]];
855  closest_ckey = (*((int64_t*)&point[3]));
856  cc = _cluster_map->findCluster(closest_ckey);
857  ccglob =;
858  ccX = ccglob(0);
859  ccY = ccglob(1);
860  ccZ = ccglob(2);
861  }
862  */
864  double cxerr = sqrt(fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob,0,0));
865  double cyerr = sqrt(fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob,1,1));
866  double czerr = sqrt(fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob,2,2));
867  double ccphi = atan2(ccY,ccX);
868  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "cluster position: (" << ccX << ", " << ccY << ", " << ccZ << ")" << std::endl;
869  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "cluster position error: (" << cxerr << ", " << cyerr << ", " << czerr << ")" << std::endl;
870  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "cluster X: " << ccX*cos(ccphi)+ccY*sin(ccphi) << std::endl;
871  if(fabs(tx-ccX)<_max_dist*sqrt(txerr*txerr+cxerr*cxerr) &&
872  fabs(ty-ccY)<_max_dist*sqrt(tyerr*tyerr+cyerr*cyerr) &&
873  fabs(tz-ccZ)<_max_dist*sqrt(tzerr*tzerr+czerr*czerr))
874  {
875  propagated_track.push_back(closest_ckey);
876  layers.push_back(TrkrDefs::getLayer(closest_ckey));
877 /* TrkrCluster* cc = _cluster_map->findCluster(closest_ckey);
878  double ccX = cc->getX();
879  std::cout << "cluster X: " << ccX << std::endl;
880  double ccY = cc->getY();
881  double ccx = ccX*cos(old_phi)-ccY*sin(old_phi);
882  double ccy = ccX*sin(old_phi)+ccY*cos(old_phi);
883  std::cout << "cluster position: (" << ccx << ", " << ccy << ", " << cc->getZ() << ")" << std::endl;
884 */
886  double alpha = ccphi-old_phi;
887  kftrack.Rotate(alpha,kfline,10.);
888 // kftrack.SetX(ccX*cos(ccphi)+ccY*sin(ccphi));
889 // kftrack.SetY(-ccX*sin(ccphi)+ccY*cos(ccphi));
890 // kftrack.SetZ(cc->getZ());
891  double ccaY = -ccX*sin(ccphi)+ccY*cos(ccphi);
892  double ccerrY = fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob,0,0)*sin(ccphi)*sin(ccphi)+fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob,0,1)*sin(ccphi)*cos(ccphi)+fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob,1,1)*cos(ccphi)*cos(ccphi);
893  double ccerrZ = fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob,2,2);
894  kftrack.Filter(ccaY,ccZ,ccerrY,ccerrZ,_max_sin_phi);
895  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "added cluster" << std::endl;
896  old_phi = ccphi;
897  }
898  }
899  old_layer = l;
900  }
901 // old_layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckeys[0]);
902 // std::reverse(ckeys.begin(),ckeys.end());
903  layers.clear();
904  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "\nlayers after outward propagation:" << std::endl;
905  for(int i=0;i<propagated_track.size();i++)
906  {
907  layers.push_back(TrkrDefs::getLayer(propagated_track[i]));
908  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << layers[i] << std::endl;
909  }
910  // then, propagate upward
911  for(unsigned int l=old_layer-1;l>=7;l--)
912  {
913  if(std::isnan(kftrack.GetX()) ||
914  std::isnan(kftrack.GetY()) ||
915  std::isnan(kftrack.GetZ())) continue;
916  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "\nlayer " << l << ":" << std::endl;
917  // check to see whether layer is already occupied by at least one cluster
918  // choosing the first one first (clusters organized from outside in)
919  bool layer_filled = false;
920  TrkrDefs::cluskey next_ckey = 0;
921  for(size_t k=0; k<layers.size(); k++)
922  {
923  if(layer_filled) continue;
924  if(layers[k]==l)
925  {
926  layer_filled = true;
927  next_ckey = propagated_track[k];
928  }
929  }
930  // if layer is already occupied, reset track parameters to last cluster in layer
931  if(layer_filled)
932  {
933  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "layer is filled" << std::endl;
934  auto ncglob =;
935  double cx = ncglob(0);
936  double cy = ncglob(1);
937  double cz = ncglob(2);
938  double cphi = atan2(cy,cx);
939  double alpha = cphi-old_phi;
940  double tX = kftrack.GetX();
941  double tY = kftrack.GetY();
942  double tx = tX*cos(old_phi)-tY*sin(old_phi);
943  double ty = tX*sin(old_phi)+tY*cos(old_phi);
944  double tz = kftrack.GetZ();
945 // GPUTPCTrackParam::GPUTPCTrackFitParam fp;
946 // kftrack.CalculateFitParameters(fp);
947  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
948  double newX = cx*cos(cphi)+cy*sin(cphi);
949  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial((tX+newX)/2.,kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
950  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
951  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial(cx*cos(cphi)+cy*sin(cphi),kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
952  if(std::isnan(kftrack.GetX()) ||
953  std::isnan(kftrack.GetY()) ||
954  std::isnan(kftrack.GetZ())) continue;
955  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "transported to " << radii[l-7] << "\n";
956  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "track position: (" << kftrack.GetX()*cos(cphi)-kftrack.GetY()*sin(cphi) << ", " << kftrack.GetX()*sin(cphi)+kftrack.GetY()*cos(cphi) << ", " << kftrack.GetZ() << ")" << std::endl;
957  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "cluster position: (" << cx << ", " << cy << ", " << cz << ")" << std::endl;
958 // kftrack.SetX(cx*cos(cphi)+cy*sin(cphi));
959 // kftrack.SetY(-cx*sin(cphi)+cy*cos(cphi));
960 // kftrack.SetZ(cz);
961 // propagated_track.push_back(next_ckey);
962  old_phi = cphi;
963  }
964  // if layer is not occupied, search for the nearest available cluster to projected track position
965  else
966  {
967  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "layer not filled" << std::endl;
968  double tX = kftrack.GetX();
969  double tY = kftrack.GetY();
970  double tx = tX*cos(old_phi)-tY*sin(old_phi);
971  double ty = tX*sin(old_phi)+tY*cos(old_phi);
972  double tz = kftrack.GetZ();
973 // GPUTPCTrackParam::GPUTPCTrackFitParam fp;
974 // kftrack.CalculateFitParameters(fp);
975  double newX = radii[l-7];
976  double alpha = atan2(ty,tx)-old_phi;
977  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
978  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial((tX+newX)/2.,kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
979  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
980  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial(radii[l-7],kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
981  if(std::isnan(kftrack.GetX()) ||
982  std::isnan(kftrack.GetY()) ||
983  std::isnan(kftrack.GetZ())) continue;
984  tX = kftrack.GetX();
985  tY = kftrack.GetY();
986  double tYerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(0));
987  double tzerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(5));
988  tx = tX*cos(old_phi)-tY*sin(old_phi);
989  ty = tX*sin(old_phi)+tY*cos(old_phi);
990  tz = kftrack.GetZ();
991  double query_pt[3] = {tx, ty, tz};
993  // Now look for the nearest cluster to this projection point (tx,ty,tz), which is at the nominal layer radius
994  if(m_dcc)
995  {
996  // The distortion corrected cluster positions in globalPos are not at the layer radius
997  // We want to project to the radius appropriate for the globalPos values
998  // Get the distortion correction for the projection point, and calculate the radial increment
999  double proj_radius = sqrt(tx*tx+ty*ty);
1000  if(proj_radius > 78.0 || abs(tz) > 105.5) continue; // projection is bad, no cluster will be found
1002  Acts::Vector3 proj_pt(tx,ty,tz);
1003  if(Verbosity() > 2)
1004  std::cout << " call distortion correction for layer " << l << " tx " << tx << " ty " << ty << " tz " << tz << " radius " << proj_radius << std::endl;
1005  proj_pt = m_distortionCorrection.get_corrected_position( proj_pt, m_dcc );
1006  // this point is meaningless, except that it givs us an estimate of the corrected radius of a point measured in this layer
1007  double radius = sqrt(proj_pt[0]*proj_pt[0] + proj_pt[1]*proj_pt[1]);
1009  // now project the track to that radius
1010  if(Verbosity() > 2)
1011  std::cout << " call transport again for layer " << l << " x " << proj_pt[0] << " y " << proj_pt[1] << " z " << proj_pt[2]
1012  << " radius " << radius << std::endl;
1013  double newX = radius;
1014  double alpha = atan2(ty,tx)-old_phi;
1015  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
1016  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial((tX+newX)/2.,kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
1017  kftrack.Rotate(alpha/2.,kfline,10.);
1018  kftrack.TransportToXWithMaterial(radius,kfline,fp,_Bzconst*get_Bz(tx,ty,tz),10.);
1019  if(std::isnan(kftrack.GetX()) ||
1020  std::isnan(kftrack.GetY()) ||
1021  std::isnan(kftrack.GetZ())) continue;
1022  tX = kftrack.GetX();
1023  tY = kftrack.GetY();
1024  tYerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(0));
1025  tzerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(5));
1026  tx = tX*cos(old_phi)-tY*sin(old_phi);
1027  ty = tX*sin(old_phi)+tY*cos(old_phi);
1028  tz = kftrack.GetZ();
1029  query_pt[0] = tx;
1030  query_pt[1] = ty;
1031  query_pt[2] = tz;
1032  }
1034  double txerr = fabs(tYerr*sin(old_phi));
1035  double tyerr = fabs(tYerr*cos(old_phi));
1036  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "transported to " << radii[l-7] << "\n";
1037  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "track position: (" << kftrack.GetX()*cos(old_phi)-kftrack.GetY()*sin(old_phi) << ", " << kftrack.GetX()*sin(old_phi)+kftrack.GetY()*cos(old_phi) << ", " << kftrack.GetZ() << ")" << std::endl;
1038  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "track position errors: (" << txerr << ", " << tyerr << ", " << tzerr << ")" << std::endl;
1040  std::vector<long unsigned int> index_out(1);
1041  std::vector<double> distance_out(1);
1042  int n_results = _kdtrees[l]->knnSearch(&query_pt[0],1,&index_out[0],&distance_out[0]);
1043  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "index_out: " << index_out[0] << std::endl;
1044  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "squared_distance_out: " << distance_out[0] << std::endl;
1045  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "solid_angle_dist: " << atan2(sqrt(distance_out[0]),radii[l-7]) << std::endl;
1046  if(n_results==0) continue;
1047  std::vector<double> point = _ptclouds[l]->pts[index_out[0]];
1048  TrkrDefs::cluskey closest_ckey = (*((int64_t*)&point[3]));
1049  TrkrCluster* cc = _cluster_map->findCluster(closest_ckey);
1050  auto ccglob2 =;
1051  double ccX = ccglob2(0);
1052  double ccY = ccglob2(1);
1053  double ccZ = ccglob2(2);
1055  /*
1056  // alternatively:
1057  if(m_dcc)
1058  {
1059  // The distortion corrected cluster positions in globalPos are not at the layer radius
1060  // We want to project to the radius appropriate for the globalPos values
1061  // Get the radius from the global position of the nearest cluster found above
1062  Acts::Vector3 proj_pt(ccX, ccY, ccZ);
1063  double radius = sqrt(proj_pt[0]*proj_pt[0] + proj_pt[1]*proj_pt[1]);
1065  // now project the track to that radius
1066  if(Verbosity() > 2)
1067  std::cout << " call transport again for layer " << l << " x " << proj_pt[0] << " y " << proj_pt[1] << " z " << proj_pt[2]
1068  << " radius " << radius << std::endl;
1069  kftrack.TransportToX(radius,kfline,_Bzconst*get_Bz(ccX,ccY,ccZ),10.);
1070  if(std::isnan(kftrack.GetX()) ||
1071  std::isnan(kftrack.GetY()) ||
1072  std::isnan(kftrack.GetZ())) continue;
1073  tX = kftrack.GetX();
1074  tY = kftrack.GetY();
1075  tYerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(0));
1076  tzerr = sqrt(kftrack.GetCov(5));
1077  tx = tX*cos(old_phi)-tY*sin(old_phi);
1078  ty = tX*sin(old_phi)+tY*cos(old_phi);
1079  tz = kftrack.GetZ();
1080  query_pt[0] = tx;
1081  query_pt[1] = ty;
1082  query_pt[2] = tz;
1084  n_results = _kdtrees[l]->knnSearch(&query_pt[0],1,&index_out[0],&distance_out[0]);
1085  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "index_out: " << index_out[0] << std::endl;
1086  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "squared_distance_out: " << distance_out[0] << std::endl;
1087  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "solid_angle_dist: " << atan2(sqrt(distance_out[0]),radii[l-7]) << std::endl;
1088  if(n_results==0) continue;
1089  point = _ptclouds[l]->pts[index_out[0]];
1090  closest_ckey = (*((int64_t*)&point[3]));
1091  cc = _cluster_map->findCluster(closest_ckey);
1092  ccglob2 =;
1093  ccX = ccglob2(0);
1094  ccY = ccglob2(1);
1095  ccZ = ccglob2(2);
1096  }
1097  */
1099  double cxerr = sqrt(fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob2,0,0));
1100  double cyerr = sqrt(fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob2,1,1));
1101  double czerr = sqrt(fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob2,2,2));
1102  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "cluster position: (" << ccX << ", " << ccY << ", " << ccZ << ")" << std::endl;
1103  double ccphi = atan2(ccY,ccX);
1104  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "cluster position errors: (" << cxerr << ", " << cyerr << ", " << czerr << ")" << std::endl;
1105  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "cluster X: " << ccX*cos(ccphi)+ccY*sin(ccphi) << std::endl;
1106  double alpha2 = ccphi-old_phi;
1107  if(fabs(tx-ccX)<_max_dist*sqrt(txerr*txerr+cxerr*cxerr) &&
1108  fabs(ty-ccY)<_max_dist*sqrt(tyerr*tyerr+cyerr*cyerr) &&
1109  fabs(tz-ccZ)<_max_dist*sqrt(tzerr*tzerr+czerr*czerr))
1110  {
1111  propagated_track.push_back(closest_ckey);
1112  layers.push_back(TrkrDefs::getLayer(closest_ckey));
1113 /* TrkrCluster* cc = _cluster_map->findCluster(closest_ckey);
1114  double ccX = cc->getX();
1115  std::cout << "cluster X: " << ccX << std::endl;
1116  double ccY = cc->getY();
1117  double ccx = ccX*cos(old_phi)-ccY*sin(old_phi);
1118  double ccy = ccX*sin(old_phi)+ccY*cos(old_phi);
1119  std::cout << "cluster position: (" << ccx << ", " << ccy << ", " << cc->getZ() << ")" << std::endl;
1120  double ccphi = atan2(ccy,ccx);
1121  double alpha = ccphi-old_phi;
1122 */
1123  kftrack.Rotate(alpha2,kfline,10.);
1124  double ccaY = -ccX*sin(ccphi)+ccY*cos(ccphi);
1125  double ccerrY = fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob2,0,0)*sin(ccphi)*sin(ccphi)+fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob2,1,0)*sin(ccphi)*cos(ccphi)+fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob2,1,1)*cos(ccphi)*cos(ccphi);
1126  double ccerrZ = fitter->getClusterError(cc,closest_ckey,ccglob2,2,2);
1127  kftrack.Filter(ccaY,ccZ,ccerrY,ccerrZ,_max_sin_phi);
1128 // kftrack.SetX(ccX*cos(ccphi)+ccY*sin(ccphi));
1129 // kftrack.SetY(-ccX*sin(ccphi)+ccY*cos(ccphi));
1130 // kftrack.SetZ(cc->getZ());
1131  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "added cluster" << std::endl;
1132  old_phi = ccphi;
1133  }
1134  }
1135  old_layer = l;
1136  }
1137  std::sort(propagated_track.begin(),propagated_track.end(),
1139  {return (TrkrDefs::getLayer(a)<TrkrDefs::getLayer(b));});
1140  return propagated_track;
1141 }
1143 std::vector<keylist> PHSimpleKFProp::RemoveBadClusters(const std::vector<keylist>& chains, const PositionMap& globalPositions) const
1144 {
1145  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "removing bad clusters" << std::endl;
1146  std::vector<keylist> clean_chains;
1147  for(const keylist& chain : chains)
1148  {
1149  if(chain.size()<3) continue;
1150  keylist clean_chain;
1152  std::vector<std::pair<double,double>> xy_pts;
1153  std::vector<std::pair<double,double>> rz_pts;
1154  for(const TrkrDefs::cluskey& ckey : chain)
1155  {
1156  auto global =;
1157  xy_pts.push_back(std::make_pair(global(0),global(1)));
1158  float r = sqrt(global(0)*global(0) + global(1)*global(1));
1159  rz_pts.push_back(std::make_pair(r,global(2)));
1160  }
1161  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "chain size: " << chain.size() << std::endl;
1163  //fit a circle through x,y coordinates and calculate residuals
1164  const auto [R, X0, Y0] = TrackFitUtils::circle_fit_by_taubin( xy_pts );
1165  const std::vector<double> xy_resid = TrackFitUtils::getCircleClusterResiduals(xy_pts,R,X0,Y0);
1167  // fit a line through r,z coordinates and calculate residuals
1168  const auto [A, B] = TrackFitUtils::line_fit( rz_pts );
1169  const std::vector<double> rz_resid = TrackFitUtils::getLineClusterResiduals(rz_pts,A,B);
1171  for(size_t i=0;i<chain.size();i++)
1172  {
1173  //if(xy_resid[i]>_xy_outlier_threshold) continue;
1174  clean_chain.push_back(chain[i]);
1175  }
1176  clean_chains.push_back(clean_chain);
1177  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "pushed clean chain with " << clean_chain.size() << " clusters" << std::endl;
1178  }
1179  return clean_chains;
1180 }
1184 void PHSimpleKFProp::publishSeeds(std::vector<TrackSeed_v1>& seeds, PositionMap& /*positions*/)
1185 {
1186  for(auto& seed: seeds )
1187  {
1189  int q = seed.get_charge();
1190  seed.circleFitByTaubin(_cluster_map, _tgeometry, 7, 55);
1191  seed.lineFit(_cluster_map,_tgeometry, 7, 55);
1193  seed.set_qOverR(fabs(seed.get_qOverR()) * q);
1194  _track_map->insert(&seed);
1195  }
1196 }
1198 void PHSimpleKFProp::publishSeeds(const std::vector<TrackSeed_v1>& seeds)
1199 {
1200  for( const auto& seed:seeds )
1201  { _track_map->insert(&seed); }
1202 }