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trackreco Directory Reference

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+ Directory dependency graph for trackreco:


file [code]
file  ActsAlignmentStates.h [code]
file [code]
file  ActsEvaluator.h [code]
file [code]
file  ActsPropagator.h [code]
file [code]
file  ALICEKF.h [code]
file [code]
file  AssocInfoContainer.h [code]
file  AssocInfoContainerLinkDef.h [code]
file [code]
file  AssocInfoContainerv1.h [code]
file  AssocInfoContainerv1LinkDef.h [code]
file  GPUTPCBaseTrackParam.h [code]
file  GPUTPCTrackLinearisation.h [code]
file  GPUTPCTrackParam.cxx [code]
file  GPUTPCTrackParam.h [code]
file [code]
 Refit SvtxTracks with PHActs.
file  MakeActsGeometry.h [code]
 Make Acts geometry from sPHENIX TGeometry.
file  nanoflann.hpp [code]
file [code]
file  PH3DVertexing.h [code]
 Base class for track seeding.
file [code]
file  PHActsGSF.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHActsInitialVertexFinder.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHActsKDTreeSeeding.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHActsSiliconSeeding.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHActsToSvtxTracks.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHActsTrackProjection.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHActsTrackPropagator.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHActsTrkFitter.h [code]
 Refit SvtxTracks with Acts.
file [code]
file  PHActsVertexFinder.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHActsVertexFitter.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHActsVertexPropagator.h [code]
file [code]
 Track seeding using ALICE-style "cellular automaton" (CA) algorithm .
file  PHCASeeding.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHCosmicSeedCombiner.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHCosmicSeeder.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHCosmicSiliconPropagator.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHCosmicsTrkFitter.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHCosmicTrackMerger.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHGenFitTrackProjection.h [code]
 Projects into calorimeters and fills track cal fields using GenFit.
file [code]
file  PHGenFitTrkFitter.h [code]
 Refit SvtxTracks with PHGenFit.
file [code]
file  PHGhostRejection.h [code]
file [code]
 Track Seeding using STAR "CA" algorithm and ALICE simplified Kalman filter .
file  PHHybridSeeding.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHInitVertexing.h [code]
 Base class for inital vertexing.
file [code]
file  PHMicromegasTpcTrackMatching.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHRaveVertexing.h [code]
 Refit SvtxTracks with PHGenFit.
file [code]
file  PHSiliconHelicalPropagator.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHSiliconSeedMerger.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHSiliconTpcTrackMatching.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHSiliconTruthTrackSeeding.h [code]
 Vertexing using truth info.
file [code]
 kalman filter based propagator
file  PHSimpleKFProp.h [code]
 kalman filter based propagator
file [code]
file  PHSimpleVertexFinder.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHTpcClusterMover.h [code]
 Class for moving corrected TPC clusters to the nearest TPC readout layer radius.
file [code]
file  PHTpcDeltaZCorrection.h [code]
 Navigate along a given track and correct TPC cluster z position to account for particle finite velocity in the TPC.
file [code]
file  PHTpcTrackSeedCircleFit.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHTrackCleaner.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHTrackClusterAssociator.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHTrackFitting.h [code]
 Base class for track seeding.
file [code]
file  PHTrackPropagating.h [code]
 Base class for track seeding.
file [code]
file  PHTrackSeeding.h [code]
 Base class for track seeding.
file [code]
file  PHTrackSelector.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHTrackSetCopyMerging.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHTrackSetMerging.h [code]
 Base class for track container merging.
file [code]
file  PHTruthClustering.h [code]
 Clustering using truth info.
file [code]
file  PHTruthSiliconAssociation.h [code]
file [code]
file  PHTruthTrackSeeding.h [code]
 Vertexing using truth info.
file [code]
file  PHTruthVertexing.h [code]
 Vertexing using truth info.
file [code]
file  SecondaryVertexFinder.h [code]
file [code]
file  SvtxTrackStateRemoval.h [code]
file [code]
file  TrackingIterationCounter.h [code]