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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file GPUTPCTrackParam.cxx
1 // Copyright CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2. This software is
2 // distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL
3 // Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
4 //
5 // See for full licensing information.
6 //
7 // In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
8 // granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
9 // or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
15 #include "GPUTPCTrackParam.h"
16 #include <cmath>
17 #include <algorithm>
19 //
20 // Circle in XY:
21 //
22 // kCLight = 0.000299792458;
23 // Kappa = -Bz*kCLight*QPt;
24 // R = 1/fstd::absf(Kappa);
25 // Xc = X - sin(Phi)/Kappa;
26 // Yc = Y + cos(Phi)/Kappa;
27 //
30 {
31  // get squared distance between tracks
33  double dx = GetX() - t.GetX();
34  double dy = GetY() - t.GetY();
35  double dz = GetZ() - t.GetZ();
36  return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
37 }
40 {
41  // get squared distance between tracks in X&Z
43  double dx = GetX() - t.GetX();
44  double dz = GetZ() - t.GetZ();
45  return dx * dx + dz * dz;
46 }
48 double GPUTPCTrackParam::GetS(double x, double y, double Bz) const
49 {
50  //* Get XY path length to the given point
52  double k = GetKappa(Bz);
53  double ex = GetCosPhi();
54  double ey = GetSinPhi();
55  x -= GetX();
56  y -= GetY();
57  double dS = x * ex + y * ey;
58  if (std::abs(k) > 1.e-4f) {
59  dS = atan2(k * dS, 1 + k * (x * ey - y * ex)) / k;
60  }
61  return dS;
62 }
64 void GPUTPCTrackParam::GetDCAPoint(double x, double y, double z, double& xp, double& yp, double& zp, double Bz) const
65 {
66  //* Get the track point closest to the (x,y,z)
68  double x0 = GetX();
69  double y0 = GetY();
70  double k = GetKappa(Bz);
71  double ex = GetCosPhi();
72  double ey = GetSinPhi();
73  double dx = x - x0;
74  double dy = y - y0;
75  double ax = dx * k + ey;
76  double ay = dy * k - ex;
77  double a = std::sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay);
78  xp = x0 + (dx - ey * ((dx * dx + dy * dy) * k - 2 * (-dx * ey + dy * ex)) / (a + 1)) / a;
79  yp = y0 + (dy + ex * ((dx * dx + dy * dy) * k - 2 * (-dx * ey + dy * ex)) / (a + 1)) / a;
80  double s = GetS(x, y, Bz);
81  zp = GetZ() + GetDzDs() * s;
82  if (std::abs(k) > 1.e-2f) {
83  double dZ = std::abs(GetDzDs() * 2*M_PI / k);
84  if (dZ > .1f) {
85  zp += round((z - zp) / dZ) * dZ;
86  }
87  }
88 }
90 //*
91 //* Transport routines
92 //*
94 bool GPUTPCTrackParam::TransportToX(double x, GPUTPCTrackLinearisation& t0, double Bz, double maxSinPhi, double* DL)
95 {
96  //* Transport the track parameters to X=x, using linearization at t0, and the field value Bz
97  //* maxSinPhi is the max. allowed value for |t0.SinPhi()|
98  //* linearisation of trajectory t0 is also transported to X=x,
99  //* returns 1 if OK
100  //*
102  double ex = t0.CosPhi();
103  double ey = t0.SinPhi();
104  double k = -t0.QPt() * Bz;
105  double dx = x - X();
107  double ey1 = k * dx + ey;
108  double ex1;
110  // check for intersection with X=x
112  if (std::abs(ey1) > maxSinPhi) {
113  return 0;
114  }
116  ex1 = std::sqrt(1 - ey1 * ey1);
117  if (ex < 0) {
118  ex1 = -ex1;
119  }
121  double dx2 = dx * dx;
122  double ss = ey + ey1;
123  double cc = ex + ex1;
125  if (std::abs(cc) < 1.e-4f || std::abs(ex) < 1.e-4f || std::abs(ex1) < 1.e-4f) {
126  return 0;
127  }
129  double tg = ss / cc; // tanf((phi1+phi)/2)
131  double dy = dx * tg;
132  double dl = dx * std::sqrt(1 + tg * tg);
134  if (cc < 0) {
135  dl = -dl;
136  }
137  double dSin = dl * k / 2;
138  if (dSin > 1) {
139  dSin = 1;
140  }
141  if (dSin < -1) {
142  dSin = -1;
143  }
144  double dS = (std::abs(k) > 1.e-4f) ? (2 * asin(dSin) / k) : dl;
145  double dz = dS * t0.DzDs();
147  if (DL) {
148  *DL = -dS * std::sqrt(1 + t0.DzDs() * t0.DzDs());
149  }
151  double cci = 1.f / cc;
152  double exi = 1.f / ex;
153  double ex1i = 1.f / ex1;
155  double d[5] = {0, 0, GetPar(2) - t0.SinPhi(), GetPar(3) - t0.DzDs(), GetPar(4) - t0.QPt()};
157  // double H0[5] = { 1,0, h2, 0, h4 };
158  // double H1[5] = { 0, 1, 0, dS, 0 };
159  // double H2[5] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, dxBz };
160  // double H3[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 };
161  // double H4[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
163  double h2 = dx * (1 + ey * ey1 + ex * ex1) * exi * ex1i * cci;
164  double h4 = dx2 * (cc + ss * ey1 * ex1i) * cci * cci * (-Bz);
165  double dxBz = dx * (-Bz);
167  t0.SetCosPhi(ex1);
168  t0.SetSinPhi(ey1);
170  SetX(X() + dx);
171  SetPar(0, Y() + dy + h2 * d[2] + h4 * d[4]);
172  SetPar(1, Z() + dz + dS * d[3]);
173  SetPar(2, t0.SinPhi() + d[2] + dxBz * d[4]);
175  double c00 = mC[0];
176  double c10 = mC[1];
177  double c11 = mC[2];
178  double c20 = mC[3];
179  double c21 = mC[4];
180  double c22 = mC[5];
181  double c30 = mC[6];
182  double c31 = mC[7];
183  double c32 = mC[8];
184  double c33 = mC[9];
185  double c40 = mC[10];
186  double c41 = mC[11];
187  double c42 = mC[12];
188  double c43 = mC[13];
189  double c44 = mC[14];
191  mC[0] = c00 + h2 * h2 * c22 + h4 * h4 * c44 + 2 * (h2 * c20 + h4 * c40 + h2 * h4 * c42);
193  mC[1] = c10 + h2 * c21 + h4 * c41 + dS * (c30 + h2 * c32 + h4 * c43);
194  mC[2] = c11 + 2 * dS * c31 + dS * dS * c33;
196  mC[3] = c20 + h2 * c22 + h4 * c42 + dxBz * (c40 + h2 * c42 + h4 * c44);
197  mC[4] = c21 + dS * c32 + dxBz * (c41 + dS * c43);
198  mC[5] = c22 + 2 * dxBz * c42 + dxBz * dxBz * c44;
200  mC[6] = c30 + h2 * c32 + h4 * c43;
201  mC[7] = c31 + dS * c33;
202  mC[8] = c32 + dxBz * c43;
203  mC[9] = c33;
205  mC[10] = c40 + h2 * c42 + h4 * c44;
206  mC[11] = c41 + dS * c43;
207  mC[12] = c42 + dxBz * c44;
208  mC[13] = c43;
209  mC[14] = c44;
211  return 1;
212 }
214 bool GPUTPCTrackParam::TransportToX(double x, double sinPhi0, double cosPhi0, double Bz, double maxSinPhi)
215 {
216  //* Transport the track parameters to X=x, using linearization at phi0 with 0 curvature,
217  //* and the field value Bz
218  //* maxSinPhi is the max. allowed value for |t0.SinPhi()|
219  //* linearisation of trajectory t0 is also transported to X=x,
220  //* returns 1 if OK
221  //*
223  double ex = cosPhi0;
224  double ey = sinPhi0;
225  double dx = x - X();
227  if (std::abs(ex) < 1.e-4f) {
228  return 0;
229  }
230  double exi = 1.f / ex;
232  double dxBz = dx * (-Bz);
233  double dS = dx * exi;
234  double h2 = dS * exi * exi;
235  double h4 = .5f * h2 * dxBz;
237  // double H0[5] = { 1,0, h2, 0, h4 };
238  // double H1[5] = { 0, 1, 0, dS, 0 };
239  // double H2[5] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, dxBz };
240  // double H3[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 };
241  // double H4[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
243  double sinPhi = SinPhi() + dxBz * QPt();
244  if (maxSinPhi > 0 && std::abs(sinPhi) > maxSinPhi) {
245  return 0;
246  }
248  SetX(X() + dx);
249  SetPar(0, GetPar(0) + dS * ey + h2 * (SinPhi() - ey) + h4 * QPt());
250  SetPar(1, GetPar(1) + dS * DzDs());
251  SetPar(2, sinPhi);
253  double c00 = mC[0];
254  double c10 = mC[1];
255  double c11 = mC[2];
256  double c20 = mC[3];
257  double c21 = mC[4];
258  double c22 = mC[5];
259  double c30 = mC[6];
260  double c31 = mC[7];
261  double c32 = mC[8];
262  double c33 = mC[9];
263  double c40 = mC[10];
264  double c41 = mC[11];
265  double c42 = mC[12];
266  double c43 = mC[13];
267  double c44 = mC[14];
269  // This is not the correct propagation!!! The max ensures the positional error does not decrease during track finding.
270  // A different propagation method is used for the fit.
271  mC[0] = std::max(c00, c00 + h2 * h2 * c22 + h4 * h4 * c44 + 2 * (h2 * c20 + h4 * c40 + h2 * h4 * c42));
273  mC[1] = c10 + h2 * c21 + h4 * c41 + dS * (c30 + h2 * c32 + h4 * c43);
274  mC[2] = std::max(c11, c11 + 2 * dS * c31 + dS * dS * c33);
276  mC[3] = c20 + h2 * c22 + h4 * c42 + dxBz * (c40 + h2 * c42 + h4 * c44);
277  mC[4] = c21 + dS * c32 + dxBz * (c41 + dS * c43);
278  mC[5] = c22 + 2 * dxBz * c42 + dxBz * dxBz * c44;
280  mC[6] = c30 + h2 * c32 + h4 * c43;
281  mC[7] = c31 + dS * c33;
282  mC[8] = c32 + dxBz * c43;
283  mC[9] = c33;
285  mC[10] = c40 + h2 * c42 + h4 * c44;
286  mC[11] = c41 + dS * c43;
287  mC[12] = c42 + dxBz * c44;
288  mC[13] = c43;
289  mC[14] = c44;
291  return 1;
292 }
294 bool GPUTPCTrackParam::TransportToX(double x, double Bz, double maxSinPhi)
295 {
296  //* Transport the track parameters to X=x
297  GPUTPCTrackLinearisation t0(*this);
298  return TransportToX(x, t0, Bz, maxSinPhi);
299 }
302 {
303  //* Transport the track parameters to X=x taking into account material budget
305 // const double kRho = 1.025e-3f; // 0.9e-3;
306 // const double kRadLen = 29.532f; // 28.94;
307  const double kRho = 2.27925e-3f;
308  const double kRadLen = 14.403f;
309  const double kRhoOverRadLen = kRho / kRadLen;
310  double dl;
312  if (!TransportToX(x, t0, Bz, maxSinPhi, &dl)) {
313  return 0;
314  }
316  CorrectForMeanMaterial(dl * kRhoOverRadLen, dl * kRho, par);
317  return 1;
318 }
320 bool GPUTPCTrackParam::TransportToXWithMaterial(double x, GPUTPCTrackFitParam& par, double Bz, double maxSinPhi)
321 {
322  //* Transport the track parameters to X=x taking into account material budget
324  GPUTPCTrackLinearisation t0(*this);
325  return TransportToXWithMaterial(x, t0, par, Bz, maxSinPhi);
326 }
328 bool GPUTPCTrackParam::TransportToXWithMaterial(double x, double Bz, double maxSinPhi)
329 {
330  //* Transport the track parameters to X=x taking into account material budget
334  return TransportToXWithMaterial(x, par, Bz, maxSinPhi);
335 }
337 //*
338 //* Multiple scattering and energy losses
339 //*
340 double GPUTPCTrackParam::BetheBlochGeant(double bg2, double kp0, double kp1, double kp2, double kp3, double kp4)
341 {
342  //
343  // This is the parameterization of the Bethe-Bloch formula inspired by Geant.
344  //
345  // bg2 - (beta*gamma)^2
346  // kp0 - density [g/cm^3]
347  // kp1 - density effect first junction point
348  // kp2 - density effect second junction point
349  // kp3 - mean excitation energy [GeV]
350  // kp4 - mean Z/A
351  //
352  // The default values for the kp* parameters are for silicon.
353  // The returned value is in [GeV/(g/cm^2)].
354  //
356  const double mK = 0.307075e-3f; // [GeV*cm^2/g]
357  const double me = 0.511e-3f; // [GeV/c^2]
358  const double rho = kp0;
359  const double x0 = kp1 * 2.303f;
360  const double x1 = kp2 * 2.303f;
361  const double mI = kp3;
362  const double mZA = kp4;
363  const double maxT = 2 * me * bg2; // neglecting the electron mass
365  //*** Density effect
366  double d2 = 0.f;
367  const double x = 0.5f * log(bg2);
368  const double lhwI = log(28.816f * 1e-9f * std::sqrt(rho * mZA) / mI);
369  if (x > x1) {
370  d2 = lhwI + x - 0.5f;
371  } else if (x > x0) {
372  const double r = (x1 - x) / (x1 - x0);
373  d2 = lhwI + x - 0.5f + (0.5f - lhwI - x0) * r * r * r;
374  }
376  return mK * mZA * (1 + bg2) / bg2 * (0.5f * log(2 * me * bg2 * maxT / (mI * mI)) - bg2 / (1 + bg2) - d2);
377 }
380 {
381  //------------------------------------------------------------------
382  // This is an approximation of the Bethe-Bloch formula,
383  // reasonable for solid materials.
384  // All the parameters are, in fact, for Si.
385  // The returned value is in [GeV]
386  //------------------------------------------------------------------
388  return BetheBlochGeant(bg);
389 }
392 {
393  //------------------------------------------------------------------
394  // This is an approximation of the Bethe-Bloch formula,
395  // reasonable for gas materials.
396  // All the parameters are, in fact, for Ne.
397  // The returned value is in [GeV]
398  //------------------------------------------------------------------
400 // const double rho = 0.9e-3f;
401 // const double x0 = 2.f;
402 // const double x1 = 4.f;
403 // const double mI = 140.e-9f;
404 // const double mZA = 0.49555f;
406  // these are for the sPHENIX TPC gas mixture
407  const double rho = 2.27925e-3f;
408  const double x0 = 2.f;
409  const double x1 = 4.f;
410  const double mI = 14.e-9f;
411  const double mZA = 0.47999f;
412  return BetheBlochGeant(bg, rho, x0, x1, mI, mZA);
413 }
416 {
417  //------------------------------------------------------------------
418  // This is an approximation of the Bethe-Bloch formula with
419  // the density effect taken into account at beta*gamma > 3.5
420  // (the approximation is reasonable only for solid materials)
421  //------------------------------------------------------------------
422  if (beta2 >= 1) {
423  return 0;
424  }
426  if (beta2 / (1 - beta2) > 3.5f * 3.5f) {
427  return 0.153e-3f / beta2 * (log(3.5f * 5940) + 0.5f * log(beta2 / (1 - beta2)) - beta2);
428  }
429  return 0.153e-3f / beta2 * (log(5940 * beta2 / (1 - beta2)) - beta2);
430 }
433 {
434  //*!
436  double qpt = GetPar(4);
437  if (mC[14] >= 1.f) {
438  qpt = 1.f / 0.35f;
439  }
441  double p2 = (1.f + GetPar(3) * GetPar(3));
442  double k2 = qpt * qpt;
443  double mass2 = mass * mass;
444  double beta2 = p2 / (p2 + mass2 * k2);
446  double pp2 = (k2 > 1.e-8f) ? p2 / k2 : 10000; // impuls 2
448  par.bethe = BetheBlochGas( pp2/mass2);
449  //par.bethe = ApproximateBetheBloch(pp2 / mass2);
450  par.e = std::sqrt(pp2 + mass2);
451  par.theta2 = 14.1f * 14.1f / (beta2 * pp2 * 1e6f);
452  par.EP2 = par.e / pp2;
454  // Approximate energy loss fluctuation (M.Ivanov)
456  const double knst = 0.07f; // To be tuned.
457  par.sigmadE2 = knst * par.EP2 * qpt;
458  par.sigmadE2 = par.sigmadE2 * par.sigmadE2;
460  par.k22 = (1.f + GetPar(3) * GetPar(3));
461  par.k33 = par.k22 * par.k22;
462  par.k43 = 0;
463  par.k44 = GetPar(3) * GetPar(3) * k2;
464 }
466 bool GPUTPCTrackParam::CorrectForMeanMaterial(double xOverX0, double xTimesRho, const GPUTPCTrackFitParam& par)
467 {
468  //------------------------------------------------------------------
469  // This function corrects the track parameters for the crossed material.
470  // "xOverX0" - X/X0, the thickness in units of the radiation length.
471  // "xTimesRho" - is the product length*density (g/cm^2).
472  //------------------------------------------------------------------
474  double& mC22 = mC[5];
475  double& mC33 = mC[9];
476  double& mC40 = mC[10];
477  double& mC41 = mC[11];
478  double& mC42 = mC[12];
479  double& mC43 = mC[13];
480  double& mC44 = mC[14];
482  // Energy losses************************
484  double dE = par.bethe * xTimesRho;
485  if (std::abs(dE) > 0.3f * par.e) {
486  return 0; // 30% energy loss is too much!
487  }
488  double corr = (1.f - par.EP2 * dE);
489  if (corr < 0.3f || corr > 1.3f) {
490  return 0;
491  }
493  SetPar(4, GetPar(4) * corr);
494  mC40 *= corr;
495  mC41 *= corr;
496  mC42 *= corr;
497  mC43 *= corr;
498  mC44 *= corr * corr;
499  mC44 += par.sigmadE2 * std::abs(dE);
501  // Multiple scattering******************
503  double theta2 = par.theta2 * std::abs(xOverX0);
504  mC22 += theta2 * par.k22 * (1.f - GetPar(2)) * (1.f + GetPar(2));
505  mC33 += theta2 * par.k33;
506  mC43 += theta2 * par.k43;
507  mC44 += theta2 * par.k44;
509  return 1;
510 }
512 //*
513 //* Rotation
514 //*
515 bool GPUTPCTrackParam::Rotate(double alpha, double maxSinPhi)
516 {
517  //* Rotate the coordinate system in XY on the angle alpha
519  double cA = cos(alpha);
520  double sA = sin(alpha);
521  double x = X(), y = Y(), sP = SinPhi(), cP = GetCosPhi();
522  double cosPhi = cP * cA + sP * sA;
523  double sinPhi = -cP * sA + sP * cA;
525  if (std::abs(sinPhi) > maxSinPhi || std::abs(cosPhi) < 1.e-2f || std::abs(cP) < 1.e-2f) {
526  return 0;
527  }
529  double j0 = cP / cosPhi;
530  double j2 = cosPhi / cP;
532  SetX(x * cA + y * sA);
533  SetY(-x * sA + y * cA);
534  SetSignCosPhi(cosPhi);
535  SetSinPhi(sinPhi);
537  // double J[5][5] = { { j0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // Y
538  // { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, // Z
539  // { 0, 0, j2, 0, 0 }, // SinPhi
540  // { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, // DzDs
541  // { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 } }; // Kappa
542  // cout<<"alpha="<<alpha<<" "<<x<<" "<<y<<" "<<sP<<" "<<cP<<" "<<j0<<" "<<j2<<endl;
543  // cout<<" "<<mC[0]<<" "<<mC[1]<<" "<<mC[6]<<" "<<mC[10]<<" "<<mC[4]<<" "<<mC[5]<<" "<<mC[8]<<" "<<mC[12]<<endl;
544  mC[0] *= j0 * j0;
545  mC[1] *= j0;
546  mC[3] *= j0;
547  mC[6] *= j0;
548  mC[10] *= j0;
550  mC[3] *= j2;
551  mC[4] *= j2;
552  mC[5] *= j2 * j2;
553  mC[8] *= j2;
554  mC[12] *= j2;
556  if (cosPhi < 0) {
557  SetSinPhi(-SinPhi());
558  SetDzDs(-DzDs());
559  SetQPt(-QPt());
560  mC[3] = -mC[3];
561  mC[4] = -mC[4];
562  mC[6] = -mC[6];
563  mC[7] = -mC[7];
564  mC[10] = -mC[10];
565  mC[11] = -mC[11];
566  }
568  // cout<<" "<<mC[0]<<" "<<mC[1]<<" "<<mC[6]<<" "<<mC[10]<<" "<<mC[4]<<" "<<mC[5]<<" "<<mC[8]<<" "<<mC[12]<<endl;
569  return 1;
570 }
572 bool GPUTPCTrackParam::Rotate(double alpha, GPUTPCTrackLinearisation& t0, double maxSinPhi)
573 {
574  //* Rotate the coordinate system in XY on the angle alpha
576  double cA = cos(alpha);
577  double sA = sin(alpha);
578  double x0 = X(), y0 = Y(), sP = t0.SinPhi(), cP = t0.CosPhi();
579  double cosPhi = cP * cA + sP * sA;
580  double sinPhi = -cP * sA + sP * cA;
582  if (std::abs(sinPhi) > maxSinPhi || std::abs(cosPhi) < 1.e-2f || std::abs(cP) < 1.e-2f) {
583  return 0;
584  }
586  // double J[5][5] = { { j0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // Y
587  // { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, // Z
588  // { 0, 0, j2, 0, 0 }, // SinPhi
589  // { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, // DzDs
590  // { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 } }; // Kappa
592  double j0 = cP / cosPhi;
593  double j2 = cosPhi / cP;
594  double d[2] = {Y() - y0, SinPhi() - sP};
596  SetX(x0 * cA + y0 * sA);
597  SetY(-x0 * sA + y0 * cA + j0 * d[0]);
598  t0.SetCosPhi(cosPhi);
599  t0.SetSinPhi(sinPhi);
601  SetSinPhi(sinPhi + j2 * d[1]);
603  mC[0] *= j0 * j0;
604  mC[1] *= j0;
605  mC[3] *= j0;
606  mC[6] *= j0;
607  mC[10] *= j0;
609  mC[3] *= j2;
610  mC[4] *= j2;
611  mC[5] *= j2 * j2;
612  mC[8] *= j2;
613  mC[12] *= j2;
615  return 1;
616 }
618 bool GPUTPCTrackParam::Filter(double y, double z, double err2Y, double err2Z, double maxSinPhi, bool paramOnly)
619 {
620  //* Add the y,z measurement with the Kalman filter
622  double c00 = mC[0], c11 = mC[2], c20 = mC[3], c31 = mC[7], c40 = mC[10];
624  err2Y += c00;
625  err2Z += c11;
627  double z0 = y - GetPar(0), z1 = z - GetPar(1);
629  if (err2Y < 1.e-8f || err2Z < 1.e-8f) {
630  return 0;
631  }
633  double mS0 = 1.f / err2Y;
634  double mS2 = 1.f / err2Z;
636  // K = CHtS
638  double k00, k11, k20, k31, k40;
640  k00 = c00 * mS0;
641  k20 = c20 * mS0;
642  k40 = c40 * mS0;
644  k11 = c11 * mS2;
645  k31 = c31 * mS2;
647  double sinPhi = GetPar(2) + k20 * z0;
649  if (maxSinPhi > 0 && std::abs(sinPhi) >= maxSinPhi) {
650  return 0;
651  }
653  SetPar(0, GetPar(0) + k00 * z0);
654  SetPar(1, GetPar(1) + k11 * z1);
655  SetPar(2, sinPhi);
656  SetPar(3, GetPar(3) + k31 * z1);
657  SetPar(4, GetPar(4) + k40 * z0);
658  if (paramOnly) {
659  return true;
660  }
662  mNDF += 2;
663  mChi2 += mS0 * z0 * z0 + mS2 * z1 * z1;
665  mC[0] -= k00 * c00;
666  mC[3] -= k20 * c00;
667  mC[5] -= k20 * c20;
668  mC[10] -= k40 * c00;
669  mC[12] -= k40 * c20;
670  mC[14] -= k40 * c40;
672  mC[2] -= k11 * c11;
673  mC[7] -= k31 * c11;
674  mC[9] -= k31 * c31;
676  return 1;
677 }
680 {
681  //* Check that the track parameters and covariance matrix are reasonable
683  bool ok = std::isfinite(GetX()) && std::isfinite(mSignCosPhi) && std::isfinite(mChi2);
685  const double* c = Cov();
686  for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
687  ok = ok && std::isfinite(c[i]);
688  }
689  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
690  ok = ok && std::isfinite(Par()[i]);
691  }
693  if (c[0] <= 0 || c[2] <= 0 || c[5] <= 0 || c[9] <= 0 || c[14] <= 0) {
694  ok = 0;
695  }
696  if (c[0] > 5.f || c[2] > 5.f || c[5] > 2.f || c[9] > 2
697  //|| ( std::abs( QPt() ) > 1.e-2 && c[14] > 2. )
698  ) {
699  ok = 0;
700  }
702  if (std::abs(SinPhi()) > GPUCA_MAX_SIN_PHI) {
703  ok = 0;
704  }
705  if (std::abs(QPt()) > 1.f / 0.05f) {
706  ok = 0;
707  }
708  if (ok) {
709  ok = ok && (c[1] * c[1] <= c[2] * c[0]) && (c[3] * c[3] <= c[5] * c[0]) && (c[4] * c[4] <= c[5] * c[2]) && (c[6] * c[6] <= c[9] * c[0]) && (c[7] * c[7] <= c[9] * c[2]) && (c[8] * c[8] <= c[9] * c[5]) && (c[10] * c[10] <= c[14] * c[0]) && (c[11] * c[11] <= c[14] * c[2]) &&
710  (c[12] * c[12] <= c[14] * c[5]) && (c[13] * c[13] <= c[14] * c[9]);
711  }
712  return ok;
713 }
715 #if !defined(GPUCA_GPUCODE)
716 #include <iostream>
717 #endif
720 {
721  //* print parameters
723 #if !defined(GPUCA_GPUCODE)
724  std::cout << "track: x=" << GetX() << " c=" << GetSignCosPhi() << ", P= " << GetY() << " " << GetZ() << " " << GetSinPhi() << " " << GetDzDs() << " " << GetQPt() << std::endl;
725  std::cout << "errs2: " << GetErr2Y() << " " << GetErr2Z() << " " << GetErr2SinPhi() << " " << GetErr2DzDs() << " " << GetErr2QPt() << std::endl;
726 #endif
727 }