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8 #include "PHCASeeding.h"
9 #include "ALICEKF.h"
11 #include "GPUTPCTrackParam.h"
13 // sPHENIX includes
16 #include <phool/PHTimer.h> // for PHTimer
17 #include <phool/getClass.h>
18 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
20 // tpc distortion correction
23 #include <phfield/PHFieldConfigv2.h>
25 // trackbase_historic includes
27 #include <trackbase/TrkrCluster.h> // for TrkrCluster
29 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h> // for getLayer, clu...
35 //ROOT includes for debugging
36 #include <TFile.h>
37 #include <TNtuple.h>
39 //BOOST for combi seeding
40 #include <boost/geometry.hpp>
41 #include <boost/geometry/geometries/box.hpp>
42 #include <boost/geometry/geometries/point.hpp>
43 #include <boost/geometry/index/rtree.hpp>
44 #include <boost/geometry/policies/compare.hpp>
46 #include <Eigen/Core>
47 #include <Eigen/Dense>
49 #include <algorithm>
50 #include <cmath>
51 #include <iostream>
52 #include <numeric>
53 #include <utility> // for pair, make_pair
54 #include <vector>
55 #include <algorithm> // for find
56 #include <unordered_set>
57 #include <memory>
59 //#define _DEBUG_
61 #if defined(_DEBUG_)
62 #define LogDebug(exp) if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "DEBUG: " << __FILE__ << ": " << __LINE__ << ": " << exp
63 #else
64 #define LogDebug(exp) (void)0
65 #endif
67 #define LogError(exp) if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "ERROR: " << __FILE__ << ": " << __LINE__ << ": " << exp
68 #define LogWarning(exp) if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "WARNING: " << __FILE__ << ": " << __LINE__ << ": " << exp
70 //#define _DEBUG_
72 //end
74 typedef bg::model::point<float, 3, bg::cs::cartesian> point;
75 typedef bg::model::box<point> box;
76 typedef std::pair<point, TrkrDefs::cluskey> pointKey;
77 typedef std::pair<std::array<float,3>,TrkrDefs::cluskey> coordKey;
78 typedef std::array<coordKey,2> keylink;
79 typedef std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey> keylist;
81 // apparently there is no builtin STL hash function for a std::array
82 // so to use std::unordered_set (essentially a hash table), we have to make our own hasher
84 namespace std
85 {
86  template<typename T,size_t N>
87  struct hash<std::array<T,N>>
88  {
89  typedef std::array<T,N> argument_type;
90  typedef size_t result_type;
92  result_type operator()(const argument_type& a) const
93  {
94  hash<T> hasher;
95  result_type h = 0;
96  for(result_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
97  {
98  h = h * 31 + hasher(a[i]);
99  }
100  return h;
101  }
102  };
103  template<typename A,typename B>
104  struct hash<pair<A,B>>
105  {
106  typedef pair<A,B> argument_type;
107  typedef size_t result_type;
109  result_type operator()(const argument_type& a) const
110  {
111  hash<A> hashA;
112  hash<B> hashB;
113  return (hashA(a.first)*31+hashB(a.second));
114  }
115  };
116 }
118 // anonymous namespace for local functions
119 namespace
120 {
121  // square
122  template<class T> inline constexpr T square( const T& x ) { return x*x; }
125  inline double get_phi( const Acts::Vector3& position )
126  {
127  double phi = std::atan2( position.y(), position.x() );
128  if( phi < 0 ) phi += 2.*M_PI;
129  return phi;
130  }
133  inline double get_eta( const Acts::Vector3& position )
134  {
135  const double norm = std::sqrt( square(position.x()) + square(position.y()) + square(position.z()) );
136  return std::log((norm+position.z())/(norm-position.z()))/2;
137  }
142  coordKey fromPointKey(const pointKey& p)
143  { return std::make_pair(std::array<float,3>({p.first.get<0>(),p.first.get<1>(),p.first.get<2>()}),p.second); }
145  std::vector<coordKey> fromPointKey(const std::vector<pointKey>& p)
146  {
147  std::vector<coordKey> output;
148  output.resize(p.size());
149  std::transform( p.begin(), p.end(), std::back_inserter( output ), []( const pointKey& point )
150  { return fromPointKey(point); } );
151  return output;
152  }
155  double breaking_angle(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2)
156  {
157  double l1 = sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1+z1*z1);
158  double l2 = sqrt(x2*x2+y2*y2+z2*z2);
159  double sx = (x1/l1+x2/l2);
160  double sy = (y1/l1+y2/l2);
161  double sz = (z1/l1+z2/l2);
162  double dx = (x1/l1-x2/l2);
163  double dy = (y1/l1-y2/l2);
164  double dz = (z1/l1-z2/l2);
165  return 2*atan2(sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz),sqrt(sx*sx+sy*sy+sz*sz));
166  }
168 }
170 //using namespace ROOT::Minuit2;
171 namespace bg = boost::geometry;
172 namespace bgi = boost::geometry::index;
175  const std::string &name,
176  unsigned int start_layer,
177  unsigned int end_layer,
178  unsigned int min_nhits_per_cluster,
179  unsigned int min_clusters_per_track,
180  unsigned int nlayers_maps,
181  unsigned int nlayers_intt,
182  unsigned int nlayers_tpc,
183  float neighbor_phi_width,
184  float neighbor_eta_width,
185  float maxSinPhi,
186  float cosTheta_limit)
187  : PHTrackSeeding(name)
188  , _nlayers_maps(nlayers_maps)
189  , _nlayers_intt(nlayers_intt)
190  , _nlayers_tpc(nlayers_tpc)
191  , _start_layer(start_layer)
192  , _end_layer(end_layer)
193  , _min_nhits_per_cluster(min_nhits_per_cluster)
194  , _min_clusters_per_track(min_clusters_per_track)
195  , _neighbor_phi_width(neighbor_phi_width)
196  , _neighbor_eta_width(neighbor_eta_width)
197  , _max_sin_phi(maxSinPhi)
198  , _cosTheta_limit(cosTheta_limit)
199 {
200 }
203 {
204  tGeometry = findNode::getClass<ActsGeometry>(topNode,"ActsGeometry");
205  if(!tGeometry)
206  {
207  std::cout << PHWHERE << "No acts tracking geometry, can't proceed" << std::endl;
209  }
212 }
215 {
216  // get global position from Acts transform
217  auto globalpos = tGeometry->getGlobalPosition(key, cluster);
219  // check if TPC distortion correction are in place and apply
220  if( m_dcc ) { globalpos = m_distortionCorrection.get_corrected_position( globalpos, m_dcc ); }
222  return globalpos;
223 }
225 void PHCASeeding::QueryTree(const bgi::rtree<pointKey, bgi::quadratic<16>> &rtree, double phimin, double etamin, double lmin, double phimax, double etamax, double lmax, std::vector<pointKey> &returned_values) const
226 {
227  double phimin_2pi = phimin;
228  double phimax_2pi = phimax;
229  if (phimin < 0) phimin_2pi = 2*M_PI+phimin;
230  if (phimax > 2*M_PI) phimax_2pi = phimax-2*M_PI;
231  rtree.query(bgi::intersects(box(point(phimin_2pi, etamin, lmin), point(phimax_2pi, etamax, lmax))), std::back_inserter(returned_values));
232 }
235 {
236  if(Verbosity()>1)
237  {
238  std::cout << "fill tree..." << std::endl;
239  }
240  t_fill->stop();
241  int n_dupli = 0;
242  int nlayer[60];
244  PositionMap cachedPositions;
246  for (int j = 0; j < 60; ++j) nlayer[j] = 0;
248  {
249  auto range = _cluster_map->getClusters(hitsetkey);
250  for( auto clusIter = range.first; clusIter != range.second; ++clusIter ){
252  TrkrDefs::cluskey ckey = clusIter->first;
253  TrkrCluster *cluster = clusIter->second;
254  unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckey);
255  if (layer < _start_layer || layer >= _end_layer){
256  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "layer: " << layer << std::endl;
257  continue;
258  }
259  if(_iteration_map != NULL && _n_iteration >0){
260  if( _iteration_map->getIteration(ckey) > 0)
261  continue; // skip hits used in a previous iteration
262  }
264  // get global position, convert to Acts::Vector3 and store in map
265  const Acts::Vector3 globalpos_d = getGlobalPosition(ckey, cluster);
267  if(Verbosity() > 3)
268  {
269  auto global_before = tGeometry->getGlobalPosition(ckey, cluster);
270  std::cout << "CaSeeder: Cluster: " << ckey << std::endl;
271  std::cout << " Global before: " << global_before[0] << " " << global_before[1] << " " << global_before[2] << std::endl;
272  std::cout << " Global after : " << globalpos_d[0] << " " << globalpos_d[1] << " " << globalpos_d[2] << std::endl;
273  }
275  const Acts::Vector3 globalpos = { globalpos_d.x(), globalpos_d.y(), globalpos_d.z()};
276  cachedPositions.insert(std::make_pair(ckey, globalpos));
278  const double clus_phi = get_phi( globalpos );
279  const double clus_eta = get_eta( globalpos );
280  const double clus_l = layer;
282  if(Verbosity() > 0)
283  std::cout << "Found cluster " << ckey << " in layer " << layer << std::endl;
285  std::vector<pointKey> testduplicate;
286  QueryTree(_rtree, clus_phi - 0.00001, clus_eta - 0.00001, layer - 0.5, clus_phi + 0.00001, clus_eta + 0.00001, layer + 0.5, testduplicate);
287  if (!testduplicate.empty())
288  {
289  ++n_dupli;
290  continue;
291  }
292  ++nlayer[layer];
293  t_fill->restart();
294  _rtree.insert(std::make_pair(point(clus_phi, globalpos_d.z(), clus_l), ckey));
295  t_fill->stop();
296  }
297  }
298  if(Verbosity()>1) for (int j = 0; j < 60; ++j) std::cout << "nhits in layer " << j << ": " << nlayer[j] << std::endl;
299  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "fill time: " << t_fill->get_accumulated_time() / 1000. << " sec" << std::endl;
300  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "number of duplicates : " << n_dupli << std::endl;
301  return cachedPositions;
302 }
305 {
306  if(Verbosity() > 1)
307  {
308  std::cout << " Process... " << std::endl;
309  }
310 // TFile fpara("CA_para.root", "RECREATE");
311  if(_n_iteration>0){
312  if (!_iteration_map){
313  std::cerr << PHWHERE << "Cluster Iteration Map missing, aborting." << std::endl;
315  }
316  }
318  t_seed->restart();
320  _rtree.clear();
321  PositionMap globalClusPositions = FillTree();
322  t_seed->stop();
323  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "Initial RTree fill time: " << t_seed->get_accumulated_time() / 1000 << " s" << std::endl;
324  t_seed->restart();
325  int numberofseeds = 0;
326  numberofseeds += FindSeedsWithMerger(globalClusPositions);
327  t_seed->stop();
328  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "number of seeds " << numberofseeds << std::endl;
329  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "Kalman filtering time: " << t_seed->get_accumulated_time() / 1000 << " s" << std::endl;
330 //;
331 // fpara.Close();
332 // if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "fpara OK\n";
334 }
337 {
338  std::vector<pointKey> allClusters;
339  std::vector<std::unordered_set<keylink>> belowLinks;
340  std::vector<std::unordered_set<keylink>> aboveLinks;
341  belowLinks.resize(_nlayers_tpc);
342  aboveLinks.resize(_nlayers_tpc);
344  0, // phi
345  -200, // eta
346  _start_layer-0.5, // layer
347  2*M_PI, // phi
348  200, // eta
349  _end_layer+0.5, // layer
350  allClusters);
351  t_seed->stop();
352  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "allClusters search time: " << t_seed->get_accumulated_time() / 1000 << " s" << std::endl;
353  LogDebug(" number of clusters: " << allClusters.size() << std::endl);
354  t_seed->restart();
356  std::pair<std::vector<std::unordered_set<keylink>>,std::vector<std::unordered_set<keylink>>> links = CreateLinks(fromPointKey(allClusters), globalPositions);
357  std::vector<std::vector<keylink>> biLinks = FindBiLinks(links.first,links.second);
358  std::vector<keylist> trackSeedKeyLists = FollowBiLinks(biLinks,globalPositions);
359  std::vector<TrackSeed_v1> seeds = RemoveBadClusters(trackSeedKeyLists, globalPositions);
361  publishSeeds(seeds);
362  return seeds.size();
363 }
365 std::pair<std::vector<std::unordered_set<keylink>>,std::vector<std::unordered_set<keylink>>> PHCASeeding::CreateLinks(const std::vector<coordKey>& clusters, const PositionMap& globalPositions) const
366 {
367  size_t nclusters = 0;
369  double cluster_find_time = 0;
370  double rtree_query_time = 0;
371  double transform_time = 0;
372  double compute_best_angle_time = 0;
373  double set_insert_time = 0;
375  std::vector<std::unordered_set<keylink>> belowLinks;
376  std::vector<std::unordered_set<keylink>> aboveLinks;
377  belowLinks.resize(_nlayers_tpc);
378  aboveLinks.resize(_nlayers_tpc);
380  for (auto StartCluster = clusters.begin(); StartCluster != clusters.end(); ++StartCluster)
381  {
382  nclusters++;
383  // get clusters near this one in adjacent layers
384  double StartPhi = StartCluster->first[0];
385  //double StartEta = StartCluster->first[1];
386  unsigned int StartLayer = StartCluster->first[2];
387  if(StartLayer < _start_layer) continue;
388  if(StartLayer > _end_layer) continue;
389  const auto& globalpos =>second);
390  double StartX = globalpos(0);
391  double StartY = globalpos(1);
392  double StartZ = globalpos(2);
393  t_seed->stop();
394  cluster_find_time += t_seed->elapsed();
395  t_seed->restart();
396  LogDebug(" starting cluster:" << std::endl);
397  LogDebug(" z: " << StartZ << std::endl);
398  LogDebug(" phi: " << StartPhi << std::endl);
399  LogDebug(" layer: " << StartLayer << std::endl);
401  std::vector<pointKey> ClustersAbove;
402  std::vector<pointKey> ClustersBelow;
404  StartPhi-_neighbor_phi_width,
405  StartZ-_neighbor_eta_width,
406  (double) StartLayer - 1.5,
407  StartPhi+_neighbor_phi_width,
408  StartZ+_neighbor_eta_width,
409  (double) StartLayer - 0.5,
410  ClustersBelow);
412  StartPhi-_neighbor_phi_width,
413  StartZ-_neighbor_eta_width,
414  (double) StartLayer + 0.5,
415  StartPhi+_neighbor_phi_width,
416  StartZ+_neighbor_eta_width,
417  (double) StartLayer + 1.5,
418  ClustersAbove);
419  t_seed->stop();
420  rtree_query_time += t_seed->elapsed();
421  t_seed->restart();
422  LogDebug(" entries in below layer: " << ClustersBelow.size() << std::endl);
423  LogDebug(" entries in above layer: " << ClustersAbove.size() << std::endl);
424  std::vector<std::array<double,3>> delta_below;
425  std::vector<std::array<double,3>> delta_above;
426  delta_below.clear();
427  delta_above.clear();
428  delta_below.resize(ClustersBelow.size());
429  delta_above.resize(ClustersAbove.size());
430  // calculate (delta_eta, delta_phi) vector for each neighboring cluster
432  std::transform(ClustersBelow.begin(),ClustersBelow.end(),delta_below.begin(),
433  [&](pointKey BelowCandidate){
434  const auto& belowpos =;
435  return std::array<double,3>{belowpos(0)-StartX,
436  belowpos(1)-StartY,
437  belowpos(2)-StartZ};});
439  std::transform(ClustersAbove.begin(),ClustersAbove.end(),delta_above.begin(),
440  [&](pointKey AboveCandidate){
441  const auto& abovepos =;
442  return std::array<double,3>{abovepos(0)-StartX,
443  abovepos(1)-StartY,
444  abovepos(2)-StartZ};});
445  t_seed->stop();
446  transform_time += t_seed->elapsed();
447  t_seed->restart();
449  // find the three clusters closest to a straight line
450  // (by maximizing the cos of the angle between the (delta_eta,delta_phi) vectors)
451  double maxCosPlaneAngle = -0.95;
452  //double minSumLengths = 1e9;
453  std::vector<coordKey> bestBelowClusters;
454  std::vector<coordKey> bestAboveClusters;
455  for(size_t iAbove = 0; iAbove<delta_above.size(); ++iAbove)
456  {
457  for(size_t iBelow = 0; iBelow<delta_below.size(); ++iBelow)
458  {
459 // double dotProduct = delta_below[iBelow][0]*delta_above[iAbove][0]+delta_below[iBelow][1]*delta_above[iAbove][1]+delta_below[iBelow][2]*delta_above[iAbove][2];
460 // double belowLength = sqrt(delta_below[iBelow][0]*delta_below[iBelow][0]+delta_below[iBelow][1]*delta_below[iBelow][1]+delta_below[iBelow][2]*delta_below[iBelow][2]);
461 // double aboveLength = sqrt(delta_above[iAbove][0]*delta_above[iAbove][0]+delta_above[iAbove][1]*delta_above[iAbove][1]+delta_above[iAbove][2]*delta_above[iAbove][2]);
462  double angle = breaking_angle(
463  delta_below[iBelow][0],
464  delta_below[iBelow][1],
465  delta_below[iBelow][2],
466  delta_above[iAbove][0],
467  delta_above[iAbove][1],
468  delta_above[iAbove][2]);
469  if(cos(angle) < maxCosPlaneAngle)
470  {
471  //maxCosPlaneAngle = cos(angle);
472  //minSumLengths = belowLength+aboveLength;
473  //bestBelowCluster = fromPointKey(ClustersBelow[iBelow]);
474  //bestAboveCluster = fromPointKey(ClustersAbove[iAbove]);
475  bestBelowClusters.push_back(fromPointKey(ClustersBelow[iBelow]));
476  bestAboveClusters.push_back(fromPointKey(ClustersAbove[iAbove]));
477  }
478  }
479  }
480  /*
481  if(mode == skip_layers::on)
482  {
483  if(maxCosPlaneAngle > _cosTheta_limit)
484  {
485  // if no triplet is sufficiently linear, then it's likely that there's a missing cluster
486  // repeat search but skip one layer below
487  std::vector<pointKey> clustersTwoLayersBelow;
488  QueryTree(_rtree,
489  StartPhi-_neighbor_phi_width,
490  StartEta-_neighbor_eta_width,
491  (double) StartLayer - 2.5,
492  StartPhi+_neighbor_phi_width,
493  StartEta+_neighbor_eta_width,
494  (double) StartLayer - 1.5,
495  clustersTwoLayersBelow);
496  std::vector<std::array<double,3>> delta_2below;
497  delta_2below.clear();
498  delta_2below.resize(clustersTwoLayersBelow.size());
499  std::transform(clustersTwoLayersBelow.begin(),clustersTwoLayersBelow.end(),delta_2below.begin(),
500  [&](pointKey BelowCandidate){
501  const auto& belowpos =;
502  return std::array<double,3>{(belowpos(0))-StartX,
503  (belowpos(1))-StartY,
504  (belowpos(2))-StartZ};});
505  for(size_t iAbove = 0; iAbove<delta_above.size(); ++iAbove)
506  {
507  for(size_t iBelow = 0; iBelow<delta_2below.size(); ++iBelow)
508  {
509  double dotProduct = delta_2below[iBelow][0]*delta_above[iAbove][0]+delta_2below[iBelow][1]*delta_above[iAbove][1]+delta_2below[iBelow][2]*delta_above[iAbove][2];
510  double belowSqLength = sqrt(delta_2below[iBelow][0]*delta_2below[iBelow][0]+delta_2below[iBelow][1]*delta_2below[iBelow][1]+delta_2below[iBelow][2]*delta_2below[iBelow][2]);
511  double aboveSqLength = sqrt(delta_above[iAbove][0]*delta_above[iAbove][0]+delta_above[iAbove][1]*delta_above[iAbove][1]+delta_above[iAbove][2]*delta_above[iAbove][2]);
512  double cosPlaneAngle = dotProduct / (belowSqLength*aboveSqLength);
513  if(cosPlaneAngle < maxCosPlaneAngle)
514  {
515  maxCosPlaneAngle = cosPlaneAngle;
516  bestBelowCluster = fromPointKey(clustersTwoLayersBelow[iBelow]);
517  bestAboveCluster = fromPointKey(ClustersAbove[iAbove]);
518  }
519  }
520  }
521  // if no triplet is STILL sufficiently linear, then do the same thing, but skip one layer above
522  if(maxCosPlaneAngle > _cosTheta_limit)
523  {
524  std::vector<pointKey> clustersTwoLayersAbove;
525  QueryTree(_rtree,
526  StartPhi-_neighbor_phi_width,
527  StartEta-_neighbor_eta_width,
528  (double) StartLayer + 1.5,
529  StartPhi+_neighbor_phi_width,
530  StartEta+_neighbor_eta_width,
531  (double) StartLayer + 2.5,
532  clustersTwoLayersAbove);
533  std::vector<std::array<double,3>> delta_2above;
534  delta_2above.clear();
535  delta_2above.resize(clustersTwoLayersAbove.size());
536  std::transform(clustersTwoLayersAbove.begin(),clustersTwoLayersAbove.end(),delta_2above.begin(),
537  [&](pointKey AboveCandidate){
538  const auto& abovepos =;
539  return std::array<double,3>{(abovepos(0))-StartX,
540  (abovepos(1))-StartY,
541  (abovepos(2))-StartZ};});
542  for(size_t iAbove = 0; iAbove<delta_2above.size(); ++iAbove)
543  {
544  for(size_t iBelow = 0; iBelow<delta_below.size(); ++iBelow)
545  {
546  double dotProduct = delta_below[iBelow][0]*delta_2above[iAbove][0]+delta_below[iBelow][1]*delta_2above[iAbove][1]+delta_below[iBelow][2]*delta_2above[iAbove][2];
547  double belowSqLength = sqrt(delta_below[iBelow][0]*delta_below[iBelow][0]+delta_below[iBelow][1]*delta_below[iBelow][1]+delta_below[iBelow][2]*delta_below[iBelow][2]);
548  double aboveSqLength = sqrt(delta_2above[iAbove][0]*delta_2above[iAbove][0]+delta_2above[iAbove][1]*delta_2above[iAbove][1]+delta_2above[iAbove][2]*delta_2above[iAbove][2]);
549  double cosPlaneAngle = dotProduct / (belowSqLength*aboveSqLength);
550  if(cosPlaneAngle < maxCosPlaneAngle)
551  {
552  maxCosPlaneAngle = cosPlaneAngle;
553  bestBelowCluster = fromPointKey(ClustersBelow[iBelow]);
554  bestAboveCluster = fromPointKey(clustersTwoLayersAbove[iAbove]);
555  }
556  }
557  }
558  }
559  }
560  }
561  */
562  t_seed->stop();
563  compute_best_angle_time += t_seed->elapsed();
564  t_seed->restart();
565  int layer_index = StartLayer - (_nlayers_intt + _nlayers_maps);
566  //if(bestBelowCluster.second != 0) belowLinks[layer_index].insert(keylink{{*StartCluster,bestBelowCluster}});
567  //if(bestAboveCluster.second != 0) aboveLinks[layer_index].insert(keylink{{*StartCluster,bestAboveCluster}});
568  for(auto cluster : bestBelowClusters) belowLinks[layer_index].insert(keylink{{*StartCluster,cluster}});
569  for(auto cluster : bestAboveClusters) aboveLinks[layer_index].insert(keylink{{*StartCluster,cluster}});
570  t_seed->stop();
571  set_insert_time += t_seed->elapsed();
572  t_seed->restart();
573  LogDebug(" max collinearity: " << maxCosPlaneAngle << std::endl);
574  }
575  t_seed->stop();
576  if(Verbosity()>0)
577  {
578  std::cout << "triplet forming time: " << t_seed->get_accumulated_time() / 1000 << " s" << std::endl;
579  std::cout << "starting cluster setup: " << cluster_find_time / 1000 << " s" << std::endl;
580  std::cout << "RTree query: " << rtree_query_time /1000 << " s" << std::endl;
581  std::cout << "Transform: " << transform_time /1000 << " s" << std::endl;
582  std::cout << "Compute best triplet: " << compute_best_angle_time /1000 << " s" << std::endl;
583  std::cout << "Set insert: " << set_insert_time /1000 << " s" << std::endl;
584  }
585  t_seed->restart();
587  return std::make_pair(belowLinks,aboveLinks);
588 }
590 std::vector<std::vector<keylink>> PHCASeeding::FindBiLinks(const std::vector<std::unordered_set<keylink>>& belowLinks, const std::vector<std::unordered_set<keylink>>& aboveLinks) const
591 {
592  // remove all triplets for which there isn't a mutual association between two clusters
593  std::vector<std::vector<keylink>> bidirectionalLinks;
594  bidirectionalLinks.resize(_nlayers_tpc);
595  for(int layer = _nlayers_tpc-1; layer > 0; --layer)
596  {
597  for(auto belowLink = belowLinks[layer].begin(); belowLink != belowLinks[layer].end(); ++belowLink)
598  {
599  if((*belowLink)[1].second==0) continue;
600  unsigned int end_layer_index = TrkrDefs::getLayer((*belowLink)[1].second) - (_nlayers_intt + _nlayers_maps);
601  keylink reversed = {(*belowLink)[1],(*belowLink)[0]};
602  auto sameAboveLinkExists = aboveLinks[end_layer_index].find(reversed);
603  if(sameAboveLinkExists != aboveLinks[end_layer_index].end())
604  {
605  bidirectionalLinks[layer].push_back((*belowLink));
606  }
607  }
608  }
609  t_seed->stop();
610  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "bidirectional link forming time: " << t_seed->get_accumulated_time() / 1000 << " s" << std::endl;
611  t_seed->restart();
613  return bidirectionalLinks;
614 }
617 {
618  // Menger curvature = 1/R for circumcircle of triangle formed by most recent three clusters
619  // We use here 1/R = 2*sin(breaking angle)/(hypotenuse of triangle)
620  auto& a_pos =;
621  auto& b_pos =;
622  auto& c_pos =;
623  double hypot_length = sqrt(square<double>(c_pos.x()-a_pos.x())+square<double>(c_pos.y()-a_pos.y())+square<double>(c_pos.z()-a_pos.z()));
624  double break_angle = breaking_angle(
625  a_pos.x()-b_pos.x(),
626  a_pos.y()-b_pos.y(),
627  a_pos.z()-b_pos.z(),
628  c_pos.x()-b_pos.x(),
629  c_pos.y()-b_pos.y(),
630  c_pos.z()-b_pos.z());
631  return 2*sin(break_angle)/hypot_length;
632 }
634 std::vector<keylist> PHCASeeding::FollowBiLinks(const std::vector<std::vector<keylink>>& bidirectionalLinks, const PositionMap& globalPositions) const
635 {
636  // follow bidirectional links to form lists of cluster keys
637  // (to be fitted for track seed parameters)
638  std::vector<keylist> trackSeedPairs;
639  // get starting cluster keys, create a keylist for each
640  // (only check last element of each pair because we start from the outer layers and go inward)
641  for(unsigned int layer = 0; layer < _nlayers_tpc-1; ++layer)
642  {
643  for(auto startCand = bidirectionalLinks[layer].begin(); startCand != bidirectionalLinks[layer].end(); ++startCand)
644  {
645  bool has_above_link = false;
646  unsigned int imax = 1;
647  if(layer==_nlayers_tpc-2) imax = 1;
648  for(unsigned int i=1;i<=imax;i++)
649  {
650  has_above_link = has_above_link || std::any_of(bidirectionalLinks[layer+i].begin(),bidirectionalLinks[layer+i].end(),[&](keylink k){return (*startCand)[0]==k[1];});
651  }
652 // for(std::vector<keylink>::iterator testlink = bidirectionalLinks[layer+1].begin(); !has_above_link && (testlink != bidirectionalLinks[layer+1].end()); ++testlink)
653 // {
654 // if((*startCand) == (*testlink)) continue;
655 // if((*startCand)[0] == (*testlink)[1]) has_above_link = true;
656 // }
657  if(!has_above_link)
658  {
659  trackSeedPairs.push_back({(*startCand)[0].second,(*startCand)[1].second});
660  }
661  }
662  }
664  // form all possible starting 3-cluster tracks (we need that to calculate curvature)
665  std::vector<keylist> trackSeedKeyLists;
666  for(auto& trackKeyChain : trackSeedPairs)
667  {
668  TrkrDefs::cluskey trackHead = trackKeyChain.back();
669  unsigned int trackHead_layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(trackHead) - (_nlayers_intt+_nlayers_maps);
670  for(auto& testlink : bidirectionalLinks[trackHead_layer])
671  {
672  if(testlink[0].second==trackHead)
673  {
674  keylist trackSeedTriplet;
675  trackSeedTriplet.push_back(trackKeyChain[0]);
676  trackSeedTriplet.push_back(trackKeyChain[1]);
677  trackSeedTriplet.push_back(testlink[1].second);
678  trackSeedKeyLists.push_back(trackSeedTriplet);
679  }
680  }
681  }
683  t_seed->stop();
684  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "starting cluster finding time: " << t_seed->get_accumulated_time() / 1000 << " s" << std::endl;
685  t_seed->restart();
686  // assemble track cluster chains from starting cluster keys (ordered from outside in)
688  // std::cout << "STARTING SEED ASSEMBLY" << std::endl;
690 // std::vector<keylist> trackSeedKeyLists;
691  std::vector<keylist> tempSeedKeyLists = trackSeedKeyLists;
692  trackSeedKeyLists.clear();
694  while(tempSeedKeyLists.size()>0)
695  {
696  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "temp size: " << tempSeedKeyLists.size() << std::endl;
697  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "final size: " << trackSeedKeyLists.size() << std::endl;
698  std::vector<keylist> newtempSeedKeyLists;
699  for(auto& seed : tempSeedKeyLists)
700  {
701  TrkrDefs::cluskey trackHead = seed.back();
702  unsigned int trackHead_layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(trackHead)-(_nlayers_intt+_nlayers_maps);
703  //bool no_next_link = true;
704  for(auto& link : bidirectionalLinks[trackHead_layer])
705  {
706  if(link[0].second != trackHead) continue;
707  auto& head_pos =;
708  auto& prev_pos =[1]);
709  float x1 = head_pos.x();
710  float y1 = head_pos.y();
711  float z1 = head_pos.z();
712  float x2 = prev_pos.x();
713  float y2 = prev_pos.y();
714  float z2 = prev_pos.z();
715  float dr_12 = sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1)-sqrt(x2*x2+y2*y2);
716  TrkrDefs::cluskey testCluster = link[1].second;
717  auto& test_pos =;
718  float xt = test_pos.x();
719  float yt = test_pos.y();
720  float zt = test_pos.z();
721  float new_dr = sqrt(xt*xt+yt*yt)-sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1);
722  if(fabs( (z1-z2)/dr_12 - (zt-z1)/new_dr )>0.5) continue;
723  auto& third_pos =[2]);
724  float x3 = third_pos.x();
725  float y3 = third_pos.y();
726  float dr_23 = sqrt(x2*x2+y2*y2)-sqrt(x3*x3+y3*y3);
727  float phi1 = atan2(y1,x1);
728  float phi2 = atan2(y2,x2);
729  float phi3 = atan2(y3,x3);
730  float dphi12 = std::fmod(phi1-phi2,M_PI);
731  float dphi23 = std::fmod(phi2-phi3,M_PI);
732  float d2phidr2 = dphi12/(dr_12*dr_12)-dphi23/(dr_23*dr_23);
733  float new_dphi = std::fmod(atan2(yt,xt)-atan2(y1,x1),M_PI);
734  float new_d2phidr2 = new_dphi/(new_dr*new_dr)-dphi12/(dr_12*dr_12);
735  if(seed.size()<6 && fabs(d2phidr2-new_d2phidr2)<.005)
736  {
737  // no_next_link = false;
738  keylist newseed = seed;
739  newseed.push_back(link[1].second);
740  newtempSeedKeyLists.push_back(newseed);
741  }
742  }
743  if(seed.size()>5)
744  {
745  trackSeedKeyLists.push_back(seed);
746  }
747  }
748  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "new temp size: " << newtempSeedKeyLists.size() << std::endl;
749  tempSeedKeyLists = newtempSeedKeyLists;
750  }
753 // trackSeedKeyLists = tempSeedKeyLists;
754 /*
755  for(auto trackKeyChain = trackSeedKeyLists.begin(); trackKeyChain != trackSeedKeyLists.end(); ++trackKeyChain)
756  {
757  bool reached_end = false;
758  while(!reached_end)
759  {
760  TrkrDefs::cluskey trackHead = trackKeyChain->back();
761  TrkrDefs::cluskey secondToLast = trackKeyChain->rbegin()[1];
762  TrkrDefs::cluskey thirdToLast = trackKeyChain->rbegin()[2];
763  auto& head_pos =;
764  auto& sec_pos =;
765  auto& third_pos =;
766  double dz_avg = ((head_pos.z()-sec_pos.z())+(sec_pos.z()-third_pos.z()))/2.;
767  double dx1 = head_pos.x()-sec_pos.x();
768  double dy1 = head_pos.y()-sec_pos.y();
769  double dx2 = sec_pos.x()-third_pos.x();
770  double dy2 = sec_pos.y()-third_pos.y();
771  double ddx = dx1-dx2;
772  double ddy = dy1-dy2;
773  double new_dx = dx1+ddx;
774  double new_dy = dy1+ddy;
775  double new_x = head_pos.x()+new_dx;
776  double new_y = head_pos.y()+new_dy;
777  double new_z = head_pos.z()+dz_avg;
778  std::cout << "(x,y,z) = (" << head_pos.x() << ", " << head_pos.y() << ", " << head_pos.z() << ")" << std::endl;
779  unsigned int trackHead_layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(trackHead) - (_nlayers_intt + _nlayers_maps);
780  std::cout << "layer " << trackHead_layer << std::endl;
781  std::cout << "projected: (" << new_x << ", " << new_y << ", " << new_z << ")" << std::endl;
782  TrkrDefs::cluskey nextCluster;
783  double bestDist = 1e9;
784  bool no_next_link = true;
785  for(auto testlink = bidirectionalLinks[trackHead_layer].begin(); testlink != bidirectionalLinks[trackHead_layer].end(); ++testlink)
786  {
787  if((*testlink)[0].second==trackHead)
788  {
789  TrkrDefs::cluskey testCluster = (*testlink)[1].second;
790  auto& test_pos =;
791  std::cout << "test cluster: (" << test_pos.x() << ", " << test_pos.y() << ", " << test_pos.z() << ")" << std::endl;
792  double distToNew = sqrt(square<double>(test_pos.x()-new_x)+square<double>(test_pos.y()-new_y)+square<double>(test_pos.z()-new_z));
793  if(distToNew<bestDist)
794  {
795  std::cout << "current best" << std::endl;
796  nextCluster = testCluster;
797  bestDist = distToNew;
798  }
799  no_next_link = false;
800  }
801  }
802  if(!no_next_link) trackKeyChain->push_back(nextCluster);
803  if(no_next_link) reached_end = true;
804  }
805  }
806 */
807  t_seed->stop();
808  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "keychain assembly time: " << t_seed->get_accumulated_time() / 1000 << " s" << std::endl;
809  t_seed->restart();
810  LogDebug(" track key chains assembled: " << trackSeedKeyLists.size() << std::endl);
811  LogDebug(" track key chain lengths: " << std::endl);
812  for(auto trackKeyChain = trackSeedKeyLists.begin(); trackKeyChain != trackSeedKeyLists.end(); ++trackKeyChain)
813  {
814  LogDebug(" " << trackKeyChain->size() << std::endl);
815  }
816  int jumpcount = 0;
817  LogDebug(" track key associations:" << std::endl);
818  for(size_t i=0;i<trackSeedKeyLists.size();++i)
819  {
820  LogDebug(" seed " << i << ":" << std::endl);
822  double lasteta = -100;
823  double lastphi = -100;
824  for(size_t j=0;j<trackSeedKeyLists[i].size();++j)
825  {
826  const auto& globalpos =[i][j]);
827  const double clus_phi = get_phi( globalpos );
828  const double clus_eta = get_eta( globalpos );
829  const double etajump = clus_eta-lasteta;
830  const double phijump = clus_phi-lastphi;
831  #if defined(_DEBUG_)
832  unsigned int lay = TrkrDefs::getLayer(trackSeedKeyLists[i][j].second);
833  #endif
834  if((fabs(etajump)>0.1 && lasteta!=-100) || (fabs(phijump)>1 && lastphi!=-100))
835  {
836  LogDebug(" Eta or Phi jump too large! " << std::endl);
837  ++jumpcount;
838  }
839  LogDebug(" (eta,phi,layer) = (" << clus_eta << "," << clus_phi << "," << lay << ") " <<
840  " (x,y,z) = (" << globalpos(0) << "," << globalpos(1) << "," << globalpos(2) << ")" << std::endl);
842  if(Verbosity() > 0)
843  {
844  unsigned int lay = TrkrDefs::getLayer(trackSeedKeyLists[i][j]);
845  std::cout << " eta, phi, layer = (" << clus_eta << "," << clus_phi << "," << lay << ") " <<
846  " (x,y,z) = (" << globalpos(0) << "," << globalpos(1) << "," << globalpos(2) << ")" << std::endl;
847  }
848  lasteta = clus_eta;
849  lastphi = clus_phi;
850  }
851  }
852  LogDebug(" Total large jumps: " << jumpcount << std::endl);
853  t_seed->stop();
854  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "eta-phi sanity check time: " << t_seed->get_accumulated_time() / 1000 << " s" << std::endl;
855  t_seed->restart();
856  return trackSeedKeyLists;
857 }
859 std::vector<TrackSeed_v1> PHCASeeding::RemoveBadClusters(const std::vector<keylist>& chains, const PositionMap& globalPositions) const
860 {
861  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "removing bad clusters" << std::endl;
862  std::vector<TrackSeed_v1> clean_chains;
864  for(const auto& chain : chains)
865  {
866  if(chain.size()<3) continue;
867  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "chain size: " << chain.size() << std::endl;
870  for( const auto& ckey:chain )
871  {
872  const auto &global =;
873  xy_pts.emplace_back( global.x(), global.y() );
874  }
876  // fit a circle through x,y coordinates
877  const auto [R, X0, Y0] = TrackFitUtils::circle_fit_by_taubin( xy_pts );
879  // skip chain entirely if fit fails
880  if( std::isnan( R ) ) continue;
882  // calculate residuals
883  const std::vector<double> xy_resid = TrackFitUtils::getCircleClusterResiduals(xy_pts,R,X0,Y0);
885  // assign clusters to seed
886  TrackSeed_v1 trackseed;
887  for(size_t i=0;i<chain.size();i++)
888  {
889  //if(xy_resid[i]>_xy_outlier_threshold) continue;
890  trackseed.insert_cluster_key(;
891  }
893  clean_chains.push_back(trackseed);
894  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "pushed clean chain with " << trackseed.size_cluster_keys() << " clusters" << std::endl;
895  }
897  return clean_chains;
898 }
901 void PHCASeeding::publishSeeds(const std::vector<TrackSeed_v1>& seeds)
902 {
904  for( const auto& seed:seeds )
905  {
906  auto pseed = std::make_unique<TrackSeed_v1>(seed);
907  if(Verbosity() > 4)
908  { pseed->identify(); }
909  _track_map->insert(pseed.get());
910  }
911 }
914 {
915  // if(Verbosity()>0)
916  std::cout << "Called Setup" << std::endl;
917  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "topNode:" << topNode << std::endl;
918  PHTrackSeeding::Setup(topNode);
920  // geometry initialization
921  int ret = InitializeGeometry(topNode);
923  { return ret; }
925  // tpc distortion correction
926  m_dcc = findNode::getClass<TpcDistortionCorrectionContainer>(topNode,"TpcDistortionCorrectionContainerStatic");
927  if( m_dcc )
928  { std::cout << "PHCASeeding::Setup - found static TPC distortion correction container" << std::endl; }
930  t_fill = std::make_unique<PHTimer>("t_fill");
931  t_seed = std::make_unique<PHTimer>("t_seed");
932  t_fill->stop();
933  t_seed->stop();
935  // fcfg.set_rescale(1);
936  std::unique_ptr<PHField> field_map;
937  if(_use_const_field)
938  {
939  PHFieldConfigv2 fcfg(0,0,_const_field);
940  field_map = std::unique_ptr<PHField>(PHFieldUtility::BuildFieldMap(&fcfg));
941  }
942  else
943  {
945  PHFieldConfigv1 fcfg;
946  fcfg.set_field_config(PHFieldConfig::FieldConfigTypes::Field3DCartesian);
947  char *calibrationsroot = getenv("CALIBRATIONROOT");
948  assert(calibrationsroot);
949  auto magField = std::string(calibrationsroot) +
950  std::string("/Field/Map/sphenix3dtrackingmapxyz.root");
951  fcfg.set_filename(magField);
952  field_map = std::unique_ptr<PHField>(PHFieldUtility::BuildFieldMap(&fcfg));
953  }
955  fitter = std::make_unique<ALICEKF>(topNode,_cluster_map,field_map.get(),_fieldDir,_min_clusters_per_track,_max_sin_phi,Verbosity());
956  fitter->useConstBField(_use_const_field);
957  fitter->setConstBField(_const_field);
958  fitter->useFixedClusterError(_use_fixed_clus_err);
959  fitter->setFixedClusterError(0,;
960  fitter->setFixedClusterError(1,;
961  fitter->setFixedClusterError(2,;
963 }
966 {
967  if(Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "Called End " << std::endl;
969 }