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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file GPUTPCTrackParam.h
1 // Copyright CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2. This software is
2 // distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL
3 // Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
4 //
5 // See for full licensing information.
6 //
7 // In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
8 // granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
9 // or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
17 #include "GPUTPCBaseTrackParam.h"
18 #include <cmath>
29 {
30  public:
32  double bethe, e, theta2, EP2, sigmadE2, k22, k33, k43, k44; // parameters
33  };
35  const GPUTPCBaseTrackParam& GetParam() const { return mParam; }
36  void SetParam(const GPUTPCBaseTrackParam& v) { mParam = v; }
37  void InitParam();
39  double X() const { return mParam.X(); }
40  double Y() const { return mParam.Y(); }
41  double Z() const { return mParam.Z(); }
42  double SinPhi() const { return mParam.SinPhi(); }
43  double DzDs() const { return mParam.DzDs(); }
44  double QPt() const { return mParam.QPt(); }
45  double ZOffset() const { return mParam.ZOffset(); }
46  double SignCosPhi() const { return mSignCosPhi; }
47  double Chi2() const { return mChi2; }
48  int NDF() const { return mNDF; }
50  double Err2Y() const { return mC[0]; }
51  double Err2Z() const { return mC[2]; }
52  double Err2SinPhi() const { return mC[5]; }
53  double Err2DzDs() const { return mC[9]; }
54  double Err2QPt() const { return mC[14]; }
56  double GetX() const { return mParam.GetX(); }
57  double GetY() const { return mParam.GetY(); }
58  double GetZ() const { return mParam.GetZ(); }
59  double GetSinPhi() const { return mParam.GetSinPhi(); }
60  double GetDzDs() const { return mParam.GetDzDs(); }
61  double GetQPt() const { return mParam.GetQPt(); }
62  double GetSignCosPhi() const { return mSignCosPhi; }
63  double GetChi2() const { return mChi2; }
64  int GetNDF() const { return mNDF; }
66  double GetKappa(double Bz) const { return mParam.GetKappa(Bz); }
67  double GetCosPhi() const { return mSignCosPhi * sqrt(1 - SinPhi() * SinPhi()); }
69  double GetErr2Y() const { return mC[0]; }
70  double GetErr2Z() const { return mC[2]; }
71  double GetErr2SinPhi() const { return mC[5]; }
72  double GetErr2DzDs() const { return mC[9]; }
73  double GetErr2QPt() const { return mC[14]; }
75  const double* Par() const { return mParam.Par(); }
76  const double* Cov() const { return mC; }
78  const double* GetPar() const { return mParam.GetPar(); }
79  double GetPar(int i) const { return (mParam.GetPar(i)); }
80  const double* GetCov() const { return mC; }
81  double GetCov(int i) const { return mC[i]; }
83  void SetPar(int i, double v) { mParam.SetPar(i, v); }
84  void SetCov(int i, double v) { mC[i] = v; }
86  void SetX(double v) { mParam.SetX(v); }
87  void SetY(double v) { mParam.SetY(v); }
88  void SetZ(double v) { mParam.SetZ(v); }
89  void SetSinPhi(double v) { mParam.SetSinPhi(v); }
90  void SetDzDs(double v) { mParam.SetDzDs(v); }
91  void SetQPt(double v) { mParam.SetQPt(v); }
92  void SetZOffset(double v) { mParam.SetZOffset(v); }
93  void SetSignCosPhi(double v) { mSignCosPhi = v >= 0 ? 1 : -1; }
94  void SetChi2(double v) { mChi2 = v; }
95  void SetNDF(int v) { mNDF = v; }
97  double GetDist2(const GPUTPCTrackParam& t) const;
98  double GetDistXZ2(const GPUTPCTrackParam& t) const;
100  double GetS(double x, double y, double Bz) const;
102  void GetDCAPoint(double x, double y, double z, double& px, double& py, double& pz, double Bz) const;
104  bool TransportToX(double x, double Bz, double maxSinPhi = GPUCA_MAX_SIN_PHI);
105  bool TransportToXWithMaterial(double x, double Bz, double maxSinPhi = GPUCA_MAX_SIN_PHI);
107  bool TransportToX(double x, GPUTPCTrackLinearisation& t0, double Bz, double maxSinPhi = GPUCA_MAX_SIN_PHI, double* DL = nullptr);
109  bool TransportToX(double x, double sinPhi0, double cosPhi0, double Bz, double maxSinPhi = GPUCA_MAX_SIN_PHI);
111  bool TransportToXWithMaterial(double x, GPUTPCTrackLinearisation& t0, GPUTPCTrackFitParam& par, double Bz, double maxSinPhi = GPUCA_MAX_SIN_PHI);
113  bool TransportToXWithMaterial(double x, GPUTPCTrackFitParam& par, double Bz, double maxSinPhi = GPUCA_MAX_SIN_PHI);
115  static double ApproximateBetheBloch(double beta2);
116  static double BetheBlochGeant(double bg, double kp0 = 2.33f, double kp1 = 0.20f, double kp2 = 3.00f, double kp3 = 173e-9f, double kp4 = 0.49848f);
117  static double BetheBlochSolid(double bg);
118  static double BetheBlochGas(double bg);
120  void CalculateFitParameters(GPUTPCTrackFitParam& par, double mass = 0.13957f);
121  bool CorrectForMeanMaterial(double xOverX0, double xTimesRho, const GPUTPCTrackFitParam& par);
123  bool Rotate(double alpha, double maxSinPhi = GPUCA_MAX_SIN_PHI);
124  bool Rotate(double alpha, GPUTPCTrackLinearisation& t0, double maxSinPhi = GPUCA_MAX_SIN_PHI);
125  bool Filter(double y, double z, double err2Y, double err2Z, double maxSinPhi = GPUCA_MAX_SIN_PHI, bool paramOnly = false);
127  bool CheckNumericalQuality() const;
129  void Print() const;
131 #ifndef GPUCA_GPUCODE
132  private:
133 #endif
134  GPUTPCBaseTrackParam
135  mParam; // Track Parameters
137  private:
138  // WARNING, Track Param Data is copied in the GPU Tracklet Constructor element by element instead of using copy constructor!!!
139  // This is neccessary for performance reasons!!!
140  // Changes to Elements of this class therefore must also be applied to TrackletConstructor!!!
141  double mC[15]; // the covariance matrix for Y,Z,SinPhi,..
142  double mSignCosPhi; // sign of cosPhi
143  double mChi2; // the chi^2 value
144  int mNDF; // the Number of Degrees of Freedom
145 };
148 {
149  // Initialize Tracklet Parameters using default values
150  SetSinPhi(0);
151  SetDzDs(0);
152  SetQPt(0);
153  SetSignCosPhi(1);
154  SetChi2(0);
155  SetNDF(-3);
156  SetCov(0, 1);
157  SetCov(1, 0);
158  SetCov(2, 1);
159  SetCov(3, 0);
160  SetCov(4, 0);
161  SetCov(5, 1);
162  SetCov(6, 0);
163  SetCov(7, 0);
164  SetCov(8, 0);
165  SetCov(9, 1);
166  SetCov(10, 0);
167  SetCov(11, 0);
168  SetCov(12, 0);
169  SetCov(13, 0);
170  SetCov(14, 1000.f);
171  SetZOffset(0);
172 }