Analysis Software
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2 #include "PHCosmicTrackMerger.h"
6 #include <phool/getClass.h>
13 namespace
14 {
15  template <class T>
16  inline constexpr T square(T &x)
17  {
18  return x * x;
19  }
20  template <class T>
21  inline constexpr T r(T &x, T &y)
22  {
23  return std::sqrt(square(x) + square(y));
24  }
26 } // namespace
27 //____________________________________________________________________________..
29  : SubsysReco(name)
30 {
31 }
33 //____________________________________________________________________________..
35 {
36 }
38 //____________________________________________________________________________..
40 {
42 }
44 //____________________________________________________________________________..
46 {
47  m_seeds = findNode::getClass<TrackSeedContainer>(topNode, "SvtxTrackSeedContainer");
48  if (!m_seeds)
49  {
50  std::cout << PHWHERE << "No track seed container, cannot continue" << std::endl;
52  }
54  m_siliconSeeds = findNode::getClass<TrackSeedContainer>(topNode, "SiliconTrackSeedContainer");
55  m_tpcSeeds = findNode::getClass<TrackSeedContainer>(topNode, "TpcTrackSeedContainer");
56  if (!m_siliconSeeds or !m_tpcSeeds)
57  {
58  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Missing seed container, exiting." << std::endl;
60  }
62  m_geometry = findNode::getClass<ActsGeometry>(topNode, "ActsGeometry");
63  if (!m_geometry)
64  {
65  std::cout << PHWHERE << "no acts geometry, can't continue" << std::endl;
67  }
69  m_clusterMap = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTER");
70  if (!m_clusterMap)
71  {
72  std::cout << PHWHERE << "no cluster map, can't continue" << std::endl;
74  }
77 }
79 //____________________________________________________________________________..
81 {
82  if (Verbosity() > 3)
83  {
84  std::cout << "Seed container size " << m_seeds->size() << std::endl;
85  }
86  for (auto tr1it = m_seeds->begin(); tr1it != m_seeds->end();
87  ++tr1it)
88  {
89  auto track1 = *tr1it;
90  if (!track1)
91  {
92  continue;
93  }
94  unsigned int tpcid1 = track1->get_tpc_seed_index();
95  unsigned int siid1 = track1->get_silicon_seed_index();
96  auto tpcseed1 = m_tpcSeeds->get(tpcid1);
97  auto silseed1 = m_siliconSeeds->get(siid1);
99  for (auto tr2it = tr1it; tr2it != m_seeds->end();
100  ++tr2it)
101  {
103  TrackFitUtils::position_vector_t tr1_rz_pts, tr1_xy_pts;
104  auto globTr1 = getGlobalPositions(tpcseed1);
105  for (auto &pos : globTr1.second)
106  {
107  float clusr = r(pos.x(), pos.y());
108  if (pos.y() < 0) clusr *= -1;
109  tr1_rz_pts.push_back(std::make_pair(pos.z(), clusr));
110  tr1_xy_pts.push_back(std::make_pair(pos.x(), pos.y()));
111  }
113  auto xyTr1Params = TrackFitUtils::line_fit(tr1_xy_pts);
114  auto rzTr1Params = TrackFitUtils::line_fit(tr1_rz_pts);
115  float tr1xyslope = std::get<0>(xyTr1Params);
116  float tr1rzslope = std::get<0>(rzTr1Params);
119  if (fabs(tr1rzslope) < 0.005)
120  {
121  m_seeds->erase(m_seeds->index(tr1it));
122  break;
123  }
124  if (tr1it == tr2it)
125  {
126  continue;
127  }
129  auto track2 = *tr2it;
130  if (!track2)
131  {
132  continue;
133  }
135  unsigned int tpcid2 = track2->get_tpc_seed_index();
136  unsigned int siid2 = track2->get_silicon_seed_index();
137  auto tpcseed2 = m_tpcSeeds->get(tpcid2);
138  auto silseed2 = m_siliconSeeds->get(siid2);
140  TrackFitUtils::position_vector_t tr2_rz_pts, tr2_xy_pts;
141  auto globTr2 = getGlobalPositions(tpcseed2);
143  for (auto &pos : globTr2.second)
144  {
145  float clusr = r(pos.x(), pos.y());
146  if (pos.y() < 0) clusr *= -1;
147  tr2_rz_pts.push_back(std::make_pair(pos.z(), clusr));
148  tr2_xy_pts.push_back(std::make_pair(pos.x(), pos.y()));
149  }
151  auto xyTr2Params = TrackFitUtils::line_fit(tr2_xy_pts);
152  auto rzTr2Params = TrackFitUtils::line_fit(tr2_rz_pts);
153  // float tr2xyint = std::get<1>(xyTr2Params);
154  float tr2xyslope = std::get<0>(xyTr2Params);
155  // float tr2rzint = std::get<1>(rzTr2Params);
156  float tr2rzslope = std::get<0>(rzTr2Params);
158  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey> ckeyUnion;
159  std::set_intersection(globTr1.first.begin(), globTr1.first.end(),
160  globTr2.first.begin(), globTr2.first.end(), std::back_inserter(ckeyUnion));
162  if (
164  (ckeyUnion.size() > 10) or
166  (fabs(tr1xyslope - tr2xyslope) < 0.5 &&
168  fabs(tr1rzslope - tr2rzslope * -1) < 0.5))
169  {
170  if (Verbosity() > 3)
171  {
172  std::cout << "Combining tr" << m_seeds->index(tr1it) << " with sil/tpc " << tpcid1
173  << ", " << siid1 << " with tr "
174  << m_seeds->index(tr2it) << " with sil/tpc " << tpcid2 << ", "
175  << siid2 << " with slopes "
176  << tr1xyslope << ", " << tr2xyslope << ", "
177  << tr1rzslope << ", " << tr2rzslope << " and ckey union "
178  << ckeyUnion.size() << std::endl;
179  }
181  for (auto &key : globTr2.first)
182  {
183  globTr1.first.push_back(key);
184  }
185  for (auto &pos : globTr2.second)
186  {
187  globTr1.second.push_back(pos);
188  }
190  addKeys(tpcseed1, tpcseed2);
191  if (silseed1 && silseed2)
192  {
193  addKeys(silseed1, silseed2);
194  }
196  m_seeds->erase(m_seeds->index(tr2it));
197  }
198  }
202  removeOutliers(tpcseed1);
203  }
204  if (Verbosity() > 3)
205  {
206  std::cout << "Seed container size to finish " << m_seeds->size() << std::endl;
207  for (auto &seed : *m_seeds)
208  {
209  if (seed)
210  {
211  seed->identify();
212  std::cout << std::endl;
213  unsigned int tpcid1 = seed->get_tpc_seed_index();
214  unsigned int siid1 = seed->get_silicon_seed_index();
215  auto tpcseed1 = m_tpcSeeds->get(tpcid1);
216  auto silseed1 = m_siliconSeeds->get(siid1);
217  tpcseed1->identify();
218  if (silseed1)
219  {
220  silseed1->identify();
221  }
222  }
223  else
224  {
225  std::cout << "nullptr seed was removed" << std::endl;
226  }
227  }
228  }
230 }
233 {
234  TrackFitUtils::position_vector_t tr_rz_pts, tr_xy_pts;
235  auto glob = getGlobalPositions(seed);
236  for (const auto &pos : glob.second)
237  {
238  float clusr = r(pos.x(), pos.y());
239  if (pos.y() < 0) clusr *= -1;
240  // skip tpot clusters, as they are always bad in 1D due to 1D resolution
241  if (fabs(clusr) > 80.) continue;
242  tr_rz_pts.push_back(std::make_pair(pos.z(), clusr));
243  tr_xy_pts.push_back(std::make_pair(pos.x(), pos.y()));
244  }
246  auto xyParams = TrackFitUtils::line_fit(tr_xy_pts);
247  auto rzParams = TrackFitUtils::line_fit(tr_rz_pts);
249  for (int i = 0; i < glob.first.size(); i++)
250  {
251  auto &pos = glob.second[i];
252  float clusr = r(pos.x(), pos.y());
253  if (pos.y() < 0) clusr *= -1;
254  // skip tpot clusters, as they are always bad in 1D due to 1D resolution
255  if (fabs(clusr) > 80.) continue;
256  float perpxyslope = -1. / std::get<0>(xyParams);
257  float perpxyint = pos.y() - perpxyslope * pos.x();
258  float perprzslope = -1. / std::get<0>(rzParams);
259  float perprzint = clusr - perprzslope * pos.z();
261  float pcax = (perpxyint - std::get<1>(xyParams)) / (std::get<0>(xyParams) - perpxyslope);
262  float pcay = std::get<0>(xyParams) * pcax + std::get<1>(xyParams);
264  float pcaz = (perprzint - std::get<1>(rzParams)) / (std::get<0>(rzParams) - perprzslope);
265  float pcar = std::get<0>(rzParams) * pcaz + std::get<1>(rzParams);
266  float dcax = pcax - pos.x();
267  float dcay = pcay - pos.y();
268  float dcar = pcar - clusr;
269  float dcaz = pcaz - pos.z();
270  float dcaxy = std::sqrt(square(dcax) + square(dcay));
271  float dcarz = std::sqrt(square(dcar) + square(dcaz));
272  if (dcaxy > 1. || dcarz > 1.)
273  {
274  seed->erase_cluster_key(glob.first[i]);
275  }
276  }
277 }
279 {
280  for (auto it = toAdd->begin_cluster_keys(); it != toAdd->end_cluster_keys();
281  ++it)
282  {
283  if (Verbosity() > 3)
284  {
285  auto clus = m_clusterMap->findCluster(*it);
286  auto glob = m_geometry->getGlobalPosition(*it, clus);
287  std::cout << "adding " << *it << " with pos " << glob.transpose() << std::endl;
288  }
289  toAddTo->insert_cluster_key(*it);
290  }
291 }
294 {
295  KeyPosMap glob;
296  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey> ckeys;
297  std::vector<Acts::Vector3> positions;
298  for (auto it = seed->begin_cluster_keys(); it != seed->end_cluster_keys();
299  ++it)
300  {
301  auto key = *it;
302  auto clus = m_clusterMap->findCluster(key);
303  ckeys.push_back(key);
304  positions.push_back(m_geometry->getGlobalPosition(key, clus));
305  }
306  glob.first = ckeys;
307  glob.second = positions;
308  return glob;
309 }
310 //____________________________________________________________________________..
312 {
314 }