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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ConeSurface.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
21 #include <algorithm>
22 #include <cmath>
23 #include <limits>
24 #include <stdexcept>
25 #include <utility>
26 #include <vector>
32  : GeometryObject(), Surface(other), m_bounds(other.m_bounds) {}
35  const ConeSurface& other,
36  const Transform3& shift)
37  : GeometryObject(), Surface(gctx, other, shift), m_bounds(other.m_bounds) {}
40  bool symmetric)
41  : GeometryObject(),
42  Surface(transform),
43  m_bounds(std::make_shared<const ConeBounds>(alpha, symmetric)) {}
46  double zmin, double zmax, double halfPhi)
47  : GeometryObject(),
48  Surface(transform),
49  m_bounds(std::make_shared<const ConeBounds>(alpha, zmin, zmax, halfPhi)) {
50 }
53  std::shared_ptr<const ConeBounds> cbounds)
54  : GeometryObject(), Surface(transform), m_bounds(std::move(cbounds)) {
55  throw_assert(m_bounds, "ConeBounds must not be nullptr");
56 }
59  const GeometryContext& gctx, Acts::BinningValue bValue) const {
60  const Vector3& sfCenter = center(gctx);
62  // special binning type for R-type methods
63  if (bValue == Acts::binR || bValue == Acts::binRPhi) {
64  return Vector3(sfCenter.x() + bounds().r(sfCenter.z()), sfCenter.y(),
65  sfCenter.z());
66  }
67  // give the center as default for all of these binning types
68  // binX, binY, binZ, binR, binPhi, binRPhi, binH, binEta
69  return sfCenter;
70 }
73  return Surface::Cone;
74 }
77  if (this != &other) {
78  Surface::operator=(other);
79  m_bounds = other.m_bounds;
80  }
81  return *this;
82 }
85  const GeometryContext& gctx) const {
86  return transform(gctx).matrix().block<3, 1>(0, 2);
87 }
90  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position,
91  const Vector3& /*direction*/) const {
92  RotationMatrix3 mFrame;
93  // construct the measurement frame
94  // measured Y is the local z axis
95  Vector3 measY = rotSymmetryAxis(gctx);
96  // measured z is the position transverse normalized
97  Vector3 measDepth = Vector3(position.x(), position.y(), 0.).normalized();
98  // measured X is what comoes out of it
99  Acts::Vector3 measX(measY.cross(measDepth).normalized());
100  // the columnes
101  mFrame.col(0) = measX;
102  mFrame.col(1) = measY;
103  mFrame.col(2) = measDepth;
104  // return the rotation matrix
106  // return it
107  return mFrame;
108 }
111  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector2& lposition,
112  const Vector3& /*direction*/) const {
113  // create the position in the local 3d frame
114  double r = lposition[Acts::eBoundLoc1] * bounds().tanAlpha();
115  double phi = lposition[Acts::eBoundLoc0] / r;
116  Vector3 loc3Dframe(r * cos(phi), r * sin(phi), lposition[Acts::eBoundLoc1]);
117  return transform(gctx) * loc3Dframe;
118 }
121  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position,
122  const Vector3& /*direction*/, double tolerance) const {
123  Vector3 loc3Dframe = transform(gctx).inverse() * position;
124  double r = loc3Dframe.z() * bounds().tanAlpha();
125  if (std::abs(perp(loc3Dframe) - r) > tolerance) {
126  return Result<Vector2>::failure(SurfaceError::GlobalPositionNotOnSurface);
127  }
129  Vector2(r * atan2(loc3Dframe.y(), loc3Dframe.x()), loc3Dframe.z()));
130 }
133  const Vector3& position,
134  const Vector3& direction) const {
135  // (cos phi cos alpha, sin phi cos alpha, sgn z sin alpha)
136  Vector3 posLocal = transform(gctx).inverse() * position;
137  double phi = VectorHelpers::phi(posLocal);
138  double sgn = posLocal.z() > 0. ? -1. : +1.;
139  double cosAlpha = std::cos(bounds().get(ConeBounds::eAlpha));
140  double sinAlpha = std::sin(bounds().get(ConeBounds::eAlpha));
141  Vector3 normalC(cos(phi) * cosAlpha, sin(phi) * cosAlpha, sgn * sinAlpha);
142  normalC = transform(gctx) * normalC;
143  // Back to the global frame
144  double cAlpha =;
145  return std::abs(1. / cAlpha);
146 }
149  return "Acts::ConeSurface";
150 }
153  const Acts::Vector2& lposition) const {
154  // (cos phi cos alpha, sin phi cos alpha, sgn z sin alpha)
155  double phi = lposition[Acts::eBoundLoc0] /
156  (bounds().r(lposition[Acts::eBoundLoc1])),
157  sgn = lposition[Acts::eBoundLoc1] > 0 ? -1. : +1.;
158  double cosAlpha = std::cos(bounds().get(ConeBounds::eAlpha));
159  double sinAlpha = std::sin(bounds().get(ConeBounds::eAlpha));
160  Vector3 localNormal(cos(phi) * cosAlpha, sin(phi) * cosAlpha, sgn * sinAlpha);
161  return Vector3(transform(gctx).linear() * localNormal);
162 }
165  const Acts::Vector3& position) const {
166  // get it into the cylinder frame if needed
167  // @todo respect opening angle
168  Vector3 pos3D = transform(gctx).inverse() * position;
169  pos3D.z() = 0;
170  return pos3D.normalized();
171 }
174  // is safe because no constructor w/o bounds exists
175  return (*m_bounds.get());
176 }
179  const GeometryContext& gctx, size_t lseg) const {
180  // Prepare vertices and faces
181  std::vector<Vector3> vertices;
182  std::vector<Polyhedron::FaceType> faces;
183  std::vector<Polyhedron::FaceType> triangularMesh;
185  double minZ = bounds().get(ConeBounds::eMinZ);
186  double maxZ = bounds().get(ConeBounds::eMaxZ);
188  if (minZ == -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() or
189  maxZ == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
190  throw std::domain_error(
191  "Polyhedron repr of boundless surface not possible");
192  }
194  auto ctransform = transform(gctx);
196  // The tip - created only once and only, if it is not a cut-off cone
197  bool tipExists = false;
198  if (minZ * maxZ <= s_onSurfaceTolerance) {
199  vertices.push_back(ctransform * Vector3(0., 0., 0.));
200  tipExists = true;
201  }
203  // Cone parameters
204  double hPhiSec = bounds().get(ConeBounds::eHalfPhiSector);
205  double avgPhi = bounds().get(ConeBounds::eAveragePhi);
206  bool fullCone = (hPhiSec == M_PI);
208  // Get the phi segments from the helper
209  auto phiSegs = fullCone ? detail::VerticesHelper::phiSegments()
211  avgPhi - hPhiSec, avgPhi + hPhiSec,
212  {static_cast<ActsScalar>(avgPhi)});
214  // Negative cone if exists
215  std::vector<double> coneSides;
216  if (std::abs(minZ) > s_onSurfaceTolerance) {
217  coneSides.push_back(minZ);
218  }
219  if (std::abs(maxZ) > s_onSurfaceTolerance) {
220  coneSides.push_back(maxZ);
221  }
222  for (auto& z : coneSides) {
223  // Remember the first vertex
224  size_t firstIv = vertices.size();
225  // Radius and z offset
226  double r = std::abs(z) * bounds().tanAlpha();
227  Vector3 zoffset(0., 0., z);
228  for (unsigned int iseg = 0; iseg < phiSegs.size() - 1; ++iseg) {
229  int addon = (iseg == phiSegs.size() - 2 and not fullCone) ? 1 : 0;
230  detail::VerticesHelper::createSegment(vertices, {r, r}, phiSegs[iseg],
231  phiSegs[iseg + 1], lseg, addon,
232  zoffset, ctransform);
233  }
234  // Create the faces
235  if (tipExists) {
236  for (size_t iv = firstIv + 2; iv < vertices.size() + 1; ++iv) {
237  size_t one = 0, two = iv - 1, three = iv - 2;
238  if (z < 0.) {
239  std::swap(two, three);
240  }
241  faces.push_back({one, two, three});
242  }
243  // Complete cone if necessary
244  if (fullCone) {
245  if (z > 0.) {
246  faces.push_back({0, firstIv, vertices.size() - 1});
247  } else {
248  faces.push_back({0, vertices.size() - 1, firstIv});
249  }
250  }
251  }
252  }
253  // if no tip exists, connect the two bows
254  if (tipExists) {
255  triangularMesh = faces;
256  } else {
257  auto facesMesh =
258  detail::FacesHelper::cylindricalFaceMesh(vertices, fullCone);
259  faces = facesMesh.first;
260  triangularMesh = facesMesh.second;
261  }
262  return Polyhedron(vertices, faces, triangularMesh, false);
263 }
266  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position,
267  const Vector3& direction) const {
268  // Transform into the local frame
269  Transform3 invTrans = transform(gctx).inverse();
270  Vector3 point1 = invTrans * position;
271  Vector3 dir1 = invTrans.linear() * direction;
273  // See file header for the formula derivation
274  double tan2Alpha = bounds().tanAlpha() * bounds().tanAlpha(),
275  A = dir1.x() * dir1.x() + dir1.y() * dir1.y() -
276  tan2Alpha * dir1.z() * dir1.z(),
277  B = 2 * (dir1.x() * point1.x() + dir1.y() * point1.y() -
278  tan2Alpha * dir1.z() * point1.z()),
279  C = point1.x() * point1.x() + point1.y() * point1.y() -
280  tan2Alpha * point1.z() * point1.z();
281  if (A == 0.) {
282  A += 1e-16; // avoid division by zero
283  }
285  return detail::RealQuadraticEquation(A, B, C);
286 }
289  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position,
290  const Vector3& direction, const BoundaryCheck& bcheck,
291  ActsScalar tolerance) const {
292  // Solve the quadratic equation
293  auto qe = intersectionSolver(gctx, position, direction);
295  // If no valid solution return a non-valid surfaceIntersection
296  if ( == 0) {
297  return {{Intersection3D::invalid(), Intersection3D::invalid()}, this};
298  }
300  // Check the validity of the first solution
301  Vector3 solution1 = position + qe.first * direction;
302  Intersection3D::Status status1 = std::abs(qe.first) < std::abs(tolerance)
303  ? Intersection3D::Status::onSurface
304  : Intersection3D::Status::reachable;
306  if (bcheck and not isOnSurface(gctx, solution1, direction, bcheck)) {
307  status1 = Intersection3D::Status::missed;
308  }
310  // Check the validity of the second solution
311  Vector3 solution2 = position + qe.first * direction;
312  Intersection3D::Status status2 = std::abs(qe.second) < std::abs(tolerance)
313  ? Intersection3D::Status::onSurface
314  : Intersection3D::Status::reachable;
315  if (bcheck and not isOnSurface(gctx, solution2, direction, bcheck)) {
316  status2 = Intersection3D::Status::missed;
317  }
319  const auto& tf = transform(gctx);
320  // Set the intersection
321  Intersection3D first(tf * solution1, qe.first, status1);
322  Intersection3D second(tf * solution2, qe.second, status2);
323  // Order based on path length
324  if (first.pathLength() <= second.pathLength()) {
325  return {{first, second}, this};
326  }
327  return {{second, first}, this};
328 }
331  const GeometryContext& gctx, const FreeVector& parameters) const {
332  // The global position
333  const auto position = parameters.segment<3>(eFreePos0);
334  // The direction
335  const auto direction = parameters.segment<3>(eFreeDir0);
336  // The vector between position and center
337  const auto pcRowVec = (position - center(gctx)).transpose().eval();
338  // The rotation
339  const auto& rotation = transform(gctx).rotation();
340  // The local frame x/y/z axis
341  const auto& localXAxis = rotation.col(0);
342  const auto& localYAxis = rotation.col(1);
343  const auto& localZAxis = rotation.col(2);
344  // The local coordinates
345  const auto localPos = (rotation.transpose() * position).eval();
346  const auto dx =;
347  const auto dy =;
348  const auto dz =;
349  // The normalization factor
350  const auto tanAlpha2 = bounds().tanAlpha() * bounds().tanAlpha();
351  const auto norm = 1 / (1 - dz * dz * (1 + tanAlpha2));
352  // The direction transpose
353  const auto& dirRowVec = direction.transpose();
354  // The derivative of path w.r.t. the local axes
355  // @note The following calculations assume that the intersection of the track
356  // with the cone always satisfy: localPos.z()*tanAlpha =perp(localPos)
357  const auto localXAxisToPath =
358  (-2 * norm * (dx * pcRowVec + localPos.x() * dirRowVec)).eval();
359  const auto localYAxisToPath =
360  (-2 * norm * (dy * pcRowVec + localPos.y() * dirRowVec)).eval();
361  const auto localZAxisToPath =
362  (2 * norm * tanAlpha2 * (dz * pcRowVec + localPos.z() * dirRowVec) -
363  4 * norm * norm * (1 + tanAlpha2) *
364  (dx * localPos.x() + dy * localPos.y() -
365  dz * localPos.z() * tanAlpha2) *
366  dz * dirRowVec)
367  .eval();
368  // Calculate the derivative of local frame axes w.r.t its rotation
369  const auto [rotToLocalXAxis, rotToLocalYAxis, rotToLocalZAxis] =
371  // Initialize the derivative of propagation path w.r.t. local frame
372  // translation (origin) and rotation
373  AlignmentToPathMatrix alignToPath = AlignmentToPathMatrix::Zero();
374  alignToPath.segment<3>(eAlignmentCenter0) =
375  2 * norm * (dx * localXAxis.transpose() + dy * localYAxis.transpose());
376  alignToPath.segment<3>(eAlignmentRotation0) =
377  localXAxisToPath * rotToLocalXAxis + localYAxisToPath * rotToLocalYAxis +
378  localZAxisToPath * rotToLocalZAxis;
380  return alignToPath;
381 }
384  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position) const {
385  using VectorHelpers::perp;
386  using VectorHelpers::phi;
387  // The local frame transform
388  const auto& sTransform = transform(gctx);
389  // calculate the transformation to local coordinates
390  const Vector3 localPos = sTransform.inverse() * position;
391  const double lr = perp(localPos);
392  const double lphi = phi(localPos);
393  const double lcphi = std::cos(lphi);
394  const double lsphi = std::sin(lphi);
395  // Solve for radius R
396  const double R = localPos.z() * bounds().tanAlpha();
397  ActsMatrix<2, 3> loc3DToLocBound = ActsMatrix<2, 3>::Zero();
398  loc3DToLocBound << -R * lsphi / lr, R * lcphi / lr,
399  lphi * bounds().tanAlpha(), 0, 0, 1;
401  return loc3DToLocBound;
402 }