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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file peeks.C
1 // Illustrates how to find peaks in histograms.
2 // This script generates a random number of gaussian peaks
3 // on top of a linear background.
4 // The position of the peaks is found via TSpectrum and injected
5 // as initial values of parameters to make a global fit.
6 // The background is computed and drawn on top of the original histogram.
7 //
8 // To execute this example, do
9 // root > .x peaks.C (generate 10 peaks by default)
10 // root > .x peaks.C++ (use the compiler)
11 // root > .x peaks.C++(30) (generates 30 peaks)
12 //
13 // To execute only the first part of the script (without fitting)
14 // specify a negative value for the number of peaks, eg
15 // root > .x peaks.C(-20)
16 //
17 //Author: Rene Brun
19 #include "TCanvas.h"
20 #include "TMath.h"
21 #include "TH1.h"
22 #include "TF1.h"
23 #include "TRandom.h"
24 #include "TSpectrum.h"
25 #include "TVirtualFitter.h"
27 Int_t npeaks = 30;
28 Double_t fpeaks(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
29  Double_t result = par[0] + par[1]*x[0];
30  for (Int_t p=0;p<npeaks;p++) {
31  Double_t norm = par[3*p+2];
32  Double_t mean = par[3*p+3];
33  Double_t sigma = par[3*p+4];
34  result += norm*TMath::Gaus(x[0],mean,sigma);
35  }
36  return result;
37 }
38 void peaks(Int_t np=10) {
39  npeaks = TMath::Abs(np);
40  TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","test",500,0,1000);
41  //generate n peaks at random
42  Double_t par[3000];
43  par[0] = 0.8;
44  par[1] = -0.6/1000;
45  Int_t p;
46  for (p=0;p<npeaks;p++) {
47  par[3*p+2] = 1;
48  par[3*p+3] = 10+gRandom->Rndm()*980;
49  par[3*p+4] = 3+2*gRandom->Rndm();
50  }
51  TF1 *f = new TF1("f",fpeaks,0,1000,2+3*npeaks);
52  f->SetNpx(1000);
53  f->SetParameters(par);
54  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",10,10,1000,900);
55  c1->Divide(1,2);
56  c1->cd(1);
57  h->FillRandom("f",200000);
58  h->Draw();
59  TH1F *h2 = (TH1F*)h->Clone("h2");
60  //Use TSpectrum to find the peak candidates
61  TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(2*npeaks);
62  Int_t nfound = s->Search(h,2,"",0.10);
63  printf("Found %d candidate peaks to fit\n",nfound);
64  //Estimate background using TSpectrum::Background
65  TH1 *hb = s->Background(h,20,"same");
66  if (hb) c1->Update();
67  if (np <0) return;
69  //estimate linear background using a fitting method
70  c1->cd(2);
71  TF1 *fline = new TF1("fline","pol1",0,1000);
72  h->Fit("fline","qn");
73  //Loop on all found peaks. Eliminate peaks at the background level
74  par[0] = fline->GetParameter(0);
75  par[1] = fline->GetParameter(1);
76  npeaks = 0;
77  Double_t *xpeaks = s->GetPositionX();
78  for (p=0;p<nfound;p++) {
79  Double_t xp = xpeaks[p];
80  Int_t bin = h->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xp);
81  Double_t yp = h->GetBinContent(bin);
82  if (yp-TMath::Sqrt(yp) < fline->Eval(xp)) continue;
83  par[3*npeaks+2] = yp;
84  par[3*npeaks+3] = xp;
85  par[3*npeaks+4] = 3;
86  npeaks++;
87  }
88  printf("Found %d useful peaks to fit\n",npeaks);
89  printf("Now fitting: Be patient\n");
90  TF1 *fit = new TF1("fit",fpeaks,0,1000,2+3*npeaks);
91  //we may have more than the default 25 parameters
92  TVirtualFitter::Fitter(h2,10+3*npeaks);
93  fit->SetParameters(par);
94  fit->SetNpx(1000);
95  h2->Fit("fit");
96 }
102 // ;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, and for Lisp evaluation.
103 // ;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
104 // ;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
106 // **************************************************************************
107 // assume background is linear what is most likely not true ....
108 // par[0] background constant
109 // [1] background slope
110 // assume the signal is the sequence of equally spaced gaussian peaks
111 // par[2] peak to peak separation
112 // [3] normalization constant for the first peak (pedestal)
113 // [4] location of the first peak
114 // [5] rms of the first peak - at this stage we will allow it to vary peak-to-peak
115 // then 2 parameters per peak (normalization and RMS)
116 Double_t sipmpeaks(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
117  Double_t result = par[0] + par[1]*x[0];
118  // add pedestal peak first
119  result += par[3]*TMath::Gaus(x[0],par[4],par[5]);
120  for (Int_t p=0; p<npeaks; p++) {
121  Double_t norm = par[6 + p*2];
122  Double_t mean = par[4] + par[2]*(p+1);
123  Double_t sigma = par[8 + p*2];
124  result += norm*TMath::Gaus(x[0],mean,sigma);
125  }
126  return result;
127 }
129 // do single cell calibration using low end data stored in rv_# and fm_# channel histograms
130 // the assumption - we have beautiful picture with at least 20 peaks !!!!!!
131 Int_t spmcalib(TString hName)
132 {
133  TH1F * data = (TH1F*)(gSystem->FindObject(hName));
134  if(!data){
135  cout<<"spmCalib Data Histogramm "<<hName<<" not found"<<endl;
136  exit();
137  }
138  Int_t maxPeaks(20); // maximum number of peaks we have chance to resolve
139  Double_t range(150.); // range of amplitudes for peak search
140  Double_t Double_t norm0(1.), slope0(-1./range);
141  Double_t peak_to_peak(10.);
142  Double_t pLoc(0.), pRMS(1.5);
143  Double_t par[6+maxPeaks*2]; // backgrownd, pedestal and nPeaks of gaussian peaks with constant peak-to-peak separation
145  par[0] = norm0;
146  par[1] = slope0;
147  par[2] = peak_to_peak; // peak-to-peak separation
148  par[3] = norm0; // normalization for pedestal peak
149  par[4] = pLoc; // pedestal mean
150  par[5] = pRMS; // pedestal rms
151  for (int p=0; p< maxPeaks; p++) {
152  par[6 + p*3] = norm0; // norm of the peak p
153  par[7 + p*3] = par[4] + par[2]*(p+1); // mean of the peak p
154  par[8 + p*3] = 2.; // rms of the peak p
155  }
156  TString scId = "sc_"; scId += hName;
157  TF1 * scF = (TF1*) (gROOT->FindObject(scId)); if(scF) delete scF;
158  scF = new TF1(scId,&sipmpeaks,0,range,6+maxPeaks*2);
159  TH1F * dataCl = (TH1F*)(data->Clone("dataCl"));
160  dataCl -> SetAxisRange(0., range);
161  Int_t binsToUse = dataCl->GetXaxis()->FindBin(range);
162  TCanvas * peaks = new TCanvas("peaks","peaks",10,10,1000,900);
163  peaks -> Divide(1,2);
164  peaks -> cd(1);
165  dataCl -> Draw();
166  TH1F * dataCl2 = (TH1F*)data->Clone("dataCl2");
168  // Use TSpectrum to find the peak candidates
169  TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(maxPeaks+1);
170  Int_t nfound = s->Search(dataCl, 2, "", 0.10);
171  printf("TSpectrum: Found %d candidate peaks to fit\n",nfound);
173  //Estimate background using TSpectrum::Background
174  TH1 *hb = s->Background(h,20,"same");
175  if (hb) peaks->Update();
176  // if (np <0) return;
177  // function to estimate linear background
178  peaks -> cd(2);
179  TF1 *fline = new TF1("fline","pol1",0,range);
180  dataCl -> Fit("fline","qn");
181  //Loop on all found peaks. Eliminate peaks at the background level
182  par[0] = fline->GetParameter(0);
183  par[1] = fline->GetParameter(1);
184  Int_t npeaks = 0;
185  Double_t *xpeaks = s->GetPositionX();
186  Double_t spacing = 0.;
187  for (p=0; p<nfound; p++) {
188  Double_t xp = xpeaks[p];
189  Int_t bin = dataCl->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xp);
190  Double_t yp = dataCl->GetBinContent(bin);
191  cout<<"Testing Peak "<<p<<" xp "<<xp<<" bin "<<bin<<" yP "<<yp<<" BCKG "<<fline->Eval(xp)<<endl;
192  if (yp-TMath::Sqrt(yp) < fline->Eval(xp)) continue;
193  if(npeaks) spacing += xp - par[4 + (npeaks-1)+3];
194  par[3 + npeaks*3] = yp;
195  par[4 + npeaks*3] = xp;
196  par[5 + npeaks*3] = 3.;
197  npeaks++;
198  }
199  printf("Found %d useful peaks to fit\n",npeaks);
200  printf("Now fitting: Be patient\n");
201  TF1 *fit = new TF1("fit",&sipmpeaks,0,1000,3+3*npeaks); // first peak is the pedestal
202  //we may have more than the default 25 parameters
203  TVirtualFitter::Fitter(h2,10+3*npeaks);
204  fit->SetParameters(par);
205  fit->SetNpx(1000);
206  h2->Fit("fit");
207 }
214 // do single cell calibration using low end data stored in rv_# and fm_# channel histograms
215 // the assumption - we have beautiful picture with at least 20 peaks !!!!!!
216 void sccalib(nPeaks = 20)
217 {
218  Double_t rcpar[2+3+2*nPeaks]; // backgrownd and nPeaks of uncorrelated gaussian peaks
219  Double_t fcpar[2+3+2*nPeaks]; // backgrownd and nPeaks of uncorrelated gaussian peaks
221  int nx_c = 2;
222  int ny_c = NCH;
223  TString cSC = "Single Cell Calibration (black - raw, red - fit) Run "; cSC += runId.Data();
224  scCalibDisplay = new TCanvas("scCalibDisplay",cSC,200*nx_c,100*ny_c);
225  scCalibDisplay->Divide(nx_c, ny_c);
226  gStyle->SetOptStat(1110);
227  gStyle->SetOptFit(111);
228  Int_t binsToUse(200); Double_t slope0(-1./(Double_t))binsToUse); Double_t norm0(1.);
229  Double_t peak_to_peak(10.);
230  for (int ich = 0; ich<NCH; ich++){
231  TH1F *hrv = (TH1F*)rpeak[ich];
232  hrv -> SetLineColor(1);
233  hrv -> SetAxisRange(0., binsToUse);
234  TH1F *fmv = (TH1F*)fm[ich];
235  fmv -> SetLineColor(2);
236  fmv -> SetAxisRange(0., binsToUse);
238  // estimate exponential backgrownd we go to 500 ADC counts
239  rcpar[0] = norm0;
240  rcpar[1] = slope0;
241  rcpar[2] = peak_to_peak; // peak-to-peak separation
242  rcpar[3] = norm0; // normalization for pedestal peak
243  rcpar[4] = 2.; // pedestal mean
244  rcpar[5] = 1.5; // pedestal rms
245  // we fit peak-to-peak not the individual independent peak positions
246  for (int p=1; p<= nPeaks; p++) {
247  rcpar[2*p+4] = norm0; // norm of the peak p
248  rcpar[2*p+5] = 2.; // rms of the peak p
249  }
250  fcpar[0] = 1.;
251  fcpar[1] = slope0;
252  fcpar[2] = peak_to_peak; // peak-to-peak separation
253  fcpar[3] = norm0; // normalization for pedestal peak
254  fcpar[4] = 2.; // pedestal mean
255  fcpar[5] = 1.5; // pedestal rms
256  // we fit peak-to-peak not the individual independent peak positions
257  for (int p=1; p<= nPeaks; p++) {
258  fcpar[2*p+4] = norm0; // norm of the peak p
259  fcpar[2*p+5] = 2.; // rms of the peak p
260  }
262  TString rvscId = "rvsc_"; rvscId += ich;
263  TString fmscId = "fmsc_"; fmscId += ich;
264  rvsc[ich] = (TF1*) (gROOT->FindObject(rvscId)); if(rvsc[ich]) delete rvsc[ich];
265  fmsc[ich] = (TF1*) (gROOT->FindObject(fmscId)); if(fmsc[ich]) delete fmsc[ich];
266  rvsc[ich] = new TF1(rvscId,&scpeaks,0,500,5+2*nPeaks); fmsc[ich] = new TF1(fmscId,&scpeaks,0,500,5+2*nPeaks);
267  rvsc[ich] -> SetNpx(binsToUse); fmsc[ich] -> SetNpx(binsToUse);
268  rvsc[ich] -> SetParameters(rcpar); fmsc[ich] -> SetParameters(fcpar);
269  rvsc[ich] -> SetLineColor(1); fmsc[ich] -> SetLineColor(2);
270  TH1F * rh = (TH1F*)(hrv->Clone("rh")); TH1F * fh = (TH1F*)(fmv->Clone("fh"));
272  // function to estimate linear background
273  TF1 *fline = new TF1("fline","pol1",0,binsToUse);
274  // Use TSpectrum to find the peak candidates
275  TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(2*nPeaks);
276  scCalibDisplay -> cd(ich*2+1); hrv -> Draw();
277  Int_t rfound = s->Search(hrv,1,"new");
278  printf("Found %d candidate peaks in Raw hist ",rfound);
279  scCalibDisplay -> Update();
280  hrv -> Fit("fline","qn");
281  rcpar[0] = fline->GetParameter(0);
282  rcpar[1] = fline->GetParameter(1);
283  //Loop on all found peaks. Eliminate peaks at the background level
284  nrpeaks = 0;
285  Float_t *xrpeaks = s->GetPositionX();
286  for (p=0;p<nfound;p++) {
287  Float_t xp = xpeaks[p];
288  Int_t bin = hrv->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xp);
289  Float_t yp = h->GetBinContent(bin);
290  if (yp-TMath::Sqrt(yp) < fline->Eval(xp)) continue;
291  par[2*npeaks+2] = yp;
292  par[3*npeaks+3] = xp;
293  par[3*npeaks+4] = 3;
294  nrpeaks++;
295  }
300  scCalibDisplay -> cd(ich*2+2); fmv -> Draw();
301  int_t ffound = s->Search(fmv,1,"new");
302  printf("Found %d candidate peaks in Fit hist ",ffound);
303  scCalibDisplay -> Update();
304  fmv -> Fit("fline","qn");
305  fcpar[0] = fline->GetParameter(0);
306  fcpar[1] = fline->GetParameter(1);
308  //Loop on all found peaks. Eliminate peaks at the background level
309  npeaks = 0;
310  Float_t *xpeaks = s->GetPositionX();
311  for (p=0;p<nfound;p++) {
312  Float_t xp = xpeaks[p];
313  Int_t bin = h->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xp);
314  Float_t yp = h->GetBinContent(bin);
315  if (yp-TMath::Sqrt(yp) < fline->Eval(xp)) continue;
316  par[3*npeaks+2] = yp;
317  par[3*npeaks+3] = xp;
318  par[3*npeaks+4] = 3;
319  npeaks++;
320  }
329  // rvsc[ich] -> SetParNames ("#mu","g","#sigma","A"); fmsc[ich] -> SetParNames ("#mu","g","#sigma","A");
330  scCalibDisplay -> cd(ich+1); hrv->SetAxisRange(0., 200); hrv ->Draw(); fmv->Draw("same");
331  hrv -> Fit(rvsc[ich],"rnQ"); fmv -> Fit(fmsc[ich],"rnq");
332  rvsc[ich] -> Draw("same"); fmsc[ich] -> Draw("same");
333  }
334  scCalibDisplay -> Update();
335 }