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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ReconstructTracks.C
1 #include "ReconstructTracks.h"
2 #include "groot.h"
3 #include "ABlob.h"
4 #include "ABlob.h"
6 #include "ATrack.h"
8 #include "TH2D.h"
9 #include "TMath.h"
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <cmath>
14 using namespace std;
17 static TH2D *trkDeltaOri; // accumalation of uncorrected data per run
18 static TH2D *trkDeltaRes; // accumalation of corrected and normalized data per run
21 {
22  groot* Tree = groot::instance();
23  Tree->theTracks.clear();
25  //
26  // OK Track Fans. Now that we have some studies
27  // done of the beam at FNAL, we find that the
28  // TRUE beam is pretty well columnated. For this reason,
29  // we can a priori reject blob combinations that
30  // do not follow the standard pointing.
31  //
32  // We shall apply hard-coded fits to the rough
33  // correlation between the track directions and
34  // thereby be able to make cuts that will result in
35  // only pretty good tracks.
36  //
37  // Wish us luck!
38  //
39  // TKH 10-12-2013
40  //
41  //
43  static bool trkCreateOutput = true;
44  double xmu, ymu, xsg, ysg, xysg;
46  if(trkCreateOutput) { // create new containers. Once per running program
47  trkDeltaOri = new TH2D("trkDeltaOri","trkDeltaOri;dX (cm);dY (cm)",768,-10,+10,768,-10,+10);
48  trkDeltaRes = new TH2D("trkDeltaRes","trkDeltaRes;Normalized dX; Normalized dY",120,-6,+6,120,-6,+6);
49  trkCreateOutput = false;
50  }
52  // gathering blob info
53  const int mxcl1 = 40;
54  const int mxcl2 = 90; //mxcl2>mxcl1!
55  int cl1[mxcl1], cl2[mxcl2];
56  int ncl1=0, ncl2=0;
57  for( int i=0; i< Tree->theBlob.size(); i++)
58  {
59  if ( Tree-> i )->ID() == 0 )
60  cl1[ncl1++] = i;
61  if ( Tree-> i )->ID() == 1 )
62  cl2[ncl2++] = i;
63  if((ncl1+1)>mxcl1)
64  {
65  printf("We found more than %d blobs!!\n",mxcl1);
66  break;
67  }
68  if((ncl2+1)>mxcl2)
69  {
70  printf("We found more than %d blobs!!\n",mxcl2);
71  break;
72  }
73  }
74  // making all combinations
75  xysg = ReconstructTracks_Ref(xmu,xsg,ymu,ysg);
76  double var[mxcl1][mxcl2];
77  double vc3[mxcl1][mxcl2];
78  for(int i=0; i!=ncl1; ++i)
79  for(int j=0; j<ncl2; j++) {
80  double x1 = Tree->theBlob[cl1[i]]->BestX();
81  double y1 = Tree->theBlob[cl1[i]]->BestY();
82  double x2 = Tree->theBlob[cl2[j]]->BestX();
83  double y2 = Tree->theBlob[cl2[j]]->BestY();
84  double c1 = Tree->theBlob[cl1[i]]->GetNSigma();
85  double c2 = Tree->theBlob[cl2[j]]->GetNSigma();
86  double dx = x2-x1;
87  double dy = y2-y1;
88  trkDeltaOri->Fill(dx/10000,dy/10000); //in cm
89  double nSigmaX = (dx-xmu)/xsg;
90  double nSigmaY = (dy-ymu)/ysg;
91  trkDeltaRes->Fill(nSigmaX,nSigmaY);
92  double c3 = nSigmaX*nSigmaX + nSigmaY*nSigmaY;
93  var[i][j] = c1*c1+c2*c2+c3;
94  vc3[i][j] = TMath::Sqrt(c3);
95  }
96  // sorting
97  int nMAXtrk=TMath::Min(ncl1,ncl2);
98  int trk[mxcl1][2];
99  int ntrk=0;
100  for(;ntrk!=nMAXtrk;++ntrk) {
101  double min = 1e12; // to save time and hopping no nsigma is bigger than this =)
102  int pi, pj;
103  double c3;
104  for(int i=0; i!=ncl1; ++i) {
105  bool skip = false;
106  for(int n=0; n!=ntrk; ++n) if(trk[n][0]==cl1[i]) skip=true; // skipping combinations with used blobs from TR1
107  if(skip) continue;
108  //cout << "loop " << cl1[i] << endl;
109  for(int j=0; j!=ncl2; ++j) {
110  skip=false;
111  for(int n=0; n!=ntrk; ++n) if(trk[n][1]==cl2[j]) skip=true; // skipping combinations with used blobs from TR2
112  if(skip) continue;
113  //cout << " loop " << cl2[j] << " quality^2 " << var[i][j] << endl;
114  if(var[i][j]<min) {
115  min = var[i][j];
116  c3 = vc3[i][j];
117  pi = cl1[i];
118  pj = cl2[j];
119  }
120  }
121  }
122  trk[ntrk][0] = pi;
123  trk[ntrk][1] = pj;
124  vector<ABlob*> tempvec;
125  tempvec.push_back( Tree-> pi ) ); //tr1
126  tempvec.push_back( Tree-> pj ) ); //tr2
127  Tree->theTracks.push_back ( new ATrack( tempvec,
128  Tree->>GetNSigma(),
129  Tree->>GetNSigma(),
130  c3) );
131  //cout << "Found track " << ntrk << " made out of blobs " << pi << " and " << pj << " with quality " << Tree->>GetOverallQuality() << endl;
132  }
134 }