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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file arsenal.h
1 // Version 1.7.0
2 // Zhi Qiu
4 #ifndef arsenal_h
5 #define arsenal_h
7 #include <cmath>
8 #include "stdlib.h"
9 #include <vector>
10 #include <string>
12 // using namespace std;
13 using std::string;
14 using std::vector;
15 using std::ofstream;
16 using std::ifstream;
17 using std::ostream;
18 using std::istream;
19 using std::abs;
21 double sixPoint2dInterp(double x, double y,
22  double v00, double v01, double v02, double v10, double v11, double v20);
24 double interpCubicDirect(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double xx);
25 double interpCubicMono(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double xx);
26 double interpLinearDirect(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double xx);
27 double interpLinearMono(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double xx);
28 double interpNearestDirect(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double xx);
29 double interpNearestMono(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double xx);
31 double invertFunc(double (*func)(double), double y, double xL, double xR, double dx, double x0, double relative_accuracy=1e-10);
33 double invertTableDirect_hook(double xx);
34 double invertTableDirect(vector<double>* x, vector<double>* y, double y0, double x0, double relative_accuracy=1e-10);
36 double stringToDouble(string);
37 vector<double> stringToDoubles(string);
38 string toLower(string str);
39 string trim(string str);
41 vector< vector<double>* >* readBlockData(istream &stream_in);
42 void releaseBlockData(vector< vector<double>* >* data);
44 double adaptiveSimpsonsAux(double (*f)(double), double a, double b, double epsilon, double S, double fa, double fb, double fc, int bottom);
45 double adaptiveSimpsons(double (*f)(double), double a, double b, double epsilon=1e-15, int maxRecursionDepth=50);
47 double qiu_simpsons(double (*f)(double), double a, double b, double epsilon=1e-15, int maxRecursionDepth=50);
48 double qiu_simpsonsRel(double (*f)(double), double a, double b, double epsilon=1e-15, int maxRecursionDepth=50);
49 long binarySearch(vector<double>* A, double value, bool skip_out_of_range=false);
51 void formatedPrint(ostream&, int count, ...);
52 long double gamma_function(long double x);
53 long double log_gamma_function(long double x);
54 double beta_function(double, double);
55 double binomial_coefficient(double n, double k);
57 void print_progressbar(double percentage, int length=50, string symbol="#");
58 void display_logo(int which=1);
60 inline long irand(long LB, long RB)
61 // Get an interger between LB and RB (including) with uniform distribution.
62 {
63  return LB + (long)((RB-LB+1)*(drand48()-1e-25));
64 }
66 inline double drand(double LB, double RB)
67 // Get random number with uniform distribution between LB and RB with
68 // boundary-protection.
69 {
70  double width = RB-LB;
71  double dw = width*1e-30;
72  return LB+dw+(width-2*dw)*drand48();
73 }
75 inline bool is_integer(double x, double tolerance=1e-30)
76 // Check if a double number is close to an integer
77 {
78  if (abs(x-round(x))<tolerance) return true;
79  else return false;
80 }
82 void GaussLegendre_getWeight(int npts,double* x,double* w, double A, double B, int opt);
84 void get_bin_average_and_count(istream& is, ostream& os, vector<double>* bins, long col_to_bin=0, void (*func)(vector<double>*)=NULL, long wanted_data_columns=-1, bool silence=false); // Note that col_to_bin starts with 1, and bins is assumed to be monotonically increasing
86 #endif
90 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
91  Change logs:
93  04-26-2010:
94  -- invertFunc, invertTable, stringToDoubles, readBlockData functions added.
95  04-25-2011:
96  -- interpCubic function adxed.
97  12-17-2010:
98  -- sixPoint2dInterp function adxed.
99  08-05-2011:
100  -- Ver 1.1:
101  Functions adaptiveSimpsons and qiu_simpsons added. The qiu_simpsons function, when using 20 recursions, is 4 times faster than adaptiveSimpsons. The function used to test this is sin(2000*x), integrated on [0,1].
102  09-09-2011:
103  -- Ver 1.2:
104  Function toLower added. It simply convert all letters in a string to lower case.
105  Function stringToDouble added.
106  Function trim added.
107  02-02-2012:
108  -- Ver 1.2.1:
109  Function trim now also removes tabs besides spaces.
110  02-04-2012:
111  -- Ver 1.5:
112  Functions added: interpCubic, binarySearch, formatedPrint, gamma_function,
113  interpLinearDirect, interpLinearMono, interpNearestDirect, interpNearestMono.
114  Function interpCubic is renamed to interpCubicMono.
115  03-14-2012:
116  -- Ver 1.5.1:
117  Functions added: print_progressbar.
118  03-19-2012:
119  -- Ver 1.6:
120  Functions added: display_logo, drand, irand, GaussLegendre_getweight, get_bin_average_and_count.
121  Function formatedPrint now accepts a stream argument.
122  03-19-2012:
123  -- Ver 1.6.1:
124  Function get_bin_average_and_count can now average transformed data
125  that have different number of columns than the data directly read in.
126  04-03-2012:
127  -- Ver 1.7.0:
128  Functions added: is_integer, binomial_coefficient, beta_function,
129  log_gamma_function.
130 -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/