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2 C*********************************************************************
4  SUBROUTINE pyhithia
6 C...Administers the generation of a high-pt event via calls to a number
7 C...of subroutines; also computes cross-sections.
8  common/lujets/n,k(9000,5),p(9000,5),v(9000,5)
9  SAVE /lujets/
10  common/ludat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
11  SAVE /ludat1/
12  common/ludat2/kchg(500,3),pmas(500,4),parf(2000),vckm(4,4)
13  SAVE /ludat2/
14  common/pyhisubs/msel,msub(200),kfin(2,-40:40),ckin(200)
15  SAVE /pyhisubs/
16  common/pyhipars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200)
17  SAVE /pyhipars/
18  common/pyhiint1/mint(400),vint(400)
19  SAVE /pyhiint1/
20  common/pyhiint2/iset(200),kfpr(200,2),coef(200,20),icol(40,4,2)
21  SAVE /pyhiint2/
22  common/pyhiint5/ngen(0:200,3),xsec(0:200,3)
23  SAVE /pyhiint5/
25 C...Loop over desired number of overlayed events (normally 1).
26  mint(7)=0
27  mint(8)=0
28  novl=1
29  IF(mstp(131).NE.0) CALL pyhiovly(2)
30  IF(mstp(131).NE.0) novl=mint(81)
31  mint(83)=0
32  mint(84)=mstp(126)
33  mstu(70)=0
34  DO 190 iovl=1,novl
35  IF(mint(84)+100.GE.mstu(4)) THEN
36  CALL luerrm(11,
37  & '(PYHITHIA:) no more space in LUJETS for overlayed events')
38  IF(mstu(21).GE.1) goto 200
40  mint(82)=iovl
42 C...Generate variables of hard scattering.
43  100 CONTINUE
44  IF(iovl.EQ.1) ngen(0,2)=ngen(0,2)+1
45  mint(31)=0
46  mint(51)=0
47  CALL pyhirand
48  isub=mint(1)
49  IF(iovl.EQ.1) THEN
50  ngen(isub,2)=ngen(isub,2)+1
52 C...Store information on hard interaction.
53  DO 110 j=1,200
54  msti(j)=0
55  110 pari(j)=0.
56  msti(1)=mint(1)
57  msti(2)=mint(2)
58  msti(11)=mint(11)
59  msti(12)=mint(12)
60  msti(15)=mint(15)
61  msti(16)=mint(16)
62  msti(17)=mint(17)
63  msti(18)=mint(18)
64  pari(11)=vint(1)
65  pari(12)=vint(2)
66  IF(isub.NE.95) THEN
67  DO 120 j=13,22
68  120 pari(j)=vint(30+j)
69  pari(33)=vint(41)
70  pari(34)=vint(42)
71  pari(35)=pari(33)-pari(34)
72  pari(36)=vint(21)
73  pari(37)=vint(22)
74  pari(38)=vint(26)
75  pari(41)=vint(23)
79  IF(mstp(111).EQ.-1) goto 160
80  IF(isub.LE.90.OR.isub.GE.95) THEN
81 C...Hard scattering (including low-pT):
82 C...reconstruct kinematics and colour flow of hard scattering.
83  CALL pyhiscat
84  IF(mint(51).EQ.1) goto 100
86 C...Showering of initial state partons (optional).
87  ipu1=mint(84)+1
88  ipu2=mint(84)+2
89  IF(mstp(61)
90  & CALL pyhisspa(ipu1,ipu2)
91  nsav1=n
93 C...Multiple interactions.
94  IF(mstp(81)
95  & CALL pyhimult(6)
96  mint(1)=isub
97  nsav2=n
99 C...Hadron remnants and primordial kT.
100  CALL pyhiremn(ipu1,ipu2)
101  IF(mint(51).EQ.1) goto 100
102  nsav3=n
104 C...Showering of final state partons (optional).
105  ipu3=mint(84)+3
106  ipu4=mint(84)+4
107  IF(mstp(71).GE.1.AND.isub.NE.95.AND.k(ipu3,1).GT.0.AND.
108  & k(ipu3,1).LE.10.AND.k(ipu4,1).GT.0.AND.k(ipu4,1).LE.10) THEN
109  qmax=sqrt(parp(71)*vint(52))
110  IF(isub.EQ.5) qmax=sqrt(pmas(23,1)**2)
111  IF(isub.EQ.8) qmax=sqrt(pmas(24,1)**2)
112  CALL lushow(ipu3,ipu4,qmax)
113  ENDIF
115 C...Sum up transverse and longitudinal momenta.
116  IF(iovl.EQ.1) THEN
117  pari(65)=2.*pari(17)
118  DO 130 i=mstp(126)+1,n
119  IF(k(i,1).LE.0.OR.k(i,1).GT.10) goto 130
120  pt=sqrt(p(i,1)**2+p(i,2)**2)
121  pari(69)=pari(69)+pt
122  IF(i.LE.nsav1.OR.i.GT.nsav3) pari(66)=pari(66)+pt
123  IF(i.GT.nsav1.AND.i.LE.nsav2) pari(68)=pari(68)+pt
124  130 CONTINUE
125  pari(67)=pari(68)
126  pari(71)=vint(151)
127  pari(72)=vint(152)
128  pari(73)=vint(151)
129  pari(74)=vint(152)
130  ENDIF
132 C...Decay of final state resonances.
133  IF(mstp(41).GE.1.AND.isub.NE.95) CALL pyhiresd
135  ELSE
136 C...Diffractive and elastic scattering.
137  CALL pyhidiff
138  IF(iovl.EQ.1) THEN
139  pari(65)=2.*pari(17)
140  pari(66)=pari(65)
141  pari(69)=pari(65)
142  ENDIF
143  ENDIF
145 C...Recalculate energies from momenta and masses (if desired).
146  IF(mstp(113).GE.1) THEN
147  DO 140 i=mint(83)+1,n
148  140 IF(k(i,1).GT.0.AND.k(i,1).LE.10) p(i,4)=sqrt(p(i,1)**2+
149  & p(i,2)**2+p(i,3)**2+p(i,5)**2)
150  ENDIF
152 C...Rearrange partons along strings, check invariant mass cuts.
153  mstu(28)=0
154  CALL luprep(mint(84)+1)
155  IF(mstp(112).EQ.1.AND.mstu(28).EQ.3) goto 100
156  IF(mstp(125).EQ.0.OR.mstp(125).EQ.1) THEN
157  DO 150 i=mint(84)+1,n
158  IF(k(i,2).NE.94) goto 150
159  k(i+1,3)=mod(k(i+1,4)/mstu(5),mstu(5))
160  k(i+2,3)=mod(k(i+2,4)/mstu(5),mstu(5))
161  150 CONTINUE
162  CALL luedit(12)
163  CALL luedit(14)
164  IF(mstp(125).EQ.0) CALL luedit(15)
165  IF(mstp(125).EQ.0) mint(4)=0
166  ENDIF
168 C...Introduce separators between sections in LULIST event listing.
169  IF(iovl.EQ.1.AND.mstp(125).LE.0) THEN
170  mstu(70)=1
171  mstu(71)=n
172  ELSEIF(iovl.EQ.1) THEN
173  mstu(70)=3
174  mstu(71)=2
175  mstu(72)=mint(4)
176  mstu(73)=n
177  ENDIF
179 C...Perform hadronization (if desired).
180  IF(mstp(111).GE.1) CALL luexec
181  IF(mstp(125).EQ.0.OR.mstp(125).EQ.1) CALL luedit(14)
183 C...Calculate Monte Carlo estimates of cross-sections.
184  160 IF(iovl.EQ.1) THEN
185  IF(mstp(111).NE.-1) ngen(isub,3)=ngen(isub,3)+1
186  ngen(0,3)=ngen(0,3)+1
187  xsec(0,3)=0.
188  DO 170 i=1,200
189  IF(i.EQ.96) THEN
190  xsec(i,3)=0.
191  ELSEIF(msub(95).EQ.1.AND.(i.EQ.11.OR.i.EQ.12.OR.i.EQ.13.OR.
192  & i.EQ.28.OR.i.EQ.53.OR.i.EQ.68)) THEN
193  xsec(i,3)=xsec(96,2)*ngen(i,3)/max(1.,float(ngen(96,1))*
194  & float(ngen(96,2)))
195  ELSEIF(ngen(i,1).EQ.0) THEN
196  xsec(i,3)=0.
197  ELSEIF(ngen(i,2).EQ.0) THEN
198  xsec(i,3)=xsec(i,2)*ngen(0,3)/(float(ngen(i,1))*
199  & float(ngen(0,2)))
200  ELSE
201  xsec(i,3)=xsec(i,2)*ngen(i,3)/(float(ngen(i,1))*
202  & float(ngen(i,2)))
203  ENDIF
204  170 xsec(0,3)=xsec(0,3)+xsec(i,3)
205  IF(msub(95).EQ.1) THEN
206  ngens=ngen(91,3)+ngen(92,3)+ngen(93,3)+ngen(94,3)+ngen(95,3)
207  xsecs=xsec(91,3)+xsec(92,3)+xsec(93,3)+xsec(94,3)+xsec(95,3)
208  xmaxs=xsec(95,1)
209  IF(msub(91).EQ.1) xmaxs=xmaxs+xsec(91,1)
210  IF(msub(92).EQ.1) xmaxs=xmaxs+xsec(92,1)
211  IF(msub(93).EQ.1) xmaxs=xmaxs+xsec(93,1)
212  IF(msub(94).EQ.1) xmaxs=xmaxs+xsec(94,1)
213  fac=1.
214  IF(ngens.LT.ngen(0,3)) fac=(xmaxs-xsecs)/(xsec(0,3)-xsecs)
215  xsec(11,3)=fac*xsec(11,3)
216  xsec(12,3)=fac*xsec(12,3)
217  xsec(13,3)=fac*xsec(13,3)
218  xsec(28,3)=fac*xsec(28,3)
219  xsec(53,3)=fac*xsec(53,3)
220  xsec(68,3)=fac*xsec(68,3)
221  xsec(0,3)=xsec(91,3)+xsec(92,3)+xsec(93,3)+xsec(94,3)+
222  & xsec(95,1)
223  ENDIF
225 C...Store final information.
226  mint(5)=mint(5)+1
227  msti(3)=mint(3)
228  msti(4)=mint(4)
229  msti(5)=mint(5)
230  msti(6)=mint(6)
231  msti(7)=mint(7)
232  msti(8)=mint(8)
233  msti(13)=mint(13)
234  msti(14)=mint(14)
235  msti(21)=mint(21)
236  msti(22)=mint(22)
237  msti(23)=mint(23)
238  msti(24)=mint(24)
239  msti(25)=mint(25)
240  msti(26)=mint(26)
241  msti(31)=mint(31)
242  pari(1)=xsec(0,3)
243  pari(2)=xsec(0,3)/mint(5)
244  pari(31)=vint(141)
245  pari(32)=vint(142)
246  IF(*mint(8).NE.0) THEN
247  pari(42)=2.*vint(47)/vint(1)
248  DO 180 is=7,8
249  pari(36+is)=p(mint(is),3)/vint(1)
250  pari(38+is)=p(mint(is),4)/vint(1)
251  i=mint(is)
252  pr=max(1e-20,p(i,5)**2+p(i,1)**2+p(i,2)**2)
253  pari(40+is)=sign(log(min((sqrt(pr+p(i,3)**2)+abs(p(i,3)))/
254  & sqrt(pr),1e20)),p(i,3))
255  pr=max(1e-20,p(i,1)**2+p(i,2)**2)
256  pari(42+is)=sign(log(min((sqrt(pr+p(i,3)**2)+abs(p(i,3)))/
257  & sqrt(pr),1e20)),p(i,3))
258  pari(44+is)=p(i,3)/sqrt(p(i,1)**2+p(i,2)**2+p(i,3)**2)
259  pari(46+is)=ulangl(p(i,3),sqrt(p(i,1)**2+p(i,2)**2))
260  pari(48+is)=ulangl(p(i,1),p(i,2))
261  180 CONTINUE
262  ENDIF
263  pari(61)=vint(148)
264  IF(iset(isub).EQ.1.OR.iset(isub).EQ.3) THEN
265  mstu(161)=mint(21)
266  mstu(162)=0
267  ELSE
268  mstu(161)=mint(21)
269  mstu(162)=mint(22)
270  ENDIF
271  ENDIF
273 C...Prepare to go to next overlayed event.
274  msti(41)=iovl
275  IF(iovl.GE.2.AND.iovl.LE.10) msti(40+iovl)=isub
276  IF(mstu(70).LT.10) THEN
277  mstu(70)=mstu(70)+1
278  mstu(70+mstu(70))=n
279  ENDIF
280  mint(83)=n
281  mint(84)=n+mstp(126)
282  190 CONTINUE
284 C...Information on overlayed events.
285  IF(mstp(131).EQ.1.AND.mstp(133).GE.1) THEN
286  pari(91)=vint(132)
287  pari(92)=vint(133)
288  pari(93)=vint(134)
289  IF(mstp(133).EQ.2) pari(93)=pari(93)*xsec(0,3)/vint(131)
290  ENDIF
292 C...Transform to the desired coordinate frame.
293  200 CALL pyhifram(mstp(124))
296  END