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1 // File: Generators/FlowAfterburnber/AddFlowByShifting.cxx
2 // Description:
3 // This code is used to introduce particle flow
4 // to particles from generated events
5 //
6 // AuthorList:
7 // Andrzej Olszewski: Initial Code February 2006
8 // 11.10.2006: Add predefined flow function by name
10 // The initialization of this class is trivial. There's really no
11 // need for it. Pass in a pointer to a random generator, algorithm
12 // selection and an event.
14 #include "flowAfterburner.h"
16 #include <phool/phool.h>
18 #include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
19 #include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
20 #include <gsl/gsl_roots.h>
22 #include <HepMC/GenEvent.h>
23 #include <HepMC/GenParticle.h> // for GenParticle
24 #include <HepMC/GenRanges.h>
25 #include <HepMC/GenVertex.h> // for GenVertex, GenVertex::part...
26 #include <HepMC/HeavyIon.h> // for HeavyIon
27 #include <HepMC/IteratorRange.h> // for children, descendants
28 #include <HepMC/SimpleVector.h> // for FourVector
30 #include <CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h>
31 #include <CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h>
33 #include <cmath>
34 #include <cstdlib> // for exit
35 #include <iostream>
36 #include <map> // for map
38 namespace CLHEP
39 {
40  class HepRandomEngine;
41 }
44 std::map<std::string, flowAfterburnerAlgorithm> algorithms;
46 struct loaderObj
47 {
49  {
50  static bool init = false;
51  if (!init)
52  {
53  algorithms["MINBIAS"] = minbias_algorithm;
54  algorithms["MINBIAS_V2_ONLY"] = minbias_v2_algorithm;
55  algorithms["CUSTOM"] = custom_algorithm;
56  }
57  }
58 };
62 double
63 vn_func(double x, void *params)
64 {
65  float *par_float = (float *) params;
66  float phi_0 = par_float[0];
67  float *vn = par_float + 1;
68  float *psi_n = vn + 6;
69  double val =
70  x + 2 * (vn[0] * sin(1 * (x - psi_n[0])) / 1.0 +
71  vn[1] * sin(2 * (x - psi_n[1])) / 2.0 +
72  vn[2] * sin(3 * (x - psi_n[2])) / 3.0 +
73  vn[3] * sin(4 * (x - psi_n[3])) / 4.0 +
74  vn[4] * sin(5 * (x - psi_n[4])) / 5.0 +
75  vn[5] * sin(6 * (x - psi_n[5])) / 6.0);
76  return val - phi_0;
77 }
79 double
80 vn_func_derivative(double x, void *params)
81 {
82  float *par_float = (float *) params;
83  float *vn = par_float + 1;
84  float *psi_n = vn + 6;
85  double val =
86  1 + 2 * (vn[0] * cos(1 * (x - psi_n[0])) / 1.0 +
87  vn[1] * cos(2 * (x - psi_n[1])) / 2.0 +
88  vn[2] * cos(3 * (x - psi_n[2])) / 3.0 +
89  vn[3] * cos(4 * (x - psi_n[3])) / 4.0 +
90  vn[4] * cos(5 * (x - psi_n[4])) / 5.0 +
91  vn[5] * cos(6 * (x - psi_n[5])) / 6.0);
92  return val;
93 }
95 float psi_n[6], v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6;
97 void MoveDescendantsToParent(HepMC::GenParticle *parent,
98  double phishift)
99 {
100  // Move the branch of descendant vertices and particles by phishift
101  // to parent particle position
102  HepMC::GenVertex *endvtx = parent->end_vertex();
103  if (endvtx)
104  {
105  // now rotate descendant vertices
106  for (HepMC::GenVertex::vertex_iterator descvtxit = endvtx->vertices_begin(HepMC::descendants);
107  descvtxit != endvtx->vertices_end(HepMC::descendants);
108  ++descvtxit)
109  {
110  HepMC::GenVertex *descvtx = (*descvtxit);
112  // rotate vertex (magic number?)
113  if (fabs(phishift) > 1e-7)
114  {
115  CLHEP::HepLorentzVector position(descvtx->position().x(),
116  descvtx->position().y(),
117  descvtx->position().z(),
118  descvtx->position().t());
119  position.rotateZ(phishift); // DPM check units
120  descvtx->set_position(position);
121  }
123  // now rotate their associated particles
124  for (HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator descpartit = descvtx->particles_begin(HepMC::children);
125  descpartit != descvtx->particles_end(HepMC::children);
126  ++descpartit)
127  {
128  HepMC::GenParticle *descpart = (*descpartit);
129  CLHEP::HepLorentzVector momentum(descpart->momentum().px(),
130  descpart->momentum().py(),
131  descpart->momentum().pz(),
132  descpart->momentum().e());
133  // Rotate particle
134  if (fabs(phishift) > 1e-7)
135  {
136  momentum.rotateZ(phishift); // DPM check units * Gaudi::Units::rad);
137  descpart->set_momentum(momentum);
138  }
139  }
140  }
141  }
143  return;
144 }
146 float calc_v2(double b, double eta, double pt)
147 {
148  float a1, a2, a3, a4;
149  a1 = 0.4397 * exp(-(b - 4.526) * (b - 4.526) / 72.0) + 0.636;
150  a2 = 1.916 / (b + 2) + 0.1;
151  a3 = 4.79 * 0.0001 * (b - 0.621) * (b - 10.172) * (b - 23) + 1.2; // this is >0 for b>0
152  a4 = 0.135 * exp(-0.5 * (b - 10.855) * (b - 10.855) / 4.607 / 4.607) + 0.0120;
154  float temp1 = pow(pt, a1) / (1 + exp((pt - 3.0) / a3));
155  float temp2 = pow(pt + 0.1, -a2) / (1 + exp(-(pt - 4.5) / a3));
156  float temp3 = 0.01 / (1 + exp(-(pt - 4.5) / a3));
158  //v2 = (a4 * (temp1 + temp2) + temp3) * exp (-0.5 * eta * eta / 6.27 / 6.27);
160  // Adjust flow rapidity dependence to better match PHOBOS 200 GeV Au+Au data
161  // JGL 9/9/2019
162  // See JS ToG talk at
164  v2 = (a4 * (temp1 + temp2) + temp3) * exp(-0.5 * eta * eta / 3.43 / 3.43);
166  return v2;
167 }
169 // New parameterization for vn
170 void jjia_minbias_new(double b, double eta, double pt)
171 {
172  v2 = calc_v2(b, eta, pt);
174  float fb = 0.97 + 1.06 * exp(-0.5 * b * b / 3.2 / 3.2);
175  v3 = pow(fb * sqrt(v2), 3);
177  float gb = 1.096 + 1.36 * exp(-0.5 * b * b / 3.0 / 3.0);
178  gb = gb * sqrt(v2);
179  v4 = pow(gb, 4);
180  v5 = pow(gb, 5);
181  v6 = pow(gb, 6);
182  v1 = 0;
183 }
185 // New parameterization for v2
186 void jjia_minbias_new_v2only(double b, double eta, double pt)
187 {
188  v2 = calc_v2(b, eta, pt);
190  v1 = 0;
191  v3 = 0;
192  v4 = 0;
193  v5 = 0;
194  v6 = 0;
195 }
197 // Custom vn
198 void custom_vn(double /*b*/, double /*eta*/, double /*pt*/)
199 {
200  v1 = 0.0000;
201  v2 = 0.0500;
202  v3 = 0.0280;
203  v4 = 0.0130;
204  v5 = 0.0045;
205  v6 = 0.0015;
206 }
208 double
209 AddFlowToParent(HepMC::GenEvent *event, HepMC::GenParticle *parent)
210 {
211  CLHEP::HepLorentzVector momentum(parent->momentum().px(),
212  parent->momentum().py(),
213  parent->momentum().pz(),
214  parent->momentum().e());
215  double pt = momentum.perp();
216  double eta = momentum.pseudoRapidity();
217  double phi_0 = momentum.phi();
219  HepMC::HeavyIon *hi = event->heavy_ion();
220  double b = hi->impact_parameter();
222  v1 = 0, v2 = 0, v3 = 0, v4 = 0, v5 = 0, v6 = 0;
224  //Call the appropriate function to set the vn values
226  {
227  jjia_minbias_new(b, eta, pt);
228  }
229  else if (algorithm == minbias_v2_algorithm)
230  {
231  jjia_minbias_new_v2only(b, eta, pt);
232  }
233  else if (algorithm == custom_algorithm)
234  {
235  custom_vn(b, eta, pt);
236  }
238  double phishift = 0;
240  const gsl_root_fsolver_type *T = gsl_root_fsolver_brent;
241  gsl_root_fsolver *s = gsl_root_fsolver_alloc(T);
242  double x_lo = -2 * M_PI, x_hi = 2 * M_PI;
243  float params[13];
244  for (int ipar = 0; ipar < 13; ipar++)
245  {
246  params[ipar] = 0;
247  }
248  gsl_function F;
249  F.function = &vn_func;
250  F.params = &params;
251  gsl_root_fsolver_set(s, &F, x_lo, x_hi);
252  int iter = 0;
253  params[0] = phi_0;
254  params[1] = v1;
255  params[2] = v2;
256  params[3] = v3;
257  params[4] = v4;
258  params[5] = v5;
259  params[6] = v6;
260  params[7] = psi_n[0];
261  params[8] = psi_n[1];
262  params[9] = psi_n[2];
263  params[10] = psi_n[3];
264  params[11] = psi_n[4];
265  params[12] = psi_n[5];
266  int status;
267  double phi;
268  do
269  {
270  iter++;
271  gsl_root_fsolver_iterate(s);
272  phi = gsl_root_fsolver_root(s);
273  x_lo = gsl_root_fsolver_x_lower(s);
274  x_hi = gsl_root_fsolver_x_upper(s);
275  status = gsl_root_test_interval(x_lo, x_hi, 0, 0.00001);
276  } while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < 1000);
277  gsl_root_fsolver_free(s);
279  if (iter >= 1000)
280  return 0;
282  phishift = phi - phi_0;
284  if (fabs(phishift) > 1e-7)
285  {
286  momentum.rotateZ(phishift); // DPM check units * Gaudi::Units::rad);
287  parent->set_momentum(momentum);
288  }
290  return phishift;
291 }
293 int flowAfterburner(HepMC::GenEvent *event,
294  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *engine,
295  std::string algorithmName,
296  float mineta, float maxeta,
297  float minpt, float maxpt)
298 {
299  algorithm = algorithms[algorithmName];
300  HepMC::HeavyIon *hi = event->heavy_ion();
301  if (!hi)
302  {
303  std::cout << PHWHERE << ": Flow Afterburner needs the Heavy Ion Event Info, GenEvent::heavy_ion() returns NULL" << std::endl;
304  exit(1);
305  }
306  // Generate the v_n reaction plane angles (some of them may or may
307  // not be used later on).
308  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
309  {
310  // Principal value must be within -PI/n to PI/n
311  psi_n[i] = (CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine) - 0.5) * 2 * M_PI / (i + 1);
312  }
314  // The psi2 plane is aligned with the impact parameter
315  psi_n[1] = hi->event_plane_angle();
317  // Ensure that Psi2 is within [-PI/2,PI/2]
318  psi_n[1] = atan2(sin(2 * psi_n[1]), cos(2 * psi_n[1])) / 2.0;
320  HepMC::GenVertex *mainvtx = event->barcode_to_vertex(-1);
322  // Loop over all children of this vertex
323  HepMC::GenVertexParticleRange r(*mainvtx, HepMC::children);
325  for (HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); it++)
326  {
327  // Process particles from main vertex
328  HepMC::GenParticle *parent = (*it);
330  // Skip the "jets" found during the Hijing run itself
331  // if (parent->status() == 103)
332  // {
333  // continue;
334  // }
335  CLHEP::HepLorentzVector momentum(parent->momentum().px(),
336  parent->momentum().py(),
337  parent->momentum().pz(),
338  parent->momentum().e());
340  float eta = momentum.pseudoRapidity();
341  if (eta < mineta || eta > maxeta)
342  {
343  continue;
344  }
346  // Skip particle if pT is outside implementation range
347  float pT = momentum.perp();
348  if (pT < minpt || pT > maxpt)
349  {
350  continue;
351  }
353  // Add flow to particles from main vertex
354  double phishift = AddFlowToParent(event, parent);
355  MoveDescendantsToParent(parent, phishift);
356  }
358  return 0;
359 }