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10 #include "PHG4MicromegasSurvey.h"
12 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
16 #include <g4main/PHG4Detector.h>
17 #include <g4main/PHG4Subsystem.h>
21 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
22 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
23 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
24 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h> // for PHNodeIterator
25 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
26 #include <phool/getClass.h>
27 #include <phool/recoConsts.h>
29 #include <Geant4/G4Box.hh>
30 #include <Geant4/G4Color.hh>
31 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh>
32 #include <Geant4/G4Material.hh>
33 #include <Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh>
34 #include <Geant4/G4String.hh> // for G4String
35 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
36 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh> // for G4ThreeVector
37 #include <Geant4/G4Tubs.hh>
38 #include <Geant4/G4Types.hh> // for G4double
39 #include <Geant4/G4VPhysicalVolume.hh> // for G4VPhysicalVolume
40 #include <Geant4/G4VSolid.hh> // for G4VSolid
42 #include <cmath>
43 #include <iostream>
44 #include <numeric>
45 #include <tuple> // for make_tuple, tuple
46 #include <utility> // for pair, make_pair
47 #include <vector> // for vector
49 namespace
50 {
51  template <class T>
52  inline constexpr T square(const T& x)
53  {
54  return x * x;
55  }
56  template <class T>
57  inline T get_r(const T& x, const T& y)
58  {
59  return std::sqrt(square(x) + square(y));
60  }
61 } // namespace
63 //____________________________________________________________________________..
65  : PHG4Detector(subsys, Node, dnam)
66  , m_DisplayAction(dynamic_cast<PHG4MicromegasDisplayAction*>(subsys->GetDisplayAction()))
67  , m_Params(parameters)
68  , m_ActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("active"))
69  , m_SupportActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("supportactive"))
70 {
71  setup_tiles();
72 }
74 //_______________________________________________________________
76 {
77  if (m_ActiveFlag)
78  {
79  if (m_activeVolumes.find(volume) != m_activeVolumes.end())
80  {
81  return 1;
82  }
83  }
85  {
86  if (m_passiveVolumes.find(volume) != m_passiveVolumes.end())
87  {
88  return -1;
89  }
90  }
91  return 0;
92 }
94 //_______________________________________________________________
96 {
97  const auto iter = m_activeVolumes.find(volume);
98  return iter == m_activeVolumes.end() ? -1 : iter->second;
99 }
101 //_______________________________________________________________
103 {
104  const auto iter = m_tiles_map.find(volume);
105  return iter == m_tiles_map.end() ? -1 : iter->second;
106 }
108 //_______________________________________________________________
109 void PHG4MicromegasDetector::ConstructMe(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
110 {
112  construct_micromegas(logicWorld);
114 }
116 //_______________________________________________________________
118 {
119  std::cout << "PHG4Micromegas Detector:" << std::endl;
120  if (what == "ALL" || what == "VOLUME")
121  {
122  std::cout << "Version 0.1" << std::endl;
123  std::cout << "Parameters:" << std::endl;
124  m_Params->Print();
125  }
126  return;
127 }
129 //_______________________________________________________________
131 {
132  // TODO: replace with more realistic description from latest engineering drawings
133  m_tiles.clear();
135  // tile dimensions
136  /* they correspond to the total micromegas PCB size. They must match the definitions in construct_micromegas_tile */
137  static constexpr double tile_length = 54.2; // cm
138  static constexpr double tile_width = 31.6; // cm
140  {
141  // bottom most sector 3pi/2 has 4 modules
142  static constexpr double phi = 3. * M_PI / 2;
144  // tiles z position from CAD model (T-POT DETECTOR ASSEMBLY 7-13-2022-w-new-trays-modules)
145  for (const double& tile_z : {-84.6, -28.2, 28.2, 84.6})
146  {
147  m_tiles.emplace_back(phi, tile_z, tile_width / CylinderGeomMicromegas::reference_radius, tile_length);
148  }
149  }
151  {
152  // neighbor sectors have two modules, separated by 10cm
153  for (const double& phi : {4. * M_PI / 3, 5. * M_PI / 3})
154  {
155  // tiles z position from CAD model (T-POT DETECTOR ASSEMBLY 7-13-2022-w-new-trays-modules)
156  for (const double& tile_z : {-37.1, 37.1})
157  {
158  m_tiles.emplace_back(phi, tile_z, tile_width / CylinderGeomMicromegas::reference_radius, tile_length);
159  }
160  }
161  }
162 }
164 //_______________________________________________________________
166 {
167  // get the list of NIST materials
168  // ---------------------------------
169  auto G4_N = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_N");
170  auto G4_O = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_O");
171  auto G4_C = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_C");
172  auto G4_H = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_H");
173  auto G4_Si = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Si");
174  auto G4_Ar = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Ar");
175  auto G4_Cr = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Cr");
176  auto G4_Fe = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Fe");
177  auto G4_Mn = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Mn");
178  auto G4_Ni = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Ni");
179  auto G4_Cu = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Cu");
181  // combine elements
182  // ----------------
183  static const G4double temperature = 298.15 * kelvin;
184  static const G4double pressure = 1. * atmosphere;
186  // FR4
187  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_FR4", false))
188  {
189  auto mmg_FR4 = new G4Material("mmg_FR4", 1.860 * g / cm3, 4, kStateSolid);
190  mmg_FR4->AddMaterial(G4_C, 0.43550);
191  mmg_FR4->AddMaterial(G4_H, 0.03650);
192  mmg_FR4->AddMaterial(G4_O, 0.28120);
193  mmg_FR4->AddMaterial(G4_Si, 0.24680);
194  }
196  // Kapton
197  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Kapton", false))
198  {
199  auto mmg_Kapton = new G4Material("mmg_Kapton", 1.420 * g / cm3, 4, kStateSolid);
200  mmg_Kapton->AddMaterial(G4_C, 0.6911330);
201  mmg_Kapton->AddMaterial(G4_H, 0.0263620);
202  mmg_Kapton->AddMaterial(G4_N, 0.0732700);
203  mmg_Kapton->AddMaterial(G4_O, 0.2092350);
204  }
206  // MMgas
207  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Gas", false))
208  {
209  auto mmg_Gas = new G4Material("mmg_Gas", 0.00170335 * g / cm3, 3, kStateGas, temperature, pressure);
210  mmg_Gas->AddMaterial(G4_Ar, 0.900);
211  mmg_Gas->AddMaterial(G4_C, 0.0826586);
212  mmg_Gas->AddMaterial(G4_H, 0.0173414);
213  }
215  // MMMesh
216  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Mesh", false))
217  {
218  auto mmg_Mesh = new G4Material("mmg_Mesh", 2.8548 * g / cm3, 5, kStateSolid);
219  mmg_Mesh->AddMaterial(G4_Cr, 0.1900);
220  mmg_Mesh->AddMaterial(G4_Fe, 0.6800);
221  mmg_Mesh->AddMaterial(G4_Mn, 0.0200);
222  mmg_Mesh->AddMaterial(G4_Ni, 0.1000);
223  mmg_Mesh->AddMaterial(G4_Si, 0.0100);
224  }
226  // MMStrips
227  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Strips", false))
228  {
229  new G4Material("mmg_Strips", 5.248414 * g / cm3, G4_Cu, kStateSolid);
230  }
232  // MMResistivePaste
233  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_ResistPaste", false))
234  {
235  new G4Material("mmg_ResistPaste", 0.77906 * g / cm3, G4_C, kStateSolid);
236  }
237 }
239 //_______________________________________________________________
240 void PHG4MicromegasDetector::construct_micromegas(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
241 {
242  // start seting up volumes
243  // Micromegas detector radius
244  /* it corresponds to the radial position of the innermost surface of a Micromegas module , as measured in CAD model (THREE PANELS UPDATE 1-18-21) */
245  static constexpr double inner_radius = 83.197 * cm;
247  /*
248  * this is the radius at the center of a detector.
249  * it is updated when constructing the first tile, assuming that all tiles are identical
250  */
251  double radius_phi_mean = 0;
252  double radius_z_mean = 0;
254  // load survey data
255  PHG4MicromegasSurvey micromegas_survey;
256  static constexpr bool apply_survey = true;
258  // create detector
259  // loop over tiles
260  for (size_t tileid = 0; tileid < m_tiles.size(); ++tileid)
261  {
262  // get relevant tile
263  const auto& tile = m_tiles[tileid];
265  // create phi tile master volume
267  const double tile_thickness_phi = static_cast<G4Box*>(tile_logic_phi->GetSolid())->GetXHalfLength() * 2;
269  {
270  // place tile in master volume
271  const double centerZ = tile.m_centerZ * cm;
272  const double centerPhi = tile.m_centerPhi;
274  G4RotationMatrix rotation;
275  rotation.rotateZ(centerPhi * radian);
277  // calculate radius at tile center
278  double radius_phi = inner_radius + tile_thickness_phi / 2;
279  const G4ThreeVector center(
280  radius_phi * std::cos(centerPhi),
281  radius_phi * std::sin(centerPhi),
282  centerZ);
284  G4Transform3D transform(rotation, center);
286  if (apply_survey)
287  {
288  // get transformation from survey
289  const auto survey_transform = micromegas_survey.get_transformation(m_FirstLayer, tileid);
290  transform = survey_transform * transform;
292  // adjust radius at tile center to account for survey
293  const auto translation = transform.getTranslation();
294  radius_phi = get_r(translation.x(), translation.y());
295  }
297  // update mean radius
298  radius_phi_mean += radius_phi;
300  const auto tilename = GetName() + "_tile_" + std::to_string(tileid) + "_phi";
301  new G4PVPlacement(transform, tile_logic_phi, tilename + "_phys", logicWorld, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
302  }
304  // create z tile master volume
306  const double tile_thickness_z = static_cast<G4Box*>(tile_logic_z->GetSolid())->GetXHalfLength() * 2;
308  {
309  // place tile in master volume
310  const double centerZ = tile.m_centerZ * cm;
311  const double centerPhi = tile.m_centerPhi;
313  G4RotationMatrix rotation;
314  rotation.rotateZ(centerPhi * radian);
316  double radius_z = inner_radius + tile_thickness_phi + tile_thickness_z / 2;
317  const G4ThreeVector center(
318  radius_z * std::cos(centerPhi),
319  radius_z * std::sin(centerPhi),
320  centerZ);
322  G4Transform3D transform(rotation, center);
324  if (apply_survey)
325  {
326  // get transformation from survey
327  const auto survey_transform = micromegas_survey.get_transformation(m_FirstLayer + 1, tileid);
328  transform = survey_transform * transform;
330  // adjust radius at tile center to account for survey
331  const auto translation = transform.getTranslation();
332  radius_z = get_r(translation.x(), translation.y());
333  }
335  radius_z_mean += radius_z;
337  const auto tilename = GetName() + "_tile_" + std::to_string(tileid) + "_z";
338  new G4PVPlacement(transform, tile_logic_z, tilename + "_phys", logicWorld, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
339  }
340  }
342  // adjust active volume radius to account for world placement
343  radius_phi_mean /= m_tiles.size();
344 += radius_phi_mean / cm;
346  radius_z_mean /= m_tiles.size();
347 + 1) += radius_z_mean / cm;
349  if (Verbosity())
350  {
351  std::cout << "PHG4MicromegasDetector::ConstructMe - first layer: " << m_FirstLayer << std::endl;
352  for (const auto& pair : m_activeVolumes)
353  {
354  std::cout << "PHG4MicromegasDetector::ConstructMe - layer: " << pair.second << " volume: " << pair.first->GetName() << std::endl;
355  }
356  }
358  return;
359 }
361 //_______________________________________________________________
363 {
364  // components enumeration
365  /*
366  this describes all the detector onion layers for a single side
367  note that the detector is two sided
368  */
369  enum class Component
370  {
371  PCB,
372  CuStrips,
373  KaptonStrips,
374  ResistiveStrips,
375  Gas1,
376  Mesh,
377  Gas2,
378  DriftCuElectrode,
379  DriftKapton,
380  DriftCarbon,
381  FeeSupport
382  };
384  // layer definition
385  struct LayerStruct
386  {
387  // constructor
388  LayerStruct(float thickness, G4Material* material, const G4Colour& color, double dy, double dz, double y_offset, double z_offset)
389  : m_thickness(thickness)
390  , m_material(material)
391  , m_color(color)
392  , m_dy(dy)
393  , m_dz(dz)
394  , m_y_offset(y_offset)
395  , m_z_offset(z_offset)
396  {
397  }
399  // thickness
400  float m_thickness = 0;
402  // material
403  G4Material* m_material = nullptr;
405  // color
406  G4Colour m_color = 0;
408  // dimension along y
409  double m_dy = 0;
411  // dimension along z
412  double m_dz = 0;
414  // center offset along y
415  double m_y_offset = 0;
417  // center offset along z
418  double m_z_offset = 0;
419  };
421  // define all layers
422  const std::map<Component, LayerStruct> layer_map =
423  {
424  /* adjusted PCB thickness so that total thickness up to Gas2 is 1.6mm, consistently with CAD model */
425  // { Component::PCB, LayerStruct(1.384*mm, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_FR4"), G4Colour::Green(), 316*mm, 542*mm, 0, 0 )},
426  {Component::PCB, LayerStruct(1.0 * mm, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_FR4"), G4Colour::Green(), 316 * mm, 542 * mm, 0, 0)},
427  {Component::CuStrips, LayerStruct(12. * micrometer, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Strips"), G4Colour::Brown(), 256 * mm, 512 * mm, -15 * mm, 0)},
428  {Component::KaptonStrips, LayerStruct(50. * micrometer, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Kapton"), G4Colour::Brown(), 256 * mm, 512 * mm, -15 * mm, 0)},
429  {Component::ResistiveStrips, LayerStruct(20. * micrometer, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_ResistPaste"), G4Colour::Black(), 256 * mm, 512 * mm, -15 * mm, 0)},
430  {Component::Gas1, LayerStruct(120. * micrometer, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Gas"), G4Colour::Grey(), 256 * mm, 512 * mm, -15 * mm, 0)},
431  /* 0.8 correction factor to thickness is to account for the mesh denstity@18/45 */
432  {Component::Mesh, LayerStruct(18. * 0.8 * micrometer, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Mesh"), G4Colour::White(), 256 * mm, 512 * mm, -15 * mm, 0)},
433  {Component::Gas2, LayerStruct(3. * mm, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Gas"), G4Colour::Grey(), 256 * mm, 512 * mm, -15 * mm, 0)},
434  {Component::DriftCuElectrode, LayerStruct(15. * micrometer, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Cu"), G4Colour::Brown(), 256 * mm, 512 * mm, -15 * mm, 0)},
435  {Component::DriftKapton, LayerStruct(50. * micrometer, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Kapton"), G4Colour::Brown(), 256 * mm, 512 * mm, -15 * mm, 0)},
436  {Component::DriftCarbon, LayerStruct(1. * mm, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_C"), G4Colour(150 / 255., 75 / 255., 0), 256 * mm, 512 * mm, -15 * mm, 0)},
437  {Component::FeeSupport, LayerStruct(2.38 * mm, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Al"), G4Colour::Grey(), 182 * mm, 542 * mm, -67 * mm, 0)}};
439  // setup layers in the correct order, going outwards from beam axis
440  using LayerDefinition = std::tuple<Component, std::string>;
441  const std::vector<LayerDefinition> layer_stack_phi =
442  {
443  // inner side
444  std::make_tuple(Component::DriftCarbon, "DriftCarbon_inner"),
445  std::make_tuple(Component::DriftKapton, "DriftKapton_inner"),
446  std::make_tuple(Component::DriftCuElectrode, "DriftCuElectrode_inner"),
447  std::make_tuple(Component::Gas2, "Gas2_inner"),
448  std::make_tuple(Component::Mesh, "Mesh_inner"),
449  std::make_tuple(Component::Gas1, "Gas1_inner"),
450  std::make_tuple(Component::ResistiveStrips, "ResistiveStrips_inner"),
451  std::make_tuple(Component::KaptonStrips, "KaptonStrips_inner"),
452  std::make_tuple(Component::CuStrips, "CuStrips_inner"),
453  std::make_tuple(Component::PCB, "PCB_inner")};
455  // layer stack for z view, same as phi view, but mirrored
456  const std::vector<LayerDefinition> layer_stack_z =
457  {
458  // outer side (= inner side, mirrored)
459  std::make_tuple(Component::PCB, "PCB_outer"),
460  std::make_tuple(Component::CuStrips, "CuStrips_outer"),
461  std::make_tuple(Component::KaptonStrips, "KaptonStrips_outer"),
462  std::make_tuple(Component::ResistiveStrips, "ResistiveStrips_outer"),
463  std::make_tuple(Component::Gas1, "Gas1_outer"),
464  std::make_tuple(Component::Mesh, "Mesh_outer"),
465  std::make_tuple(Component::Gas2, "Gas2_outer"),
466  std::make_tuple(Component::DriftCuElectrode, "DriftCuElectrode_outer"),
467  std::make_tuple(Component::DriftKapton, "DriftKapton_outer"),
468  std::make_tuple(Component::DriftCarbon, "DriftCarbon_outer"),
470  // FEE support plate
471  std::make_tuple(Component::FeeSupport, "FEE_support")};
473  const bool is_z = (segmentation_type == MicromegasDefs::SegmentationType::SEGMENTATION_Z);
475  // get the right layer stack
476  const auto& layer_stack = is_z ? layer_stack_z : layer_stack_phi;
478  // for z view, create two FEE boards up front, to get their total thickness and add to master volume
479  std::array<G4LogicalVolume*, 2> fee_board_logic =
480  {
481  is_z ? construct_fee_board(0) : nullptr,
482  is_z ? construct_fee_board(1) : nullptr};
484  const double fee_thickness = is_z ? static_cast<G4Box*>(fee_board_logic[0]->GetSolid())->GetXHalfLength() * 2 : 0;
486  // calculate total tile thickness
487  double tile_thickness = std::accumulate(
488  layer_stack.begin(), layer_stack.end(), 0.,
489  [&layer_map](double value, const LayerDefinition& layer)
490  { return value +<0>(layer)).m_thickness; });
492  // for z tile, adds fee thickness
493  if (is_z)
494  {
495  tile_thickness += fee_thickness;
496  }
498  // tile dimensions match that of the PCB layer
499  const double tile_dy =;
500  const double tile_dz =;
502  // get world material to define parent volume
503  auto rc = recoConsts::instance();
504  auto world_material = GetDetectorMaterial(rc->get_StringFlag("WorldMaterial"));
506  // define tile name
507  const auto tilename = GetName() + "_tile_" + std::to_string(tileid) + (is_z ? "_z" : "_phi");
509  auto tile_solid = new G4Box(tilename + "_solid", tile_thickness / 2, tile_dy / 2, tile_dz / 2);
510  auto tile_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(tile_solid, world_material, "invisible_" + tilename + "_logic");
511  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(tile_logic, G4Colour::Grey());
513  /* we loop over registered layers and create volumes for each as daughter of the tile volume */
514  auto current_radius_local = -tile_thickness / 2;
515  for (const auto& [type, name] : layer_stack)
516  {
517  // layer name
518  /*
519  * for the Gas2 layers, which are the active components, we use a different volume name,
520  * that match the old geometry implementation. This maximizes compatibility with previous versions
521  */
522  const G4String cname = (type == Component::Gas2) ? "micromegas_measurement_" + name : G4String(GetName()) + "_" + name;
524  // get thickness, material and name
525  const auto& component(;
526  const auto& thickness = component.m_thickness;
527  const auto& material = component.m_material;
528  const auto& color = component.m_color;
530  const auto& dy = component.m_dy;
531  const auto& dz = component.m_dz;
533  const auto& y_offset = component.m_y_offset;
534  const auto& z_offset = component.m_z_offset;
536  auto component_solid = new G4Box(cname + "_solid", thickness / 2, dy / 2, dz / 2);
537  auto component_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(component_solid, material, cname + "_logic");
538  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(component_logic, color);
540  const G4ThreeVector center((current_radius_local + thickness / 2), y_offset, z_offset);
541  auto component_phys = new G4PVPlacement(nullptr, center, component_logic, cname + "_phys", tile_logic, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
543  if (type == Component::Gas2)
544  {
545  // store active volume
546  // define layer from name
547  const int layer_index = is_z ? m_FirstLayer + 1 : m_FirstLayer;
548  m_activeVolumes.insert(std::make_pair(component_phys, layer_index));
549  m_tiles_map.insert(std::make_pair(component_phys, tileid));
551  // store radius associated to this layer
552  m_layer_radius.insert(std::make_pair(layer_index, (current_radius_local + thickness / 2) / cm));
553  m_layer_thickness.insert(std::make_pair(layer_index, thickness / cm));
554  }
555  else
556  {
557  m_passiveVolumes.insert(component_phys);
558  }
560  // update radius
561  current_radius_local += thickness;
562  }
564  if (is_z)
565  {
566  // add FEE boards
567  /* offsets measured from CAD drawings */
568  static constexpr double fee_y_offset = (316. / 2 - 44.7 - 141.5 / 2) * mm;
569  static constexpr double fee_x_offset = (542. / 2 - 113.1 - 140. / 2) * mm;
570  new G4PVPlacement(nullptr, {current_radius_local + fee_thickness / 2, -fee_y_offset, -fee_x_offset}, fee_board_logic[0], GetName() + "_fee_0_phys", tile_logic, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
571  new G4PVPlacement(nullptr, {current_radius_local + fee_thickness / 2, -fee_y_offset, fee_x_offset}, fee_board_logic[1], GetName() + "_fee_1_phys", tile_logic, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
572  }
574  // return master logical volume
575  return tile_logic;
576 }
578 //_______________________________________________________________
580 {
581  // layer definition
582  struct LayerStruct
583  {
584  // constructor
585  LayerStruct(const std::string& name, float thickness, G4Material* material, const G4Colour& color)
586  : m_name(name)
587  , m_thickness(thickness)
588  , m_material(material)
589  , m_color(color)
590  {
591  }
593  // name
596  // thickness
597  float m_thickness = 0;
599  // material
600  G4Material* m_material = nullptr;
602  // color
603  G4Colour m_color = 0;
604  };
606  static constexpr double inch_to_cm = 2.54;
608  /*
609  * FEE board consists of FR4 PCB, a coper layer, and an aluminium layer, for cooling.
610  * FR4 and Cu layer thickness taken from TPC description (PHG4TpcEndCapSubsystem::SetDefaultParameters)
611  * Al layer correspond to cooling plate. Thickness from mechanical drawings
612  */
613  const std::vector<LayerStruct> layer_stack = {
614  LayerStruct("fee_pcb", 0.07 * inch_to_cm * cm, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_FR4"), G4Colour::Green()),
615  LayerStruct("fee_cu", 35e-4 * 10 * 0.8 * cm, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Cu"), G4Colour::Brown()),
616  LayerStruct("fee_al", 0.25 * inch_to_cm * cm, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Al"), G4Colour::Grey())};
618  // calculate total tile thickness
619  const double fee_thickness = std::accumulate(
620  layer_stack.begin(), layer_stack.end(), 0.,
621  [](double value, const LayerStruct& layer)
622  { return value + layer.m_thickness; });
624  // fee dimensions match CAD drawings
625  const double fee_dy = 141.51 * mm;
626  const double fee_dz = 140 * mm;
628  // get world material to define parent volume
629  auto rc = recoConsts::instance();
630  auto world_material = GetDetectorMaterial(rc->get_StringFlag("WorldMaterial"));
632  // define tile name
633  const auto feename = GetName() + "_fee_" + std::to_string(id);
635  auto fee_solid = new G4Box(feename + "_solid", fee_thickness / 2, fee_dy / 2, fee_dz / 2);
636  auto fee_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(fee_solid, world_material, "invisible_" + feename + "_logic");
637  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(fee_logic, G4Colour::Grey());
639  /* we loop over registered layers and create volumes for each as daughter of the fee volume */
640  auto current_radius_local = -fee_thickness / 2;
641  for (const auto& layer : layer_stack)
642  {
643  // layer name
644  /*
645  * for the Gas2 layers, which are the active components, we use a different volume name,
646  * that match the old geometry implementation. This maximizes compatibility with previous versions
647  */
648  const G4String cname = G4String(GetName()) + "_" + layer.m_name;
650  // get thickness, material and name
651  const auto& thickness = layer.m_thickness;
652  const auto& material = layer.m_material;
653  const auto& color = layer.m_color;
655  auto component_solid = new G4Box(cname + "_solid", thickness / 2, fee_dy / 2, fee_dz / 2);
656  auto component_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(component_solid, material, cname + "_logic");
657  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(component_logic, color);
659  const G4ThreeVector center((current_radius_local + thickness / 2), 0, 0);
660  auto component_phys = new G4PVPlacement(nullptr, center, component_logic, cname + "_phys", fee_logic, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
662  // store as passive
663  m_passiveVolumes.insert(component_phys);
665  // update radius
666  current_radius_local += thickness;
667  }
669  // return master logical volume
670  return fee_logic;
671 }
673 //_______________________________________________________________
675 {
676  // do nothing if detector is inactive
677  if (!m_Params->get_int_param("active"))
678  {
679  return;
680  }
682  // find or create geometry node
683  const auto geonode_name = std::string("CYLINDERGEOM_") + m_SuperDetector + "_FULL";
684  auto geonode = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode(), geonode_name);
685  if (!geonode)
686  {
687  geonode = new PHG4CylinderGeomContainer;
688  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode());
689  auto runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
690  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(geonode, geonode_name, "PHObject");
691  runNode->addNode(newNode);
692  }
694  // cylinder maximal length
695  static constexpr double length = 220;
697  // add cylinder objects
698  /* one cylinder is added per physical volume. The dimention correspond to the drift volume */
699  bool is_first = true;
700  for (const auto& [layer_index, radius] : m_layer_radius)
701  {
702  // create cylinder and match geometry
703  /* note: cylinder segmentation type and pitch is set in PHG4MicromegasHitReco */
704  auto cylinder = new CylinderGeomMicromegas(layer_index);
705  cylinder->set_radius(radius);
706  cylinder->set_thickness(;
707  cylinder->set_zmin(-length / 2);
708  cylinder->set_zmax(length / 2);
710  // tiles
711  cylinder->set_tiles(m_tiles);
713  /*
714  * asign segmentation type and pitch
715  * assume first layer in phi, other(s) are z
716  */
719  /*
720  * assign drift direction
721  * assume first layer is outward, with readout plane at the top, and others are inward, with readout plane at the bottom
722  * this is used to properly implement transverse diffusion in ::process_event
723  */
724  cylinder->set_drift_direction(is_first ? MicromegasDefs::DriftDirection::OUTWARD : MicromegasDefs::DriftDirection::INWARD);
726  // pitch
727  // first layer (phi) has 1mm pitch. second layer (z) has 2mm pitch
728  cylinder->set_pitch(is_first ? 0.1 : 0.2);
730  // if( Verbosity() )
731  {
732  cylinder->identify(std::cout);
733  }
735  geonode->AddLayerGeom(layer_index, cylinder);
737  is_first = false;
738  }
739 }