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1 // $Id: $
11 #include "PHG4TpcDistortion.h"
13 #include <TFile.h>
14 #include <TH3.h>
15 #include <TTree.h>
17 #include <cmath> // for sqrt, fabs, NAN
18 #include <cstdlib> // for exit
19 #include <iostream>
21 namespace
22 {
23  template <class T>
24  inline constexpr T square(const T& x)
25  {
26  return x * x;
27  }
29  // check boundaries in axis
30  /* for the interpolation to work, the value must be within the range of the provided axis, and not into the first and last bin */
31  inline bool check_boundaries( const TAxis* axis, double value )
32  {
33  const auto bin = axis->FindBin( value );
34  return( bin >= 2 && bin < axis->GetNbins() );
35  }
37  // check boundaries in histogram, before interpolation
38  /* for the interpolation to work, the value must be within the range of the provided axis, and not into the first and last bin */
39  inline bool check_boundaries( const TH3* h, double r, double phi, double z )
40  {
41  return check_boundaries( h->GetXaxis(), r )
42  && check_boundaries( h->GetYaxis(), phi )
43  && check_boundaries( h->GetZaxis(), z );
44  }
46 } // namespace
48 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
50 {
52  {
53  std::cout << "PHG4TpcDistortion::Init - m_static_distortion_filename: " << m_static_distortion_filename << std::endl;
54  m_static_tfile.reset(new TFile(m_static_distortion_filename.c_str()));
55  if (!m_static_tfile->IsOpen())
56  {
57  std::cout << "Static distortion file could not be opened!" << std::endl;
58  exit(1);
59  }
61  //Open Static Space Charge Maps
62  hDRint[0] = dynamic_cast<TH3*>(m_static_tfile->Get("hIntDistortionR_negz"));
63  hDRint[1] = dynamic_cast<TH3*>(m_static_tfile->Get("hIntDistortionR_posz"));
64  hDPint[0] = dynamic_cast<TH3*>(m_static_tfile->Get("hIntDistortionP_negz"));
65  hDPint[1] = dynamic_cast<TH3*>(m_static_tfile->Get("hIntDistortionP_posz"));
66  hDZint[0] = dynamic_cast<TH3*>(m_static_tfile->Get("hIntDistortionZ_negz"));
67  hDZint[1] = dynamic_cast<TH3*>(m_static_tfile->Get("hIntDistortionZ_posz"));
68  //not ready yet: hReach[0] = dynamic_cast<TH3*>(m_static_tfile->Get("hReachesReadout_negz"));
69  //not ready yet: hReach[1] = dynamic_cast<TH3*>(m_static_tfile->Get("hReachesReadout_posz"));
70  }
73  {
74  std::cout << "PHG4TpcDistortion::Init - m_time_ordered_distortion_filename: " << m_time_ordered_distortion_filename << std::endl;
76  if (!m_time_ordered_tfile->IsOpen())
77  {
78  std::cout << "TimeOrdered distortion file could not be opened!" << std::endl;
79  exit(1);
80  }
82  // create histograms
83  TimehDR[0] = new TH3F();
84  TimehDR[1] = new TH3F();
85  TimehDP[0] = new TH3F();
86  TimehDP[1] = new TH3F();
87  TimehDZ[0] = new TH3F();
88  TimehDZ[1] = new TH3F();
89  TimehRR[0] = new TH3F();//RR stands for ReachesReadout
90  TimehRR[1] = new TH3F();//RR stands for ReachesReadout
92  TimeTree = static_cast<TTree*>(m_time_ordered_tfile->Get("TimeDists"));
93  TimeTree->SetBranchAddress("hIntDistortionR_negz", &(TimehDR[0]));
94  TimeTree->SetBranchAddress("hIntDistortionR_posz", &(TimehDR[1]));
95  TimeTree->SetBranchAddress("hIntDistortionP_negz", &(TimehDP[0]));
96  TimeTree->SetBranchAddress("hIntDistortionP_posz", &(TimehDP[1]));
97  TimeTree->SetBranchAddress("hIntDistortionZ_negz", &(TimehDZ[0]));
98  TimeTree->SetBranchAddress("hIntDistortionZ_posz", &(TimehDZ[1]));
99  //not ready yet: TimeTree->SetBranchAddress("hReachesReadout_negz", &(TimehRR[0]));
100  //not ready yet: TimeTree->SetBranchAddress("hReachesReadout_posz", &(TimehRR[1]));
101  }
102 }
104 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
105 void PHG4TpcDistortion::load_event(int event_num)
106 {
107  if (TimeTree)
108  {
109  int nentries = TimeTree->GetEntries();
110  if (event_num > nentries) event_num = event_num % nentries;
111  if (event_num % nentries == 0 && event_num != 0)
112  {
113  std::cout << "Distortion map sequence repeating as of event number " << event_num << std::endl;
114  }
115  TimeTree->GetEntry(event_num);
116  }
118  return;
119 }
121 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
122 double PHG4TpcDistortion::get_x_distortion_cartesian(double x, double y, double z) const
123 {
124  double r = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
125  double phi = std::atan2(y, x);
127  //get components
128  double dr = get_distortion('r', r, phi, z);
129  double dphi = get_distortion('p', r, phi, z);
131  //rotate into cartesian based on local r phi:
132  double cosphi = cos(phi);
133  double sinphi = sin(phi);
134  double dx = dr * cosphi - dphi * sinphi;
135  return dx;
136 }
138 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
139 double PHG4TpcDistortion::get_y_distortion_cartesian(double x, double y, double z) const
140 {
141  double r = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
142  double phi = std::atan2(y, x);
144  //get components
145  double dr = get_distortion('r', r, phi, z);
146  double dphi = get_distortion('p', r, phi, z);
148  //rotate into cartesian based on local r phi:
149  double cosphi = cos(phi);
150  double sinphi = sin(phi);
151  double dy = dphi * cosphi + dr * sinphi;
152  return dy;
153 }
155 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
156 double PHG4TpcDistortion::get_z_distortion_cartesian(double x, double y, double z) const
157 {
158  double r = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
159  double phi = std::atan2(y, x);
161  //get components
162  double dz = get_distortion('z', r, phi, z);
164  return dz;
165 }
167 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
168 double PHG4TpcDistortion::get_r_distortion(double r, double phi, double z) const
169 {
170  return get_distortion('r', r, phi, z);
171 }
173 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
174 double PHG4TpcDistortion::get_rphi_distortion(double r, double phi, double z) const
175 {
176  if (m_phi_hist_in_radians) //if the hist is in radians, multiply by r to get the rphi distortion
177  return r*get_distortion('p', r, phi, z);
179  return get_distortion('p', r, phi, z);
180 }
182 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
183 double PHG4TpcDistortion::get_z_distortion(double r, double phi, double z) const
184 {
185  return get_distortion('z', r, phi, z);
186 }
187 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
188 double PHG4TpcDistortion::get_reaches_readout(double r, double phi, double z) const
189 {
190  if (r<1) printf("Unusual R: %f. This line is to keep the compiler from complaining about unused parameters like %f and %f.\n",r,phi,z);
191  return 1;
192  //not ready yet: return get_distortion('R', r, phi, z);
193 }
195 double PHG4TpcDistortion::get_distortion(char axis, double r, double phi, double z) const
196 {
197  if (phi < 0) phi += 2 * M_PI;
198  const int zpart = (z > 0 ? 1 : 0); //z<0 corresponds to the negative side, which is element 0.
200  TH3* hdistortion = nullptr;
202  if (axis != 'r' && axis != 'p' && axis != 'z'&& axis != 'R')
203  {
204  std::cout << "Distortion Requested along axis " << axis << " which is invalid. Exiting.\n"
205  << std::endl;
206  exit(1);
207  }
209  double _distortion = 0.;
211  //select the appropriate histogram:
213  {
214  if (axis == 'r')
215  {
216  hdistortion = hDRint[zpart];
217  }
218  else if (axis == 'p')
219  {
220  hdistortion = hDPint[zpart];
221  }
222  else if (axis == 'z')
223  {
224  hdistortion = hDZint[zpart];
225  }
226  else if (axis == 'R')
227  {
228  hdistortion = hReach[zpart];
229  }
230  if (hdistortion)
231  {
232  if( check_boundaries( hdistortion, phi, r, z ) )
233  { _distortion += hdistortion->Interpolate(phi, r, z); }
234  }
235  else
236  {
237  std::cout << "Static Distortion Requested along axis " << axis << ", but distortion map does not exist. Exiting.\n"
238  << std::endl;
239  exit(1);
240  }
241  }
244  {
245  if (axis == 'r')
246  {
247  hdistortion = TimehDR[zpart];
248  }
249  else if (axis == 'p')
250  {
251  hdistortion = TimehDP[zpart];
252  }
253  else if (axis == 'z')
254  {
255  hdistortion = TimehDZ[zpart];
256  }
257  else if (axis == 'R')
258  {
259  hdistortion = TimehRR[zpart];
260  }
261  if (hdistortion)
262  {
263  if( check_boundaries( hdistortion, phi, r, z ) )
264  { _distortion += hdistortion->Interpolate(phi, r, z); }
265  }
266  else
267  {
268  std::cout << "Time Series Distortion Requested along axis " << axis << ", but distortion map does not exist. Exiting.\n"
269  << std::endl;
270  exit(1);
271  }
272  }
274  return _distortion;
275 }