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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file hijset.f
1 C
2 C
3 C
5  CHARACTER frame*8,proj*8,targ*8,eframe*8 ! Ilya Seluzhenkov
6  DOUBLE PRECISION dd1,dd2,dd3,dd4
7  common/histrng/nfp(300,15),pp(300,15),nft(300,15),pt(300,15)
8  SAVE /histrng/
9  common/hijcrdn/yp(3,300),yt(3,300)
10  SAVE /hijcrdn/
11  common/hiparnt/hipr1(100),ihpr2(50),hint1(100),ihnt2(50)
12  SAVE /hiparnt/
13  common/hijdat/hidat0(10,10),hidat(10)
14  SAVE /hijdat/
15  common/ludat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
16  SAVE /ludat1/
18  CALL title
19  ihnt2(1)=iap
20  ihnt2(2)=izp
21  ihnt2(3)=iat
22  ihnt2(4)=izt
23  ihnt2(5)=0
24  ihnt2(6)=0
25 C
26  hint1(8)=max(ulmass(2112),ulmass(2212))
27  hint1(9)=hint1(8)
28 C
29  IF(proj.NE.'A') THEN
30  IF(proj.EQ.'P') THEN
31  ihnt2(5)=2212
32  ELSE IF(proj.EQ.'PBAR') THEN
33  ihnt2(5)=-2212
34  ELSE IF(proj.EQ.'PI+') THEN
35  ihnt2(5)=211
36  ELSE IF(proj.EQ.'PI-') THEN
37  ihnt2(5)=-211
38  ELSE IF(proj.EQ.'K+') THEN
39  ihnt2(5)=321
40  ELSE IF(proj.EQ.'K-') THEN
41  ihnt2(5)=-321
42  ELSE IF(proj.EQ.'N') THEN
43  ihnt2(5)=2112
44  ELSE IF(proj.EQ.'NBAR') THEN
45  ihnt2(5)=-2112
46  ELSE
47  WRITE(6,*) proj, 'wrong or unavailable proj name'
48  stop
50  hint1(8)=ulmass(ihnt2(5))
52  IF(targ.NE.'A') THEN
53  IF(targ.EQ.'P') THEN
54  ihnt2(6)=2212
55  ELSE IF(targ.EQ.'PBAR') THEN
56  ihnt2(6)=-2212
57  ELSE IF(targ.EQ.'PI+') THEN
58  ihnt2(6)=211
59  ELSE IF(targ.EQ.'PI-') THEN
60  ihnt2(6)=-211
61  ELSE IF(targ.EQ.'K+') THEN
62  ihnt2(6)=321
63  ELSE IF(targ.EQ.'K-') THEN
64  ihnt2(6)=-321
65  ELSE IF(targ.EQ.'N') THEN
66  ihnt2(6)=2112
67  ELSE IF(targ.EQ.'NBAR') THEN
68  ihnt2(6)=-2112
69  ELSE
70  WRITE(6,*) targ,'wrong or unavailable targ name'
71  stop
73  hint1(9)=ulmass(ihnt2(6))
76 C...Switch off decay of pi0, K0S, Lambda, Sigma+-, Xi0-, Omega-.
78  print *, 'IHPR2(12) = ', ihpr2(12)
80  IF(ihpr2(12).GT.0) THEN
81  CALL lugive('MDCY(C111,1)=0')
82  CALL lugive('MDCY(C310,1)=0')
83  CALL lugive('MDCY(C3122,1)=0;MDCY(C-3122,1)=0')
84  CALL lugive('MDCY(C3112,1)=0;MDCY(C-3112,1)=0')
85  CALL lugive('MDCY(C3212,1)=0;MDCY(C-3212,1)=0')
86  CALL lugive('MDCY(C3222,1)=0;MDCY(C-3222,1)=0')
87  CALL lugive('MDCY(C3312,1)=0;MDCY(C-3312,1)=0')
88  CALL lugive('MDCY(C3322,1)=0;MDCY(C-3322,1)=0')
89  CALL lugive('MDCY(C3334,1)=0;MDCY(C-3334,1)=0')
91  IF (ihpr2(12).EQ.1) THEN
92  CALL lugive('MDCY(C411,1)=0;MDCY(C-411,1)=0')
93  CALL lugive('MDCY(C421,1)=0;MDCY(C-421,1)=0')
94  CALL lugive('MDCY(C431,1)=0;MDCY(C-431,1)=0')
95  CALL lugive('MDCY(C511,1)=0;MDCY(C-511,1)=0')
96  CALL lugive('MDCY(C521,1)=0;MDCY(C-521,1)=0')
97  CALL lugive('MDCY(C531,1)=0;MDCY(C-531,1)=0')
101  mstu(12)=0
102  mstu(21)=1
103  IF(ihpr2(10).EQ.0) THEN
104  mstu(22)=0
105  mstu(25)=0
106  mstu(26)=0
107  ENDIF
108  mstj(12)=ihpr2(11)
109  parj(21)=hipr1(2)
110  parj(41)=hipr1(3)
111  parj(42)=hipr1(4)
112 C ******** set up for jetset
113  IF(frame.EQ.'LAB') THEN
114  dd1=efrm
115  dd2=hint1(8)
116  dd3=hint1(9)
117  hint1(1)=sqrt(hint1(8)**2+2.0*hint1(9)*efrm+hint1(9)**2)
118  dd4=dsqrt(dd1**2-dd2**2)/(dd1+dd3)
119  hint1(2)=dd4
120  hint1(3)=0.5*dlog((1.d0+dd4)/(1.d0-dd4))
121  dd4=dsqrt(dd1**2-dd2**2)/dd1
122  hint1(4)=0.5*dlog((1.d0+dd4)/(1.d0-dd4))
123  hint1(5)=0.0
124  hint1(6)=efrm
125  hint1(7)=hint1(9)
126  ELSE IF(frame.EQ.'CMS') THEN
127  hint1(1)=efrm
128  hint1(2)=0.0
129  hint1(3)=0.0
130  dd1=hint1(1)
131  dd2=hint1(8)
132  dd3=hint1(9)
133  dd4=dsqrt(1.d0-4.d0*dd2**2/dd1**2)
134  hint1(4)=0.5*dlog((1.d0+dd4)/(1.d0-dd4))
135  dd4=dsqrt(1.d0-4.d0*dd3**2/dd1**2)
136  hint1(5)=-0.5*dlog((1.d0+dd4)/(1.d0-dd4))
137  hint1(6)=hint1(1)/2.0
138  hint1(7)=hint1(1)/2.0
139  ENDIF
140 C ********define Lorentz transform to lab frame
141 c
142 C ********calculate the cross sections involved with
143 C nucleon collisions.
144  IF(ihnt2(1).GT.1) THEN
145  CALL hijwds(ihnt2(1),1,rmax)
146  hipr1(34)=rmax
147 C ********set up Wood-Sax distr for proj.
148  ENDIF
149  IF(ihnt2(3).GT.1) THEN
150  CALL hijwds(ihnt2(3),2,rmax)
151  hipr1(35)=rmax
152 C ********set up Wood-Sax distr for targ.
153  ENDIF
154 C
155 C
156  i=0
157 20 i=i+1
158  IF(i.EQ.10) go to 30
159  IF(hidat0(10,i).LE.hint1(1)) go to 20
160 30 IF(i.EQ.1) i=2
161  DO 40 j=1,9
162  hidat(j)=hidat0(j,i-1)+(hidat0(j,i)-hidat0(j,i-1))
163  & *(hint1(1)-hidat0(10,i-1))/(hidat0(10,i)-hidat0(10,i-1))
165  hipr1(31)=hidat(5)
166  hipr1(30)=2.0*hidat(5)
167 C
168 C
169  CALL hijcrs
170 C
171  IF(ihpr2(5).NE.0) THEN
172  CALL hifun(3,0.0,36.0,fnkick)
173 C ********booking for generating pt**2 for pt kick
174  ENDIF
175  CALL hifun(7,0.0,6.0,fnkick2)
176  CALL hifun(4,0.0,1.0,fnstru)
177  CALL hifun(5,0.0,1.0,fnstrum)
178  CALL hifun(6,0.0,1.0,fnstrus)
179 C ********booking for x distribution of valence quarks
180  eframe='Ecm'
181  IF(frame.EQ.'LAB') eframe='Elab'
182  WRITE(6,100) eframe,efrm,proj,ihnt2(1),ihnt2(2),
183  & targ,ihnt2(3),ihnt2(4)
184 100 FORMAT(//10x,'****************************************
185  & **********'/
186  & 10x,'*',48x,'*'/
187  & 10x,'* HIJING has been initialized at *'/
188  & 10x,'*',13x,a4,'= ',f10.2,' GeV/n',13x,'*'/
189  & 10x,'*',48x,'*'/
190  & 10x,'*',8x,'for ',
191  & a4,'(',i3,',',i3,')',' + ',a4,'(',i3,',',i3,')',7x,'*'/
192  & 10x,'**************************************************')
194  END