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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file RootTrackParameterWriter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
22 #include <cmath>
23 #include <cstddef>
24 #include <ios>
25 #include <iostream>
26 #include <memory>
27 #include <stdexcept>
28 #include <tuple>
29 #include <utility>
30 #include <vector>
32 #include <TFile.h>
33 #include <TTree.h>
42  : TrackParameterWriter(config.inputTrackParameters,
43  "RootTrackParameterWriter", level),
44  m_cfg(config) {
45  if (m_cfg.inputProtoTracks.empty()) {
46  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing proto tracks input collection");
47  }
48  if (m_cfg.inputParticles.empty()) {
49  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing particles input collection");
50  }
51  if (m_cfg.inputSimHits.empty()) {
52  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing simulated hits input collection");
53  }
54  if (m_cfg.inputMeasurementParticlesMap.empty()) {
55  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing hit-particles map input collection");
56  }
57  if (m_cfg.inputMeasurementSimHitsMap.empty()) {
58  throw std::invalid_argument(
59  "Missing hit-simulated-hits map input collection");
60  }
61  if (m_cfg.filePath.empty()) {
62  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing output filename");
63  }
64  if (m_cfg.treeName.empty()) {
65  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing tree name");
66  }
74  // Setup ROOT I/O
75  if (m_outputFile == nullptr) {
76  auto path = m_cfg.filePath;
77  m_outputFile = TFile::Open(path.c_str(), m_cfg.fileMode.c_str());
78  if (m_outputFile == nullptr) {
79  throw std::ios_base::failure("Could not open '" + path);
80  }
81  }
82  m_outputFile->cd();
83  m_outputTree = new TTree(m_cfg.treeName.c_str(), m_cfg.treeName.c_str());
84  if (m_outputTree == nullptr) {
85  throw std::bad_alloc();
86  } else {
87  // The estimated track parameters
88  m_outputTree->Branch("event_nr", &m_eventNr);
89  m_outputTree->Branch("loc0", &m_loc0);
90  m_outputTree->Branch("loc1", &m_loc1);
91  m_outputTree->Branch("phi", &m_phi);
92  m_outputTree->Branch("theta", &m_theta);
93  m_outputTree->Branch("qop", &m_qop);
94  m_outputTree->Branch("time", &m_time);
95  m_outputTree->Branch("p", &m_p);
96  m_outputTree->Branch("pt", &m_pt);
97  m_outputTree->Branch("eta", &m_eta);
98  // The truth track parameters
99  m_outputTree->Branch("eventNr", &m_eventNr);
100  m_outputTree->Branch("t_loc0", &m_t_loc0);
101  m_outputTree->Branch("t_loc1", &m_t_loc1);
102  m_outputTree->Branch("t_phi", &m_t_phi);
103  m_outputTree->Branch("t_theta", &m_t_theta);
104  m_outputTree->Branch("t_qop", &m_t_qop);
105  m_outputTree->Branch("t_time", &m_t_time);
106  m_outputTree->Branch("truthMatched", &m_truthMatched);
107  }
108 }
111  if (m_outputFile != nullptr) {
112  m_outputFile->Close();
113  }
114 }
117  m_outputFile->cd();
118  m_outputTree->Write();
119  m_outputFile->Close();
121  ACTS_INFO("Wrote estimated parameters from seed to tree '"
122  << m_cfg.treeName << "' in '" << m_cfg.filePath << "'");
124  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
125 }
129  const TrackParametersContainer& trackParams) {
130  // Read additional input collections
131  const auto& protoTracks = m_inputProtoTracks(ctx);
132  const auto& particles = m_inputParticles(ctx);
133  const auto& simHits = m_inputSimHits(ctx);
134  const auto& hitParticlesMap = m_inputMeasurementParticlesMap(ctx);
135  const auto& hitSimHitsMap = m_inputMeasurementSimHitsMap(ctx);
137  // Exclusive access to the tree while writing
138  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_writeMutex);
140  // Get the event number
141  m_eventNr = ctx.eventNumber;
143  ACTS_VERBOSE("Writing " << trackParams.size() << " track parameters");
145  // Loop over the estimated track parameters
146  for (size_t iparams = 0; iparams < trackParams.size(); ++iparams) {
147  // The reference surface of the parameters, i.e. also the reference surface
148  // of the first space point
149  const auto& surface = trackParams[iparams].referenceSurface();
150  // The estimated bound parameters vector
151  const auto params = trackParams[iparams].parameters();
152  m_loc0 = params[Acts::eBoundLoc0];
153  m_loc1 = params[Acts::eBoundLoc1];
154  m_phi = params[Acts::eBoundPhi];
155  m_theta = params[Acts::eBoundTheta];
156  m_qop = params[Acts::eBoundQOverP];
157  m_time = params[Acts::eBoundTime];
158  m_p = std::abs(1.0 / m_qop);
159  m_pt = m_p * std::sin(m_theta);
160  m_eta = std::atanh(std::cos(m_theta));
162  // Get the proto track from which the track parameters are estimated
163  const auto& ptrack = protoTracks[iparams];
164  std::vector<ParticleHitCount> particleHitCounts;
165  identifyContributingParticles(hitParticlesMap, ptrack, particleHitCounts);
166  m_truthMatched = false;
167  if (particleHitCounts.size() == 1) {
168  m_truthMatched = true;
169  }
170  // Get the index of the first space point
171  const auto& hitIdx = ptrack.front();
172  // Get the sim hits via the measurement to sim hits map
173  auto indices = makeRange(hitSimHitsMap.equal_range(hitIdx));
174  auto [truthLocal, truthPos4, truthUnitDir] =
175  averageSimHits(ctx.geoContext, surface, simHits, indices, logger());
176  // Get the truth track parameter at the first space point
177  m_t_loc0 = truthLocal[Acts::ePos0];
178  m_t_loc1 = truthLocal[Acts::ePos1];
179  m_t_phi = phi(truthUnitDir);
180  m_t_theta = theta(truthUnitDir);
181  m_t_time = truthPos4[Acts::eTime];
182  // momentum averaging makes even less sense than averaging position and
183  // direction. use the first momentum or set q/p to zero
184  if (not indices.empty()) {
185  // we assume that the indices are within valid ranges so we do not
186  // need to check their validity again.
187  const auto simHitIdx0 = indices.begin()->second;
188  const auto& simHit0 = *simHits.nth(simHitIdx0);
189  const auto p =
190  simHit0.momentum4Before().template segment<3>(Acts::eMom0).norm();
191  const auto& particleId = simHit0.particleId();
192  // The truth charge has to be retrieved from the sim particle
193  auto ip = particles.find(particleId);
194  if (ip != particles.end()) {
195  const auto& particle = *ip;
196  m_t_charge = static_cast<int>(particle.charge());
197  m_t_qop = m_t_charge / p;
198  } else {
199  ACTS_DEBUG("Truth particle with barcode "
200  << particleId << "=" << particleId.value() << " not found!");
201  }
202  }
204  m_outputTree->Fill();
205  }
207  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
208 }