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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SingleSeedVertexFinder.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <cmath>
10 #include <system_error>
12 #include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>
14 template <typename spacepoint_t>
17  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> lgr)
18  : m_cfg(cfg), m_logger(std::move(lgr)) {
19  if (cfg.numPhiSlices < 3) {
20  ACTS_INFO("value of numPhiSlices is "
21  << cfg.numPhiSlices
22  << ", which is less than 3. There will be duplicate triplets.");
23  }
24  if (cfg.useFracPhiSlices <= 0. || cfg.useFracPhiSlices > 1.) {
25  ACTS_ERROR("value of useFracPhiSlices is "
26  << cfg.useFracPhiSlices
27  << ", allowed values are between 0 and 1");
28  }
29  if (cfg.useFracZSlices <= 0. || cfg.useFracZSlices > 1.) {
30  ACTS_ERROR("value of useFracZSlices is "
31  << cfg.useFracZSlices << ", allowed values are between 0 and 1");
32  }
33  if (cfg.minimalizeWRT != "planes" && cfg.minimalizeWRT != "rays") {
34  ACTS_ERROR("value of minimalizeWRT is "
35  << cfg.minimalizeWRT
36  << ", allowed values are \"planes\" or \"rays\" ");
37  }
38  if (cfg.removeFraction < 0. || cfg.removeFraction >= 1.) {
39  ACTS_ERROR("value of removeFraction is "
40  << cfg.removeFraction << ", allowed values are between 0 and 1");
41  }
42 }
44 template <typename spacepoint_t>
47  const std::vector<spacepoint_t>& spacepoints) const {
48  // sort spacepoints to different phi and z slices
50  sortedSpacepoints = sortSpacepoints(spacepoints);
52  // find triplets
53  std::vector<Acts::SingleSeedVertexFinder<spacepoint_t>::Triplet> triplets =
54  findTriplets(sortedSpacepoints);
56  // if no valid triplets found
57  if (triplets.empty()) {
58  return Acts::Result<Acts::Vector3>::failure(std::error_code());
59  }
61  Acts::Vector3 vtx = Acts::Vector3::Zero();
62  if (m_cfg.minimalizeWRT == "planes") {
63  // find a point closest to all planes defined by the triplets
64  vtx = findClosestPointFromPlanes(triplets);
65  } else if (m_cfg.minimalizeWRT == "rays") {
66  // find a point closest to all rays fitted through the triplets
67  vtx = findClosestPointFromRays(triplets);
68  } else {
69  ACTS_ERROR("value of minimalizeWRT is "
70  << m_cfg.minimalizeWRT
71  << ", allowed values are \"planes\" or \"rays\" ");
72  }
75 }
77 template <typename spacepoint_t>
80  const std::vector<spacepoint_t>& spacepoints) const {
82  sortedSpacepoints(m_cfg.numPhiSlices, m_cfg.numZSlices);
84  for (const auto& sp : spacepoints) {
85  // phi will be saved for later
86  Acts::ActsScalar phi = detail::radian_pos(std::atan2(sp.y(), sp.x()));
87  std::uint32_t phislice =
88  (std::uint32_t)(phi / (2 * M_PI) * m_cfg.numPhiSlices);
89  if (phislice >= m_cfg.numPhiSlices) {
90  phislice = 0;
91  }
93  if (std::abs(sp.z()) >= m_cfg.maxAbsZ) {
94  continue;
95  }
96  std::uint32_t zslice = (std::uint32_t)(
97  (sp.z() + m_cfg.maxAbsZ) / (2 * m_cfg.maxAbsZ) * m_cfg.numZSlices);
99  // input spacepoint is sorted into one subset
100  if (sp.r() < m_cfg.rMinMiddle) {
101  if (m_cfg.rMinNear < sp.r() && sp.r() < m_cfg.rMaxNear) {
102  if (std::fmod(m_cfg.useFracPhiSlices * phislice, 1.0) >=
103  m_cfg.useFracPhiSlices) {
104  continue;
105  }
106  sortedSpacepoints.addSP(0, phislice, zslice)
107  .emplace_back((spacepoint_t const*)&sp, phi);
108  }
109  } else if (sp.r() < m_cfg.rMinFar) {
110  if (sp.r() < m_cfg.rMaxMiddle) {
111  if (std::fmod(m_cfg.useFracZSlices * zslice, 1.0) >=
112  m_cfg.useFracZSlices) {
113  continue;
114  }
115  sortedSpacepoints.addSP(1, phislice, zslice)
116  .emplace_back((spacepoint_t const*)&sp, phi);
117  }
118  } else if (sp.r() < m_cfg.rMaxFar) {
119  sortedSpacepoints.addSP(2, phislice, zslice)
120  .emplace_back((spacepoint_t const*)&sp, phi);
121  }
122  }
124  return sortedSpacepoints;
125 }
127 template <typename spacepoint_t>
128 std::vector<typename Acts::SingleSeedVertexFinder<spacepoint_t>::Triplet>
131  sortedSpacepoints) const {
132  std::vector<Acts::SingleSeedVertexFinder<spacepoint_t>::Triplet> triplets;
134  std::uint32_t phiStep =
135  (std::uint32_t)(m_cfg.maxPhideviation / (2 * M_PI / m_cfg.numPhiSlices)) +
136  1;
138  // calculate limits for middle spacepoints
139  Acts::Vector2 vecA{-m_cfg.maxAbsZ + m_cfg.maxZPosition, m_cfg.rMinFar};
140  vecA /= 2.;
141  Acts::Vector2 vecB = {vecA[1], -vecA[0]};
142  vecB /= std::tan(m_cfg.maxXYZdeviation);
143  Acts::Vector2 posR = Acts::Vector2(-m_cfg.maxZPosition, 0.) + vecA + vecB;
144  Acts::ActsScalar R = vecA.norm() / std::sin(m_cfg.maxXYZdeviation);
145  Acts::ActsScalar constB = -2. * posR[0];
146  Acts::ActsScalar constC =
147  posR[0] * posR[0] +
148  (posR[1] - m_cfg.rMaxNear) * (posR[1] - m_cfg.rMaxNear) - R * R;
149  Acts::ActsScalar maxZMiddle =
150  -1. * (-constB - sqrt(constB * constB - 4. * constC)) / 2.;
151  if (maxZMiddle <= 0) {
153  "maximum position of middle spacepoints is not positive, maxZMiddle = "
154  << maxZMiddle << ", check your config; setting maxZMiddle to "
155  << m_cfg.maxAbsZ);
156  maxZMiddle = m_cfg.maxAbsZ;
157  }
159  // save some constant values for later
160  Acts::ActsScalar rNearRatio[2] = {m_cfg.rMinNear / m_cfg.rMaxMiddle,
161  m_cfg.rMaxNear / m_cfg.rMinMiddle};
162  Acts::ActsScalar rMiddle[2] = {m_cfg.rMaxMiddle, m_cfg.rMinMiddle};
163  Acts::ActsScalar rFarDelta[2] = {
164  m_cfg.rMaxFar - m_cfg.rMinMiddle,
165  m_cfg.rMinFar - m_cfg.rMaxMiddle,
166  };
167  Acts::ActsScalar zBinLength = 2. * m_cfg.maxAbsZ / m_cfg.numZSlices;
169  // limits in terms of slice numbers
170  std::uint32_t limitMiddleSliceFrom =
171  (std::uint32_t)((-maxZMiddle + m_cfg.maxAbsZ) / zBinLength);
172  std::uint32_t limitMiddleSliceTo =
173  (std::uint32_t)((maxZMiddle + m_cfg.maxAbsZ) / zBinLength + 1);
174  std::uint32_t limitAbsZSliceFrom = (std::uint32_t)(
175  (-m_cfg.maxZPosition + m_cfg.maxAbsZ) / zBinLength + 0.01);
176  std::uint32_t limitAbsZSliceTo =
177  (std::uint32_t)((m_cfg.maxZPosition + m_cfg.maxAbsZ) / zBinLength + 1.01);
179  for (std::uint32_t middleZ = limitMiddleSliceFrom;
180  middleZ < limitMiddleSliceTo; ++middleZ) {
181  // skip slices that are empty anyway
182  if (std::fmod(m_cfg.useFracZSlices * middleZ, 1.0) >=
183  m_cfg.useFracZSlices) {
184  continue;
185  }
187  // calculate limits for near spacepoints, assuming the middle spacepoints
188  // are within some boundaries
189  bool isLessFrom = (middleZ <= limitAbsZSliceFrom);
190  Acts::ActsScalar deltaZfrom =
191  (middleZ - limitAbsZSliceFrom - 1) * zBinLength;
192  Acts::ActsScalar angleZfrom =
193  std::atan2(rMiddle[isLessFrom], deltaZfrom) + m_cfg.maxXYZdeviation;
194  std::uint32_t nearZFrom = 0;
195  if (angleZfrom < M_PI) {
196  Acts::ActsScalar new_deltaZfrom =
197  rMiddle[isLessFrom] / std::tan(angleZfrom) / zBinLength;
198  nearZFrom = (std::uint32_t)std::max(
199  new_deltaZfrom * rNearRatio[isLessFrom] + limitAbsZSliceFrom, 0.);
200  }
202  bool isLessTo = (middleZ < limitAbsZSliceTo);
203  Acts::ActsScalar deltaZto = (middleZ - limitAbsZSliceTo + 1) * zBinLength;
204  Acts::ActsScalar angleZto =
205  std::atan2(rMiddle[!isLessTo], deltaZto) - m_cfg.maxXYZdeviation;
206  std::uint32_t nearZTo = m_cfg.numZSlices;
207  if (angleZto > 0) {
208  Acts::ActsScalar new_deltaZto =
209  rMiddle[!isLessTo] / std::tan(angleZto) / zBinLength;
210  nearZTo = (std::uint32_t)std::max(
211  new_deltaZto * rNearRatio[!isLessTo] + limitAbsZSliceTo, 0.);
212  if (nearZTo > m_cfg.numZSlices) {
213  nearZTo = m_cfg.numZSlices;
214  }
215  }
217  for (std::uint32_t nearZ = nearZFrom; nearZ < nearZTo; ++nearZ) {
218  // calculate limits for far spacepoits, assuming middle and near
219  // spacepoits are within some boundaries
220  bool isMiddleLess = (middleZ <= nearZ);
222  Acts::ActsScalar delta2Zfrom = (middleZ - nearZ - 1) * zBinLength;
223  Acts::ActsScalar angle2Zfrom =
224  std::atan2(rFarDelta[isMiddleLess], delta2Zfrom) +
225  m_cfg.maxXYZdeviation;
226  std::uint32_t farZFrom = 0;
227  if (angle2Zfrom < M_PI) {
228  farZFrom = (std::uint32_t)std::max(
229  (rFarDelta[isMiddleLess] / std::tan(angle2Zfrom) / zBinLength) +
230  middleZ,
231  0.);
232  if (farZFrom >= m_cfg.numZSlices) {
233  continue;
234  }
235  }
237  isMiddleLess = (middleZ < nearZ);
238  Acts::ActsScalar delta2Zto = (middleZ - nearZ + 1) * zBinLength;
239  Acts::ActsScalar angle2Zto =
240  std::atan2(rFarDelta[!isMiddleLess], delta2Zto) -
241  m_cfg.maxXYZdeviation;
242  std::uint32_t farZTo = m_cfg.numZSlices;
243  if (angle2Zto > 0) {
244  farZTo = (std::uint32_t)std::max(
245  (rFarDelta[!isMiddleLess] / std::tan(angle2Zto) / zBinLength) +
246  middleZ + 1,
247  0.);
248  if (farZTo > m_cfg.numZSlices) {
249  farZTo = m_cfg.numZSlices;
250  } else if (farZTo == 0) {
251  continue;
252  }
253  }
255  for (std::uint32_t farZ = farZFrom; farZ < farZTo; farZ++) {
256  // loop over near phi slices
257  for (std::uint32_t nearPhi = 0; nearPhi < m_cfg.numPhiSlices;
258  ++nearPhi) {
259  // skip slices that are empty anyway
260  if (std::fmod(m_cfg.useFracPhiSlices * nearPhi, 1.0) >=
261  m_cfg.useFracPhiSlices) {
262  continue;
263  }
265  // loop over some middle phi slices
266  for (std::uint32_t middlePhi_h =
267  m_cfg.numPhiSlices + nearPhi - phiStep;
268  middlePhi_h <= m_cfg.numPhiSlices + nearPhi + phiStep;
269  ++middlePhi_h) {
270  std::uint32_t middlePhi = middlePhi_h % m_cfg.numPhiSlices;
272  // loop over some far phi slices
273  for (std::uint32_t farPhi_h =
274  m_cfg.numPhiSlices + middlePhi - phiStep;
275  farPhi_h <= m_cfg.numPhiSlices + middlePhi + phiStep;
276  ++farPhi_h) {
277  std::uint32_t farPhi = farPhi_h % m_cfg.numPhiSlices;
279  // for all near spacepoints in this slice
280  for (const auto& nearSP :
281  sortedSpacepoints.getSP(0, nearPhi, nearZ)) {
282  Acts::ActsScalar phiA = nearSP.second;
284  // for all middle spacepoints in this slice
285  for (const auto& middleSP :
286  sortedSpacepoints.getSP(1, middlePhi, middleZ)) {
287  Acts::ActsScalar phiB = middleSP.second;
288  Acts::ActsScalar deltaPhiAB =
289  detail::difference_periodic(phiA, phiB, 2 * M_PI);
290  if (std::abs(deltaPhiAB) > m_cfg.maxPhideviation) {
291  continue;
292  }
294  // for all far spacepoints in this slice
295  for (const auto& farSP :
296  sortedSpacepoints.getSP(2, farPhi, farZ)) {
297  Acts::ActsScalar phiC = farSP.second;
298  Acts::ActsScalar deltaPhiBC =
299  detail::difference_periodic(phiB, phiC, 2 * M_PI);
300  if (std::abs(deltaPhiBC) > m_cfg.maxPhideviation) {
301  continue;
302  }
305  *nearSP.first, *middleSP.first, *farSP.first);
307  if (tripletValidationAndUpdate(tr)) {
308  triplets.push_back(tr);
309  }
310  } // loop over far spacepoints
311  } // loop over middle spacepoints
312  } // loop over near spacepoints
313  } // loop over far phi slices
314  } // loop over middle phi slices
315  } // loop over near phi slices
316  } // loop over far Z slices
317  } // loop over near Z slices
318  } // loop over middle Z slices
320  return triplets;
321 }
323 template <typename spacepoint_t>
326  // slope for near+middle spacepoints
327  Acts::ActsScalar alpha1 =
328  std::atan2(triplet.a.y() - triplet.b.y(), triplet.a.x() - triplet.b.x());
329  // slope for middle+far spacepoints
330  Acts::ActsScalar alpha2 =
331  std::atan2(triplet.b.y() - triplet.c.y(), triplet.b.x() - triplet.c.x());
332  // these two slopes shouldn't be too different
333  Acts::ActsScalar deltaAlpha =
334  detail::difference_periodic(alpha1, alpha2, 2 * M_PI);
335  if (std::abs(deltaAlpha) > m_cfg.maxXYdeviation) {
336  return false;
337  }
339  // near-middle ray
340  Acts::Vector3 ab{triplet.a.x() - triplet.b.x(), triplet.a.y() - triplet.b.y(),
341  triplet.a.z() - triplet.b.z()};
342  // middle-far ray
343  Acts::Vector3 bc{triplet.b.x() - triplet.c.x(), triplet.b.y() - triplet.c.y(),
344  triplet.b.z() - triplet.c.z()};
345  // dot product of these two
346  Acts::ActsScalar cosTheta = ( / (ab.norm() * bc.norm());
347  Acts::ActsScalar theta = std::acos(cosTheta);
348  if (theta > m_cfg.maxXYZdeviation) {
349  return false;
350  }
352  // reject the ray if it doesn't come close to the z-axis
353  Acts::Ray3D ray = makeRayFromTriplet(triplet);
354  const Acts::Vector3& startPoint = ray.origin();
355  const Acts::Vector3& direction = ray.dir();
356  // norm to z-axis and to the ray
357  Acts::Vector3 norm{-1. * direction[1], 1. * direction[0], 0};
358  Acts::ActsScalar norm_size = norm.norm();
360  Acts::ActsScalar tanTheta = norm_size / direction[2];
361  if (std::abs(tanTheta) < std::tan(m_cfg.minTheta)) {
362  return false;
363  }
365  // nearest distance from the ray to z-axis
366  Acts::ActsScalar dist = std::abs( / norm_size;
367  if (dist > m_cfg.maxRPosition) {
368  return false;
369  }
371  // z coordinate of the nearest distance from the ray to z-axis
372  Acts::ActsScalar zDist =
373  direction.cross(norm).dot(startPoint) / (norm_size * norm_size);
374  if (std::abs(zDist) > m_cfg.maxZPosition) {
375  return false;
376  }
378  if (m_cfg.minimalizeWRT == "rays") {
379  // save for later
380  triplet.ray = ray;
381  }
383  return true;
384 }
386 template <typename spacepoint_t>
387 std::pair<Acts::Vector3, Acts::ActsScalar>
390  Acts::Vector3 a{triplet.a.x(), triplet.a.y(), triplet.a.z()};
391  Acts::Vector3 b{triplet.b.x(), triplet.b.y(), triplet.b.z()};
392  Acts::Vector3 c{triplet.c.x(), triplet.c.y(), triplet.c.z()};
394  Acts::Vector3 ba = b - a, ca = c - a;
396  // vector (alpha,beta,gamma) normalized to unity for convenience
397  Acts::Vector3 abg = ba.cross(ca).normalized();
398  Acts::ActsScalar delta = -1. *;
400  // plane (alpha*x + beta*y + gamma*z + delta = 0), split to {{alpha, beta,
401  // gamma}, delta} for convenience
402  return {abg, delta};
403 }
405 template <typename spacepoint_t>
409  triplets) const {
410  // 1. define function f = sum over all triplets [distance from an unknown
411  // point
412  // (x_0,y_0,z_0) to the plane defined by the triplet]
413  // 2. find minimum of "f" by partial derivations over x_0, y_0, and z_0
414  // 3. each derivation has parts linearly depending on x_0, y_0, and z_0
415  // (will fill A[deriv][3]) or to nothing (will fill B[deriv])
416  // 4. solve A*(x_0,y_0,z_0) = B
418  Acts::Vector3 vtx = Acts::Vector3::Zero();
419  Acts::Vector3 vtxPrev{m_cfg.rMaxFar, m_cfg.rMaxFar, m_cfg.maxAbsZ};
421  // (alpha-beta-gamma, delta), distance
422  std::vector<
423  std::pair<std::pair<Acts::Vector3, Acts::ActsScalar>, Acts::ActsScalar>>
424  tripletsWithPlanes;
425  tripletsWithPlanes.reserve(triplets.size());
427  for (const auto& triplet : triplets) {
428  auto abgd = makePlaneFromTriplet(triplet);
429  tripletsWithPlanes.emplace_back(abgd, -1.);
430  }
432  // elements of the linear equations to solve
433  Acts::SquareMatrix3 A = Acts::SquareMatrix3::Zero();
434  Acts::Vector3 B = Acts::Vector3::Zero();
435  for (const auto& triplet : tripletsWithPlanes) {
436  const auto& abg = triplet.first.first;
437  const auto& delta = triplet.first.second;
439  A += 2. * (abg * abg.transpose());
440  B -= 2. * delta * abg;
441  }
443  for (std::uint32_t iter = 0; iter <= m_cfg.maxIterations; iter++) {
444  // new vertex position
445  vtx =;
447  Acts::Vector3 vtxDiff = vtx - vtxPrev;
449  if (vtxDiff.norm() < m_cfg.minVtxShift) {
450  // difference between the new vertex and the old vertex is not so large
451  break;
452  }
454  if (iter != m_cfg.maxIterations) {
455  // is not the last iteration
456  vtxPrev = vtx;
458  for (auto& triplet : tripletsWithPlanes) {
459  const auto& abg = triplet.first.first;
460  const auto& delta = triplet.first.second;
461  Acts::ActsScalar distance = std::abs( + delta);
462  triplet.second = distance;
463  }
465  std::sort(tripletsWithPlanes.begin(), tripletsWithPlanes.end(),
466  [](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) {
467  return lhs.second < rhs.second;
468  });
470  std::uint32_t threshold = (std::uint32_t)(tripletsWithPlanes.size() *
471  (1. - m_cfg.removeFraction));
473  for (std::uint32_t tr = threshold + 1; tr < tripletsWithPlanes.size();
474  ++tr) {
475  const auto& abg = tripletsWithPlanes[tr].first.first;
476  const auto& delta = tripletsWithPlanes[tr].first.second;
478  // remove this triplet from A and B
479  A -= 2. * (abg * abg.transpose());
480  B += 2. * delta * abg;
481  }
483  // remove all excessive triplets
484  tripletsWithPlanes.resize(threshold);
485  }
486  }
488  return vtx;
489 }
491 template <typename spacepoint_t>
495  mat.row(0) = Acts::Vector3(triplet.a.x(), triplet.a.y(), triplet.a.z());
496  mat.row(1) = Acts::Vector3(triplet.b.x(), triplet.b.y(), triplet.b.z());
497  mat.row(2) = Acts::Vector3(triplet.c.x(), triplet.c.y(), triplet.c.z());
499  Acts::Vector3 mean = mat.colwise().mean();
500  Acts::SquareMatrix3 cov = (mat.rowwise() - mean.transpose()).transpose() *
501  (mat.rowwise() - mean.transpose()) / 3.;
503  // "cov" is self-adjoint matrix
504  Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Acts::SquareMatrix3> saes(cov);
505  // eigenvalues are sorted in increasing order
506  Acts::Vector3 eivec = saes.eigenvectors().col(2);
508  return {mean, eivec};
509 }
511 template <typename spacepoint_t>
515  triplets) const {
516  // 1. define function f = sum over all triplets [distance from an unknown
517  // point
518  // (x_0,y_0,z_0) to the ray defined by the triplet]
519  // 2. find minimum of "f" by partial derivations over x_0, y_0, and z_0
520  // 3. each derivation has parts linearly depending on x_0, y_0, and z_0
521  // (will fill A[][3]) or to nothing (will fill B[])
522  // 4. solve A*(x_0,y_0,z_0) = B
524  Acts::Vector3 vtx = Acts::Vector3::Zero();
525  Acts::Vector3 vtxPrev{m_cfg.rMaxFar, m_cfg.rMaxFar, m_cfg.maxAbsZ};
527  // (startPoint, direction), distance
528  std::vector<
529  std::pair<std::pair<Acts::Vector3, Acts::Vector3>, Acts::ActsScalar>>
530  tripletsWithRays;
531  tripletsWithRays.reserve(triplets.size());
533  for (const auto& triplet : triplets) {
534  tripletsWithRays.emplace_back(
535  std::make_pair(triplet.ray.origin(), triplet.ray.dir()), -1.);
536  }
538  // elements of the linear equations to solve
540  Acts::SquareMatrix3::Identity() * 2. * triplets.size();
541  Acts::Vector3 B = Acts::Vector3::Zero();
542  for (const auto& triplet : tripletsWithRays) {
543  // use ray saved from earlier
544  const auto& startPoint = triplet.first.first;
545  const auto& direction = triplet.first.second;
547  A -= 2. * (direction * direction.transpose());
548  B += -2. * direction * ( + 2. * startPoint;
549  }
551  for (std::uint32_t iter = 0; iter <= m_cfg.maxIterations; iter++) {
552  // new vertex position
553  vtx =;
555  Acts::Vector3 vtxDiff = vtx - vtxPrev;
557  if (vtxDiff.norm() < m_cfg.minVtxShift) {
558  // difference between the new vertex and the old vertex is not so large
559  break;
560  }
562  if (iter != m_cfg.maxIterations) {
563  // is not the last iteration
564  vtxPrev = vtx;
566  for (auto& triplet : tripletsWithRays) {
567  const auto& startPoint = triplet.first.first;
568  const auto& direction = triplet.first.second;
569  Acts::ActsScalar distance = (vtx - startPoint).cross(direction).norm();
570  triplet.second = distance;
571  }
573  std::sort(tripletsWithRays.begin(), tripletsWithRays.end(),
574  [](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) {
575  return lhs.second < rhs.second;
576  });
578  std::uint32_t threshold = (std::uint32_t)(tripletsWithRays.size() *
579  (1. - m_cfg.removeFraction));
581  for (std::uint32_t tr = threshold + 1; tr < tripletsWithRays.size();
582  ++tr) {
583  const auto& startPoint = tripletsWithRays[tr].first.first;
584  const auto& direction = tripletsWithRays[tr].first.second;
586  // remove this triplet from A and B
587  A -= Acts::SquareMatrix3::Identity() * 2.;
588  A += 2. * (direction * direction.transpose());
589  B -= -2. * direction * ( + 2. * startPoint;
590  }
592  // remove all excessive triplets
593  tripletsWithRays.resize(threshold);
594  }
595  }
597  return vtx;
598 }