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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file tileHelper.C
3 // **************************************************************************
7  cout<<"<tileHelper>: Wrong instantiation sequence - hLabHelper already exists. EXITING"<<endl;
8  // return;
9  }
10  // ONLY ACTIVE channels will be copyed from .prdf to adc
14  samples = NSAMPLES;
17  // assumption is that out of all stored ADC channels the first detchannels
18  // correspon to detector we study, the rest is everything else
20  tileCalib = new Double_t [detchannels];
21  tileCalPeak = new Double_t [detchannels];
22  fiberLY = new Double_t [fibers];
23  fiberY = new Double_t [fibers];
24  yFit = NULL;
25  fLY = NULL;
26  for(int ifb = 0; ifb<fibers; ifb++) {fiberY[ifb] = 15.-2.5*(ifb+1); if(ifb) fiberY[ifb] -= 2.5;}
28 }
30 // **************************************************************************
32 int tileHelper::evLoop(int run, int evToProcess, int fToProcess){
33  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper::getInstance();
34  hlHelper -> setPRDFRun(run);
37  int OK;
40  Eventiterator *it = new fileEventiterator(hlHelper->prdfName, OK);
41  if (OK)
42  {
43  cout <<"<evLoop> Couldn't open input file " << hlHelper->prdfName << endl;
44  delete(it);
45  return 0;
46  }
48  Event *evt;
49  int eventseq(0);
50  // Loop over events
51  while ( (evt = it->getNextEvent()) != 0 )
52  {
53  hlHelper->eventseq = evt->getEvtSequence();
55  if ( evt->getEvtType() != 1 ) {
56  cout << "eventseq " << hlHelper->eventseq << " event type = " << evt->getEvtType() << endl;
57  continue;
58  }
59  // ev_display->Divide(nx_c,ny_c);
60  // ev_display->SetBit(TPad::kClearAfterCR);
62  // Get sPHENIX Packet
63  Packet_hbd_fpgashort *spacket = dynamic_cast<Packet_hbd_fpgashort*>( evt->getPacket(21101) );
64  if ( spacket )
65  {
66  spacket->setNumSamples( NSAMPLES );
67  // int nmod_per_fem = spacket->iValue(0,"NRMODULES");
68  //cout << "nmod_per_fem " << nmod_per_fem << endl;
69  if(hlHelper->eventsread%1000==0) cout <<"RUN "<<hlHelper->runnumber<<" EVENT "<<hlHelper->eventseq <<" - "<<hlHelper->eventsread<<endl;
70  hlHelper->eventsread++;
71  for (int ich=0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++) {
72  for (int is=0; is<NSAMPLES; is++) {
73  hlHelper->adc[ich][is] = spacket->iValue(hlHelper->active[ich],is);
74  // cout<<"<evLoop Event "<< hclt->eventseq<<" ich/is/adc "<<ich<<" - "<<is<<" - "<< hlHelper->adc[ich][is]<<" active "<<hlHelper->active[ich]<<endl;
75  }
76  }
77  hlHelper->collect();
79  tileTiming();
80  delete spacket;
81  }
83  delete evt;
84  hlHelper-> thcl -> Fill();
85  if ((evToProcess>0&&hlHelper->eventsread>=evToProcess)||hlHelper->eventsread>270000) break;
86  }
87  // Normalize trigger histogramm to get per event hit count (number of channels above threshold)
88  int nbs = runsum.trhits->GetNbinsX()-1;
89  for(int bx = 1; bx<=nbs; bx++){
90  float normx = runsum.trhits->GetBinContent(bx);
91  if(normx<=0.) continue;
92  for (int threshold = 1; threshold<=CHANNELTHRESHOLDS; threshold++) {
93  float cont = runsum.hits_tpc->GetBinContent(bx,threshold);
94  runsum.hits_tpc->SetBinContent(bx, threshold, cont/normx);
95  }
96  }
98  if (hlHelper->eventsread>1) runsum.hits_tpc->Scale(1./(Double_t)hlHelper->eventsread);
99  // status();
100  cout<<"ALLDONE for RUN "<<hlHelper->runnumber<<" Events "<<hlHelper->eventsread<<endl;
101  delete it;
102  hlHelper->thcl -> Write();
103  hlHelper->fhcl -> Write();
104  hlHelper->fhcl -> Close();
106  // closeLoop();
107  return eventseq;
109 }
111 // **************************************************************************
113  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper::getInstance();
114  int nx_c = ACTIVECHANNELS<=12? 2 : 4;
115  int ny_c = ACTIVECHANNELS/nx_c+ACTIVECHANNELS%nx_c;
116  if(!(fiberDisplay=(TCanvas*)(gROOT->FindObject("fiberDisplay")))) {
118  TString fD = "Fiber Amplitudes (black - raw, red - fit) Run "; fD += runId.Data();
119  // TString fD = "Fiber Amplitudes (black - raw, red - fit, blue - integral) Run "; fD += hlHelper->prdfName;
120  fiberDisplay = new TCanvas("fiberDisplay",fD,400*nx_c,200*ny_c);
121  fiberDisplay->Divide(nx_c, ny_c);
122  }
124  for (int ich=0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++){
125  Double_t rvmax, fvmax, ivmax(0), rvrms, fvrms, ivrms(0), rvmean, fvmean, ivmean(0);
126  rvmax = hlHelper->rpeak[ich]->GetMaximum();
127  fvmax = hlHelper->fm[ich]->GetMaximum();
128  // ivmax = hlHelper->fint[ich]->GetMaximum();
129  rvrms = hlHelper->rpeak[ich]->GetRMS();
130  fvrms = hlHelper->fm[ich]->GetRMS();
131  // ivrms = hlHelper->fint[ich]->GetRMS();
132  rvmean = hlHelper->rpeak[ich]->GetMean();
133  fvmean = hlHelper->fm[ich]->GetMean();
134  // ivmean = hlHelper->fint[ich]->GetMean();
136  Double_t ym = std::max(max(rvmax, fvmax), ivmax);
137  ymx[ich] = (int)(log10(ym)); ymx[ich] = pow(10., ymx[ich]);
138  while(ymx[ich]<ym) ymx[ich] *=2;
139  Double_t xm = std::max(max(rvmean+4*rvrms, fvmean+4*fvrms), ivmean+4*ivrms); xmx[ich] = (int)(log10(xm)); xmx[ich] = pow(10., xmx[ich]);
140  while(xmx[ich]<xm) xmx[ich] *=2;
141  cout<<"chan "<<ich<<" rvmax "<<rvmax<<" fvmax "<<fvmax<<" ivmax "<<ivmax<<" xm "<<xm<<" xmx "<<xmx[ich]<<endl;
142  }
143  Double_t xm(0.);
144  for (int ich=0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++){
145  // just to make x-scales on left and right for the same fiber identical
146  hlHelper->rpeak[ich]->SetLineColor(1); hlHelper->rpeak[ich]->SetMaximum(ymx[ich]);
147  hlHelper->fm[ich] ->SetLineColor(2); hlHelper->fm[ich] ->SetMaximum(ymx[ich]);
148  hlHelper->fint[ich] ->SetLineColor(4); hlHelper->fint[ich] ->SetMaximum(ymx[ich]);
149  if(!(ich%2)) xm = max(xmx[ich], xmx[ich+1]);
150  cout<<"chan "<<ich<<" xrange "<<xm<<endl;
151  fiberDisplay->cd(ich+1); hlHelper->rpeak[ich]->SetAxisRange(0., xm); hlHelper->rpeak[ich]->Draw();
152  hlHelper->fm[ich]->Draw("same");
153  // hlHelper->fint[ich]->Draw("same");
154  }
155  fiberDisplay->Update();
156 }
158 // **************************************************************************
160  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
161  int runnumber = hlHelper->runnumber;
163  for (int ich = 0; ich<TILECHANNELS; ich++) hlHelper->active[ich] = runnumber<803? feech1[ich] : feech2[ich];
165  for (int ich = 0; ich<TILETRIGGERCH; ich++) {
166  if(runnumber<1125) {
167  hlHelper->active[TILECHANNELS+ich] = -1;
168  } else if(runnumber>=1125&&runnumber<1152) {
169  hlHelper->active[TILECHANNELS+ich] = trch1125[ich];
170  if(hlHelper->active[TILECHANNELS+ich]>=0) ACTIVECHANNELS ++;
171  } else {
172  hlHelper->active[TILECHANNELS+ich] = trch1152[ich];
173  if(hlHelper->active[TILECHANNELS+ich]>=0) ACTIVECHANNELS ++;
174  }
175  }
176 }
177 // **************************************************************************
179  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
180  int runnumber = hlHelper->runnumber;
181  if(runnumber<864) {
182  for (int ich = 0; ich<TILECHANNELS; ich++) tileCalib[ich] = sc_779[ich];
183  } else if (runnumber<1061) {
184  for (int ich = 0; ich<TILECHANNELS; ich++) tileCalib[ich] = sc_900[ich];
185  } else if (runnumber<1123) {
186  for (int ich = 0; ich<TILECHANNELS; ich++) tileCalib[ich] = sc_1061[ich];
187  } else {
188  for (int ich = 0; ich<TILECHANNELS; ich++) tileCalib[ich] = sc_1123[ich];
189  }
190 }
192 // **************************************************************************
195  evtsum.reset();
196  uSum = 0.; cSum = 0.;
197  luSum = 0.; lcSum = 0.;
198  ruSum = 0.; rcSum = 0.;
199  YF = 0.;
200  YU = 0.; YC = 0.;
201  XU = 0.; XC = 0.;
202  sumFU = 0.; sumFC = 0.;
203  muxU = -100.; muxC = -100.; muxFU = -100.; muxFC = -100.;
204  muxUCh = 0; muxCCh = 0; muxUFiber = 0; muxCFiber = 0;
205  for(int ith = 0; ith<CHANNELTHRESHOLDS; ith++) hitcnt[ith] = 0;
206  for(int ifb = 0; ifb<fibers; ifb++) fiberLY[ifb] = 0.;
207  if(yFit) {delete yFit; yFit = NULL;}
208  if(fLY) {delete fLY; fLY = NULL;}
210 }
213 // **************************************************************************
216  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
217  for(int ich = 0; ich<detchannels; ich++) {
218  for(int ith = 0; ith<CHANNELTHRESHOLDS; ith++) {
219  if(int(hlHelper->rawPeak[ich]/TRIGGERRES) >= ith) hitcnt[ith]++; else break;
220  }
221  }
222  // trigger hit multiplicity plot
224  for(int ith=0; ith<CHANNELTHRESHOLDS; ith++) {if(hitcnt[ith]) runsum.hits_tpc->Fill(uSum/TRIGGERRES, ith, hitcnt[ith]) ; else break;}
227 }
229 // **************************************************************************
232  // build eventsum (adc sum without pedestal subtruction)
233  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
234  for(int is = 0; is < NSAMPLES; is++){
235  evtsum.evtadcsum[is] = 0.;
236  for (int ich = 0; ich < detchannels; ich++) { evtsum.evtadcsum[is] += hlHelper->adc[ich][is];}
237  }
238  for (int is = 0; is < NSAMPLES; is++) evtsum.evtGraph->SetPoint(is,(Double_t)is,evtsum.evtadcsum[is]);
239  fitTileSignal();
240  // do the fit and compare parameter distribution in individual channels and total sum
241  // minimize the number of free parameters and compare timing RMS for "all free" anf "Some constrained"
242  ;
243 }
244 // **************************************************************************
247  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
248  // build eventsum (adc sum without pedestal subtruction)
249  for(int is = 0; is < NSAMPLES; is++){
250  evtsum.evtadcsum[is] = 0.;
251  for (int ich = 0; ich < detchannels; ich++) {
252  evtsum.evtadcsum[is] += hlHelper->adc[ich][is];
253  }
254  }
255  for (int is = 0; is < NSAMPLES; is++) evtsum.evtGraph->SetPoint(is,(Double_t)is,evtsum.evtadcsum[is]);
256  // cout<<"<tileDisplay> call to fitTileSignal"<<endl;
257  fitTileSignal();
258  TCanvas * tiledisplay = (TCanvas *)(gROOT->FindObject("tiledisplay"));
259  if(!tiledisplay) tiledisplay = new TCanvas("tiledisplay","sPhenix tile display", 300, 300, 800, 500);
260  else tiledisplay->Clear();
261  // tiledisplay->Divide(1,2);
262  // tiledisplay->cd(1);
263  // tiledisplay->SetEditable(kTRUE);
264  evtsum.evtGraph->SetMarkerStyle(20);
265  evtsum.evtGraph->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
267  evtsum.evtGraph->Draw("acp");
268  tiledisplay->Update();
269  // tiledisplay->cd(2);
270  evtsum.evtShape->Draw("same");
271  tiledisplay->Update();
272  // tiledisplay->Clear();
273 }
275 // **************************************************************************
278  // hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
279  int nx_c = ACTIVECHANNELS<=12? 2 : 4;
280  int ny_c = ACTIVECHANNELS/nx_c+ACTIVECHANNELS%nx_c;
281  if(!(triggerDisplay=(TCanvas*)(gROOT->FindObject("triggerDisplay")))) {
282  TString fD = "Fiber Amplitudes (black - raw, red - fit) Run "; fD += runId.Data();
283  // TString fD = "Fiber Amplitudes (black - raw, red - fit, blue - integral) Run "; fD += hlHelper->prdfName;
284  triggerDisplay = new TCanvas("triggerDisplay",fD,400*nx_c,200*ny_c);
285  triggerDisplay->Divide(nx_c, ny_c);
286  }
287 }
288 // **************************************************************************
290 // let's now see if all this game with patterning was worth trying
291 void tileHelper::tilePattern(Int_t nx, Int_t ny, Int_t run, Int_t mod){
292  TH2 * pcPat(NULL); // pattern of pixel conts measured in different tile areas
293  TH1 ** pcPatH(NULL); // Collections of hits from different tile areas
294 //TF1 ** pcPatF(NULL); // Fits to the histograms of hits in different tile areas
295  xdivisions = nx;
296  ydivisions = ny;
297  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
298  TFile *f;
299  if(!(f=hlHelper->attachrootrun(run))) {
300  cout<<"<ERROR> pattern(): root file for runNumber "<<hlHelper->runnumber<<" not in the list"<<endl;
301  return;
302  }
303  f->cd();
304  gStyle ->SetOptFit();
305  // hn = "Total Pixel Count vs impact position RunId = "; hn += Id; hn += ";Calibated X [cm];Calibrated Y [cm];Pixels";
306  // pc_imp = new TH3F("pc_imp", hn, 25, 0., 25., 15, 0., 15., 1000, 0, 200.);
307  if((lyPattern = (TCanvas*)(gROOT->FindObject("lyPattern")))) delete lyPattern;
308  if((lyFits = (TCanvas*)(gROOT->FindObject("lyFits")))) delete lyFits;
310  TString lyp = "Pattern of light yield "; lyp += runId.Data();
311  TString lyd = "LYD "; lyd += runId.Data();
312  lyPattern = new TCanvas(lyd, lyp, 400, 400);
313  TString lyv = "LIV "; lyv += runId.Data();
314  TString lyf = "Fits to the measurenments of light yield "; lyf += (mod==0? "(pc_imp) " : "(pc_fimp)"); lyf += runId.Data();
315  lyFits = new TCanvas("lyv", lyf, 200*nx, 200*ny);
316  lyFits ->Divide(xdivisions, ydivisions);
318  TH3 * pcimp = (TH3F *) (gROOT->FindObject(mod==0? "pc_imp" : "pc_fimp"));
319  // TH3 * pc_imp = (TH3F *) (gROOT->FindObject("pc_imp"));
320  if(!pcimp) {
321  cout<<"<ERROR> pattern(): "<<(mod==0? "(pc_imp) " : "(pc_fimp)")<<" Scatterplot is not found"<<endl;
322  return;
323  }
324  Int_t nximp = pcimp->GetNbinsX(); Int_t nyimp = pcimp->GetNbinsY();
325  Int_t nzimp = pcimp->GetNbinsZ();
326  // Double_t dx = pcimp->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); Double_t dy = pcimp->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
327  Double_t dxr = tileSizeX / nx; Double_t dyr = tileSizeY / ny;
328  // total number of cells to combine
329  Int_t dnx = nximp/nx; Int_t dny = nyimp/ny;
330  if(dnx*nx!=nximp || dny*ny!=nyimp) {
331  cout<<"Patterning request does not match your binning in the pixel count distribution pcimp"<<endl;
332  return;
333  }
334  pcPat = (TH2F *) (gROOT->FindObject("pcPat"));
335  if(pcPat) delete pcPat;
336  pcPat = new TH2F("pcPat", " fitted positions of maxima in pcimp pixel distributions", nx, 0., 25., ny, 0., 15.);
337  pcPatH = new TH1 * [nx*ny];
338  for (int iy = 0; iy<ny; iy++){
339  for (int ix = 0; ix<nx; ix++){
340  Int_t cpad = nx*(ny-iy-1) + ix +1;
341  TString hn = "h_"; hn += ix; hn += "_"; hn += iy;
342  TString ht = "Pixel count. Range X = "; ht += (dxr*ix); ht += " | "; ht += (dxr*(ix+1));
343  ht += " Y = "; ht += (dyr*iy); ht += " | "; ht += (dyr*(iy+1));
344  if((pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]=(TH1 *) (gROOT->FindObject(hn)))) delete pcPatH[iy*nx+ix];
345  pcPatH[iy*nx+ix] = new TH1D(hn, ht, nzimp, 0., pcimp->GetZaxis()->GetXmax());
346  // fill that histogramm
347  pcimp->ProjectionZ(hn, 1+dnx*ix, dnx*(ix+1), 1+dny*iy, dny*(iy+1));
348  // draw that histogramm
349  lyFits -> cd(cpad);
350  pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]-> Draw();
351  // check for total number of entries in the histogram, if less then minimum - go to next one
352  Int_t entries = pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->GetEntries();
353  if(entries<minProjEntries) continue;
354  // rebin the histogramm to get at least 50 hits at the peak
355  Double_t norm;
356  while (((norm=pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->GetMaximum())<50.||
357  pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->GetBinCenter(pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->GetMaximumBin())<=10)&&
358  pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->GetNbinsX()>50 ) {
359  Int_t combine = 2;
360  while((pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->GetNbinsX()/combine)*combine!=pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->GetNbinsX()) combine++;
361  pcPatH[iy*nx+ix] = pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->Rebin(combine);
362  }
363  // redrow the histogramm
364  pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]-> Draw();
365  // fit that histogramm
366  Double_t mean = pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->GetMean();
367  Double_t rms = pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->GetRMS();
368  Double_t p[6];
369  p[0] = norm; p[1] = mean; p[2] = rms; p[3] = 0.; p[4] = 0.; p[5] = 0.;
370  TF1 * fg = new TF1("fg","[0]*TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2])", 15., pcimp->GetZaxis()->GetXmax());
371  fg -> SetParameters(p);
372  fg -> SetParLimits(0, 0.1*norm,10.*norm);
373  fg -> SetParLimits(1, mean-rms, mean+rms);
374  fg -> SetParLimits(2, rms/2., 2.*rms);
375  pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->Fit(fg, "r");
376  fg ->GetParameters(p);
377  TF1 * fgb = new TF1("fgb","[0]*TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2])+[3]+[4]*x+[5]*x*x", 15., pcimp->GetZaxis()->GetXmax());
378  fgb ->SetParameters(p);
379  fgb ->SetParLimits(1, p[1]-rms,p[1]+rms);
380  fgb ->SetParLimits(2, rms/2,2.*rms);
381  fgb ->SetParLimits(3, 0., p[0]);
382  pcPatH[iy*nx+ix]->Fit(fgb, "r");
383  lyFits ->Update();
384  fgb ->GetParameters(p);
385  // fill the patten 2D plot
386  pcPat->Fill(dxr*(ix+0.5), dyr*(iy+0.5), p[1]);
387  }
388  }
389  lyPattern->cd();
390  pcPat->Draw("lego2");
391 }
393 // **************************************************************************
396  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
397  // tile specific data
398  for (int ich=0; ich<detchannels; ich++) {
399  tileCalPeak[ich] = hlHelper->fitPeak[ich]/tileCalib[ich];
400  evtsum.times[ich] = hlHelper->fitTime[ich];
401  evtsum.chi2[ich] = hlHelper->fitChi2[ich];
402  uSum += hlHelper->rawPeak[ich];
403  cSum += tileCalPeak[ich];
404  runsum.cdata ->Fill(ich, tileCalPeak[ich]);
405  if(ich%2) {
407  // right ends
408  ruSum += hlHelper->rawPeak[ich];
409  rcSum += tileCalPeak[ich];
410  } else {
411  // lefy ends
412  luSum += hlHelper->rawPeak[ich];
413  lcSum += tileCalPeak[ich];
414  }
415  }
416  // Maximum amplitude in detector
417  for (int ich=0; ich<detchannels; ich++){
418  if(hlHelper->rawPeak[ich] >=muxU) {muxUCh = ich; muxU = hlHelper->rawPeak[ich];}
419  if(tileCalPeak[ich] >=muxC) {muxCCh = ich; muxC = tileCalPeak[ich];}
420  if(ich%2) {
421  // hard wired: fiber Y's in the tiles
422  int fiber = ich/2;
423  float y = fiberY[fiber];
424  sumFU += hlHelper->rawPeak[ich]; sumFC += tileCalPeak[ich];
425  YU += y*sumFU; YC += y*sumFC;
426  if(sumFU >= muxFU) {muxUFiber = ich/2; muxFU = sumFU;}
427  if(sumFC >= muxFC) {muxCFiber = ich/2; muxFC = sumFC;}
428  fiberLY[ich/2] = sumFC;
429  } else {
430  sumFU = hlHelper->rawPeak[ich]; sumFC = tileCalPeak[ich];
431  }
432  }
433  YU /= uSum; YC /= cSum; YF = getYFit();
436  evtsum.yChi2 = yFit->GetChisquare()/yFit->GetNDF();
437  evtsum.ySigma = yFit->GetParameter(2);
443  ras = ((hlHelper->rawPeak[muxUFiber*2+1]-hlHelper->rawPeak[muxUFiber*2]) /(hlHelper->rawPeak[muxUFiber*2]+hlHelper->rawPeak[muxUFiber*2+1]));
447  rtas = (ruSum - luSum) /(ruSum + luSum);
448  ctas = (rcSum - lcSum) /(rcSum + lcSum);
449  runsum.rtasym-> Fill(rtas);
450  runsum.ctasym-> Fill(ctas);
451  XU = 12.5+12.5*rtas; /* XC = 12.5+12.5*ctas; */ XC = AsymToX(ctas);
452  runsum.XY -> Fill(XC, YF);
453  runsum.ry -> Fill(YU);
454 -> Fill(YC);
455  runsum.fy -> Fill(YF);
456  runsum.rx -> Fill(XU);
457 -> Fill(XC);
458  runsum.rimp -> Fill(XU, YU);
459  runsum.cimp -> Fill(XC, YC);
460  runsum.cx_pc -> Fill(XC, cSum);
461  runsum.cy_pc -> Fill(YC, cSum);
462  runsum.fy_pc -> Fill(YF, cSum);
463  runsum.cimpW -> Fill(XC, YC, cSum);
464  for(int ith=0; ith<CHANNELTHRESHOLDS; ith++) {if(hitcnt[ith]) runsum.treff->Fill(hitcnt[ith], ith, cSum) ; else break;}
465  runsum.pc_imp ->Fill(XC, YC, cSum);
466  runsum.pc_fimp->Fill(XC, YF, cSum);
467  evtsum.evtpc = cSum;
469  // cout<<"<collectTileSummary> YF/tChi2/yChi2 "<<YF<<" * "<<evtsum.tChi2<<" * "<< evtsum.yChi2<<endl;
472  reject();
475  if(evtsum.ySigma<4.5) {
476  runsum.yCleaned -> Fill(YF);
478  if(!evtsum.rejectCode<100) runsum.yKept -> Fill(YF);
479  }
481  Double_t tower_pc = hlHelper->fitPeak[9]/0.05; // pixels in the tower
483  runsum.td_t_tw -> Fill(evtsum.evttime-hlHelper->fitTime[9], evtsum.evtpc, tower_pc);
484  }
485  tileTrigger();
486 }
488 // **************************************************************************
491  // Let's do Y first
492  yFit = new TF1("yFit", "[0]*exp(-abs(x-[1])/[2])", 0., tileSizeY);
493  Double_t par[] = {20., tileSizeY/2., 1.};
494  yFit -> SetParameters(par);
495  yFit -> SetParLimits(1, 0., tileSizeY);
496  yFit -> SetParLimits(2, 0., 5.);
497  fLY = new TGraph(fibers, fiberY, fiberLY);
498  fLY -> Fit(yFit, "rq", "nq", 0., tileSizeY);
499  yFit->GetParameters(par);
500  runsum.Y0 -> Fill(par[0]);
501  runsum.Y1 -> Fill(par[1]);
502  runsum.Y2 -> Fill(par[2]);
504  return par[1];
505 }
507 // **************************************************************************
510  // Let's do Y first
511  yFit = new TF1("yFit", "[0]*exp(-abs(x-[1])/[2])", 0., tileSizeY);
512  Double_t par[] = {20., tileSizeY/2., 1.};
513  yFit -> SetParameters(par);
514  yFit -> SetParLimits(1, 0., tileSizeY);
515  yFit -> SetParLimits(2, 0., 4.);
516  fLY = new TGraph(fibers, fiberY, fiberLY);
517  fLY -> Fit(yFit, "rq", "nq", 0., tileSizeY);
518  yFit->GetParameters(par);
519  runsum.Y0 -> Fill(par[0]);
520  runsum.Y1 -> Fill(par[1]);
521  runsum.Y2 -> Fill(par[2]);
522  // Now X
523  Float_t slope(0.);
524  Float_t dsl = 0.5/20;
525  for (int isl = 0; isl< 20; isl++){
526  slope = dsl/2.+dsl*isl;
527  Double_t X = 12.5*(1 + ctas/slope);
528  runsum.XvsSl->Fill(X, slope);
530  }
531 }
532 // **************************************************************************
535  // zero approximation to fit parameters
536  // use pulse data to find location of maximum
537  // hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
538  int rTime = 0;
539  Double_t rVal = 0.;
540  for (int iSample = RISETIME-1; iSample <= NSAMPLES-FALLTIME; iSample++) {
541  if(evtsum.evtadcsum[iSample]>rVal) {
542  rVal = evtsum.evtadcsum[iSample];
543  rTime = iSample;
544  }
545  }
546  rVal -= PEDESTAL*detchannels;
547  if(rVal<0.) rVal = 0.;
548  Double_t par0[6];
549  par0[0] = rVal/3.;
550  par0[1] = max(0.,(Double_t)(rTime-RISETIME));
551  par0[2] = 4.;
552  par0[3] = 1.6;
553  par0[4] = PEDESTAL*detchannels; // we do not do pedestal subtrastion at this time
554  par0[5] = 0; // slope of the pedestals is initially set to "0"
555  evtsum.evtShape->SetParameters(par0);
556  for(int parn=0; parn<6; parn++) evtsum.evtShape->SetParLimits(parn, par0Min[parn], par0Max[parn]);
557  evtsum.evtShape->SetParLimits(4, PEDESTAL*(detchannels-1), PEDESTAL*(detchannels+1));
558  // fitFunc->cd(chan+1); // shapes[chan]->Draw();
559  // gPad->Modified();
560  evtsum.evtGraph->Fit(evtsum.evtShape, "RQWM", "NQ", 0., (Double_t)NSAMPLES);
561  evtsum.evtShape->GetParameters(evtsum.evtfitpar);
562  evtsum.evtpedestal = (evtsum.evtfitpar[4]+evtsum.evtfitpar[5]*rTime); //
563  evtsum.evtSignal->SetParameters(evtsum.evtfitpar);
564  evtsum.evtSignal->SetParameter(4, 0.);
565  evtsum.evtSignal->SetParameter(5, 0.);
566  evtsum.evtpeak = evtsum.evtSignal->GetMaximum(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
567  evtsum.evttime = evtsum.evtSignal->GetMaximumX(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
568  evtsum.tChi2 = evtsum.evtShape->GetChisquare()/evtsum.evtShape->GetNDF();
569  // cout<<"<fitTileSignal> Peak "<< evtsum.evtpeak<<" Time "<<evtsum.evttime<<" Chi2 "<<evtsum.tChi2 <<endl;
570  // ev_display->cd(chan+1);
571  // shapes[hlHelper->chan]->Draw("same");
573 }
575 // **************************************************************************
578  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
579  hlHelper-> fhcl-> cd();
580  TString hn = "Raw data: Events peaking in channel RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Channel #;ADC Peak (events with max in this channel) [counts]";
581  rmax = new TH2F("rmax", hn, TILECHANNELS, 0, TILECHANNELS, 2050, 0., 2050.);
582  hn = "Total Pixel Count with tighter triggering RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";HitMultThr;HitAmplThr [trigger counts];Pixels";
584  hn = "Total Pixel Count vs impact position RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Calibated X [cm];Calibrated Y [cm];Pixels";
585  pc_imp = new TH3F("pc_imp", hn, 250, 0., 25., 150, 0., 15., 1000, 0, 200.);
586  hn += " Y Fitted";
587  pc_fimp = new TH3F("pc_fimp", hn, 250, 0., 25., 150, 0., 15., 1000, 0, 200.);
588  hn = "Fit to the Pixel Count vs impact position RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Calibated X [cm];Calibrated Y [cm];Pixels";
589  pc_pat = new TH2F("pc_pat", hn, 25, 0., 25., 15, 0., 15.);
590  hn += " Y Fitted";
591  pc_fpat = new TH2F("pc_fpat", hn, 25, 0., 25., 15, 0., 15.);
592  hn = "Raw Fiber sum (R+L), Peak in this fiber RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Fiber #;Fiber ADC Sum (events with max in this fiber) [counts]";
593  rfsum = new TH2F("rfsum", hn, TILEFIBERS, 0, TILEFIBERS, 2050, 0., 2050.);
594  hn = "Raw Total sum, Peak in this fiber RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Fiber #;Event ADC Sum (events with max in this fiber) [counts]";
595  rtsum = new TH2F("rtsum", hn, TILEFIBERS, 0, TILEFIBERS, 2050, 0., 2050.);
596  hn = "Raw Fiber Asymmetry RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Fiber #;Fiber R/L Asymmetry";
597  rfasym = new TH2F("rfasym", hn, TILEFIBERS, 0, TILEFIBERS, 200, -1., 1.);
598  hn = "Raw Event Asymmetry RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Event Raw R/L Event Asymmetry";
599  rtasym = new TH1F("rtasym", hn, 200, -1., 1.);
600  hn = "Raw X RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Event Raw X-coordinate [cm]";
601  rx = new TH1F("rx", hn, 250, 0., 25.);
602  hn = "Raw Y RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Event Raw Y-coordinate [cm]";
603  ry = new TH1F("ry", hn, 150, 0., 15.);
604  hn = "Raw impact position RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Raw X [cm];Raw Y [cm]";
605  rimp = new TH2F("rimp", hn, 250, 0., 25., 150, 0., 15.);
607  hn = "Calibrated data: Fitted Maxima RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Channel #; Calibrated Fit Peak [pixels]";
608  cdata = new TH2F("cdata", hn, TILECHANNELS, 0, TILECHANNELS, 1000, 0., 200.);
609  hn = "Calibrated data: Events peaking in channel RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Channel #;Calibrated Fit Peak (evens with max in this channel) [pixels]";
610  cmax = new TH2F("cmax", hn, TILECHANNELS, 0, TILECHANNELS, 1000, 0., 200.);
611  hn = "Calibrated Fiber sum (R+L), Peak in the fiber RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Fiber #;Calibrated Fiber Sum (events with max in this fiber) [pixels]";
612  cfsum = new TH2F("cfsum", hn, TILEFIBERS, 0, TILEFIBERS, 1000, 0., 200.);
613  hn = "Calibrated Total sum, Peak in this fiber RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Fiber #;Calibrated Total Sum (events with max in this fiber) [pixels]";
614  ctsum = new TH2F("ctsum", hn, TILEFIBERS, 0, TILEFIBERS, 1000, 0., 200.);
615  hn = "Calibrated Fiber Asymmetry RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Fiber #;Fiber R/L Asymmetry (calibrated)";
616  cfasym = new TH2F("cfasym", hn, TILEFIBERS, 0, TILEFIBERS, 200, -1., 1.);
617  hn = "Calibrated Event Asymmetry RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Event R/L Event Asymmetry (calibrated)";
618  ctasym = new TH1F("ctasym", hn, 200, -1., 1.);
619  hn = "Calibrated X RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Calibrated X [cm]";
620  cx = new TH1F("cx", hn, 250, 0., 25.);
621  hn = "Calibrated Y RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Calibrated Y [cm]";
622  cy = new TH1F("cy", hn, 150, 0., 15.);
623  hn = "Fitted Y RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Fitted Y [cm]";
624  fy = new TH1F("fy", hn, 150, 0., 15.);
625  hn = "Calibrated Impact Position RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";Calibrated X [cm];Calibrated Y [cm]";
626  cimp = new TH2F("cimp", hn, 250, 0., 25., 150, 0., 15.);
627  hn = "Calibrated Pixel Count (Y) vs X-impact RunId = "; hn += runId; hn +=";Calibrated X [cm];Calibrated Total Sum [pixels]";
628  cx_pc = new TH2F("cx_pc", hn, 250, 0., 25., 1000, 0., 200.);
629  hn = "Calibrated Pixel Count (Y) vs Y-impact RunId = "; hn += runId; hn +=";Calibrated Y [cm];Calibrated Total Sum [pixels]";
630  cy_pc = new TH2F("cy_pc", hn, 150, 0., 15., 1000, 0., 200.);
631  hn = "Calibrated Pixel Count (Y) vs Fitted Y-impact RunId = "; hn += runId; hn +=";Fitted Y [cm];Calibrated Total Sum [pixels]";
632  fy_pc = new TH2F("fy_pc", hn, 150, 0., 15., 1000, 0., 200.);
633  hn = "Calibrated Weighted Impact Position RunId = "; hn += runId; hn +=";Calibrated X [cm];Calibrated Y [cm]";
634  cimpW = new TH2F("cimpW", hn, 250, 0., 25., 150, 0., 15.);
636  // Trigger related data
637  // Pixel count above threshold vs total pixel count (based on calibrated data)
638  hn = "Uncalibrated trigger sum [trigger counts] RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += runId; hn += ";Trigger hits;";
639  trhits = new TH1F("trhits", hn, 500, 0., 500.);
640  hn = "Number of hits in triggered events vs channel threshold(Y) and total trigger sum (X) RunId = "; hn += runId; hn += ";TotalSum [trigger counts];Trigger THr [trigger counts]";
641  hits_tpc = new TH2F("hits_tpc",hn, 500, 0., 100., CHANNELTHRESHOLDS, 0, CHANNELTHRESHOLDS);
643  //
644  // debugging muon impact computations
645  // TH2 * XvsSl, * XY; // X value vs assumption about slope in the X vs Asymmetry
646  // TH1 * y0, *y1, *y2; // Parameters from the tile-Y fit
647  Y0 = new TH1F("Y0", "Y-coordinate fit P(0)", 200, 0., 200.);
648  Y1 = new TH1F("Y1", "Y-coordinate fit P(1)", 100, 0., 15.);
649  Y2 = new TH1F("Y2", "Y-coordinate fit P(2)", 100, 0., 10.);
650  y_yChi2 = new TH2F("y_yChi2", "yFit: Chi2 at different fitted Y values", 150,0.,15., 100,0.,50.);
651  s_y_Chi2 = new TH2F("s_y_Chi2", "Chi2 of tile signal vs Chi2 of Y coordinate", 100, 0., 500., 100, 0., 50.);
652  y_ys = new TH2F("y_ys", "yFit sigma vs fitted Y", 150,0.,15. ,100, 0., 5.);
653  yCleaned = new TH1F("yCleaned", "Fitted Y after event rejection (fit sigma <4.5)", 150,0.,15.);
654  yKept = new TH1F("yKept", "Fitted Y after event rejection (s<4.5, rejectcode=0)", 150,0.,15.);
655  XvsSl = new TH2F("XvsSl", "X-Coordinate computed using different asymmentry slopes", 275, -15., 40., 20, 0., 0.5);
656  XY = new TH2F("XY", "Muon Impact: x vs Y. Fit Y vs Best X", 225, -15., 40., 75, 0., 15.);
657  td_r_l = new TH2F("td_r_l", "R/L Timing difference in hit fiber vs PixelCount in Hit Fiber", 200, -1, 1., 200, 0., 100.);
658  td_t_tw = new TH3F("td_t_tw", "Tile-to-tower time difference(X) vs Pixel Counts in tile(Y) and tower(Z)", 200, -1. ,1., 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., 100.);
659  trcode = new TH1F("trcode", "Tile reject codes ", 1000, 0., 1000.);
660  yc_rcode = new TH2F("yc_rcode","Tile reject code vs Cleaned Y ", 150, 0., 15., 1000, 0., 1000.);
662 }
663 // **************************************************************************
666  // test fit results in individual channels, compare to fit of the tile sum
667  // hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
668  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper::getInstance();
669  evtsum.rejectCode = 0;
670  for(int ich = 0; ich< TILECHANNELS; ich++) {if(evtsum.chi2[ich]>10.) evtsum.rejectCode ++;}
671  for(int ich = 0; ich< TILECHANNELS; ich++) {if(abs(evtsum.times[ich]-evtsum.evttime)>2.) evtsum.rejectCode += 10;}
672  for(int ich = 0; ich< TILECHANNELS; ich++) {if(hlHelper->rawPeak[ich]<2.) evtsum.rejectCode += 100;}
673  return evtsum.rejectCode;
674 }
677 // **************************************************************************
680  hLabHelper * hlHelper = hLabHelper ::getInstance();
681  hlHelper->getFileLists();
682  // rootfile * rfile;
683  list<rootfile>::iterator next;
684  for (next = hlHelper->roots.begin(); next != hlHelper->roots.end(); ++next){
685  ;
686  }
687 }