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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file QPileUpToy.cxx
1 #include "QPileUpToy.h"
2 #include <string>
4 #include "TH3F.h"
5 #include "TAxis.h"
6 #include "TFile.h"
7 #include "TMath.h"
9 //=====================
10 QPileUpToy::QPileUpToy(float gf, float mu, float rt, float eps, float rad) {
11  fGasFactor = gf;
12  fMultiplicity = mu;
13  fDAQRate = rt;
14  fEPS = eps;
15  fRad = rad;
16 }
17 //=====================
19  InitMaps();
21  //------------
22  //STEER
23  if(fDebug>0) printf("QPileUp is being computed from TOY MODEL ... ");
24  float e0 = 8.854187817e-3; //[C]/[Vm]*1e+9
25  double a=fMultiplicity*fDAQRate*e0*fGasFactor; // [fC]/[m]*1e+9;
26  float b=100.0/fHalfLength; //[1/m]
27  float c=2.0/3.0*fEPS;
28  float d=-fRad;
29  float f2 = TMath::Power(fOutterRadius/100,-1)/(-1) - TMath::Power(fInnerRadius/100,-1)/(-1);
30  float fn = TMath::Power(fOutterRadius/100,d+1)/(d+1) - TMath::Power(fInnerRadius/100,d+1)/(d+1);
31  float fd = f2/fn;
32  if(fDebug>1) printf("\n2PI*rho(r,z) = a fd (1 - b|z| + c) r^d\n");
33  if(fDebug>1) printf("a = %f\n",a);
34  if(fDebug>1) printf("b = %f\n",b);
35  if(fDebug>1) printf("c = %f\n",c);
36  if(fDebug>1) printf("fd = %f\n",fd);
37  if(fDebug>1) printf("d = %f\n",d);
38  for(int r=0; r!=fNRadialSteps; ++r) {
39  float dr = fRho->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter( r+1 )/100.0; //[m]
40  for(int z=0; z!=fNLongitudinalSteps; ++z) {
41  float dz = fRho->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter( z+1 )/100.0; //[m]
42  for(int p=0; p!=fNAzimuthalSteps; ++p) {
43  float dp = fRho->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter( p+1 );
44  float dRho = a*(1-b*TMath::Abs(dz)+c)*fd*TMath::Power(dr,d); //[fC]/[cm^3]
45  fRho->SetBinContent(r+1,p+1,z+1,dRho);
46  if(fDebug>2) printf("@{Ir,Ip,Iz}={%d (%f),%d (%f),%d (%f)}, rho %f\n",r,dr,p,dp,z,dz,dRho);
47  }
48  }
49  }
50  if(fDebug>0) printf("[DONE]\n");
51  //------------
53  SaveMaps();
54 }