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1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) The JETSCAPE Collaboration, 2018
3  *
4  * Modular, task-based framework for simulating all aspects of heavy-ion collisions
5  *
6  * For the list of contributors see AUTHORS.
7  *
8  * Report issues at
9  *
10  * or via email to
11  *
12  * Distributed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 (GPLv3 or later).
13  * See COPYING for details.
14  ******************************************************************************/
16 #include "Martini.h"
17 #include "JetScapeLogger.h"
18 #include "JetScapeXML.h"
19 #include <string>
21 #include "tinyxml2.h"
22 #include <iostream>
24 #include "FluidDynamics.h"
25 #include "MartiniMutex.h"
26 #define hbarc 0.197327053
28 #define MAGENTA "\033[35m"
30 using namespace Jetscape;
32 // Register the module with the base class
35 using std::ofstream;
36 using std::ifstream;
37 using std::ostream;
38 using std::ios;
40 int Martini::pLabelNew = 0;
43  SetId("Martini");
44  VERBOSE(8);
46  //vectors for elastic rates:
47  dGamma_qq = new vector<double>;
48  dGamma_qg = new vector<double>;
49  dGamma_qq_q = new vector<double>;
50  dGamma_qg_q = new vector<double>;
52  // create and set Martini Mutex
53  auto martini_mutex = make_shared<MartiniMutex>();
54  SetMutex(martini_mutex);
55 }
59 void Martini::Init() {
60  JSINFO << "Initialize Martini ...";
62  double deltaT = 0.0;
63  double Martini_deltaT_Max = 0.03 + rounding_error;
65  deltaT = GetXMLElementDouble({"Eloss", "deltaT"});
67  if (deltaT > Martini_deltaT_Max) {
68  JSWARN << "Timestep for Martini ( deltaT = " << deltaT
69  << " ) is too large. "
70  << "Please choose a detaT smaller than or equal to 0.03 in the XML "
71  "file.";
72  throw std::runtime_error(
73  "Martini not properly initialized in XML file ...");
74  }
76  string s = GetXMLElementText({"Eloss", "Martini", "name"});
77  JSDEBUG << s << " to be initialized ...";
79  tStart = GetXMLElementDouble({"Eloss", "tStart"});
80  Q0 = GetXMLElementDouble({"Eloss", "Martini", "Q0"});
81  alpha_s0 = GetXMLElementDouble({"Eloss", "Martini", "alpha_s"});
82  pcut = GetXMLElementDouble({"Eloss", "Martini", "pcut"});
83  hydro_Tc = GetXMLElementDouble({"Eloss", "Martini", "hydro_Tc"});
84  recoil_on = GetXMLElementInt({"Eloss", "Martini", "recoil_on"});
85  run_alphas = GetXMLElementInt({"Eloss", "Martini", "run_alphas"});
87  alpha_em = 1. / 137.;
89  // Path to additional data
90  PathToTables = GetXMLElementText({"Eloss", "Martini", "path"});
92  // Initialize random number distribution
93  ZeroOneDistribution = uniform_real_distribution<double>{0.0, 1.0};
95  readRadiativeRate(&dat, &Gam);
96  readElasticRateOmega();
97  readElasticRateQ();
98 }
100 void Martini::DoEnergyLoss(double deltaT, double Time, double Q2,
101  vector<Parton> &pIn, vector<Parton> &pOut) {
102  VERBOSESHOWER(5) << MAGENTA << "SentInPartons Signal received : " << deltaT
103  << " " << Q2 << " " << pIn.size();
105  // particle info
106  int Id, newId;
107  int pStat; // status of parton:
108  // 0: normal parton, 1: recoil parton,
109  // -1: sampled thermal parton (negative)
110  int pLabel; // particle number
111  double p0, px, py, pz; // momentum of initial parton (pIn)
112  double pAbs;
113  double velx, vely, velz;
114  double pRest, pxRest; // momentum in the rest frame of fluid cell (pIn)
115  double pyRest, pzRest;
116  double k, kRest; // momentum of radiated parton (pOut)
117  double pNew, pxNew; // momentum of final parton (pOut)
118  double pyNew, pzNew;
119  double pNewRest; // momentum in the rest frame of fluid cell (pOut)
120  double omega, q; // transferred energy/momentum for scattering
121  double pThermal, pxThermal; // momentum of thermal parton (pOut)
122  double pyThermal, pzThermal;
123  double pRecoil, pxRecoil; // momentum of recoil parton (pOut)
124  double pyRecoil, pzRecoil;
125  double pRecoilRest;
126  double xx, yy, zz, tt; // position of initial parton (pIn)
127  FourVector pVec, pVecNew; // 4-vectors of momenta before & after process
128  FourVector kVec; // 4-vector of momentum of radiated parton
129  FourVector pVecRest; // 4-vectors in the rest frame of fluid cell
130  FourVector pVecNewRest;
131  FourVector qVec; // 4-vector of momentum transfer (Note: space-like)
132  FourVector
133  pVecThermalRest; // 4-vectors of thermal parton in the rest frame of
134  FourVector pVecThermal; // fluid cell and lab frame
135  FourVector pVecRecoilRest; // 4-vectors of recoil parton in the rest frame of
136  FourVector pVecRecoil; // fluid cell and lab frame
137  FourVector xVec; // 4-vector of position (for next time step!)
138  double velocity_jet[4]; // jet velocity for MATTER
139  double eta; // pseudo-rapidity
140  double SpatialRapidity; // space-time rapidity
141  bool coherent; // whether particle is coherent with its
142  // mother or daughter.
143  // while coherent, additional radiation is prohibited.
144  int sibling; // counter parton in radiation process
145  FourVector pAtSplit; // mother's momentum when splitting happens
146  bool userInfo; // whether user information is stored
147  bool active; // wheter this parton is active in MARTINI
149  // flow info
150  double vx, vy, vz; // 3 components of flow velocity
151  double T; // Temperature of fluid cell
152  double beta, gamma; // flow velocity & gamma factor
153  double cosPhi; // angle between flow and particle
154  double cosPhiRest; // angle between flow and particle in rest frame
155  double boostBack; // factor for boosting back to lab frame
156  double cosPhiRestEl; // angle between flow and scat. particle in rest frame
157  double boostBackEl;
159  for (int i = 0; i < pIn.size(); i++) {
161  Id = pIn[i].pid();
162  pStat = pIn[i].pstat();
163  // do nothing for negative particles
164  if (pStat < 0)
165  continue;
167  px = pIn[i].px();
168  py = pIn[i].py();
169  pz = pIn[i].pz();
170  p0 = pIn[i].e();
172  pAbs = sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz);
174  // In MARTINI, particles are all massless and on-shell
175  pVec = FourVector(px, py, pz, pAbs);
177  velx = px / p0;
178  vely = py / p0;
179  velz = pz / p0;
180  double velocityMod = std::sqrt(std::pow(velx, 2) + std::pow(vely, 2) +
181  std::pow(velz, 2));
182  tt = Time;
183  xx = pIn[i].x_in().x() + (Time - pIn[i].x_in().t()) * velx / velocityMod;
184  yy = pIn[i].x_in().y() + (Time - pIn[i].x_in().t()) * vely / velocityMod;
185  zz = pIn[i].x_in().z() + (Time - pIn[i].x_in().t()) * velz / velocityMod;
187  eta = pIn[i].eta();
188  SpatialRapidity = 0.5 * std::log((tt + zz) / (tt - zz));
189  double boostedTStart = tStart * cosh(SpatialRapidity);
191  // Extract fluid properties
192  std::unique_ptr<FluidCellInfo> check_fluid_info_ptr;
193  GetHydroCellSignal(Time, xx, yy, zz, check_fluid_info_ptr);
194  VERBOSE(8) << MAGENTA << "Temperature from Brick (Signal) = "
195  << check_fluid_info_ptr->temperature;
197  vx = check_fluid_info_ptr->vx;
198  vy = check_fluid_info_ptr->vy;
199  vz = check_fluid_info_ptr->vz;
200  T = check_fluid_info_ptr->temperature;
202  beta = sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz);
204  // Only accept low t particles
205  if (pIn[i].t() > Q0 * Q0 + rounding_error || Time <= boostedTStart ||
206  T < hydro_Tc)
207  continue;
208  TakeResponsibilityFor(
209  pIn[i]); // Generate error if another module already has responsibility.
211  pLabel = pIn[i].plabel();
212  if (pLabel == 0) {
213  IncrementpLable();
214  pIn[i].set_label(pLabelNew);
215  pLabel = pLabelNew;
216  }
218  userInfo = pIn[i].has_user_info<MARTINIUserInfo>();
219  // set user information to every parton
220  if (!userInfo)
221  pIn[i].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo());
223  coherent = pIn[i].user_info<MARTINIUserInfo>().coherent();
224  sibling = pIn[i].user_info<MARTINIUserInfo>().coherent_with();
225  pAtSplit = pIn[i].user_info<MARTINIUserInfo>().p_at_split();
227  // Set momentum in fluid cell's frame
228  if (beta < 1e-10) {
229  // 1: for static medium
230  gamma = 1.;
231  cosPhi = 1.;
232  pRest = pAbs;
233  pVecRest = pVec;
235  cosPhiRest = 1.;
236  boostBack = 1.;
237  } else {
238  // 2: for evolving medium
239  gamma = 1. / sqrt(1. - beta * beta);
240  cosPhi = (px * vx + py * vy + pz * vz) / (pAbs * beta);
242  // boost particle to the local rest frame of fluid cell
243  pRest = pAbs * gamma * (1. - beta * cosPhi);
245  pxRest = -vx * gamma * pAbs +
246  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vx * vx / (beta * beta)) * px +
247  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * py +
248  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pz;
249  pyRest = -vy * gamma * pAbs +
250  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vy * vy / (beta * beta)) * py +
251  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * px +
252  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pz;
253  pzRest = -vz * gamma * pAbs +
254  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vz * vz / (beta * beta)) * pz +
255  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * px +
256  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * py;
258  pVecRest = FourVector(pxRest, pyRest, pzRest, pRest);
260  cosPhiRest = (pxRest * vx + pyRest * vy + pzRest * vz) / (pRest * beta);
261  boostBack = gamma * (1. + beta * cosPhiRest);
262  }
264  // free-streaming for too soft partons
265  if (pRest < eLossCut) continue;
267  xVec = FourVector(xx + px / pAbs * deltaT, yy + py / pAbs * deltaT,
268  zz + pz / pAbs * deltaT, Time + deltaT);
270  velocity_jet[0] = 1.0;
271  velocity_jet[1] = pIn[i].jet_v().x();
272  velocity_jet[2] = pIn[i].jet_v().y();
273  velocity_jet[3] = pIn[i].jet_v().z();
275  // set alpha_s and g
276  alpha_s = alpha_s0;
277  if (run_alphas) {
278  double mu = sqrt(2.*pAbs*T);
279  alpha_s = RunningAlphaS(mu);
280  }
281  g = sqrt(4. * M_PI * alpha_s);
283  double deltaTRest = deltaT / gamma;
284  // determine the energy-loss process
285  int process = DetermineProcess(pRest, T, deltaTRest, Id);
287  //cout << "process = " << process << endl;
289  VERBOSE(8) << MAGENTA << "Time = " << Time << " Id = " << Id
290  << " process = " << process << " T = " << setprecision(3) << T
291  << " pAbs = " << pAbs << " " << px << " " << py << " " << pz
292  << " | pRest = " << pRest << "/" << pcut
293  << " | position = " << xx << " " << yy << " " << zz
294  << " | stat = " << pStat << " " << pLabel << " " << coherent
295  << " | " << pAtSplit.x();
297  // update the status of parton if this parton is still coherent with its sibling
298  bool coherent_temp = coherent;
299  // de-activate formation time of in-medium radiation at this moment..
300  //if ( coherent ) coherent = isCoherent(pIn[i], sibling, T);
301  //if ( coherent_temp != coherent )
302  // JSDEBUG << "Coherent status changed: " << coherent_temp << " -> " << coherent;
304  // Do nothing for this parton at this timestep
305  // If this parton is in coherent state with its sibling,
306  // further radiation is prohibited until it becomes de-coherent
307  if (process == 0 || (coherent && (process < 5))) {
308  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabel, Id, pStat, pVec, xVec));
309  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
310  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
312  if (coherent) {
313  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(
314  new MARTINIUserInfo(coherent, sibling, pAtSplit));
315  } else {
316  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo());
317  }
319  return;
320  }
322  if (std::abs(Id) == 1 || std::abs(Id) == 2 || std::abs(Id) == 3) {
324  // quark radiating gluon (q->qg)
325  if (process == 1) {
326  if (pRest / T < AMYpCut)
327  return;
329  // sample radiated parton's momentum
330  kRest = getNewMomentumRad(pRest, T, process);
331  if (kRest > pRest)
332  return;
334  // final state parton's momentum
335  pNewRest = pRest - kRest;
337  pNew = pNewRest * boostBack;
338  pVecNew.Set((px / pAbs) * pNew, (py / pAbs) * pNew, (pz / pAbs) * pNew,
339  pNew);
340  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabel, Id, pStat, pVecNew, xVec));
341  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
342  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
343  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
344  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo());
346  if (kRest > pcut) {
347  IncrementpLable();
348  k = kRest * boostBack;
349  kVec.Set((px / pAbs) * k, (py / pAbs) * k, (pz / pAbs) * k, k);
350  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabelNew, 21, pStat, kVec, xVec));
351  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
352  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
353  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
354  }
357  //if (pOut.size() == 2) {
358  // bool coherentNew = true;
359  // FourVector pAtSplitNew = pOut[0].p_in();
360  // pOut[0].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo(coherentNew, pLabelNew, pAtSplitNew));
361  // pOut[1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo(coherentNew, pLabel, pAtSplitNew));
362  //}
364  return;
365  } else if (process == 2) {
366  // quark radiating photon (q->qgamma)
367  if (pRest / T < AMYpCut)
368  return;
370  // sample radiated parton's momentum
371  kRest = getNewMomentumRad(pRest, T, process);
372  if (kRest > pRest)
373  return;
375  // final state parton's momentum
376  pNewRest = pRest - kRest;
378  pNew = pNewRest * boostBack;
379  pVecNew.Set((px / pAbs) * pNew, (py / pAbs) * pNew, (pz / pAbs) * pNew,
380  pNew);
381  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabel, Id, pStat, pVecNew, xVec));
382  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
383  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
384  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
385  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo());
387  // photon doesn't have energy threshold; No absorption into medium
388  // However, we only keep positive energy photons
389  if (kRest > 0.) {
390  IncrementpLable();
391  k = kRest * boostBack;
392  kVec.Set((px / pAbs) * k, (py / pAbs) * k, (pz / pAbs) * k, k);
393  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabelNew, 21, pStat, kVec, xVec));
394  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
395  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
396  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
397  }
399  return;
400  } else if (process == 5 || process == 6) {
401  // quark scattering with either quark (qq->qq) or gluon (qg->qg)
402  omega = getEnergyTransfer(pRest, T, process);
403  q = getMomentumTransfer(pRest, omega, T, process);
405  // momentum transfer is always space-like
406  if (q < fabs(omega))
407  return;
409  pVecNewRest = getNewMomentumElas(pVecRest, omega, q);
411  pNewRest = pVecNewRest.t();
413  // Boost scattered particle to lab frame
414  if (beta < 1e-10) {
415  // 1: for static medium
416  pVecNew = pVecNewRest;
417  } else {
418  // 2: for evolving medium
419  pxNew =
420  vx * gamma * pVecNewRest.t() +
421  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vx * vx / (beta * beta)) * pVecNewRest.x() +
422  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.y() +
423  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.z();
424  pyNew =
425  vy * gamma * pVecNewRest.t() +
426  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vy * vy / (beta * beta)) * pVecNewRest.y() +
427  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.x() +
428  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.z();
429  pzNew =
430  vz * gamma * pVecNewRest.t() +
431  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vz * vz / (beta * beta)) * pVecNewRest.z() +
432  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.x() +
433  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.y();
435  pNew = sqrt(pxNew * pxNew + pyNew * pyNew + pzNew * pzNew);
436  pVecNew.Set(pxNew, pyNew, pzNew, pNew);
437  }
439  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabel, Id, pStat, pVecNew, xVec));
440  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
441  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
442  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
444  if (coherent) {
445  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(
446  new MARTINIUserInfo(coherent, sibling, pAtSplit));
447  } else {
448  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo());
449  }
451  if (recoil_on) {
452  // momentum transfer between elastic scattering
453  qVec = pVecRest;
454  qVec -= pVecNewRest;
456  pVecThermalRest = getThermalVec(qVec, T, Id);
457  pVecRecoilRest = qVec;
458  pVecRecoilRest += pVecThermalRest;
459  double pRecoilRest = pVecRecoilRest.t();
461  if (pRecoilRest > pcut) {
463  // Boost recoil particle to lab frame
464  if (beta < 1e-10) {
465  // 1: for static medium
466  pVecThermal = pVecThermalRest;
467  pVecRecoil = pVecRecoilRest;
468  } else {
469  // 2: for evolving medium
470  pxThermal =
471  vx * gamma * pVecThermalRest.t() +
472  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vx * vx / (beta * beta)) *
473  pVecThermalRest.x() +
474  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.y() +
475  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.z();
476  pyThermal =
477  vy * gamma * pVecThermalRest.t() +
478  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vy * vy / (beta * beta)) *
479  pVecThermalRest.y() +
480  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.x() +
481  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.z();
482  pzThermal =
483  vz * gamma * pVecThermalRest.t() +
484  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vz * vz / (beta * beta)) *
485  pVecThermalRest.z() +
486  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.x() +
487  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.y();
489  pThermal = sqrt(pxThermal * pxThermal + pyThermal * pyThermal +
490  pzThermal * pzThermal);
491  pVecThermal.Set(pxThermal, pyThermal, pzThermal, pThermal);
493  pxRecoil =
494  vx * gamma * pVecRecoilRest.t() +
495  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vx * vx / (beta * beta)) *
496  pVecRecoilRest.x() +
497  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.y() +
498  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.z();
499  pyRecoil =
500  vy * gamma * pVecRecoilRest.t() +
501  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vy * vy / (beta * beta)) *
502  pVecRecoilRest.y() +
503  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.x() +
504  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.z();
505  pzRecoil =
506  vz * gamma * pVecRecoilRest.t() +
507  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vz * vz / (beta * beta)) *
508  pVecRecoilRest.z() +
509  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.x() +
510  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.y();
512  pRecoil = sqrt(pxRecoil * pxRecoil + pyRecoil * pyRecoil +
513  pzRecoil * pzRecoil);
514  pVecRecoil.Set(pxRecoil, pyRecoil, pzRecoil, pRecoil);
515  }
517  // determine id of recoil parton
518  if (process == 5) {
519  // choose the Id of new qqbar pair. Note that we only deal with nf = 3
520  double r = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
521  if (r < 1. / 3.)
522  newId = 1;
523  else if (r < 2. / 3.)
524  newId = 2;
525  else
526  newId = 3;
527  } else {
528  newId = 21;
529  }
531  if (pVecThermal.t() > 1e-5) {
532  IncrementpLable();
533  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabelNew, newId, -1, pVecThermal, xVec));
534  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
535  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
536  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
537  //cout << "process == 5&6::newLabel:" << pLabelNew << endl;
538  }
540  IncrementpLable();
541  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabelNew, newId, 1, pVecRecoil, xVec));
542  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
543  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
544  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
545  //cout << "process == 5&6::newLabel:" << pLabelNew << endl;
546  }
547  }
548  return;
549  } else if (process == 9) {
550  // quark converting to gluon
551  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabel, 21, pStat, pVec, xVec));
552  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
553  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
554  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
556  if (coherent) {
557  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(
558  new MARTINIUserInfo(coherent, sibling, pAtSplit));
559  } else {
560  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo());
561  }
563  return;
564  } else if (process == 10) {
565  // quark converting to photon
566  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabel, 22, pStat, pVec, xVec));
567  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
568  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
569  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
571  return;
572  }
573  } else if (Id == 21) {
575  // gluon radiating gluon (g->gg)
576  if (process == 3) {
577  if (pRest / T < AMYpCut)
578  return;
580  // sample radiated parton's momentum
581  kRest = getNewMomentumRad(pRest, T, process);
582  if (kRest > pRest)
583  return;
585  // final state parton's momentum
586  pNewRest = pRest - kRest;
588  pNew = pNewRest * boostBack;
589  pVecNew.Set((px / pAbs) * pNew, (py / pAbs) * pNew, (pz / pAbs) * pNew,
590  pNew);
591  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabel, Id, pStat, pVecNew, xVec));
592  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
593  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
594  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
595  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo());
597  if (kRest > pcut) {
598  IncrementpLable();
599  k = kRest * boostBack;
600  kVec.Set((px / pAbs) * k, (py / pAbs) * k, (pz / pAbs) * k, k);
601  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabelNew, Id, pStat, kVec, xVec));
602  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
603  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
604  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
605  }
608  //if (pOut.size() == 2) {
609  // bool coherentNew = true;
610  // FourVector pAtSplitNew = pOut[0].p_in();
611  // pOut[0].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo(coherentNew, pLabelNew, pAtSplitNew));
612  // pOut[1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo(coherentNew, pLabel, pAtSplitNew));
613  //}
615  return;
616  } else if (process == 4) {
617  // gluon split into quark-antiquark pair (g->qqbar)
618  if (pRest / T < AMYpCut)
619  return;
621  // sample radiated parton's momentum
622  kRest = getNewMomentumRad(pRest, T, process);
623  if (kRest > pRest)
624  return;
626  // final state parton's momentum
627  pNewRest = pRest - kRest;
629  // choose the Id of new qqbar pair. Note that we only deal with nf = 3
630  double r = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
631  if (r < 1. / 3.)
632  newId = 1;
633  else if (r < 2. / 3.)
634  newId = 2;
635  else
636  newId = 3;
638  // *momentum of quark is usually larger than that of anti-quark
639  pNew = pNewRest * boostBack;
640  pVecNew.Set((px / pAbs) * pNew, (py / pAbs) * pNew, (pz / pAbs) * pNew,
641  pNew);
642  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabel, newId, pStat, pVecNew, xVec));
643  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
644  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
645  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
646  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo());
648  if (kRest > pcut) {
649  IncrementpLable();
650  k = kRest * boostBack;
651  kVec.Set((px / pAbs) * k, (py / pAbs) * k, (pz / pAbs) * k, k);
652  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabelNew, -newId, pStat, kVec, xVec));
653  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
654  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
655  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
656  }
659  //if (pOut.size() == 2) {
660  // bool coherentNew = true;
661  // FourVector pAtSplitNew = pOut[0].p_in();
662  // pOut[0].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo(coherentNew, pLabelNew, pAtSplitNew));
663  // pOut[1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo(coherentNew, pLabel, pAtSplitNew));
664  //}
666  return;
667  } else if (process == 7 || process == 8) {
668  // gluon scattering with either quark (gq->gq) or gluon (gg->gg)
669  omega = getEnergyTransfer(pRest, T, process);
670  q = getMomentumTransfer(pRest, omega, T, process);
672  // momentum transfer is always space-like
673  if (q < fabs(omega))
674  return;
676  pVecNewRest = getNewMomentumElas(pVecRest, omega, q);
678  pNewRest = pVecNewRest.t();
680  // Boost scattered particle to lab frame
681  if (beta < 1e-10) {
682  // 1: for static medium
683  pVecNew = pVecNewRest;
684  } else {
685  // 2: for evolving medium
686  pxNew =
687  vx * gamma * pVecNewRest.t() +
688  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vx * vx / (beta * beta)) * pVecNewRest.x() +
689  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.y() +
690  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.z();
691  pyNew =
692  vy * gamma * pVecNewRest.t() +
693  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vy * vy / (beta * beta)) * pVecNewRest.y() +
694  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.x() +
695  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.z();
696  pzNew =
697  vz * gamma * pVecNewRest.t() +
698  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vz * vz / (beta * beta)) * pVecNewRest.z() +
699  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.x() +
700  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecNewRest.y();
702  pNew = sqrt(pxNew * pxNew + pyNew * pyNew + pzNew * pzNew);
703  pVecNew.Set(pxNew, pyNew, pzNew, pNew);
704  }
706  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabel, Id, pStat, pVecNew, xVec));
707  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
708  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
709  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
711  if (coherent) {
712  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(
713  new MARTINIUserInfo(coherent, sibling, pAtSplit));
714  } else {
715  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo());
716  }
718  if (recoil_on) {
719  // momentum transfer between elastic scattering
720  qVec = pVecRest;
721  qVec -= pVecNewRest;
723  pVecThermalRest = getThermalVec(qVec, T, Id);
724  pVecRecoilRest = qVec;
725  pVecRecoilRest += pVecThermalRest;
726  double pRecoilRest = pVecRecoilRest.t();
728  if (pRecoilRest > pcut) {
730  // Boost recoil particle to lab frame
731  if (beta < 1e-10) {
732  // 1: for static medium
733  pVecThermal = pVecThermalRest;
734  pVecRecoil = pVecRecoilRest;
735  } else {
736  // 2: for evolving medium
737  pxThermal =
738  vx * gamma * pVecThermalRest.t() +
739  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vx * vx / (beta * beta)) *
740  pVecThermalRest.x() +
741  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.y() +
742  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.z();
743  pyThermal =
744  vy * gamma * pVecThermalRest.t() +
745  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vy * vy / (beta * beta)) *
746  pVecThermalRest.y() +
747  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.x() +
748  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.z();
749  pzThermal =
750  vz * gamma * pVecThermalRest.t() +
751  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vz * vz / (beta * beta)) *
752  pVecThermalRest.z() +
753  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.x() +
754  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecThermalRest.y();
756  pThermal = sqrt(pxThermal * pxThermal + pyThermal * pyThermal +
757  pzThermal * pzThermal);
758  pVecThermal.Set(pxThermal, pyThermal, pzThermal, pThermal);
760  pxRecoil =
761  vx * gamma * pVecRecoilRest.t() +
762  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vx * vx / (beta * beta)) *
763  pVecRecoilRest.x() +
764  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.y() +
765  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.z();
766  pyRecoil =
767  vy * gamma * pVecRecoilRest.t() +
768  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vy * vy / (beta * beta)) *
769  pVecRecoilRest.y() +
770  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vy / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.x() +
771  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.z();
772  pzRecoil =
773  vz * gamma * pVecRecoilRest.t() +
774  (1. + (gamma - 1.) * vz * vz / (beta * beta)) *
775  pVecRecoilRest.z() +
776  (gamma - 1.) * vx * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.x() +
777  (gamma - 1.) * vy * vz / (beta * beta) * pVecRecoilRest.y();
779  pRecoil = sqrt(pxRecoil * pxRecoil + pyRecoil * pyRecoil +
780  pzRecoil * pzRecoil);
781  pVecRecoil.Set(pxRecoil, pyRecoil, pzRecoil, pRecoil);
782  }
784  // determine id of recoil parton
785  if (process == 7) {
786  // choose the Id of new qqbar pair. Note that we only deal with nf = 3
787  double r = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
788  if (r < 1. / 3.)
789  newId = 1;
790  else if (r < 2. / 3.)
791  newId = 2;
792  else
793  newId = 3;
794  } else {
795  newId = 21;
796  }
798  if (pVecThermal.t() > 1e-5) {
799  IncrementpLable();
800  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabelNew, newId, -1, pVecThermal, xVec));
801  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
802  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
803  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
804  //cout << "process == 7&8::newLabel:" << pLabelNew << endl;
805  }
807  IncrementpLable();
808  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabelNew, newId, 1, pVecRecoil, xVec));
809  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
810  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
811  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
812  //cout << "process == 7&8::newLabel:" << pLabelNew << endl;
813  }
814  }
816  return;
817  } else if (process == 11) {
818  // gluon converting to quark
819  // choose the Id of new qqbar pair. Note that we only deal with nf = 3
820  double r = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
821  if (r < 1. / 3.)
822  newId = 1;
823  else if (r < 2. / 3.)
824  newId = 2;
825  else
826  newId = 3;
828  double antiquark = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
829  if (antiquark < 0.5)
830  newId *= -1;
832  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabel, newId, pStat, pVec, xVec));
833  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(0.);
834  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(
835  velocity_jet); // use initial jet velocity
837  if (coherent) {
838  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(
839  new MARTINIUserInfo(coherent, sibling, pAtSplit));
840  } else {
841  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_user_info(new MARTINIUserInfo());
842  }
844  return;
845  }
846  } // Id==21
847  } // particle loop
848 }
850 double Martini::RunningAlphaS(double mu) {
852  if (mu < 1.0) return alpha_s0;
854  double beta0 = 9./(4.*M_PI);
855  double LambdaQCD = exp( -1./(2.*beta0*alpha_s0) );
856  double running_alphas = 1./(beta0 * log( pow(mu/LambdaQCD, 2.) ));
857  return running_alphas;
858 }
860 int Martini::DetermineProcess(double pRest, double T, double deltaTRest,
861  int Id) {
863  double dT = deltaTRest / hbarc; // time step in [GeV^(-1)]
865  // get the rates for each process
866  // total Probability = dT*Rate
867  RateRadiative rateRad;
868  rateRad = getRateRadTotal(pRest, T);
869  RateElastic rateElas;
870  rateElas = getRateElasTotal(pRest, T);
871  RateConversion rateConv;
872  rateConv = getRateConv(pRest, T);
874  // evolution for quark (u, d, s)
875  if (std::abs(Id) == 1 || std::abs(Id) == 2 || std::abs(Id) == 3) {
876  // multiplying by (ef/e)^2
877  if (abs(Id) == 1) {
878  rateRad.qqgamma *= 4. / 9.;
879  rateConv.qgamma *= 4. / 9.;
880  } else {
881  rateRad.qqgamma *= 1. / 9.;
882  rateConv.qgamma *= 1. / 9.;
883  }
885  double totalQuarkProb = 0.;
887  /* block the photon process at this moment */
888  //if (pRest/T > AMYpCut) totalQuarkProb += (rateRad.qqg + rateRad.qqgamma)*dT;
889  //totalQuarkProb += (rateElas.qq + rateElas.qg + rateConv.qg + rateConv.qgamma)*dT;
891  if (pRest / T > AMYpCut)
892  totalQuarkProb += rateRad.qqg * dT;
893  totalQuarkProb += (rateElas.qq + rateElas.qg + rateConv.qg) * dT;
895  // warn if total probability exceeds 1
896  if (totalQuarkProb > 1.) {
897  JSWARN << " : Total Probability for quark processes exceeds 1 ("
898  << totalQuarkProb << "). "
899  << " : Most likely this means you should choose a smaller deltaT "
900  "in the xml"
901  << " (e.g. 0.01). "
902  << "pRest=" << pRest << " T=" << T << " pRest/T=" << pRest / T;
903  //throw std::runtime_error ("Martini probability problem.");
904  }
906  double accumProb = 0.;
907  double nextProb = 0.;
908  double Prob = 0.;
910  if (ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) < totalQuarkProb) {
911  /* label for process
912  [1-4 : Radiation ] 1: q->qg , 2 : q->qgamma, 3 : g->gg , 4: g->qqbar
913  [5-8 : Elastic ] 5: qq->qq, 6 : qg->qg , 7 : gq->gq, 8: gg->gg
914  [9-11 : Conversion] 9: q->g , 10: q->gamma , 11: g->q */
915  double randProb = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
917  // AMY radiation only happens if energy scale is above certain threshold.
918  // but elastic/conversion processes doesn't have threshold.
919  if (pRest / T > AMYpCut) {
920  Prob = rateRad.qqg * dT / totalQuarkProb;
921  if (accumProb <= randProb && randProb < (accumProb + Prob))
922  return 1;
924  accumProb += Prob;
925  Prob = rateRad.qqgamma * dT / totalQuarkProb;
926  if (accumProb <= randProb && randProb < (accumProb + Prob))
927  return 2;
928  }
930  accumProb += Prob;
931  Prob = rateElas.qq * dT / totalQuarkProb;
932  if (accumProb <= randProb && randProb < (accumProb + Prob))
933  return 5;
935  accumProb += Prob;
936  Prob = rateElas.qg * dT / totalQuarkProb;
937  if (accumProb <= randProb && randProb < (accumProb + Prob))
938  return 6;
940  accumProb += Prob;
941  Prob = rateConv.qg * dT / totalQuarkProb;
942  if (accumProb <= randProb && randProb < (accumProb + Prob))
943  return 9;
945  accumProb += Prob;
946  Prob = rateConv.qgamma * dT / totalQuarkProb;
947  if (accumProb <= randProb && randProb < (accumProb + Prob))
948  return 10;
949  } else {
950  // nothing happens to quark
951  return 0;
952  }
953  } else if (Id == 21) {
954  // evolution for gluon
955  double totalGluonProb = 0.;
957  if (pRest / T > AMYpCut)
958  totalGluonProb += (rateRad.ggg + rateRad.gqq) * dT;
959  totalGluonProb += ( + + * dT;
961  // warn if total probability exceeds 1
962  if (totalGluonProb > 1.) {
963  JSWARN << " : Total Probability for gluon processes exceeds 1 ("
964  << totalGluonProb << "). "
965  << " : Most likely this means you should choose a smaller deltaT "
966  "in the xml"
967  << " (e.g. 0.01). "
968  << "pRest=" << pRest << " T=" << T << " pRest/T=" << pRest / T;
969  //throw std::runtime_error ("Martini probability problem.");
970  }
972  double accumProb = 0.;
973  double nextProb = 0.;
974  double Prob = 0.;
976  if (ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) < totalGluonProb) {
977  /* label for process
978  [1-4 : Radiation ] 1: q->qg, 2 : q->qgamma, 3 : g->gg, 4: g->qq
979  [5-8 : Elastic ] 5: q->q , 6 : q->g , 7 : g->q , 8: g->g
980  [9-11 : Conversion] 9: q->g , 10: q->gamma , 11: g->q */
981  double randProb = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
983  // AMY radiation only happens if energy scale is above certain threshold.
984  // but elastic/conversion processes doesn't have threshold.
985  if (pRest / T > AMYpCut) {
986  Prob = rateRad.ggg * dT / totalGluonProb;
987  if (accumProb <= randProb && randProb < (accumProb + Prob))
988  return 3;
990  accumProb += Prob;
991  Prob = rateRad.gqq * dT / totalGluonProb;
992  if (accumProb <= randProb && randProb < (accumProb + Prob))
993  return 4;
994  }
996  accumProb += Prob;
997  Prob = * dT / totalGluonProb;
998  if (accumProb <= randProb && randProb < (accumProb + Prob))
999  return 7;
1001  accumProb += Prob;
1002  Prob = * dT / totalGluonProb;
1003  if (accumProb <= randProb && randProb < (accumProb + Prob))
1004  return 8;
1006  accumProb += Prob;
1007  Prob = * dT / totalGluonProb;
1008  if (accumProb <= randProb && randProb < (accumProb + Prob))
1009  return 11;
1010  } else {
1011  // nothing happens to gluon
1012  return 0;
1013  }
1014  }
1016  // if parton is other than u,d,s,g, do nothing
1017  return 0;
1018 }
1023  double u = pRest / T; // making arguments in log to be dimensionless
1025  if (u > AMYpCut) {
1026  rate.qqg = (0.8616 - 3.2913 / (u * u) + 2.1102 / u - 0.9485 / sqrt(u)) *
1027  pow(g, 4.) * T;
1028  rate.ggg = (1.9463 + 61.7856 / (u * u * u) - 30.7877 / (u * u) +
1029  8.0409 / u - 2.6249 / sqrt(u)) *
1030  pow(g, 4.) * T;
1031  rate.gqq = (2.5830 / (u * u * u) - 1.7010 / (u * u) + 1.4977 / u -
1032  1.1961 / pow(u, 0.8) + 0.1807 / sqrt(u)) *
1033  pow(g, 4.) * T * nf;
1034  rate.qqgamma =
1035  (0.0053056 + 2.3279 / pow(u, 3.) - 0.6676 / u + 0.3223 / sqrt(u)) *
1036  pow(g, 4.) * alpha_em / alpha_s * T;
1038  double runningFactor =
1039  log(g * T * pow(10., 0.25) / .175) / log(g * T * pow(u, 0.25) / .175);
1040  if (runningFactor < 1.) {
1041  rate.qqg *= runningFactor;
1042  rate.gqq *= runningFactor;
1043  rate.ggg *= runningFactor;
1044  rate.qqgamma *= runningFactor;
1045  }
1046  } else {
1047  rate.qqg = 0.;
1048  rate.ggg = 0.;
1049  rate.gqq = 0.;
1050  rate.qqgamma = 0.;
1051  }
1053  return rate;
1054 }
1059  rate.qqg = (0.5322 - 3.1037 / (u * u) + 2.0139 / u - 0.9417 / sqrt(u)) *
1060  pow(g, 4.) * T;
1061  rate.ggg = (1.1923 - 11.5250 / (u * u * u) + 3.3010 / u - 1.9049 / sqrt(u)) *
1062  pow(g, 4.) * T;
1063  rate.gqq =
1064  (0.0004656 - 0.04621 / (u * u) + 0.0999 / u - 0.08171 / pow(u, 0.8) +
1065  0.008090 / pow(u, 0.2) - 1.2525 * pow(10., -8.) * u) *
1066  pow(g, 4.) * T * nf;
1067  rate.qqgamma = 0.;
1069  return rate;
1070 }
1075  rate.qqg = (0.3292 - 0.6759 / (u * u) + 0.4871 / pow(u, 1.5) - 0.05393 / u +
1076  0.007878 / sqrt(u)) *
1077  pow(g, 4.) * T;
1078  rate.ggg = (0.7409 + 1.8608 / (u * u * u) - 0.1353 / (u * u) + 0.1401 / u) *
1079  pow(g, 4.) * T;
1080  rate.gqq = (0.03215 / (u * u * u) + 0.01419 / (u * u) + 0.004338 / u -
1081  0.00001246 / sqrt(u)) *
1082  pow(g, 4.) * T * nf;
1083  rate.qqgamma = 0.;
1085  return rate;
1086 }
1088 double Martini::getNewMomentumRad(double pRest, double T, int process) {
1089  double u = pRest / T; // making arguments in log to be dimensionless
1091  double kNew = 0.; // momentum of radiated gluon (dimentionless)
1092  double y; // kNew candidate
1093  double x; // random number, uniform on [0,1]
1094  double randA; // uniform random number on [0, Area under the envelop function]
1095  double fy; // total area under the envelop function
1096  double fyAct; // actual rate
1098  RateRadiative Pos, Neg;
1099  Pos = getRateRadPos(u, T);
1100  Neg = getRateRadNeg(u, T);
1102  // this switch will hold the decision whether k is positive or negative:
1103  // 0 : negative, 1 : positive
1104  int posNegSwitch = 1;
1106  /* process == 1 : quark radiating gluon
1107  process == 2 : quark radiating photon
1108  process == 3 : gluon radiating gluon
1109  process == 4 : gluon split into quark-antiquark pair */
1111  if (process == 1) {
1112  // decide whether k shall be positive or negative
1113  // if x (uniform on [0,1]) < area(k<0)/area(all k) then k < 0
1114  if (ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) <
1115  Neg.qqg / (Neg.qqg + Pos.qqg))
1116  posNegSwitch = 0;
1118  if (posNegSwitch == 1) // if k > 0
1119  {
1120  do {
1121  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
1122  area(u + 12., u, posNegSwitch, 1);
1123  y = 2.5 / (LambertW(2.59235 * pow(10., 23.) * exp(-100. * randA)));
1125  fy = 0.025 / (y * y) + 0.01 / y;
1126  fyAct = function(u, y, process);
1128  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
1130  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
1131  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
1132  kNew = y;
1133  } else // if k < 0
1134  {
1135  do {
1136  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
1137  area(-0.05, u, posNegSwitch, 1);
1138  y = -12. / (1. + 480. * randA);
1140  fy = 0.025 / (y * y);
1141  fyAct = function(u, y, process);
1143  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
1145  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
1146  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
1147  kNew = y;
1148  }
1149  } else if (process == 2) {
1150  do {
1151  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
1152  area(1.15 * u, u, posNegSwitch, 2);
1153  y = 83895.3 * pow(pow(u, 0.5) * randA, 10. / 3.);
1155  fy = (0.01 / (pow(y, 0.7))) / pow(u, 0.5);
1156  fyAct = function(u, y, process);
1158  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
1160  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
1161  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
1162  kNew = y;
1163  } else if (process == 3) {
1164  // decide whether k shall be positive or negative
1165  // if x (uniform on [0,1]) < area(k<0)/area(all k) then k < 0
1166  if (ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) <
1167  Neg.ggg / (Neg.ggg + Pos.ggg))
1168  posNegSwitch = 0;
1170  if (posNegSwitch == 1) // if k > 0
1171  {
1172  do {
1173  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
1174  area(u / 2., u, posNegSwitch, 3);
1175  y = 5. / (LambertW(2.68812 * pow(10., 45.) * exp(-50. * randA)));
1177  fy = 0.1 / (y * y) + 0.02 / y;
1178  fyAct = function(u, y, process);
1180  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
1182  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
1183  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
1184  kNew = y;
1185  } else // if k < 0
1186  {
1187  do {
1188  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
1189  area(-0.05, u, posNegSwitch, 3);
1190  y = -12. / (1. + 120. * randA);
1192  fy = 0.1 / (y * y);
1193  fyAct = function(u, y, process);
1195  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
1197  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
1198  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
1199  kNew = y;
1200  }
1201  } else if (process == 4) {
1202  // decide whether k shall be positive or negative
1203  // if x (uniform on [0,1]) < area(k<0)/area(all k) then k < 0
1204  if (ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) <
1205  Neg.gqq / (Neg.gqq + Pos.gqq))
1206  posNegSwitch = 0;
1208  if (posNegSwitch == 1) // if k > 0
1209  {
1210  do {
1211  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
1212  area(u / 2., u, posNegSwitch, 4);
1213  y = 0.83333 * (0.06 * function(u, 0.05, process) + randA) /
1214  function(u, 0.05, process);
1216  fy = 1.2 * function(u, 0.05, process);
1217  fyAct = function(u, y, process);
1219  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
1221  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
1222  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
1223  kNew = y;
1224  } else // if k < 0
1225  {
1226  do {
1227  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
1228  area(-0.05, u, posNegSwitch, 4);
1229  y = (2.5 - u * log(7.81082 * pow(10., -6.) * exp(14.5 / u) +
1230  (-115.883 + 113.566 * u) * randA)) /
1231  (1. - 0.98 * u);
1233  fy = 0.98 * exp((1. - 1. / u) * (-2.5 + y)) / u;
1234  fyAct = function(u, y, process);
1236  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
1238  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
1239  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
1240  kNew = y;
1241  }
1242  } else {
1243  JSWARN << "Invalid process number (" << process << ")";
1244  }
1246  return kNew * T; // kNew*T is in [GeV]
1247 }
1249 // calculates the area under the envelope function when using the rejection method
1250 // integrals had been solved analytically before
1251 double Martini::area(double y, double u, int posNegSwitch, int process) {
1252  if (process == 1) {
1253  if (posNegSwitch == 1)
1254  return (0.5299 - 0.025 / y + 0.01 * log(y));
1255  else
1256  return (-0.002083 - 0.025 / y);
1257  } else if (process == 2) {
1258  return ((0.03333 * pow(y, 0.3)) / pow(u, 0.5));
1259  } else if (process == 3) {
1260  if (posNegSwitch == 1)
1261  return (2.05991 - 0.1 / y + 0.02 * log(y));
1262  else
1263  return (-0.008333 - 0.1 / y);
1264  } else if (process == 4) {
1265  if (posNegSwitch == 1)
1266  return (1.2 * function(u, 0.05, process) * (y - 0.05));
1267  else
1268  return ((6.8778 * pow(10., -8.) * exp(14.5 / u) -
1269  0.008805 * exp((2.5 - y + 0.98 * u * y) / u)) /
1270  (1.0204 - u));
1271  }
1273  return 0.;
1274 }
1276 double Martini::function(double u, double y, int process) {
1277  if (process == 1)
1278  return getRate_qqg(u, y);
1279  else if (process == 2)
1280  return getRate_qqgamma(u, y);
1281  else if (process == 3)
1282  return getRate_ggg(u, y);
1283  else if (process == 4)
1284  return getRate_gqq(u, y);
1286  return 0.;
1287 }
1289 bool Martini::isCoherent(Parton &pIn, int sibling, double T) {
1290  bool coherentNow = false;
1291  const weak_ptr<PartonShower> pShower = pIn.shower();
1292  auto shower = pShower.lock();
1294  PartonShower::edge_iterator eIt, eEnd;
1295  for (eIt = shower->edges_begin(), eEnd = shower->edges_end(); eIt != eEnd;
1296  ++eIt) {
1297  if (eIt->target().outdeg() < 1) {
1299  auto p = shower->GetParton(*eIt);
1300  if (p->plabel() == sibling) {
1302  // synchronize the status of coherence with its sibling
1303  if (p->has_user_info<MARTINIUserInfo>()) {
1304  bool coherentSibling = p->user_info<MARTINIUserInfo>().coherent();
1305  if (!coherentSibling)
1306  return coherentSibling;
1307  } else {
1308  JSWARN << "MARTINIUserInfo not set!!"
1309  << " plabel:" << p->plabel()
1310  << " Make this parton in de-coherent state";
1311  return false;
1312  }
1314  // check the sibling is out of energy loss modules
1315  bool activeCoherent = (fabs(p->x_in().t() - pIn.x_in().t()) < 0.015);
1316  if (!activeCoherent)
1317  return activeCoherent;
1319  JSDEBUG << " [Sibling]" << p->plabel() << " " << p->pid() << " "
1320  << p->x_in().t() << " " << p->x_in().x();
1322  // momentum at the spliting
1323  FourVector pInitVec = pIn.user_info<MARTINIUserInfo>().p_at_split();
1324  double pxInit = pInitVec.x();
1325  double pyInit = pInitVec.y();
1326  double pzInit = pInitVec.z();
1327  double pInit = pInitVec.t();
1329  if (pInit < 1e-2)
1330  return false;
1332  // spatial distance between two partons
1333  double xDelta = pIn.x_in().x() - p->x_in().x();
1334  double yDelta = pIn.x_in().x() - p->x_in().x();
1335  double zDelta = pIn.x_in().x() - p->x_in().x();
1337  // cross product of pInit and rDelta
1338  double xCrox = yDelta * pzInit - zDelta * pyInit;
1339  double yCrox = zDelta * pxInit - xDelta * pzInit;
1340  double zCrox = xDelta * pyInit - yDelta * pxInit;
1342  // transverse distance with respect to original parton
1343  double rPerp =
1344  sqrt(xCrox * xCrox + yCrox * yCrox + zCrox * zCrox) / pInit;
1346  // momentum difference between two partons
1347  double pxDelta = pIn.px() - p->px();
1348  double pyDelta = - p->py();
1349  double pzDelta = pIn.pz() - p->pz();
1351  // cross product of pInit and pDelta
1352  double pxCrox = pyDelta * pzInit - pzDelta * pyInit;
1353  double pyCrox = pzDelta * pxInit - pxDelta * pzInit;
1354  double pzCrox = pxDelta * pyInit - pyDelta * pxInit;
1356  // transverse momentum with respect to original parton
1357  double pPerp =
1358  sqrt(pxCrox * pxCrox + pyCrox * pyCrox + pzCrox * pzCrox) / pInit;
1360  double Crperp = 0.25 * pow(p->e() / T, 0.11);
1361  if (rPerp * pPerp < Crperp * hbarc)
1362  return true;
1363  }
1364  }
1365  }
1367  return coherentNow;
1368 }
1369 RateElastic Martini::getRateElasTotal(double pRest, double T) {
1370  // compute the total transition rate in GeV, integrated over k, omega
1371  // and q and angles for fixed E=p and temperature T
1372  // using parametrization of numerically computed integral
1373  // then interpolate to get right value for used alpha_s
1374  // IMPORTANT: all computed values below are for a minimal omega of 0.05*T
1375  // so this is the cutoff to use in the calculation also!
1376  // also Nf=3 was used ... scales out though
1378  RateElastic rate;
1380  double u = pRest / T; // making arguments in log to be dimensionless
1382  double alpha0 = 0.15;
1383  double deltaAlpha = 0.03;
1384  double iAlpha = floor((alpha_s - alpha0) / deltaAlpha + 0.001);
1385  double alphaFrac = (alpha_s - alpha0) / deltaAlpha - iAlpha;
1386  double rateLower, rateUpper;
1387  double c[2][6], d[2][6];
1389  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
1390  for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
1391  c[i][j] = 0.;
1392  d[i][j] = 0.;
1393  }
1395  if (alpha_s >= 0.15 && alpha_s < 0.18) {
1396  c[0][0] = 0.18172488396136807;
1397  c[1][0] = 0.224596478395945;
1398  c[0][1] = 0.6004740049060965;
1399  c[1][1] = 1.0874259848101948;
1400  c[0][2] = 0.36559627257898347;
1401  c[1][2] = 0.6436398538984057;
1402  c[0][3] = 0.10607576568373664;
1403  c[1][3] = 0.11585154613692052;
1404  c[0][4] = 0.004322466954618182;
1405  c[1][4] = -0.001719701730785056;
1406  c[0][5] = 0.04731599462749122;
1407  c[1][5] = 0.06734745496415469;
1408  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.18 && alpha_s < 0.21) {
1409  c[0][0] = 0.224596478395945;
1410  c[1][0] = 0.2686436092048326;
1411  c[0][1] = 1.0874259848101948;
1412  c[1][1] = 1.7286136256785387;
1413  c[0][2] = 0.6436398538984057;
1414  c[1][2] = 0.9826325498183079;
1415  c[0][3] = 0.11585154613692052;
1416  c[1][3] = 0.13136670133029682;
1417  c[0][4] = -0.001719701730785056;
1418  c[1][4] = -0.004876376882437649;
1419  c[0][5] = 0.06734745496415469;
1420  c[1][5] = 0.09140316977554151;
1421  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.21 && alpha_s < 0.24) {
1422  c[0][0] = 0.2686436092048326;
1423  c[1][0] = 0.3137234778163784;
1424  c[0][1] = 1.7286136256785387;
1425  c[1][1] = 2.445764079999846;
1426  c[0][2] = 0.9826325498183079;
1427  c[1][2] = 1.3083241146035964;
1428  c[0][3] = 0.13136670133029682;
1429  c[1][3] = 0.18341717903923757;
1430  c[0][4] = -0.004876376882437649;
1431  c[1][4] = 0.006098371807040589;
1432  c[0][5] = 0.09140316977554151;
1433  c[1][5] = 0.12054238276023879;
1434  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.24 && alpha_s < 0.27) {
1435  c[0][0] = 0.3137234778163784;
1436  c[1][0] = 0.3597255453974444;
1437  c[0][1] = 2.445764079999846;
1438  c[1][1] = 3.140669321831845;
1439  c[0][2] = 1.3083241146035964;
1440  c[1][2] = 1.535549334026633;
1441  c[0][3] = 0.18341717903923757;
1442  c[1][3] = 0.30505450230754705;
1443  c[0][4] = 0.006098371807040589;
1444  c[1][4] = 0.04285103618362223;
1445  c[0][5] = 0.12054238276023879;
1446  c[1][5] = 0.1558288379712527;
1447  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.27 && alpha_s < 0.3) {
1448  c[0][0] = 0.3597255453974444;
1449  c[1][0] = 0.40656130602563223;
1450  c[0][1] = 3.140669321831845;
1451  c[1][1] = 3.713430971987352;
1452  c[0][2] = 1.535549334026633;
1453  c[1][2] = 1.5818298058630476;
1454  c[0][3] = 0.30505450230754705;
1455  c[1][3] = 0.5269042544852683;
1456  c[0][4] = 0.04285103618362223;
1457  c[1][4] = 0.11594975218839362;
1458  c[0][5] = 0.1558288379712527;
1459  c[1][5] = 0.1982063104156748;
1460  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.3 && alpha_s < 0.33) {
1461  c[0][0] = 0.40656130602563223;
1462  c[1][0] = 0.45415805200862863;
1463  c[0][1] = 3.713430971987352;
1464  c[1][1] = 4.0758813206143785;
1465  c[0][2] = 1.5818298058630476;
1466  c[1][2] = 1.3775134184861555;
1467  c[0][3] = 0.5269042544852683;
1468  c[1][3] = 0.873527536823307;
1469  c[0][4] = 0.11594975218839362;
1470  c[1][4] = 0.23371456949506658;
1471  c[0][5] = 0.1982063104156748;
1472  c[1][5] = 0.24840524848507203;
1473  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.33 && alpha_s < 0.36) {
1474  c[0][0] = 0.45415805200862863;
1475  c[1][0] = 0.5024541413891354;
1476  c[0][1] = 4.0758813206143785;
1477  c[1][1] = 4.159425815179756;
1478  c[0][2] = 1.3775134184861555;
1479  c[1][2] = 0.8719749565879445;
1480  c[0][3] = 0.873527536823307;
1481  c[1][3] = 1.3606690530660879;
1482  c[0][4] = 0.23371456949506658;
1483  c[1][4] = 0.4010658149846402;
1484  c[0][5] = 0.24840524848507203;
1485  c[1][5] = 0.3067901992139913;
1486  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.36 && alpha_s < 0.39) {
1487  c[0][0] = 0.5024541413891354;
1488  c[1][0] = 0.5513999693402064;
1489  c[0][1] = 4.159425815179756;
1490  c[1][1] = 3.893153859527746;
1491  c[0][2] = 0.8719749565879445;
1492  c[1][2] = 0.009578762778659829;
1493  c[0][3] = 1.3606690530660879;
1494  c[1][3] = 2.0095157488463244;
1495  c[0][4] = 0.4010658149846402;
1496  c[1][4] = 0.6260756501912864;
1497  c[0][5] = 0.3067901992139913;
1498  c[1][5] = 0.37424991045026396;
1499  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.39 && alpha_s <= 0.42) {
1500  c[0][0] = 0.5513999693402064;
1501  c[1][0] = 0.600941593540798;
1502  c[0][1] = 3.893153859527746;
1503  c[1][1] = 3.293344337592684;
1504  c[0][2] = 0.009578762778659829;
1505  c[1][2] = -1.1764805445298645;
1506  c[0][3] = 2.0095157488463244;
1507  c[1][3] = 2.792180001243466;
1508  c[0][4] = 0.6260756501912864;
1509  c[1][4] = 0.8949534049225013;
1510  c[0][5] = 0.37424991045026396;
1511  c[1][5] = 0.44878529934031575;
1512  }
1514  rateLower = T * (c[0][0] + c[0][1] / pow(u, 4.) - c[0][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
1515  c[0][3] / pow(u, 2.) + c[0][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - c[0][5] / u);
1516  rateUpper = T * (c[1][0] + c[1][1] / pow(u, 4.) - c[1][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
1517  c[1][3] / pow(u, 2.) + c[1][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - c[1][5] / u);
1519  rate.qq = (1. - alphaFrac) * rateLower + alphaFrac * rateUpper;
1520  rate.qq *= nf / 3.; // adjust number of flavors
1522 = rate.qq * 9. / 4.;
1524  if (alpha_s >= 0.15 && alpha_s < 0.18) {
1525  d[0][0] = 0.9364689080337059;
1526  d[1][0] = 1.1485486950080581;
1527  d[0][1] = 2.626076478553979;
1528  d[1][1] = 4.993647646894147;
1529  d[0][2] = 2.1171556605834274;
1530  d[1][2] = 3.7295251994302876;
1531  d[0][3] = 0.13123339226210134;
1532  d[1][3] = -0.0017620287506503757;
1533  d[0][4] = 0.02875811664147147;
1534  d[1][4] = 0.010598257485913224;
1535  d[0][5] = 0.27736469898722244;
1536  d[1][5] = 0.3949856219367327;
1537  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.18 && alpha_s < 0.21) {
1538  d[0][0] = 1.1485486950080581;
1539  d[1][0] = 1.3645568637616001;
1540  d[0][1] = 4.993647646894147;
1541  d[1][1] = 8.174225869366722;
1542  d[0][2] = 3.7295251994302876;
1543  d[1][2] = 5.732101892684938;
1544  d[0][3] = -0.001762028750650376;
1545  d[1][3] = -0.1416811579957863;
1546  d[0][4] = 0.010598257485913224;
1547  d[1][4] = 0.011703596451947428;
1548  d[0][5] = 0.3949856219367327;
1549  d[1][5] = 0.5354757997870718;
1550  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.21 && alpha_s < 0.24) {
1551  d[0][0] = 1.3645568637616001;
1552  d[1][0] = 1.5839378568555678;
1553  d[0][1] = 8.174225869366722;
1554  d[1][1] = 11.785897000063443;
1555  d[0][2] = 5.732101892684938;
1556  d[1][2] = 7.758388282689373;
1557  d[0][3] = -0.1416811579957863;
1558  d[1][3] = -0.13163385415183002;
1559  d[0][4] = 0.011703596451947428;
1560  d[1][4] = 0.09016386041913003;
1561  d[0][5] = 0.5354757997870718;
1562  d[1][5] = 0.7042577279136836;
1563  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.24 && alpha_s < 0.27) {
1564  d[0][0] = 1.5839378568555678;
1565  d[1][0] = 1.8062676019060235;
1566  d[0][1] = 11.785897000063443;
1567  d[1][1] = 15.344112642069764;
1568  d[0][2] = 7.758388282689373;
1569  d[1][2] = 9.384190917330093;
1570  d[0][3] = -0.13163385415183002;
1571  d[1][3] = 0.19709400976261568;
1572  d[0][4] = 0.09016386041913003;
1573  d[1][4] = 0.30577623140224813;
1574  d[0][5] = 0.7042577279136836;
1575  d[1][5] = 0.9066501895009754;
1576  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.27 && alpha_s < 0.3) {
1577  d[0][0] = 1.8062676019060235;
1578  d[1][0] = 2.0312125903238236;
1579  d[0][1] = 15.344112642069764;
1580  d[1][1] = 18.36844006721506;
1581  d[0][2] = 9.384190917330093;
1582  d[1][2] = 10.209988454804193;
1583  d[0][3] = 0.19709400976261568;
1584  d[1][3] = 0.9957025988944573;
1585  d[0][4] = 0.30577623140224813;
1586  d[1][4] = 0.7109302867706849;
1587  d[0][5] = 0.9066501895009754;
1588  d[1][5] = 1.1472148515742653;
1589  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.3 && alpha_s < 0.33) {
1590  d[0][0] = 2.0312125903238236;
1591  d[1][0] = 2.258502734110078;
1592  d[0][1] = 18.36844006721506;
1593  d[1][1] = 20.43444928479894;
1594  d[0][2] = 10.209988454804193;
1595  d[1][2] = 9.896928897847518;
1596  d[0][3] = 0.9957025988944573;
1597  d[1][3] = 2.3867073785159003;
1598  d[0][4] = 0.7109302867706849;
1599  d[1][4] = 1.3473328178504662;
1600  d[0][5] = 1.1472148515742653;
1601  d[1][5] = 1.429497460496924;
1602  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.33 && alpha_s < 0.36) {
1603  d[0][0] = 2.258502734110078;
1604  d[1][0] = 2.4879110920956653;
1605  d[0][1] = 20.43444928479894;
1606  d[1][1] = 21.220550462966102;
1607  d[0][2] = 9.896928897847518;
1608  d[1][2] = 8.20639681844989;
1609  d[0][3] = 2.3867073785159003;
1610  d[1][3] = 4.445222616370339;
1611  d[0][4] = 1.3473328178504662;
1612  d[1][4] = 2.2381176005506016;
1613  d[0][5] = 1.429497460496924;
1614  d[1][5] = 1.7550164762706189;
1615  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.36 && alpha_s < 0.39) {
1616  d[0][0] = 2.4879110920956653;
1617  d[1][0] = 2.7192501243929903;
1618  d[0][1] = 21.220550462966102;
1619  d[1][1] = 20.470583876561985;
1620  d[0][2] = 8.20639681844989;
1621  d[1][2] = 4.954737209403953;
1622  d[0][3] = 4.445222616370339;
1623  d[1][3] = 7.227667929705693;
1624  d[0][4] = 2.2381176005506016;
1625  d[1][4] = 3.401378906197122;
1626  d[0][5] = 1.7550164762706189;
1627  d[1][5] = 2.1251383942923474;
1628  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.39 && alpha_s <= 0.42) {
1629  d[0][0] = 2.7192501243929903;
1630  d[1][0] = 2.9523522354248817;
1631  d[0][1] = 20.470583876561985;
1632  d[1][1] = 18.027772799078463;
1633  d[0][2] = 4.954737209403953;
1634  d[1][2] = 0.050298242947981846;
1635  d[0][3] = 7.227667929705693;
1636  d[1][3] = 10.747352232336384;
1637  d[0][4] = 3.401378906197122;
1638  d[1][4] = 4.8378133911595285;
1639  d[0][5] = 2.1251383942923474;
1640  d[1][5] = 2.5391647730624003;
1641  }
1643  rateLower = T * (d[0][0] + d[0][1] / pow(u, 4.) - d[0][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
1644  d[0][3] / pow(u, 2.) + d[0][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - d[0][5] / u);
1645  rateUpper = T * (d[1][0] + d[1][1] / pow(u, 4.) - d[1][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
1646  d[1][3] / pow(u, 2.) + d[1][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - d[1][5] / u);
1648  rate.qg = (1. - alphaFrac) * rateLower + alphaFrac * rateUpper;
1649  rate.qg /= 3.; // historic reasons
1651 = rate.qg * 9. / 4.;
1653  return rate;
1654 }
1657  RateElastic rate;
1659  double alpha0 = 0.15;
1660  double deltaAlpha = 0.03;
1661  double iAlpha = floor((alpha_s - alpha0) / deltaAlpha + 0.001);
1662  double alphaFrac = (alpha_s - alpha0) / deltaAlpha - iAlpha;
1663  double rateLower, rateUpper;
1664  double c[2][6], d[2][6];
1666  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
1667  for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
1668  c[i][j] = 0.;
1669  d[i][j] = 0.;
1670  }
1672  if (alpha_s >= 0.15 && alpha_s < 0.18) {
1673  c[0][0] = 0.12199410313320332;
1674  c[1][0] = 0.15243607717720586;
1675  c[0][1] = 0.23732051765097376;
1676  c[1][1] = 0.5403120875137825;
1677  c[0][2] = -0.03285419708803458;
1678  c[1][2] = 0.06440920730334501;
1679  c[0][3] = 0.2255419254079952;
1680  c[1][3] = 0.2881594349535524;
1681  c[0][4] = 0.03991522899907729;
1682  c[1][4] = 0.04948438583750772;
1683  c[0][5] = 0.05022641428394594;
1684  c[1][5] = 0.07152523367501308;
1685  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.18 && alpha_s < 0.21) {
1686  c[0][0] = 0.15243607717720586;
1687  c[1][0] = 0.15243607717720586;
1688  c[0][1] = 0.5403120875137825;
1689  c[1][1] = 0.5403120875137825;
1690  c[0][2] = 0.06440920730334501;
1691  c[1][2] = 0.06440920730334501;
1692  c[0][3] = 0.2881594349535524;
1693  c[1][3] = 0.2881594349535524;
1694  c[0][4] = 0.04948438583750772;
1695  c[1][4] = 0.04948438583750772;
1696  c[0][5] = 0.07152523367501308;
1697  c[1][5] = 0.07152523367501308;
1698  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.21 && alpha_s < 0.24) {
1699  c[0][0] = 0.15243607717720586;
1700  c[1][0] = 0.21661000995329158;
1701  c[0][1] = 0.5403120875137825;
1702  c[1][1] = 1.4087570376612657;
1703  c[0][2] = 0.06440920730334501;
1704  c[1][2] = 0.2713885880193171;
1705  c[0][3] = 0.2881594349535524;
1706  c[1][3] = 0.48681971936565244;
1707  c[0][4] = 0.04948438583750772;
1708  c[1][4] = 0.09567346780679847;
1709  c[0][5] = 0.07152523367501308;
1710  c[1][5] = 0.12780677622585393;
1711  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.24 && alpha_s < 0.27) {
1712  c[0][0] = 0.21661000995329158;
1713  c[1][0] = 0.2501007467879627;
1714  c[0][1] = 1.4087570376612657;
1715  c[1][1] = 1.8034683081244214;
1716  c[0][2] = 0.2713885880193171;
1717  c[1][2] = 0.228092470920281;
1718  c[0][3] = 0.48681971936565244;
1719  c[1][3] = 0.6841577896561725;
1720  c[0][4] = 0.09567346780679847;
1721  c[1][4] = 0.15430793601338547;
1722  c[0][5] = 0.12780677622585393;
1723  c[1][5] = 0.1648297331159989;
1724  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.27 && alpha_s < 0.3) {
1725  c[0][0] = 0.2501007467879627;
1726  c[1][0] = 0.28440720063047276;
1727  c[0][1] = 1.8034683081244214;
1728  c[1][1] = 2.0448244620634055;
1729  c[0][2] = 0.228092470920281;
1730  c[1][2] = -0.018574547528236382;
1731  c[0][3] = 0.6841577896561725;
1732  c[1][3] = 0.9863974758613413;
1733  c[0][4] = 0.15430793601338547;
1734  c[1][4] = 0.2503738253300167;
1735  c[0][5] = 0.1648297331159989;
1736  c[1][5] = 0.2090067594645225;
1737  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.3 && alpha_s < 0.33) {
1738  c[0][0] = 0.28440720063047276;
1739  c[1][0] = 0.31945943548344036;
1740  c[0][1] = 2.0448244620634055;
1741  c[1][1] = 2.0482495934952256;
1742  c[0][2] = -0.018574547528236382;
1743  c[1][2] = -0.5350999123662686;
1744  c[0][3] = 0.9863974758613413;
1745  c[1][3] = 1.4169725257394696;
1746  c[0][4] = 0.2503738253300167;
1747  c[1][4] = 0.3918202096574105;
1748  c[0][5] = 0.2090067594645225;
1749  c[1][5] = 0.26103455441873036;
1750  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.33 && alpha_s < 0.36) {
1751  c[0][0] = 0.31945943548344036;
1752  c[1][0] = 0.35519799231686516;
1753  c[0][1] = 2.0482495934952256;
1754  c[1][1] = 1.7485135425544152;
1755  c[0][2] = -0.5350999123662686;
1756  c[1][2] = -1.3692232011881413;
1757  c[0][3] = 1.4169725257394696;
1758  c[1][3] = 1.9906086576701993;
1759  c[0][4] = 0.3918202096574105;
1760  c[1][4] = 0.5832315715098879;
1761  c[0][5] = 0.26103455441873036;
1762  c[1][5] = 0.32124694953933486;
1763  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.36 && alpha_s < 0.39) {
1764  c[0][0] = 0.35519799231686516;
1765  c[1][0] = 0.39157507493019383;
1766  c[0][1] = 1.7485135425544152;
1767  c[1][1] = 1.0778995684787331;
1768  c[0][2] = -1.3692232011881413;
1769  c[1][2] = -2.5738838613236457;
1770  c[0][3] = 1.9906086576701993;
1771  c[1][3] = 2.727543221296746;
1772  c[0][4] = 0.5832315715098879;
1773  c[1][4] = 0.8323699786704292;
1774  c[0][5] = 0.32124694953933486;
1775  c[1][5] = 0.3905055907877247;
1776  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.39 && alpha_s <= 0.42) {
1777  c[0][0] = 0.39157507493019383;
1778  c[1][0] = 0.4285382777192131;
1779  c[0][1] = 1.0778995684787331;
1780  c[1][1] = 0.05505396151716547;
1781  c[0][2] = -2.5738838613236457;
1782  c[1][2] = -4.113979132685303;
1783  c[0][3] = 2.727543221296746;
1784  c[1][3] = 3.5992808060371506;
1785  c[0][4] = 0.8323699786704292;
1786  c[1][4] = 1.1252568207814462;
1787  c[0][5] = 0.3905055907877247;
1788  c[1][5] = 0.4667953957378259;
1789  }
1791  rateLower = T * (c[0][0] + c[0][1] / pow(u, 4.) - c[0][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
1792  c[0][3] / pow(u, 2.) + c[0][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - c[0][5] / u);
1793  rateUpper = T * (c[1][0] + c[1][1] / pow(u, 4.) - c[1][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
1794  c[1][3] / pow(u, 2.) + c[1][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - c[1][5] / u);
1796  rate.qq = (1. - alphaFrac) * rateLower + alphaFrac * rateUpper;
1797  rate.qq *= nf / 3.; // adjust number of flavors
1799 = rate.qq * 9. / 4.;
1801  if (alpha_s >= 0.15 && alpha_s < 0.18) {
1802  d[0][0] = 0.6197775378922895;
1803  d[1][0] = 0.7680959463632293;
1804  d[0][1] = 1.5268694134079064;
1805  d[1][1] = 3.282164035377037;
1806  d[0][2] = 0.6939337312845367;
1807  d[1][2] = 1.6359849897319092;
1808  d[0][3] = 0.5967602676773388;
1809  d[1][3] = 0.6770046238563808;
1810  d[0][4] = 0.17320784052297564;
1811  d[1][4] = 0.22074166337990309;
1812  d[0][5] = 0.28964614117694565;
1813  d[1][5] = 0.4128184793199476;
1814  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.18 && alpha_s < 0.21) {
1815  d[0][0] = 0.7680959463632293;
1816  d[1][0] = 0.9206225398305536;
1817  d[0][1] = 3.282164035377037;
1818  d[1][1] = 5.690562370150853;
1819  d[0][2] = 1.6359849897319092;
1820  d[1][2] = 2.8341906487774318;
1821  d[0][3] = 0.6770046238563808;
1822  d[1][3] = 0.7900156706763937;
1823  d[0][4] = 0.22074166337990309;
1824  d[1][4] = 0.2995126102416747;
1825  d[0][5] = 0.4128184793199476;
1826  d[1][5] = 0.5598645426609049;
1827  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.21 && alpha_s < 0.24) {
1828  d[0][0] = 0.9206225398305536;
1829  d[1][0] = 1.0767954081327265;
1830  d[0][1] = 5.690562370150853;
1831  d[1][1] = 8.378841394880034;
1832  d[0][2] = 2.8341906487774318;
1833  d[1][2] = 3.9338968631891396;
1834  d[0][3] = 0.7900156706763937;
1835  d[1][3] = 1.0874771229885156;
1836  d[0][4] = 0.2995126102416747;
1837  d[1][4] = 0.46570985770548107;
1838  d[0][5] = 0.5598645426609049;
1839  d[1][5] = 0.7360069767362173;
1840  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.24 && alpha_s < 0.27) {
1841  d[0][0] = 1.0767954081327265;
1842  d[1][0] = 1.2361819653856791;
1843  d[0][1] = 8.378841394880034;
1844  d[1][1] = 10.877148035367144;
1845  d[0][2] = 3.9338968631891396;
1846  d[1][2] = 4.526191560392149;
1847  d[0][3] = 1.0874771229885156;
1848  d[1][3] = 1.731930015138816;
1849  d[0][4] = 0.46570985770548107;
1850  d[1][4] = 0.7769917594310469;
1851  d[0][5] = 0.7360069767362173;
1852  d[1][5] = 0.9463662091275489;
1853  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.27 && alpha_s < 0.3) {
1854  d[0][0] = 1.2361819653856791;
1855  d[1][0] = 1.3984393292278847;
1856  d[0][1] = 10.877148035367144;
1857  d[1][1] = 12.72181515837248;
1858  d[0][2] = 4.526191560392149;
1859  d[1][2] = 4.227297031355039;
1860  d[0][3] = 1.731930015138816;
1861  d[1][3] = 2.868526983329731;
1862  d[0][4] = 0.7769917594310469;
1863  d[1][4] = 1.2836917844304823;
1864  d[0][5] = 0.9463662091275489;
1865  d[1][5] = 1.1953148369630755;
1866  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.3 && alpha_s < 0.33) {
1867  d[0][0] = 1.3984393292278847;
1868  d[1][0] = 1.5632880021613935;
1869  d[0][1] = 12.72181515837248;
1870  d[1][1] = 13.502896915302873;
1871  d[0][2] = 4.227297031355039;
1872  d[1][2] = 2.7113406243010467;
1873  d[0][3] = 2.868526983329731;
1874  d[1][3] = 4.615035662049938;
1875  d[0][4] = 1.2836917844304823;
1876  d[1][4] = 2.0259357821768784;
1877  d[0][5] = 1.1953148369630755;
1878  d[1][5] = 1.486253368704046;
1879  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.33 && alpha_s < 0.36) {
1880  d[0][0] = 1.5632880021613935;
1881  d[1][0] = 1.730492163581557;
1882  d[0][1] = 13.502896915302873;
1883  d[1][1] = 12.913294655478987;
1884  d[0][2] = 2.7113406243010467;
1885  d[1][2] = -0.2477159937428581;
1886  d[0][3] = 4.615035662049938;
1887  d[1][3] = 7.042004003229154;
1888  d[0][4] = 2.0259357821768784;
1889  d[1][4] = 3.0253452576771465;
1890  d[0][5] = 1.486253368704046;
1891  d[1][5] = 1.8205651561017433;
1892  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.36 && alpha_s < 0.39) {
1893  d[0][0] = 1.730492163581557;
1894  d[1][0] = 1.8998560359992867;
1895  d[0][1] = 12.913294655478987;
1896  d[1][1] = 10.708892844334745;
1897  d[0][2] = -0.2477159937428581;
1898  d[1][2] = -4.823210983922782;
1899  d[0][3] = 7.042004003229154;
1900  d[1][3] = 10.202109059054063;
1901  d[0][4] = 3.0253452576771465;
1902  d[1][4] = 4.298747764427364;
1903  d[0][5] = 1.8205651561017433;
1904  d[1][5] = 2.199497022778097;
1905  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.39 && alpha_s <= 0.42) {
1906  d[0][0] = 1.8998560359992867;
1907  d[1][0] = 2.071204284004704;
1908  d[0][1] = 10.708892844334745;
1909  d[1][1] = 6.741738604119316;
1910  d[0][2] = -4.823210983922782;
1911  d[1][2] = -11.099716230158746;
1912  d[0][3] = 10.202109059054063;
1913  d[1][3] = 14.106488110189458;
1914  d[0][4] = 4.298747764427364;
1915  d[1][4] = 5.846203546614067;
1916  d[0][5] = 2.199497022778097;
1917  d[1][5] = 2.62230136903594;
1918  }
1920  rateLower = T * (d[0][0] + d[0][1] / pow(u, 4.) - d[0][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
1921  d[0][3] / pow(u, 2.) + d[0][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - d[0][5] / u);
1922  rateUpper = T * (d[1][0] + d[1][1] / pow(u, 4.) - d[1][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
1923  d[1][3] / pow(u, 2.) + d[1][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - d[1][5] / u);
1925  rate.qg = (1. - alphaFrac) * rateLower + alphaFrac * rateUpper;
1926  rate.qg /= 3.; // historic reasons
1928 = rate.qg * 9. / 4.;
1930  return rate;
1931 }
1934  RateElastic rate;
1936  double alpha0 = 0.15;
1937  double deltaAlpha = 0.03;
1938  double iAlpha = floor((alpha_s - alpha0) / deltaAlpha + 0.001);
1939  double alphaFrac = (alpha_s - alpha0) / deltaAlpha - iAlpha;
1940  double rateLower, rateUpper;
1941  double c[2][6], d[2][6];
1943  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
1944  for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
1945  c[i][j] = 0.;
1946  d[i][j] = 0.;
1947  }
1949  if (alpha_s >= 0.15 && alpha_s < 0.18) {
1950  c[0][0] = 0.059730780828164666;
1951  c[1][0] = 0.07216040121873951;
1952  c[0][1] = 0.3631534872548789;
1953  c[1][1] = 0.5471138972952214;
1954  c[0][2] = 0.39845046966687;
1955  c[1][2] = 0.5792306465939813;
1956  c[0][3] = 0.11946615972422633;
1957  c[1][3] = 0.1723078888161528;
1958  c[0][4] = 0.03559276204445307;
1959  c[1][4] = 0.05120408756812135;
1960  c[0][5] = 0.00291041965645416;
1961  c[1][5] = 0.0041777787108426695;
1962  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.18 && alpha_s < 0.21) {
1963  c[0][0] = 0.07216040121873951;
1964  c[1][0] = 0.0846236909779996;
1965  c[0][1] = 0.5471138972952214;
1966  c[1][1] = 0.7725791286875564;
1967  c[0][2] = 0.5792306465939813;
1968  c[1][2] = 0.7931123494736929;
1969  c[0][3] = 0.1723078888161528;
1970  c[1][3] = 0.23406373724706608;
1971  c[0][4] = 0.05120408756812135;
1972  c[1][4] = 0.06935459958589639;
1973  c[0][5] = 0.0041777787108426695;
1974  c[1][5] = 0.005644055718614478;
1975  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.21 && alpha_s < 0.24) {
1976  c[0][0] = 0.0846236909779996;
1977  c[1][0] = 0.09711346786308672;
1978  c[0][1] = 0.7725791286875564;
1979  c[1][1] = 1.0370070423372528;
1980  c[0][2] = 0.7931123494736929;
1981  c[1][2] = 1.036935526583188;
1982  c[0][3] = 0.23406373724706608;
1983  c[1][3] = 0.3034025403259155;
1984  c[0][4] = 0.06935459958589639;
1985  c[1][4] = 0.08957509599955729;
1986  c[0][5] = 0.005644055718614478;
1987  c[1][5] = 0.007264393465593115;
1988  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.24 && alpha_s < 0.27) {
1989  c[0][0] = 0.09711346786308672;
1990  c[1][0] = 0.10962479860948156;
1991  c[0][1] = 1.0370070423372528;
1992  c[1][1] = 1.3372010137066646;
1993  c[0][2] = 1.036935526583188;
1994  c[1][2] = 1.307456863105879;
1995  c[0][3] = 0.3034025403259155;
1996  c[1][3] = 0.37910328734850873;
1997  c[0][4] = 0.08957509599955729;
1998  c[1][4] = 0.111456899829735;
1999  c[0][5] = 0.007264393465593115;
2000  c[1][5] = 0.009000895144744121;
2001  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.27 && alpha_s < 0.3) {
2002  c[0][0] = 0.10962479860948156;
2003  c[1][0] = 0.1221541053951596;
2004  c[0][1] = 1.3372010137066646;
2005  c[1][1] = 1.6686065099273535;
2006  c[0][2] = 1.307456863105879;
2007  c[1][2] = 1.600404353394210;
2008  c[0][3] = 0.37910328734850873;
2009  c[1][3] = 0.4594932213772782;
2010  c[0][4] = 0.111456899829735;
2011  c[1][4] = 0.13442407314203592;
2012  c[0][5] = 0.009000895144744121;
2013  c[1][5] = 0.010800449048880756;
2014  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.3 && alpha_s < 0.33) {
2015  c[0][0] = 0.1221541053951596;
2016  c[1][0] = 0.13469861652518803;
2017  c[0][1] = 1.6686065099273535;
2018  c[1][1] = 2.0276317271182074;
2019  c[0][2] = 1.600404353394210;
2020  c[1][2] = 1.912613330851788;
2021  c[0][3] = 0.4594932213772782;
2022  c[1][3] = 0.5434449889160747;
2023  c[0][4] = 0.13442407314203592;
2024  c[1][4] = 0.15810564016236883;
2025  c[0][5] = 0.010800449048880756;
2026  c[1][5] = 0.012629305933671075;
2027  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.33 && alpha_s < 0.36) {
2028  c[0][0] = 0.13469861652518803;
2029  c[1][0] = 0.14725614907227047;
2030  c[0][1] = 2.0276317271182074;
2031  c[1][1] = 2.4109122726272654;
2032  c[0][2] = 1.912613330851788;
2033  c[1][2] = 2.241198157777867;
2034  c[0][3] = 0.5434449889160747;
2035  c[1][3] = 0.6299396046048817;
2036  c[0][4] = 0.15810564016236883;
2037  c[1][4] = 0.18216575652552597;
2038  c[0][5] = 0.012629305933671075;
2039  c[1][5] = 0.014456750325370632;
2040  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.36 && alpha_s < 0.39) {
2041  c[0][0] = 0.14725614907227047;
2042  c[1][0] = 0.15982489441001274;
2043  c[0][1] = 2.4109122726272654;
2044  c[1][1] = 2.815254291049982;
2045  c[0][2] = 2.241198157777867;
2046  c[1][2] = 2.583462624103292;
2047  c[0][3] = 0.6299396046048817;
2048  c[1][3] = 0.7180274724508857;
2049  c[0][4] = 0.18216575652552597;
2050  c[1][4] = 0.20629432847931367;
2051  c[0][5] = 0.014456750325370632;
2052  c[1][5] = 0.01625568033747704;
2053  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.39 && alpha_s <= 0.42) {
2054  c[0][0] = 0.15982489441001274;
2055  c[1][0] = 0.17240331582158486;
2056  c[0][1] = 2.815254291049982;
2057  c[1][1] = 3.238290376079149;
2058  c[0][2] = 2.583462624103292;
2059  c[1][2] = 2.9374985881586273;
2060  c[0][3] = 0.7180274724508857;
2061  c[1][3] = 0.8071008047950518;
2062  c[0][4] = 0.20629432847931367;
2063  c[1][4] = 0.23030341585944009;
2064  c[0][5] = 0.01625568033747704;
2065  c[1][5] = 0.018010096397556033;
2066  }
2068  rateLower = T * (c[0][0] + c[0][1] / pow(u, 4.) - c[0][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
2069  c[0][3] / pow(u, 2.) + c[0][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - c[0][5] / u);
2070  rateUpper = T * (c[1][0] + c[1][1] / pow(u, 4.) - c[1][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
2071  c[1][3] / pow(u, 2.) + c[1][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - c[1][5] / u);
2073  rate.qq = (1. - alphaFrac) * rateLower + alphaFrac * rateUpper;
2074  rate.qq *= nf / 3.; // adjust number of flavors
2076 = rate.qq * 9. / 4.;
2078  if (alpha_s >= 0.15 && alpha_s < 0.18) {
2079  d[0][0] = 0.3166913701414167;
2080  d[1][0] = 0.3804527486448292;
2081  d[0][1] = 1.0992070651449564;
2082  d[1][1] = 1.7114836115114735;
2083  d[0][2] = 1.4232219292986843;
2084  d[1][2] = 2.093540209692791;
2085  d[0][3] = 0.4655268754156213;
2086  d[1][3] = 0.6787666526042345;
2087  d[0][4] = 0.1444497238817506;
2088  d[1][4] = 0.21014340589291994;
2089  d[0][5] = 0.012281442189758532;
2090  d[1][5] = 0.017832857383112792;
2091  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.18 && alpha_s < 0.21) {
2092  d[0][0] = 0.3804527486448292;
2093  d[1][0] = 0.44393432393104637;
2094  d[0][1] = 1.7114836115114735;
2095  d[1][1] = 2.483663499207573;
2096  d[0][2] = 2.093540209692791;
2097  d[1][2] = 2.8979112438999044;
2098  d[0][3] = 0.6787666526042345;
2099  d[1][3] = 0.9316968286688833;
2100  d[0][4] = 0.21014340589291994;
2101  d[1][4] = 0.28780901378857465;
2102  d[0][5] = 0.017832857383112792;
2103  d[1][5] = 0.02438874287373154;
2104  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.21 && alpha_s < 0.24) {
2105  d[0][0] = 0.44393432393104637;
2106  d[1][0] = 0.5071424487228405;
2107  d[0][1] = 2.483663499207573;
2108  d[1][1] = 3.4070556051784515;
2109  d[0][2] = 2.8979112438999044;
2110  d[1][2] = 3.824491419496227;
2111  d[0][3] = 0.9316968286688833;
2112  d[1][3] = 1.2191109771387096;
2113  d[0][4] = 0.28780901378857465;
2114  d[1][4] = 0.3755459972857442;
2115  d[0][5] = 0.02438874287373154;
2116  d[1][5] = 0.03174924882247299;
2117  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.24 && alpha_s < 0.27) {
2118  d[0][0] = 0.5071424487228405;
2119  d[1][0] = 0.5700856365203443;
2120  d[0][1] = 3.4070556051784515;
2121  d[1][1] = 4.466964606692036;
2122  d[0][2] = 3.824491419496227;
2123  d[1][2] = 4.857999356928031;
2124  d[0][3] = 1.2191109771387096;
2125  d[1][3] = 1.5348360053714125;
2126  d[0][4] = 0.3755459972857442;
2127  d[1][4] = 0.471215528026891;
2128  d[0][5] = 0.03174924882247299;
2129  d[1][5] = 0.03971601962636114;
2130  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.27 && alpha_s < 0.3) {
2131  d[0][0] = 0.5700856365203443;
2132  d[1][0] = 0.6327732610959403;
2133  d[0][1] = 4.466964606692036;
2134  d[1][1] = 5.646624908846933;
2135  d[0][2] = 4.857999356928031;
2136  d[1][2] = 5.982691423451806;
2137  d[0][3] = 1.5348360053714125;
2138  d[1][3] = 1.8728243844356356;
2139  d[0][4] = 0.471215528026891;
2140  d[1][4] = 0.572761497659723;
2141  d[0][5] = 0.03971601962636114;
2142  d[1][5] = 0.04809998538877525;
2143  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.3 && alpha_s < 0.33) {
2144  d[0][0] = 0.6327732610959403;
2145  d[1][0] = 0.6952147319486842;
2146  d[0][1] = 5.646624908846933;
2147  d[1][1] = 6.931552369487635;
2148  d[0][2] = 5.982691423451806;
2149  d[1][2] = 7.185588273540373;
2150  d[0][3] = 1.8728243844356356;
2151  d[1][3] = 2.228328283532209;
2152  d[0][4] = 0.572761497659723;
2153  d[1][4] = 0.6786029643259804;
2154  d[0][5] = 0.04809998538877525;
2155  d[1][5] = 0.056755908207122875;
2156  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.33 && alpha_s < 0.36) {
2157  d[0][0] = 0.6952147319486842;
2158  d[1][0] = 0.7574189285141091;
2159  d[0][1] = 6.931552369487635;
2160  d[1][1] = 8.307255807497631;
2161  d[0][2] = 7.185588273540373;
2162  d[1][2] = 8.454112812202247;
2163  d[0][3] = 2.228328283532209;
2164  d[1][3] = 2.596781386863294;
2165  d[0][4] = 0.6786029643259804;
2166  d[1][4] = 0.7872276571283385;
2167  d[0][5] = 0.056755908207122875;
2168  d[1][5] = 0.06554867983133447;
2169  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.36 && alpha_s < 0.39) {
2170  d[0][0] = 0.7574189285141091;
2171  d[1][0] = 0.8193940883937045;
2172  d[0][1] = 8.307255807497631;
2173  d[1][1] = 9.761691032241623;
2174  d[0][2] = 8.454112812202247;
2175  d[1][2] = 9.777948193339808;
2176  d[0][3] = 2.596781386863294;
2177  d[1][3] = 2.9744411293541457;
2178  d[0][4] = 0.7872276571283385;
2179  d[1][4] = 0.8973688582323887;
2180  d[0][5] = 0.06554867983133447;
2181  d[1][5] = 0.07435862848596686;
2182  } else if (alpha_s >= 0.39 && alpha_s <= 0.42) {
2183  d[0][0] = 0.8193940883937045;
2184  d[1][0] = 0.8811479514201789;
2185  d[0][1] = 9.761691032241623;
2186  d[1][1] = 11.286034194965852;
2187  d[0][2] = 9.777948193339808;
2188  d[1][2] = 11.15001447311135;
2189  d[0][3] = 2.9744411293541457;
2190  d[1][3] = 3.3591358778545803;
2191  d[0][4] = 0.8973688582323887;
2192  d[1][4] = 1.0083901554550654;
2193  d[0][5] = 0.07435862848596686;
2194  d[1][5] = 0.08313659597360733;
2195  }
2197  rateLower = T * (d[0][0] + d[0][1] / pow(u, 4.) - d[0][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
2198  d[0][3] / pow(u, 2.) + d[0][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - d[0][5] / u);
2199  rateUpper = T * (d[1][0] + d[1][1] / pow(u, 4.) - d[1][2] / pow(u, 3.) -
2200  d[1][3] / pow(u, 2.) + d[1][4] / pow(u, 1.5) - d[1][5] / u);
2202  rate.qg = (1. - alphaFrac) * rateLower + alphaFrac * rateUpper;
2203  rate.qg /= 3.; // historic reasons
2205 = rate.qg * 9. / 4.;
2207  return rate;
2208 }
2210 RateConversion Martini::getRateConv(double pRest, double T) {
2213  rate.qg = 4. / 3. * 2. * M_PI * alpha_s * alpha_s * T * T / (3. * pRest) *
2214  (0.5 * log(pRest * T / ((1. / 6.) * pow(g * T, 2.))) - 0.36149);
2215 = nf * 3. / 8. * 4. / 3. * 2. * M_PI * alpha_s * alpha_s * T * T /
2216  (3. * pRest) *
2217  (0.5 * log(pRest * T / ((1. / 6.) * pow(g * T, 2.))) - 0.36149);
2218  rate.qgamma = 2. * M_PI * alpha_s * alpha_em * T * T / (3. * pRest) *
2219  (0.5 * log(pRest * T / ((1. / 6.) * pow(g * T, 2.))) - 0.36149);
2221  return rate;
2222 }
2224 double Martini::getEnergyTransfer(double pRest, double T, int process) {
2225  double u = pRest / T; // making arguments in log to be dimensionless
2227  double omega = 0.; // momentum of radiated gluon (dimentionless)
2228  double y; // omega candidate
2229  double x; // random number, uniform on [0,1]
2230  double randA; // uniform random number on [0, Area under the envelop function]
2231  double fy; // total area under the envelop function
2232  double fyAct; // actual rate
2234  RateElastic Pos, Neg;
2235  Pos = getRateElasPos(u, T);
2236  Neg = getRateElasNeg(u, T);
2238  // this switch will hold the decision whether k is positive or negative:
2239  // 0 : negative, 1 : positive
2240  int posNegSwitch = 1;
2242  /* process == 5 : qq -> qq (first q is hard, second q is soft)
2243  process == 6 : qg -> qg
2244  process == 7 : gq -> gq
2245  process == 8 : gg -> gg */
2247  if (process == 5 || process == 7) // for qq or gq
2248  {
2249  // decide whether k shall be positive or negative
2250  // if x (uniform on [0,1]) < area(k<0)/area(all k) then k < 0
2251  if (process == 5) {
2252  if (ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) <
2253  Neg.qq / (Neg.qq + Pos.qq))
2254  posNegSwitch = 0;
2255  } else {
2256  if (ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) <
2257 / ( +
2258  posNegSwitch = 0;
2259  }
2261  if (posNegSwitch == 1) // if omega > 0
2262  {
2263  do {
2264  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
2265  areaOmega(u, posNegSwitch, process);
2266  y = exp((-1.41428 * pow(10., 9.) * alpha_s -
2267  8.08158 * pow(10., 8.) * alpha_s * alpha_s +
2268  2.02327 * pow(10., 9.) * randA) /
2269  (alpha_s *
2270  (4.72097 * pow(10., 8.) + 2.6977 * pow(10., 8.) * alpha_s)));
2272  fy = alpha_s / 0.15 * (0.035 + alpha_s * 0.02) / sqrt(y * y);
2273  fyAct = functionOmega(u, y, process);
2275  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
2277  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
2278  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
2279  omega = y;
2280  } else // if omega < 0
2281  {
2282  do {
2283  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
2284  areaOmega(-0.05, posNegSwitch, process);
2285  y = -12. * exp(-30. * randA / (alpha_s * (7. + 4. * alpha_s)));
2287  fy = alpha_s / 0.15 * (0.035 + alpha_s * 0.02) / sqrt(y * y);
2288  fyAct = functionOmega(u, y, process);
2290  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
2292  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
2293  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
2294  omega = y;
2295  }
2296  } else if (process == 6 || process == 8) // for qg or gg
2297  {
2298  // decide whether k shall be positive or negative
2299  // if x (uniform on [0,1]) < area(k<0)/area(all k) then k < 0
2300  if (process == 6) {
2301  if (ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) <
2302  Neg.qg / (Neg.qg + Pos.qg))
2303  posNegSwitch = 0;
2304  } else {
2305  if (ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) <
2306 / ( +
2307  posNegSwitch = 0;
2308  }
2310  if (posNegSwitch == 1) // if omega > 0
2311  {
2312  do {
2313  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
2314  areaOmega(u, posNegSwitch, process);
2315  y = exp((-2.32591 * pow(10., 17.) * alpha_s -
2316  1.32909 * pow(10., 17.) * alpha_s * alpha_s +
2317  2.2183 * pow(10., 17.) * randA) /
2318  (alpha_s * (7.76406 * pow(10., 16.) +
2319  4.43661 * pow(10., 16.) * alpha_s)));
2321  fy = 1.5 * alpha_s / 0.15 * (0.035 + alpha_s * 0.02) / sqrt(y * y);
2322  fyAct = functionOmega(u, y, process);
2324  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
2326  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
2327  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
2328  omega = y;
2329  } else // if omega < 0
2330  {
2331  do {
2332  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
2333  areaOmega(-0.05, posNegSwitch, process);
2334  y = -12. * exp(-2.81475 * pow(10., 15.) * randA /
2335  (alpha_s * (9.85162 * pow(10., 14.) +
2336  5.6295 * pow(10., 14.) * alpha_s)));
2338  fy = 1.5 * alpha_s / 0.15 * (0.035 + alpha_s * 0.02) / sqrt(y * y);
2339  fyAct = functionOmega(u, y, process);
2341  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
2343  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
2344  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
2345  omega = y;
2346  }
2347  } else {
2348  JSWARN << "Invalid process number (" << process << ")";
2350  omega = 0.;
2351  }
2353  return omega * T; // omega*T is in [GeV]
2354 }
2356 double Martini::getMomentumTransfer(double pRest, double omega, double T,
2357  int process) {
2358  double u = pRest / T; // making arguments in log to be dimensionless
2359  omega /= T;
2361  double q = 0.; // momentum of radiated gluon (dimentionless)
2362  double y; // q candidate
2363  double x; // random number, uniform on [0,1]
2364  double randA; // uniform random number on [0, Area under the envelop function]
2365  double fy; // total area under the envelop function
2366  double fyAct; // actual rate
2368  double A, B;
2370  /* process == 5 : qq -> qq (first q is hard, second q is soft)
2371  process == 6 : qg -> qg
2372  process == 7 : gq -> gq
2373  process == 8 : gg -> gg */
2375  // small omega using the rejection method
2376  if (omega < 10. && omega > -3.) {
2377  if (process == 5 || process == 7) // for qq or gq
2378  {
2379  A = (0.7 + alpha_s) * 0.0014 *
2380  (1000. + 40. / sqrt(omega * omega) + 10.5 * pow(omega, 4.)) * alpha_s;
2381  B = 2. * sqrt(omega * omega) + 0.01;
2382  } else if (process == 6 || process == 8) // for qg or gg
2383  {
2384  A = (0.7 + alpha_s) * 0.0022 *
2385  (1000. + 40. / sqrt(omega * omega) + 10.5 * pow(omega, 4.)) * alpha_s;
2386  B = 2. * sqrt(omega * omega) + 0.002;
2387  } else {
2388  JSWARN << "Invalid process number (" << process << ")";
2390  A = 0.;
2391  B = 0.;
2392  }
2394  do {
2395  randA = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) *
2396  areaQ(u, omega, process);
2397  y = pow(B, 0.25) *
2398  sqrt(tan((2. * sqrt(B) * randA + A * atan(omega * omega / sqrt(B))) /
2399  A));
2401  fy = A * y / (pow(y, 4.) + B);
2402  fyAct = functionQ(u, omega, y, process);
2404  x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
2406  } while (x > fyAct / fy);
2407  // reject if x is larger than the ratio fyAct/fy
2408  q = y;
2409  }
2410  // large omega using the Metropolis method
2411  else if (omega < 40.) {
2412  double g = 0, g_new = 0;
2413  double ratio;
2414  double y_new;
2416  // the ranges in which the variables u and phi need to be sampled
2417  const double y_min = sqrt(omega * omega);
2418  const double y_max = u;
2420  int count = 0;
2421  // randomly select initial values of q=y, such that
2422  do {
2423  y = y_min + ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) * (y_max - y_min);
2424  g = functionQ(u, omega, y, process);
2426  // if no y having non-zero g is found, give up here.
2427  if (count > 100)
2428  return 0.;
2429  count++;
2430  } while (g == 0.);
2432  // number of steps in the Markov chain
2433  const int n_steps = 500;
2435  for (int i = 0; i < n_steps; i++) {
2436  do {
2437  y_new = y_min +
2438  ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) * (y_max - y_min);
2439  } while (y_new < y_min || y_new > y_max);
2440  // check that the new value is in range
2442  // calculate the function at the proposed point
2443  g_new = functionQ(u, omega, y_new, process);
2444  // ratio of g(y_new)/g(y)
2445  ratio = g_new / g;
2447  // accept if probability g(y_new)/g(y) is larger than randon number
2448  if (ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) < ratio) {
2449  y = y_new;
2450  g = g_new;
2451  }
2452  }
2453  q = y;
2454  }
2455  // set collinear for too large omega
2456  else {
2457  q = omega;
2458  }
2460  return q * T; // q*T is in [GeV]
2461 }
2463 // calculates the area under the envelope function when using the rejection method
2464 // integrals had been solved analytically before
2465 double Martini::areaOmega(double u, int posNegSwitch, int process) {
2466  if (process == 5 || process == 7) {
2467  if (posNegSwitch == 1)
2468  return (0.0333333 * alpha_s * (7. + 4. * alpha_s) * (2.99573 + log(u)));
2469  else
2470  return (-0.133333 * alpha_s * (1.75 + alpha_s) * log(-0.0833333 * u));
2471  } else if (process == 6 || process == 8) {
2472  if (posNegSwitch == 1)
2473  return (0.05 * alpha_s * (7. + 4. * alpha_s) * (2.99573 + log(u)));
2474  else
2475  return (-0.2 * alpha_s * (1.75 + alpha_s) * log(-0.0833333 * u));
2476  } else {
2477  JSWARN << "Invalid process number (" << process << ")";
2478  }
2480  return 0.;
2481 }
2483 double Martini::areaQ(double u, double omega, int process) {
2484  double A, B;
2485  double areaQ;
2487  if (process == 5 || process == 7) {
2488  A = (0.7 + alpha_s - 0.3) * 0.0014 * alpha_s *
2489  (1000. + 40. / sqrt(omega * omega) + 10.5 * pow(omega, 4.));
2490  B = 2. * sqrt(omega * omega) + 0.01;
2491  } else if (process == 6 || process == 8) {
2492  A = (0.7 + alpha_s - 0.3) * 0.0022 * alpha_s *
2493  (1000. + 40. / sqrt(omega * omega) + 10.5 * pow(omega, 4.));
2494  B = 2. * sqrt(omega * omega) + 0.002;
2495  } else {
2496  JSWARN << "Invalid process number (" << process << ")";
2498  A = 0.;
2499  B = 0.;
2500  }
2501  areaQ = (0.5 * A * (atan(u * u / sqrt(B)) - atan(omega * omega / sqrt(B)))) /
2502  sqrt(B);
2504  return areaQ;
2505 }
2508  double q) {
2509  FourVector pVecNew, pVecNewTemp;
2510  FourVector etVec, qtVec, qlVec;
2511  FourVector r;
2512  double qt, ql;
2513  double cosTheta_pq;
2514  double pAbs = pVec.t();
2515  double phi;
2516  double M[3][3]; //rotation matrix
2517  double u;
2518  double xx, yy, zz, tt;
2520  if (omega == q) {
2521  xx = pVec.x() * (pAbs - omega) / pAbs;
2522  yy = pVec.y() * (pAbs - omega) / pAbs;
2523  zz = pVec.z() * (pAbs - omega) / pAbs;
2524  tt = pVec.t() * (pAbs - omega) / pAbs;
2526  pVecNew.Set(xx, yy, zz, tt);
2527  return pVecNew;
2528  }
2530  cosTheta_pq = (-omega * omega + 2. * pAbs * omega + q * q) / (2. * pAbs * q);
2531  qt = q * sqrt(1. - cosTheta_pq * cosTheta_pq); // transverse momentum transfer
2532  ql = q * cosTheta_pq;
2534  if (pVec.y() * pVec.y() > pVec.x() * pVec.x()) {
2535  xx = 0.;
2536  yy = -pVec.z();
2537  zz = pVec.y();
2538  } else {
2539  xx = pVec.z();
2540  yy = 0.;
2541  zz = -pVec.x();
2542  }
2544  tt = sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz);
2545  etVec.Set(xx / tt, yy / tt, zz / tt, 1.); // normalized to 1
2547  // the transverse transferred momentum vector
2548  qtVec.Set(etVec.x() * qt, etVec.y() * qt, etVec.z() * qt, etVec.t() * qt);
2549  // the longuitudinal transferred momentum vector
2550  qlVec.Set(pVec.x() / pAbs * ql, pVec.y() / pAbs * ql, pVec.z() / pAbs * ql,
2551  pVec.t() / pAbs * ql);
2553  pVecNewTemp = pVec;
2554  pVecNewTemp -= qtVec; // change transverse momentum
2555  pVecNewTemp -= qlVec; // change longitudinal momentum
2557  phi = 2. * M_PI * ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
2558  r.Set(pVec.x() / pVec.t(), pVec.y() / pVec.t(), pVec.z() / pVec.t(), 1.);
2559  u = 1. - cos(phi);
2561  // define the rotation matrix for rotations around pvecRest
2562  M[0][0] = r.x() * r.x() * u + cos(phi);
2563  M[1][0] = r.x() * r.y() * u - r.z() * sin(phi);
2564  M[2][0] = r.x() * r.z() * u + r.y() * sin(phi);
2566  M[0][1] = r.y() * r.x() * u + r.z() * sin(phi);
2567  M[1][1] = r.y() * r.y() * u + cos(phi);
2568  M[2][1] = r.y() * r.z() * u - r.x() * sin(phi);
2570  M[0][2] = r.z() * r.x() * u - r.y() * sin(phi);
2571  M[1][2] = r.z() * r.y() * u + r.x() * sin(phi);
2572  M[2][2] = r.z() * r.z() * u + cos(phi);
2574  xx = M[0][0] * pVecNewTemp.x() + M[0][1] * pVecNewTemp.y() +
2575  M[0][2] * pVecNewTemp.z();
2576  yy = M[1][0] * pVecNewTemp.x() + M[1][1] * pVecNewTemp.y() +
2577  M[1][2] * pVecNewTemp.z();
2578  zz = M[2][0] * pVecNewTemp.x() + M[2][1] * pVecNewTemp.y() +
2579  M[2][2] * pVecNewTemp.z();
2580  tt = sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz);
2582  pVecNew.Set(xx, yy, zz, tt);
2583  return pVecNew;
2584 }
2587  int kind = 1; // 1: fermion, 2: boson
2588  if (fabs(id) < 4)
2589  kind = 1;
2590  else if (id == 21)
2591  kind = -1;
2593  FourVector kVec; // new thermal parton's momentum
2594  double k, k_min; // (minimum) mangitude of thermal momentum
2595  double cosTh, sinTh; // angle between vector q and k
2596  double u1[3], u2[3]; // unit vector in rotation axis
2597  double M1[3][3], M2[3][3]; // rotation matrix
2598  double xx, yy, zz, tt; // components of 4-vector
2600  double q =
2601  sqrt(qVec.x() * qVec.x() + qVec.y() * qVec.y() + qVec.z() * qVec.z());
2602  double omega = qVec.t();
2604  // if momentum transfer is on-shell or time-like
2605  // return null FourVector
2606  if (q - fabs(omega) < 1e-5) {
2607  return FourVector(0., 0., 0., 0.);
2608  }
2610  // minimum momenum of thermal parton k that makes recoil parton on-shell
2611  k_min = (q - omega) / 2.;
2613  // sampled magnitude of thermal momentum
2614  k = getThermal(k_min, T, kind);
2616  cosTh = (2. * k * omega - q * q + omega * omega) / (2. * k * q);
2617  sinTh = sqrt(1. - cosTh * cosTh);
2619  // choose a unit vector perpendicular to qVec with which qVec is rotated by theta
2620  // to get the direction of thermal parton kVec
2621  double norm = sqrt(qVec.x() * qVec.x() + qVec.y() * qVec.y());
2622  if (norm > 1e-10) {
2623  u1[0] = qVec.y() / norm;
2624  u1[1] = -qVec.x() / norm;
2625  u1[2] = 0.;
2626  }
2627  // if momentum transfer is z-direction u1 is set to x-direction
2628  else {
2629  u1[0] = 1.;
2630  u1[1] = 0.;
2631  u1[2] = 0.;
2632  }
2634  // define the rotation matrix for theta rotations
2635  M1[0][0] = u1[0] * u1[0] * (1. - cosTh) + cosTh;
2636  M1[1][0] = u1[0] * u1[1] * (1. - cosTh) - u1[2] * sinTh;
2637  M1[2][0] = u1[0] * u1[2] * (1. - cosTh) + u1[1] * sinTh;
2639  M1[0][1] = u1[1] * u1[0] * (1. - cosTh) + u1[2] * sinTh;
2640  M1[1][1] = u1[1] * u1[1] * (1. - cosTh) + cosTh;
2641  M1[2][1] = u1[1] * u1[2] * (1. - cosTh) - u1[0] * sinTh;
2643  M1[0][2] = u1[2] * u1[0] * (1. - cosTh) - u1[1] * sinTh;
2644  M1[1][2] = u1[2] * u1[1] * (1. - cosTh) + u1[0] * sinTh;
2645  M1[2][2] = u1[2] * u1[2] * (1. - cosTh) + cosTh;
2647  // get thermal parton's momentum by rotating theta from qVec
2648  xx = M1[0][0] * qVec.x() + M1[0][1] * qVec.y() + M1[0][2] * qVec.z();
2649  yy = M1[1][0] * qVec.x() + M1[1][1] * qVec.y() + M1[1][2] * qVec.z();
2650  zz = M1[2][0] * qVec.x() + M1[2][1] * qVec.y() + M1[2][2] * qVec.z();
2652  // momentum is normalized to k
2653  tt = sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz);
2654  xx /= tt / k;
2655  yy /= tt / k;
2656  zz /= tt / k;
2658  kVec.Set(xx, yy, zz, k);
2660  // rotate kVec in random azimuthal angle with respect to the momentum transfer qVec
2661  double phi = 2. * M_PI * ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
2663  xx = qVec.x();
2664  yy = qVec.y();
2665  zz = qVec.z();
2666  tt = sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz);
2668  u2[0] = xx / tt;
2669  u2[1] = yy / tt;
2670  u2[2] = zz / tt;
2672  M2[0][0] = u2[0] * u2[0] * (1. - cos(phi)) + cos(phi);
2673  M2[1][0] = u2[0] * u2[1] * (1. - cos(phi)) - u2[2] * sin(phi);
2674  M2[2][0] = u2[0] * u2[2] * (1. - cos(phi)) + u2[1] * sin(phi);
2676  M2[0][1] = u2[1] * u2[0] * (1. - cos(phi)) + u2[2] * sin(phi);
2677  M2[1][1] = u2[1] * u2[1] * (1. - cos(phi)) + cos(phi);
2678  M2[2][1] = u2[1] * u2[2] * (1. - cos(phi)) - u2[0] * sin(phi);
2680  M2[0][2] = u2[2] * u2[0] * (1. - cos(phi)) - u2[1] * sin(phi);
2681  M2[1][2] = u2[2] * u2[1] * (1. - cos(phi)) + u2[0] * sin(phi);
2682  M2[2][2] = u2[2] * u2[2] * (1. - cos(phi)) + cos(phi);
2684  xx = M2[0][0] * kVec.x() + M2[0][1] * kVec.y() + M2[0][2] * kVec.z();
2685  yy = M2[1][0] * kVec.x() + M2[1][1] * kVec.y() + M2[1][2] * kVec.z();
2686  zz = M2[2][0] * kVec.x() + M2[2][1] * kVec.y() + M2[2][2] * kVec.z();
2687  tt = sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz);
2689  kVec.Set(xx, yy, zz, tt);
2691  return kVec;
2692 }
2694 double Martini::getThermal(double k_min, double T, int kind) {
2695  // this algorithm uses 5.5/(1+px2) as envelope function and then uses the rejection method
2696  // tan (Pi/2*x) is the inverse of the integral of the envelope function
2697  // this can be improved
2698  // kind: -1 = Boson
2699  // 1 = Fermion
2700  double p;
2701  double gm = 5.5;
2702  int repeat = 1;
2703  double gx = 0.;
2704  double px;
2705  double px2;
2706  double ex;
2708  do {
2709  px = k_min / T +
2710  tan(M_PI * ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) / 2.0);
2711  px2 = px * px;
2712  ex = sqrt(px2);
2713  if (kind == 0)
2714  gx = px2 * (1.0 + px2) * exp(-ex);
2715  else if (kind == -1)
2716  gx = px2 * (1.0 + px2) * 1 / (exp(ex) - 1);
2717  else if (kind == +1)
2718  gx = px2 * (1.0 + px2) * 1 / (exp(ex) + 1);
2719  if (ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) < gx / gm) {
2720  repeat = 0;
2721  p = ex;
2722  }
2723  } while (repeat);
2725  return p * T; // p*T is in [GeV]
2726 }
2728 // Reads in the binary stored file of dGamma values
2730  FILE *rfile;
2731  string filename;
2732  filename = PathToTables + "/radgamma";
2734  JSINFO << "Reading rates of inelastic collisions from file ";
2735  JSINFO << filename.c_str() << " ... ";
2736  size_t bytes_read;
2738  rfile = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
2739  if (rfile == NULL) {
2740  JSWARN << "[readRadiativeRate]: ERROR: Unable to open file " << filename;
2741  throw std::runtime_error(
2742  "[readRadiativeRate]: ERROR: Unable to open Radiative rate file");
2743  }
2745  bytes_read = fread((char *)(&dat->ddf), sizeof(double), 1, rfile);
2746  bytes_read = fread((char *)(&dat->dda), sizeof(double), 1, rfile);
2747  bytes_read = fread((char *)(&dat->dcf), sizeof(double), 1, rfile);
2748  bytes_read = fread((char *)(&dat->dca), sizeof(double), 1, rfile);
2749  bytes_read = fread((char *)(&dat->Nc), sizeof(int), 1, rfile);
2750  bytes_read = fread((char *)(&dat->Nf), sizeof(int), 1, rfile);
2751  bytes_read = fread((char *)(&dat->BetheHeitler), sizeof(int), 1, rfile);
2752  bytes_read = fread((char *)(&dat->BDMPS), sizeof(int), 1, rfile);
2753  bytes_read = fread((char *)(&dat->include_gluons), sizeof(int), 1, rfile);
2754  bytes_read = fread((char *)Gam->qqg, sizeof(double), NP * NK, rfile);
2755  bytes_read = fread((char *)Gam->tau_qqg, sizeof(double), NP * NK, rfile);
2756  bytes_read = fread((char *)Gam->gqq, sizeof(double), NP * NK, rfile);
2757  bytes_read = fread((char *)Gam->tau_gqq, sizeof(double), NP * NK, rfile);
2758  bytes_read = fread((char *)Gam->ggg, sizeof(double), NP * NK, rfile);
2759  bytes_read = fread((char *)Gam->tau_ggg, sizeof(double), NP * NK, rfile);
2760  bytes_read = fread((char *)Gam->qqgamma, sizeof(double), NP * NK, rfile);
2761  bytes_read = fread((char *)Gam->tau_qqgamma, sizeof(double), NP * NK, rfile);
2762  fclose(rfile);
2764  dat->Nf = nf;
2765  dat->dp = 0.05;
2766  dat->p_max = 20;
2767  dat->p_min =
2768  0; // exp(LogEmin) set to zero because my array starts at zero!...
2769  dat->n_p = static_cast<int>(
2770  1.001 + dat->p_max / dat->dp); // np = int(0.4 + 121 / 0.5) = 241
2771  dat->p_max = dat->dp * dat->n_p; // p_max = 0.5*241 = 120.5
2772  dat->n_pmin = static_cast<int>(
2773  1.001 + dat->p_min / dat->dp); // np_min = int(0.4 + 3.3 / 0.5) = 7
2774  dat->n_p -= dat->n_pmin - 1; // n_p = 241 - (7 - 1) = 235
2775  dat->p_min = dat->dp * dat->n_pmin; // p_min = 0.5 * 7 = 3.5
2776  dat->n_kmin = 1 + 2 * (static_cast<int>(2. / dat->dp));
2777  dat->k_min = -dat->dp * dat->n_kmin;
2778  dat->n_k = static_cast<int>((8 + dat->p_max) / (2 * dat->dp));
2779  dat->k_max = 2 * dat->dp * (dat->n_k - 1) + dat->k_min;
2780 }
2783  ifstream fin;
2784  string filename[2];
2786  double as, omega;
2787  double dGamma;
2789  // open files with data to read in:
2790  filename[0] = PathToTables + "/logEnDtrqq";
2791  filename[1] = PathToTables + "/logEnDtrqg";
2793  JSINFO << "Reading rates of elastic collisions from files";
2794  JSINFO << filename[0];
2795  JSINFO << filename[1] << " ...";
2797[0].c_str(), ios::in);
2798  if (!fin) {
2799  JSWARN << "[readElasticRateOmega]: ERROR: Unable to open file "
2800  << filename[0];
2801  throw std::runtime_error(
2802  "[readElasticRateQ]: ERROR: Unable to open ElasticRateOmega file");
2803  }
2805  int ik = 0;
2806  while (!fin.eof()) {
2807  fin >> as;
2808  fin >> omega;
2809  fin >> dGamma;
2810  dGamma_qq->push_back(dGamma);
2812  ik++;
2813  }
2814  fin.close();
2816[1].c_str(), ios::in);
2817  if (!fin) {
2818  JSWARN << "[readElasticRateOmega]: ERROR: Unable to open file "
2819  << filename[1];
2820  throw std::runtime_error(
2821  "[readElasticRateQ]: ERROR: Unable to open ElasticRateOmega file");
2822  }
2824  ik = 0;
2825  while (!fin.eof()) {
2826  fin >> as;
2827  fin >> omega;
2828  fin >> dGamma;
2829  dGamma_qg->push_back(dGamma);
2831  ik++;
2832  }
2833  fin.close();
2834 }
2837  ifstream fin;
2838  string filename[2];
2840  double as, omega, q;
2841  double dGamma;
2843  // open files with data to read in:
2844  filename[0] = PathToTables + "/logEnDqtrqq";
2845  filename[1] = PathToTables + "/logEnDqtrqg";
2847  JSINFO << "Reading rates of elastic collisions from files";
2848  JSINFO << filename[0];
2849  JSINFO << filename[1] << " ...";
2851[0].c_str(), ios::in);
2852  if (!fin) {
2853  JSWARN << "[readElasticRateQ]: ERROR: Unable to open file " << filename[0];
2854  throw std::runtime_error(
2855  "[readElasticRateQ]: ERROR: Unable to open ElasticRateQ file");
2856  }
2858  int ik = 0;
2859  while (!fin.eof()) {
2860  fin >> as;
2861  fin >> omega;
2862  fin >> q;
2863  fin >> dGamma;
2864  dGamma_qq_q->push_back(dGamma);
2866  ik++;
2867  }
2868  fin.close();
2870[1].c_str(), ios::in);
2871  if (!fin) {
2872  JSWARN << "[readElasticRateQ]: ERROR: Unable to open file " << filename[1];
2873  throw std::runtime_error(
2874  "[readElasticRateQ]: ERROR: Unable to open ElasticRateQ file");
2875  }
2877  ik = 0;
2878  while (!fin.eof()) {
2879  fin >> as;
2880  fin >> omega;
2881  fin >> q;
2882  fin >> dGamma;
2883  dGamma_qg_q->push_back(dGamma);
2885  ik++;
2886  }
2887  fin.close();
2888 }
2890 double Martini::getRate_qqg(double p, double k) {
2891  return use_table(p, k, Gam.qqg, 0);
2892 }
2894 double Martini::getRate_gqq(double p, double k) {
2895  if (k < p / 2.)
2896  return use_table(p, k, Gam.gqq, 1);
2897  else
2898  return 0.;
2899 }
2901 double Martini::getRate_ggg(double p, double k) {
2902  if (k < p / 2.)
2903  return use_table(p, k, Gam.ggg, 2);
2904  else
2905  return 0.;
2906 }
2908 double Martini::getRate_qqgamma(double p, double k) {
2909  return use_table(p, k, Gam.qqgamma, 3);
2910 }
2912 double Martini::use_table(double p, double k, double dGamma[NP][NK],
2913  int which_kind)
2914 /* Uses the lookup table and simple interpolation to get the value
2915  of dGamma/dkdx at some value of p,k.
2916  This works by inverting the relations between (p,k) and (n_p,n_k)
2917  used in building the table, to find out what continuous values
2918  of n_p, n_k should be considered; then linearly interpolates. */
2919 {
2920  double a, b, result; // fraction of way from corner of box
2921  int n_p, n_k; // location of corner of box
2923  // out of range
2924  if ((p < 4.01) || (p > 46000.) || (k < -12.) || (k > p + 12.))
2925  return 0.;
2927  if ((which_kind % 3) && (k > p / 2))
2928  k = p - k; // Take advantage of symmetry in these cases
2930  a = 24.7743737154026 * log(p * 0.2493765586034912718l);
2931  n_p = (int)a;
2932  a -= n_p;
2933  if (k < 2.) {
2934  if (k < -1) {
2935  if (k < -2)
2936  b = 60. + 5. * k;
2937  else
2938  b = 70. + 10. * k;
2939  } else {
2940  if (k < 1.)
2941  b = 80. + 20. * k;
2942  else
2943  b = 90. + 10. * k;
2944  }
2945  } else if (k < p - 2.) { /* This is that tricky middle ground. */
2946  b = 190. - 10. * log(1.000670700260932956l /
2947  (0.0003353501304664781l + (k - 2.) / (p - 4.)) -
2948  1.);
2949  } else {
2950  if (k < p + 1.) {
2951  if (k < p - 1.)
2952  b = 290. + 10. * (k - p);
2953  else
2954  b = 300. + 20. * (k - p);
2955  } else {
2956  if (k < p + 2.)
2957  b = 310. + 10. * (k - p);
2958  else
2959  b = 320. + 5. * (k - p);
2960  }
2961  }
2963  n_k = (int)b;
2964  b -= n_k;
2965  result = (1. - a) * ((1. - b) * dGamma[n_p][n_k] + b * dGamma[n_p][n_k + 1]) +
2966  a * ((1. - b) * dGamma[n_p + 1][n_k] + b * dGamma[n_p + 1][n_k + 1]);
2968  if (std::abs(k) > 0.001) // Avoid division by 0, should never get asked for
2969  {
2970  switch (which_kind) {
2971  case 0:
2972  result /= k;
2973  if (k < 20.)
2974  result /= 1. - exp(-k);
2975  if (k > p - 20.)
2976  result /= 1. + exp(k - p);
2977  break;
2978  case 1:
2979  result /= p;
2980  if (k < 20.)
2981  result /= 1 + exp(-k);
2982  if (k > p - 20.)
2983  result /= 1. + exp(k - p);
2984  break;
2985  case 2:
2986  result /= k * (p - k) / p;
2987  if (k < 20.)
2988  result /= 1. - exp(-k);
2989  if (k > p - 20.)
2990  result /= 1. - exp(k - p);
2991  break;
2992  case 3:
2993  result /= k;
2994  if (k < 0)
2995  result = 0.;
2996  if (k > p - 20.)
2997  result /= 1. + exp(k - p);
2998  break;
2999  }
3000  }
3002  return result;
3003 }
3005 double Martini::getElasticRateOmega(double u, double omega, int process) {
3006  if ((omega > 0. && omega < u) || (omega < 0. && omega > -u))
3007  return use_elastic_table_omega(omega, process);
3009  return 0.;
3010 }
3012 double Martini::getElasticRateQ(double u, double omega, double q, int process) {
3013  if (q > std::abs(omega) &&
3014  ((omega > 0 && omega < u) || (omega < 0 && omega > -u)))
3015  return use_elastic_table_q(omega, q, process);
3017  return 0.;
3018 }
3020 double Martini::use_elastic_table_omega(double omega, int which_kind)
3021 /* Uses the lookup table and simple interpolation to get the value
3022  of dGamma/domega at some value of omega and alpha_s. */
3023 {
3024  double result;
3025  double alphaFrac, omegaFrac;
3026  int iOmega, iAlphas;
3027  int position, positionAlphaUp, positionOmegaUp, positionAlphaUpOmegaUp;
3028  double rate, rateAlphaUp, rateOmegaUp, rateAlphaUpOmegaUp;
3029  double rateOmegaAv, rateAlphaUpOmegaAv;
3031  if (omega > 0.)
3032  iOmega = Nomega / 2 + floor((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep);
3033  else
3034  iOmega = Nomega / 2 - ceil((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) - 1;
3035  iAlphas = floor((alpha_s - 0.15) / alphaStep);
3037  position = iOmega + Nomega * (iAlphas);
3038  positionAlphaUp = iOmega + Nomega * (iAlphas + 1);
3039  positionOmegaUp = iOmega + 1 + Nomega * (iAlphas);
3040  positionAlphaUpOmegaUp = iOmega + 1 + Nomega * (iAlphas + 1);
3042  alphaFrac = (alpha_s - (floor((alpha_s - alphaMin) / alphaStep) * alphaStep +
3043  alphaMin)) /
3044  alphaStep;
3045  if (omega > 0.) {
3046  if (exp(ceil((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5) !=
3047  exp(floor((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5))
3048  omegaFrac =
3049  (omega - (exp(floor((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5))) /
3050  ((exp(ceil((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5)) -
3051  exp(floor((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5));
3052  else
3053  omegaFrac = 0.;
3054  } else {
3055  if (exp(ceil((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5) !=
3056  exp(floor((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5))
3057  omegaFrac =
3058  (-omega -
3059  (exp(floor((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5))) /
3060  ((exp(ceil((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5)) -
3061  exp(floor((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5));
3062  else
3063  omegaFrac = 0.;
3064  }
3066  if (which_kind == 5 || which_kind == 7) {
3067  if (position > 0 && iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega)
3068  rate = dGamma_qq->at(position);
3069  else
3070  rate = 0.;
3072  if (iAlphas + 1 < Nalphas)
3073  rateAlphaUp = dGamma_qq->at(positionAlphaUp);
3074  else
3075  rateAlphaUp = rate;
3077  if (iOmega + 1 < Nomega)
3078  rateOmegaUp = dGamma_qq->at(positionOmegaUp);
3079  else
3080  rateOmegaUp = rate;
3082  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega)
3083  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp = dGamma_qq->at(positionAlphaUpOmegaUp);
3084  else
3085  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp = rate;
3086  } else {
3087  if (position > 0 && iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega)
3088  rate = dGamma_qg->at(position);
3089  else
3090  rate = 0.;
3092  if (iAlphas + 1 < Nalphas)
3093  rateAlphaUp = dGamma_qg->at(positionAlphaUp);
3094  else
3095  rateAlphaUp = rate;
3097  if (iOmega + 1 < Nomega)
3098  rateOmegaUp = dGamma_qg->at(positionOmegaUp);
3099  else
3100  rateOmegaUp = rate;
3102  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega)
3103  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp = dGamma_qg->at(positionAlphaUpOmegaUp);
3104  else
3105  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp = rate;
3106  }
3108  if (omega > 0.) {
3109  rateOmegaAv = (1. - omegaFrac) * rate + omegaFrac * rateOmegaUp;
3110  rateAlphaUpOmegaAv =
3111  (1. - omegaFrac) * rateAlphaUp + omegaFrac * rateAlphaUpOmegaUp;
3112  } else {
3113  rateOmegaAv = (omegaFrac)*rate + (1. - omegaFrac) * rateOmegaUp;
3114  rateAlphaUpOmegaAv =
3115  (omegaFrac)*rateAlphaUp + (1. - omegaFrac) * rateAlphaUpOmegaUp;
3116  }
3117  result = (1. - alphaFrac) * rateOmegaAv + alphaFrac * rateAlphaUpOmegaAv;
3119  // leave out the *9./4. for processes 6 and 8 to use the same envelope later
3120  return result;
3121 }
3123 double Martini::use_elastic_table_q(double omega, double q, int which_kind)
3124 /* Uses the lookup table and simple interpolation to get the value
3125  of dGamma/domegadq at some value of omega, q, and alpha_s. */
3126 {
3127  double result;
3128  double alphaFrac, omegaFrac, qFrac;
3129  int iOmega, iAlphas, iQ;
3130  int position, positionAlphaUp, positionOmegaUp, positionAlphaUpOmegaUp;
3131  int positionQUp, positionAlphaUpQUp, positionOmegaUpQUp,
3132  positionAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp;
3133  int position2QUp;
3134  double rate, rateAlphaUp, rateOmegaUp, rateAlphaUpOmegaUp;
3135  double rateQUp, rateAlphaUpQUp, rateOmegaUpQUp, rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp;
3136  double rate2QUp, rateAlphaUp2QUp, rateOmegaUp2QUp, rateAlphaUpOmegaUp2QUp;
3137  double rateOmegaAv, rateAlphaUpOmegaAv, rateQUpOmegaAv, rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv;
3138  double rate2QUpOmegaAv, rateAlphaUp2QUpOmegaAv;
3139  double rateQAv, rateAlphaUpQAv;
3140  double slope, slopeAlphaUp;
3142  rate2QUp = 0.;
3143  rateAlphaUp2QUp = 0.;
3144  rateOmegaUp2QUp = 0.;
3145  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp2QUp = 0.;
3146  rateOmegaAv = 0.;
3147  rateAlphaUpOmegaAv = 0.;
3148  rateQUpOmegaAv = 0.;
3149  rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv = 0.;
3150  rate2QUpOmegaAv = 0.;
3151  rateAlphaUp2QUpOmegaAv = 0.;
3153  if (omega > 0.)
3154  iOmega = Nomega / 2 + floor((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep);
3155  else
3156  iOmega = Nomega / 2 - ceil((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) - 1;
3157  iQ = floor((log(q) + 5) / qStep + 0.0001);
3158  iAlphas = floor((alpha_s - 0.15) / alphaStep + 0.0001);
3160  position = iQ + Nq * (iOmega + Nomega * (iAlphas));
3161  positionAlphaUp = iQ + Nq * (iOmega + Nomega * (iAlphas + 1));
3162  positionOmegaUp = iQ + Nq * (iOmega + 1 + Nomega * (iAlphas));
3163  positionQUp = iQ + 1 + Nq * (iOmega + Nomega * (iAlphas));
3164  position2QUp = iQ + 2 + Nq * (iOmega + Nomega * (iAlphas));
3165  positionAlphaUpOmegaUp = iQ + Nq * (iOmega + 1 + Nomega * (iAlphas + 1));
3166  positionAlphaUpQUp = iQ + 1 + Nq * (iOmega + Nomega * (iAlphas + 1));
3167  positionOmegaUpQUp = iQ + 1 + Nq * (iOmega + 1 + Nomega * (iAlphas));
3168  positionAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp =
3169  iQ + 1 + Nq * (iOmega + 1 + Nomega * (iAlphas + 1));
3171  alphaFrac = (alpha_s - (floor((alpha_s - alphaMin) / alphaStep) * alphaStep +
3172  alphaMin)) /
3173  alphaStep;
3174  if (omega > 0.) {
3175  if (exp(ceil((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5) !=
3176  exp(floor((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5))
3177  omegaFrac =
3178  (omega - (exp(floor((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5))) /
3179  ((exp(ceil((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5)) -
3180  exp(floor((log(omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5));
3181  else
3182  omegaFrac = 0.;
3183  } else {
3184  if (exp(ceil((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5) !=
3185  exp(floor((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5))
3186  omegaFrac =
3187  (-omega -
3188  (exp(floor((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5))) /
3189  ((exp(ceil((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5)) -
3190  exp(floor((log(-omega) + 5) / omegaStep) * omegaStep - 5));
3191  else
3192  omegaFrac = 0.;
3193  }
3195  // interpolate the logs linearly for large omegas
3196  // since there the spectrum is dropping exp in q
3197  if (omega > 20.) {
3198  qFrac = (log(q) - (floor((log(q) + 5.) / qStep) * qStep - 5.)) / qStep;
3199  }
3200  // linear interpolation in q for small omegas
3201  else {
3202  if (exp(ceil((log(q) + 5.) / qStep) * qStep - 5.) !=
3203  exp(floor((log(q) + 5.) / qStep) * qStep - 5.))
3204  qFrac = (q - (exp(floor((log(q) + 5.) / qStep) * qStep - 5.))) /
3205  ((exp(ceil((log(q) + 5.) / qStep) * qStep - 5.)) -
3206  exp(floor((log(q) + 5.) / qStep) * qStep - 5.));
3207  else
3208  qFrac = 0.;
3209  }
3211  if (which_kind == 5 || which_kind == 7) {
3212  if (position >= 0 && iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega && iQ < Nq)
3213  rate = dGamma_qq_q->at(position);
3214  else
3215  rate = 0.;
3217  if (iAlphas + 1 < Nalphas)
3218  rateAlphaUp = dGamma_qq_q->at(positionAlphaUp);
3219  else
3220  rateAlphaUp = rate;
3222  if (iOmega + 1 < Nomega)
3223  rateOmegaUp = dGamma_qq_q->at(positionOmegaUp);
3224  else
3225  rateOmegaUp = rate;
3227  if (iQ + 1 < Nq)
3228  rateQUp = dGamma_qq_q->at(positionQUp);
3229  else
3230  rateQUp = rate;
3232  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega)
3233  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp = dGamma_qq_q->at(positionAlphaUpOmegaUp);
3234  else
3235  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp = rate;
3237  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iQ < Nq)
3238  rateAlphaUpQUp = dGamma_qq_q->at(positionAlphaUpQUp);
3239  else
3240  rateAlphaUpQUp = rate;
3242  if (iOmega + 1 < Nomega && iQ + 1 < Nq)
3243  rateOmegaUpQUp = dGamma_qq_q->at(positionOmegaUpQUp);
3244  else
3245  rateOmegaUpQUp = rate;
3247  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega && iQ < Nq)
3248  rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp = dGamma_qq_q->at(positionAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp);
3249  else
3250  rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp = rate;
3252  // used for extrapolation when the data points are too far apart
3253  if (omega > 20.) {
3254  if (iQ + 2 < Nq)
3255  rate2QUp = dGamma_qq_q->at(position2QUp);
3256  else
3257  rate2QUp = rateQUp;
3259  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iQ + 2 < Nq)
3260  rateAlphaUp2QUp = dGamma_qq_q->at(positionAlphaUpQUp + 1);
3261  else
3262  rateAlphaUp2QUp = rateAlphaUpQUp;
3264  if (iOmega < Nomega && iQ + 2 < Nq)
3265  rateOmegaUp2QUp = dGamma_qq_q->at(positionOmegaUpQUp + 1);
3266  else
3267  rateOmegaUp2QUp = rateOmegaUpQUp;
3269  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega && iQ + 2 < Nq)
3270  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp2QUp = dGamma_qq_q->at(positionAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp + 1);
3271  else
3272  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp2QUp = rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp;
3273  }
3274  } else {
3275  if (position > 0 && iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega && iQ < Nq)
3276  rate = dGamma_qg_q->at(position);
3277  else
3278  rate = 0.;
3280  if (iAlphas + 1 < Nalphas)
3281  rateAlphaUp = dGamma_qg_q->at(positionAlphaUp);
3282  else
3283  rateAlphaUp = rate;
3285  if (iOmega + 1 < Nomega)
3286  rateOmegaUp = dGamma_qg_q->at(positionOmegaUp);
3287  else
3288  rateOmegaUp = rate;
3290  if (iQ + 1 < Nq)
3291  rateQUp = dGamma_qg_q->at(positionQUp);
3292  else
3293  rateQUp = rate;
3295  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega)
3296  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp = dGamma_qg_q->at(positionAlphaUpOmegaUp);
3297  else
3298  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp = rate;
3300  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iQ < Nq)
3301  rateAlphaUpQUp = dGamma_qg_q->at(positionAlphaUpQUp);
3302  else
3303  rateAlphaUpQUp = rate;
3305  if (iOmega + 1 < Nomega && iQ + 1 < Nq)
3306  rateOmegaUpQUp = dGamma_qg_q->at(positionOmegaUpQUp);
3307  else
3308  rateOmegaUpQUp = rate;
3310  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega && iQ < Nq)
3311  rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp = dGamma_qg_q->at(positionAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp);
3312  else
3313  rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp = rate;
3315  // used for extrapolation when the data points are too far apart
3316  if (omega > 20.) {
3317  if (iQ + 2 < Nq)
3318  rate2QUp = dGamma_qg_q->at(position2QUp);
3319  else
3320  rate2QUp = rateQUp;
3322  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iQ + 2 < Nq)
3323  rateAlphaUp2QUp = dGamma_qg_q->at(positionAlphaUpQUp + 1);
3324  else
3325  rateAlphaUp2QUp = rateAlphaUpQUp;
3327  if (iOmega < Nomega && iQ + 2 < Nq)
3328  rateOmegaUp2QUp = dGamma_qg_q->at(positionOmegaUpQUp + 1);
3329  else
3330  rateOmegaUp2QUp = rateOmegaUpQUp;
3332  if (iAlphas < Nalphas && iOmega < Nomega && iQ + 2 < Nq)
3333  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp2QUp = dGamma_qg_q->at(positionAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp + 1);
3334  else
3335  rateAlphaUpOmegaUp2QUp = rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp;
3336  }
3337  }
3339  if (omega > 0. && omega <= 20.) {
3340  rateOmegaAv = (1. - omegaFrac) * rate + omegaFrac * rateOmegaUp;
3341  rateAlphaUpOmegaAv =
3342  (1. - omegaFrac) * rateAlphaUp + omegaFrac * rateAlphaUpOmegaUp;
3343  rateQUpOmegaAv = (1. - omegaFrac) * rateQUp + omegaFrac * rateOmegaUpQUp;
3344  rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv =
3345  (1. - omegaFrac) * rateAlphaUpQUp + omegaFrac * rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp;
3346  } else if (omega > 20.) {
3347  if (rate != 0. && rateOmegaUp != 0.)
3348  rateOmegaAv =
3349  exp((1. - omegaFrac) * log(rate) + omegaFrac * log(rateOmegaUp));
3350  else if (rate == 0.)
3351  rateOmegaAv = rateOmegaUp;
3352  else if (rateOmegaUp == 0.)
3353  rateOmegaAv = rate;
3354  else
3355  rateOmegaAv = 0.;
3357  if (rateAlphaUpOmegaUp != 0. && rateAlphaUp != 0.)
3358  rateAlphaUpOmegaAv = exp((1. - omegaFrac) * log(rateAlphaUp) +
3359  omegaFrac * log(rateAlphaUpOmegaUp));
3360  else if (rateAlphaUp == 0.)
3361  rateAlphaUpOmegaAv = rateAlphaUpOmegaUp;
3362  else if (rateAlphaUpOmegaUp == 0.)
3363  rateAlphaUpOmegaAv = rateAlphaUp;
3364  else
3365  rateAlphaUpOmegaAv = 0.;
3367  if (rateOmegaUpQUp != 0. && rateQUp != 0.)
3368  rateQUpOmegaAv = exp((1. - omegaFrac) * log(rateQUp) +
3369  omegaFrac * log(rateOmegaUpQUp));
3370  else if (rateOmegaUpQUp == 0.)
3371  rateQUpOmegaAv = rateQUp;
3372  else if (rateQUp == 0.)
3373  rateQUpOmegaAv = rateOmegaUpQUp;
3374  else
3375  rateQUpOmegaAv = 0.;
3377  if (rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp != 0. && rateAlphaUpQUp != 0.)
3378  rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv = exp((1. - omegaFrac) * log(rateAlphaUpQUp) +
3379  omegaFrac * log(rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp));
3380  else if (rateAlphaUpQUp == 0.)
3381  rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv = rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp;
3382  else if (rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp == 0.)
3383  rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv = rateAlphaUpQUp;
3384  else
3385  rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv = 0.;
3387  rate2QUpOmegaAv = exp((1. - omegaFrac) * log(rate2QUp) +
3388  omegaFrac * log(rateOmegaUp2QUp));
3389  rateAlphaUp2QUpOmegaAv = exp((1. - omegaFrac) * log(rateAlphaUp2QUp) +
3390  omegaFrac * log(rateAlphaUpOmegaUp2QUp));
3391  } else if (omega < 0.) {
3392  rateOmegaAv = (omegaFrac)*rate + (1. - omegaFrac) * rateOmegaUp;
3393  rateQUpOmegaAv = (omegaFrac)*rateQUp + (1. - omegaFrac) * rateOmegaUpQUp;
3394  rateAlphaUpOmegaAv =
3395  (omegaFrac)*rateAlphaUp + (1. - omegaFrac) * rateAlphaUpOmegaUp;
3396  rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv =
3397  (omegaFrac)*rateAlphaUpQUp + (1. - omegaFrac) * rateAlphaUpOmegaUpQUp;
3398  }
3400  // interpolate logs for large omega
3401  if (omega > 20.) {
3402  if (rateOmegaAv > 0.) {
3403  rateQAv =
3404  exp((1. - qFrac) * log(rateOmegaAv) + qFrac * log(rateQUpOmegaAv));
3405  } else if (rateOmegaAv < 0.) // use extrapolation
3406  {
3407  slope = (log(rate2QUpOmegaAv) - log(rateQUpOmegaAv)) / qStep;
3408  rateQAv = exp(log(rateQUpOmegaAv) - slope * ((1. - qFrac) * qStep));
3409  } else {
3410  rateQAv = 0.;
3411  }
3413  if (rateAlphaUpOmegaAv > 0.) {
3414  rateAlphaUpQAv = exp((1. - qFrac) * log(rateAlphaUpOmegaAv) +
3415  qFrac * log(rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv));
3416  } else if (rateAlphaUpOmegaAv < 0.) // use extrapolation
3417  {
3418  slopeAlphaUp =
3419  (log(rateAlphaUp2QUpOmegaAv) - log(rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv)) / qStep;
3420  rateAlphaUpQAv = exp(log(rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv) -
3421  slopeAlphaUp * ((1. - qFrac) * qStep));
3422  } else {
3423  rateAlphaUpQAv = 0.;
3424  }
3425  }
3426  // interpolate linearly for small omega
3427  else {
3428  rateQAv = (1. - qFrac) * rateOmegaAv + qFrac * rateQUpOmegaAv;
3429  rateAlphaUpQAv =
3430  (1. - qFrac) * rateAlphaUpOmegaAv + qFrac * rateAlphaUpQUpOmegaAv;
3431  }
3433  result = (1. - alphaFrac) * rateQAv + alphaFrac * rateAlphaUpQAv;
3435  // the absolute normalization doesn't matter when sampling the shape
3436  // it only matters in "totalRate" etc.
3437  return result;
3438 }
3440 double LambertW(double z) {
3441  double w_new, w_old, ratio, e_old, tol;
3442  int n;
3444  tol = 1.0e-14;
3446  if (z <= -exp(-1.0)) {
3447  JSWARN << "LambertW is not defined for z = " << z;
3448  JSWARN << "z needs to be bigger than " << -exp(-1.0);
3449  throw std::runtime_error("LambertW small z problem");
3450  }
3452  if (z > 3.0) {
3453  w_old = log(z) - log(log(z));
3454  } else {
3455  w_old = 1.0;
3456  }
3458  w_new = 0.0;
3459  ratio = 1.0;
3460  n = 0;
3461  while (std::abs(ratio) > tol) {
3462  e_old = exp(w_old);
3463  ratio = w_old * e_old - z;
3464  ratio /= (e_old * (w_old + 1.0) -
3465  (w_old + 2.0) * (w_old * e_old - z) / (2.0 * w_old + 2.0));
3466  w_new = w_old - ratio;
3467  w_old = w_new;
3468  n++;
3469  if (n > 99) {
3470  JSWARN << "LambertW is not converging after 100 iterations.";
3471  JSWARN << "LambertW: z = " << z;
3472  JSWARN << "LambertW: w_old = " << w_old;
3473  JSWARN << "LambertW: w_new = " << w_new;
3474  JSWARN << "LambertW: ratio = " << ratio;
3475  throw std::runtime_error("LambertW not conversing");
3476  }
3477  }
3479  return w_new;
3480 } // LambertW by Sangyong Jeon