Analysis Software
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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Fe55_main.dev20190528.cpp
1 int Fe55_main ( const char * dir, const char * outName = "Fe_50V" );
2 #ifndef __CINT__
4 #include "../Bias.cpp"
6 #include <assert.h>
7 #include <time.h>
8 #include <TRandom.h>
9 #include "TMinuit.h"
12 class rPad {
13 private:
14  TVirtualPad *fPad;
15 public:
16  rPad(): fPad(gPad){}
17  ~rPad(){ if (fPad) fPad->cd(); }
18 };
19 // CTE parameters *****************************************************
20 // 1 3 5 7
21 const double CteX = 0.9999999; //0.999997;
22 const double CteY = 0.9999999;
24 // other constants ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
26 class Co {
27 public:
28 // canvas constants
29  static const float left_margin;
30  static const float right_margin;
31  static const float top_margin;
32  static const float bot_margin;
34 //what to do flags
35  static const int doFit;
36  static const int doCTE;
38 // Fe55 lines and related constants
39  static const int Nsrch;
40  static const int Nxtail;
41  static const int Nytail;
42  static const int NXpix;
43  static const int NYpix;
44  static const int NBtot;
45  static const int Nsumh;
46  static const double KcutL;
47  static const double KcutR;
48  static const double Ea;
49  static const double Eb;
50  static const double w_pair;
51  static const double Fano;
52  static const double NeKa;
53  static const double NeKb;
54 // geometry & absorbtion
55  static const double Depth; //sensor thickness in micron
56  static const double Dchan; //N-channel thickness in microns
57  static const double DelD; // thickness ratio
58  static const double Tau_a; //absorbtion
59  static const double Tau_b; //absorbtion
60 //electrical
61  static const double Iqmu; // 1/q*mu in (kOhm*cm)*micron**-3
62  static const double Qtke; // q/(2*k*e_0)in V*micron
63  static const double Ro; // Si resistivity in kOhm*cm
64  static const double Na; // acceptor density in microm^-3
65  static const double Nd; // dopant density in microm^-3
66  static const double Cpn; // pn-junction correction factor
67  static const double Vde; // depletion voltage
68  static const double mobil_e;
69  static const double v_sat_e;
71 // run constant
72  static const double NTlow;
73  static const double NTcnt;
74  static const double Gain; // representative gain
75  static const double ConvGain[16];
77 };
79 const float Co::left_margin = (float)0.06;
80 const float Co::right_margin = (float)0.006;
81 const float Co::top_margin = (float)0.01;
82 const float Co::bot_margin = (float)0.04;
84 const int Co::doFit = 1;
85 const int Co::doCTE = 0;
87 const int Co::Nsrch = 3;
88 const int Co::Nxtail = 0;
89 const int Co::Nytail = 0;
90 const int Co::NXpix = Co::Nsrch + Co::Nxtail;
91 const int Co::NYpix = Co::Nsrch + Co::Nytail;
92 const int Co::NBtot = Co::NXpix*Co::NYpix;
93 const int Co::Nsumh = Co::NBtot + 1;
95 const double Co::KcutL = 1500.; // e-
96 const double Co::KcutR = 1700.; // e-
97 const double Co::Ea= 5897.; //in eV
98 const double Co::Eb = 6490.; //in eV
99 const double Co::w_pair = 3.68; //in eV/e-
100 const double Co::Fano = 0.12;
101 const double Co::NeKa = Co::Ea/Co::w_pair; //in electrons
102 const double Co::NeKb = Co::Eb/Co::w_pair; //in electrons
104 const double Co::Depth = 100.; //sensor thickness in microns
105 const double Co::Dchan = 1.; //N-channel thickness in microns
106 const double Co::DelD = Co::Dchan/Co::Depth; // thickness ratio
107 const double Co::Tau_a = 28.8/Co::Depth; //absorbtion (in microns)
108 const double Co::Tau_b = 37.9/Co::Depth; //absorbtion (in microns)
110 const double Co::Iqmu=4.6296; // 1/q*mu in (kOhm*cm)*micron**-3
111 const double Co::Qtke=0.7717e-3; // q/(2*k*e_0)in V*micron
112 const double Co::Ro=3.; // Si resistivity in kOhm*cm
113 const double Co::Na=Co::Iqmu/Co::Ro; // 1.54 for 3 kOhm*cm, density in microm^-3
114 //const double Co::Na=1.54; // 1.54 for 3 kOhm*cm, density in microm^-3
115 //const double Co::Na=1.155; // for 4 kOhm*cm, density in microm^-3
116 //const double Co::Na=0.924; // for 5 kOhm*cm, density in microm^-3
117 const double Co::Nd=1.6e+3; //dopant density in microm^-3
118 const double Co::Cpn=1.-Co::DelD*Co::DelD-Co::DelD*Co::DelD*Co::Nd/Co::Na; //junction correction factor
119 const double Co::Vde=Co::Qtke*Co::Na*Co::Depth*Co::Depth*Co::Cpn; //depletion voltage
121 const double Co::mobil_e = 900.; //in micron**2/(ns*V)
122 const double Co::v_sat_e = 118.; //in micron/ns
124 const double Co::NTlow = -3.0; //1.2; // Noise Threshold low
125 const double Co::NTcnt = 5.0; // Noise Threshold count
126 const double Co::Gain = 3.0; // in e-/adu
127 const double Co::ConvGain[16]={
128  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, //2.32, 2.93,
129  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
130 // 112-09 TS3-SK
131 //1.9946, 1.9831, 1.9521, 1.9543, 1.9677, 1.9709, 1.9733, 1.9844,
132 //2.0202, 1.9952, 2.0233, 1.9689, 2.0233, 1.9845, 2.0416, 2.0035 };
133 // 112-01 TS3-JWY
134 //3.0159, 3.0040, 3.5802, 3.0541, 2.9406, 3.0012, 3.0181, 2.9704, // ch2 with bad CTE
135 //2.9568, 3.0146, 2.9646, 2.9576, 2.9881, 3.0488, 3.0515, 3.1203 };
137  //int NKhit=0;
138  //double AvHit[Co::NXpix][Co::NYpix]={{0.}};
139 // Fit Functions ******************************************************
140 //*********************************************************************
141 // par[]:
142 // 0 - total/integral amplitude
143 // 1 - x-center
144 // 2 - y-center
145 // 3 - sigma
147 double G2DI ( double *v, double *par )
148 {
149  const double bin_w2 = 0.5;
150  double x = v[0];
151  double y = v[1];
152  double sigma;
153  if ( par[3] < 0.000001 ) { sigma = 1.e-6; } //&& par[3] > -0.000001
154  else { sigma = par[3]; }
156  double Xmin = (x - bin_w2 - par[1])/sigma;
157  double Xmax = (x + bin_w2 - par[1])/sigma;
158  double Ymin = (y - bin_w2 - par[2])/sigma;
159  double Ymax = (y + bin_w2 - par[2])/sigma;
160  double fitval = par[0];
161  fitval *= TMath::Freq(Xmax) - TMath::Freq(Xmin);
162  fitval *= TMath::Freq(Ymax) - TMath::Freq(Ymin);
163  return fitval;
164 }
166 // cluster finder *******************************************
167 // sequential clusters **************************************
168 // individual cluster
169 class Hits;
170 class OneHit{
171 public:
172  int Flag;
174  static int Nrpix1;
175  static double Acut1;
176  static double AcutL1;
177  static int jy_c; // current row index
178  static double * p_crow; // current row (internal) pointer
179  static double * p_arow; // antecedent row (internal) pointer
180  static int * Seed; // pointer to Hits Seed array
181  // double Amp[Wpad][Wtime];
183  int ixfirst, jyfirst; //first pixel in the seed
184  int ixmax, jymax; //pixel with max amplitude
185  int ixl, ixr; //left and right index of the zone
186  int jylast;
187  int ixcntr, jycntr; //zone center
188  double xhit, yhit; //centroid coordinates
189  double Amax;
190  double SumA, xA, yA;
191  int Npix; //number of pixels abouve threshold
192  int Nxpix; //number of pixels in X-direction
193  int Nypix; //number of pixels in Y-direction
195  OneHit(){Flag=0;};
196  void Init( int ix, int jy );
197  int AddPix( int ix, int jy );
198  void Done( void ){Flag=1;};
199  ~OneHit(){};
200 };
201 int OneHit::Nrpix1=0;
202 double OneHit::Acut1=0.;
203 double OneHit::AcutL1=0.;
204 int OneHit::jy_c=0; // current row index
205 double * OneHit::p_crow=0; //for current row array
206 double * OneHit::p_arow=0; //for antecedent row array
207 int * OneHit::Seed=0; //pointer to Hits Seed array
209 // cluster collection and management
210 class Hits{
211 public:
212  static const int Wpad; //x coord
213  static const int Wtime; //y coord
214  const int Nrpix;
215  const int maxHit;
216  const int maxSeed;
217  const double Noise;
218  const double Threshold;
219  const double Acut;
220  const double AcutL;
222  int NSeeds;
223  int NHits;
224  int jy_c; // current row index
225  double * prow; // current row pointer
226  double * crow; // current row array
227  double * arow; // antecedent row array
229  OneHit * hit1; //for hit array[maxHit];
230  int * Seed; //for seed array[maxSeed];
232 void GetRow(double * p_row, int yc);
233 void ClusterMatch(void);
234 void ClusterSeed(void);
235 Hits( int nx, int ny, double ANoise, double thresh);
236 //~Hits(){};
238  delete [] crow; crow=0;
239  delete [] arow; arow=0;
240  delete [] hit1; hit1=0;
241  delete [] Seed; Seed=0;
242 }
244 };
245 const int Hits::Wpad=3;
246 const int Hits::Wtime=3;
248 // OneHit & Hits implementation
249 void OneHit::Init( int ix, int jy )
250 {
251  double amp;
252  ixfirst=ix;
253  ixmax=ix;
254  printf(" OneHit::Init %i %i \n", ix, jy);
255  if (ix>0) {
256  amp=*(p_crow+ix-1);
257  if (amp > AcutL1) ixfirst=ix-1;
258  printf(" OneHit::Init %i %f %f \n", ixfirst, AcutL1, amp );
259  }
260  jyfirst=jy;
261  jymax=jy;
263  jycntr=jyfirst+Hits::Wtime/2;
265  Npix=1;
266  Nxpix=1;
267  Nypix=1;
268  Amax=SumA=0.;
269  xA=0.;
270  int nn=ixfirst+Hits::Wpad;
271  nn = nn<Nrpix1 ? nn : Nrpix1;
272  for (int i=ixfirst; i<nn; i++){
273  amp=*(p_crow+i);
274  //if (amp<AcutL1) break;
275  if (amp > Amax) {Amax=amp; ixmax=i;}
276  Nxpix++;
277  SumA+= amp;
278  xA+=i*amp;
279  *(p_crow+i)=0.;
280  }
281  yA=jy*SumA;
282  // check the antedecent row
283  double aSumA=0;
284  Nypix++;
285  for (int i=ixfirst; i<nn; i++){
286  amp=*(p_arow+i);
287  //if (amp<AcutL1) break;
288  if (amp > Amax) {Amax=amp; ixmax=i;}
289  Nxpix++;
290  aSumA+= amp;
291  xA+=i*amp;
292  *(p_arow+i)=0.;
293  }
294  if (aSumA>SumA) {jymax=jy-1;}
295  yA+=(jy-1)*aSumA;
296  SumA+=aSumA;
297  xhit=xA/SumA;
298  yhit=yA/SumA;
299  jyfirst=jy-1;
302  ixl=ixfirst;
304  ixcntr=ixl+Hits::Wpad/2;
305  if (ixr>Nrpix1) {ixr=Nrpix1;}
306  printf(" OneHit::Init %i %i %f %f %f \n", ixl,ixr, SumA, xhit, yhit );
307 }
309 int OneHit::AddPix( int ix, int jy)
310 {
311  if (jy>jylast) {Flag=1; return 1;}
312  double amp = *(p_crow+ix);
313  SumA += amp;
314  if (amp > Amax) {Amax=amp;}
315  xA+=ix*amp;
316  yA+=jy*amp;
317  *(p_crow+ix)=0;
318  return 0;
319 }
322 Hits::Hits( int nx, int ny, double ANoise, double thresh):
323 Nrpix(nx),
324 maxHit((nx/Wpad+1)*(ny/Wtime+1)),
325 maxSeed(Wtime*nx/Wpad),
326 Noise(ANoise),
327 Threshold(thresh),
328 Acut(Noise*Threshold),
329 AcutL(Noise*2.0),
330 NSeeds(0),
331 NHits(0),
332 jy_c(0),
333 prow(0)
334 {
335  crow = new double[Nrpix];
336  arow = new double[Nrpix];
337  hit1 = new OneHit[maxHit];
338  Seed = new int[maxSeed];
339  memset( crow, 0, Nrpix);
340  memset( arow, 0, Nrpix);
341  memset( Seed, 0, maxSeed);
342 }; // end of Hits constructor
344 void Hits::GetRow(double * p_row, int yc)
345 {
346  if (!prow) { for (int i=0; i<Nrpix; i++) {arow[i]= crow[i];} }
347  prow=p_row;
348  jy_c=yc;
349  for (int i=0; i<Nrpix; i++) {crow[i]= *(prow+i);}
350 }
353 {
354  int full=0;
355  if (!NSeeds) return;
356 // printf(" Hits::ClusterMatch NSeeds= %i \n", NSeeds);
357  for (int i=0; i<NSeeds; i++){
358  int hind=Seed[i];
359  int lind=hit1[hind].ixl;
360  int rind=hit1[hind].ixr;
361  int ixcnt=0;
362 // printf(" Hits::ClusterMatch l,r= %i %i %i %i \n", lind, rind, NSeeds, i);
363  for (int ii=lind; ii<rind; ii++) {
364 // printf(" Hits::ClusterMatch ii,crow= %i %f \n", ii, crow[ii]);
365  if (crow[ii]<AcutL) {ixcnt++;}
366  full=hit1[hind].AddPix(ii,jy_c);
367  if (full) break;
368  crow[ii]=0.; //clear the pixel
369  }
370  if (!ixcnt) {
371  hit1[hind].Done();
372  for (int ii=i+1; ii<NSeeds; ii++) {Seed[ii-1]=Seed[ii];}
373  NSeeds--;
374  i--;
375  }
376  }
377 }
380 {
381  for (int i=0; i<Nrpix; i++) {
382  if (crow[i]<Acut) continue;
383  if (NSeeds >= maxSeed) break;
384  if (NHits >= maxHit) break;
385  Seed[NSeeds]=NHits; //Seed points to a Hit index
386  hit1[NHits].Init(i,jy_c);
387  NSeeds++;
388  NHits++;
389  // printf(" Hits::ClusterSeed i,NSeeds,NHits= %i %i %i \n", i, Nseeds, NHits);
390  }
391 }
393 // High Amplitude Seed order ******************************************
394 //*********************************************************************
395 class Qhit{
396 public:
397  int ixb, jyb;
398  void Set(int ix, int jy){ixb=ix; jyb=jy;};
399  Qhit(){};
400  ~Qhit(){};
401 };
403 class Ohit{
404 public:
405  const int Xmax;
406  const int Xmin;
407  const int Ymax;
408  const int Ymin;
409  const double Noise;
410  const double lowT;
411  const double cntT;
412  const double Cntr; // = Ncore/2.;
413  const int nxb, nyb;
414  const long Jmax;
415  double * pbuf;
416  char * flagbuf;
417  int Flag;
418  int isoFlag; //isolated pixel flag
420  enum { Ncore = Co::Nsrch };
421  enum { NXsrch = Co::NXpix };
422  enum { NYsrch = Co::NYpix };
423  double Amp[NXsrch][NYsrch];
424  int ixb, jyb; //center of the search area in the buffer
425  double xhit, yhit; //centroid local coordinates, relative zone corner
426  double xhitG, yhitG; //centroid global/image coordinates
427  double xfitG, yfitG; //centroid global fitted coordinates
428  double Amax;
429  double Aseed;
430  double Sum;
431  double SumCTE;
432  double SumOne; //sum of isolated pixels
433  double rms;
434  double MRatio;
435  double ARatio;
436  int Npix; //number of pixels abouve threshold
437  int NpixH; //number of pixels abouve High threshold
438  int Nxpix; //number of pixels in X-direction
439  int Nypix; //number of pixels in Y-direction
441  enum { NZ = 4 };
442  int Zind;
443  int NKhit[NZ];
444  double AvHit[NZ][NXsrch][NYsrch];
445  double A2Hit[NZ][NXsrch][NYsrch];
447  TCanvas *cF;
448  TH2F * f2D;
449  TF2 * fit;
450  enum { Npar2DI = 4};
451  double FitPar[Npar2DI];
452  double FitErr[Npar2DI];
453  int fitflag;
454  const int Nfree;
455  double chi2;
456  double chiR;
457  double Sumf;
458  double xfit;
459  double yfit;
460  double sfit;
461  double efit;
463  void FitX( void ); // 2D cluster fit TCanvas *cF
464  void Cluster( int ix, int jy, const int pass=0 );
465  void Clear( void );
466  Ohit(int max_X, int min_X, int max_Y, int min_Y, double ANoise,
467  int nx, int ny, double * buf,
468  TCanvas * pcF, TH2F * pf2D, TF2 * pfit );
469  //Ohit(int max_X, int min_X, int max_Y, int min_Y, double ANoise,
470  // int nx, int ny, double * buf);
471  ~Ohit(){delete [] flagbuf; flagbuf = 0;};
472 };
474 Ohit::Ohit( int max_X, int min_X, int max_Y, int min_Y, double ANoise,
475  int nx, int ny, double * buf,
476  TCanvas * pcF, TH2F * pf2D, TF2 * pfit ):
477  Xmax(max_X),
478  Xmin(min_X),
479  Ymax(max_Y),
480  Ymin(min_Y),
481  Noise(ANoise),
482  lowT(Co::NTlow*Noise),
483  cntT(Co::NTcnt*Noise),
484  Cntr(Ncore/2.),
485  nxb(nx),
486  nyb(ny),
487  Jmax(nxb*nyb),
488  pbuf(buf),
489  Flag(-100),
490  isoFlag(-100),
491  cF(pcF),
492  f2D(pf2D),
493  fit(pfit),
494  fitflag(-1),
495  Nfree(NXsrch*NYsrch-Npar2DI),
496  chi2(-1.0),
497  chiR(-1.0),
498  Sumf(-1.0),
499  xfit(-1.0),
500  yfit(-1.0),
501  sfit(-1.0),
502  efit(-1.0)
503 {
504  if ( pcF==0) cF = new TCanvas("Fit2D", "Fit2D", 300,10,700,650);
505  if ( f2D==0) f2D = new TH2F("f2D","fit2", NXsrch, 0, NXsrch, NYsrch, 0, NYsrch);
506  if ( fit==0) fit = new TF2("fitG2DI", G2DI, 0., NXsrch, 0., NYsrch, Npar2DI);
507  for (int i=0;i<NZ;i++){
508  NKhit[i]=0;
509  for (int y=0; y<NYsrch; y++){
510  for (int x=0; x<NXsrch; x++){
511  AvHit[i][x][y] =0.;
512  A2Hit[i][x][y] =0.;
513  }
514  }
515  }
516  flagbuf =new char[Jmax];
517  memset( flagbuf, 0, Jmax);
519 } // end of Ohit constructor
521 void Ohit::Cluster(int ix, int jy, const int pass )
522 {
523  ixb=ix;
524  jyb=jy;
525  Flag = -1000;
526  isoFlag = -1000;
527  xhit = 0.;
528  yhit = 0.;
529  xhitG = 0.;
530  yhitG = 0.;
531  xfitG = 0.;
532  yfitG = 0.;
533  Amax = 0.;
534  Sum = 0.;
535  SumCTE = 0.;
536  SumOne = 0.;
537  rms = 0.;
538  ARatio = 0.;
539  Npix = 0;
540  NpixH= 0;
541  fitflag=-1;
542  chi2=-1.0;
543  chiR=-1.0;
544  Sumf=-1.0;
545  xfit=-1.0;
546  yfit=-1.0;
547  sfit=-1.0;
548  efit=-1.0;
550  int js = jyb*nxb + ixb;
551  if (js < 0 || js >= Jmax) return;
552  Aseed = pbuf[js];
553  if ( Aseed < 3.*Noise ) return;
555  Flag = 0;
557  char pileup=0;
558  const int center = Ncore/2;
559  for (int y=0; y<NYsrch; y++){
560  int ybuf = jyb + y - center;
561  if ( ybuf < Ymin || ybuf >= Ymax) {Flag = -1; continue;}
562  for (int x=0; x<NXsrch; x++){
563  int xbuf = ixb + x - center;
564  if ( xbuf < Xmin || xbuf >= Xmax) {Flag = -1; continue;}
565  int jb = ybuf*nxb + xbuf;
566  double amp = 0.;
567  if (Flag == 0 ) { amp = pbuf[jb]; }
568  Sum += amp;
569  if (pass) { flagbuf[jb]++;}
570  if ( flagbuf[jb] >1 ) {pileup = 1;}
571  if ( amp > cntT ) { NpixH++; }
572  if ( (amp > lowT) || pass ) {
573  Npix++;
574  //Sum += amp;
575  xhit += x*amp;
576  yhit += y*amp;
577  double ampC = amp;
578  ampC /=(TMath::Power(CteX, xbuf)*TMath::Power(CteY, ybuf));
579  SumCTE += ampC;
580  }
581  if ( amp > Amax ) { Amax = amp; }
582  Amp[x][y] = amp;
583  }
584  }
586  if (pass) { return; }
587  if ( pileup ) {Flag = -200; return;} //printf("Pileup detected \n");
588  if ( Sum < 100.) {Flag = -100; return;} //printf("Sum<100 \n");
589  MRatio = Amax/Sum;
590  ARatio = 0.125*(Sum/Amax - 1.);
591  xhit /=Sum;
592  yhit /=Sum;
593  xhitG= ixb + xhit - Cntr;
594  yhitG= jyb + yhit - Cntr;
596  double rmsx2 = 0.;
597  double rmsy2 = 0.;
598  for (int y=0; y<NYsrch; y++){
599  for (int x=0; x<NXsrch; x++){
600  double amp=Amp[x][y];
601  if (amp <0.) continue;
602  rmsx2 += (x - xhit)*(x-xhit)*amp/Sum;
603  rmsy2 += (y - xhit)*(y-xhit)*amp/Sum;
604  }
605  }
606  rms = sqrt(rmsx2+rmsy2);
608 // isolated pixel row flag
609  isoFlag=0;
610  SumOne = 0.;
612  for(int x = 0; x < NXsrch; x++){
613  for(int y = 0; y < NYsrch; y++) {
614  if (y == center ) continue;
615  if (Amp[x][y] > cntT) {isoFlag++;}
616  }
617  }
619  int preC = center-1;
620  if (preC<0) preC=0;
622  for(int x = 0; x < preC; x++) {
623  if (Amp[x][center] > cntT) {isoFlag++;}
624  }
626  if (!isoFlag) {
627  for (int x = preC; x < NXsrch; x++) {
628  SumOne += Amp[x][center];
629  }
630  }
632  //if ( Sum < Co::KcutL && Sum > Co::KcutR ) { return; }
633  //Zind=0;
634  //if (ixb > nxb/2) Zind=1;
635  //NKhit[Zind]++;
636  //for (int y=0; y<NYsrch; y++){
637  // for (int x=0; x<NXsrch; x++){
638  // double amp=Amp[x][y]; ///Sum
639  // AvHit[Zind][x][y] += amp;
640  // A2Hit[Zind][x][y] += amp*amp;
641  // }
642  //}
643  //Zind=2;
644  //if (jyb > nyb/2) Zind=3;
645  //NKhit[Zind]++;
646  //for (int y=0; y<NYsrch; y++){
647  // for (int x=0; x<NXsrch; x++){
648  // double amp=Amp[x][y]; ///Sum
649  // AvHit[Zind][x][y] += amp;
650  // A2Hit[Zind][x][y] += amp*amp;
651  // }
652  //}
653  //
655  return;
656 }
658 void Ohit::FitX( void )
659 {
660 // 2D fit
662  for (int y=1; y<=NYsrch; y++){
663  //cout << " y= " << y ;
664  for (int x=1; x<=NXsrch; x++){
665  double amp = Amp[x-1][y-1];
666  if (amp < 0.) amp=0.;
667  f2D->SetBinContent(x, y, amp);
668  double StErr = Noise;
669  double StErr2 = Noise*Noise;
670  if ( amp > 3.*Noise ){
671  StErr2 += amp * Co::Gain * Co::Fano;
672  StErr = sqrt(StErr2);
673  }
674  f2D->SetBinError (x, y, StErr);
675  //cout << " " << amp;
676  }
677  //cout << endl;
678  }
679  //cF->cd(1);
680  //f2D->Draw("lego");
682  fit->SetParameter(0, Sum);
683  //fit->SetParLimits(0,0.,2000.);
684  fit->SetParameter(1, xhit);
685  fit->SetParameter(2, yhit); //fit->SetParLimits(2,0.,1000.);
686  fit->SetParameter(3, rms);
687  //fit->SetParLimits(3,0.,8.);
688  //cout<<" "<<endl;
689  //cout << " Initial parameters: " << endl;
690  //cout << " N="<<Ncore<<" Npix="<<Npix<<" Aseed="<<Aseed<<endl;
691  //for (int jp = 0; jp < Npar2DI; jp++){
692  // cout <<" par "<<jp<<" = " << fit->GetParameter(jp)<< endl;
693  //}
695  fitflag = f2D->Fit("fitG2DI","Q"); //LNQ
696  chi2 = fit->GetChisquare();
697  chiR = chi2/(double)Nfree;
698  Sumf = fit->GetParameter(0);
699  xfit = fit->GetParameter(1);
700  yfit = fit->GetParameter(2);
701  sfit = fit->GetParameter(3);
702  if (sfit<0.) sfit = -sfit;
703  efit = fit->GetParError(3);
704  if (efit<0.) efit = -efit;
705  if ( fitflag == 0 ) {
706  xhitG= ixb + xhit - Cntr;
707  yhitG= jyb + yhit - Cntr;
708  xfitG= ixb + xfit - Cntr;
709  yfitG= jyb + yfit - Cntr;
710  }
712  //cout << " fit status = " << fitflag << endl;
713  //cout << " Chi**2 = " << chi2 << endl;
714  //cout << " Npar/Npix = " << Npar2DI << "/" << Npix << endl;
715  //for (int jp = 0; jp < Npar2DI; jp++){
716  // FitPar[jp]=fit->GetParameter(jp);
717  // FitErr[jp]=fit->GetParError(jp);
718  // cout <<" par "<<jp<<" = "<<FitPar[jp]<<" +- "<<FitErr[jp]<< endl;
719  // if ( FitPar[jp] < 0.) cout << " WARNING! " << FitPar[jp] << endl;
720  //}
721  //if ( fitflag != 0 ) {
722  // fit->SetParameter(0, Sum);
723  // //fit->SetParLimits(0,0.,2000.);
724  // fit->SetParameter(1, xhit);
725  // fit->SetParameter(2, yhit);
726  // fit->SetParameter(3, rms);
727  // fit->SetParLimits(3,0.,8.);
728  // cout<<" *** Debug failed fit ***"<<endl;
729  // cout << " Initial parameters: " << endl;
730  // cout << " N="<<Ncore<<" Npix="<<Npix<<" Aseed="<<Aseed<<endl;
731  // for (int jp = 0; jp < Npar2DI; jp++){
732  // cout <<" par "<<jp<<" = " << fit->GetParameter(jp)<< endl;
733  // }
734  // fitflag = f2D->Fit("fitG2DI","LNV"); //Q
735  // TH2F * f2Df= new TH2F("f2Df","fit2f", NXsrch, 0, NXsrch, NYsrch, 0, NYsrch);
736  // double q[2];
737  // for (int y=1; y<=NYsrch; y++){
738  // cout << " y= " << y ;
739  // q[1] = (double)y-0.5; // bin center
740  // for (int x=1; x<=NXsrch; x++){
741  // q[0] = (double)x-0.5; // bin center
742  // double AmD = Amp[x-1][y-1];
743  // AmD -= G2DI(q, FitPar);
744  // f2Df->SetBinContent(x, y, AmD);
745  // cout <<" "<<Amp[x-1][y-1]<<" / "<<AmD;
746  // }
747  // cout << endl;
748  // }
749  // cF->cd(2);
750  // f2Df->Draw("lego");
752  // cF->Update();
753  // while(!gSystem->ProcessEvents()){gSystem->Sleep(400);};
754  // delete f2Df;
755  //} // end fit flag IF
757  //cF->Update();
758  //while(!gSystem->ProcessEvents()){gSystem->Sleep(400);};
760  return;
761 } // end Ohit::FitX
764 {
765  if (Flag < -500 ) return;
766  int Nc = Ncore/2;
767  for (int i=0; i<NYsrch; i++){
768  int xbuf = ixb + i - Nc;
769  for (int j=0; j<NXsrch; j++){
770  int ybuf = jyb + j - Nc;
771  int jb = ybuf*nxb + xbuf;
772  if ( (xbuf >= Xmin && xbuf < Xmax) &&
773  (ybuf >= Ymin && ybuf < Ymax)) pbuf[jb]=0.;
774  }
775  }
776 }
778 //*********************************************************************
779 int PeakRange(TH1D * hist, double * maxpos, double * Rmin, double * Rmax)
780 {
781  const double Fract = 0.04;
782  int maxbin = hist->GetMaximumBin();
783  *maxpos = hist->GetBinCenter(maxbin);
784  double maxval = hist->GetBinContent(maxbin);
786  cout << " maxbin=" << maxbin << " maxval=" <<maxval <<endl;
787  cout << " max/maxpos=" << *maxpos << endl;
789  int bin = maxbin;
790  while (bin>0 && hist->GetBinContent(bin) > Fract*maxval) bin--;
791  *Rmin = hist->GetBinCenter(bin);
792  cout << " Rmin=" << *Rmin << " A(Rmin)=" << hist->GetBinContent(bin) << endl;
794  int xlast = hist->GetXaxis()->GetLast();
795  bin = maxbin;
796  while (bin<xlast && hist->GetBinContent(bin) > Fract*maxval) bin++;
797  bin++;
798  *Rmax = hist->GetBinCenter(bin);
799  cout << " Rmax=" << *Rmax << " A(Rmax)=" << hist->GetBinContent(bin) << endl;
801  return 0;
802 }
803 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
804 // SimX class ---------------------------------------------------------
805 class SimX: public FileF {
806 public:
807 // canvas constants
808  static const float left_margin;
809  static const float right_margin;
810  static const float top_margin;
811  static const float bot_margin;
813 // constants for simulation
814  static const int bend;
815  const int Nmatr;
816  const int Msz;
817  const int Centr;
818  double * matrix;
820  static const int Nray; // number of X-rays
821  static const double SiDi; // in pixels
822  static const double Sigma0; // in pixels
823  double SiPzS2; // SiDi*sqrt(2.)
824  static const double Vop; // in V
825  static const double Vde; // in V
826  //static const double Na; // acceptor micron^-3
827  //static const double Nd; // donor micron^-3
828  //static const double Ra; // ratio del/d
829  static const double Cpn; // in V
830  static const double Vplus; // in V
831  static const double Vmins; // in V
832  static const double Tmax;
833  static const double t_sat;
835  const int tbl_sz;
837 // some constants (initiated from Dev)
842  double PixSz;
844  int Flag;
846  static SimX * ptrSimA; //needed for FCN
848  string dname;
849  string filename;
850  string OutFN;
852  unsigned short * bufsi;
854  TH1D * hsiAmp;
855  TH1D * hsiAmx;
856  TH1D * hsiAle;
857  TH1D * hsiXl;
858  TH1D * hsiYl;
859  TH1D * hsiZl;
860  TH1D * hsiTl;
862 public:
863  SimX ( string dir_name );
864  void Simulator( void );
865  void PlotSim( void );
866  //int create_Table();
867  int OutSimF( const char * fOutName );
868  ~SimX(){ delete []bufsi; bufsi = 0; };
869 };
871 // initialization of static members
872 const float SimX::left_margin = (float)0.06;
873 const float SimX::right_margin = (float)0.006;
874 const float SimX::top_margin = (float)0.01;
875 const float SimX::bot_margin = (float)0.04;
877 const int SimX::bend = 1;
878 const int SimX::Nray = 8000; //number of X-rays
879 const double SimX::SiDi = 0.355; //diffusion sigma in pixels
880 const double SimX::Sigma0 = 0.07; //initial size in pixels
881 //const double SimX::SiPzS2 = SimX::SiDi*sqrt(2.); // SiDi*sqrt(2.)
882 const double SimX::Vop=81.; // in V
883 const double SimX::Vde=Co::Vde; // 10.648 in V
884 //const double SimX::Na=1.54; // acceptor concentration
885 //const double SimX::Nd=1.6e+3; // donor concentration
886 //const double SimX::Ra=1.e-4; // (del/d)**2
887 const double SimX::Cpn=Co::Cpn;
888 const double SimX::Vplus=SimX::Vop +SimX::Vde*(2.*Co::Cpn -1.); // in V
889 const double SimX::Vmins=SimX::Vop -SimX::Vde; // in V
890 const double SimX::Tmax=log(SimX::Vplus/SimX::Vmins);
893 //pixels: 1.0 0.593 0.555 0.519 0.481 0.444 0.407 0.370 0.333 0.296 0.259 0.222
894 //microns: 13.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0
897  SimX * SimX::ptrSimA = 0; //needed for FCN
899 SimX::SimX( string dir_name ):
900  Nmatr(2* bend +1),
901  Msz(Nmatr*Nmatr),
902  Centr(Msz/2),
903  tbl_sz(Nmatr+4),
904  dname(dir_name),
905  bufsi(0)
906 {
907  ptrSimA = this;
909  cout<<" Sim Param Sigma Diffusion: "<<SiDi<<'\n';
910  cout<<" Sim Param Gain: "<<Co::Gain<<'\n';
911  cout<<" Sim Param Ne Ka: "<<Co::NeKa<<'\n';
912  cout<<" Sim Param Ne Kb: "<<Co::NeKb<<'\n';
913  cout<<" Sim Cluster matrix bend: "<<bend <<'\n';
914  cout<<" Sim Cluster matrix Nmatr: "<<Nmatr <<'\n';
915  cout<<" Sim Vop: "<<Vop <<'\n';
916  cout<<" Sim Vde: "<<Vde <<'\n';
917  //cout<<" Sim Na: "<<Co::Na <<'\n';
918  //cout<<" Sim Nd: "<<Co::Nd <<'\n';
919  cout<<" Sim DelD: "<<Co::DelD <<'\n';
920  cout<<" Sim Cpn: "<<Co::Cpn<<'\n';
921  cout<<" Sim Vplus: "<<Vplus <<'\n';
922  cout<<" Sim Vmins: "<<Vmins <<'\n';
923  cout<<" Sim Tmax: "<<Tmax <<'\n';
924  cout<<" Sim t_sat: "<<t_sat <<'\n';
925 //
926  hsiAmp = new TH1D( "siAmp", "siAmp", 1000, 0., 1000.);
927  hsiAmp->SetStats(1);
928  hsiAmx = new TH1D( "siAmx", "siAmx", 1000, 0., 1000.);
929  hsiAmx->SetStats(1);
930  hsiAle = new TH1D( "siAle", "siAle", 1000, 0., 1.);
931  hsiAle->SetStats(1);
932  hsiXl = new TH1D( "siXl", "siXl", 200, -0.5, 1.5);
933  hsiXl->SetStats(1);
934  hsiYl = new TH1D( "siYl", "siYl", 200, -0.5, 1.5);
935  hsiYl->SetStats(1);
936  hsiZl = new TH1D( "siZl", "siZl", 120, 0., 1.20);
937  hsiZl->SetStats(1);
938  hsiTl = new TH1D( "siTl", "siTl", 120, 0., 1.20);
939  hsiTl->SetStats(1);
941 //
942  matrix = new double[Msz];
944 // file list: ********************************************************
945  FileList FL(dname);
946  if (FL.Nfile <= 0) {Flag= -10; return;}
949 // bias file loop: ****************************************************
950  FL.FName_Iter=FL.FName.begin();
951  cout << "Sim starts with bias file:" << *FL.FName_Iter << endl;
952  for (FL.FName_Iter=FL.FName.begin(); FL.FName_Iter != FL.FName.end(); FL.FName_Iter++ )
953  {
954  filename = *FL.FName_Iter; // dname + "/" +
955  cout << "SimX File: " << *FL.FName_Iter << endl;
956  if ( Open(filename.c_str()) ) continue;
958  while( !iEOF ){
959  if ( hdu > MaxP ) break;
960  if ( Read() ) continue;
961  if ( naxis != 2) continue;
963 // get device description ************************
965  DataStr * Dev = DataStr::Instance(nx,ny);
966  XminSearch = Dev->minX() + 8;
967  XmaxSearch = Dev->maxX() - 8;
968  YminSearch = Dev->minY() + 8;
969  YmaxSearch = Dev->maxY() - 8;
970  PixSz = Dev->PixSz();
971  cout<<" Sim Param Pixel Size: "<<PixSz<<'\n';
972  cout<<" Sim Param SigmDiff: "<<SiDi*PixSz<<'\n';
974  if (bufsi == 0) bufsi = new unsigned short[npixels];
975  for (unsigned long i=0; i<npixels; i++){
976  //bufsi[i] = buffer[i];
977  bufsi[i] = 5700. + gRandom->Gaus(0.,5.137);
978  }
980  Simulator();
982  //output fits file
983  //char tmpstr[200];
984  //sprintf( tmpstr, "SimGV_%i_", (int)(SiDi*PixSz*10));
985  //OutFN = tmpstr + *FL.FName_Iter;
986  //printf(" Output file: %s \n", OutFN.c_str());
989  //OutSimF( OutFN.c_str());
991  } //end while
993  } //end file loop
995 }; //end SimX constuctor
997 //*********************************************************************
998 void SimX::PlotSim( void )
999 {
1000 // X-ray simulation plots ******************************************
1001  TCanvas * SimP = new TCanvas( "SimP", "SimP", 55, 15, 900, 800);
1002  SimP->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
1003  SimP->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
1004  SimP->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
1005  SimP->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
1006  SimP->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
1007  SimP->SetFrameFillColor(0);
1008  SimP->Divide(2,4);
1009  SimP->Update();
1011  SimP->SetFillStyle(4100);
1012  SimP->SetFillColor(0);
1014  int Entry;
1016  Entry = (int)hsiAmp->GetEntries();
1017  if ( Entry > 1 ) {
1018  SimP->cd(1);
1019  hsiAmp->Draw();
1020  }
1022  Entry = (int)hsiAmx->GetEntries();
1023  if ( Entry > 1 ) {
1024  SimP->cd(2);
1025  hsiAmx->Draw();
1026  }
1028  Entry = (int)hsiXl->GetEntries();
1029  if ( Entry > 1 ) {
1030  SimP->cd(3);
1031  hsiXl->Draw();
1032  }
1034  Entry = (int)hsiYl->GetEntries();
1035  if ( Entry > 1 ) {
1036  SimP->cd(4);
1037  hsiYl->Draw();
1038  }
1040  Entry = (int)hsiZl->GetEntries();
1041  if ( Entry > 1 ) {
1042  SimP->cd(5);
1043  hsiZl->Draw();
1044  }
1046  Entry = (int)hsiTl->GetEntries();
1047  if ( Entry > 1 ) {
1048  SimP->cd(6);
1049  hsiTl->Draw();
1050  }
1052  Entry = (int)hsiAle->GetEntries();
1053  if ( Entry > 1 ) {
1054  SimP->cd(7);
1055  hsiAle->Draw();
1056  }
1058  SimP->Update();
1059  SimP->Print("SimP.pdf");
1061  return;
1062 } //end PlotSim function
1065 //int SimX::create_Table()
1066 //{
1067 //
1068 // const char *ttype1[tbl_sz] = {"id", "Amp", "Xd", "Yd","Matrix"};
1069 // const char *tform1[tbl_sz] = {"1I", "1E", "1E", "1E", "NmatrE"}; //NmatrE
1070 // const char *tunit1[tbl_sz] = {"", "", "","",""};
1071 //
1072 // // int fits_create_tbl(fitsfile *fptr, int tbltype, long nrows, int tfields,
1073 // //char *ttype[],char *tform[], char *tunit[], char *extname, int *status)
1074 //
1075 //
1076 // /* Add the first binary table extension. */
1077 // fits_create_tbl(fptr, BINARY_TBL, 1L, tbl_sz, (char **)ttype1, (char **)tform1,
1078 // (char **)tunit1, NULL, &status);
1079 //
1080 // fits_write_key (fptr, TSTRING, "TDISP1", "I8",
1081 // "recommended display format", &status);
1082 // fits_write_key (fptr, TSTRING, "TDISP2", "F8.3",
1083 // "recommended display format", &status);
1084 // fits_write_key (fptr, TSTRING, "TDISP3", "F8.3",
1085 // "recommended display format", &status);
1086 // fits_write_key (fptr, TSTRING, "TDISP4", "F8.3",
1087 // "recommended display format", &status);
1088 // fits_write_key (fptr, TSTRING, "TDISP5", "F8.3",
1089 // "recommended display format", &status);
1090 //
1096 // long nx =1;
1097 // for (int row = 1; row <= Nmatr; row++)
1098 // {
1099 // fits_write_col (fptr, TINT, 1, row, 1, 1, row, &status);
1100 // fits_write_col (fptr, TFLOAT, 2, row, 1, 1, Amp, &status);
1101 // fits_write_col (fptr, TFLOAT, 3, row, 1, 1, Xd, &status);
1102 // fits_write_col (fptr, TFLOAT, 4, row, 1, 1, Yd, &status);
1103 // fits_write_col (fptr, TUSHORT, 5, row, nx, Nmatr,matrix, &status);
1104 // nx += Nmatr;
1105 // }
1106 //
1107 //}
1108 //
1110 void SimX::Simulator( void )
1111 {
1112 const double Xrange = XmaxSearch-XminSearch;
1113 const double Yrange = YmaxSearch-YminSearch;
1115 for (int ray=0; ray<Nray; ray++){
1117 // X-ray coordinates (in pixels):
1118  double xs = (double)XminSearch + Xrange*gRandom->Rndm();
1119  double ys = (double)YminSearch + Yrange*gRandom->Rndm();
1120  int ixs=(int)xs;
1121  int jys=(int)ys;
1122  //int Jind = jys *nx + ixs;
1123  double lxs = xs - ixs; //local x
1124  double lys = ys - jys; //local y
1125  hsiXl->Fill(lxs);
1126  hsiYl->Fill(lys);
1128 // cluster amplitude in e-
1129  double tau;
1130  double Amp;
1131  double ab = gRandom->Rndm();
1132  if (ab < 0.12) {Amp = Co::NeKb; tau=Co::Tau_b;}
1133  else {Amp = Co::NeKa; tau=Co::Tau_a;}
1134  Amp = Co::NeKa; tau=Co::Tau_a; //only Ka
1136 // z/d - coordinate (depth of conversion), z=0 window
1137  double lz = 2.;
1138  while (lz > 1.){
1139  lz = gRandom->Exp(tau);
1140  }
1141  hsiZl->Fill(lz);
1143  double drti = log( Vplus/(Vmins+2.*Vde*lz*Cpn) ) + t_sat*(1.-lz);
1144  drti /= (Tmax+t_sat);
1145  if (drti < 0.) {drti = 0.;}
1146  else {drti = sqrt (drti);}
1147  hsiTl->Fill(drti);
1148  double sigma_z = SiDi*drti;
1149  sigma_z = sqrt (sigma_z*sigma_z + Sigma0*Sigma0);
1150  SiPzS2 = sigma_z*sqrt(2.);
1153  // Diffuse Cluster
1155  for (int i=0; i<Msz; i++) {matrix[i]=0.;} // Cluster Matrix Init
1157  double Asim=0.;
1158  double dyl;
1159  double dyh;
1160  double sigY;
1161  double dxl;
1162  double dxh;
1163  double sigX;
1164  for(int i = 0; i < Nmatr ; i++){
1165  int ly = i - bend;
1166  dyl = (double)ly - lys;
1167  dyh = dyl + 1.;
1168  dyl /= SiPzS2;
1169  dyh /= SiPzS2;
1170  sigY = TMath::Erf(dyh)-TMath::Erf(dyl);
1171  sigY /= 2.;
1172  //printf(" iy:%i, %i ", i,ly);
1173  //printf(" iy:%i, %i %f %f %f \n", i,ly, dyh, dyl, sigY);
1174  for(int k = 0; k < Nmatr ; k++){
1175  int lx = k - bend;
1176  dxl = (double)lx - lxs;
1177  dxh = dxl + 1.;
1178  dxl /= SiPzS2;
1179  dxh /= SiPzS2;
1180  sigX = TMath::Erf(dxh)-TMath::Erf(dxl);
1181  sigX /= 2.;
1182  double signal = Amp*sigX*sigY;
1183  double sim_sig = signal;
1184  if (signal > 5.) { //signal Poisson variation
1185  double ran_sig = signal * Co::Fano;
1186  sim_sig = gRandom->PoissonD(ran_sig);
1187  sim_sig += signal*(1.-Co::Fano);
1188  } //signal Poisson variation
1189  if ( sim_sig < 0.0) sim_sig=0.;
1190  sim_sig /= Co::Gain;
1191  Asim += sim_sig;
1192  int gx = lx + ixs;
1193  int gy = ly + jys;
1194  int jj = gy *nx + gx;
1195  int idx = i * Nmatr + k;
1196  matrix[idx]=sim_sig;
1197  bufsi[jj] +=sim_sig;
1198  //printf(" ix=%i %f %f %f %f %f \n ", lx, dxl, dxh, matrix[idx], signal, sigX);
1199  //printf(" %f %d %d ", matrix[idx], buffer[jj], bufsi[jj]);
1200  }
1201  //printf(" \n ");
1202  }
1203  //printf(" Asim =%fe- Xamp=%f \n", Asim, matrix[Msz/2]);
1204  hsiAmp->Fill(Asim);
1205  hsiAmx->Fill(matrix[Msz/2]);
1207  dyl = (-bend - lys)/SiPzS2;
1208  dyh = (Nmatr - bend -lys)/SiPzS2;
1209  sigY = TMath::Erf(dyh)-TMath::Erf(dyl);
1210  sigY /= 2.;
1211  dxl = (-bend - lxs)/SiPzS2;
1212  dxh = (Nmatr - bend -lys)/SiPzS2;
1213  sigX = TMath::Erf(dyh)-TMath::Erf(dyl);
1214  sigX /= 2.;
1215  double sigLF = (1.-sigX*sigY)*100.; // leaked fraction in %
1216  hsiAle->Fill(sigLF);
1218 } //end of ray loop
1220  return;
1221 } //end SimX::Simulator
1222 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1224 int SimX::OutSimF( const char * fOutName )
1225 {
1227  fitsfile *fSimOut; /* pointer to the output FITS file */
1228  //int status = 0;
1229  status = 0;
1231  char foutname[200]; // = "Output.fits";
1232  //strcpy (foutname, dname.c_str());
1233  //strcat (foutname, "\\");
1234  strcpy (foutname, fOutName);
1235  //strcat (foutname, ".fits");
1237  fits_create_file(&fSimOut, foutname, &status); /* create new FITS file */
1238  if ( status ) {printf(" create_file status error: %i \n", status); return -6;}
1240  // Copy keywords from existing HDU into empty HDU of fOutName file
1241  fits_copy_header( fptr, fSimOut, &status);
1242  if ( status ) {printf(" copy header error: %i \n", status); return -6;}
1243  // don't copy, just bare header
1244  //const int naxis =2;
1245  //long naxes[naxis];
1246  //naxes[0]=nx;
1247  //naxes[1]=ny;
1248  //npixels = nx*ny;
1249  //fits_create_img( fSimOut, USHORT_IMG, naxis, naxes, &status);
1250  //if ( status ) {printf(" write_img status error: %i \n", status); return -6;}
1252  /* write the array of unsigned short to the FITS file */
1253  fits_write_img( fSimOut, TUSHORT, fpixel, npixels, bufsi, &status);
1254  if ( status ) {printf(" write_img status error: %i \n", status); return -6;}
1256  fits_close_file(fSimOut, &status);
1257  if ( status ) {printf(" close_file status error: %i \n", status); return -6;}
1260  return 0;
1261 } //end SimX::OutSimF
1262 //*********************************************************************
1264 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
1265 // Fe55 class ---------------------------------------------------------
1266 class Fe55: public FileF {
1267 public:
1268 // canvas constants
1269  static const float left_margin;
1270  static const float right_margin;
1271  static const float top_margin;
1272  static const float bot_margin;
1274 // Fe55 lines and related constants
1275  static const int Npar; //fit parameters
1277 // some "constants" (initiated from Dev)
1282  double PixSz;
1283  double AminSearch[MaxP];
1284  double ANoise[MaxP];
1285  const double HighCut;
1287  int Nchan;
1288  int ch_idx;
1290  int Flag;
1292  string dname;
1293  string filename;
1294  const char * OutExt;
1295  FILE * pFlist;
1296  FILE * pFreg;
1297  FILE * pFcat;
1300  const vector<double> * avbuf;
1301  //vector <double> bufzs;
1302  double * bufzs;
1303  double * bz_save;
1305 // FFT
1306  const int doFFT;
1310 //histos
1311  TH1D * hblc;
1312  enum { Nhs = 16 };
1313  TH1D * hs[MaxP][Nhs];
1314  TH1D * hfe[MaxP];
1315  TH1D * hmap[MaxP];
1316  TH1D * hpile[MaxP];
1317  TH1D * hclean[MaxP];
1318  TH1D * hYpro[MaxP];
1319  TH1D * hXpro[MaxP];
1320  TH1D * hXtst[MaxP];
1321  TH2D * hYX[MaxP];
1322  TH1F * hNp[MaxP];
1323  TH1F * hNph[MaxP];
1324  TH1F * horm[MaxP];
1325  TH1F * hra[MaxP];
1326  TH1F * hspr[MaxP];
1328  TH1D * hXf[MaxP][7];
1329  TH1D * hSig;
1331  enum { Nham = Co::Nsumh }; // 10 };
1332  TH1D * ham[MaxP][Nham];
1333  TH1D * hXstat[MaxP];
1335  enum { Ncte = 33 };
1336  TH1F * xcte[MaxP][Ncte];
1337  TH1F * ycte[MaxP][Ncte];
1338  enum { Zone = 2 };
1339  int NgrX;
1340  int NgrY;
1342  enum { NZ = 4 };
1343  int Zind;
1344  double NKhit[MaxP][NZ];
1347  TH2D * AvrHit[MaxP]; //[Zone*Zone]
1350  TH2F * ClustQ[MaxP];
1351  TH2F * Xcte[MaxP];
1352  TH2F * Ycte[MaxP];
1354  TH1D * hitSumA[MaxP]; //test clustering
1355 public:
1356  Fe55 ( string dir_name,
1357  const char * outName,
1358  const double * Noise,
1359  const vector<double> * b_avbuf,
1360  const int dofft );
1361  void BaLiC ( DataStr * Dev);
1362  void BaLiS ( DataStr * Dev);
1363  void PlotBase( void );
1364  void Catalogs( void );
1365  static double GGF ( double *v, double *par ); //fiting function
1366  static double Gauss ( double *v, double *par ); //fiting function
1367  void FitG(TH1D * hm, double * Amp, double * Shift, double * Noise);
1368  void PlotXfit( void );
1369  void PlotSpectra( void );
1370  void PlotXlines( void );
1371  void PlotCTE( void );
1372  void PlotAvHit(void);
1373  void PlotProfiles(void);
1374  void Plot_FFT();
1375  void PlotHits(void);
1376  //int OpenOutF ( char * fOutName = "Out_bufzs" );
1377  //int OutFitsF ( void );
1378  ~Fe55();
1379 };
1381 // initialization of static members
1382 const float Fe55::left_margin = (float)0.06;
1383 const float Fe55::right_margin = (float)0.006;
1384 const float Fe55::top_margin = (float)0.01;
1385 const float Fe55::bot_margin = (float)0.04;
1387 const int Fe55::Npar = 4;
1390  //delete [] bufzs; bufzs = 0;
1391  //if (doFFT) {
1392  // delete Col; Col = 0;
1393  // delete Row; Row = 0;
1394  //}
1395  //Col = 0;
1396  //Row = 0;
1397 }
1400 {
1401  //const float left_margin = (float)0.04;
1402  //const float right_margin = (float)0.001;
1403  //const float top_margin = (float)0.01;
1404  //const float bot_margin = (float)0.04;
1406  TCanvas * Tr[MaxP];
1407 for (int u=0; u<2; u++){ //Nchan
1408  //if ( avbuf[u].size() < npixels) continue;
1409  char tiname[50];
1410  char PDFname[50];
1411  sprintf(tiname, "FeFFT %i", u);
1412  sprintf(PDFname, "Fe55FFT_%i.pdf", u);
1413  if ( u > MaxP ) break;
1414  Tr[u] = new TCanvas( tiname, tiname, 200+4*u, 10+2*u, 800, 600);
1415  Tr[u]->SetBorderMode (1); //to remove border
1416  Tr[u]->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
1417  Tr[u]->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
1418  Tr[u]->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
1419  Tr[u]->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
1420  Tr[u]->SetFrameFillColor(0);
1421  Tr[u]->Divide(1,2);
1423 /***************** Plot Power Spectrum for Rows *************/
1424  printf(" Start draw Power Spectrum for Rows\n\n");
1425  Tr[u]->cd(1);
1426  gPad->SetLogy();
1427  gPad->SetLogx();
1429  do {
1430  int Npsd = Row->PSDav[u].size();
1431  int Nfrq = Row->Freq.size();
1432  printf(" RowPSD points =%i RowFreq size=%i *** \n", Npsd, Nfrq);
1433  if ( Npsd <= 3 ) continue;
1434  int nn = Npsd -3;
1435  if ( Nfrq < nn ) continue;
1436  TGraph * std6 = new TGraph( nn, &Row->Freq[0], &Row->PSDav[u][0]);
1437  std6->SetTitle("Rows");
1438  std6->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("PSD ");
1439  std6->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k/N, 1/pixel");
1440  std6->SetMarkerColor(4);
1441  std6->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1442  std6->Draw("AP");
1443  cout << "i" << " - " << "Freq" << " - " << " RowPSD" << endl;
1444  for (int i=0; i<Npsd; i++){
1445  cout << i << ". - " << Row->Freq[i] << " - " << Row->PSDav[u][i] << endl;
1446  }
1447  } while(0);
1449 /*********************Plot Power Spectrum for Columns*********/
1450  Tr[u]->cd(2);
1451  gPad->SetLogy();
1452  gPad->SetLogx();
1453  do {
1454  int Npsd = Col->PSDav[u].size();
1455  int Nfrq = Col->Freq.size();
1456  printf(" ColPSD points =%i ColFreq size=%i *** \n", Npsd, Nfrq);
1457  if ( Npsd <= 3 ) continue;
1458  int nn = Npsd -3;
1459  if ( Nfrq < nn ) continue;
1460  TGraph * std7 = new TGraph( nn, &Col->Freq[0], &Col->PSDav[u][0]);
1461  std7->SetTitle("Columns");
1462  std7->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("PSD ");
1463  std7->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("k/N, 1/pixel");
1464  std7->SetMarkerColor(6);
1465  std7->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1466  std7->Draw("AP");
1467  } while(0);
1469  Tr[u]->Update();
1470  Tr[u]->Print(PDFname);
1471 }
1473 /***************** Plot subtraction histos *************/
1475  TCanvas * Tb = new TCanvas( "subtract", "subtract", 250, 20, 800, 600);
1476  Tb->SetBorderMode (1); //to remove border
1477  Tb->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
1478  Tb->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
1479  Tb->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
1480  Tb->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
1481  Tb->SetFrameFillColor(0);
1482  Tb->Divide(2,2);
1484  int Entry = (int)Row->hbuf[0]->GetEntries();
1485  if ( Entry >1 ) {
1486  Tb->cd(1);
1487  gPad->SetLogy();
1488  gStyle->SetOptFit(1);
1489  Row->hbuf[0]->Draw();
1490  Row->hbuf[0]->Fit("gaus");
1492  }
1494  Entry = (int)Row->hbuf[1]->GetEntries();
1495  if ( Entry >1 ) {
1496  Tb->cd(2);
1497  gPad->SetLogy();
1498  gStyle->SetOptFit(1);
1499  Row->hbuf[1]->Draw();
1500  Row->hbuf[1]->Fit("gaus");
1501  }
1503  Entry = (int)Row->hbuf[2]->GetEntries();
1504  if ( Entry >1 ) {
1505  Tb->cd(3);
1506  gPad->SetLogy();
1507  Row->hbuf[2]->Draw();
1508  }
1510  Entry = (int)Row->hbuf[3]->GetEntries();
1511  if ( Entry >1 ) {
1512  Tb->cd(4);
1513  gPad->SetLogy();
1514  Row->hbuf[3]->Draw();
1515  }
1517  return;
1518 } // end Fe55::Plot_FFT
1521 void Fe55::BaLiC ( DataStr * Dev )
1522 {
1523  // if (avbuf == 0){avbuf = new double[npixels]; memset(avbuf,0,npixels);}
1524  printf( "\n");
1525  printf( "******* BaLiC is invoked for HDU=%i channel=%i ******\n",hdu, ch_idx);
1526  double NoiseCut = 5.*ANoise[ch_idx];
1527  double act = 0;
1528  double b_shift = 0;
1529  double b_shift1 = 0;
1530  double b_rms = 0.;
1531  double peak = 0.;
1532  hblc->Reset();
1533  for (int iy=Dev->minY(); iy<Dev->maxY(); iy++) {
1534  for (int ix=Dev->minX(); ix<Dev->maxX(); ix++) {
1535  int j = iy*nx + ix;
1536  bufzs[j] = (double)buffer[j] - avbuf[ch_idx][j];
1537  if ( bufzs[j] < NoiseCut ) { //TMath::Abs(bufzs[j])
1538  hblc->Fill( bufzs[j] );
1539  b_shift += bufzs[j];
1540  act+=1.;
1541  }
1542  }
1543  }
1544  if (act > 0.2*npixels ) {
1545  b_shift /= act;
1546  FitG(hblc, &peak, &b_shift1, &b_rms);
1547  printf ("GausAv=%f rms=%f \n", b_shift1, b_rms);
1548  b_shift = b_shift1;
1549  }
1550  else b_shift=0.;
1552  printf(" shift= %f act=%f \n", b_shift, act);
1554  for (int iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
1555  for (int ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
1556  int j = iy*nx + ix;
1557  bufzs[j] -= b_shift;
1558  if ( Dev->IsOver(ix, iy) ) continue;
1559  hfe[ch_idx]->Fill( bufzs[j] );
1560  }
1561  }
1562 } // end Base Line Correction
1564 void Fe55::BaLiS ( DataStr * Dev )
1565 {
1566  printf("\n");
1567  printf("*********# BaLiS is invoked for HDU=%i ch_idx=%i #********\n", hdu, ch_idx);
1568  printf("*********# BaLiS: Dev->: Ominx=%i Omax=%i minX=%i maxX=%i NoverX=%i \n",
1569  Dev->OmiX(), Dev->OmaX(), Dev->minX(), Dev->maxX(), Dev->NoverX() );
1571  double b_shift = 0.;
1572  double b_rms = 0.;
1573  double peak = 0.;
1575 // Fill input histo
1576  for (int iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
1577  for (int ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
1578  long j = iy*nx + ix;
1579  hs[ch_idx][0]->Fill( bufzs[j] );
1580  }
1581  }
1582 // Overscan subtraction
1583  hs[ch_idx][2]->Reset();
1584  for (int iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
1585  double a_over = 0.;
1586  for (int ix=Dev->OmiX(); ix<Dev->OmaX(); ix++) {
1587  long j = iy*nx + ix;
1588  a_over += bufzs[j]/Dev->NoverX();
1589  }
1590  for (int ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
1591  long j = iy*nx + ix;
1592  bufzs[j] = bufzs[j] - a_over;
1593  if ( Dev->IsOverX(ix) ) hs[ch_idx][1]->Fill( bufzs[j] );
1594  else {
1595  hs[ch_idx][2]->Fill( bufzs[j] );
1596  }
1597  }
1598  }
1602  FitG(hs[ch_idx][2], &peak, &b_shift, &b_rms);
1603  printf (" OS: GausAv=%f rms=%f \n", b_shift, b_rms);
1605  // goto skipIter;
1607 // Iterative Part
1608  for ( int it=0; it<4; it++){
1609  hs[ch_idx][3+2*it]->Reset();
1610  hs[ch_idx][4+2*it]->Reset();
1612  // active row pixel average subtraction
1613  double RowCut = 4.*b_rms;
1614  //if (it == 0) RowCut = 60000.; //10.*b_rms;
1615  for (int iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
1616  double a_row = 0.;
1617  double n_row = 0.;
1618  // row loops, active pixels only
1619  for (int ix=Dev->minX(); ix<Dev->maxX(); ix++) {
1620  int j = iy*nx + ix;
1621  bufzs[j] -= b_shift;
1622  if ( !it || (bufzs[j] < RowCut) ) {a_row += bufzs[j]; n_row +=1.;}
1623  }
1624  if (n_row > 0.5*nx ) a_row /= n_row;
1625  else a_row = 0.;
1627  for (int ix=Dev->minX(); ix<Dev->maxX(); ix++) {
1628  int j = iy*nx + ix;
1629  bufzs[j] -= a_row;
1630  hs[ch_idx][4+2*it]->Fill( bufzs[j]);
1631  }
1632  }
1633  //b_shift = hs[ch_idx][4+2*it]->GetMean();
1634  //b_rms = hs[ch_idx][4+2*it]->GetRMS();
1635  //printf (" Column: shift=%f rms=%f \n", b_shift, b_rms);
1636  FitG(hs[ch_idx][4+2*it], &peak, &b_shift, &b_rms);
1637  printf ("Fit Noise Itr%d : Row: shift=%f rms=%f \n",it, b_shift,b_rms);
1639 // all column pixel average subtraction
1640  double ColCut = 4.*b_rms;
1641  //if (it == 0) ColCut = 60000.; //10.*b_rms;
1642  for (int ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
1643  double a_col = 0.;
1644  double n_col = 0.;
1645  // column loops, without column overscan
1646  for (int iy=Dev->minY(); iy<Dev->maxY(); iy++) {
1647  long j = iy*nx + ix;
1648  bufzs[j] -= b_shift;
1649  if ( !it || (bufzs[j] < ColCut) ) {a_col += bufzs[j]; n_col +=1.;}
1650  }
1651  if (n_col > 0.5*ny ) a_col /= n_col;
1652  else a_col = 0.;
1654  for (int iy=Dev->minY(); iy<Dev->maxY(); iy++) {
1655  long j = iy*nx + ix;
1656  bufzs[j] -= a_col;
1657  //if ( Dev->IsOver(ix,iy) ) continue; //for SIX
1658  hs[ch_idx][3+2*it]->Fill( bufzs[j]);
1659  }
1660  //end column loops
1661  }
1663  FitG(hs[ch_idx][3+2*it], &peak, &b_shift, &b_rms);
1664  printf ("Fit Noise Itr%d : Col: shift=%f rms=%f \n",it, b_shift,b_rms);
1666  } //end of "itteration" loop
1668 //skipIter:
1669 // cout <<" Iterations are skipped "<< endl;
1670  cout <<" BaLiS noise for hdu="<<hdu<< " : " <<b_rms << endl;
1671  ANoise[ch_idx] = b_rms;
1672  for (int iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
1673  for (int ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
1674  long j = iy*nx + ix;
1675  if ( Dev->IsOver(ix, iy) ) continue;
1676  double amp = bufzs[j] - b_shift;
1677  bufzs[j] = amp;
1678  hfe[ch_idx]->Fill( bufzs[j]);
1679  hs[ch_idx][13]->Fill( bufzs[j]);
1680  }
1681  }
1683  // Prepare to record in the file
1684  //for (int ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
1685  // for (int iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
1686  // long j = iy*nx + ix;
1687  // bufzs[j] += 1000.;
1688  // if ( bufzs[j] < 0. ) bufzs[j] = 0.;
1689  // if ( bufzs[j] > 30000.) bufzs[j] = 30000.;
1690  // //if ( bufzs[j] < 0.5*b_rms ) bufzs[j] = 0.;
1691  // //if ( bufzs[j] > 2000. ) bufzs[j] = 0.;
1692  // }
1693  //}
1695 } // end Base Line Subtraction
1697 void Fe55::PlotBase( void )
1698 {
1699  printf("AIK in PlotBase\n");
1700  TCanvas * BaL[MaxP]={0};
1701  rPad __f;
1702 int Entry;
1703 for (int u=0; u<Nchan; u++){
1704  //if ( avbuf[u].size() < npixels) continue;
1705  char tiname[50];
1706  sprintf(tiname, "BaLiSu %i", u);
1707  if ( u > MaxP ) break;
1709 // set bias canvas 1 ****************************************************
1710  BaL[u] = new TCanvas( tiname, tiname, 100+5*u, 100+5*u, 900, 800);
1711  //fprintf(stderr," PlotBase -- %d -Canvas ID --------%d ------- \n",u,BaL[u]->GetCanvasID());
1712  BaL[u]->SetFrameFillColor(0);
1713  BaL[u]->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
1714  BaL[u]->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
1715  BaL[u]->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
1716  BaL[u]->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
1717  BaL[u]->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
1718  BaL[u]->Divide(2,6);
1720  BaL[u]->SetFillStyle(4100);
1721  BaL[u]->SetFillColor(0);
1723  for (int i = 0; i<3; i++){
1724  if ( hs[u][i] == 0) continue;
1725  Entry = (int)hs[u][i]->GetEntries();
1726  if ( Entry < 1 ) continue;
1727  BaL[u]->cd(i+1);
1728  gPad->SetLogy();
1729  hs[u][i]->Draw();
1730  }
1732  Entry = (int)hs[u][13]->GetEntries();
1733  if ( Entry >1 ) {
1734  BaL[u]->cd(4);
1735  gPad->SetLogy();
1736  hs[u][13]->Draw();
1737  }
1739  for (int i = 3; i<11; i++){
1740  if ( hs[u][i] == 0) continue;
1741  Entry = (int)hs[u][i]->GetEntries();
1742  if ( Entry < 1 ) continue;
1743  BaL[u]->cd(i+2);
1744  gPad->SetLogy();
1745  hs[u][i]->Draw();
1746  }
1747  BaL[u]->Update();
1748  char uname[40];
1749  sprintf(uname,"BaLiSu_%i.pdf", u);
1750  //BaL[u]->Print(uname);
1752 } // end "section" canvas loop
1754  return;
1755 } //end PlotBase
1757 void Fe55::Catalogs( void )
1758 {
1759  // create x-ray list file
1760  string listName = filename;
1761  basic_string <char>::size_type indexL;
1762  indexL = listName.find ( ".fits");
1763  listName = listName.replace ( indexL , 5 , "-xray.txt" );
1764  printf("Output list File: %s \n", listName.c_str());
1765  if (access(listName.c_str(), F_OK) != -1) {
1766  remove(listName.c_str());
1767  }
1768  pFlist = fopen(listName.c_str(),"a+t");
1769  if(pFlist == 0){
1770  printf("File %s can't be open \n", listName.c_str());
1771  Flag = -1;
1772  return;
1773  }
1774  fprintf(pFlist, "No x y x-fit y-fit y-fcorr sum-reg XIP \n");
1776 // create region file
1777  string regName = filename;
1778  basic_string <char>::size_type indexF;
1779  indexF = regName.find ( ".fits");
1780  regName = regName.replace ( indexF , 5 , ".reg" );
1781  printf("Output reg File: %s \n", regName.c_str());
1782  if (access(regName.c_str(), F_OK) != -1) {
1783  remove(regName.c_str());
1784  }
1785  pFreg = fopen(regName.c_str(),"a+t");
1786  if(pFreg == 0){
1787  printf("File %s can't be open \n", regName.c_str());
1788  Flag = -1;
1789  return;
1790  }
1792 // create catalog file
1793  string catName = filename;
1794  basic_string <char>::size_type indexC;
1795  indexC = catName.find ( ".fits");
1796  catName = catName.replace ( indexF , 5 , "_catalog.xml" );
1797  printf("Output cat File: %s \n", catName.c_str());
1798  if (access(catName.c_str(), F_OK) != -1) {
1799  remove(catName.c_str());
1800  }
1801  pFcat = fopen(catName.c_str(),"a+t");
1802  if(pFcat == 0){
1803  printf("File %s can't be open \n", catName.c_str());
1804  Flag = -1;
1805  return;
1806  }
1807  fprintf(pFcat, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<VOTABLE version=\"1.1\">\n<RESOURCE>\n");
1808  fprintf(pFcat, "<TABLE>\n");
1809  fprintf(pFcat, "<DESCRIPTION># X-ray catalog\n</DESCRIPTION>\n");
1810  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"PhysicalX\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Physical X</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1811  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"PhysicalY\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Physical Y</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1812  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"ImageX\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Image X</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1813  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"ImageY\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Image y coordinates</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1814  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"Amp Sum\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Amplitude Sum</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1815  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"ChannelNumber\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>CCD Segment</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1816  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"Amp0,0\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Amplitude 0,0</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1817  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"Amp1,0\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Amplitude 1,0</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1818  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"Amp2,0\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Amplitude 2,0</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1819  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"Amp0,1\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Amplitude 0,1</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1820  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"Amp1,1\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Amplitude 1,1</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1821  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"Amp2,1\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Amplitude 2,1</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1822  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"Amp0,2\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Amplitude 0,2</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1823  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"Amp1,2\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Amplitude 1,2</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1824  fprintf(pFcat, "<FIELD name=\"Amp2,2\" >\n<DESCRIPTION>Amplitude 2,2</DESCRIPTION>\n</FIELD>\n");
1825  fprintf(pFcat, "<DATA>\n<TABLEDATA>\n");
1827  return;
1828 } //end Catalogs
1830 Fe55::Fe55 ( string dir_name,
1831  const char * outName,
1832  const double * Noise,
1833  const vector<double> * b_avbuf,
1834  const int dofft ):
1835  HighCut(1200.),
1836  Nchan(0),
1837  Flag(-1),
1838  dname(dir_name),
1839  OutExt(outName),
1840  avbuf(b_avbuf),
1841  bufzs(0),
1842  doFFT(dofft),
1843  Col(0),
1844  Row(0)
1845 {
1846  for (int i=0; i<MaxP; i++) { ANoise[i] =0.;}
1847  if (b_avbuf !=0) { // for BaLiC and not for BaLiS
1848  //avbuf[0].assign(b_avbuf->begin(),b_avbuf->end());
1849  for (int i=0; i<MaxP; i++) {
1850  //avbuf[i].assign(b_avbuf[i].begin(),b_avbuf[i].end());
1851  AminSearch[i] = 10.*Noise[i];
1852  ANoise[i] = Noise[i];
1853  printf(" ANoise[%i](noise rms) = %f \n", i, ANoise[i]);
1854  }
1855  }
1857  for (int i=0; i<MaxP; i++) {
1858  for (int j=0; j<NZ; j++) {
1859  NKhit[i][j]=0.;
1860  for (int ix=0; ix<Co::NXpix; ix++) {
1861  for (int iy=0; iy<Co::NYpix; iy++) {
1862  AvHit[i][j][ix][iy] = 0.;
1863  A2Hit[i][j][ix][iy] = 0.;
1864  }
1865  }
1866  }
1867  }
1868 // Base Line Subtraction Histograms ***********************************
1869  char title[40];
1870  char hname[50];
1871  sprintf(title, "base line correction");
1872  hblc = new TH1D( title, title, 800, -400., 400.);
1873  hblc->SetStats(1);
1874  for (int u=0; u<MaxP; u++){
1875  for (int i=0; i<Nhs; i++) {hs[u][i] = 0;}
1876  sprintf(title, "hs %i 0", u);
1877  sprintf(hname, "Raw Data");
1878  hs[u][0] = new TH1D( title, hname, 2000, 0., 4000.);
1879  hs[u][0]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
1880  hs[u][0]->SetStats(1);
1882  sprintf(title, "hs %i 1", u);
1883  sprintf(hname, "Pre+Overscan after overscan subtr");
1884  hs[u][1] = new TH1D( title, hname, 800, -400., 400.);
1885  hs[u][1]->SetStats(1);
1887  sprintf(title, "hs %i 2", u);
1888  sprintf(hname, "Active after overscan subtr");
1889  hs[u][2] = new TH1D( title, hname, 2000, -400., 1600.);
1890  hs[u][2]->SetStats(1);
1892  for (int it=0; it<4; it++){
1893  sprintf(title, "hs %i %i", u, 3+2*it);
1894  sprintf(hname, "Column %i", it+1);
1895  hs[u][3+2*it] = new TH1D( title, hname, 2000, -400., 1600.);
1896  hs[u][3+2*it]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
1897  hs[u][3+2*it]->SetStats(1);
1899  sprintf(title, "hs %i %i", u, 4+2*it);
1900  sprintf(hname, "Row %i ", it+1);
1901  hs[u][4+2*it] = new TH1D( title, hname, 2000, -400., 1600.);
1902  hs[u][4+2*it]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
1903  hs[u][4+2*it]->SetStats(1);
1905  }
1907  sprintf(title, "hs13 %i",u);
1908  sprintf(hname, "Active final");
1909  hs[u][13] = new TH1D( title, hname, 2000, -400., 1600.);
1910  hs[u][13]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
1911  hs[u][13]->SetStats(1);
1913 // histos for map sorted clusters ******************************
1914  sprintf(title, "hNp_%i", u);
1915  sprintf(hname, "Npix %i", u);
1916  hNp[u] = new TH1F(title,hname,32,0.,32.);
1917  hNp[u]->SetStats(1);
1918  sprintf(title, "hNph_%i", u);
1919  sprintf(hname, "NpHT %i", u);
1920  hNph[u] = new TH1F(title,hname,32,0.,32.);
1921  hNph[u]->SetStats(1);
1922  sprintf(title, "hOrm_%i", u);
1923  sprintf(hname, "Orm %i", u);
1924  horm[u] = new TH1F(title,hname, 40,0.,2.);
1925  horm[u]->SetStats(1);
1926  sprintf(title, "hra_%i", u);
1927  sprintf(hname, "Ratio %i", u);
1928  hra[u] = new TH1F(title,hname, 240,0.,1.05);
1929  //hra[u]->SetStats(1111);
1930  hra[u]->SetStats(0);
1931  sprintf(title, "hspr_%i", u);
1932  sprintf(hname, "SPR %i", u);
1933  hspr[u] = new TH1F(title,hname, 240,0.,1.2);
1934  //hspr[u]->SetStats(1111);
1935  hspr[u]->SetStats(0);
1937  for (int i=0; i<Nham; i++){
1938  sprintf(title, "Ch%i_cluster_%i", u, i);
1939  switch( i )
1940  {
1941  case 0:
1942  sprintf(hname, "Ch%i all pixels", u);
1943  break;
1944  case 1:
1945  sprintf(hname, "Ch%i 1 pixel", u);
1946  break;
1947  case 5:
1948  sprintf(hname, "Ch%i 5-%i pixels", u, Nham-1);
1949  break;
1950  default:
1951  sprintf(hname, "Ch%i %i pixels", u, i);
1952  break;
1953  }
1954  ham[u][i] = new TH1D( title, hname, 750, 0., 1500.);
1955  ham[u][i]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
1956  ham[u][i]->SetStats(1);
1957  }
1959  sprintf(title, "Seq_hit_Ch%i_cluster_SumA", u);
1960  sprintf(hname, "Ch%i_SumA", u);
1961  hitSumA[u] = new TH1D( title, hname, 150, 0., 1500.); //1000, 0., 10000.
1962  hitSumA[u]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
1963  hitSumA[u]->SetStats(1);
1965  // Fe55 Analysis histograms: ******************************************
1966  sprintf(hname, "pix_amp_%i", u);
1967  hfe[u] = new TH1D(hname,hname,2000,-200.,9800.);
1968  hfe[u]->SetStats(1);
1969  sprintf(hname, "map_amp_%i", u);
1970  hmap[u] = new TH1D(hname,hname,2000,-200.,9800.);
1971  hmap[u]->SetStats(1);
1972  sprintf(hname, "pileup_sum_%i", u);
1973  hpile[u] = new TH1D(hname,hname,1000, 0., 10000.);
1974  hpile[u]->SetStats(1);
1975  sprintf(hname, "clean_sum_%i", u);
1976  hclean[u] = new TH1D(hname,hname,150, 0., 1500.); //1000, 0., 10000.
1977  hclean[u]->SetStats(1);
1978  sprintf(hname, "Y_profile_%i", u);
1979  hYpro[u] = new TH1D(hname,hname,1600, 400., 1200.);
1980  hYpro[u]->SetStats(1);
1981  sprintf(hname, "X_profile_%i", u);
1982  hXpro[u] = new TH1D(hname,hname,800, 0., 1600.);
1983  hXpro[u]->SetStats(1);
1984  sprintf(hname, "X_fit_%i", u);
1985  hXtst[u] = new TH1D(hname,hname,200, 0.5, 2.5);
1986  hXtst[u]->SetStats(1);
1987  sprintf(hname, "YX_plot_%i", u);
1988  hYX[u] = new TH2D(hname,hname,80, 600., 920., 100, 500, 1500.);
1989  hYX[u]->SetStats(0);
1990  //*************
1992  sprintf(title, "X-loss %i", u);
1993  sprintf(hname, "X-loss %i", u);
1994  hXstat[u] = new TH1D( title, hname, 10, 0., 10.);
1995  hXstat[u]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
1996  hXstat[u]->SetStats(0);
1998  sprintf(title, "Serial Transfer %i", u);
1999  sprintf(hname, "Serial Transfer %i", u);
2000  Xcte[u] = new TH2F( title, hname, 50, 0., 550., 400, 0., 2000.);
2001  Xcte[u]->SetStats(0);
2002  sprintf(title, "Parallel Transfer %i", u);
2003  sprintf(hname, "Parallel Transfer %i", u);
2004  Ycte[u] = new TH2F( title, hname,101, 0., 2020., 400, 0., 2000.);
2005  Ycte[u]->SetStats(0);
2006  sprintf(title, "ClustQ %i", u);
2007  sprintf(hname, "ClustQ %i", u);
2008  ClustQ[u] = new TH2F( title, hname, 50, 0., 550., 101, 0., 2020.);
2009  ClustQ[u]->SetStats(0);
2011  for (int i=0; i<Ncte; i++){
2012  char xtitle[40];
2013  char ytitle[40];
2014  sprintf(xtitle, " %i binx %i", u, i);
2015  sprintf(ytitle, " %i biny %i", u, i);
2016  xcte[u][i] = new TH1F( xtitle, xtitle, 400, 0., 2000.);
2017  ycte[u][i] = new TH1F( ytitle, ytitle, 400, 0., 2000.);
2018  xcte[u][i]->SetStats(1);
2019  ycte[u][i]->SetStats(1);
2020  }
2022 // average cluster and pixel amp distributions
2023  //for (int i=0; i<Zone*Zone; i++){
2024  sprintf(title, "AvHit %i", u); //, i)
2025  AvrHit[u] = new TH2D(title,title, Co::NXpix, 0., Co::NXpix, Co::NYpix, 0., Co::NYpix);
2026  AvrHit[u]->SetStats(1);
2027  //}
2028  for (int x=0; x<Co::NXpix; x++) {
2029  for (int y=0; y<Co::NYpix; y++) {
2030  sprintf(title, "ClusterPix_%i_%i%i", u, x, y);
2031  hpixA[u][x][y] = new TH1D(title,title,750,-50,700);
2032  hpixA[u][x][y]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
2033  hpixA[u][x][y]->SetStats(1);
2034  }
2035  }
2037  hXf[u][0] = new TH1D("chi2","chi2", 100, 0., 100.);
2038  hXf[u][0]->SetStats(0);
2039  hXf[u][6] = new TH1D("chiR","chiR", 100, 0., 50.);
2040  hXf[u][6]->SetStats(0);
2041  hXf[u][1] = new TH1D("SumF","SumF", 500, 0., 2000.);
2042  hXf[u][1]->SetStats(1);
2043  hXf[u][2] = new TH1D("xfit","xfit", 200, 0.5, 2.5);
2044  hXf[u][2]->SetStats(0);
2045  hXf[u][3] = new TH1D("yfit","yfit", 200, 0.5, 2.5);
2046  hXf[u][3]->SetStats(0);
2047  hXf[u][4] = new TH1D("sigma","sigma", 200, 0., 20.0);
2048  hXf[u][4]->SetStats(0);
2049  hXf[u][5] = new TH1D("SigErr","SigErr", 200, 0., 1.);
2050  hXf[u][5]->SetStats(0);
2052  } // MaxP loop
2054  hSig = new TH1D("sigma","sigma", 200, 0., 20.0);
2055  hSig->SetStats(0);
2058 // Fe55 files: *******************************************************
2059  FileList FL(dname);
2060  if (FL.Nfile <= 0) {Flag= -1; return;}
2062 // file loop: *********************************************************
2063  Hits * SegHits[MaxP];
2064  TCanvas * cF = new TCanvas("Fit2D", "Fit2D", 300,10,700,650);
2065  TH2F * f2D = new TH2F("f2D","fit2", Co::NXpix, 0, Co::NXpix, Co::NYpix, 0, Co::NYpix);
2066  enum { Npar2DI = 4};
2067  TF2 * fit = new TF2("fitG2DI", G2DI, 0., Co::NXpix, 0., Co::NYpix, Npar2DI);
2068  cF->Divide(1,2);
2070  int Nf=0;
2071  int FFTinit=0;
2072  const char *colr[8]={"white","black","red","green","blue","cyan","magenta","yellow"};
2074  for (FL.FName_Iter=FL.FName.begin(); FL.FName_Iter != FL.FName.end(); FL.FName_Iter++, Nf++)
2075  {
2076  int Nray = 0;
2077  ch_idx=-1;
2078  filename = *FL.FName_Iter; // dname + "/" +
2079  printf(" Fe55: opening file %s \n",filename.c_str());
2080  if ( Open(filename.c_str()) ) continue;
2081  //OpenOutF();
2082  Catalogs();
2084  while( !iEOF ){
2085  if ( hdu > MaxP ) break;
2086  if ( Read() ) continue;
2087  if ( hdu == 1){
2088  for (int i=0; i<Nkey; i++){
2089  double v;
2090  int ir = getValue( KeyList[i], &v );
2091  if (!i) v -= T1995; //convert CTIME to root time
2092  if (!ir) Vval[i].push_back( v );
2093  }
2094  }
2095  if ( naxis != 2) continue;
2097  DataStr * Dev = DataStr::Instance(nx,ny);
2098  XminSearch = Dev->minX() + 4;
2099  XmaxSearch = Dev->maxX() - 4;
2100  YminSearch = Dev->minY() + 4;
2101  YmaxSearch = Dev->maxY() - 4;
2102  PixSz = Dev->PixSz();
2104  if ( !Nf ){
2105  Nchan++;
2106  if (doFFT && (!FFTinit) ) {
2107  Col = new FFT( "Fe55 Col",
2108  Dev->minY(), Dev->maxY(),
2109  Dev->minX(), Dev->maxX(),
2110  nx, 1 );
2111  Row = new FFT( "Fe55 Row",
2112  Dev->minX(), Dev->maxX(),
2113  Dev->minY(), Dev->maxY(),
2114  1, nx, 87 ); //, 3.944 );
2115  FFTinit=1;
2116  }
2117  }
2119  if (bufzs == 0) {
2120  bufzs = new double[npixels];
2121  memset(bufzs, 0, npixels * sizeof(double));
2122  bz_save = new double[npixels];
2123  memset(bz_save, 0, npixels * sizeof(double));
2124  }
2125  ch_idx++;
2126  if (ch_idx != 0) continue;
2127  //if (ch_idx>7) break;
2129 // BaLiC ( Dev );
2131  for (unsigned long i=0; i<npixels; i++){
2132  bufzs[i] = (double)buffer[i];}
2133  printf(" before BaLiS File: %s \n", filename.c_str() );
2134  BaLiS ( Dev );
2135  printf(" ANoise[%i](noise rms) = %f \n", ch_idx, ANoise[ch_idx]);
2136  //break;
2138  if (doFFT) {
2139  Col->DTrans(bufzs, ch_idx, 0);
2140  Row->DTrans(bufzs, ch_idx, 1);
2141  //Col->DTrans(bufzs, 1, 0);
2142  Row->DTrans(bufzs, 0, 0);
2143  }
2145  double AminSrch = 20.*ANoise[ch_idx];
2146  //OutFitsF( bufzs );
2148 //************* gain correction ***************************************
2149 //
2150  double gainC = Co::ConvGain[ch_idx];
2151  //AminSrch *= gainC;
2152  //for (unsigned long i=0; i<npixels; i++){
2153  // bufzs[i] *= gainC;}
2155  //************* multimap ordering ***************************************
2156  Qhit qhi;
2157  typedef pair <double, Qhit> AmapPair;
2158  multimap <double, Qhit, greater<double> > Amap;
2159  multimap <double, Qhit, greater<double> >::iterator AIter;
2160  multimap <double, Qhit>::size_type Asize;
2161  Amap.clear();
2163  printf(" Start sequentional clustering: ch=%i \n", ch_idx );
2164  SegHits[ch_idx]= new Hits(nx, ny, ANoise[ch_idx], 20.0 );
2165  OneHit::Nrpix1=SegHits[ch_idx]->Nrpix;
2166  OneHit::Acut1 =SegHits[ch_idx]->Acut;
2167  OneHit::AcutL1 =SegHits[ch_idx]->AcutL;
2168  for (int iy=YminSearch; iy<YmaxSearch; iy++) {
2169  int j0 = iy*nx;
2170  double * pb = &bufzs[j0];
2171  SegHits[ch_idx]->GetRow(pb,iy);
2172  OneHit::p_crow=SegHits[ch_idx]->crow; // current row pointer
2173  OneHit::p_arow=SegHits[ch_idx]->arow; // antecedent row pointer
2174  OneHit::jy_c=iy; // current row index
2175  SegHits[ch_idx]->ClusterMatch();
2176  SegHits[ch_idx]->ClusterSeed();
2177  }
2178  printf(" Done sequentional clustering: ch=%i Nhits=%i \n", ch_idx, SegHits[ch_idx]->NHits);
2179  printf(" Hits Dump: %i %i %i %i %i \n", Hits::Wpad, Hits::Wtime,
2180  SegHits[ch_idx]->Nrpix, SegHits[ch_idx]->maxHit, SegHits[ch_idx]->maxSeed);
2181  printf(" Hits Dump: %f %f %f %f \n", SegHits[ch_idx]->Noise,
2182  SegHits[ch_idx]->Threshold, SegHits[ch_idx]->Acut, SegHits[ch_idx]->AcutL);
2183  printf(" Hits Dump: %i %i %i \n", SegHits[ch_idx]->NSeeds, SegHits[ch_idx]->NHits,
2184  SegHits[ch_idx]->jy_c);
2186  for (int ih=0; ih<SegHits[ch_idx]->NHits; ih++){
2187  hitSumA[ch_idx]->Fill( SegHits[ch_idx]->hit1[ih].SumA );
2188  fprintf(pFreg, "# tile %i\nimage; box %i %i %i %i 0 # color = %s text={%6.0f}\n", ch_idx+1, SegHits[ch_idx]->hit1[ih].ixcntr + 1, SegHits[ch_idx]->hit1[ih].jycntr + 1, Hits::Wpad, Hits::Wtime, colr[2], SegHits[ch_idx]->hit1[ih].SumA);
2190  }
2191  delete SegHits[ch_idx]; SegHits[ch_idx]=0;
2193  for (int iy=YminSearch; iy<YmaxSearch; iy++) {
2194  for (int ix=XminSearch; ix<XmaxSearch; ix++) {
2195  int j = iy*nx + ix;
2196  double amp = bufzs[j];
2197  if (amp < AminSrch ) continue;
2198  qhi.Set(ix, iy);
2199  Amap.insert( AmapPair( amp, qhi ) );
2200  }
2201  }
2202  Asize = Amap.size();
2203  printf(" File: %s Ch=%i MapSize:%lu \n", filename.c_str(), ch_idx, (long unsigned)Asize);
2205  NgrX = (Dev->maxX() - Dev->minX())/(Ncte-1);
2206  NgrY = (Dev->maxY() - Dev->minY())/(Ncte-1);
2207  Ohit hit( XmaxSearch, XminSearch, YmaxSearch, YminSearch, ANoise[ch_idx],
2208  nx, ny, bufzs, cF, f2D, fit);
2209  for (unsigned long i=0; i<npixels; i++){ bz_save[i]=bufzs[i]; }
2210  for ( AIter = Amap.begin(); AIter != Amap.end(); AIter++ ){
2211  int x = AIter->second.ixb;
2212  int y = AIter->second.jyb;
2213  hit.Cluster(x, y, 1);
2214  hit.Clear();
2215  }
2216  for (unsigned long i=0; i<npixels; i++){ bufzs[i]=bz_save[i]; }
2218  printf(" ** second pass \n");
2219  for ( AIter = Amap.begin(); AIter != Amap.end(); AIter++ ){
2220  double amp = AIter -> first;
2221  int x = AIter->second.ixb;
2222  int y = AIter->second.jyb;
2223  hmap[ch_idx]->Fill( amp );
2224  hit.Cluster(x, y);
2225  int lHit = (hit.Npix > 0) && (hit.Npix<=Ohit::NXsrch*Ohit::NYsrch); //(hit.Npix<4);
2226  int lMnK = 0; //(hit.Sum*gainC > Co::KcutL) && (hit.Sum*gainC < Co::KcutR);
2227  if (hit.Flag == -200) hpile[ch_idx]->Fill( hit.Sum );
2228  if (hit.Flag < 0) { hit.Clear(); continue;}
2229  //assert(lHit);
2230  if (!lHit) continue;
2231  hclean[ch_idx]->Fill( hit.Sum );
2232  hXstat[ch_idx]->Fill(0.1);
2233  hNp[ch_idx]->Fill(hit.NpixH );
2234  //ham[ch_idx][0]->Fill( hit.Sum*gainC );
2235  //ham[ch_idx][hit.NpixH]->Fill( hit.Sum*gainC );
2236  ham[ch_idx][0]->Fill( hit.Sum*gainC );
2237  ham[ch_idx][hit.NpixH]->Fill( hit.Sum*gainC );
2238  Xcte[ch_idx]->Fill( x, hit.SumCTE*gainC );
2239  Ycte[ch_idx]->Fill( y, hit.SumCTE*gainC );
2240  // CTE histos
2241  if ( Co::doCTE ) { //6
2242  int indx=x/NgrX;
2243  int indy=y/NgrY;
2244  xcte[ch_idx][indx]->Fill( hit.SumCTE*gainC );
2245  ycte[ch_idx][indy]->Fill( hit.SumCTE*gainC );
2246  }
2247  if ( lMnK ) {
2248  hXstat[ch_idx]->Fill(1.1);
2249  hNph[ch_idx]->Fill(hit.NpixH );
2250  horm[ch_idx]->Fill(hit.rms);
2251  hra[ch_idx]->Fill(hit.MRatio);
2252  ClustQ[ch_idx]->Fill( hit.ixb, hit.jyb );
2253  for (int i=0; i<Ohit::NXsrch; i++) {
2254  for (int j=0; j<Ohit::NYsrch; j++) {
2255  if (hit.Amp[i][j]>0.1) hspr[ch_idx]->Fill(hit.Amp[i][j]/hit.Sum);
2256  }
2257  }
2259  // Average Hit
2260  Zind=0;
2261  if (x > nx/2) Zind=1;
2262  NKhit[ch_idx][Zind]++;
2263  for (int iy=0; iy<hit.NYsrch; iy++){
2264  for (int ix=0; ix<hit.NXsrch; ix++){
2265  double ai=hit.Amp[ix][iy]*gainC;
2266  AvHit[ch_idx][Zind][ix][iy] += ai;
2267  A2Hit[ch_idx][Zind][ix][iy] += ai*ai;
2268  }
2269  }
2270  Zind=2;
2271  if (y > ny/2) Zind=3;
2272  NKhit[ch_idx][Zind]++;
2273  for (int iy=0; iy<hit.NYsrch; iy++){
2274  for (int ix=0; ix<hit.NXsrch; ix++){
2275  double aj=hit.Amp[ix][iy]*gainC;
2276  AvHit[ch_idx][Zind][ix][iy] += aj;
2277  A2Hit[ch_idx][Zind][ix][iy] += aj*aj;
2278  }
2279  }
2281  } // if Ka,b
2282  // cluster profile histos
2283 // if (hit.NpixH>4) { //!hit.isoFlag
2284 // //ham[ch_idx][0]->Fill( hit.Sum*gainC ); //hit.SumOne*gainC );
2285 // for (int i=0;i<Ohit::NXsrch;i++) {
2286 // for (int j=0;j<Ohit::NYsrch;j++) {
2287 // hpixA[ch_idx][i][j]->Fill(hit.Amp[i][j]*gainC);
2288 // }
2289 // }
2290 // }
2292  if ( Co::doFit
2293  && hit.Npix > 3
2294  && hit.Npix<=Ohit::NXsrch*Ohit::NYsrch ) {
2295  hit.FitX();
2296  hXstat[ch_idx]->Fill(2.1);
2297  if (hit.fitflag == 0) {
2298  hXstat[ch_idx]->Fill(3.1);
2299  hXf[ch_idx][0]->Fill( hit.chi2);
2300  hXf[ch_idx][6]->Fill( hit.chiR);
2301  if ( hit.chiR < 40. ) { //chi2
2302  hXstat[ch_idx]->Fill(4.1);
2303  hXf[ch_idx][1]->Fill( hit.Sumf);
2304  if ( (hit.Sumf > 500.) &&
2305  (hit.Sumf < 1500.) ) {
2306  hXf[ch_idx][2]->Fill( hit.xfit);
2307  hXf[ch_idx][3]->Fill( hit.yfit);
2308  hXf[ch_idx][4]->Fill( hit.sfit*PixSz);
2309  hXf[ch_idx][5]->Fill( hit.efit*PixSz);
2310  if ( hit.sfit*PixSz > 3.){
2311  hYpro[ch_idx]->Fill( hit.yfitG);
2312  hXpro[ch_idx]->Fill( hit.xfitG);
2313  hXtst[ch_idx]->Fill( hit.xfitG);
2314  hYX[ch_idx]->Fill(hit.yfitG, hit.xfitG);
2315  for (int i=0;i<Ohit::NXsrch;i++) {
2316  for (int j=0;j<Ohit::NYsrch;j++) {
2317  hpixA[ch_idx][i][j]->Fill(hit.Amp[i][j]*gainC);
2318  }
2319  }
2320  //Output to list file
2321  Nray++;
2322  fprintf(pFlist, " %i %f %f %f %f %f %f %i \n",
2323  Nray, hit.xhitG+ch_idx*nx, hit.yhitG, hit.xfitG+ch_idx*nx, hit.yfitG, hit.yfitG, hit.Sum, 0);
2325  }
2326  }
2327  }
2328  }
2329  } // cluster fit
2331  //Output to region file
2332  fprintf(pFreg, "# tile %i\nimage; box %i %i %i %i 0 # color = %s text={%6.0f}\n", ch_idx+1, hit.ixb + 1, hit.jyb + 1, Ohit::NXsrch, Ohit::NYsrch, colr[3], hit.Sum);
2333  //Output to catalog file
2334  double lX=(double)hit.xhit+1.0; //hit.ixb + 1.0; +1.0; <- to ds9 coordinate
2335  double lY=(double)hit.yhit+1.0; //hit.jyb + 1.0;
2336  int lRegion = (lX > 1) && (lY > 1) && (lX < nx) && (lY < ny);
2337  if ( (abs(ltm1_1) > 0.001) && (abs(ltm2_2) > 0.001) ) { //&& lRegion
2338  double physX = (lX - ltv1)/ltm1_1;
2339  double physY = (lY - ltv2)/ltm2_2;
2340  if(ch_idx + 1 > 8){physX--; physY++;} //correction for channels 8- 16
2341  fprintf(pFcat, "<TR><TD>%f</TD><TD>%f</TD><TD>%i</TD><TD>%i</TD><TD>%6.0f</TD><TD>%i</TD><TD>%6.0f</TD><TD>%6.0f</TD><TD>%6.0f</TD><TD>%6.0f</TD><TD>%6.0f</TD><TD>%6.0f</TD><TD>%6.0f</TD><TD>%6.0f</TD><TD>%6.0f</TD></TR>\n", physX, physY, hit.ixb + 1, hit.jyb + 1, hit.Sum, ch_idx + 1, hit.Amp[0][0], hit.Amp[1][0], hit.Amp[2][0], hit.Amp[0][1], hit.Amp[1][1], hit.Amp[2][1], hit.Amp[0][2], hit.Amp[1][2], hit.Amp[2][2]);
2342  //Nfree, fitflag, chi2, chiR, Sumf, xfit, yfit, sfit, efit
2343  }
2345  hit.Clear();
2346  }
2347  printf(" ** segment %i done \n", ch_idx);
2349  //hit.~Ohit();
2350  //for (int y=0; y<Co::NYpix; y++){
2351  // for (int x=0; x<Co::NXpix; x++){
2352  // hit.AvHit[x][y] /= hit.NKhit;
2353  // AvrHit[ch_idx]->SetBinContent(x+1,y+1,hit.AvHit[x][y]);
2354  // }
2355  //}
2357  } //end HDU while loop
2359  //OutFitsF( bufzs );
2360  Close();
2361  fclose(pFlist); //Close list file
2362  pFlist = 0;
2364  fclose(pFreg); //Close region file
2365  pFreg = 0;
2367  //print last part of catalog
2368  fprintf(pFcat,"</TABLEDATA>\n</DATA>\n</TABLE>\n</RESOURCE>\n</VOTABLE>");
2369  fclose(pFcat); //Close catalog file
2370  pFcat = 0;
2373  //CloseOut();
2375  } //end files loop
2377 // Average FFT vectors +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2379  if (doFFT) {
2380  for (int u=0; u<2; u++){ //Nchan
2381  for(int i =1; i < Col->Nfreq; i++) {Col->PSDav[u][i] /= Nf;}
2382  for(int i =1; i < Row->Nfreq; i++) {Row->PSDav[u][i] /= Nf;}
2383  }
2384  }
2385 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2387  Flag = 0;
2388  return;
2389 } // end Fe55 constructor
2393 //*********************************************************************
2394 // par[]
2395 // 0 - amplitude of Gauss1
2396 // 1 - center of Gauss1
2397 // 2 - sigma noise in electrons
2398 // 3 - amplitude of Gaus2
2399 // 4 - center of Gaus2 <----- calculated from par[1]
2401 double Fe55::GGF ( double *v, double *par )
2402 {
2403  static const double GNorm = 1./TMath::Sqrt(2.*TMath::Pi());
2404  static const double sa = Co::Ea * Co::Fano/Co::w_pair;
2405  static const double sb = Co::Eb * Co::Fano/Co::w_pair;
2406  double scale = par[1]*Co::w_pair/Co::Ea; //in adu/e-
2407  double par4 = par[1]*Co::Eb/Co::Ea;
2409  double x = v[0];
2410  double N2 = par[2]*par[2]; //noise in e- squared
2411  double s1 = TMath::Sqrt(N2 + sa)*scale;
2412  double s2 = TMath::Sqrt(N2 + sb)*scale;
2413  double argG1 = (x - par[1])/s1;
2414  double argG2 = (x - par4)/s2;
2415  double fitval = par[0]*GNorm*TMath::Exp(-0.5*argG1*argG1)/s1 +
2416  par[3]*GNorm*TMath::Exp(-0.5*argG2*argG2)/s2;
2418  //printf(" %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f \n",
2419  // x, fitval, par[0], par[1], par[2], par[3],
2420  // scale, s1, s2, argG1, argG2 );
2422  return fitval;
2423 }
2425 void Fe55::PlotSpectra( void )
2426 {
2427  rPad __f;
2429  TCanvas * Zs[MaxP]={0};
2430  for (int ch_idx=0; ch_idx<Nchan; ch_idx++){
2431  char tiname[50];
2432  sprintf(tiname, "Spectra_%i", ch_idx);
2433  if ( ch_idx > MaxP ) break;
2434 // zero subtracted X-ray hits ******************************************
2435  Zs[ch_idx] = new TCanvas( tiname, tiname, 30, 10, 900, 800);
2436  Zs[ch_idx]->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
2437  Zs[ch_idx]->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
2438  Zs[ch_idx]->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
2439  Zs[ch_idx]->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
2440  Zs[ch_idx]->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
2441  Zs[ch_idx]->SetFrameFillColor(0);
2442  Zs[ch_idx]->Divide(2,3);
2444  //TColor * c150 = new TColor(150,1.0,0.0,0.0);
2445  Zs[ch_idx]->SetFillStyle(4100);
2446  Zs[ch_idx]->SetFillColor(0);
2448  Zs[ch_idx]->cd(1);
2449  if ( hfe[ch_idx]->GetEntries() > 1. ) {
2450  gPad->SetLogy();
2451  gStyle->SetOptFit(1);
2452  hfe[ch_idx]->SetLineColor(4);
2453  hfe[ch_idx]->Draw();
2454  hfe[ch_idx]->Fit("gaus");
2455  if ( hmap[ch_idx]->GetEntries() > 1. ) {
2456  //gPad->SetLogy();
2457  hmap[ch_idx]->SetLineColor(6);
2458  hmap[ch_idx]->Draw("same");
2459  }
2460  }
2462  Zs[ch_idx]->cd(2);
2463  if ( hclean[ch_idx]->GetEntries() > 1. ) {
2464  gPad->SetLogy();
2465  hclean[ch_idx]->SetLineColor(8);
2466  hclean[ch_idx]->Draw();
2467  }
2469  Zs[ch_idx]->cd(3);
2470  if ( hpile[ch_idx]->GetEntries() > 1. ) {
2471  gPad->SetLogy();
2472  hpile[ch_idx]->SetLineColor(6);
2473  hpile[ch_idx]->Draw();
2474  }
2476  Zs[ch_idx]->cd(4);
2477  if ( hYpro[ch_idx]->GetEntries() > 1. ) {
2478  gPad->SetLogy();
2479  hYpro[ch_idx]->SetLineColor(6);
2480  hYpro[ch_idx]->Draw();
2481  }
2483  Zs[ch_idx]->cd(5);
2484  if ( hXpro[ch_idx]->GetEntries() > 1. ) {
2485  //gPad->SetLogy();
2486  hXpro[ch_idx]->SetLineColor(6);
2487  hXpro[ch_idx]->Draw();
2488  }
2490  Zs[ch_idx]->cd(6);
2491  if ( hYX[ch_idx]->GetEntries() > 1. ) {
2492  //gPad->SetLogy();
2493  hYpro[ch_idx]->SetLineColor(4);
2494  hYX[ch_idx]->Draw();
2495  }
2497 // Zs[ch_idx]->cd(7);
2498 // if ( hXtst[ch_idx]->GetEntries() > 1. ) {
2499 // //gPad->SetLogy();
2500 // hXtst[ch_idx]->SetLineColor(6);
2501 // hXtst[ch_idx]->Draw();
2502 // }
2504  Zs[ch_idx]->Update();
2505  sprintf(tiname,"Spectra_%i.pdf", ch_idx);
2506  Zs[ch_idx]->Print(tiname);
2507  }
2508 } //end PlotSpectra function
2510 double Fe55::Gauss ( double *v, double *par )
2511 {
2513  double x = v[0];
2514  double s1 = par[2];
2515  if (s1 < 0.000001) s1=0.000001;
2516  double GNorm = 1./(TMath::Sqrt(2.*TMath::Pi())*s1);
2517  double argG1 = (x - par[1])/s1;
2518  double fitval = par[0]*GNorm*TMath::Exp(-0.5*argG1*argG1);
2519  return fitval;
2520 }
2522 void Fe55::FitG (TH1D * hm, double * Amp, double * Shift, double * Noise)
2523 {
2524 //fit range *******************************************************************
2525  double maxpos;
2526  double Rmin;
2527  double Rmax;
2528  PeakRange( hm, &maxpos, &Rmin, &Rmax);
2529  cout << " maxpos=" << maxpos << " Rmin=" << Rmin << " Rmax" << Rmax <<endl;
2530  cout << endl;
2531 //*****************************************************************************
2533  const char fitname[] = "fitGauss";
2534  TF1 * fit = new TF1(fitname, Fe55::Gauss, Rmin, Rmax, 3);
2536  double maxval = hm->GetEntries();
2537  if (maxval < 1.) return;
2538  printf("\n Fit of %s \n",hm->GetTitle());
2539 // printf(" : Sum of weights = %f Entries = %f \n", i, sw, maxval);
2540  double par0 = maxval*0.75;
2541  double par2 = (Rmax - Rmin)/4.; //ANoise[0];
2542  fit->SetParameter(0, par0);
2543  fit->SetParameter(1, maxpos);
2544  fit->SetParameter(2, par2);
2545  cout << " par0=" << par0 << endl;
2546  cout << " par1=" << maxpos << " par2=" << par2 << endl;
2547  cout << "fitname=" << fitname << endl;
2548  int fitflag = hm->Fit(fitname,"NS");
2549  cout << " FitFlag=" << fitflag << endl;
2550  *Amp = fit->GetParameter(0);
2551  *Shift = fit->GetParameter(1);
2552  *Noise = fit->GetParameter(2);
2554  return;
2555 }
2559 {
2560  string foName = "AvHit_";
2561  foName += OutExt;
2562  foName += ".txt";
2563  printf(" Output File: %s \n", foName.c_str());
2564  FILE * pFile = fopen (foName.c_str(),"wt");
2565  if (pFile == 0) {printf(" File %s cann't be open \n", foName.c_str()); Flag=-1; return;}
2566  fprintf (pFile,"// %s input files from: %s \n", foName.c_str(), dname.c_str());
2568 for (int u=0; u<Nchan; u++){
2569  if ( u > MaxP ) break;
2570  // Average Hit
2571  fprintf (pFile," \n *** channel: %i \n", u);
2573  for (int zind=0; zind<NZ; zind++) {
2574  double Nev=NKhit[u][zind];
2575  fprintf (pFile," \n Zone: %i Nev=%f \n", zind, Nev);
2576  if (Nev < 100) continue;
2577  for (int y=0; y<Co::NYpix; y++){
2578  fprintf (pFile," y=%i: ", y);
2579  for (int x=0; x<Co::NXpix; x++){
2580  double amp=AvHit[u][zind][x][y]/Nev;
2581  double am2=A2Hit[u][zind][x][y]/Nev;
2582  double rms = am2-amp*amp;
2583  if (rms <0.) rms=0.;
2584  rms=sqrt(rms);
2585  rms/=sqrt(Nev);
2586  fprintf (pFile," %f+/-%f ", amp, rms);
2587  }
2588  fprintf (pFile,"\n");
2589  }
2590  fprintf (pFile,"\n");
2592  }
2594 }
2595  fclose( pFile );
2597 //TCanvas * Ch[MaxP]={0};
2598 // char tiname[50];
2599 // sprintf(tiname, "Ch %i", u);
2600 //
2602 // Ch[u] = new TCanvas( tiname, tiname, 50+5*u, 50+5*u, 1000, 800);
2603 // Ch[u]->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
2604 // Ch[u]->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
2605 // Ch[u]->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
2606 // Ch[u]->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
2607 // Ch[u]->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
2608 // Ch[u]->SetFrameFillColor(0);
2609 // Ch[u]->Divide(1,1);
2610 //
2611 // Ch[u]->SetFillStyle(4100);
2612 // Ch[u]->SetFillColor(0);
2613 //
2615 // //for (int i=0; i<Zone*Zone; i++){
2616 // // Ch[u]->cd(1); //2*i+1
2617 // ////gPad->SetLogy();
2618 // //gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
2619 // //gPad->SetGridy();
2620 // //gPad->SetFillColor(0);
2621 // //gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
2622 // //AvrHit[u]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
2623 // //AvrHit[u]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
2624 // //AvrHit[u]->Draw("colz");
2625 //
2626 // Ch[u]->cd(2); //2*i+2
2627 // gPad->SetFillColor(0);
2628 // gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
2629 // AvrHit[u]->Draw("lego");
2630 // //}
2631 //
2632 // Ch[u]->Update();
2635  return;
2637 } //end PlotAvHit
2640 {
2641  double maxpos;
2642  double Rmin;
2643  double Rmax;
2645 // double NKa =0.;
2646 // double EKa = 0.;
2647 // double Noise = 0.;
2648 // double NKb =0.;
2649 // double era = 0.;
2650 // double ca = 0.;
2651 // double rab = 0.;
2652 // int fitflag = -100.;
2654  // output file: *******************************************************
2655  string foName = "fit4_";
2656  foName += OutExt;
2657  foName += ".txt";
2658  printf(" Output File: %s \n", foName.c_str());
2659  FILE * pFile = fopen (foName.c_str(),"wt");
2660  if (pFile == 0) {printf(" File %s cann't be open \n", foName.c_str()); Flag=-1; return;}
2661  fprintf (pFile,"// %s input files from: %s \n", foName.c_str(), dname.c_str());
2663 // Fe55 Segments Summary *************************************************
2664  TCanvas * Cs = new TCanvas( "Fe55", "Fe55", 145, 5, 1000, 800);
2665  Cs->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
2666  Cs->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
2667  Cs->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
2668  Cs->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
2669  Cs->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
2670  Cs->SetFrameFillColor(0);
2671  Cs->Divide(4,4);
2673  Cs->SetFillStyle(4100);
2674  Cs->SetFillColor(0);
2676  for (int u=0; u < Nchan; u++){
2677  //fit range********************************************************************
2678  PeakRange( ham[u][0], &maxpos, &Rmin, &Rmax);
2680  double iGain = 1.;
2681  if ( maxpos > 0.000001) iGain = Co::NeKa/maxpos;
2682  double par2 = ANoise[u]*iGain; //for STA --> 78.; e2v --> 20.
2683  cout << " maxpos=" << maxpos << " Rmin=" << Rmin << " Rmax" << Rmax << endl;
2684  cout << " gain estimate =" << iGain << " e-/adu" << endl;
2685  cout << " noise =" << par2 << " e-" << endl;
2686  double pKb = maxpos*Co::Eb/Co::Ea;
2687  if ( pKb > Rmax ) {
2688  Rmax = pKb + (Rmax - maxpos);
2689  cout << " new Rmax= " << Rmax << endl;
2690  }
2691  fprintf (pFile,"//Peak: maxpos= %f Rmin=%f Rmax=%f \n", maxpos, Rmin, Rmax);
2692  fprintf (pFile,"// Channel %d estimates: gain= %f e-/adu; noise=%f e-; rms = %f adu \n",
2693  u, iGain, par2, ANoise[u]);
2695  const char * fitname = "fitGG";
2696  TF1 * fit = new TF1(fitname, Fe55::GGF, Rmin, Rmax, Npar);
2698  double maxval = ham[u][0]->GetEntries(); //ham[u][i]->GetBinContent(maxbin);
2699  if (maxval < 1.) continue;
2700  double sw = ham[u][0]->GetSumOfWeights();
2701  double bw = ham[u][0]->GetBinWidth(1);
2702  printf("\n Fit of %s \n",ham[u][0]->GetTitle());
2703  printf(" ham%i[0]: Sum of weights = %f Entries = %f BinW = %f\n",
2704  u, sw, maxval, bw);
2705  double par0 = maxval*0.75*bw; //bw because of the root "feature"
2706  double par3 = maxval*0.25*bw;
2707  fit->SetParameter(0, par0);
2708  fit->SetParameter(1, maxpos);
2709  fit->SetParameter(2, par2);
2710  fit->SetParameter(3, par3);
2711  cout << " par0=" << par0 << endl;
2712  cout << " par1=" << maxpos << " par2=" << par2 << endl;
2713  cout << " par3=" << par3 << endl;
2714  cout << "fitname=" << fitname << endl;
2716  double NKa =0.;
2717  double EKa = 0.;
2718  double Noise = 0.;
2719  double NKb =0.;
2720  double era = 0.;
2721  double ca = 0.;
2722  double rab = 0.;
2723  int fitflag = -100.;
2725  fprintf (pFile,"//flag N Ka N Kb Ka,adu er(Ka) noise,e Ca Ra/b \n");
2726  if ( ham[u][0]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
2727  Cs->cd(u+1);
2728  gPad->SetLogy(1);
2729  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
2730  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
2731  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
2732  ham[u][0]->SetStats(0);
2733  ham[u][0]->SetTitle("");
2734  ham[u][0]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
2735  ham[u][0]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
2736  ham[u][0]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cluster Total Amplitude, a.d.u.");
2737  ham[u][0]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
2738  ham[u][0]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
2739  ham[u][0]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
2740  ham[u][0]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
2741  ham[u][0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
2742  ham[u][0]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
2743  ham[u][0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
2744  ham[u][0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
2746  //ham[u][0]->Draw();
2747  gPad->SetBit(kMustCleanup);
2748  gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Add(ham[u][0],"");
2749  gPad->Modified(kTRUE);
2751  fitflag = ham[u][0]->Fit(fitname,"LR"); //IB
2752  cout << " FitFlag=" << fitflag << endl;
2753  NKa = fit->GetParameter(0)/bw;
2754  EKa = fit->GetParameter(1);
2755  Noise = fit->GetParameter(2);
2756  NKb = fit->GetParameter(3)/bw;
2757  era = fit->GetParError(1);
2758  ca = EKa > 0.1 ? (Co::Ea/Co::w_pair)/EKa : 0.;
2759  rab = NKa > 1 ? (double)NKb/NKa : 0.;
2760  }
2761  fprintf (pFile," { %i, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f, %7.4f, %5.2f,",
2762  fitflag, NKa, NKb, EKa, era, Noise, ca, rab);
2763  //fprintf (pFile," { %i, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.2f, %7.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f,",
2764  // fitflag, NKa, NKb, EKa, EKb, Noise, ca, cb, rab);
2765  fprintf (pFile," } // all clusters \n");
2766  }
2768  Cs->Update();
2769  Cs->Print("Fe55_all.pdf");
2770 //** End Fe55 Segments Summary ***********************************************
2772  rPad __f;
2773  printf("In PlotXlines\n");
2774  TCanvas * Cl[MaxP]={0};
2775  TCanvas * Xbin[MaxP]={0};
2776  TCanvas * Ybin[MaxP]={0};
2777  TCanvas * CTEgr[MaxP]={0};
2779  for (int u=0; u<Nchan; u++){
2780  char tiname[50];
2781  sprintf(tiname, "Fe55_%i", u);
2782  if ( u > MaxP ) break;
2784 // cluster canvas *************************************************
2785  Cl[u] = new TCanvas( tiname, tiname, 50+5*u, 50+5*u, 1000, 800);
2786  Cl[u]->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
2787  Cl[u]->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
2788  Cl[u]->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
2789  Cl[u]->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
2790  Cl[u]->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
2791  Cl[u]->SetFrameFillColor(0);
2792  Cl[u]->Divide(4,3);
2794  Cl[u]->SetFillStyle(4100);
2795  Cl[u]->SetFillColor(0);
2797 //fit range ********************************************************************
2798  PeakRange( ham[u][0], &maxpos, &Rmin, &Rmax);
2800  double iGain = 1.;
2801  if ( maxpos > 0.000001) iGain = Co::NeKa/maxpos;
2802  double par2 = ANoise[u]*iGain; //for STA --> 78.; e2v --> 20.
2803  cout << " maxpos=" << maxpos << " Rmin=" << Rmin << " Rmax" << Rmax << endl;
2804  cout << " gain estimate =" << iGain << " e-/adu" << endl;
2805  cout << " noise =" << par2 << " e-" << endl;
2806  double pKb = maxpos*Co::Eb/Co::Ea;
2807  if ( pKb > Rmax ) {
2808  Rmax = pKb + (Rmax - maxpos);
2809  cout << " new Rmax= " << Rmax << endl;
2810  }
2811  fprintf (pFile,"//Peak: maxpos= %f Rmin=%f Rmax=%f \n", maxpos, Rmin, Rmax);
2812  fprintf (pFile,"//Estimates: gain= %f noise=%f \n", iGain, par2);
2814  const char * fitname = "fitGG";
2815  TF1 * fit = new TF1(fitname, Fe55::GGF, Rmin, Rmax, Npar);
2816 //*****************************************************************************
2818  fprintf (pFile,"// Channel %d Noise rms = %f, %f e- \n", u, ANoise[u], par2);
2819  fprintf (pFile,"//flag N Ka N Kb Ka,adu er(Ka) noise,e Ca Ra/b \n");
2821  for (int i=10; i<Nham; i++) ham[u][9]->Add(ham[u][i]);
2823  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++){
2824  double maxval = ham[u][i]->GetEntries(); //ham[u][i]->GetBinContent(maxbin);
2825  if (maxval < 1.) continue;
2826  double sw = ham[u][i]->GetSumOfWeights();
2827  double bw = ham[u][i]->GetBinWidth(1);
2828  printf("\n Fit of %s \n",ham[u][i]->GetTitle());
2829  printf(" ham%i[%i]: Sum of weights = %f Entries = %f BinW = %f\n",
2830  u, i, sw, maxval, bw);
2831  double par0 = maxval*0.75*bw; //bw because of the root "feature"
2832  double par3 = maxval*0.25*bw;
2833  fit->SetParameter(0, par0);
2834  fit->SetParameter(1, maxpos);
2835  fit->SetParameter(2, par2);
2836  fit->SetParameter(3, par3);
2837  cout << " par0=" << par0 << endl;
2838  cout << " par1=" << maxpos << " par2=" << par2 << endl;
2839  cout << " par3=" << par3 << endl;
2840  cout << "fitname=" << fitname << endl;
2842  double NKa =0.;
2843  double EKa = 0.;
2844  double Noise = 0.;
2845  double NKb =0.;
2846  double era = 0.;
2847  double ca = 0.;
2848  double rab = 0.;
2849  int fitflag = -100.;
2851  if ( ham[u][i]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
2852  Cl[u]->cd(i+1);
2853  gPad->SetLogy(1);
2854  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
2855  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
2856  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
2857  ham[u][i]->SetStats(0);
2858  ham[u][i]->SetTitle("");
2859  ham[u][i]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
2860  ham[u][i]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
2861  ham[u][i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cluster Total Amplitude, a.d.u.");
2862  ham[u][i]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
2863  ham[u][i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
2864  ham[u][i]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
2865  ham[u][i]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
2866  ham[u][i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
2867  ham[u][i]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
2868  ham[u][i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
2869  ham[u][i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
2871  // ham[u][i]->Draw();
2872  gPad->SetBit(kMustCleanup);
2873  gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Add(ham[u][i],"");
2874  gPad->Modified(kTRUE);
2876  fitflag = ham[u][i]->Fit(fitname,"LR"); //IB
2877  cout << " FitFlag=" << fitflag << endl;
2878  NKa = fit->GetParameter(0)/bw;
2879  EKa = fit->GetParameter(1);
2880  Noise = fit->GetParameter(2);
2881  if ( (i>1) & (i<10) ) Noise /= TMath::Sqrt((double)i);
2882  NKb = fit->GetParameter(3)/bw;
2883  era = fit->GetParError(1);
2884  ca = EKa > 0.1 ? (Co::Ea/Co::w_pair)/EKa : 0.;
2885  rab = NKa > 1 ? (double)NKb/NKa : 0.;
2886  }
2887  fprintf (pFile," { %i, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f, %7.4f, %5.2f,",
2888  fitflag, NKa, NKb, EKa, era, Noise, ca, rab);
2889  //fprintf (pFile," { %i, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.2f, %7.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f,",
2890  // fitflag, NKa, NKb, EKa, EKb, Noise, ca, cb, rab);
2891  if (i) fprintf (pFile," } // %i pixel clusters \n", i);
2892  else fprintf (pFile," } // all clusters \n");
2893  }
2895  if ( hNp[u]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
2896  Cl[u]->cd(11);
2897  gPad->SetLogy(0);
2898  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
2899  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
2900  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
2901  //gPad->SetLogy();
2902  hNp[u]->SetStats(0);
2903  hNp[u]->SetTitle("");
2904  //hNp[u]->SetLineColor(4);
2905  //hNp[u]->SetMarkerColor(4);
2906  //hNp[u]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
2907  hNp[u]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
2908  hNp[u]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
2909  hNp[u]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of fired pixels");
2910  hNp[u]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
2911  hNp[u]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
2912  hNp[u]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
2913  hNp[u]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
2914  hNp[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
2915  hNp[u]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
2916  hNp[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
2917  hNp[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.7);
2919  hNp[u]->Draw();
2920  }
2921  fprintf (pFile,"\n Npix LT: entries=%f mean=%f rms=%f \n",
2922  hNp[u]->GetEntries(), hNp[u]->GetMean(), hNp[u]->GetRMS() );
2924  //if ( hNph[u]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
2925  // Cl[u]->cd(8);
2926  // gPad->SetLogy(0);
2927  // gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
2928  // gPad->SetFillColor(0);
2929  // gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
2930  // //gPad->SetLogy();
2931  // hNph[u]->SetStats(0);
2932  // hNph[u]->SetTitle("");
2933  // //hNph[u]->SetLineColor(4);
2934  // //hNph[u]->SetMarkerColor(4);
2935  // //hNph[u]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
2936  // hNph[u]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
2937  // hNph[u]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
2938  // hNph[u]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of fired pixels");
2939  // hNph[u]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
2940  // hNph[u]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
2941  // hNph[u]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
2942  // hNph[u]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
2943  // hNph[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of HT clusters");
2944  // hNph[u]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
2945  // hNph[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
2946  // hNph[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.7);
2948  // hNph[u]->Draw();
2949  //}
2950  fprintf (pFile,"\n Npix HT: entries=%f mean=%f rms=%f \n",
2951  hNph[u]->GetEntries(), hNph[u]->GetMean(), hNph[u]->GetRMS() );
2953  fprintf (pFile,"\n Xstat: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f \n",
2954  hXstat[u]->GetBinContent(1), hXstat[u]->GetBinContent(2),
2955  hXstat[u]->GetBinContent(3), hXstat[u]->GetBinContent(4),
2956  hXstat[u]->GetBinContent(5));
2957  printf ("\n Xstat: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f \n",
2958  hXstat[u]->GetBinContent(1), hXstat[u]->GetBinContent(2),
2959  hXstat[u]->GetBinContent(3), hXstat[u]->GetBinContent(4),
2960  hXstat[u]->GetBinContent(5) );
2962  //Cl[u]->cd(9);
2963  //gPad->SetLogy(0);
2964  //gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
2965  //hspr[u]->Draw();
2967  // Cl[u]->Modified();
2968  Cl[u]->Update();
2969  char uname[40];
2970  sprintf(uname,"Cl_Fe55_%i.pdf", u);
2971  Cl[u]->Print(uname);
2973  if ( Co::doCTE) {
2974  // CTE_X fit canvas *************************************************
2975  sprintf(tiname, "Xbin_%i", u);
2976  Xbin[u] = new TCanvas( tiname, tiname, 100+2*u, 75+2*u, 1000, 800);
2977  Xbin[u]->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
2978  Xbin[u]->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
2979  Xbin[u]->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
2980  Xbin[u]->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
2981  Xbin[u]->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
2982  Xbin[u]->SetFrameFillColor(0);
2983  Xbin[u]->Divide(8,4);
2985  Xbin[u]->SetFillStyle(4100);
2986  Xbin[u]->SetFillColor(0);
2988  cout << " maxpos=" << maxpos << " Rmin=" << Rmin << " Rmax" << Rmax << endl;
2990  double Sa = 0.;
2991  double X = 0.;
2992  double X2 = 0.;
2993  double Y = 0.;
2994  double XY = 0.;
2995  fprintf (pFile," \n");
2996  double xptX[Ncte]={0.};
2997  double xerX[Ncte]={0.};
2998  double yptX[Ncte]={0.};
2999  double yerX[Ncte]={0.};
3000  int NptX = 0;
3001  for (int i=0; i<(Ncte-1); i++){
3002  double maxval = xcte[u][i]->GetEntries(); //xcte[i]->GetBinContent(maxbin);
3003  if (maxval < 1.) continue;
3004  double sw = xcte[u][i]->GetSumOfWeights();
3005  printf("\n Fit of %s \n",xcte[u][i]->GetTitle());
3006  printf(" xcte[%i]: Sum of weights = %f Entries = %f \n", i, sw, maxval);
3007  double par0 = maxval*0.75;
3008  double par3 = par0/10.; //maxval/4.;
3009  fit->SetParameter(0, par0);
3010  fit->SetParLimits(0,0.,par0*100.);
3011  fit->SetParameter(1, maxpos);
3012  fit->SetParLimits(1,0.,maxpos*10.);
3013  fit->SetParameter(2, par2);
3014  fit->SetParLimits(2,0.,par2*100.);
3015  fit->SetParameter(3, par3);
3016  //fit->SetParLimits(3,0.,par3*100.);
3017  cout << " par0=" << par0 << endl;
3018  cout << " par1=" << maxpos << " par2=" << par2 << endl;
3019  cout << " par3=" << par3 << endl;
3021  Xbin[u]->cd(1+i);
3022  gPad->SetLogy();
3023  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
3024  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3025  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3026  xcte[u][i]->Draw();
3027  int fitflag = xcte[u][i]->Fit("fitGG","LIBr");
3028  cout << " FitFlag=" << fitflag << endl;
3029  double NKa = fit->GetParameter(0);
3030  double EKa = fit->GetParameter(1);
3031  double Noise = fit->GetParameter(2);
3032  double NKb = fit->GetParameter(3);
3033  //double EKb = fit->GetParameter(4);
3034  double era = fit->GetParError(1);
3035  //double erb = fit->GetParError(4);
3036  double ca = EKa > 0.1 ? (Co::Ea/Co::w_pair)/EKa : 0.;
3037  //double cb = EKb > 0.1 ? (Co::Eb/Co::w_pair)/EKb : 0.;
3038  double rab = NKa > 1 ? (double)NKb/NKa : 0.;
3039  fprintf (pFile," { %i, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f,",
3040  fitflag, NKa, NKb, EKa, era, Noise, ca, rab);
3041  //fprintf (pFile," { %i, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.2f, %7.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f,",
3042  // fitflag, NKa, NKb, EKa, EKb, Noise, ca, cb, rab);
3043  fprintf (pFile," } // Xbin# %i %i\n", u, i);
3044  double s2 =(EKa/era)*(EKa/era);
3045  if (fitflag == 0 ) {
3046  Sa += s2;
3047  X += (i*NgrX+1)*s2;
3048  X2 += (i*NgrX+1)*(i*NgrX+1)*s2;
3049  Y += log(EKa)*s2;
3050  XY += (i*NgrX+1)*log(EKa)*s2;
3051  xptX[NptX]=i*NgrX+1;
3052  yptX[NptX]=EKa;
3053  yerX[NptX]=era;
3054  NptX++;
3055  }
3056  }
3057  double detX = Sa*X2 - X*X;
3058  double aX=0.;
3059  double bX=0.;
3060  double ebX=0.;
3061  if ( TMath::Abs(detX) > 0.000001) {
3062  aX = (Y*X2 - X*XY)/detX;
3063  bX = (Sa*XY - X*Y)/detX;
3064  ebX = Sa/detX;
3065  if (ebX > 0) {ebX = sqrt(ebX);}
3066  }
3067  double Xcte_fit = exp(bX);
3068  double eCTEx = TMath::Abs(Xcte_fit)*ebX;
3069  double A0X = exp(aX)*NgrX*(1.-Xcte_fit)/(1.-TMath::Power(Xcte_fit,NgrX));
3070  fprintf (pFile," \n CTEX %12.8f +/- %12.8f \n", Xcte_fit, eCTEx );
3071  fprintf (pFile," \n NgrX=%i NptX=%i A0=%f \n", NgrX, NptX, A0X );
3072  fprintf (pFile," \n CteXin=%f CteCorr=%f CteXnew=%f \n", CteX, Xcte_fit, CteX*Xcte_fit);
3074  Xbin[u]->Update();
3075  sprintf(uname,"Xbin_Fe55_%i.pdf", u);
3076  Xbin[u]->Print(uname);
3077  //delete Xbin[u];
3078 //
3079 // CTE_Y fit canvas *************************************************
3080  sprintf(tiname, "Ybin_%i", u);
3081  Ybin[u] = new TCanvas( tiname, tiname, 150+2*u, 100+2*u, 1000, 800);
3082  Ybin[u]->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
3083  Ybin[u]->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
3084  Ybin[u]->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
3085  Ybin[u]->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
3086  Ybin[u]->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
3087  Ybin[u]->SetFrameFillColor(0);
3088  Ybin[u]->Divide(8,4);
3090  Ybin[u]->SetFillStyle(4100);
3091  Ybin[u]->SetFillColor(0);
3093  cout << " maxpos=" << maxpos << " Rmin=" << Rmin << " Rmax" << Rmax << endl;
3095  Sa = 0.;
3096  X = 0.;
3097  X2 = 0.;
3098  Y = 0.;
3099  XY = 0.;
3100  fprintf (pFile," \n");
3101  double xptY[Ncte]={0.};
3102  double xerY[Ncte]={0.};
3103  double yptY[Ncte]={0.};
3104  double yerY[Ncte]={0.};
3105  int NptY=0;
3106  for (int i=0; i<(Ncte-1); i++){
3107  double maxval = ycte[u][i]->GetEntries(); //ycte[u][i]->GetBinContent(maxbin);
3108  if (maxval < 1.) continue;
3109  double sw = ycte[u][i]->GetSumOfWeights();
3110  printf("\n Fit of %s \n",ycte[u][i]->GetTitle());
3111  printf(" ycte[%i]: Sum of weights = %f Entries = %f \n", i, sw, maxval);
3112  double par0 = maxval*0.75;
3113  double par3 = par0/10.; //maxval/4.;
3114  fit->SetParameter(0, par0);
3115  fit->SetParLimits(0, 0.,par0*100.);
3116  fit->SetParameter(1, maxpos);
3117  fit->SetParLimits(1, 0.,maxpos*10.);
3118  fit->SetParameter(2, par2);
3119  fit->SetParLimits(2, 0.,par2*100.);
3120  fit->SetParameter(3, par3);
3121  //fit->SetParLimits(3, 0.,par3*100.);
3122  cout << " par0=" << par0 << endl;
3123  cout << " par1=" << maxpos << " par2=" << par2 << endl;
3124  cout << " par3=" << par3 << endl;
3126  Ybin[u]->cd(1+i);
3127  gPad->SetLogy();
3128  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
3129  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3130  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3131  ycte[u][i]->Draw();
3132  int fitflag = ycte[u][i]->Fit("fitGG","LIBr");
3133  cout << " FitFlag=" << fitflag << endl;
3134  double NKa = fit->GetParameter(0);
3135  double EKa = fit->GetParameter(1);
3136  double Noise = fit->GetParameter(2);
3137  double NKb = fit->GetParameter(3);
3138  //double EKb = fit->GetParameter(4);
3139  double era = fit->GetParError(1);
3140  //double erb = fit->GetParError(4);
3141  double ca = EKa > 0.1 ? (Co::Ea/Co::w_pair)/EKa : 0.;
3142  //double cb = EKb > 0.1 ? (Co::/Co::w_pair)/EKb : 0.;
3143  double rab = NKa > 1 ? (double)NKb/NKa : 0.;
3144  fprintf (pFile," { %i, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f,",
3145  fitflag, NKa, NKb, EKa, era, Noise, ca, rab);
3146  //fprintf (pFile," { %i, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.2f, %7.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f,",
3147  // fitflag, NKa, NKb, EKa, EKb, Noise, ca, cb, rab);
3148  fprintf (pFile," } // Xbin# %i \n", i);
3149  double s2 =(EKa/era)*(EKa/era);
3150  if (fitflag == 0 ) {
3151  Sa += s2;
3152  X += (i*NgrY+1)*s2;
3153  X2 += (i*NgrY+1)*(i*NgrY+1)*s2;
3154  Y += log(EKa)*s2;
3155  XY += (i*NgrY+1)*log(EKa)*s2;
3156  xptY[NptY]=i*NgrY+1;
3157  yptY[NptY]=EKa;
3158  yerY[NptY]=era;
3159  NptY++;
3160  }
3161  }
3162  double detY = Sa*X2 - X*X;
3163  double aY=0.;
3164  double bY=0.;
3165  double ebY=0.;
3166  if ( TMath::Abs(detY) > 0.000001) {
3167  aY = (Y*X2 - X*XY)/detY;
3168  bY = (Sa*XY - X*Y)/detY;
3169  ebY = Sa/detY;
3170  if (ebY > 0.) {ebY =sqrt(ebY);}
3171  }
3172  double Ycte_fit = exp(bY);
3173  double eCTEy = TMath::Abs(Ycte_fit)*ebY;
3174  double A0Y = exp(aY)*NgrY*(1.-Ycte_fit)/(1.-TMath::Power(Ycte_fit,NgrY));
3175  fprintf (pFile," \n CTEY %12.8f +/- %12.8f \n", Ycte_fit, eCTEy );
3176  fprintf (pFile," \n NgrY=%i NptY=%i A0y=%f \n", NgrY, NptX, A0Y );
3177  fprintf (pFile," \n CteYin=%f CteCorr=%f CteYnew=%f \n", CteY, Ycte_fit, CteY*Ycte_fit);
3179  delete Ybin[u];
3180  //Ybin[u]->Update();
3181  //sprintf(uname,"Ybin_Fe55_%i.pdf", u);
3182  //Ybin[u]->Print(uname);
3184 // CTE Graph canvas *************************************************
3185  sprintf(tiname, "CTE_%i", u);
3186  CTEgr[u] = new TCanvas( tiname, tiname, 110+2*u, 80+2*u, 1000, 800);
3187  CTEgr[u]->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
3188  CTEgr[u]->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
3189  CTEgr[u]->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
3190  CTEgr[u]->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
3191  CTEgr[u]->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
3192  CTEgr[u]->SetFrameFillColor(0);
3193  CTEgr[u]->Divide(2,2);
3195  CTEgr[u]->SetFillStyle(4100);
3196  CTEgr[u]->SetFillColor(0);
3197  gStyle->SetPalette(1);
3199  CTEgr[u]->cd(1);
3200  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
3201  gPad->SetGridy();
3202  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3203  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3204  Xcte[u]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3205  Xcte[u]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
3206  Xcte[u]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Column number");
3207  Xcte[u]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3208  Xcte[u]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
3209  Xcte[u]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3210  Xcte[u]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
3211  Xcte[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-ray signal, a.d.u.");
3212  Xcte[u]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3213  Xcte[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
3214  Xcte[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
3215  Xcte[u]->Draw("colz");
3217  CTEgr[u]->cd(3);
3218  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3219  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3220  TGraph * Xgr = new TGraphErrors(NptX, xptX, yptX, xerX, yerX); // Ncte-1
3221  Xgr->SetTitle("serial transfer graph");
3222  Xgr->SetMarkerColor(4);
3223  Xgr->SetMarkerStyle(21);
3224  Xgr->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3225  Xgr->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
3226  Xgr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Column number");
3227  Xgr->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3228  Xgr->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
3229  Xgr->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3230  Xgr->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
3231  Xgr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("K_{#alpha} signal, a.d.u.");
3232  Xgr->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3233  Xgr->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
3234  Xgr->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
3235  Xgr->Draw("ALP");
3236 //fit X curve
3237  double xmin = 1.;
3238  TF1 * fitX = new TF1("fitX","exp([0]+[1]*x)", xmin, XmaxSearch);
3239  fitX->SetParameter(0, aX);
3240  fitX->SetParameter(1, bX);
3241  fitX->SetLineWidth(2);
3242  fitX->Draw("SAME");
3244  CTEgr[u]->cd(2);
3245  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
3246  gPad->SetGridy();
3247  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3248  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3249  Ycte[u]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3250  Ycte[u]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
3251  Ycte[u]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Row number");
3252  Ycte[u]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3253  Ycte[u]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
3254  Ycte[u]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3255  Ycte[u]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
3256  Ycte[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-ray signal, a.d.u.");
3257  Ycte[u]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3258  Ycte[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
3259  Ycte[u]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
3260  Ycte[u]->Draw("colz");
3262  CTEgr[u]->cd(4);
3263  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3264  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3265  TGraph * Ygr = new TGraphErrors(NptY, xptY, yptY, xerY, yerY);
3266  Ygr->SetMarkerColor(4);
3267  Ygr->SetMarkerStyle(21);
3268  Ygr->SetTitle("parallel transfer graph");
3269  Ygr->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3270  Ygr->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
3271  Ygr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Row number");
3272  Ygr->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3273  Ygr->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
3274  Ygr->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3275  Ygr->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
3276  Ygr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("K_{#alpha} signal, a.d.u.");
3277  Ygr->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
3278  Ygr->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
3279  Ygr->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
3280  Ygr->Draw("ALP");
3281 //fit Y curve
3282  TF1 * fitY = new TF1("fitY","exp([0]+[1]*x)", xmin, YmaxSearch);
3283  fitY->SetParameter(0, aY);
3284  fitY->SetParameter(1, bY);
3285  fitY->SetLineWidth(2);
3286  fitY->Draw("SAME");
3288  CTEgr[u]->Update();
3289 // CTEgr[u]->Print("CTEgr.pdf");
3291 }
3292 // End: printf( "Jumped to End. \n" );
3294 } //end channel loop
3296  fclose( pFile );
3298  return;
3299 } //end PlotXlines function
3302 //*********************************************************************
3303 void Fe55::PlotXfit( void )
3304 {
3305  double maxpos;
3306  double Rmin;
3307  double Rmax;
3309 // double NKa =0.;
3310 // double EKa = 0.;
3311 // double Noise = 0.;
3312 // double NKb =0.;
3313 // double era = 0.;
3314 // double ca = 0.;
3315 // double rab = 0.;
3316  int fitflag = -100.;
3318  rPad __f;
3319  printf("In PlotXfit\n");
3320  // Xfit Segments Summary *************************************************
3321  TCanvas * Cx = new TCanvas( "Xfit", "Xfit", 145, 5, 1000, 800);
3322  Cx->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
3323  Cx->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
3324  Cx->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
3325  Cx->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
3326  Cx->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
3327  Cx->SetFrameFillColor(0);
3328  Cx->Divide(6,3);
3330  Cx->SetFillStyle(4100);
3331  Cx->SetFillColor(0);
3333  for (int u=0; u <16 ; u++){ //Nchan
3334  hSig->Add(hXf[u][4]);
3335  if ( hXf[u][4]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
3336  Cx->cd(u+1);
3337  //gPad->SetLogy();
3338  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
3339  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3340  gPad->SetBorderSize(0);
3341  hXf[u][4]->SetStats(0);
3342  hXf[u][4]->SetTitle("");
3343  //hXf[u][4]->SetLineColor(4);
3344  //hXf[u][4]->SetMarkerColor(4);
3345  //hXf[u][4]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
3346  //hXf[u][4]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3347  hXf[u][4]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma, #mum");
3348  hXf[u][4]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3349  hXf[u][4]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3350  hXf[u][4]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3351  hXf[u][4]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
3352  hXf[u][4]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3353  hXf[u][4]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3354  hXf[u][4]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
3356  hXf[u][4]->Draw();
3358  //gPad->SetBit(kMustCleanup);
3359  //gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Add(ham[u][0],"");
3360  //gPad->Modified(kTRUE);
3362  } //entries
3363  } //channels
3365  Cx->cd(17);
3366  //gPad->SetLogy();
3367  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
3368  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3369  gPad->SetBorderSize(0);
3370  hSig->SetStats(0);
3371  hSig->SetTitle("");
3372  //hSig->SetLineColor(4);
3373  //hSig->SetMarkerColor(4);
3374  //hSig->SetMarkerStyle(21);
3375  //hSig->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3376  hSig->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma, #mum");
3377  hSig->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3378  hSig->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3379  hSig->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3380  hSig->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
3381  hSig->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3382  hSig->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3383  hSig->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
3385  hSig->Draw();
3387  Cx->Update();
3388  Cx->Print("Xfit_all.pdf");
3390  // individual segments ***********************************************
3391  char tiname[50];
3392  TCanvas * Cfit[MaxP]={0};
3394  for (int u=0; u<Nchan; u++){
3395  sprintf(tiname, "Fit %i", u);
3396  if ( u > MaxP ) break;
3397  sprintf(tiname, "Xfit_%i", u);
3399  // X-ray cluster fit canvas ******************************************
3400  Cfit[u] = new TCanvas( tiname, tiname, 50+2*u, 10+2*u, 900, 800);
3401  Cfit[u]->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
3402  Cfit[u]->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
3403  Cfit[u]->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
3404  Cfit[u]->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
3405  Cfit[u]->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
3406  Cfit[u]->SetFrameFillColor(0);
3407  Cfit[u]->Divide(2,3);
3408  Cfit[u]->Update();
3410  Cfit[u]->SetFillStyle(4100);
3411  Cfit[u]->SetFillColor(0);
3412  gStyle->SetOptFit();
3414  Cfit[u]->cd(1);
3415  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3416  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3417  // if ( hXf[u][0]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
3418  // //gPad->SetLogy();
3419  // hXf[u][0]->SetStats(0);
3420  // hXf[u][0]->SetTitle("");
3421  // //hXf[u][0]->SetLineColor(4);
3422  // //hXf[u][0]->SetMarkerColor(4);
3423  // //hXf[u][0]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
3424  // hXf[u][0]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3425  // hXf[u][0]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#chi^{2}");
3426  // hXf[u][0]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3427  // hXf[u][0]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3428  // hXf[u][0]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3429  // hXf[u][0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
3430  // hXf[u][0]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3431  // hXf[u][0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3432  // hXf[u][0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
3433  //
3434  // hXf[u][0]->Draw();
3435  // }
3437  if ( hXf[u][6]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
3438  //gPad->SetLogy();
3439  hXf[u][6]->SetStats(0);
3440  hXf[u][6]->SetTitle("");
3441  //hXf[u][6]->SetLineColor(4);
3442  //hXf[u][6]->SetMarkerColor(4);
3443  //hXf[u][6]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
3444  hXf[u][6]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3445  hXf[u][6]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#chi^{2}R");
3446  hXf[u][6]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3447  hXf[u][6]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3448  hXf[u][6]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3449  hXf[u][6]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
3450  hXf[u][6]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3451  hXf[u][6]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3452  hXf[u][6]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
3454  hXf[u][6]->Draw();
3455  }
3457  Cfit[u]->cd(2);
3458  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3459  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3460  if ( hXf[u][1]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
3461  //gPad->SetLogy();
3462  hXf[u][1]->SetStats(0);
3463  hXf[u][1]->SetTitle("");
3464  //hXf[u][1]->SetLineColor(4);
3465  //hXf[u][1]->SetMarkerColor(4);
3466  //hXf[u][1]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
3467  hXf[u][1]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3468  hXf[u][1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fitted cluster amplitude, a.d.u.");
3469  hXf[u][1]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3470  hXf[u][1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3471  hXf[u][1]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3472  hXf[u][1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
3473  hXf[u][1]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3474  hXf[u][1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3475  hXf[u][1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
3477  hXf[u][1]->Draw();
3479  //fit *************************************************************************
3480  PeakRange( hXf[u][1], &maxpos, &Rmin, &Rmax);
3482  double iGain = 1.;
3483  if ( maxpos > 0.000001) iGain = Co::NeKa/maxpos;
3484  double par2 = ANoise[u]*iGain; //for STA --> 78.; e2v --> 20.
3485  cout << " maxpos=" << maxpos << " Rmin=" << Rmin << " Rmax" << Rmax << endl;
3486  cout << " gain estimate =" << iGain << " e-/adu" << endl;
3487  cout << " noise =" << par2 << " e-" << endl;
3488  double pKb = maxpos*Co::Eb/Co::Ea;
3489  if ( pKb > Rmax ) {
3490  Rmax = pKb + (Rmax - maxpos);
3491  cout << " new Rmax= " << Rmax << endl;
3492  }
3493  //fprintf (pFile,"//Peak: maxpos= %f Rmin=%f Rmax=%f \n", maxpos, Rmin, Rmax);
3494  //fprintf (pFile,"//Estimates: gain= %f noise=%f \n", iGain, par2);
3496  const char * fitname = "fitGG";
3497  TF1 * fit = new TF1(fitname, Fe55::GGF, Rmin, Rmax, Npar);
3499  //fprintf (pFile,"// Channel %d Noise rms = %f, %f e- \n", u, ANoise[u], par2);
3500  //fprintf (pFile,"//flag N Ka N Kb Ka,adu er(Ka) noise,e Ca Ra/b \n");
3503  double maxval = hXf[u][1]->GetEntries(); //ham[u][i]->GetBinContent(maxbin);
3504  if (maxval < 1.) continue;
3505  double sw = hXf[u][1]->GetSumOfWeights();
3506  double bw = hXf[u][1]->GetBinWidth(1);
3507  printf("\n Fit of %s \n",hXf[u][0]->GetTitle());
3508  printf(" hXf%i[0]: Sum of weights = %f Entries = %f BinW = %f\n",
3509  u, sw, maxval, bw);
3510  double par0 = maxval*0.75*bw; //bw because of the root "feature"
3511  double par3 = maxval*0.25*bw;
3512  fit->SetParameter(0, par0);
3513  fit->SetParameter(1, maxpos);
3514  fit->SetParameter(2, par2);
3515  fit->SetParameter(3, par3);
3516  cout << " par0=" << par0 << endl;
3517  cout << " par1=" << maxpos << " par2=" << par2 << endl;
3518  cout << " par3=" << par3 << endl;
3519  cout << "fitname=" << fitname << endl;
3521  fitflag = hXf[u][1]->Fit(fitname,"LR"); //IB
3522  cout << " FitFlag=" << fitflag << endl;
3523 // NKa = fit->GetParameter(0)/bw;
3524 // EKa = fit->GetParameter(1);
3525 // Noise = fit->GetParameter(2);
3526 // NKb = fit->GetParameter(3)/bw;
3527 // era = fit->GetParError(1);
3528 // ca = EKa > 0.1 ? (Co::Ea/Co::w_pair)/EKa : 0.;
3529 // rab = NKa > 1 ? (double)NKb/NKa : 0.;
3531  }
3533  Cfit[u]->cd(3);
3534  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3535  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3536  if ( hXf[u][2]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
3537  //gPad->SetLogy();
3538  hXf[u][2]->SetStats(0);
3539  hXf[u][2]->SetTitle("");
3540  //hXf[u][2]->SetLineColor(4);
3541  //hXf[u][2]->SetMarkerColor(4);
3542  //hXf[u][2]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
3543  hXf[u][2]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X coordinate, sub pixel");
3544  hXf[u][2]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3545  hXf[u][2]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3546  hXf[u][2]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3547  hXf[u][2]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
3548  hXf[u][2]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3549  hXf[u][2]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3550  hXf[u][2]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
3552  hXf[u][2]->Draw();
3553  }
3555  Cfit[u]->cd(4);
3556  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3557  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3558  if ( hXf[u][3]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
3559  //gPad->SetLogy();
3560  hXf[u][3]->SetStats(0);
3561  hXf[u][3]->SetTitle("");
3562  //hXf[u][3]->SetLineColor(4);
3563  //hXf[u][3]->SetMarkerColor(4);
3564  //hXf[u][3]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
3565  hXf[u][3]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Y coordinate, sub pixel");
3566  hXf[u][3]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3567  hXf[u][3]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3568  hXf[u][3]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3569  hXf[u][3]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
3570  hXf[u][3]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3571  hXf[u][3]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3572  hXf[u][3]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
3574  hXf[u][3]->Draw();
3575  }
3577  Cfit[u]->cd(5);
3578  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3579  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3580  if ( hXf[u][4]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
3581  //gPad->SetLogy();
3582  hXf[u][4]->SetStats(0);
3583  hXf[u][4]->SetTitle("");
3584  //hXf[u][4]->SetLineColor(4);
3585  //hXf[u][4]->SetMarkerColor(4);
3586  //hXf[u][4]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
3587  hXf[u][4]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma, #mum");
3588  hXf[u][4]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3589  hXf[u][4]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3590  hXf[u][4]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3591  hXf[u][4]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
3592  hXf[u][4]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3593  hXf[u][4]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3594  hXf[u][4]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
3596  hXf[u][4]->Draw();
3597  }
3599  Cfit[u]->cd(6);
3600  if ( hXf[u][5]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
3601  //gPad->SetLogy();
3602  hXf[u][5]->SetStats(0);
3603  hXf[u][5]->SetTitle("");
3604  //hXf[u][5]->SetLineColor(4);
3605  //hXf[u][5]->SetMarkerColor(4);
3606  //hXf[u][5]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
3607  hXf[u][5]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma error, #mum");
3608  hXf[u][5]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3609  hXf[u][5]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3610  hXf[u][5]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
3611  hXf[u][5]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of clusters");
3612  hXf[u][5]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
3613  hXf[u][5]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
3614  hXf[u][5]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
3615  hXf[u][5]->Draw();
3616  }
3618  Cfit[u]->Update();
3619  //Cfit->Print("Fe55_Xfit.pdf");
3620  }
3622  return;
3623 } //end PlotXfit function
3626 {
3627  rPad __f;
3629 // XCTE canvas *************************************************
3630  TCanvas * CteXc = new TCanvas( "CteXc", "CteXc", 150, 150, 800, 800);
3631  CteXc->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
3632  CteXc->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
3633  CteXc->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
3634  CteXc->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
3635  CteXc->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
3636  CteXc->SetFrameFillColor(0);
3637  CteXc->Divide(4,4);
3639  gStyle->SetPalette(1);
3640  CteXc->SetFillStyle(4100);
3641  CteXc->SetFillColor(0);
3643 for (int u=0; u<Nchan; u++){
3644  if ( u > MaxP ) break;
3645  CteXc->cd(u+1);
3646  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
3647  gPad->SetGridy();
3648  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3649  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3650  Xcte[u]->Draw("colz");
3651 }
3652  CteXc->Update();
3653  CteXc->Print("Fe55_CteXc.pdf");
3655 // YCTE canvas *************************************************
3656  TCanvas * CteYc = new TCanvas( "CteYc", "CteYc", 200, 200, 900, 900);
3657  CteYc->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
3658  CteYc->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
3659  CteYc->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
3660  CteYc->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
3661  CteYc->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
3662  CteYc->SetFrameFillColor(0);
3663  CteYc->Divide(4,4);
3665  gStyle->SetPalette(1);
3666  CteYc->SetFillStyle(4100);
3667  CteYc->SetFillColor(0);
3669 for (int u=0; u<Nchan; u++){
3670  if ( u > MaxP ) break;
3671  CteYc->cd(u+1);
3672  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
3673  gPad->SetGridy();
3674  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3675  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3676  Ycte[u]->Draw("colz");
3677 }
3678  CteYc->Modified();
3679  CteYc->Update();
3680  CteYc->Print("Fe55_CteYc.pdf");
3682 // Clusters coordinates canvas *************************************************
3683  TCanvas * CQ = new TCanvas( "CQ", "CQ", 210, 210, 900, 900);
3684  CQ->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
3685  CQ->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
3686  CQ->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
3687  CQ->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
3688  CQ->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
3689  CQ->SetFrameFillColor(0);
3690  CQ->Divide(4,4);
3692  gStyle->SetPalette(1);
3693  CQ->SetFillStyle(4100);
3694  CQ->SetFillColor(0);
3696 for (int u=0; u<Nchan; u++){
3697  if ( u > MaxP ) break;
3698  CQ->cd(u+1);
3699  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
3700  gPad->SetGridy();
3701  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3702  gPad->SetBorderSize(2);
3703  ClustQ[u]->Draw("colz");
3704 }
3705  CQ->Modified();
3706  CQ->Update();
3707  CQ->Print("Fe55_Q.pdf");
3709 } //end PlotCTE function
3712 {
3713  rPad __f;
3714  printf("In PlotProfiles\n");
3715  TCanvas * Prof[MaxP]={0};
3716  //TCanvas * Xbin[MaxP]={0};
3717  //TCanvas * Ybin[MaxP]={0};
3719  for (int u=0; u<Nchan; u++){
3720  char tiname[50];
3721  sprintf(tiname, "Profile_%i", u);
3722  if ( u > MaxP ) break;
3724  // cluster canvas *************************************************
3725  Prof[u] = new TCanvas( tiname, tiname, 150+5*u, 150+5*u, 1000, 800);
3726  Prof[u]->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
3727  Prof[u]->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
3728  Prof[u]->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
3729  Prof[u]->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
3730  Prof[u]->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
3731  Prof[u]->SetFrameFillColor(0);
3732  Prof[u]->Divide(Co::NXpix,Co::NYpix);
3734  Prof[u]->SetFillStyle(4100);
3735  Prof[u]->SetFillColor(0);
3737  for (int x=0; x<Co::NXpix;x++){
3738  for (int y=0; y<Co::NYpix; y++){
3739  Prof[u]->cd(y*Co::NXpix+x+1);
3740  hpixA[u][x][y]->Draw();
3741  }
3742  }
3744  Prof[u]->Update();
3745  sprintf(tiname,"Profile_%i.pdf", u);
3746  Prof[u]->Print(tiname);
3748  }
3750 } //
3753 {
3754  rPad __f;
3755  printf("In PlotHits\n");
3756  // cluster canvas *************************************************
3757  TCanvas * cHits = new TCanvas("Hits", "Hits", 400,20,800,750);
3758  cHits->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
3759  cHits->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
3760  cHits->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
3761  cHits->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
3762  cHits->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
3763  cHits->SetFrameFillColor(0);
3764  cHits->Divide(1,Nchan);
3766  cHits->SetFillStyle(4100);
3767  cHits->SetFillColor(0);
3769  for (int u=0; u<Nchan; u++){
3770  if ( u > MaxP ) break;
3771  cHits->cd(u+1);
3772  if ( hitSumA[u]->GetEntries() > 1 ) {
3773  hitSumA[u]->Draw();
3774  }
3775  }
3777  cHits->Update();
3778  cHits->Print("Hits.pdf");
3780 } // end PlotHits
3782 int Fe55_main ( const char * dir,
3783  const char * outName ) //= "Fe_50V" )
3784 {
3785 // clean up previous histograms
3786  gDirectory->GetList()->Delete();
3788 // ********************************************************************
3789  for (int i=0; KeyList[i]; i++) {printf(" %i.%s \n", i, KeyList[i]);}
3790  for (int i=0; i<Nkey; i++) Vval[i].erase( Vval[i].begin(), Vval[i].end() );
3792 //input directory +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3793  string dir_name = dir; // = "C:/DATA/Fe55/20080122-161251/";
3794  //dir_name += outName;
3796 // Bias files analysis ************************************************
3798  string bias_dir = dir_name;
3799  bias_dir += "/bias";
3801  int doFFt=0;
3802 // Bias B( bias_dir, outName, doFFt );
3803 // if (!B.Flag) {
3804 // B.Plot();
3805 // if (doFFt) { B.Plot_FFT(); }
3806 // //B.PrintVal();
3807 // }
3808  //else {if (B.Flag > -10) return -1;} //flag=-10 if there is no bias data
3810 // ********************************************************************
3811 // X-ray simulations ************************************************
3813 // SimX SimFe55( bias_dir );
3814 // SimFe55.PlotSim();
3815 // return 0;
3816 // ********************************************************************
3817 // Fe55 files analysis ************************************************
3819  //dir_name += "/Sim_375V2";
3821  doFFt=0;
3822 // Fe55 Fe( dir_name, outName, B.bias_rms, B.trbuf, doFFt ); //for BaLiC
3823  Fe55 Fe( dir_name, outName, 0, 0, doFFt ); // for BaLiS
3825  if (Fe.Flag != 0) return -1;
3826  Fe.PlotBase(); //if Base Line Subtraction is used
3827  Fe.PlotSpectra();
3828  Fe.PlotXlines();
3829  //Fe.PlotAvHit();
3830  Fe.PlotProfiles();
3831  if ( Co::doCTE ) {Fe.PlotCTE();}
3832  if ( Co::doFit ) {Fe.PlotXfit();}
3833  if (doFFt) { Fe.Plot_FFT(); }
3834  Fe.PlotHits();
3838  unsigned int VNpnt = Vval[0].size();
3839  unsigned int VVpnt;
3840  if ( !VNpnt ) return 0;
3841 // Vector canvas 1 ****************************************************
3842  const float left_margin = (float)0.01;
3843  const float right_margin = (float)0.001;
3844  const float top_margin = (float)0.00;
3845  const float bot_margin = (float)0.00;
3847  rPad __f;
3848  TCanvas * CT = new TCanvas( "CT", "Bias", 100, 70, 900, 800);
3849  CT->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
3850  CT->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
3851  CT->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
3852  CT->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
3853  CT->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
3854  CT->SetFrameFillColor(0);
3855  CT->Divide(1,3);
3856  //TColor * c150 = new TColor(150,1.0,0.0,0.0);
3858  gPad->SetFillStyle(4100);
3859  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3861  CT->cd(1);
3862  do {
3863  VVpnt = Vval[2].size();
3864  printf(" Vector's Vpoints =%i *** \n", VVpnt);
3865  if ( !VVpnt ) continue;
3866  TGraph * pGe = new TGraph( VNpnt, &Vval[0][0], &Vval[2][0]);
3867  pGe->SetTitle("exposure");
3868  pGe->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
3869  pGe->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset((float)0.02);
3870  pGe->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("#splitline{%Y-%m-%d}{%H:%M}");
3871  pGe->SetMarkerColor (4);
3872  pGe->SetMarkerStyle (8);
3873  pGe->SetMarkerSize (1);
3874  pGe->SetLineColor (4);
3875  pGe->SetLineWidth (2);
3876  pGe->Draw("ALP");
3877  } while(0);
3879  CT->cd(2);
3880  do {
3881  VVpnt = Vval[3].size();
3882  printf(" Vector's Vpoints =%i *** \n", VVpnt);
3883  if ( !VVpnt ) continue;
3884  TGraph * pGv = new TGraph( VNpnt, &Vval[0][0], &Vval[3][0]);
3885  pGv->SetTitle("Bias");
3886  pGv->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
3887  pGv->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset((float)0.02);
3888  pGv->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("#splitline{%Y-%m-%d}{%H:%M}");
3889  pGv->SetMarkerColor (4);
3890  pGv->SetMarkerStyle (8);
3891  pGv->SetMarkerSize (1);
3892  pGv->SetLineColor (4);
3893  pGv->SetLineWidth (2);
3894  pGv->Draw("ALP");
3895  } while(0);
3897  CT->cd(3);
3898  do {
3899  VVpnt = Vval[4].size();
3900  printf(" Vector's Vpoints =%i *** \n", VVpnt);
3901  if ( !VVpnt ) continue;
3902  TGraph * pGa = new TGraph( VNpnt, &Vval[0][0], &Vval[4][0]);
3903  pGa->SetTitle("Bias current, pA");
3904  pGa->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
3905  pGa->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset((float)0.02);
3906  pGa->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("#splitline{%Y-%m-%d}{%H:%M}");
3907  pGa->SetMarkerColor (6);
3908  pGa->SetMarkerStyle (8);
3909  pGa->SetMarkerSize (1);
3910  pGa->SetLineColor (6);
3911  pGa->SetLineWidth (2);
3912  pGa->Draw("ALP");
3913  } while(0);
3915  CT->Modified();
3916  CT->Update();
3917  CT->Print("CT_main.pdf");
3919 // Vector canvas 2 ***************************************************
3920  TCanvas * C2 = new TCanvas( "C2", "Temperature", 150, 100, 900, 800);
3921  C2->SetBorderMode (0); //to remove border
3922  C2->SetLeftMargin (left_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.14
3923  C2->SetRightMargin (right_margin); //to move plot to the right 0.05
3924  C2->SetTopMargin (top_margin); //to use more space 0.07
3925  C2->SetBottomMargin(bot_margin); //default
3926  C2->SetFrameFillColor(0);
3927  C2->Divide(1,4);
3929  gPad->SetFillStyle(4100);
3930  gPad->SetFillColor(0);
3932  C2->cd(1);
3933  do {
3934  VVpnt = Vval[5].size();
3935  printf(" Vector's Vpoints =%i *** \n", VVpnt);
3936  if ( !VVpnt ) continue;
3937  TGraph * pGTA = new TGraph( VNpnt, &Vval[0][0], &Vval[5][0]);
3938  pGTA->SetTitle("A");
3939  pGTA->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
3940  pGTA->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset((float)0.02);
3941  pGTA->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("#splitline{%Y-%m-%d}{%H:%M}");
3942  pGTA->SetMarkerColor (4);
3943  pGTA->SetMarkerStyle (8);
3944  pGTA->SetMarkerSize (1);
3945  pGTA->SetLineColor (4);
3946  pGTA->SetLineWidth (2);
3947  pGTA->Draw("ALP");
3948  } while(0);
3950  C2->cd(2);
3951  do {
3952  VVpnt = Vval[6].size();
3953  printf(" Vector's Vpoints =%i *** \n", VVpnt);
3954  if ( !VVpnt ) continue;
3955  TGraph * pGTB = new TGraph( VNpnt, &Vval[0][0], &Vval[6][0]);
3956  pGTB->SetTitle("B");
3957  pGTB->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
3958  pGTB->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset((float)0.02);
3959  pGTB->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("#splitline{%Y-%m-%d}{%H:%M}");
3960  pGTB->SetMarkerColor (8);
3961  pGTB->SetMarkerStyle (8);
3962  pGTB->SetMarkerSize (1);
3963  pGTB->SetLineColor (8);
3964  pGTB->SetLineWidth (2);
3965  pGTB->Draw("ALP");
3966  } while(0);
3968  C2->cd(3);
3969  do {
3970  VVpnt = Vval[7].size();
3971  printf(" Vector's Vpoints =%i *** \n", VVpnt);
3972  if ( !VVpnt ) continue;
3973  TGraph * pGTC = new TGraph( VNpnt, &Vval[0][0], &Vval[7][0]);
3974  pGTC->SetTitle("C");
3975  pGTC->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
3976  pGTC->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset((float)0.02);
3977  pGTC->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("#splitline{%Y-%m-%d}{%H:%M}");
3978  pGTC->SetMarkerColor (4);
3979  pGTC->SetMarkerStyle (8);
3980  pGTC->SetMarkerSize (1);
3981  pGTC->SetLineColor (4);
3982  pGTC->SetLineWidth (2);
3983  pGTC->Draw("ALP");
3984  } while(0);
3986  C2->cd(4);
3987  do {
3988  VVpnt = Vval[8].size();
3989  printf(" Vector's Vpoints =%i *** \n", VVpnt);
3990  if ( !VVpnt ) continue;
3991  TGraph * pGTD = new TGraph( VNpnt, &Vval[0][0], &Vval[8][0]);
3992  pGTD->SetTitle("D");
3993  pGTD->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
3994  pGTD->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset((float)0.02);
3995  pGTD->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("#splitline{%Y-%m-%d}{%H:%M}");
3996  pGTD->SetMarkerColor (14);
3997  pGTD->SetMarkerStyle (8);
3998  pGTD->SetMarkerSize (1);
3999  pGTD->SetLineColor (14);
4000  pGTD->SetLineWidth (2);
4001  pGTD->Draw("ALP");
4002  } while(0);
4004  C2->Modified();
4005  C2->Update();
4006  C2->Print("C2_main.pdf");
4008  return 0;
4009 }
4012 #endif //__CINT__