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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file hcalUtil.C
1 #include <iomanip>
2 #include <algorithm>
3 #include <numeric>
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <fstream>
6 #include <cmath>
7 #include <ctime>
8 #include <cstdlib>
9 #include <stdint.h>
10 #include <stddef.h>
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <string.h>
15 // #include <TROOT.h>
16 // #include <TFile.h>
17 // #include <TTree.h>
18 // #include <TGMsgBox.h>
19 // #include <TCanvas.h>
20 // #include <TGraph.h>
21 // #include <TString.h>
22 // #include <TText.h>
23 // #include <TApplication.h>
24 // #include <TStyle.h>
25 // #include <TSystem.h>
26 // #include <TGClient.h>
27 // #include <TGWindow.h>
28 // #include <TH1.h>
29 // #include <TH1F.h>
30 // #include <TH1D.h>
31 // #include <TProfile.h>
32 // #include <TF1.h>
33 // #include <TH2.h>
34 // #include <TH3.h>
35 // #include <TMath.h>
36 // #include <TSpectrum.h>
37 // #include "TVirtualFitter.h"
38 // #include <TSystemDirectory.h>
39 // #include <TSystemFile.h>
41 //#ifndef __CINT__
43 #include <fileEventiterator.h>
44 #include <Event.h>
45 #include <EventTypes.h>
46 #include <PHTimeStamp.h>
47 #include <packetConstants.h>
48 #include <packet.h>
49 #include <packet_hbd_fpgashort.h>
51 //#endif
54 #include "hcalUtil.h"
64 using namespace std;
65 using namespace TMath;
67 TCanvas * fitFunc;
69 TCanvas * scCalibDisplay;
72 // ************************************************************************************
75 //#endif /* _CINT_ */
77 // cosmic runs of interest
78 static const int cosmicruns = 12;
79 int cosmicRN[cosmicruns] = {212, 215, 216, 218, 223, 337, 338, 339, 405, 406, 229, 240};
81 // LED calibration and PEDESTALS
82 static const int pedruns = 1;
83 int pedcalibRN[pedruns] = {646};
84 static const int ledruns = 1;
85 int ledcalibRN[ledruns] = {647};
87 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 // Unipolar pulse (0.3164*pow(x,4)*exp(-x*1.5) - Unity integral, peak ~1/3 of integral)
90 Double_t par0[] = { 1., (Double_t)NSAMPLES/2, 3., 2., PEDESTAL, 0. };
91 Double_t par0Max[] = { -100., (Double_t)NSAMPLES, 4., 5., 50000., 0.3};
92 //Double_t par0Min[] = { 1., RISETIME-1, 3., 1., 1950., -0.2};
93 Double_t par0Min[] = {-50000., 0., 2., 0., -50000., -0.3};
96 TString runId;
98 // The next few functions are to help processing data from HCal Lab recorded via HBD electronics
100 // **************************************************************************
102 Double_t ps( Double_t *chadc, Double_t *par)
103 {
104  Double_t x = chadc[0];
106  Double_t mu = par[0];
107  Double_t g = par[1];
108  Double_t sigma = par[2];
109  Double_t norm = par[3];
111  Double_t sum = 0.0;
112  for (Double_t n = 1.0; n < 100.0; n++ ) {
113  sum += TMath::Poisson(n,mu)*TMath::Gaus(x,n*g,sigma,kTRUE);
114  }
116  return norm*sum;
117 }
118 // **************************************************************************
119 Int_t calibPeaks(0), calibMode (0); Double_t spCalib(10.);
120 // **************************************************************************
121 // mode 0 - peaks uncorrelated (unconstrained)
122 // mode 1 - peaks equidistant
123 // assume background is linear what is most likely not true ....
124 // par[0] background constant
125 // [1] background slope
126 // [2] background quadratic term
127 // assume the signal is the sequence of equally spaced gaussian peaks
128 // par[3] peak to peak separation
129 // [4] normalization constant for the first peak (pedestal)
130 // [5] location of the first (pedestal) peak
131 // [6] rms of the first peak - at this stage we will allow it to vary peak-to-peak
132 // then 3 parameters per signal peak (normalization, mean and RMS)
133 Double_t sipmPeaks(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
134  Double_t result = par[0] + par[1]*x[0] + par[2]*x[0]*x[0];
135  // add pedestal peak first
136  result += par[4]*TMath::Gaus(x[0],par[5],par[6]);
137  for (Int_t p=1; p<calibPeaks; p++) {
138  Double_t norm = par[4 + p*3];
139  Double_t mean = par[5 + p*3];
140  if(calibMode) {
141  mean = (Int_t)((mean+spCalib/2)/spCalib)*par[3];
142  }
143  Double_t sigma = par[6 + p*3];
144  result += norm*TMath::Gaus(x[0],mean,sigma);
145  }
146  return result;
147  ;}
150 // **************************************************************************
151 // do single cell calibration using low end data stored in rv_# and fm_# channel histograms
152 // the assumption - we have beautiful picture with at least 20 peaks !!!!!!
153 // mode 0 - peaks uncorrelated (unconstrained)
154 // mode 1 - peaks equidistant
155 Int_t sipmCalib(TString & hName, Int_t mode){
156  TH1F * data = (TH1F*)(gROOT->FindObject(hName));
157  if(!data){
158  cout<<"spmCalib Data Histogramm "<<hName<<" not found"<<endl;
159  return 0;
160  }
161  cout<<hName<<" calibration mode "<<mode<<endl;
162  calibMode = mode;
163  Int_t maxPeaks(20); // maximum number of peaks we have chance to resolve
164  Double_t range(150.); // range of amplitudes for peak search
165  // second degree polinomial background
166  Double_t bckgr0(100.), bckgr1(-1./range), bckgr2(0.);
167  Double_t pNorm(1000.), pLoc(0.), pRMS(1.);
168  Double_t par[4+maxPeaks*3]; // backgrownd, pedestal and nPeaks of gaussian peaks with constant peak-to-peak separation
169  // initialization
170  par[0] = bckgr0;
171  par[1] = bckgr1;
172  par[2] = bckgr2;
173  par[3] = spCalib; // peak-to-peak separation
174  par[4] = pNorm; // normalization for pedestal peak
175  par[5] = pLoc; // pedestal mean
176  par[6] = pRMS; // pedestal rms
177  // all other peaks are initially positioned equidistantly
178  for (int p=1; p<= maxPeaks; p++) {
179  par[4 + p*3] = pNorm; // norm of the peak p
180  par[5 + p*3] = par[3]*p; // mean of the peak p
181  par[6 + p*3] = pRMS; // rms of the peak p
182  }
183  TH1F * dataCl = (TH1F*)(data->Clone("dataCl"));
184  dataCl -> SetAxisRange(0., range);
185  TH1F * dataCl2 = (TH1F*)data->Clone("dataCl2");
186  dataCl2 -> SetAxisRange(0., range);
187  TString cTitle = "Peaks from "; cTitle += hName;
188  TCanvas * peaks = new TCanvas("peaks",cTitle,10,10,1000,900);
189  peaks -> Divide(1,2);
190  peaks -> cd(1);
191  dataCl -> Draw();
193  // Use TSpectrum to find the peak candidates
194  TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(maxPeaks);
195  s->SetResolution(2.);
196  Int_t nfound = s->Search(dataCl, 1.5, "nobackground ", 0.10);
197  printf("TSpectrum: Found %d candidate peaks to fit\n",nfound);
199  //Estimate background using TSpectrum::Background
200  TH1 *hb = s->Background(dataCl, 20, "same");
201  if (hb) peaks->Update();
202  // if only one or no peaks found (only pedestals) - we are done
203  if(nfound<=1) {
204  cout<<"sipmCalib One or No peaks were found - EXITING"<<endl;
205  calibPeaks = nfound;
207  } else {
208  peaks -> cd(2);
210  // function to estimate linear background
211  // TF1 *fline = new TF1("fline","pol1",0.,range);
212  // function to estimate quadratic background
213  TF1 *fline = new TF1("fline","pol2",0.,range);
215  dataCl2 -> Fit("fline","qn");
216  //Loop on all found peaks. Eliminate peaks at the background level
217  par[0] = fline->GetParameter(0);
218  par[1] = fline->GetParameter(1);
219  par[2] = fline->GetParameter(2);
220  // cout<<"Line par "<<par[0]<<" "<<par[1]<<" "<<par[2]<<endl;
221  Float_t * xpeaks = s->GetPositionX();
222  // peak ordering
223  Int_t pindex[nfound];
224  TMath::Sort(nfound, xpeaks, pindex, kFALSE);
225  // peaks now ordered, let's now find the peak to peak separation
226  Double_t sep[nfound-1];
227  // Int_t sepind[nfound-1];
228  // pedestal peak in my definition == what is left of a sygnal after pedestal subtraction - it is definitely shifted
229  for (int ip = 1; ip<nfound; ip++){
230  sep[ip-1] = xpeaks[pindex[ip]];
231  if(ip>1) sep[ip-1] -= xpeaks[pindex[ip-1]];
232  cout<<"Separation "<<ip<<" val "<<sep[ip-1]<<endl;
233  }
234  // TMath::Sort(nfound-1, sep, sepind, kFALSE);
235  // zero approximation for peak0-to-peak separation
236  Int_t cont(0); Double_t avsep(0.);
237  for (int ip = 0; ip < nfound-1; ip++){
238  if(ip==0) {
239  // avsep = sep[sepind[ip]];
240  avsep = sep[ip];
241  cont ++;
242  } else {
243  // if(abs((avsep- sep[sepind[ip]])/(avsep+ sep[sepind[ip]]))<0.2) {
244  if(abs((avsep- sep[ip])/(avsep+ sep[ip]))<0.2) {
245  avsep = (avsep*cont+sep[ip])/(cont+1);
246  cont++;
247  }
248  }
249  cout<<"ip "<<ip<<" cont "<<cont<<" avsep "<<avsep<<" var "<<(ip!=0? (avsep- sep[ip])/(avsep+ sep[ip]) : 0.)<<endl;
250  }
251  cout<<"Zero approximation to sSingle Pixel Calib = "<<avsep<<" Contributors "<<cont<<endl;
252  spCalib = avsep;
253  par[3] = avsep;
254  calibPeaks = 0;
255  for (int p=0; p<nfound; p++) {
256  Double_t xp = xpeaks[pindex[p]];
257  Int_t bin = dataCl2->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xp);
258  Double_t yp = dataCl2->GetBinContent(bin);
259  cout<<"Testing Peak (LFit) "<<p<<" index "<<pindex[p]<<" xp "<<xp<<" bin "<<bin<<" yP "<<yp<<" BCKG "<<fline->Eval(xp)<<endl;
260  // extract data for this bin from background shape
261  Double_t bckgr = hb->GetBinContent(bin);
262  cout<<"Testing Peak (TSp ) "<<p<<" xp "<<xp<<" bin "<<bin<<" Bcgrd "<<bckgr<<" Signal "<<yp-bckgr<<endl;
263  if (yp-TMath::Sqrt(yp) < bckgr) continue;
264  par[4 + calibPeaks*3] = yp;
265  par[5 + calibPeaks*3] = xp;
266  par[6 + calibPeaks*3] = (p==0? pRMS : 2.);
267  calibPeaks++;
268  }
269  }
270  printf("Found %d useful peaks to fit\n",calibPeaks);
271  printf("Now fitting: Be patient\n");
272  TF1 *fit = new TF1("fit",&sipmPeaks,0,range,4+calibPeaks*3); // first peak is the pedestal
273  //we may have more than the default 25 parameters
274  TVirtualFitter::Fitter(dataCl2,10+calibPeaks*3);
275  fit->SetParameters(par);
276  // if mode!=0 we fix all location parameters to what came from TSpectrum
277  if(mode) for(int ip=0; ip<calibPeaks; ip++) {
278  fit->FixParameter(5+ip*3, par[5+ip*3]);
279  fit->SetParLimits(3, 0.5*par[3], 1.5*par[3]);
280  } else fit->FixParameter(3, par[3]);
281  // in all cases we set max RMS equal to pps/2.
282  for(int ip=0; ip<calibPeaks; ip++) fit->SetParLimits(6+ip*3, 0.5, par[3]/2.);
284  fit->SetNpx(1000);
285  dataCl2->Fit("fit");
286  fit->GetParameters(par);
288  char p5[10], p6[10], p3[10];
289  sprintf(p5, "%.2f ", par[5]);
290  sprintf(p6, "%.2f ", par[6]);
291  sprintf(p3, "%.2f ", par[3]);
293  TString ped = "Pedestal at "; ped += p5; ped += " RMS = "; ped += p6;
294  TString cal = "Pixel Calibtion "; cal += p3; cal += " ADC counts per pixel";
295  TText label;
296  Double_t ymax = data-> GetMaximum();
297  label.DrawText(30, ymax*0.8,ped);
298  label.DrawText(30, ymax*0.6,cal);
299  return nfound;
300 }
302 // **************************************************************************
303 Double_t AsymToX(Double_t ax){
304  return 12.5*(1 + ax/0.19);
305 }
308 // **************************************************************************
310 Double_t signalShape(Double_t *x, Double_t * par){
311  Double_t signal(0.), pedestal(0.);
312  // cout<<"signalShape x="<<x[0]<<" (0)="<<par[0]<<" (1)="<<par[1]<<" (2)="<<par[2]<<" (3)="<<par[3]<<" (4)="<<par[4]<<" (5)="<<par[5]<<endl;
313  // if(x[0]<par[1]) return PEDESTAL;
314  pedestal = par[4]+x[0]*par[5];
315  if(x[0]<par[1]) return pedestal;
316  // signal contribution
317  // cout<<"(0) "<<pow((x[0]-par[1]),par[2])<<endl;
318  // cout<<"(1) "<<exp(-(x[0]-par[1])*par[3])<<endl;
319  // Double_t a0 = par[0];
320  // Double_t a1 = pow((x[0]-par[1]),par[2]);
321  // Double_t a2 = exp(-(x[0]-par[1])*par[3]);
322  // Double_t a = a0*a1*a2;
323  // // cout<<a0<<" "<<a1<<" "<<a2<<" "<<a<<endl;
324  // signal = a;
325  // return a;
326  signal = par[0]*pow((x[0]-par[1]),par[2])*exp(-(x[0]-par[1])*par[3]);
327  // cout<<" X "<<x[0]<<" signal "<<signal<<" pedestal "<<pedestal<<endl;
328  return signal+pedestal;
329 }
331 // **************************************************************************
333 // Double_t shape0(Double_t *x, Double_t * par){
334 // return par[0]*pow(x[0],4.)*(exp(-x[0]*16./fN)); // fN is set to (float)NSAMPLES
335 // }
337 // **************************************************************************
339 Double_t erfunc(Double_t *x, Double_t * par){
340  // Double_t erfcont = par[3]*(TMath::Erf((x[0]-par[0])/par[1])+1.);
341  // Double_t expcont = TMath::Exp(par[2]*x[0]);
342  return par[3]*(TMath::Erf((x[0]-par[0])/par[1])+1.)*TMath::Exp(par[2]*x[0]);
343 }
344 // **************************************************************************
346 Double_t erf_g(Double_t *x, Double_t * par){
347  float g = par[0]/(sqrt(6.2830)*par[2])*TMath::Exp(-(x[0]-par[1])*(x[0]-par[1])/(2.*par[2]*par[2]));
348  return g+par[6]*(TMath::Erf((x[0]-par[3])/par[4])+1.)*TMath::Exp(par[5]*x[0]);
349 }
350 // **************************************************************************
352 Double_t powerFun(Double_t *x, Double_t * par){
353  // return par[0]*pow((x[0]),par[1]*pow((par[2]-x[0]),par[3]);
354  return par[0]*pow(x[0],par[1])*pow((1-x[0]),par[2]);
355  //*pow((0.5-x[0]),par[2]);
356 }
358 // **************************************************************************
360 Double_t power_g(Double_t *x, Double_t * par){
361  float g = par[0]/(sqrt(6.2830)*par[2])*TMath::Exp(-(x[0]-par[1])*(x[0]-par[1])/(2.*par[2]*par[2]));
362  float p = par[3]*pow(x[0],par[4])*pow((1-x[0]),par[5]);
363  //*pow((0.5-x[0]),par[5]);
364  return g+p;
365 }
369 // ====================================================================================
370 // ************************************************************************************
371 // ====================================================================================
375  char * s = getenv("BASE_DIR");
376  TString basedir = (s==0||strlen(s)==0)? "/home/kistenev/workarea/" : s;
377 }
379 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
380 // void hcalUtil::setBaseDir(char * bDir){
381 // basedir.Resize(0);
382 // basedir += bDir;
383 // }
385 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 float hcalUtil::xPeak(TF1* f, float x1, float x2){
388  // searches for peak position in the TF1 function - looks into derivatives
389  float y1 = f->Derivative(x1, 0, 0.002);
390  float y2 = f->Derivative(x2, 0, 0.002);
391  if(y1*y2>0) {
392  return (f->Eval(x1)>f->Eval(x2))? x1 : x2;
393  }
394  float xx1 = x1;
395  float xx2 = x2;
396  float dx = fabs(xx2-xx1);
397  float x = 0.;
398  while(y1*y2<0&&dx>0.001){
399  x = (xx1+xx2)/2.;
400  float y = f->Derivative(x, 0, 0.01);
401  if(y1*y>0) xx1 = x; else xx2 = x;
402  dx = fabs(xx2-xx1);
403  }
404  return x;
405 }
407 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
409 float hcalUtil::width(TF1* f, float x1, float x2, float peak){
410  // find width of the function (erfunc only) !!!
411  float yhm = f->Eval(peak)/2;
413  float xl = x1;
414  float xr = peak;
416  float xm = (xr+xl)/2.;
417  float ym = f->Eval(xm);
418  // cout<<yhm<<" xl "<< xl<<" xr "<<xr<<" xm "<<xm<<" ym "<<ym<<endl;
419  while(abs(ym-yhm)>0.01*yhm && xr-xl>0.001){
420  if(ym>yhm) xr = xm; else xl = xm;
421  xm = (xr+xl)/2.;
422  ym = f->Eval(xm);
423  //cout<<"left xl "<<xl<<" xr "<<xr<<" xm "<<xm<<" ym "<<ym<<endl;
424  }
425  bool lok = (abs(ym-yhm)>0.1*yhm)? false : true;
426  float xml = xm;
427  xl = peak;
428  xr = x2;
429  xm = (xr+xl)/2.;
430  ym = f->Eval(xm);
431  while(abs(ym-yhm)>0.01*yhm&&xr-xl>0.001){
432  if(ym>yhm) xl = xm; else xr = xm;
433  xm = (xr+xl)/2.;
434  ym = f->Eval(xm);
435  //cout<<"right xl "<<xl<<" xr "<<xr<<" xm "<<xm<<" ym "<<ym<<endl;
436  }
437  float xmr = xm;
438  bool rok = (abs(ym-yhm)>0.1*yhm)? false : true;
439  float w = 0;
440  if(lok){
441  if(rok) w = xmr-xml; else w = 2*(peak-xml);
442  } else if (rok){
443  w = 2*(xmr-peak);
444  } else w = x2-x1;
445  return w/2.35;
446 }
448 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
450 bool hcalUtil::shapeFit(TH1D * proj, Double_t * pE, float & maxE, Double_t * pG, bool fine, bool MIP){
451  TF1 * fE;
452  TF1 * fG;
453  int bMax = proj->GetMaximumBin();
454  float pMax = proj->GetBinCenter(bMax);
455  bool erfOK = true;
456  TAxis *x;
457  x = proj->GetXaxis();
458  double xmin = x->GetXmin();
459  double xmax = x->GetXmax();
460  pE[0] = pMax;
461  pE[1] = proj->GetRMS();
462  pE[2] = -1./pE[1];
463  pE[3] = proj->GetBinContent(bMax)/TMath::Exp(pE[2]*pE[0]);
464  fE = (TF1*)(gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("fE"));
465  if(fE) delete fE;
466  fE = new TF1("fE",&erfunc,xmin,xmax,4);
467  fE->SetParameters(pE);
468  proj->Fit("fE","NQL0");
469  fE->GetParameters(pE);
470  maxE = xPeak(fE,xmin,xmax);
471  // cout<<"Position of Maximum: "<<maxE<<" "<<xmin<<" "<<xmax<<endl;
472  if(maxE<=xmin||maxE>=xmax||pE[0]<=xmin/*||pE[0]>=xmax*/) erfOK = false;
473  float scale = (fine? 1. : 1.5);
474  // float scale = (fine? 1. : 1);
475  pG[0] = proj->GetBinContent(bMax);
476  if(erfOK){
477  pG[1] = maxE;
478  pG[2] = width(fE,xmin,xmax,maxE);
479  } else {
480  pG[1] = proj->GetMean();
481  pG[2] = proj->GetRMS();
482  }
483  fG = (TF1*)(gROOT->FindObject("fG"));
484  if(fG) delete fG;
485  if(MIP) {
486  fG = new TF1("fG","gaus",TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-0.3*scale),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+0.075*scale));
487  fG->SetParameters(pG);
488  fG->SetParLimits(1,TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-0.1*scale),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+0.05*scale));
489  } else {
490  fG = new TF1("fG","gaus",TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-1.5*scale),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+1.5*scale));
491  fG->SetParameters(pG);
492  fG->SetParLimits(1,TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-2.*scale),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+2.*scale));
493  }
494  proj->Fit("fG","NLQR0");
495  fG->GetParameters(pG);
496  return ((!erfOK||pG[1]<xmin+0.1||pG[1]>xmax-0.05)? false : true);
497 }
499 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
501 bool hcalUtil::emcFit(TH1D * proj, bool fine, bool sing, Double_t * pE, float & maxE, Double_t * pG, bool MIP){
502  TF1 * fE;
503  TF1 * fG;
504  int bMax = proj->GetMaximumBin();
505  float pMax = proj->GetBinCenter(bMax);
506  bool erfOK = true;
507  TAxis *x;
508  x = proj->GetXaxis();
509  double xmin = x->GetXmin();
510  double xmax = x->GetXmax();
511  pE[0] = pMax;
512  pE[1] = proj->GetRMS();
513  pE[2] = -1./pE[1];
514  pE[3] = proj->GetBinContent(bMax)/TMath::Exp(pE[2]*pE[0]);
515  fE = (TF1*)(gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("fE"));
516  if(fE) delete fE;
517  fE = new TF1("fE",&erfunc,xmin,xmax,4);
518  fE->SetParameters(pE);
519  proj->Fit("fE","NQL0");
520  fE->GetParameters(pE);
521  maxE = xPeak(fE,xmin,xmax);
522  // cout<<"Position of Maximum: "<<maxE<<" "<<xmin<<" "<<xmax<<endl;
523  if(maxE<=xmin||maxE>=xmax||pE[0]<=xmin/*||pE[0]>=xmax*/) erfOK = false;
524  if(!sing){
525  float scale = (fine? 1. : 1.5);
526  // float scale = (fine? 1. : 1);
527  pG[0] = proj->GetBinContent(bMax);
528  if(erfOK){
529  pG[1] = maxE;
530  pG[2] = width(fE,xmin,xmax,maxE);
531  } else {
532  pG[1] = proj->GetMean();
533  pG[2] = proj->GetRMS();
534  }
535  fG = (TF1*)(gROOT->FindObject("fG"));
536  if(fG) delete fG;
537  if(MIP) {
538  fG = new TF1("fG","gaus",TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-0.3*scale),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+0.075*scale));
539  fG->SetParameters(pG);
540  fG->SetParLimits(1,TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-0.1*scale),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+0.05*scale));
541  } else {
542  fG = new TF1("fG","gaus",TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-1.5*scale),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+1.5*scale));
543  fG->SetParameters(pG);
544  fG->SetParLimits(1,TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-2.*scale),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+2.*scale));
545  }
546  proj->Fit("fG","NLQR0");
547  fG->GetParameters(pG);
548  }
549  return ((!erfOK||pG[1]<xmin+0.1||pG[1]>xmax-0.05)? false : true);
550 }
552 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
554 bool hcalUtil::emcFit(TH1D * proj, bool sing, Double_t * pE, float & maxE, Double_t * pG){
555  TF1 * fE;
556  TF1 * fG;
557  int bMax = proj->GetMaximumBin();
558  float pMax = proj->GetBinCenter(bMax);
559  bool erfOK = true;
560  TAxis *x;
561  x = proj->GetXaxis();
562  double xmin = x->GetXmin();
563  double xmax = x->GetXmax();
564  pE[0] = pMax;
565  pE[1] = proj->GetRMS();
566  pE[2] = -1./pE[1];
567  pE[3] = proj->GetBinContent(bMax)/TMath::Exp(pE[2]*pE[0]);
568  fE = (TF1*)(gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("fE"));
569  if(fE) delete fE;
570  fE = new TF1("fE",&erfunc,xmin,xmax,4);
571  fE->SetParameters(pE);
572  proj->Fit("fE","QNL0");
573  fE->GetParameters(pE);
574  maxE = xPeak(fE,xmin,xmax);
575  // cout<<"Position of Maximum: "<<maxE<<" "<<xmin<<" "<<xmax<<endl;
576  if(maxE<=xmin||maxE>=xmax||pE[0]<=xmin/*||pE[0]>=xmax*/) erfOK = false;
577  if(!sing){
578  pG[0] = proj->GetBinContent(bMax);
579  if(erfOK){
580  pG[1] = maxE;
581  pG[2] = width(fE,xmin,xmax,maxE) ;
582  } else {
583  pG[1] = proj->GetMean();
584  pG[2] = proj->GetRMS();
585  }
586  fG = (TF1*)(gROOT->FindObject("fG"));
587  if(fG) delete fG;
588  fG = new TF1("fG","gaus",TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-pG[2]),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+pG[2]));
589  fG->SetParameters(pG);
590  fG->SetParLimits(1,TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-pG[2]),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+pG[2]));
591  proj->Fit("fG","QNLR0");
592  fG->GetParameters(pG);
593  }
594  return ((!erfOK||pG[1]<xmin+0.1||pG[1]>xmax-0.05)? false : true);
595 }
596 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
598 bool hcalUtil::emcFit(TH1D * proj, bool sing, Double_t * pE, float & maxE, Double_t * pG, float minx, float maxx){
599  TF1 * fE;
600  TF1 * fG;
601  int bMax = proj->GetMaximumBin();
602  float pMax = proj->GetBinCenter(bMax);
603  bool erfOK = true;
604  TAxis *x(NULL);
605  double xmin(0.);
606  double xmax = x->GetXmax();
607  xmin = TMath::Max((double)minx,xmin);
608  xmax = TMath::Min((double)maxx,xmax);
609  pE[0] = pMax;
610  pE[1] = proj->GetRMS();
611  pE[2] = -1./pE[1];
612  pE[3] = proj->GetBinContent(bMax)/TMath::Exp(pE[2]*pE[0]);
613  fE = (TF1*)(gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("fE"));
614  if(fE) delete fE;
615  fE = new TF1("fE",&erfunc,xmin,xmax,4);
616  fE->SetParameters(pE);
617  proj->Fit("fE","QNL0");
618  fE->GetParameters(pE);
619  maxE = xPeak(fE,xmin,xmax);
620  // cout<<"Position of Maximum: "<<maxE<<" "<<xmin<<" "<<xmax<<endl;
621  if(maxE<=xmin||maxE>=xmax||pE[0]<=xmin/*||pE[0]>=xmax*/) erfOK = false;
622  if(!sing){
623  pG[0] = proj->GetBinContent(bMax);
624  if(erfOK){
625  pG[1] = maxE;
626  pG[2] = width(fE,xmin,xmax,maxE) ;
627  // cout<<pG[0]<<" "<<pG[1]<<" "<<pG[2]<<endl;
628  } else {
629  pG[1] = proj->GetMean();
630  pG[2] = proj->GetRMS();
631  }
632  fG = (TF1*)(gROOT->FindObject("fG"));
633  if(fG) delete fG;
634  fG = new TF1("fG","gaus",TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-pG[2]),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+pG[2]));
635  fG->SetParameters(pG);
636  fG->SetParLimits(1,TMath::Max(xmin,pG[1]-pG[2]),TMath::Min(xmax,pG[1]+pG[2]));
637  proj->Fit("fG","QNLR0");
638  fG->GetParameters(pG);
639  }
640  return ((!erfOK||pG[1]<xmin+0.1||pG[1]>xmax-0.05)? false : true);
641 }
643 // **************************************************************************
645 bool hcalUtil::twrMipFit(TH1D * pr, Double_t * pE, float & maxE, Double_t * pG){
646  TF1 * fE;
647  TF1 * fG;
648  int bMax = pr->GetMaximumBin();
649  TAxis *x;
650  x = pr->GetXaxis();
651  TH1D * p=(TH1D*)(pr->Clone());
652  float xmean = p->GetMean();
653  xmean = 0.3;
654  int b1 = x->FindBin(xmean-0.07);
655  int b2 = x->FindBin(xmean+0.07);
656  for (int bin = b1; bin<=b2; bin++){
657  p->SetBinError(bin,p->GetBinContent(bin));
658  }
659  double xmin = x->GetXmin();
660  if(xmin<=0.) xmin = 0.05;
661  // double xmin = 0.12;
662  double xmax = x->GetXmax();
663  pE[0] = pr->Integral()*x->GetBinWidth(0)/(log(xmax)-log(xmin));;
664  pE[1] = 1.;
665  pE[2] = 1.;
666  cout<<"Initial par. values"<<pE[0]<<" "<<pE[1]<<" "<< pE[2]<<endl;
667  if(pE[0]<=0.) return false;
669  fE = (TF1*)(gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("fE"));
670  if(fE) delete fE;
671  // cout<<(int)erfunc<<endl;
672  fE = new TF1("fE",&powerFun,xmin,xmax,3);
673  fE->SetParameters(pE);
674  // p->Fit("fE","NLR0");
675  p->Fit("fE","NR");
676  // p->Draw();
677  // fE->Draw("same");
678  fE->GetParameters(pE);
679  pG[0] = pr->GetBinContent(bMax)*sqrt(6.28)*0.03;
680  pG[1] = 0.3;
681  pG[2] = 0.03;
682  pG[3] = pE[0];
683  pG[4] = pE[1];
684  pG[5] = pE[2];
685  fG = (TF1*)(gROOT->FindObject("fG"));
686  if(fG) delete fG;
687  fG = new TF1("fG",&power_g,xmin,xmax,6);
688  fG->SetParameters(pG);
689  fG->SetParLimits(3,pE[0],pE[0]);
690  fG->SetParLimits(4,pE[1],pE[1]);
691  fG->SetParLimits(5,pE[2],pE[2]);
692 // fG->FixParameter(3,pE[0]);
693 // fG->FixParameter(4,pE[1]);
694 // fG->FixParameter(5,pE[2]);
695  //pr->Fit("fG","NLR0");
696  pr->Fit("fG","NRB");
697  // pr->Draw("same");
698  // fG->Draw("same");
699  fG->GetParameters(pG);
700  maxE = xPeak(fG,pG[1]-0.1,pG[1]+0.1);
701  cout<<maxE<<endl;
702  // delete p;
703  return ((pG[1]<xmin+0.05||pG[1]>xmax-0.05)? false : true);
704 }
707 // **************************************************************************
709 bool hcalUtil::twrTimeFit(TH1D * pr, Double_t * pE, float & maxE, Double_t * pG){
710  TF1 * fE;
711  TF1 * fG;
712  int bMax = pr->GetMaximumBin();
713  TAxis *x;
714  x = pr->GetXaxis();
715  TH1D * p=(TH1D*)(pr->Clone());
716  float xmean = p->GetMean();
717  xmean = 0.3;
718  int b1 = x->FindBin(xmean-0.07);
719  int b2 = x->FindBin(xmean+0.07);
720  for (int bin = b1; bin<=b2; bin++){
721  p->SetBinError(bin,p->GetBinContent(bin));
722  }
723  double xmin = x->GetXmin();
725  // double xmin = 0.12;
726  double xmax = x->GetXmax();
727  pE[0] = pr->Integral()*x->GetBinWidth(0)/(log(xmax)-log(xmin));;
728  pE[1] = 1.;
729  pE[2] = 1.;
730  fE = (TF1*)(gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("fE"));
731  if(fE) delete fE;
732  // cout<<(int)erfunc<<endl;
733  fE = new TF1("fE",&powerFun,xmin,xmax,3);
734  fE->SetParameters(pE);
735  // p->Fit("fE","NLR0");
736  p->Fit("fE","NR");
737  // p->Draw();
738  // fE->Draw("same");
739  fE->GetParameters(pE);
740  pG[0] = pr->GetBinContent(bMax)*sqrt(6.28)*0.03;
741  pG[1] = 0.3;
742  pG[2] = 0.03;
743  pG[3] = pE[0];
744  pG[4] = pE[1];
745  pG[5] = pE[2];
746  fG = (TF1*)(gROOT->FindObject("fG"));
747  if(fG) delete fG;
748  fG = new TF1("fG",&power_g,xmin,xmax,6);
749  fG->SetParameters(pG);
750  fG->SetParLimits(3,pE[0],pE[0]);
751  fG->SetParLimits(4,pE[1],pE[1]);
752  fG->SetParLimits(5,pE[2],pE[2]);
753 // fG->FixParameter(3,pE[0]);
754 // fG->FixParameter(4,pE[1]);
755 // fG->FixParameter(5,pE[2]);
756  //pr->Fit("fG","NLR0");
757  pr->Fit("fG","NRB");
758  // pr->Draw("same");
759  // fG->Draw("same");
760  fG->GetParameters(pG);
761  maxE = xPeak(fG,pG[1]-0.1,pG[1]+0.1);
762  cout<<maxE<<endl;
763  // delete p;
764  return ((pG[1]<xmin+0.05||pG[1]>xmax-0.05)? false : true);
765 }
767 // ====================================================================================
768 // ************************************************************************************
769 // ====================================================================================
771 #include "hLabHelper.C"
773 #include "hcalHelper.C"
775 #include "hcalTree.C"
777 #include "tileHelper.C"
779 #include "tileTree.C"