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2 C*********************************************************************
4  SUBROUTINE pyhimaxi
6 C...Finds optimal set of coefficients for kinematical variable selection
7 C...and the maximum of the part of the differential cross-section used
8 the event weighting.
9  common/ludat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
10  SAVE /ludat1/
11  common/ludat2/kchg(500,3),pmas(500,4),parf(2000),vckm(4,4)
12  SAVE /ludat2/
13  common/pyhisubs/msel,msub(200),kfin(2,-40:40),ckin(200)
14  SAVE /pyhisubs/
15  common/pyhipars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200)
16  SAVE /pyhipars/
17  common/pyhiint1/mint(400),vint(400)
18  SAVE /pyhiint1/
19  common/pyhiint2/iset(200),kfpr(200,2),coef(200,20),icol(40,4,2)
20  SAVE /pyhiint2/
21  common/pyhiint3/xsfx(2,-40:40),isig(1000,3),sigh(1000)
22  SAVE /pyhiint3/
23  common/pyhiint4/widp(21:40,0:40),wide(21:40,0:40),wids(21:40,3)
24  SAVE /pyhiint4/
25  common/pyhiint5/ngen(0:200,3),xsec(0:200,3)
26  SAVE /pyhiint5/
27  common/pyhiint6/proc(0:200)
28  CHARACTER proc*28
29  SAVE /pyhiint6/
30  CHARACTER cvar(4)*4
31  dimension npts(4),mvarpt(200,4),vintpt(200,30),sigspt(200),
32  &narel(6),wtrel(6),wtmat(6,6),coefu(6),iaccmx(4),sigsmx(4),
33  &sigssm(3)
34  DATA cvar/'tau ','tau''','y* ','cth '/
36 C...Select subprocess to study: skip cases not applicable.
37  vint(143)=1.
38  vint(144)=1.
39  xsec(0,1)=0.
40  DO 350 isub=1,200
41  IF(isub.GE.91.AND.isub.LE.95) THEN
42  xsec(isub,1)=vint(isub+11)
43  IF(msub(isub).NE.1) goto 350
44  goto 340
45  ELSEIF(isub.EQ.96) THEN
46  IF(mint(43).NE.4) goto 350
47  IF(msub(95).NE.1.AND.mstp(81).LE.0.AND.mstp(131).LE.0) goto 350
48  ELSEIF(isub.EQ.11.OR.isub.EQ.12.OR.isub.EQ.13.OR.isub.EQ.28.OR.
49  &isub.EQ.53.OR.isub.EQ.68) THEN
50  IF(msub(isub).NE.1.OR.msub(95).EQ.1) goto 350
51  ELSE
52  IF(msub(isub).NE.1) goto 350
54  mint(1)=isub
55  istsb=iset(isub)
56  IF(isub.EQ.96) istsb=2
57  IF(mstp(122).GE.2) WRITE(mstu(11),1000) isub
59 C...Find resonances (explicit or implicit in cross-section).
60  mint(72)=0
61  kfr1=0
62  IF(istsb.EQ.1.OR.istsb.EQ.3) THEN
63  kfr1=kfpr(isub,1)
64  ELSEIF(isub.GE.71.AND.isub.LE.77) THEN
65  kfr1=25
67  IF(kfr1.NE.0) THEN
68  taur1=pmas(kfr1,1)**2/vint(2)
69  gamr1=pmas(kfr1,1)*pmas(kfr1,2)/vint(2)
70  mint(72)=1
71  mint(73)=kfr1
72  vint(73)=taur1
73  vint(74)=gamr1
75  IF(isub.EQ.141) THEN
76  kfr2=23
77  taur2=pmas(kfr2,1)**2/vint(2)
78  gamr2=pmas(kfr2,1)*pmas(kfr2,2)/vint(2)
79  mint(72)=2
80  mint(74)=kfr2
81  vint(75)=taur2
82  vint(76)=gamr2
85 C...Find product masses and minimum pT of process.
86  sqm3=0.
87  sqm4=0.
88  mint(71)=0
89  vint(71)=ckin(3)
90  IF(istsb.EQ.2.OR.istsb.EQ.4) THEN
91  IF(kfpr(isub,1).NE.0) sqm3=pmas(kfpr(isub,1),1)**2
92  IF(kfpr(isub,2).NE.0) sqm4=pmas(kfpr(isub,2),1)**2
93  IF(min(sqm3,sqm4).LT.ckin(6)**2) mint(71)=1
94  IF(mint(71).EQ.1) vint(71)=max(ckin(3),ckin(5))
95  IF(isub.EQ.96.AND.mstp(82).LE.1) vint(71)=parp(81)
96  IF(isub.EQ.96.AND.mstp(82).GE.2) vint(71)=0.08*parp(82)
98  vint(63)=sqm3
99  vint(64)=sqm4
101 C...Number of points for each variable: tau, tau', y*, cos(theta-hat).
102  npts(1)=2+2*mint(72)
103  IF(mint(43).EQ.1.AND.(istsb.EQ.1.OR.istsb.EQ.2)) npts(1)=1
104  npts(2)=1
105  IF(mint(43).GE.2.AND.(istsb.EQ.3.OR.istsb.EQ.4)) npts(2)=2
106  npts(3)=1
107  IF(mint(43).EQ.4) npts(3)=3
108  npts(4)=1
109  IF(istsb.EQ.2.OR.istsb.EQ.4) npts(4)=5
110  ntry=npts(1)*npts(2)*npts(3)*npts(4)
112 C...Reset coefficients of cross-section weighting.
113  DO 100 j=1,20
114  100 coef(isub,j)=0.
115  coef(isub,1)=1.
116  coef(isub,7)=0.5
117  coef(isub,8)=0.5
118  coef(isub,10)=1.
119  coef(isub,15)=1.
120  mcth=0
121  mtaup=0
122  cth=0.
123  taup=0.
124  sigsam=0.
126 C...Find limits and select tau, y*, cos(theta-hat) and tau' values,
127 grid of phase space points.
128  CALL pyhiklim(1)
129  nacc=0
130  DO 120 itry=1,ntry
131  IF(mod(itry-1,npts(2)*npts(3)*npts(4)).EQ.0) THEN
132  mtau=1+(itry-1)/(npts(2)*npts(3)*npts(4))
133  CALL pyhikmap(1,mtau,0.5)
134  IF(istsb.EQ.3.OR.istsb.EQ.4) CALL pyhiklim(4)
135  ENDIF
136  IF((istsb.EQ.3.OR.istsb.EQ.4).AND.mod(itry-1,npts(3)*npts(4)).
137  &eq.0) THEN
138  mtaup=1+mod((itry-1)/(npts(3)*npts(4)),npts(2))
139  CALL pyhikmap(4,mtaup,0.5)
140  ENDIF
141  IF(mod(itry-1,npts(3)*npts(4)).EQ.0) CALL pyhiklim(2)
142  IF(mod(itry-1,npts(4)).EQ.0) THEN
143  myst=1+mod((itry-1)/npts(4),npts(3))
144  CALL pyhikmap(2,myst,0.5)
145  CALL pyhiklim(3)
146  ENDIF
147  IF(istsb.EQ.2.OR.istsb.EQ.4) THEN
148  mcth=1+mod(itry-1,npts(4))
149  CALL pyhikmap(3,mcth,0.5)
150  ENDIF
151  IF(isub.EQ.96) vint(25)=vint(21)*(1.-vint(23)**2)
153 C...Calculate and store cross-section.
154  mint(51)=0
155  CALL pyhiklim(0)
156  IF(mint(51).EQ.1) goto 120
157  nacc=nacc+1
158  mvarpt(nacc,1)=mtau
159  mvarpt(nacc,2)=mtaup
160  mvarpt(nacc,3)=myst
161  mvarpt(nacc,4)=mcth
162  DO 110 j=1,30
163  110 vintpt(nacc,j)=vint(10+j)
164  CALL pyhisigh(nchn,sigs)
165  sigspt(nacc)=sigs
166  IF(sigs.GT.sigsam) sigsam=sigs
167  IF(mstp(122).GE.2) WRITE(mstu(11),1100) mtau,mtaup,myst,mcth,
168  &vint(21),vint(22),vint(23),vint(26),sigs
169  120 CONTINUE
170  IF(sigsam.EQ.0.) THEN
171  WRITE(mstu(11),1200) isub
172  stop
173  ENDIF
175 C...Calculate integrals in tau and y* over maximal phase space limits.
176  taumin=vint(11)
177  taumax=vint(31)
178  atau1=log(taumax/taumin)
179  atau2=(taumax-taumin)/(taumax*taumin)
180  IF(npts(1).GE.3) THEN
181  atau3=log(taumax/taumin*(taumin+taur1)/(taumax+taur1))/taur1
182  atau4=(atan((taumax-taur1)/gamr1)-atan((taumin-taur1)/gamr1))/
183  & gamr1
184  ENDIF
185  IF(npts(1).GE.5) THEN
186  atau5=log(taumax/taumin*(taumin+taur2)/(taumax+taur2))/taur2
187  atau6=(atan((taumax-taur2)/gamr2)-atan((taumin-taur2)/gamr2))/
188  & gamr2
189  ENDIF
190  ystmin=0.5*log(taumin)
191  ystmax=-ystmin
192  ayst0=ystmax-ystmin
193  ayst1=0.5*(ystmax-ystmin)**2
194  ayst3=2.*(atan(exp(ystmax))-atan(exp(ystmin)))
196 C...Reset. Sum up cross-sections in points calculated.
197  DO 230 ivar=1,4
198  IF(npts(ivar).EQ.1) goto 230
199  IF(isub.EQ.96.AND.ivar.EQ.4) goto 230
200  nbin=npts(ivar)
201  DO 130 j1=1,nbin
202  narel(j1)=0
203  wtrel(j1)=0.
204  coefu(j1)=0.
205  DO 130 j2=1,nbin
206  130 wtmat(j1,j2)=0.
207  DO 140 iacc=1,nacc
208  ibin=mvarpt(iacc,ivar)
209  narel(ibin)=narel(ibin)+1
210  wtrel(ibin)=wtrel(ibin)+sigspt(iacc)
212 C...Sum up tau cross-section pieces in points used.
213  IF(ivar.EQ.1) THEN
214  tau=vintpt(iacc,11)
215  wtmat(ibin,1)=wtmat(ibin,1)+1.
216  wtmat(ibin,2)=wtmat(ibin,2)+(atau1/atau2)/tau
217  IF(nbin.GE.3) THEN
218  wtmat(ibin,3)=wtmat(ibin,3)+(atau1/atau3)/(tau+taur1)
219  wtmat(ibin,4)=wtmat(ibin,4)+(atau1/atau4)*tau/
220  & ((tau-taur1)**2+gamr1**2)
221  ENDIF
222  IF(nbin.GE.5) THEN
223  wtmat(ibin,5)=wtmat(ibin,5)+(atau1/atau5)/(tau+taur2)
224  wtmat(ibin,6)=wtmat(ibin,6)+(atau1/atau6)*tau/
225  & ((tau-taur2)**2+gamr2**2)
226  ENDIF
228 C...Sum up tau' cross-section pieces in points used.
229  ELSEIF(ivar.EQ.2) THEN
230  tau=vintpt(iacc,11)
231  taup=vintpt(iacc,16)
232  taupmn=vintpt(iacc,6)
233  taupmx=vintpt(iacc,26)
234  ataup1=log(taupmx/taupmn)
235  ataup2=((1.-tau/taupmx)**4-(1.-tau/taupmn)**4)/(4.*tau)
236  wtmat(ibin,1)=wtmat(ibin,1)+1.
237  wtmat(ibin,2)=wtmat(ibin,2)+(ataup1/ataup2)*(1.-tau/taup)**3/
238  & taup
240 C...Sum up y* and cos(theta-hat) cross-section pieces in points used.
241  ELSEIF(ivar.EQ.3) THEN
242  yst=vintpt(iacc,12)
243  wtmat(ibin,1)=wtmat(ibin,1)+(ayst0/ayst1)*(yst-ystmin)
244  wtmat(ibin,2)=wtmat(ibin,2)+(ayst0/ayst1)*(ystmax-yst)
245  wtmat(ibin,3)=wtmat(ibin,3)+(ayst0/ayst3)/cosh(yst)
246  ELSE
247  rm34=2.*sqm3*sqm4/(vintpt(iacc,11)*vint(2))**2
248  rsqm=1.+rm34
249  cthmax=sqrt(1.-4.*vint(71)**2/(taumax*vint(2)))
250  cthmin=-cthmax
251  IF(cthmax.GT.0.9999) rm34=max(rm34,2.*vint(71)**2/
252  & (taumax*vint(2)))
253  acth1=cthmax-cthmin
254  acth2=log(max(rm34,rsqm-cthmin)/max(rm34,rsqm-cthmax))
255  acth3=log(max(rm34,rsqm+cthmax)/max(rm34,rsqm+cthmin))
256  acth4=1./max(rm34,rsqm-cthmax)-1./max(rm34,rsqm-cthmin)
257  acth5=1./max(rm34,rsqm+cthmin)-1./max(rm34,rsqm+cthmax)
258  cth=vintpt(iacc,13)
259  wtmat(ibin,1)=wtmat(ibin,1)+1.
260  wtmat(ibin,2)=wtmat(ibin,2)+(acth1/acth2)/max(rm34,rsqm-cth)
261  wtmat(ibin,3)=wtmat(ibin,3)+(acth1/acth3)/max(rm34,rsqm+cth)
262  wtmat(ibin,4)=wtmat(ibin,4)+(acth1/acth4)/max(rm34,rsqm-cth)**2
263  wtmat(ibin,5)=wtmat(ibin,5)+(acth1/acth5)/max(rm34,rsqm+cth)**2
264  ENDIF
265  140 CONTINUE
267 C...Check that equation system solvable; else trivial way out.
268  IF(mstp(122).GE.2) WRITE(mstu(11),1300) cvar(ivar)
269  msolv=1
270  DO 150 ibin=1,nbin
271  IF(mstp(122).GE.2) WRITE(mstu(11),1400) (wtmat(ibin,ired),
272  &ired=1,nbin),wtrel(ibin)
273  150 IF(narel(ibin).EQ.0) msolv=0
274  IF(msolv.EQ.0) THEN
275  DO 160 ibin=1,nbin
276  160 coefu(ibin)=1.
278 C...Solve to find relative importance of cross-section pieces.
279  ELSE
280  DO 170 ired=1,nbin-1
281  DO 170 ibin=ired+1,nbin
282  rqt=wtmat(ibin,ired)/wtmat(ired,ired)
283  wtrel(ibin)=wtrel(ibin)-rqt*wtrel(ired)
284  DO 170 icoe=ired,nbin
285  170 wtmat(ibin,icoe)=wtmat(ibin,icoe)-rqt*wtmat(ired,icoe)
286  DO 190 ired=nbin,1,-1
287  DO 180 icoe=ired+1,nbin
288  180 wtrel(ired)=wtrel(ired)-wtmat(ired,icoe)*coefu(icoe)
289  190 coefu(ired)=wtrel(ired)/wtmat(ired,ired)
290  ENDIF
292 C...Normalize coefficients, with piece shared democratically.
293  coefsu=0.
294  DO 200 ibin=1,nbin
295  coefu(ibin)=max(0.,coefu(ibin))
296  200 coefsu=coefsu+coefu(ibin)
297  IF(ivar.EQ.1) ioff=0
298  IF(ivar.EQ.2) ioff=14
299  IF(ivar.EQ.3) ioff=6
300  IF(ivar.EQ.4) ioff=9
301  IF(coefsu.GT.0.) THEN
302  DO 210 ibin=1,nbin
303  210 coef(isub,ioff+ibin)=parp(121)/nbin+(1.-parp(121))*coefu(ibin)/
304  & coefsu
305  ELSE
306  DO 220 ibin=1,nbin
307  220 coef(isub,ioff+ibin)=1./nbin
308  ENDIF
309  IF(mstp(122).GE.2) WRITE(mstu(11),1500) cvar(ivar),
310  &(coef(isub,ioff+ibin),ibin=1,nbin)
311  230 CONTINUE
313 C...Find two most promising maxima among points previously determined.
314  DO 240 j=1,4
315  iaccmx(j)=0
316  240 sigsmx(j)=0.
317  nmax=0
318  DO 290 iacc=1,nacc
319  DO 250 j=1,30
320  250 vint(10+j)=vintpt(iacc,j)
321  CALL pyhisigh(nchn,sigs)
322  ieq=0
323  DO 260 imv=1,nmax
324  260 IF(abs(sigs-sigsmx(imv)).LT.1e-4*(sigs+sigsmx(imv))) ieq=imv
325  IF(ieq.EQ.0) THEN
326  DO 270 imv=nmax,1,-1
327  iin=imv+1
328  IF(sigs.LE.sigsmx(imv)) goto 280
329  iaccmx(imv+1)=iaccmx(imv)
330  270 sigsmx(imv+1)=sigsmx(imv)
331  iin=1
332  280 iaccmx(iin)=iacc
333  sigsmx(iin)=sigs
334  IF(nmax.LE.1) nmax=nmax+1
335  ENDIF
336  290 CONTINUE
338 C...Read out starting position for search.
339  IF(mstp(122).GE.2) WRITE(mstu(11),1600)
340  sigsam=sigsmx(1)
341  DO 330 imax=1,nmax
342  iacc=iaccmx(imax)
343  mtau=mvarpt(iacc,1)
344  mtaup=mvarpt(iacc,2)
345  myst=mvarpt(iacc,3)
346  mcth=mvarpt(iacc,4)
347  vtau=0.5
348  vyst=0.5
349  vcth=0.5
350  vtaup=0.5
352 C...Starting point and step size in parameter space.
353  DO 320 irpt=1,2
354  DO 310 ivar=1,4
355  IF(npts(ivar).EQ.1) goto 310
356  IF(ivar.EQ.1) vvar=vtau
357  IF(ivar.EQ.2) vvar=vtaup
358  IF(ivar.EQ.3) vvar=vyst
359  IF(ivar.EQ.4) vvar=vcth
360  IF(ivar.EQ.1) mvar=mtau
361  IF(ivar.EQ.2) mvar=mtaup
362  IF(ivar.EQ.3) mvar=myst
363  IF(ivar.EQ.4) mvar=mcth
364  IF(irpt.EQ.1) vdel=0.1
365  IF(irpt.EQ.2) vdel=max(0.01,min(0.05,vvar-0.02,0.98-vvar))
366  IF(irpt.EQ.1) vmar=0.02
367  IF(irpt.EQ.2) vmar=0.002
368  imov0=1
369  IF(irpt.EQ.1.AND.ivar.EQ.1) imov0=0
370  DO 300 imov=imov0,8
372 C...Define new point in parameter space.
373  IF(imov.EQ.0) THEN
374  inew=2
375  vnew=vvar
376  ELSEIF(imov.EQ.1) THEN
377  inew=3
378  vnew=vvar+vdel
379  ELSEIF(imov.EQ.2) THEN
380  inew=1
381  vnew=vvar-vdel
382  ELSEIF(sigssm(3).GE.max(sigssm(1),sigssm(2)).AND.
383  &vvar+2.*vdel.LT.1.-vmar) THEN
384  vvar=vvar+vdel
385  sigssm(1)=sigssm(2)
386  sigssm(2)=sigssm(3)
387  inew=3
388  vnew=vvar+vdel
389  ELSEIF(sigssm(1).GE.max(sigssm(2),sigssm(3)).AND.
390  &vvar-2.*vdel.GT.vmar) THEN
391  vvar=vvar-vdel
392  sigssm(3)=sigssm(2)
393  sigssm(2)=sigssm(1)
394  inew=1
395  vnew=vvar-vdel
396  ELSEIF(sigssm(3).GE.sigssm(1)) THEN
397  vdel=0.5*vdel
398  vvar=vvar+vdel
399  sigssm(1)=sigssm(2)
400  inew=2
401  vnew=vvar
402  ELSE
403  vdel=0.5*vdel
404  vvar=vvar-vdel
405  sigssm(3)=sigssm(2)
406  inew=2
407  vnew=vvar
408  ENDIF
410 C...Convert to relevant variables and find derived new limits.
411  IF(ivar.EQ.1) THEN
412  vtau=vnew
413  CALL pyhikmap(1,mtau,vtau)
414  IF(istsb.EQ.3.OR.istsb.EQ.4) CALL pyhiklim(4)
415  ENDIF
416  IF(ivar.LE.2.AND.(istsb.EQ.3.OR.istsb.EQ.4)) THEN
417  IF(ivar.EQ.2) vtaup=vnew
418  CALL pyhikmap(4,mtaup,vtaup)
419  ENDIF
420  IF(ivar.LE.2) CALL pyhiklim(2)
421  IF(ivar.LE.3) THEN
422  IF(ivar.EQ.3) vyst=vnew
423  CALL pyhikmap(2,myst,vyst)
424  CALL pyhiklim(3)
425  ENDIF
426  IF(istsb.EQ.2.OR.istsb.EQ.4) THEN
427  IF(ivar.EQ.4) vcth=vnew
428  CALL pyhikmap(3,mcth,vcth)
429  ENDIF
430  IF(isub.EQ.96) vint(25)=vint(21)*(1.-vint(23)**2)
432 C...Evaluate cross-section. Save new maximum. Final maximum.
433  CALL pyhisigh(nchn,sigs)
434  sigssm(inew)=sigs
435  IF(sigs.GT.sigsam) sigsam=sigs
436  IF(mstp(122).GE.2) WRITE(mstu(11),1700) imax,ivar,mvar,imov,
437  &vnew,vint(21),vint(22),vint(23),vint(26),sigs
438  300 CONTINUE
439  310 CONTINUE
440  320 CONTINUE
441  IF(imax.EQ.1) sigs11=sigsam
442  330 CONTINUE
443  xsec(isub,1)=1.05*sigsam
444  340 IF(isub.NE.96) xsec(0,1)=xsec(0,1)+xsec(isub,1)
445  350 CONTINUE
447 C...Print summary table.
448  IF(mstp(122).GE.1) THEN
449  WRITE(mstu(11),1800)
450  WRITE(mstu(11),1900)
451  DO 360 isub=1,200
452  IF(msub(isub).NE.1.AND.isub.NE.96) goto 360
453  IF( goto 360
454  IF(isub.EQ.96.AND.msub(95).NE.1.AND.mstp(81).LE.0) goto 360
455  IF(msub(95).EQ.1.AND.(isub.EQ.11.OR.isub.EQ.12.OR.isub.EQ.13.OR.
456  & isub.EQ.28.OR.isub.EQ.53.OR.isub.EQ.68)) goto 360
457  WRITE(mstu(11),2000) isub,proc(isub),xsec(isub,1)
458  360 CONTINUE
459  WRITE(mstu(11),2100)
460  ENDIF
462 C...Format statements for maximization results.
463  1000 FORMAT(/1x,'Coefficient optimization and maximum search for ',
464  &'subprocess no',i4/1x,'Coefficient modes tau',10x,'y*',9x,
465  &'cth',9x,'tau''',7x,'sigma')
466  1100 FORMAT(1x,4i4,f12.8,f12.6,f12.7,f12.8,1p,e12.4)
467  1200 FORMAT(1x,'Error: requested subprocess ',i3,' has vanishing ',
468  &'cross-section.'/1x,'Execution stopped!')
469  1300 FORMAT(1x,'Coefficients of equation system to be solved for ',a4)
470  1400 FORMAT(1x,1p,7e11.3)
471  1500 FORMAT(1x,'Result for ',a4,':',6f9.4)
472  1600 FORMAT(1x,'Maximum search for given coefficients'/2x,'MAX VAR ',
473  &'MOD MOV VNEW',7x,'tau',7x,'y*',8x,'cth',7x,'tau''',7x,'sigma')
474  1700 FORMAT(1x,4i4,f8.4,f11.7,f9.3,f11.6,f11.7,1p,e12.4)
475  1800 FORMAT(/1x,8('*'),1x,'PYHIMAXI: summary of differential ',
476  &'cross-section maximum search',1x,8('*'))
477  1900 FORMAT(/11x,58('=')/11x,'I',38x,'I',17x,'I'/11x,'I ISUB ',
478  &'Subprocess name',15x,'I Maximum value I'/11x,'I',38x,'I',
479  &17x,'I'/11x,58('=')/11x,'I',38x,'I',17x,'I')
480  2000 FORMAT(11x,'I',2x,i3,3x,a28,2x,'I',2x,1p,e12.4,3x,'I')
481  2100 FORMAT(11x,'I',38x,'I',17x,'I'/11x,58('='))
484  END