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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BlueprintHelper.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
15 #include <array>
17 namespace {
19 std::array<Acts::Vector3, 2u> cylEndpointsZ(
21  Acts::Vector3 axisZ = node.transform.rotation().col(2);
22  auto halfZ = node.boundaryValues[2];
23  Acts::Vector3 center = node.transform.translation();
24  Acts::Vector3 p0 = center - halfZ * axisZ;
25  Acts::Vector3 p1 = center + halfZ * axisZ;
26  return {p0, p1};
27 }
29 } // namespace
32  bool recursive) {
33  if (node.children.size() < 2u) {
34  return;
35  }
36  // Sort along x, y, z
37  if (node.binning.size() == 1) {
38  auto bVal = node.binning.front();
39  // x,y,z binning along the axis
40  if (bVal == binX or bVal == binY or bVal == binZ) {
41  Vector3 nodeCenter = node.transform.translation();
42  Vector3 nodeSortAxis = node.transform.rotation().col(bVal);
43  std::sort(
44  node.children.begin(), node.children.end(),
45  [&](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
46  return (a->transform.translation() - nodeCenter).dot(nodeSortAxis) <
47  (b->transform.translation() - nodeCenter).dot(nodeSortAxis);
48  });
49  } else if (bVal == binR and node.boundsType == VolumeBounds::eCylinder) {
50  std::sort(node.children.begin(), node.children.end(),
51  [](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
52  return 0.5 * (a->boundaryValues[0] + a->boundaryValues[1]) <
53  0.5 * (b->boundaryValues[0] + b->boundaryValues[1]);
54  });
55  }
56  }
58  // Sort the children
59  if (recursive) {
60  for (auto& child : node.children) {
61  sort(*child, true);
62  }
63  }
64 }
67  Blueprint::Node& node, bool adjustToParent) {
68  // Return if this is a leaf node
69  if (node.isLeaf()) {
70  return;
71  }
73  if (node.boundsType == VolumeBounds::eCylinder) {
74  // Nodes must be sorted
75  sort(node, false);
77  // Container values
78  auto cInnerR = node.boundaryValues[0];
79  auto cOuterR = node.boundaryValues[1];
80  auto cHalfZ = node.boundaryValues[2];
82  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Blueprint::Node>> gaps;
83  // Only 1D binning implemented for the moment
84  if (node.binning.size() == 1) {
85  auto bVal = node.binning.front();
86  if (bVal == binZ) {
87  // adjust inner/outer radius
88  if (adjustToParent) {
89  std::for_each(node.children.begin(), node.children.end(),
90  [&](auto& child) {
91  child->boundaryValues[0] = cInnerR;
92  child->boundaryValues[1] = cOuterR;
93  });
94  }
95  auto [negC, posC] = cylEndpointsZ(node);
96  // Assume sorted along the local z axis
97  unsigned int igap = 0;
98  for (auto& child : node.children) {
99  auto [neg, pos] = cylEndpointsZ(*child);
100  ActsScalar gapSpan = (neg - negC).norm();
101  if (gapSpan > s_onSurfaceTolerance) {
102  // Fill a gap node
103  auto gapName = + "_gap_" + std::to_string(igap);
104  auto gapTransform = Transform3::Identity();
105  gapTransform.rotate(node.transform.rotation());
106  gapTransform.translate(0.5 * (neg + negC));
107  auto gap = std::make_unique<Blueprint::Node>(
108  gapName, gapTransform, VolumeBounds::eCylinder,
109  std::vector<ActsScalar>{cInnerR, cOuterR, 0.5 * gapSpan});
110  gaps.push_back(std::move(gap));
111  ++igap;
112  }
113  // Set to new current negative value
114  negC = pos;
115  }
116  // Check if a last one needs to be filled
117  ActsScalar gapSpan = (negC - posC).norm();
118  if (gapSpan > s_onSurfaceTolerance) {
119  // Fill a gap node
120  auto gapName = + "_gap_" + std::to_string(igap);
121  auto gapTransform = Transform3::Identity();
122  gapTransform.rotate(node.transform.rotation());
123  gapTransform.translate(0.5 * (negC + posC));
124  auto gap = std::make_unique<Blueprint::Node>(
125  gapName, gapTransform, VolumeBounds::eCylinder,
126  std::vector<ActsScalar>{cInnerR, cOuterR, 0.5 * gapSpan});
127  gaps.push_back(std::move(gap));
128  }
130  } else if (bVal == binR) {
131  // We have binning in R present
132  if (adjustToParent) {
133  std::for_each(node.children.begin(), node.children.end(),
134  [&](auto& child) {
135  child->transform = node.transform;
136  child->boundaryValues[2] = cHalfZ;
137  });
138  }
139  // Fill the gaps in R
140  unsigned int igap = 0;
141  ActsScalar lastR = cInnerR;
142  for (auto& child : node.children) {
143  ActsScalar iR = child->boundaryValues[0];
144  if (std::abs(iR - lastR) > s_onSurfaceTolerance) {
145  auto gap = std::make_unique<Blueprint::Node>(
146 + "_gap_" + std::to_string(igap), node.transform,
147  VolumeBounds::eCylinder,
148  std::vector<ActsScalar>{lastR, iR, cHalfZ});
149  gaps.push_back(std::move(gap));
150  ++igap;
151  }
152  // Set to new outer radius
153  lastR = child->boundaryValues[1];
154  }
155  // Check if a last one needs to be filled
156  if (std::abs(lastR - cOuterR) > s_onSurfaceTolerance) {
157  auto gap = std::make_unique<Blueprint::Node>(
158 + "_gap_" + std::to_string(igap), node.transform,
159  VolumeBounds::eCylinder,
160  std::vector<ActsScalar>{lastR, cOuterR, cHalfZ});
161  gaps.push_back(std::move(gap));
162  }
163  } else {
164  throw std::runtime_error(
165  "BlueprintHelper: gap filling not implemented for "
166  "cylinder and this binning type.");
167  }
168  }
169  // Insert
170  for (auto& gap : gaps) {
171  node.add(std::move(gap));
172  }
174  // Sort again after inserting
175  sort(node, false);
176  // Fill the gaps recursively
177  for (auto& child : node.children) {
178  fillGaps(*child, adjustToParent);
179  }
181  } else {
182  throw std::runtime_error(
183  "BlueprintHelper: gap filling not implemented for "
184  "this boundary type");
185  }
186 }