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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file VolumeMaterialMapper.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
17 #include "Acts/Geometry/Layer.hpp"
37 #include <cmath>
38 #include <cstddef>
39 #include <iosfwd>
40 #include <ostream>
41 #include <stdexcept>
42 #include <string>
43 #include <tuple>
44 #include <type_traits>
45 #include <vector>
47 namespace Acts {
48 struct EndOfWorldReached;
49 } // namespace Acts
52  const Config& cfg, StraightLinePropagator propagator,
53  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> slogger)
54  : m_cfg(cfg),
55  m_propagator(std::move(propagator)),
56  m_logger(std::move(slogger)) {}
59  const GeometryContext& gctx, const MagneticFieldContext& mctx,
60  const TrackingGeometry& tGeometry) const {
61  // Parse the geometry and find all surfaces with material proxies
62  auto world = tGeometry.highestTrackingVolume();
64  // The Surface material mapping state
65  State mState(gctx, mctx);
66  resolveMaterialVolume(mState, *world);
67  collectMaterialSurfaces(mState, *world);
68  return mState;
69 }
72  State& mState, const TrackingVolume& tVolume) const {
73  ACTS_VERBOSE("Checking volume '" << tVolume.volumeName()
74  << "' for material surfaces.")
76  ACTS_VERBOSE("- Insert Volume ...");
77  checkAndInsert(mState, tVolume);
79  // Step down into the sub volume
80  if (tVolume.confinedVolumes()) {
81  ACTS_VERBOSE("- Check children volume ...");
82  for (auto& sVolume : tVolume.confinedVolumes()->arrayObjects()) {
83  // Recursive call
84  resolveMaterialVolume(mState, *sVolume);
85  }
86  }
87  if (!tVolume.denseVolumes().empty()) {
88  for (auto& sVolume : tVolume.denseVolumes()) {
89  // Recursive call
90  resolveMaterialVolume(mState, *sVolume);
91  }
92  }
93 }
96  State& mState, const TrackingVolume& volume) const {
97  auto volumeMaterial = volume.volumeMaterial();
98  // Check if the volume has a proxy
99  if (volumeMaterial != nullptr) {
100  auto geoID = volume.geometryId();
101  size_t volumeID = geoID.volume();
102  ACTS_DEBUG("Material volume found with volumeID " << volumeID);
103  ACTS_DEBUG(" - ID is " << geoID);
105  // We need a dynamic_cast to either a volume material proxy or
106  // proper surface material
107  auto psm = dynamic_cast<const ProtoVolumeMaterial*>(volumeMaterial);
108  // Get the bin utility: try proxy material first
109  const BinUtility* bu = (psm != nullptr) ? (&psm->binUtility()) : nullptr;
110  if (bu != nullptr) {
111  // Screen output for Binned Surface material
112  ACTS_DEBUG(" - (proto) binning is " << *bu);
113  // Now update
114  BinUtility buAdjusted = adjustBinUtility(*bu, volume);
115  // Screen output for Binned Surface material
116  ACTS_DEBUG(" - adjusted binning is " << buAdjusted);
117  mState.materialBin[geoID] = buAdjusted;
118  if (bu->dimensions() == 0) {
119  ACTS_DEBUG("Binning of dimension 0 create AccumulatedVolumeMaterial");
120  Acts::AccumulatedVolumeMaterial homogeneousAccumulation;
121  mState.homogeneousGrid[geoID] = homogeneousAccumulation;
122  } else if (bu->dimensions() == 2) {
123  ACTS_DEBUG("Binning of dimension 2 create 2D Grid");
124  std::function<Acts::Vector2(Acts::Vector3)> transfoGlobalToLocal;
125  Acts::Grid2D Grid = createGrid2D(buAdjusted, transfoGlobalToLocal);
126  mState.grid2D.insert(std::make_pair(geoID, Grid));
127  mState.transform2D.insert(std::make_pair(geoID, transfoGlobalToLocal));
128  } else if (bu->dimensions() == 3) {
129  ACTS_DEBUG("Binning of dimension 3 create 3D Grid");
130  std::function<Acts::Vector3(Acts::Vector3)> transfoGlobalToLocal;
131  Acts::Grid3D Grid = createGrid3D(buAdjusted, transfoGlobalToLocal);
132  mState.grid3D.insert(std::make_pair(geoID, Grid));
133  mState.transform3D.insert(std::make_pair(geoID, transfoGlobalToLocal));
134  } else {
135  throw std::invalid_argument(
136  "Incorrect bin dimension, only 0, 2 and 3 are accepted");
137  }
138  return;
139  }
140  // Second attempt: 2D binned material
141  auto bmp2 = dynamic_cast<
143  volumeMaterial);
144  bu = (bmp2 != nullptr) ? (&bmp2->binUtility()) : nullptr;
145  if (bu != nullptr) {
146  // Screen output for Binned Surface material
147  ACTS_DEBUG(" - (2D grid) binning is " << *bu);
148  mState.materialBin[geoID] = *bu;
149  std::function<Acts::Vector2(Acts::Vector3)> transfoGlobalToLocal;
150  Acts::Grid2D Grid = createGrid2D(*bu, transfoGlobalToLocal);
151  mState.grid2D.insert(std::make_pair(geoID, Grid));
152  mState.transform2D.insert(std::make_pair(geoID, transfoGlobalToLocal));
153  return;
154  }
155  // Third attempt: 3D binned material
156  auto bmp3 = dynamic_cast<
158  volumeMaterial);
159  bu = (bmp3 != nullptr) ? (&bmp3->binUtility()) : nullptr;
160  if (bu != nullptr) {
161  // Screen output for Binned Surface material
162  ACTS_DEBUG(" - (3D grid) binning is " << *bu);
163  mState.materialBin[geoID] = *bu;
164  std::function<Acts::Vector3(Acts::Vector3)> transfoGlobalToLocal;
165  Acts::Grid3D Grid = createGrid3D(*bu, transfoGlobalToLocal);
166  mState.grid3D.insert(std::make_pair(geoID, Grid));
167  mState.transform3D.insert(std::make_pair(geoID, transfoGlobalToLocal));
168  return;
169  } else {
170  // Create a homogeneous type of material
171  ACTS_DEBUG(" - this is homogeneous material.");
172  BinUtility buHomogeneous;
173  mState.materialBin[geoID] = buHomogeneous;
174  Acts::AccumulatedVolumeMaterial homogeneousAccumulation;
175  mState.homogeneousGrid[geoID] = homogeneousAccumulation;
176  return;
177  }
178  }
179 }
182  State& mState, const TrackingVolume& tVolume) const {
183  ACTS_VERBOSE("Checking volume '" << tVolume.volumeName()
184  << "' for material surfaces.")
186  ACTS_VERBOSE("- boundary surfaces ...");
187  // Check the boundary surfaces
188  for (auto& bSurface : tVolume.boundarySurfaces()) {
189  if (bSurface->surfaceRepresentation().surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
190  mState.surfaceMaterial[bSurface->surfaceRepresentation().geometryId()] =
191  bSurface->surfaceRepresentation().surfaceMaterialSharedPtr();
192  }
193  }
195  ACTS_VERBOSE("- confined layers ...");
196  // Check the confined layers
197  if (tVolume.confinedLayers() != nullptr) {
198  for (auto& cLayer : tVolume.confinedLayers()->arrayObjects()) {
199  // Take only layers that are not navigation layers
200  if (cLayer->layerType() != navigation) {
201  // Check the representing surface
202  if (cLayer->surfaceRepresentation().surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
203  mState.surfaceMaterial[cLayer->surfaceRepresentation().geometryId()] =
204  cLayer->surfaceRepresentation().surfaceMaterialSharedPtr();
205  }
206  // Get the approach surfaces if present
207  if (cLayer->approachDescriptor() != nullptr) {
208  for (auto& aSurface :
209  cLayer->approachDescriptor()->containedSurfaces()) {
210  if (aSurface != nullptr) {
211  if (aSurface->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
212  mState.surfaceMaterial[aSurface->geometryId()] =
213  aSurface->surfaceMaterialSharedPtr();
214  }
215  }
216  }
217  }
218  // Get the sensitive surface is present
219  if (cLayer->surfaceArray() != nullptr) {
220  // Sensitive surface loop
221  for (auto& sSurface : cLayer->surfaceArray()->surfaces()) {
222  if (sSurface != nullptr) {
223  if (sSurface->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
224  mState.surfaceMaterial[sSurface->geometryId()] =
225  sSurface->surfaceMaterialSharedPtr();
226  }
227  }
228  }
229  }
230  }
231  }
232  }
233  // Step down into the sub volume
234  if (tVolume.confinedVolumes()) {
235  for (auto& sVolume : tVolume.confinedVolumes()->arrayObjects()) {
236  // Recursive call
237  collectMaterialSurfaces(mState, *sVolume);
238  }
239  }
240 }
243  State& mState,
244  std::pair<const GeometryIdentifier, BinUtility>& currentBinning,
245  Acts::MaterialSlab properties, const Vector3& position,
246  Vector3 direction) const {
247  if (currentBinning.second.dimensions() == 0) {
248  // Writing homogeneous material for the current volumes no need to create
249  // extra hits. We directly accumulate the material
250  mState.homogeneousGrid[currentBinning.first].accumulate(properties);
251  return;
252  }
254  // Computing the extra hits properties based on the mappingStep length
255  int volumeStep =
256  static_cast<int>(std::floor(properties.thickness() / m_cfg.mappingStep));
257  float remainder = properties.thickness() - m_cfg.mappingStep * volumeStep;
258  properties.scaleThickness(m_cfg.mappingStep / properties.thickness());
259  direction = direction * (m_cfg.mappingStep / direction.norm());
261  for (int extraStep = 0; extraStep < volumeStep; extraStep++) {
262  Vector3 extraPosition = position + extraStep * direction;
263  // Create additional extrapolated points for the grid mapping
265  if (currentBinning.second.dimensions() == 2) {
266  auto grid = mState.grid2D.find(currentBinning.first);
267  if (grid != mState.grid2D.end()) {
268  // Find which grid bin the material fall into then accumulate
269  Acts::Grid2D::index_t index = grid->second.localBinsFromLowerLeftEdge(
270  mState.transform2D[currentBinning.first](extraPosition));
271  grid->second.atLocalBins(index).accumulate(properties);
272  } else {
273  throw std::domain_error("No grid 2D was found");
274  }
275  } else if (currentBinning.second.dimensions() == 3) {
276  auto grid = mState.grid3D.find(currentBinning.first);
277  if (grid != mState.grid3D.end()) {
278  // Find which grid bin the material fall into then accumulate
279  Acts::Grid3D::index_t index = grid->second.localBinsFromLowerLeftEdge(
280  mState.transform3D[currentBinning.first](extraPosition));
281  grid->second.atLocalBins(index).accumulate(properties);
282  } else {
283  throw std::domain_error("No grid 3D was found");
284  }
285  }
286  }
288  if (remainder > 0) {
289  // We need to have an additional extra hit with the remainder length. Adjust
290  // the thickness of the last extrapolated step
291  properties.scaleThickness(remainder / properties.thickness());
292  Vector3 extraPosition = position + volumeStep * direction;
293  if (currentBinning.second.dimensions() == 2) {
294  auto grid = mState.grid2D.find(currentBinning.first);
295  if (grid != mState.grid2D.end()) {
296  // Find which grid bin the material fall into then accumulate
297  Acts::Grid2D::index_t index = grid->second.localBinsFromLowerLeftEdge(
298  mState.transform2D[currentBinning.first](extraPosition));
299  grid->second.atLocalBins(index).accumulate(properties);
300  } else {
301  throw std::domain_error("No grid 2D was found");
302  }
303  } else if (currentBinning.second.dimensions() == 3) {
304  auto grid = mState.grid3D.find(currentBinning.first);
305  if (grid != mState.grid3D.end()) {
306  // Find which grid bin the material fall into then accumulate
307  Acts::Grid3D::index_t index = grid->second.localBinsFromLowerLeftEdge(
308  mState.transform3D[currentBinning.first](extraPosition));
309  grid->second.atLocalBins(index).accumulate(properties);
310  } else {
311  throw std::domain_error("No grid 3D was found");
312  }
313  }
314  }
315 }
318  // iterate over the volumes
319  for (auto& matBin : mState.materialBin) {
320  ACTS_DEBUG("Create the material for volume " << matBin.first);
321  if (matBin.second.dimensions() == 0) {
322  // Average the homogeneous volume material then store it
323  ACTS_DEBUG("Homogeneous material volume");
324  Acts::Material mat = mState.homogeneousGrid[matBin.first].average();
325  mState.volumeMaterial[matBin.first] =
326  std::make_unique<HomogeneousVolumeMaterial>(mat);
327  } else if (matBin.second.dimensions() == 2) {
328  // Average the material in the 2D grid then create an
329  // InterpolatedMaterialMap
330  ACTS_DEBUG("Grid material volume");
331  auto grid = mState.grid2D.find(matBin.first);
332  if (grid != mState.grid2D.end()) {
333  Acts::MaterialGrid2D matGrid = mapMaterialPoints(grid->second);
335  mState.transform2D[matBin.first], matGrid);
336  mState.volumeMaterial[matBin.first] = std::make_unique<
338  std::move(matMap), matBin.second);
339  } else {
340  throw std::domain_error("No grid 2D was found");
341  }
342  } else if (matBin.second.dimensions() == 3) {
343  // Average the material in the 3D grid then create an
344  // InterpolatedMaterialMap
345  ACTS_DEBUG("Grid material volume");
346  auto grid = mState.grid3D.find(matBin.first);
347  if (grid != mState.grid3D.end()) {
348  Acts::MaterialGrid3D matGrid = mapMaterialPoints(grid->second);
350  mState.transform3D[matBin.first], matGrid);
351  mState.volumeMaterial[matBin.first] = std::make_unique<
353  std::move(matMap), matBin.second);
354  } else {
355  throw std::domain_error("No grid 3D was found");
356  }
357  } else {
358  throw std::invalid_argument(
359  "Incorrect bin dimension, only 0, 2 and 3 are accepted");
360  }
361  }
362 }
365  State& mState, RecordedMaterialTrack& mTrack) const {
368  // Neutral curvilinear parameters
370  makeVector4(mTrack.first.first, 0), mTrack.first.second,
371  1 / mTrack.first.second.norm(), std::nullopt,
372  NeutralParticleHypothesis::geantino());
374  // Prepare Action list and abort list
375  using BoundSurfaceCollector = SurfaceCollector<BoundSurfaceSelector>;
376  using MaterialVolumeCollector = VolumeCollector<MaterialVolumeSelector>;
377  using ActionList = ActionList<BoundSurfaceCollector, MaterialVolumeCollector>;
378  using AbortList = AbortList<EndOfWorldReached>;
381  mState.magFieldContext);
383  // Now collect the material volume by using the straight line propagator
384  const auto& result = m_propagator.propagate(start, options).value();
385  auto mcResult = result.get<BoundSurfaceCollector::result_type>();
386  auto mvcResult = result.get<MaterialVolumeCollector::result_type>();
388  auto mappingSurfaces = mcResult.collected;
389  auto mappingVolumes = mvcResult.collected;
391  // Retrieve the recorded material from the recorded material track
392  auto& rMaterial = mTrack.second.materialInteractions;
393  ACTS_VERBOSE("Retrieved " << rMaterial.size()
394  << " recorded material steps to map.")
396  // These should be mapped onto the mapping surfaces found
397  ACTS_VERBOSE("Found " << mappingVolumes.size()
398  << " mapping volumes for this track.");
399  ACTS_VERBOSE("Mapping volumes are :")
400  for (auto& mVolumes : mappingVolumes) {
401  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - Volume : " << mVolumes.volume->geometryId()
402  << " at position = (" << mVolumes.position.x()
403  << ", " << mVolumes.position.y() << ", "
404  << mVolumes.position.z() << ")");
406  mappingVolumes.push_back(mVolumes);
407  }
408  // Run the mapping process, i.e. take the recorded material and map it
409  // onto the mapping volume:
410  auto rmIter = rMaterial.begin();
411  auto sfIter = mappingSurfaces.begin();
412  auto volIter = mappingVolumes.begin();
414  // Use those to minimize the lookup
417  auto currentBinning = mState.materialBin.end();
419  // store end position of the last material slab
420  Acts::Vector3 lastPositionEnd = {0, 0, 0};
421  Acts::Vector3 direction = {0, 0, 0};
423  if (volIter != mappingVolumes.end()) {
424  lastPositionEnd = volIter->position;
425  }
427  // loop over all the material hit in the track or until there no more volume
428  // to map onto
429  while (rmIter != rMaterial.end() && volIter != mappingVolumes.end()) {
430  if (volIter != mappingVolumes.end() &&
431  !volIter->volume->inside(rmIter->position)) {
432  // Check if the material point is past the entry point to the current
433  // volume (this prevents switching volume before the first volume has been
434  // reached)
435  double distVol = (volIter->position - mTrack.first.first).norm();
436  double distMat = (rmIter->position - mTrack.first.first).norm();
437  if (distMat - distVol > s_epsilon) {
438  // Switch to next material volume
439  ++volIter;
440  continue;
441  }
442  }
443  if (volIter != mappingVolumes.end() &&
444  volIter->volume->inside(rmIter->position, s_epsilon)) {
445  currentID = volIter->volume->geometryId();
446  direction = rmIter->direction;
447  if (not(currentID == lastID)) {
448  // Let's (re-)assess the information
449  lastID = currentID;
450  lastPositionEnd = volIter->position;
451  currentBinning = mState.materialBin.find(currentID);
452  }
453  // If the current volume has a ProtoVolumeMaterial
454  // and the material hit has a non 0 thickness
455  if (currentBinning != mState.materialBin.end() &&
456  rmIter->materialSlab.thickness() > 0) {
457  // check if there is vacuum between this material point and the last one
458  float vacuumThickness = (rmIter->position - lastPositionEnd).norm();
459  if (vacuumThickness > s_epsilon) {
460  auto properties = Acts::MaterialSlab(vacuumThickness);
461  // creat vacuum hits
462  createExtraHits(mState, *currentBinning, properties, lastPositionEnd,
463  direction);
464  }
465  // determine the position of the last material slab using the track
466  // direction
467  direction =
468  direction * (rmIter->materialSlab.thickness() / direction.norm());
469  lastPositionEnd = rmIter->position + direction;
470  // create additional material point
471  createExtraHits(mState, *currentBinning, rmIter->materialSlab,
472  rmIter->position, direction);
473  }
475  // check if we have reached the end of the volume or the last hit of the
476  // track.
477  if ((rmIter + 1) == rMaterial.end() ||
478  !volIter->volume->inside((rmIter + 1)->position, s_epsilon)) {
479  // find the boundary surface corresponding to the end of the volume
480  while (sfIter != mappingSurfaces.end()) {
481  if (sfIter->surface->geometryId().volume() == lastID.volume() ||
482  ((volIter + 1) != mappingVolumes.end() &&
483  sfIter->surface->geometryId().volume() ==
484  (volIter + 1)->volume->geometryId().volume())) {
485  double distVol = (volIter->position - mTrack.first.first).norm();
486  double distSur = (sfIter->position - mTrack.first.first).norm();
487  if (distSur - distVol > s_epsilon) {
488  float vacuumThickness =
489  (sfIter->position - lastPositionEnd).norm();
490  // if the last material slab stop before the boundary surface
491  // create vacuum hits
492  if (vacuumThickness > s_epsilon) {
493  auto properties = Acts::MaterialSlab(vacuumThickness);
494  createExtraHits(mState, *currentBinning, properties,
495  lastPositionEnd, direction);
496  lastPositionEnd = sfIter->position;
497  }
498  break;
499  }
500  }
501  sfIter++;
502  }
503  }
504  rmIter->volume = volIter->volume;
505  rmIter->intersectionID = currentID;
506  rmIter->intersection = rmIter->position;
507  }
508  ++rmIter;
509  }
510 }