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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PropagationTests.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
24 #include <utility>
26 // parameter construction helpers
30  double phi, double theta, double absMom, double charge) {
31  using namespace Acts;
32  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
34  // phi is ill-defined in forward/backward tracks. normalize the value to
35  // ensure parameter comparisons give correct answers.
36  if (not((0 < theta) and (theta < M_PI))) {
37  phi = 0;
38  }
40  Vector4 pos4 = Vector4::Zero();
41  auto particleHypothesis = ParticleHypothesis::pionLike(std::abs(charge));
42  return CurvilinearTrackParameters(pos4, phi, theta,
43  particleHypothesis.qOverP(absMom, charge),
44  std::nullopt, particleHypothesis);
45 }
49  double phi, double theta, double absMom, double charge) {
50  using namespace Acts;
51  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
53  // phi is ill-defined in forward/backward tracks. normalize the value to
54  // ensure parameter comparisons give correct answers.
55  if (not((0 < theta) and (theta < M_PI))) {
56  phi = 0;
57  }
59  BoundVector stddev = BoundVector::Zero();
60  // TODO use momentum-dependent resolutions
61  stddev[eBoundLoc0] = 15_um;
62  stddev[eBoundLoc1] = 80_um;
63  stddev[eBoundTime] = 25_ns;
64  stddev[eBoundPhi] = 1_degree;
65  stddev[eBoundTheta] = 1.5_degree;
66  stddev[eBoundQOverP] = 1_e / 10_GeV;
67  BoundSquareMatrix corr = BoundSquareMatrix::Identity();
75  BoundSquareMatrix cov = stddev.asDiagonal() * corr * stddev.asDiagonal();
77  Vector4 pos4 = Vector4::Zero();
78  auto particleHypothesis = ParticleHypothesis::pionLike(std::abs(charge));
79  return CurvilinearTrackParameters(pos4, phi, theta,
80  particleHypothesis.qOverP(absMom, charge),
82 }
86  double phi, double theta, double absMom) {
87  using namespace Acts;
88  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
90  // phi is ill-defined in forward/backward tracks. normalize the value to
91  // ensure parameter comparisons give correct answers.
92  if (not((0 < theta) and (theta < M_PI))) {
93  phi = 0;
94  }
96  Vector4 pos4 = Vector4::Zero();
97  return CurvilinearTrackParameters(pos4, phi, theta, 1 / absMom, std::nullopt,
99 }
101 // helpers to compare track parameters
109  double epsPos, double epsDir,
110  double epsMom) {
111  using namespace Acts;
113  // check stored parameters
114  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmp.template get<eBoundLoc0>(),
115  ref.template get<eBoundLoc0>(), epsPos);
116  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmp.template get<eBoundLoc1>(),
117  ref.template get<eBoundLoc1>(), epsPos);
118  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmp.template get<eBoundTime>(),
119  ref.template get<eBoundTime>(), epsPos);
120  // check phi equivalence with circularity
121  CHECK_SMALL(detail::radian_sym(cmp.template get<eBoundPhi>() -
122  ref.template get<eBoundPhi>()),
123  epsDir);
124  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmp.template get<eBoundTheta>(),
125  ref.template get<eBoundTheta>(), epsDir);
126  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmp.template get<eBoundQOverP>(),
127  ref.template get<eBoundQOverP>(), epsMom);
128  // check derived parameters
129  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmp.position(geoCtx), ref.position(geoCtx), epsPos);
130  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmp.time(), ref.time(), epsPos);
131  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmp.direction(), ref.direction(), epsDir);
132  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmp.absoluteMomentum(), ref.absoluteMomentum(), epsMom);
133  // charge should be identical not just similar
134  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cmp.charge(), ref.charge());
135 }
142  double relativeTolerance) {
143  // either both or none have covariance set
144  if (cmp.covariance().has_value()) {
145  // comparison parameters have covariance but the reference does not
146  BOOST_CHECK(ref.covariance().has_value());
147  }
148  if (ref.covariance().has_value()) {
149  // reference parameters have covariance but the comparison does not
150  BOOST_CHECK(cmp.covariance().has_value());
151  }
152  if (cmp.covariance().has_value() and ref.covariance().has_value()) {
153  CHECK_CLOSE_COVARIANCE(cmp.covariance().value(), ref.covariance().value(),
154  relativeTolerance);
155  }
156 }
158 // helpers to construct target surfaces from track states
162  const Acts::BoundTrackParameters& params,
163  const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx) {
164  Acts::Vector3 unitW = params.direction();
165  auto [unitU, unitV] = Acts::makeCurvilinearUnitVectors(unitW);
167  Acts::RotationMatrix3 rotation = Acts::RotationMatrix3::Zero();
168  rotation.col(0) = unitU;
169  rotation.col(1) = unitV;
170  rotation.col(2) = unitW;
171  Acts::Translation3 offset(params.position(geoCtx));
172  Acts::Transform3 toGlobal = offset * rotation;
174  return toGlobal;
175 }
179  std::shared_ptr<Acts::CylinderSurface> operator()(
180  const Acts::BoundTrackParameters& params,
181  const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx) {
182  auto radius = params.position(geoCtx).template head<2>().norm();
183  auto halfz = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
184  return Acts::Surface::makeShared<Acts::CylinderSurface>(
185  Acts::Transform3::Identity(), radius, halfz);
186  }
187 };
191  std::shared_ptr<Acts::DiscSurface> operator()(
192  const Acts::BoundTrackParameters& params,
193  const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx) {
194  using namespace Acts;
195  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
197  auto cl = makeCurvilinearTransform(params, geoCtx);
198  // shift the origin of the plane so the local particle position does not
199  // sit directly at the rho=0,phi=undefined singularity
200  // TODO this is a hack do avoid issues with the numerical covariance
201  // transport that does not work well at rho=0,
202  Acts::Vector3 localOffset = Acts::Vector3::Zero();
203  localOffset[Acts::ePos0] = 1_cm;
204  localOffset[Acts::ePos1] = -1_cm;
205  Acts::Vector3 globalOriginDelta = cl.linear() * localOffset;
206  cl.pretranslate(globalOriginDelta);
208  return Acts::Surface::makeShared<Acts::DiscSurface>(cl);
209  }
210 };
214  std::shared_ptr<Acts::PlaneSurface> operator()(
215  const Acts::BoundTrackParameters& params,
216  const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx) {
217  return Acts::Surface::makeShared<Acts::PlaneSurface>(
218  makeCurvilinearTransform(params, geoCtx));
219  }
220 };
224  std::shared_ptr<Acts::StrawSurface> operator()(
225  const Acts::BoundTrackParameters& params,
226  const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx) {
227  return Acts::Surface::makeShared<Acts::StrawSurface>(
228  Acts::Transform3(Acts::Translation3(params.position(geoCtx))));
229  }
230 };
232 // helper functions to run the propagation with additional checks
237 template <typename propagator_t, template <typename, typename>
238  class options_t = Acts::PropagatorOptions>
239 inline std::pair<Acts::CurvilinearTrackParameters, double> transportFreely(
240  const propagator_t& propagator, const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx,
242  const Acts::CurvilinearTrackParameters& initialParams, double pathLength) {
243  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
245  using Actions = Acts::ActionList<>;
246  using Aborts = Acts::AbortList<>;
248  // setup propagation options
249  options_t<Actions, Aborts> options(geoCtx, magCtx);
250  options.direction = Acts::Direction::fromScalar(pathLength);
251  options.pathLimit = pathLength;
252  options.targetTolerance = 1_nm;
253  options.tolerance = 1_nm;
255  auto result = propagator.propagate(initialParams, options);
256  BOOST_CHECK(result.ok());
257  BOOST_CHECK(result.value().endParameters);
259  return {*result.value().endParameters, result.value().pathLength};
260 }
263 template <typename propagator_t, template <typename, typename>
264  class options_t = Acts::PropagatorOptions>
265 inline std::pair<Acts::BoundTrackParameters, double> transportToSurface(
266  const propagator_t& propagator, const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx,
268  const Acts::CurvilinearTrackParameters& initialParams,
269  const Acts::Surface& targetSurface, double pathLimit) {
270  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
272  using Actions = Acts::ActionList<>;
273  using Aborts = Acts::AbortList<>;
275  // setup propagation options
276  options_t<Actions, Aborts> options(geoCtx, magCtx);
277  options.direction = Acts::Direction::Forward;
278  options.pathLimit = pathLimit;
279  options.targetTolerance = 1_nm;
280  options.tolerance = 1_nm;
282  auto result = propagator.propagate(initialParams, targetSurface, options);
283  BOOST_CHECK(result.ok());
284  BOOST_CHECK(result.value().endParameters);
286  return {*result.value().endParameters, result.value().pathLength};
287 }
289 // self-consistency tests for a single propagator
294 template <typename propagator_t, template <typename, typename>
295  class options_t = Acts::PropagatorOptions>
297  const propagator_t& propagator, const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx,
299  const Acts::CurvilinearTrackParameters& initialParams, double pathLength,
300  double epsPos, double epsDir, double epsMom) {
301  // propagate parameters Acts::Direction::Forward
302  auto [fwdParams, fwdPathLength] = transportFreely<propagator_t, options_t>(
303  propagator, geoCtx, magCtx, initialParams, pathLength);
304  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(fwdPathLength, pathLength, epsPos);
305  // propagate propagated parameters back again
306  auto [bwdParams, bwdPathLength] = transportFreely<propagator_t, options_t>(
307  propagator, geoCtx, magCtx, fwdParams, -pathLength);
308  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(bwdPathLength, -pathLength, epsPos);
309  // check that initial and back-propagated parameters match
310  checkParametersConsistency(initialParams, bwdParams, geoCtx, epsPos, epsDir,
311  epsMom);
312 }
318 template <typename propagator_t, typename surface_builder_t,
319  template <typename, typename>
320  class options_t = Acts::PropagatorOptions>
321 inline void runToSurfaceTest(
322  const propagator_t& propagator, const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx,
324  const Acts::CurvilinearTrackParameters& initialParams, double pathLength,
325  surface_builder_t&& buildTargetSurface, double epsPos, double epsDir,
326  double epsMom) {
327  // free propagation for the given path length
328  auto [freeParams, freePathLength] = transportFreely<propagator_t, options_t>(
329  propagator, geoCtx, magCtx, initialParams, pathLength);
330  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(freePathLength, pathLength, epsPos);
331  // build a target surface at the propagated position
332  auto surface = buildTargetSurface(freeParams, geoCtx);
333  BOOST_CHECK(surface);
335  // bound propagation onto the target surface
336  // increase path length limit to ensure the surface can be reached
337  auto [surfParams, surfPathLength] =
338  transportToSurface<propagator_t, options_t>(propagator, geoCtx, magCtx,
339  initialParams, *surface,
340  1.5 * pathLength);
341  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(surfPathLength, pathLength, epsPos);
343  // check that the to-surface propagation matches the defining free parameters
344  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(surfParams.position(geoCtx), freeParams.position(geoCtx),
345  epsPos);
346  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(surfParams.time(), freeParams.time(), epsPos);
347  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(surfParams.direction(), freeParams.direction(), epsDir);
348  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(surfParams.absoluteMomentum(), freeParams.absoluteMomentum(),
349  epsMom);
350  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(surfPathLength, freePathLength, epsPos);
351 }
353 // consistency tests between two propagators
357 template <typename cmp_propagator_t, typename ref_propagator_t,
358  template <typename, typename>
359  class options_t = Acts::PropagatorOptions>
361  const cmp_propagator_t& cmpPropagator,
362  const ref_propagator_t& refPropagator, const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx,
364  const Acts::CurvilinearTrackParameters& initialParams, double pathLength,
365  double epsPos, double epsDir, double epsMom, double tolCov) {
366  // propagate twice using the two different propagators
367  auto [cmpParams, cmpPath] = transportFreely<cmp_propagator_t, options_t>(
368  cmpPropagator, geoCtx, magCtx, initialParams, pathLength);
369  auto [refParams, refPath] = transportFreely<ref_propagator_t, options_t>(
370  refPropagator, geoCtx, magCtx, initialParams, pathLength);
371  // check parameter comparison
372  checkParametersConsistency(cmpParams, refParams, geoCtx, epsPos, epsDir,
373  epsMom);
374  checkCovarianceConsistency(cmpParams, refParams, tolCov);
375  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmpPath, pathLength, epsPos);
376  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(refPath, pathLength, epsPos);
377  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmpPath, refPath, epsPos);
378 }
384 template <typename cmp_propagator_t, typename ref_propagator_t,
385  typename surface_builder_t,
386  template <typename, typename>
387  class options_t = Acts::PropagatorOptions>
389  const cmp_propagator_t& cmpPropagator,
390  const ref_propagator_t& refPropagator, const Acts::GeometryContext& geoCtx,
392  const Acts::CurvilinearTrackParameters& initialParams, double pathLength,
393  surface_builder_t&& buildTargetSurface, double epsPos, double epsDir,
394  double epsMom, double tolCov) {
395  // free propagation with the reference propagator for the given path length
396  auto [freeParams, freePathLength] =
397  transportFreely<ref_propagator_t, options_t>(
398  refPropagator, geoCtx, magCtx, initialParams, pathLength);
399  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(freePathLength, pathLength, epsPos);
401  // build a target surface at the propagated position
402  auto surface = buildTargetSurface(freeParams, geoCtx);
403  BOOST_CHECK(surface);
405  // propagate twice to the surface using the two different propagators
406  // increase path length limit to ensure the surface can be reached
407  auto [cmpParams, cmpPath] = transportToSurface<cmp_propagator_t, options_t>(
408  cmpPropagator, geoCtx, magCtx, initialParams, *surface, 1.5 * pathLength);
409  auto [refParams, refPath] = transportToSurface<ref_propagator_t, options_t>(
410  refPropagator, geoCtx, magCtx, initialParams, *surface, 1.5 * pathLength);
411  // check parameter comparison
412  checkParametersConsistency(cmpParams, refParams, geoCtx, epsPos, epsDir,
413  epsMom);
414  checkCovarianceConsistency(cmpParams, refParams, tolCov);
415  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmpPath, pathLength, epsPos);
416  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(refPath, pathLength, epsPos);
417  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(cmpPath, refPath, epsPos);
418 }