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1 #include "CaloWaveformFitting.h"
3 #include <TF1.h>
4 #include <TFile.h>
5 #include <TProfile.h>
6 #include <TSpline.h>
8 #include <Fit/BinData.h>
9 #include <Fit/Chi2FCN.h>
10 #include <Fit/Fitter.h>
11 #include <Fit/UnBinData.h>
12 #include <HFitInterface.h>
13 #include <Math/WrappedMultiTF1.h>
14 #include <Math/WrappedTF1.h>
15 #include <ROOT/TThreadExecutor.hxx>
16 #include <ROOT/TThreadedObject.hxx>
18 #include <pthread.h>
19 #include <iostream>
20 #include <string>
23 ROOT::TThreadExecutor *t = new ROOT::TThreadExecutor(1);
24 double CaloWaveformFitting::template_function(double *x, double *par)
25 {
26  Double_t v1 = par[0] * h_template->Interpolate(x[0] - par[1]) + par[2];
27  return v1;
28 }
31 {
32  TFile *fin = TFile::Open(templatefile.c_str());
33  assert(fin);
34  assert(fin->IsOpen());
35  h_template = static_cast<TProfile *>(fin->Get("waveform_template"));
36  m_peakTimeTemp = h_template->GetBinCenter(h_template->GetMaximumBin());
37  t = new ROOT::TThreadExecutor(_nthreads);
38 }
40 std::vector<std::vector<float>> CaloWaveformFitting::process_waveform(std::vector<std::vector<float>> waveformvector)
41 {
42  int size1 = waveformvector.size();
43  std::vector<std::vector<float>> fitresults;
44  for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++)
45  {
47  }
48  fitresults = calo_processing_templatefit(waveformvector);
49  return fitresults;
50 }
52 std::vector<std::vector<float>> CaloWaveformFitting::calo_processing_templatefit(std::vector<std::vector<float>> chnlvector)
53 {
54  auto func = [&](std::vector<float> &v)
55  {
56  int size1 = v.size() - 1;
57  if (size1 == _nzerosuppresssamples)
58  {
59  v.push_back( -; //returns peak sample - pedestal sample
60  v.push_back(-1); // set time to -1 to indicate zero suppressed
61  v.push_back(;
62  v.push_back(0);
63  }
64  else
65  {
66  float maxheight = 0;
67  int maxbin = 0;
68  for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++)
69  {
70  if ( > maxheight)
71  {
72  maxheight =;
73  maxbin = i;
74  }
75  }
76  float pedestal = 1500;
77  if (maxbin > 4)
78  {
79  pedestal = 0.5 * ( - 4) + - 5));
80  }
81  else if (maxbin > 3)
82  {
83  pedestal = ( - 4));
84  }
85  else
86  {
87  pedestal = 0.5 * ( - 3) + - 2));
88  }
90  if (_bdosoftwarezerosuppression && maxheight - pedestal < _nsoftwarezerosuppression)
91  {
92  // std::cout << "software zero suppression happened " << std::endl;
93  v.push_back( -;
94  v.push_back(-1);
95  v.push_back(;
96  v.push_back(0);
97  }
98  else
99  {
100  auto h = new TH1F(Form("h_%d", (int) round(, "", size1, -0.5, size1 - 0.5);
101  for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++)
102  {
103  h->SetBinContent(i + 1,;
104  h->SetBinError(i + 1, 1);
105  }
106  auto f = new TF1(Form("f_%d", (int) round(, this,&CaloWaveformFitting::template_function, 0, 31, 3,"CaloWaveformFitting","template_function");
107  ROOT::Math::WrappedMultiTF1 *fitFunction = new ROOT::Math::WrappedMultiTF1(*f, 3);
108  ROOT::Fit::BinData data(v.size() - 1, 1);
109  ROOT::Fit::FillData(data, h);
110  ROOT::Fit::Chi2Function *EPChi2 = new ROOT::Fit::Chi2Function(data, *fitFunction);
111  ROOT::Fit::Fitter *fitter = new ROOT::Fit::Fitter();
112  fitter->Config().MinimizerOptions().SetMinimizerType("GSLMultiFit");
113  double params[] = {static_cast<double>(maxheight - pedestal), 0, static_cast<double>(pedestal)};
114  fitter->Config().SetParamsSettings(3, params);
115  fitter->Config().ParSettings(1).SetLimits(-1*m_peakTimeTemp, size1-m_peakTimeTemp);// set lim on time par
116  fitter->FitFCN(*EPChi2, nullptr, data.Size(), true);
117  ROOT::Fit::FitResult fitres = fitter->Result();
118  double chi2min = fitres.MinFcnValue();
119  chi2min /= size1-3; // divide by the number of dof
120  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
121  {
122  v.push_back(f->GetParameter(i));
123  }
125  v.push_back(chi2min);
126  h->Delete();
127  f->Delete();
128  delete fitFunction;
129  delete fitter;
130  delete EPChi2;
131  }
132  }
133  };
135  t->Foreach(func, chnlvector);
136  int size3 = chnlvector.size();
137  std::vector<std::vector<float>> fit_params;
138  std::vector<float> fit_params_tmp;
139  for (int i = 0; i < size3; i++)
140  {
141  std::vector<float> tv =;
142  int size2 = tv.size();
143  for (int q = 4; q > 0; q--)
144  {
145  fit_params_tmp.push_back( - q));
146  }
147  fit_params.push_back(fit_params_tmp);
148  fit_params_tmp.clear();
149  }
150  chnlvector.clear();
151  return fit_params;
152 }
154 void CaloWaveformFitting::FastMax(float x0, float x1, float x2, float y0, float y1, float y2, float &xmax, float &ymax)
155 {
156  int n = 3;
157  double xp[3] = {x0, x1, x2};
158  double yp[3] = {y0, y1, y2};
159  TSpline3 *sp = new TSpline3("", xp, yp, n, "b2e2", 0, 0);
160  double X, Y, B, C, D;
161  ymax = y1;
162  xmax = x1;
163  if (y0 > ymax)
164  {
165  ymax = y0;
166  xmax = x0;
167  }
168  if (y2 > ymax)
169  {
170  ymax = y2;
171  xmax = x2;
172  }
173  for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
174  {
175  sp->GetCoeff(i, X, Y, B, C, D);
176  if (D == 0)
177  {
178  if (C < 0)
179  {
180  // TSpline is a quadratic equation
182  float root = -B / (2 * C) + X;
183  if (root >= xp[i] && root <= xp[i + 1])
184  {
185  float yvalue = sp->Eval(root);
186  if (yvalue > ymax)
187  {
188  ymax = yvalue;
189  xmax = root;
190  }
191  }
192  }
193  }
194  else
195  {
196  // find x when derivative = 0
197  float root = (-2 * C + sqrt(4 * C * C - 12 * B * D)) / (6 * D) + X;
198  if (root >= xp[i] && root <= xp[i + 1])
199  {
200  float yvalue = sp->Eval(root);
201  if (yvalue > ymax)
202  {
203  ymax = yvalue;
204  xmax = root;
205  }
206  }
207  root = (-2 * C - sqrt(4 * C * C - 12 * B * D)) / (6 * D) + X;
208  if (root >= xp[i] && root <= xp[i + 1])
209  {
210  float yvalue = sp->Eval(root);
211  if (yvalue > ymax)
212  {
213  ymax = yvalue;
214  xmax = root;
215  }
216  }
217  }
218  }
219  delete sp;
220  return;
221 }
222 std::vector<std::vector<float>> CaloWaveformFitting::calo_processing_fast(std::vector<std::vector<float>> chnlvector)
223 {
224  std::vector<std::vector<float>> fit_values;
225  int nchnls = chnlvector.size();
226  for (int m = 0; m < nchnls; m++)
227  {
228  std::vector<float> v =;
229  int nsamples = v.size();
231  double maxy =;
232  float amp = 0;
233  float time = 0;
234  float ped = 0;
235  if (nsamples >= 3)
236  {
237  int maxx = 0;
238  for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++)
239  {
240  if (i < 3)
241  {
242  ped +=;
243  }
244  if ( > maxy)
245  {
246  maxy =;
247  maxx = i;
248  }
249  }
250  ped /= 3;
251  if (maxx == 0 || maxx == nsamples - 1)
252  {
253  amp = maxy;
254  time = maxx;
255  }
256  else
257  {
258  FastMax(maxx - 1, maxx, maxx + 1, - 1),, + 1), time, amp);
259  }
260  }
261  amp -= ped;
262  std::vector<float> val = {amp, time, ped, 0};
263  fit_values.push_back(val);
264  val.clear();
265  }
266  return fit_values;
267 }