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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file makeLcD0.C
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include "iomanip.h"
4 void makeLcD0()
5 {
6  gROOT->Reset();
8  const Int_t NConfig = 4;
9  const Int_t NMax = 5;
10  const Int_t N[NConfig] = {3, 5, 4, 1}; // ALICE_pp, ALICE_pPb, STAR_AuAu
11  const Char_t *ExpName[NConfig] = {"STAR","ALICE","ALICE","ALICE"};
12  const Char_t *CollName[NConfig] = {"AuAu_10_80_200GeV","pp_7TeV","pPb_5p02TeV","PbPb_5p02TeV"};
13  double x[NConfig][NMax], y[NConfig][NMax], ye[NConfig][NMax], yes_u[NConfig][NMax], yes_d[NConfig][NMax];
14  TGraphErrors *gr[NConfig];
16  // STAR data points
17  ifstream inData;
18  for(int i=0;i<NConfig;i++) {
20  for(int j=0;j<N[i];j++) {
21  inData >> x[i][j] >> y[i][j] >> ye[i][j] >> yes_u[i][j] >> yes_d[i][j];
22  }
23  inData.close();
24  gr[i] = new TGraphErrors(N[i], x[i], y[i], 0, ye[i]);
25  cout << Form("dat/%s_LcD0_%s.txt",ExpName[i],CollName[i]) << endl;
26  gr[i]->Print();
27  }
29  // STAR Central data
30  double x_St[1] = {3.96};
31  double y_St[1] = {1.3935};
32  double ye_St[1] = {0.3112};
33  double yes_St[1] = {0.3446};
34  TGraphErrors *gr_St = new TGraphErrors(1, x_St, y_St, 0, ye_St);
35  gr_St->SetMarkerStyle(29);
36  gr_St->SetMarkerSize(2.5);
37  gr_St->SetMarkerColor(2);
38  gr_St->SetLineWidth(2);
39  gr_St->SetLineColor(2);
41  // Theory calculations
42  // pythia6
43  TFile *fin = new TFile("root/pythia_D_ratio.root");
44  TGraphErrors *gr_pythia_tmp = (TGraphErrors *)fin->Get("Ratio_Lc_D0");
45  TGraph *gr_pythia = new TGraph(*gr_pythia_tmp);
46  gr_pythia->SetLineWidth(2);
47  gr_pythia->SetLineColor(16);
48  // pythia8
49  TFile *fin = new TFile("root/PYTHIA8_D_ratio_200GeV_20181029_0.root");
50  TDirectoryFile *fLc = (TDirectoryFile *)fin->Get("Lc");
51  TH1D *h_pythia8 = (TH1D *)fLc->Get("LctoD0_pt_whole_rebin");
52  TGraph *gr_pythia8 = new TGraph(h_pythia8);
53  gr_pythia8->SetLineWidth(2);
54  gr_pythia8->SetLineColor(1);
55  gr_pythia8->SetLineStyle(2);
57  TFile *fin = new TFile("root/PYTHIA8_D_ratio_200GeV_20181029_CR.root");
58  TDirectoryFile *fLc = (TDirectoryFile *)fin->Get("Lc");
59  TH1D *h_pythia8_CR = (TH1D *)fLc->Get("LctoD0_pt_whole_rebin");
60  TGraph *gr_pythia8_CR = new TGraph(h_pythia8_CR);
61  gr_pythia8_CR->SetLineWidth(2);
62  gr_pythia8_CR->SetLineColor(1);
63  gr_pythia8_CR->SetLineStyle(4);
66  TGraph *gr_pythia_7TeV = new TGraph("dat/PYTHIA_Lc_D0_pp_7TeV.txt","%lg %lg");
67  TGraph *gr_pythia_7TeV_CR = new TGraph("dat/PYTHIACR_Lc_D0_pp_7TeV.txt","%lg %lg");
68  TGraph *gr_Greco_LHC_1 = new TGraph("dat/Greco_LcD0_1_PbPb5p02TeV.txt","%lg %lg");
69  TGraph *gr_Greco_LHC_2 = new TGraph("dat/Greco_LcD0_2_PbPb5p02TeV.txt","%lg %lg");
70  TGraph *gr_ShaoSong_LHC_1 = new TGraph("dat/ShaoSong_LcD0_1_PbPb5p02TeV.txt","%lg %lg");
71  TGraph *gr_ShaoSong_LHC_2 = new TGraph("dat/ShaoSong_LcD0_2_PbPb5p02TeV.txt","%lg %lg");
72  /*
73  const Int_t N_Greco = 14;
74  Double_t pt_Greco[N_Greco], y_Greco[N_Greco], ye_Greco[N_Greco];
76  for(int i=0;i<N_Greco;i++) {
77  double a, b, c;
78  inData >> a >> b >> c;
79  pt_Greco[i] = a;
80  y_Greco[i] = (b+c)/2.;
81  ye_Greco[i] = fabs(b-c)/2.;
82  }
83  inData.close();
84  TGraphErrors *gr_Greco = new TGraphErrors(N_Greco, pt_Greco, y_Greco, 0, ye_Greco);
85  gr_Greco->SetFillColor(16);
86  gr_Greco->SetLineColor(16);
87  */
88  TGraph *gr_Greco_1 = new TGraph("dat/Greco_LcD0_1_AuAu200GeV_0_20.dat","%lg %lg");
89  gr_Greco_1->SetLineWidth(2);
90  gr_Greco_1->SetLineStyle(2);
91  gr_Greco_1->SetLineColor(4);
92  TGraph *gr_Greco_2 = new TGraph("dat/Greco_LcD0_2_AuAu200GeV_0_20.dat","%lg %lg");
93  gr_Greco_2->SetLineWidth(2);
94  gr_Greco_2->SetLineStyle(4);
95  gr_Greco_2->SetLineColor(4);
96  TGraph *gr_Tsinghua_1 = new TGraph("dat/Tsinghua_LcD0_1_AuAu200GeV_10_80.txt","%lg %lg");
97  gr_Tsinghua_1->SetLineWidth(2);
98  gr_Tsinghua_1->SetLineStyle(2);
99  gr_Tsinghua_1->SetLineColor(kGreen-6);
100  TGraph *gr_Tsinghua_2 = new TGraph("dat/Tsinghua_LcD0_2_AuAu200GeV_10_80.txt","%lg %lg");
101  gr_Tsinghua_2->SetLineWidth(2);
102  gr_Tsinghua_2->SetLineStyle(4);
103  gr_Tsinghua_2->SetLineColor(kGreen-6);
106  const Int_t N_Ko = 12;
107  Double_t pt_Ko[N_Ko], y1_Ko[N_Ko], y2_Ko[N_Ko], y3_Ko[N_Ko];
109  for(int i=0;i<N_Ko;i++) {
110  inData >> pt_Ko[i] >> y1_Ko[i] >> y2_Ko[i] >> y3_Ko[i];
111  }
112  inData.close();
113  TGraph *gr_Ko_1 = new TGraph(N_Ko, pt_Ko, y1_Ko);
114  gr_Ko_1->SetLineWidth(2);
115  gr_Ko_1->SetLineColor(2);
116  gr_Ko_1->SetLineStyle(3);
117  TGraph *gr_Ko_2 = new TGraph(N_Ko, pt_Ko, y2_Ko);
118  gr_Ko_2->SetLineWidth(2);
119  gr_Ko_2->SetLineColor(2);
120  gr_Ko_2->SetLineStyle(2);
121  TGraph *gr_Ko_3 = new TGraph(N_Ko, pt_Ko, y3_Ko);
122  gr_Ko_3->SetLineWidth(2);
123  gr_Ko_3->SetLineColor(2);
124  gr_Ko_3->SetLineStyle(4);
125  // sPHENIX projection
126  const Int_t N_sPH = 20;
127  double pT_sPH[N_sPH], sig_sPH_noPID[N_sPH], sig_sPH_ideal[N_sPH];
128  double r_sPH[N_sPH], r_err_sPH_noPID[N_sPH], r_err_sPH_ideal[N_sPH];
129  double pT_sPH_noPID[N_sPH], pT_sPH_ideal[N_sPH];
130  const Double_t offset = 0.06;
131  // TFile *fin = new TFile("signi_0_10.root");
132  TFile *fin = new TFile("significance/signi_0.root");
133  TH1D *h1 = (TH1D *)fin->Get("NoPID_signi");
134  TH1D *h2 = (TH1D *)fin->Get("Cleanideal_signi");
135  // cout<<" ok "<<endl;
136  int n_sPH = 0;
137  for(int i=0;i<h1->GetNbinsX();i++) {
138  pT_sPH[i] = h1->GetBinCenter(i+1);
139  sig_sPH_noPID[i] = h1->GetBinContent(i+1);
140  sig_sPH_ideal[i] = h2->GetBinContent(i+1);
142  pT_sPH_noPID[i] = pT_sPH[i]-offset;
143  pT_sPH_ideal[i] = pT_sPH[i]+offset;
144  r_sPH[i] = gr[0]->Eval(pT_sPH[i]);
145  r_err_sPH_noPID[i] = r_sPH[i]/sig_sPH_noPID[i];
146  r_err_sPH_ideal[i] = r_sPH[i]/sig_sPH_ideal[i];
147  n_sPH++;
148  }
149  TGraphErrors *gr_sPH_noPID = new TGraphErrors(n_sPH, pT_sPH_noPID, r_sPH, 0, r_err_sPH_noPID);
150  gr_sPH_noPID->SetMarkerStyle(24);
151  // gr_sPH_noPID->SetMarkerSize(1.8);
152  gr_sPH_noPID->SetMarkerSize(1.3);
153  gr_sPH_noPID->SetMarkerColor(1);
154  gr_sPH_noPID->SetLineColor(1);
155  gr_sPH_noPID->SetLineWidth(2);
156  TGraphErrors *gr_sPH_ideal = new TGraphErrors(n_sPH, pT_sPH_ideal, r_sPH, 0, r_err_sPH_ideal);
157  gr_sPH_ideal->SetMarkerStyle(20);
158  // gr_sPH_ideal->SetMarkerSize(1.8);
159  gr_sPH_ideal->SetMarkerSize(1.3);
160  gr_sPH_ideal->SetMarkerColor(1);
161  gr_sPH_ideal->SetLineColor(1);
162  gr_sPH_ideal->SetLineWidth(2);
165  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1",0,0,800,600);
166  gStyle->SetOptFit(0);
167  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
168  gStyle->SetEndErrorSize(0);
170  c1->SetFillColor(10);
171  c1->SetFillStyle(0);
172  c1->SetBorderMode(0);
173  c1->SetBorderSize(0);
174  c1->SetFrameFillColor(10);
175  c1->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
176  c1->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
177  c1->SetLeftMargin(0.11);
178  c1->SetRightMargin(0.03);
179  c1->SetTopMargin(0.03);
180  c1->SetBottomMargin(0.14);
181  // c1->SetLogy();
182  // c1->SetTickx();
183  // c1->SetTicky();
184  c1->Draw();
185  c1->cd();
188  double x1 = 0.01;
189  double x2 = 8.99;
190  double y1 = 0.001;
191  double y2 = 4;
192  TH1 *h0 = new TH1D("h0","",1,x1, x2);
193  h0->SetMinimum(y1);
194  h0->SetMaximum(y2);
195  h0->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(208);
196  h0->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
197  h0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Transverse Momentum p_{T} (GeV/c)");
198  h0->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.95);
199  h0->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
200  h0->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.01);
201  h0->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.045);
202  h0->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
203  h0->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(42);
204  h0->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
205  h0->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("(#Lambda_{c}^{+}+#bar{#Lambda_{c}}^{-})/(D^{0}+#bar{D}^{0})");
206  h0->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8);
207  h0->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
208  h0->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.018);
209  h0->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.045);
210  h0->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
211  h0->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(42);
212  h0->Draw("c");
214  TLine *l1 = new TLine(x1,y1,x2,y1);
215  l1->SetLineWidth(3);
216  l1->Draw("same");
217  TLine *l2 = new TLine(x1,y2,x2,y2);
218  l2->SetLineWidth(3);
219  l2->Draw("same");
220  TLine *l3 = new TLine(x1,y1,x1,y2);
221  l3->SetLineWidth(3);
222  l3->Draw("same");
223  TLine *l4 = new TLine(x2,y1,x2,y2);
224  l4->SetLineWidth(3);
225  l4->Draw("same");
228  // gr_pythia->SetFillColor(16);
229  // gr_pythia->SetLineWidth(2);
230  // gr_pythia->SetLineStyle(2);
231  // gr_pythia->SetLineColor(1);
232  // gr_pythia->Draw("c");
234  gr_pythia8->Draw("c");
235  gr_pythia8_CR->Draw("c");
237  gr_Greco_1->Draw("c");
238  gr_Greco_2->Draw("c");
239  // gr_Ko_1->Draw("c");
240  gr_Ko_2->Draw("c");
241  gr_Ko_3->Draw("c"); // pythia
242  gr_Tsinghua_1->Draw("c");
243  gr_Tsinghua_2->Draw("c");
246  TLine *la = new TLine(0.2, 0.24, 1.5, 0.24);
247  la->SetLineWidth(5);
248  la->SetLineColor(18);
249  // la->Draw("same");
251  TLatex *tex = new TLatex(0.5, 0.26, "SHM");
252  tex->SetTextFont(12);
253  tex->SetTextSize(0.06);
254  // tex->Draw("same");
256  /*
257  // plotting the data points
258  const Int_t kStyle[NConfig] = {20, 20, 24, 20};
259  const Int_t kColor[NConfig] = {1, 2, 4, 1};
260  const double xo = fabs(x2-x1)/80.;
261  const double yo = fabs(y2-y1)/80.;
262  for(int i=0;i<1;i++) { // STAR
264  for(int j=0;j<N[i];j++) {
265  double x1 = x[i][j] - xo;
266  double x2 = x[i][j] + xo;
267  double y1 = y[i][j] - yes_d[i][j];
268  double y2 = y[i][j] + yes_u[i][j];
270  TLine *la = new TLine(x1, y1, x1, y1+yo);
271  la->SetLineColor(kColor[i]);
272  la->SetLineWidth(1);
273  la->Draw("same");
274  TLine *lb = new TLine(x2, y1, x2, y1+yo);
275  lb->SetLineColor(kColor[i]);
276  lb->SetLineWidth(1);
277  lb->Draw("same");
278  TLine *lc = new TLine(x1, y2, x1, y2-yo);
279  lc->SetLineColor(kColor[i]);
280  lc->SetLineWidth(1);
281  lc->Draw("same");
282  TLine *ld = new TLine(x2, y2, x2, y2-yo);
283  ld->SetLineColor(kColor[i]);
284  ld->SetLineWidth(1);
285  ld->Draw("same");
286  TLine *le = new TLine(x1, y1, x2, y1);
287  le->SetLineColor(kColor[i]);
288  le->SetLineWidth(2);
289  le->Draw("same");
290  TLine *lf = new TLine(x1, y2, x2, y2);
291  lf->SetLineColor(kColor[i]);
292  lf->SetLineWidth(2);
293  lf->Draw("same");
294  }
295  gr[i]->SetMarkerStyle(kStyle[i]);
296  gr[i]->SetMarkerColor(kColor[i]);
297  gr[i]->SetMarkerSize(1.8);
298  gr[i]->SetLineColor(kColor[i]);
299  gr[i]->SetLineWidth(2);
300  gr[i]->Draw("p");
301  }
302  */
303  gr_St->Draw("p");
304  gr_sPH_noPID->Draw("p");
305  gr_sPH_ideal->Draw("p");
307  TLatex *tex = new TLatex(x1+0.2, y2*0.9, "Au+Au, #sqrt{s_{NN}}=200GeV");
308  tex->SetTextFont(42);
309  tex->SetTextSize(0.05);
310  tex->Draw("same");
311  TLatex *tex = new TLatex(x1+0.2, y2*0.9, "#sqrt{s_{NN}}=200GeV");
312  tex->SetTextFont(42);
313  tex->SetTextSize(0.055);
314  // tex->Draw("same");
317  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.52, 0.82, 0.94, 0.94);
318  leg->SetFillColor(10);
319  leg->SetFillStyle(10);
320  leg->SetLineStyle(4000);
321  leg->SetLineColor(10);
322  leg->SetLineWidth(0.);
323  leg->SetTextFont(42);
324  leg->SetTextSize(0.035);
325  leg->AddEntry(gr_sPH_ideal, "sPHENIX proj: ideal TOF, 0-10%", "pl");
326  leg->AddEntry(gr_sPH_noPID, "sPHENIX proj: noPID, 0-10%", "pl");
327  leg->AddEntry(gr_St, "STAR prel., 0-20%", "pl");
328  leg->Draw();
330  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.56, 0.64, 0.94, 0.8);
331  leg->SetFillColor(10);
332  leg->SetFillStyle(10);
333  leg->SetLineStyle(4000);
334  leg->SetLineColor(10);
335  leg->SetLineWidth(0.);
336  leg->SetTextFont(42);
337  leg->SetTextSize(0.035);
338  leg->AddEntry(gr_Tsinghua_2,"Tsinghua: seq. coal, 10-80%","l");
339  leg->AddEntry(gr_Tsinghua_1,"Tsinghua: simul. coal, 10-80%","l");
340  leg->AddEntry(gr_Greco_2,"Catania: coal only, 0-20%","l");
341  leg->AddEntry(gr_Greco_1,"Catania: coal+frag, 0-20%","l");
342  leg->Draw();
344  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.68, 0.48, 0.94, 0.64);
345  leg->SetFillColor(10);
346  leg->SetFillStyle(10);
347  leg->SetLineStyle(4000);
348  leg->SetLineColor(10);
349  leg->SetLineWidth(0.);
350  leg->SetTextFont(42);
351  leg->SetTextSize(0.035);
352  leg->AddEntry(gr_Ko_3,"TAMU: di-quark 0-5%","l");
353  leg->AddEntry(gr_Ko_2,"TAMU: 3-quark 0-5%","l");
354  leg->AddEntry(gr_pythia8_CR,"PYTHIA8 (CR)","l");
355  leg->AddEntry(gr_pythia8,"PYTHIA8 (Monash)","l");
356  leg->Draw();
358  c1->Update();
360  c1->SaveAs("fig/LcD0_proj_0_10_24B.pdf");
361  c1->SaveAs("fig/LcD0_proj_0_10_24B.png");
364 }