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1 #include "PHG4InttHitReco.h"
5 #include <g4detectors/PHG4CylinderGeom.h> // for PHG4CylinderGeom
11 #include <trackbase/InttDefs.h>
15 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h>
16 #include <trackbase/TrkrHit.h> // for TrkrHit
17 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSet.h>
22 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitv2.h> // for TrkrHit
24 #include <phparameter/PHParameterInterface.h> // for PHParameterInterface
26 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
28 #include <g4main/PHG4Utils.h>
32 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> // for SubsysReco
34 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
35 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
36 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
37 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
38 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
39 #include <phool/getClass.h>
40 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
42 #include <TSystem.h>
44 #include <cmath>
45 #include <cstdlib>
46 #include <iostream>
47 #include <map> // for _Rb_tree_const_it...
48 #include <memory> // for allocator_traits<...
49 #include <utility> // for pair, swap, make_...
50 #include <vector> // for vector
53 // update to make sure to clusterize clusters in loopers
56  : SubsysReco(name)
57  , PHParameterInterface(name)
58  , m_Detector("INTT")
59  , m_Tmin(NAN)
60  , m_Tmax(NAN)
61  , m_crossingPeriod(NAN)
62  , m_truth_hits { new TrkrHitSetContainerv1 }
63 {
66  m_HitNodeName = "G4HIT_" + m_Detector;
67  m_CellNodeName = "G4CELL_" + m_Detector;
68  m_GeoNodeName = "CYLINDERGEOM_" + m_Detector;
69  m_LocalOutVec = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
70  m_PathVec = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
71  m_SegmentVec = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
72 }
75 {
76  gsl_vector_free(m_LocalOutVec);
77  gsl_vector_free(m_PathVec);
78  gsl_vector_free(m_SegmentVec);
79  delete m_truth_hits;
80 }
83 {
84  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
86  // Looking for the DST node
87  PHCompositeNode *dstNode;
88  dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
89  if (!dstNode)
90  {
91  std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, exiting." << std::endl;
92  gSystem->Exit(1);
93  exit(1);
94  }
96  PHCompositeNode *runNode;
97  runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
98  if (!runNode)
99  {
100  std::cout << Name() << "RUN Node missing, exiting." << std::endl;
101  gSystem->Exit(1);
102  exit(1);
103  }
104  PHCompositeNode *parNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "PAR"));
105  if (!parNode)
106  {
107  std::cout << Name() << "PAR Node missing, exiting." << std::endl;
108  gSystem->Exit(1);
109  exit(1);
110  }
111  std::string paramnodename = "G4CELLPARAM_" + m_Detector;
113  PHNodeIterator runiter(runNode);
114  PHCompositeNode *RunDetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(runiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", m_Detector));
115  if (!RunDetNode)
116  {
117  RunDetNode = new PHCompositeNode(m_Detector);
118  runNode->addNode(RunDetNode);
119  }
121  PHG4HitContainer *g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, m_HitNodeName);
122  if (!g4hit)
123  {
124  std::cout << "Could not locate g4 hit node " << m_HitNodeName << std::endl;
125  exit(1);
126  }
128  auto hitsetcontainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
129  if (!hitsetcontainer)
130  {
131  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
132  PHCompositeNode *DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
133  if (!DetNode)
134  {
135  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
136  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
137  }
139  hitsetcontainer = new TrkrHitSetContainerv1;
140  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(hitsetcontainer, "TRKR_HITSET", "PHObject");
141  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
142  }
144  auto hittruthassoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitTruthAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC");
145  if (!hittruthassoc)
146  {
147  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
148  PHCompositeNode *DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
149  if (!DetNode)
150  {
151  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
152  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
153  }
155  hittruthassoc = new TrkrHitTruthAssocv1;
156  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(hittruthassoc, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC", "PHObject");
157  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
158  }
160  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer *geo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, m_GeoNodeName);
161  if (!geo)
162  {
163  std::cout << "Could not locate geometry node " << m_GeoNodeName << std::endl;
164  exit(1);
165  }
167  if (Verbosity() > 0)
168  {
169  geo->identify();
170  }
173  SaveToNodeTree(RunDetNode, paramnodename);
174  // save this to the parNode for use
175  PHNodeIterator parIter(parNode);
176  PHCompositeNode *ParDetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(parIter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", m_Detector));
177  if (!ParDetNode)
178  {
179  ParDetNode = new PHCompositeNode(m_Detector);
180  parNode->addNode(ParDetNode);
181  }
182  PutOnParNode(ParDetNode, m_GeoNodeName);
183  m_Tmin = get_double_param("tmin");
184  m_Tmax = get_double_param("tmax");
185  m_crossingPeriod = get_double_param("beam_crossing_period");
187  // get the nodes for the truth clustering
188  m_truthtracks = findNode::getClass<TrkrTruthTrackContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_TRUTHTRACKCONTAINER");
189  if (!m_truthtracks)
190  {
191  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
193  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(m_truthtracks, "TRKR_TRUTHTRACKCONTAINER", "PHObject");
194  dstNode->addNode(newNode);
195  }
197  m_truthclusters = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_TRUTHCLUSTERCONTAINER");
198  if (!m_truthclusters)
199  {
201  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(m_truthclusters, "TRKR_TRUTHCLUSTERCONTAINER", "PHObject");
202  dstNode->addNode(newNode);
203  }
205  m_truthinfo = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(topNode, "G4TruthInfo");
206  if (!m_truthinfo)
207  {
208  std::cout << PHWHERE << " PHG4TruthInfoContainer node not found on node tree" << std::endl;
210  }
212  // get cluster hits verbose (the hit and energy) information
214  // get the node
215  mClusHitsVerbose = findNode::getClass<ClusHitsVerbosev1>(topNode, "Trkr_TruthClusHitsVerbose");
216  if (!mClusHitsVerbose)
217  {
218  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
219  auto DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
220  if (!DetNode)
221  {
222  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
223  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
224  }
226  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(mClusHitsVerbose, "Trkr_TruthClusHitsVerbose", "PHObject");
227  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
228  }
229  }
232 }
235 {
236  PHG4HitContainer *g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, m_HitNodeName);
237  if (!g4hit)
238  {
239  std::cout << "Could not locate g4 hit node " << m_HitNodeName << std::endl;
240  exit(1);
241  }
243  // Get the TrkrHitSetContainer node
244  auto hitsetcontainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
245  if (!hitsetcontainer)
246  {
247  std::cout << "Could not locate TRKR_HITSET node, quit! " << std::endl;
248  exit(1);
249  }
251  // Get the TrkrHitTruthAssoc node
252  auto hittruthassoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitTruthAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC");
253  if (!hittruthassoc)
254  {
255  std::cout << "Could not locate TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC node, quit! " << std::endl;
256  exit(1);
257  }
259  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer *geo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, m_GeoNodeName);
260  if (!geo)
261  {
262  std::cout << "Could not locate geometry node " << m_GeoNodeName << std::endl;
263  exit(1);
264  }
265  // loop over all of the layers in the hit container
266  // we need the geometry object for this layer
267  if (Verbosity() > 2) std::cout << " PHG4InttHitReco: Loop over hits" << std::endl;
268  PHG4HitContainer::ConstRange hit_begin_end = g4hit->getHits();
271  for (PHG4HitContainer::ConstIterator hiter = hit_begin_end.first; hiter != hit_begin_end.second; ++hiter)
272  {
273  const int sphxlayer = hiter->second->get_detid();
274  CylinderGeomIntt *layergeom = dynamic_cast<CylinderGeomIntt *>(geo->GetLayerGeom(sphxlayer));
277  // checking ADC timing integration window cut
278  // uses default values for now
279  // these should depend on layer radius
280  if (hiter->second->get_t(0) > m_Tmax) continue;
281  if (hiter->second->get_t(1) < m_Tmin) continue;
283  truthcheck_g4hit(hiter->second, topNode);
285  float time = (hiter->second->get_t(0) + hiter->second->get_t(1)) / 2.0;
287  // I made this (small) diffusion up for now, we will get actual values for the Intt later
288  double diffusion_width = 5.0e-04; // diffusion radius 5 microns, in cm
290  const int ladder_z_index = hiter->second->get_ladder_z_index();
291  const int ladder_phi_index = hiter->second->get_ladder_phi_index();
293  // What we have is a hit in the sensor. We have not yet assigned the strip(s) that were hit, we do that here
294  //========================================================================
296 // initialize them. In case find_strip_index_values does not set them we can pick this up
297  int strip_y_index_in = -99999;
298  int strip_z_index_in = -99999;
299  int strip_y_index_out = -99999;
300  int strip_z_index_out = -99999;
302  layergeom->find_strip_index_values(ladder_z_index, hiter->second->get_local_y(0), hiter->second->get_local_z(0), strip_y_index_in, strip_z_index_in);
303  layergeom->find_strip_index_values(ladder_z_index, hiter->second->get_local_y(1), hiter->second->get_local_z(1), strip_y_index_out, strip_z_index_out);
304  if (strip_y_index_in == -99999 ||
305  strip_z_index_in == -99999 ||
306  strip_y_index_out == -99999 ||
307  strip_z_index_out == -99999)
308  {
309  std::cout << "setting of strip indices failed" << std::endl;
310  std::cout << "strip_y_index_in: " << strip_y_index_in << std::endl;
311  std::cout << "strip_z_index_in: " << strip_z_index_in << std::endl;
312  std::cout << "strip_y_index_out: " << strip_y_index_out << std::endl;
313  std::cout << "strip_z_index_out: " << strip_y_index_out << std::endl;
314  gSystem->Exit(1);
315  exit(1);
316  }
317  if (Verbosity() > 5)
318  {
319  // check to see if we get back the positions from these strip index values
320  double check_location[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
321  layergeom->find_strip_center_localcoords(ladder_z_index, strip_y_index_in, strip_z_index_in, check_location);
322  std::cout << " G4 entry location = " << hiter->second->get_local_x(0) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_y(0) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_z(0) << std::endl;
323  std::cout << " Check entry location = " << check_location[0] << " " << check_location[1] << " " << check_location[2] << std::endl;
324  layergeom->find_strip_center_localcoords(ladder_z_index, strip_y_index_out, strip_z_index_out, check_location);
325  std::cout << " G4 exit location = " << hiter->second->get_local_x(1) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_y(1) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_z(1) << std::endl;
326  std::cout << " Check exit location = " << check_location[0] << " " << check_location[1] << " " << check_location[2] << std::endl;
327  }
329  // Now we find how many strips were crossed by this track, and divide the energy between them
330  int minstrip_z = strip_z_index_in;
331  int maxstrip_z = strip_z_index_out;
332  if (minstrip_z > maxstrip_z) std::swap(minstrip_z, maxstrip_z);
334  int minstrip_y = strip_y_index_in;
335  int maxstrip_y = strip_y_index_out;
336  if (minstrip_y > maxstrip_y) std::swap(minstrip_y, maxstrip_y);
338  // Use an algorithm similar to the one for the MVTX pixels, since it facilitates adding charge diffusion
339  // for now we assume small charge diffusion
340  std::vector<int> vybin;
341  std::vector<int> vzbin;
342  //std::vector<double> vlen;
343  std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > venergy;
345  //====================================================
346  // Beginning of charge sharing implementation
347  // Find tracklet line inside sensor
348  // Divide tracklet line into n segments (vary n until answer stabilizes)
349  // Find centroid of each segment
350  // Diffuse charge at each centroid
351  // Apportion charge between neighboring pixels
352  // Add the pixel energy contributions from different track segments together
353  //====================================================
355  // skip this hit if it involves an unreasonable number of pixels
356  // this skips it if either the xbin or ybin range traversed is greater than 8 (for 8 adding two pixels at each end makes the range 12)
357  if (maxstrip_y - minstrip_y > 12 || maxstrip_z - minstrip_z > 12)
358  {
359  continue;
360  }
361  // this hit is skipped above if this dimensioning would be exceeded
362  double stripenergy[13][13] = {}; // init to 0
363  double stripeion[13][13] = {}; // init to 0
365  int nsegments = 10;
366  // Loop over track segments and diffuse charge at each segment location, collect energy in pixels
367  // Get the entry point of the hit in sensor local coordinates
368  gsl_vector_set(m_PathVec, 0, hiter->second->get_local_x(0));
369  gsl_vector_set(m_PathVec, 1, hiter->second->get_local_y(0));
370  gsl_vector_set(m_PathVec, 2, hiter->second->get_local_z(0));
371  gsl_vector_set(m_LocalOutVec, 0, hiter->second->get_local_x(1));
372  gsl_vector_set(m_LocalOutVec, 1, hiter->second->get_local_y(1));
373  gsl_vector_set(m_LocalOutVec, 2, hiter->second->get_local_z(1));
374  gsl_vector_sub(m_PathVec, m_LocalOutVec);
375  for (int i = 0; i < nsegments; i++)
376  {
377  // Find the tracklet segment location
378  // If there are n segments of equal length, we want 2*n intervals
379  // The 1st segment is centered at interval 1, the 2nd at interval 3, the nth at interval 2n -1
380  double interval = 2 * (double) i + 1;
381  double frac = interval / (double) (2 * nsegments);
382  gsl_vector_memcpy(m_SegmentVec, m_PathVec);
383  gsl_vector_scale(m_SegmentVec, frac);
384  gsl_vector_add(m_SegmentVec, m_LocalOutVec);
385  // Caculate the charge diffusion over this drift distance
386  // increases from diffusion width_min to diffusion_width_max
387  double diffusion_radius = diffusion_width;
389  if (Verbosity() > 5)
390  std::cout << " segment " << i
391  << " interval " << interval
392  << " frac " << frac
393  << " local_in.X " << hiter->second->get_local_x(0)
394  << " local_in.Z " << hiter->second->get_local_z(0)
395  << " local_in.Y " << hiter->second->get_local_y(0)
396  << " pathvec.X " << gsl_vector_get(m_PathVec, 0)
397  << " pathvec.Z " << gsl_vector_get(m_PathVec, 2)
398  << " pathvec.Y " << gsl_vector_get(m_PathVec, 1)
399  << " segvec.X " << gsl_vector_get(m_SegmentVec, 0)
400  << " segvec.Z " << gsl_vector_get(m_SegmentVec, 2)
401  << " segvec.Y " << gsl_vector_get(m_SegmentVec, 1) << std::endl
402  << " diffusion_radius " << diffusion_radius
403  << std::endl;
405  // Now find the area of overlap of the diffusion circle with each pixel and apportion the energy
406  for (int iz = minstrip_z; iz <= maxstrip_z; iz++)
407  {
408  for (int iy = minstrip_y; iy <= maxstrip_y; iy++)
409  {
410  // Find the pixel corners for this pixel number
411  double location[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
412  layergeom->find_strip_center_localcoords(ladder_z_index, iy, iz, location);
413  // note that (y1,z1) is the top left corner, (y2,z2) is the bottom right corner of the pixel - circle_rectangle_intersection expects this ordering
414  double y1 = location[1] - layergeom->get_strip_y_spacing() / 2.0;
415  double y2 = location[1] + layergeom->get_strip_y_spacing() / 2.0;
416  double z1 = location[2] + layergeom->get_strip_z_spacing() / 2.0;
417  double z2 = location[2] - layergeom->get_strip_z_spacing() / 2.0;
419  // here m_SegmentVec.1 (Y) and m_SegmentVec.2 (Z) are the center of the circle, and diffusion_radius is the circle radius
420  // circle_rectangle_intersection returns the overlap area of the circle and the pixel. It is very fast if there is no overlap.
421  double striparea_frac = PHG4Utils::circle_rectangle_intersection(y1, z1, y2, z2, gsl_vector_get(m_SegmentVec, 1), gsl_vector_get(m_SegmentVec, 2), diffusion_radius) / (M_PI * (diffusion_radius * diffusion_radius));
422  // assume that the energy is deposited uniformly along the tracklet length, so that this segment gets the fraction 1/nsegments of the energy
423  stripenergy[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z] += striparea_frac * hiter->second->get_edep() / (float) nsegments;
424  if (hiter->second->has_property(PHG4Hit::prop_eion))
425  {
426  stripeion[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z] += striparea_frac * hiter->second->get_eion() / (float) nsegments;
427  }
428  if (Verbosity() > 5)
429  {
430  std::cout << " strip y index " << iy << " strip z index " << iz
431  << " strip area fraction of circle " << striparea_frac << " accumulated pixel energy " << stripenergy[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z]
432  << std::endl;
433  }
434  }
435  }
436  } // end loop over segments
437  // now we have the energy deposited in each pixel, summed over all tracklet segments. We make a vector of all pixels with non-zero energy deposited
439  for (int iz = minstrip_z; iz <= maxstrip_z; iz++)
440  {
441  for (int iy = minstrip_y; iy <= maxstrip_y; iy++)
442  {
443  if (stripenergy[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z] > 0.0)
444  {
445  vybin.push_back(iy);
446  vzbin.push_back(iz);
447  std::pair<double, double> tmppair = std::make_pair(stripenergy[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z], stripeion[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z]);
448  venergy.push_back(tmppair);
449  if (Verbosity() > 1)
450  {
451  std::cout << " Added ybin " << iy << " zbin " << iz << " to vectors with energy " << stripenergy[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z] << std::endl;
452  }
453  }
454  }
455  }
457  //===================================
458  // End of charge sharing implementation
459  //===================================
461  for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < vybin.size(); i1++) // loop over all fired cells
462  {
463  // We add the Intt TrkrHitsets directly to the node using hitsetcontainer
465  // Get the hit crossing
466  int crossing = (int) (round( time / m_crossingPeriod) );
467  // crossing has to fit into 5 bits
468  if(crossing < -512) crossing = -512;
469  if(crossing > 511) crossing = 511;
470  // We need to create the TrkrHitSet if not already made - each TrkrHitSet should correspond to a sensor for the Intt ?
471  // The hitset key includes the layer, the ladder_z_index (sensors numbered 0-3) and ladder_phi_index (azimuthal location of ladder) for this hit
472  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey hitsetkey = InttDefs::genHitSetKey(sphxlayer, ladder_z_index, ladder_phi_index, crossing);
474  // Use existing hitset or add new one if needed
475  TrkrHitSetContainer::Iterator hitsetit = hitsetcontainer->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetkey);
477  // generate the key for this hit
478  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = InttDefs::genHitKey(vzbin[i1], vybin[i1]);
479  // See if this hit already exists
480  TrkrHit *hit = hitsetit->second->getHit(hitkey);
481  if (!hit)
482  {
483  // Otherwise, create a new one
484  hit = new TrkrHitv2();
485  hitsetit->second->addHitSpecificKey(hitkey, hit);
486  }
488  // Either way, add the energy to it
489  if (Verbosity() > 2)
490  {
491  std::cout << "add energy " << venergy[i1].first << " to intthit " << std::endl;
492  }
494  double hit_energy = venergy[i1].first * TrkrDefs::InttEnergyScaleup;
495  hit->addEnergy(hit_energy);
497  addtruthhitset(hitsetkey, hitkey, hit_energy);
499  // Add this hit to the association map
500  hittruthassoc->addAssoc(hitsetkey, hitkey, hiter->first);
502  if (Verbosity() > 2)
503  {
504  std::cout << "PHG4InttHitReco: added hit wirh hitsetkey " << hitsetkey << " hitkey " << hitkey << " g4hitkey " << hiter->first << " energy " << hit->getEnergy() << std::endl;
505  }
506  }
507  } // end loop over g4hits
509  // print the list of entries in the association table
510  if (Verbosity() > 0)
511  {
512  std::cout << "From PHG4InttHitReco: " << std::endl;
513  hitsetcontainer->identify();
514  hittruthassoc->identify();
515  }
517  if (m_is_emb) {
518  cluster_truthhits(topNode); // the last track was truth -- make it's clusters
519  prior_g4hit = nullptr;
520  }
522  end_event_truthcluster( topNode );
524 } // end process_event
527 {
528  // if we ever need separate timing windows, don't patch around here!
529  // use PHParameterContainerInterface which
530  // provides for multiple layers/detector types
531  set_default_double_param("tmax", 7020.0); // max upper time window for extended readout
532  set_default_double_param("tmin", -20.0); // min lower time window for extended readout
533  set_default_double_param("beam_crossing_period", 106.0);
535  return;
536 }
539  if (g4hit==nullptr) return;
540  int new_trkid = g4hit->get_trkid();
542  bool is_new_track = (new_trkid != m_trkid);
543  if (Verbosity()>5) std::cout << PHWHERE << std::endl << " -> Checking status of PHG4Hit. Track id("<<new_trkid<<")" << std::endl;
544  if (!is_new_track) {
545  // check to see if it is an embedded track that meets the looper condition:
546  if (m_is_emb) {
547  if (prior_g4hit!=nullptr
548  && ( std::abs(prior_g4hit->get_x(0)-g4hit->get_x(0)) > max_g4hitstep
549  || std::abs(prior_g4hit->get_y(0)-g4hit->get_y(0)) > max_g4hitstep
550  )
551  )
552  {
553  // this is a looper track -- cluster hits up to this point already
554  cluster_truthhits(topNode);
555  }
556  prior_g4hit = g4hit;
557  }
558  return;
559  }
560  // <- STATUS: this is a new track
561  if (Verbosity()>2) std::cout << PHWHERE << std::endl << " -> Found new embedded track with id: " << new_trkid << std::endl;
562  if (m_is_emb) {
563  //cluster the old track
564  cluster_truthhits(topNode); // cluster m_truth_hits and add m_current_track
565  m_current_track = nullptr;
566  prior_g4hit = nullptr;
567  }
568  m_trkid = new_trkid;
570  if (m_is_emb) {
572  prior_g4hit = g4hit;
573  }
574 }
577  if (m_is_emb) {
578  cluster_truthhits(topNode); // cluster m_truth_hits and add m_current_track
579  m_current_track = nullptr;
580  m_trkid = -1;
581  m_is_emb = false;
582  }
583  m_hitsetkey_cnt.clear();
584 }
589  float neffelectrons)
590 {
591  if (!m_is_emb) return;
593  // See if this hit already exists
594  TrkrHit *hit = nullptr;
595  hit = hitsetit->second->getHit(hitkey);
596  if (!hit)
597  {
598  // create a new one
599  hit = new TrkrHitv2();
600  hitsetit->second->addHitSpecificKey(hitkey, hit);
601  }
602  // Either way, add the energy to it -- adc values will be added at digitization
603  hit->addEnergy(neffelectrons);
604 }
607  // -----------------------------------------------
608  // Digitize, adapted from g4intt/PHG4InttDigitizer
609  // -----------------------------------------------
610  //
611  // Note: not using digitization, because as currently implemented, the SvtxTrack clusters
612  // don't use the adc weighting from the digitization code anyway.
613  //
614  // don't use the dead map for truth tracks
615  /* TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstRange hitset_range = m_truth_hits->getHitSets(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::inttId); */
616  /* for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitset_iter = hitset_range.first; */
617  /* hitset_iter != hitset_range.second; */
618  /* ++hitset_iter) */
619  /* { */
620  /* // we have an itrator to one TrkrHitSet for the intt from the trkrHitSetContainer */
621  /* // get the hitset key so we can find the layer */
622  /* TrkrDefs::hitsetkey hitsetkey = hitset_iter->first; */
623  /* const int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetkey); */
624  /* const int ladder_phi = InttDefs::getLadderPhiId(hitsetkey); */
625  /* const int ladder_z = InttDefs::getLadderZId(hitsetkey); */
627  /* if (Verbosity() > 1) */
628  /* { */
629  /* std::cout << "PHG4InttDigitizer: found hitset with key: " << hitsetkey << " in layer " << layer << std::endl; */
630  /* } */
631  /* // get all of the hits from this hitset */
632  /* TrkrHitSet *hitset = hitset_iter->second; */
633  /* TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hit_range = hitset->getHits(); */
634  /* /1* std::set<TrkrDefs::hitkey> dead_hits; // hits on dead channel *1/ // no dead channels implemented */
635  /* for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator hit_iter = hit_range.first; */
636  /* hit_iter != hit_range.second; */
637  /* ++hit_iter) */
638  /* { */
639  /* // ++m_nCells; // not really used by PHG4InttDigitizer */
641  /* TrkrHit *hit = hit_iter->second; */
642  /* TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = hit_iter->first; */
643  /* int strip_col = InttDefs::getCol(hitkey); // strip z index */
644  /* int strip_row = InttDefs::getRow(hitkey); // strip phi index */
646  /* // FIXME need energy scales here */
647  /* if (_energy_scale.count(layer) > 1) */
648  /* { */
649  /* assert(!"Error: _energy_scale has two or more keys."); */
650  /* } */
651  /* const float mip_e = _energy_scale[layer]; */
653  /* std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > vadcrange = _max_fphx_adc[layer]; */
655  /* int adc = 0; */
656  /* for (unsigned int irange = 0; irange < vadcrange.size(); ++irange) */
657  /* { */
658  /* if (hit->getEnergy() / TrkrDefs::InttEnergyScaleup >= vadcrange[irange].first * */
659  /* (double) mip_e && hit->getEnergy() / TrkrDefs::InttEnergyScaleup */
660  /* < vadcrange[irange].second * (double) mip_e) */
661  /* { */
662  /* adc = (unsigned short) irange; */
663  /* } */
664  /* } */
665  /* hit->setAdc(adc); */
667  /* if (Verbosity() > 2) */
668  /* { */
669  /* std::cout << "PHG4InttDigitizer: found hit with layer " << layer << " ladder_z " << ladder_z << " ladder_phi " << ladder_phi */
670  /* << " strip_col " << strip_col << " strip_row " << strip_row << " adc " << hit->getAdc() << std::endl; */
671  /* } */
672  /* } // end loop over hits in this hitset */
674  /* // remove hits on dead channel in TRKR_HITSET and TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC */
675  /* for (const auto &key : dead_hits) */
676  /* { */
677  /* if (Verbosity() > 2) */
678  /* { */
679  /* std::cout << " PHG4InttDigitizer: remove hit with key: " << key << std::endl; */
680  /* } */
681  /* hitset->removeHit(key); */
682  /* } */
683  /* } // end loop over hitsets */
685  // -----------------------------------------------
686  // Cluster, adapted from intt/InttClusterizer
687  // -----------------------------------------------
688  if (Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << "Clustering truth clusters" << std::endl;
690  //-----------
691  // Clustering
692  //-----------
693  // get the geometry node
694  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer* geom_container = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, "CYLINDERGEOM_INTT");
695  if (!geom_container) return;
698  // loop over the InttHitSet objects
699  TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstRange hitsetrange =
700  m_truth_hits->getHitSets(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::inttId); // from TruthClusterizerBase
702  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitsetitr = hitsetrange.first;
703  hitsetitr != hitsetrange.second; ++hitsetitr)
704  {
705  // Each hitset contains only hits that are clusterizable - i.e. belong to a single sensor
706  TrkrHitSet* hitset = hitsetitr->second;
709  // cluster this hitset; all pixels in it are, by definition, part of the same clusters
711  if ( Verbosity() > 1 ) std::cout << "InttClusterizer found hitsetkey " << hitsetitr->first << std::endl;
712  if ( Verbosity() > 2 ) hitset->identify();
714  // we have a single hitset, get the info that identifies the sensor
716  if (Verbosity() > 2)
717  std::cout << "Filling cluster with hitsetkey " << ((int)hitsetkey) << std::endl;
719  // get the bunch crossing number from the hitsetkey
720  /* short int crossing = InttDefs::getTimeBucketId(hitset->getHitSetKey()); */
722  // determine the size of the cluster in phi and z, useful for track fitting the cluster
723  std::set<int> phibins;
724  std::set<int> zbins;
726  // determine the cluster position...
727  double xlocalsum = 0.0;
728  double ylocalsum = 0.0;
729  double zlocalsum = 0.0;
730  unsigned int clus_adc = 0.0;
731  unsigned nhits = 0;
733  // aggregate the adc values
734  double sum_adc {0};
735  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hitrangei = hitset->getHits();
736  for ( auto ihit = hitrangei.first; ihit != hitrangei.second; ++ihit) {
737  sum_adc += ihit->second->getAdc();
738  }
740  // tune this energy threshold in the same maner of the MVTX, namely to get the same kind of pixel sizes
741  // as the SvtxTrack clusters
742  /* const double threshold = sum_adc * m_truth_pixelthreshold; */
743  const double threshold = sum_adc * m_pixel_thresholdrat; //FIXME -- tune this as needed
744  std::map<int,unsigned int> m_iphi, m_it, m_iphiCut, m_itCut; // FIXME
746  int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer ( hitsetkey );
747  CylinderGeomIntt* geom = dynamic_cast<CylinderGeomIntt*>(geom_container->GetLayerGeom(layer));
749  int ladder_z_index = InttDefs::getLadderZId ( hitsetkey );
751  for ( auto ihit = hitrangei.first; ihit != hitrangei.second; ++ihit)
752  {
753  int col = InttDefs::getCol ( ihit->first );
754  int row = InttDefs::getRow ( ihit->first );
755  auto adc = ihit->second->getAdc();
757  if (mClusHitsVerbose) {
758  std::map<int,unsigned int>& m_phi = (adc<threshold) ? m_iphiCut : m_iphi;
759  std::map<int,unsigned int>& m_z = (adc<threshold) ? m_itCut : m_it;
761  auto pnew = m_phi.try_emplace(row,adc);
762  if (!pnew.second) pnew.first->second += adc;
764  pnew = m_z.try_emplace(col,adc);
765  if (!pnew.second) pnew.first->second += adc;
766  }
767  if (adc<threshold) continue;
769  clus_adc += adc;
770  zbins .insert(col);
771  phibins .insert(row);
773  // now get the positions from the geometry
774  double local_hit_location[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
776  geom->find_strip_center_localcoords(ladder_z_index, row, col, local_hit_location);
778  xlocalsum += local_hit_location[0];
779  ylocalsum += local_hit_location[1];
780  zlocalsum += local_hit_location[2];
782  ++nhits;
784  if (Verbosity() > 6)
785  {
786  std::cout << " From geometry object: hit x " << local_hit_location[0]
787  << " hit y " << local_hit_location[1] << " hit z " << local_hit_location[2] << std::endl;
788  std::cout << " nhits " << nhits << " clusx = " << xlocalsum / nhits << " clusy "
789  << ylocalsum / nhits << " clusz " << zlocalsum / nhits << std::endl;
790  }
791  // NOTE:
792  /* if (_make_e_weights[layer]) */ // these values are all false by default
793  /* if ( false ) // the current implementation of the code does not weight by adc values */
794  /* // therefore the default here is to use use adc to cut the outliers and nothing else */
795  /* { */
796  /* xlocalsum += local_hit_location[0] * (double) hit_adc; */
797  /* ylocalsum += local_hit_location[1] * (double) hit_adc; */
798  /* zlocalsum += local_hit_location[2] * (double) hit_adc; */
799  /* } */
800  /* else */
801  /* { */
802  /* } */
803  /* if(hit_adc > clus_maxadc) clus_maxadc = hit_adc; */ //FIXME: do we want this value to be set?
804  /* clus_energy += hit_adc; */
805  }
806  if (mClusHitsVerbose) {
807  if (Verbosity()>10) {
808  for (auto& hit : m_iphi) {
809  std::cout << " m_phi(" << hit.first <<" : " << hit.second<<") " << std::endl;
810  }
811  }
812  for (auto& hit : m_iphi) mClusHitsVerbose->addPhiHit (hit.first, (float)hit.second);
813  for (auto& hit : m_it) mClusHitsVerbose->addZHit (hit.first, (float)hit.second);
814  for (auto& hit : m_iphiCut) mClusHitsVerbose->addPhiCutHit (hit.first, (float)hit.second);
815  for (auto& hit : m_itCut) mClusHitsVerbose->addZCutHit (hit.first, (float)hit.second);
816  }
819  // add this cluster-hit association to the association map of (clusterkey,hitkey)
820  if (Verbosity() > 2) std::cout << " nhits = " << nhits << std::endl;
822  /* static const float invsqrt12 = 1./sqrt(12); */
823  // scale factors (phi direction)
824  /*
825  they corresponds to clusters of size 1 and 2 in phi
826  other clusters, which are very few and pathological, get a scale factor of 1
827  These scale factors are applied to produce cluster pulls with width unity
828  */
830  /* float phierror = pitch * invsqrt12; */
832  /* static constexpr std::array<double, 3> scalefactors_phi = {{ 0.85, 0.4, 0.33 }}; */
833  /* if( phibins.size() == 1 && layer < 5) phierror*=scalefactors_phi[0]; */
834  /* else if( phibins.size() == 2 && layer < 5) phierror*=scalefactors_phi[1]; */
835  /* else if( phibins.size() == 2 && layer > 4) phierror*=scalefactors_phi[2]; */
836  /* // z error. All clusters have a z-size of 1. */
837  /* const float zerror = length * invsqrt12; */
838  if (nhits == 0) continue;
840  double cluslocaly = ylocalsum / nhits;
841  double cluslocalz = zlocalsum / nhits;
843  //if (_make_e_weights[layer]) // FIXME: this is always false for now
844  /* { */
845  /* cluslocaly = ylocalsum / (double) clus_adc; */
846  /* cluslocalz = zlocalsum / (double) clus_adc; */
847  /* } */
848  /* else */
849  /* { */
850  /* } */
851  if ( m_cluster_version==4 ){
852  auto clus = std::make_unique<TrkrClusterv4>();
853  clus->setAdc(clus_adc);
854  clus->setPhiSize(phibins.size());
855  clus->setZSize(1);
857  if(Verbosity() > 10) clus->identify();
859  clus->setLocalX(cluslocaly);
860  clus->setLocalY(cluslocalz);
861  // silicon has a 1-1 map between hitsetkey and surfaces. So set to 0
862  clus->setSubSurfKey(0);
864  m_hitsetkey_cnt.try_emplace(hitsetkey,0);
865  unsigned int& cnt = m_hitsetkey_cnt[hitsetkey];
866  TrkrDefs::cluskey ckey = TrkrDefs::genClusKey(hitsetkey, cnt);
867  m_truthclusters->addClusterSpecifyKey(ckey, clus.release());
869  if (mClusHitsVerbose) {
871  if (Verbosity()>10) std::cout << " ClusHitsVerbose.size (in INTT): "
872  << mClusHitsVerbose->getMap().size() << std::endl;
873  }
874  ++cnt;
875  } // end loop over hitsets
876  }
878  m_truth_hits->Reset();
879  prior_g4hit = nullptr;
880  return;
881 }