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3 #include "PHG4ZDCDetector.h"
5 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
7 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
9 #include <g4main/PHG4Hitv1.h>
10 #include <g4main/PHG4Shower.h>
11 #include <g4main/PHG4SteppingAction.h> // for PHG4SteppingAction
14 #include <phool/PHRandomSeed.h>
15 #include <phool/getClass.h>
17 #include <Geant4/G4DynamicParticle.hh> // for G4DynamicParticle
18 #include <Geant4/G4IonisParamMat.hh> // for G4IonisParamMat
19 #include <Geant4/G4Material.hh> // for G4Material
20 #include <Geant4/G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh>
21 #include <Geant4/G4ParticleDefinition.hh> // for G4ParticleDefinition
22 #include <Geant4/G4ReferenceCountedHandle.hh> // for G4ReferenceCountedHandle
23 #include <Geant4/G4Step.hh>
24 #include <Geant4/G4StepPoint.hh> // for G4StepPoint
25 #include <Geant4/G4StepStatus.hh> // for fGeomBoundary, fAtRest...
26 #include <Geant4/G4String.hh> // for G4String
27 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
28 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh> // for G4ThreeVector
29 #include <Geant4/G4TouchableHandle.hh>
30 #include <Geant4/G4Track.hh> // for G4Track
31 #include <Geant4/G4TrackStatus.hh> // for fStopAndKill
32 #include <Geant4/G4Types.hh> // for G4double
33 #include <Geant4/G4VPhysicalVolume.hh> // for G4VPhysicalVolume
34 #include <Geant4/G4VTouchable.hh> // for G4VTouchable
35 #include <Geant4/G4VUserTrackInformation.hh> // for G4VUserTrackInformation
37 #include <TSystem.h>
39 #include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
40 #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
42 #include <array>
43 #include <cmath>
44 #include <iostream>
45 #include <string> // for basic_string, operator+
47 class PHCompositeNode;
49 //____________________________________________________________________________..
51  : PHG4SteppingAction(detector->GetName())
52  , m_Detector(detector)
53  , m_Params(parameters)
54  , m_IsActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("active"))
55  , absorbertruth(m_Params->get_int_param("absorberactive"))
56  , m_IsBlackHole(m_Params->get_int_param("blackhole"))
57 {
58  RandomGenerator = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
59  unsigned int seed = PHRandomSeed();
61 }
64 {
65  // if the last hit was a zero energie deposit hit, it is just reset
66  // and the memory is still allocated, so we need to delete it here
67  // if the last hit was saved, hit is a nullptr pointer which are
68  // legal to delete (it results in a no operation)
69  delete m_Hit;
70  gsl_rng_free(RandomGenerator);
71 }
73 //____________________________________________________________________________..
74 bool PHG4ZDCSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step* aStep, bool)
75 {
76  G4TouchableHandle touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
77  G4VPhysicalVolume* volume = touch->GetVolume();
79  // m_Detector->IsInZDC(volume)
80  // returns
81  // 0 is outside of ZDC
82  // 1 is inside scintillator
83  // -1 is inside absorber or support structure (dead material)
85  int whichactive = m_Detector->IsInZDC(volume);
87  if (!whichactive)
88  {
89  return false;
90  }
92  int layer_id = m_Detector->get_Layer();
93  int idx_k = -1;
94  int idx_j = -1;
96  if (whichactive > 0) // in scintillator or fiber
97  {
98  /* Find indices of scintillator / tower containing this step */
99  //FindIndex(touch, idx_j, idx_k);
100  if (whichactive == 2) FindIndexZDC(touch, idx_j, idx_k);
101  if (whichactive == 1) FindIndexSMD(touch, idx_j, idx_k);
102  }
103  /* Get energy deposited by this step */
104  G4double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() / GeV;
105  G4double eion = (aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() - aStep->GetNonIonizingEnergyDeposit()) / GeV;
106  G4double light_yield = 0;
108  /* Get pointer to associated Geant4 track */
109  const G4Track* aTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
111  // if this block stops everything, just put all kinetic energy into edep
112  if (m_IsBlackHole)
113  {
114  edep = aTrack->GetKineticEnergy() / GeV;
115  G4Track* killtrack = const_cast<G4Track*>(aTrack);
116  killtrack->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
117  }
119  /* Make sure we are in a volume */
120  if (m_IsActiveFlag)
121  {
122  /* Check if particle is 'geantino' */
123  bool geantino = false;
124  if (aTrack->GetParticleDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding() == 0 &&
125  aTrack->GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleName().find("geantino") != std::string::npos)
126  {
127  geantino = true;
128  }
130  /* Get Geant4 pre- and post-step points */
131  G4StepPoint* prePoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
132  G4StepPoint* postPoint = aStep->GetPostStepPoint();
134  //if prepoint is in fiber
135  if (whichactive > 1)
136  {
137  double charge = aTrack->GetParticleDefinition()->GetPDGCharge();
138  //if charged particle
139  if (charge != 0)
140  {
141  //check if prepoint in active volume & postpoint out of active volume
142  G4VPhysicalVolume* postvolume = postPoint->GetTouchableHandle()->GetVolume();
143  int postactive = m_Detector->IsInZDC(postvolume);
144  //postpoint outside fiber
145  if (!postactive)
146  {
147  //get particle information here
148  int pid = aTrack->GetParticleDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
149  //calculate incidence angle
150  const G4DynamicParticle* dypar = aTrack->GetDynamicParticle();
151  const G4ThreeVector& pdirect = dypar->GetMomentumDirection();
152  // this triggers cppcheck, the code is good and the warning is suppressed
153  // cppcheck-suppress [duplicateAssignExpression, unmatchedSuppression]
154  double dy = sqrt(2) / 2.;
155  double dz = sqrt(2) / 2.;
156  if (idx_j == 1) dz = -dz;
157  double CosTheta = pdirect.y() * dy + pdirect.z() * dz;
158  double angle = acos(CosTheta) * 180.0 / M_PI;
159  if (pid == 11 || pid == -11)
160  {
161  //find energy
162  G4double E = dypar->GetTotalEnergy();
163  //electron response here
164  double avg_ph = ZDCEResponse(E, angle);
165  avg_ph *= 0.16848;
166  //use Poisson Distribution here
167  int n_ph = gsl_ran_poisson(RandomGenerator, avg_ph);
168  light_yield += n_ph;
169  }
170  else
171  {
172  G4double E = dypar->GetTotalEnergy();
173  G4double P = dypar->GetTotalMomentum();
174  double beta = P / E;
175  double avg_ph = ZDCResponse(beta, angle);
176  avg_ph *= 0.16848;
177  int n_ph = gsl_ran_poisson(RandomGenerator, avg_ph);
178  light_yield += n_ph;
179  }
180  }
181  }
182  }
183  switch (prePoint->GetStepStatus())
184  {
185  case fGeomBoundary:
186  case fUndefined:
187  if (!m_Hit)
188  {
189  m_Hit = new PHG4Hitv1();
190  }
192  /* Set hit location (space point) */
193  m_Hit->set_x(0, prePoint->GetPosition().x() / cm);
194  m_Hit->set_y(0, prePoint->GetPosition().y() / cm);
195  m_Hit->set_z(0, prePoint->GetPosition().z() / cm);
197  /* Set hit time */
198  m_Hit->set_t(0, prePoint->GetGlobalTime() / nanosecond);
200  //set the track ID
201  m_Hit->set_trkid(aTrack->GetTrackID());
202  /* set intial energy deposit */
203  m_Hit->set_edep(0);
205  /* Now add the hit to the hit collection */
206  // here we do things which are different between scintillator and absorber hits
207  if (whichactive > 0)
208  {
210  m_Hit->set_eion(0);
211  m_Hit->set_light_yield(0); // for scintillator only, initialize light yields
212  /* Set hit location (tower index) */
213  m_Hit->set_index_k(idx_k);
214  m_Hit->set_index_j(idx_j);
215  }
216  else
217  {
218  if (whichactive == -1)
219  {
221  }
222  else
223  {
225  }
226  }
227  // here we set what is common for scintillator and absorber hits
228  if (G4VUserTrackInformation* p = aTrack->GetUserInformation())
229  {
230  if (PHG4TrackUserInfoV1* pp = dynamic_cast<PHG4TrackUserInfoV1*>(p))
231  {
232  m_Hit->set_trkid(pp->GetUserTrackId());
233  m_Hit->set_shower_id(pp->GetShower()->get_id());
234  m_CurrentShower = pp->GetShower();
235  }
236  }
237  break;
238  default:
239  break;
240  }
242  if (whichactive == 1)
243  {
244  //light_yield = eion;
245  light_yield = GetVisibleEnergyDeposition(aStep); // for scintillator only, calculate light yields
246  static bool once = true;
248  if (once && edep > 0)
249  {
250  once = false;
252  if (Verbosity() > 0)
253  {
254  std::cout << "PHG4ZDCSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction::"
255  //
256  << m_Detector->GetName() << " - "
257  << " use scintillating light model at each Geant4 steps. "
258  << "First step: "
259  << "Material = "
260  << aTrack->GetMaterialCutsCouple()->GetMaterial()->GetName()
261  << ", "
262  << "Birk Constant = "
263  << aTrack->GetMaterialCutsCouple()->GetMaterial()->GetIonisation()->GetBirksConstant()
264  << ","
265  << "edep = " << edep << ", "
266  << "eion = " << eion
267  << ", "
268  << "light_yield = " << light_yield << std::endl;
269  }
270  }
271  }
273  /* sum up the energy to get total deposited */
275  m_Hit->set_edep(m_Hit->get_edep() + edep);
276  if (whichactive > 0)
277  {
278  m_Hit->set_eion(m_Hit->get_eion() + eion);
279  m_Hit->set_light_yield(m_Hit->get_light_yield() + light_yield);
280  }
282  // if any of these conditions is true this is the last step in
283  // this volume and we need to save the hit
284  // postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary: track leaves this volume
285  // postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fWorldBoundary: track leaves this world
286  // (not sure if this will ever be the case)
287  // aTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill: track ends
288  if (postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary ||
289  postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fWorldBoundary ||
290  postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fAtRestDoItProc ||
291  aTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill)
292  {
293  // Update exit values
294  m_Hit->set_x(1, postPoint->GetPosition().x() / cm);
295  m_Hit->set_y(1, postPoint->GetPosition().y() / cm);
296  m_Hit->set_z(1, postPoint->GetPosition().z() / cm);
298  m_Hit->set_t(1, postPoint->GetGlobalTime() / nanosecond);
300  // special case for geantinos
301  if (geantino)
302  {
303  m_Hit->set_edep(-1); // only energy=0 g4hits get dropped, this way geantinos survive the g4hit compression
304  if (whichactive > 0)
305  {
306  m_Hit->set_eion(-1);
307  m_Hit->set_light_yield(-1);
308  }
309  }
310  // save only hits with energy deposit (or -1 for geantino)
311  if (m_Hit->get_edep())
312  {
313  m_CurrentHitContainer->AddHit(layer_id, m_Hit);
314  if (m_CurrentShower)
315  {
317  }
318  // ownership has been transferred to container, set to null
319  if (m_Hit->get_edep() > 0 && (whichactive > 0 || absorbertruth > 0))
320  {
321  if (G4VUserTrackInformation* p = aTrack->GetUserInformation())
322  {
323  if (PHG4TrackUserInfoV1* pp = dynamic_cast<PHG4TrackUserInfoV1*>(p))
324  {
325  pp->SetKeep(1); // we want to keep the track
326  }
327  }
328  }
329  // so we will create a new hit for the next track
330  m_Hit = nullptr;
331  }
332  else
333  {
334  // if this hit has no energy deposit, just reset it for reuse
335  // this means we have to delete it in the dtor. If this was
336  // the last hit we processed the memory is still allocated
337  m_Hit->Reset();
338  }
339  }
340  return true;
341  }
342  else
343  {
344  return false;
345  }
346 }
348 //____________________________________________________________________________..
350 {
351  //now look for the map and grab a pointer to it.
352  m_HitContainer = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, m_HitNodeName);
353  m_AbsorberHitContainer = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, m_AbsorberNodeName);
354  m_SupportHitContainer = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, m_SupportNodeName);
355  // if we do not find the node it's messed up.
356  if (!m_HitContainer)
357  {
358  std::cout << "PHG4ZDCSteppingAction::SetTopNode - unable to find " << m_HitNodeName << std::endl;
359  gSystem->Exit(1);
360  }
361  // this is perfectly fine if absorber hits are disabled
362  if (!m_AbsorberHitContainer)
363  {
364  if (Verbosity() > 0)
365  {
366  std::cout << "PHG4ZDCSteppingAction::SetTopNode - unable to find " << m_AbsorberNodeName << std::endl;
367  }
368  }
369  if (!m_SupportHitContainer)
370  {
371  if (Verbosity() > 0)
372  {
373  std::cout << "PHG4ZDCSteppingAction::SetTopNode - unable to find " << m_SupportNodeName << std::endl;
374  }
375  }
376 }
379 {
380  if (type == "G4HIT")
381  {
383  return;
384  }
385  else if (type == "G4HIT_ABSORBER")
386  {
388  return;
389  }
390  else if (type == "G4HIT_SUPPORT")
391  {
393  return;
394  }
395  std::cout << "Invalid output hit node type " << type << std::endl;
396  gSystem->Exit(1);
397  return;
398 }
400 //getting index using copyno
401 //if in ZDC PMMA fiber
402 int PHG4ZDCSteppingAction::FindIndexZDC(G4TouchableHandle& touch, int& j, int& k)
403 {
404  G4VPhysicalVolume* envelope = touch->GetVolume(2); //Get the world
405  G4VPhysicalVolume* plate = touch->GetVolume(1); //Get the fiber plate
407  j = envelope->GetCopyNo();
408  k = (plate->GetCopyNo()) / 27;
410  return 0;
411 }
413 int PHG4ZDCSteppingAction::FindIndexSMD(G4TouchableHandle& touch, int& j, int& k)
414 {
415  int jshift = 10;
416  int kshift = 10;
417  G4VPhysicalVolume* envelope = touch->GetVolume(2); //Get the envelope
418  G4VPhysicalVolume* scint = touch->GetVolume(0); //Get the fiber plate
420  int whichzdc = envelope->GetCopyNo();
422  j = scint->GetCopyNo() % 7;
423  k = scint->GetCopyNo() / 7;
425  if (whichzdc == 1) j += 7;
426  // shift the index to avoid conflict with the ZDC index
427  j += jshift;
428  k += kshift;
430  return 0;
431 }
433 double PHG4ZDCSteppingAction::ZDCResponse(double beta, double angle)
434 {
435  if (beta < m_BetaThersh) return 0;
436  if (angle >= 90) return 0;
437  for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++)
438  {
439  if (beta <= m_Beta[i])
440  {
441  std::array<double, 18> PMMAsub0 = m_PMMA05[i - 1];
442  std::array<double, 18> PMMAsub1 = m_PMMA05[i];
443  //find angle bin here and do 1D linear interpolation of angle
444  int Abin = (int) angle / 5;
445  if (Abin == 0) Abin = 1;
446  double avg_ph0 = PMMAsub0[Abin - 1] + (PMMAsub0[Abin] - PMMAsub0[Abin - 1]) * (angle / 5 - Abin + 1);
447  double avg_ph1 = PMMAsub1[Abin - 1] + (PMMAsub1[Abin] - PMMAsub1[Abin - 1]) * (angle / 5 - Abin + 1);
448  if (avg_ph0 < 0) avg_ph0 = 0;
449  if (avg_ph1 < 0) avg_ph1 = 0;
450  //linear linear interpolation with beta
451  double avg_ph = avg_ph0 + (avg_ph1 - avg_ph0) * (beta - m_Beta[i - 1]) / (m_Beta[i] - m_Beta[i - 1]);
452  if (avg_ph < 0) avg_ph = 0;
453  //use poisson?
454  return avg_ph;
455  }
456  }
458  return 0;
459 }
461 double PHG4ZDCSteppingAction::ZDCEResponse(double E, double angle)
462 {
463  if (E < m_E[0]) return 0;
465  if (E >= 0.05)
466  {
467  std::array<double, 36> PMMAsub0 = m_PMMA05E[10];
468  int Abin = (int) angle / 5;
469  if (Abin == 0) Abin = 1;
470  double avg_ph = PMMAsub0[Abin - 1] + (PMMAsub0[Abin] - PMMAsub0[Abin - 1]) * (angle / 5 - Abin + 1);
471  return avg_ph;
472  }
473  else
474  {
475  for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
476  {
477  if (E <= m_E[i])
478  {
479  std::array<double, 36> PMMAsub0 = m_PMMA05E[i - 1];
480  std::array<double, 36> PMMAsub1 = m_PMMA05E[i];
482  int Abin = (int) angle / 5;
483  if (Abin == 0) Abin = 1;
484  double avg_ph0 = PMMAsub0[Abin - 1] + (PMMAsub0[Abin] - PMMAsub0[Abin - 1]) * (angle / 5 - Abin + 1);
485  double avg_ph1 = PMMAsub1[Abin - 1] + (PMMAsub1[Abin] - PMMAsub1[Abin - 1]) * (angle / 5 - Abin + 1);
486  if (avg_ph0 < 0) avg_ph0 = 0;
487  if (avg_ph1 < 0) avg_ph1 = 0;
488  //linear linear interpolation with E
489  double avg_ph = avg_ph0 + (avg_ph1 - avg_ph0) * (E - m_E[i - 1]) / (m_E[i] - m_E[i - 1]);
490  if (avg_ph < 0) avg_ph = 0;
491  //use poisson?
492  return avg_ph;
493  }
494  }
495  }
496  std::cout << "out of range" << std::endl;
497  return 0;
498 }