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1 /*************************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (c) The JETSCAPE Collaboration, 2018
3 *
4 * Modular, task-based framework for simulating all aspects of heavy-ion collisions
5 *
6 * For the list of contributors see AUTHORS.
7 *
8 * Report issues at
9 *
10 * or via email to
11 *
12 * Distributed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 (GPLv3 or later).
13 * See COPYING for details.
14 *
15 *************************************************************************************/
17 #include "AdSCFT.h"
18 #include "JetScapeLogger.h"
19 #include "JetScapeXML.h"
20 #include <string>
22 #include "tinyxml2.h"
23 #include <iostream>
24 #include <fstream>
26 #include "FluidDynamics.h"
27 #include "AdSCFTMutex.h"
28 #define MAGENTA "\033[35m"
30 // Register the module with the base class
34  SetId("AdSCFT");
35  kappa = -99;
36  T0 = -99;
37  Q0 = -99;
39  VERBOSE(8);
41  // create and set Martini Mutex
42  auto adscft_mutex = make_shared<AdSCFTMutex>();
43  SetMutex(adscft_mutex);
44 }
48 void AdSCFT::Init() {
49  JSINFO << "Initialize AdSCFT ...";
51  std::string s = GetXMLElementText({"Eloss", "AdSCFT", "name"});
52  JSDEBUG << s << " to be initialized ...";
54  //Kappa
55  kappa = GetXMLElementDouble({"Eloss", "AdSCFT", "kappa"});
56  JSINFO << "AdSCFT kappa = " << kappa;
58  //T0 [GeV]
59  T0 = GetXMLElementDouble({"Eloss", "AdSCFT", "T0"});
60  JSINFO << "AdSCFT T0 = " << T0;
62  //Q0 [GeV]
63  Q0 = GetXMLElementDouble({"Eloss", "AdSCFT", "Q0"});
64  JSINFO << "AdSCFT Q0 = " << Q0;
66  //Vac or Med
67  in_vac = GetXMLElementDouble({"Eloss", "AdSCFT", "in_vac"});
68  ;
69 }
71 void AdSCFT::WriteTask(weak_ptr<JetScapeWriter> w) {
72  VERBOSE(8);
73  auto f = w.lock();
74  if (!f)
75  return;
76  f->WriteComment("ElossModule Parton List: " + GetId());
77  f->WriteComment("Energy loss to be implemented accordingly ...");
78 }
80 void AdSCFT::DoEnergyLoss(double deltaT, double time, double Q2,
81  vector<Parton> &pIn, vector<Parton> &pOut) {
83  VERBOSESHOWER(8) << MAGENTA << "SentInPartons Signal received : " << deltaT
84  << " " << Q2 << " " << &pIn;
86  for (int i = 0; i < pIn.size(); i++) {
87  //Skip photons
88  if (pIn[i].pid() == photonid) {
89  pOut.push_back(pIn[i]);
90  return;
91  }
93  JSDEBUG << " in AdS/CFT";
94  JSDEBUG << " Parton Q2= " << pIn[i].t();
95  JSDEBUG << " Parton Id= " << pIn[i].pid()
96  << " and mass= " << pIn[i].restmass();
98  //Parton 4-momentum
99  double p[4];
100  p[0] = pIn[i].px();
101  p[1] = pIn[i].py();
102  p[2] = pIn[i].pz();
103  p[3] = pIn[i].e();
104  double pmod = std::sqrt(p[0] * p[0] + p[1] * p[1] + p[2] * p[2]);
106  //Parton velocity
107  vector<double> w;
108  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
109  w.push_back(p[j] / p[3]);
110  double w2 = std::pow(w[0], 2.) + std::pow(w[1], 2.) + std::pow(w[2], 2.);
111  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
112  w[j] /= std::sqrt(w2);
114  //Parton 4-position
115  double initR0 = pIn[i].x_in().t(); //Time when the parton was last modified
116  double x[4];
117  //x[0] = pIn[i].x_in().x() + (time - initR0) * w[0] / std::sqrt(w2);
118  //x[1] = pIn[i].x_in().y() + (time - initR0) * w[1] / std::sqrt(w2);
119  //x[2] = pIn[i].x_in().z() + (time - initR0) * w[2] / std::sqrt(w2);
120  x[0] = pIn[i].x_in().x() + (time - initR0) * w[0];
121  x[1] = pIn[i].x_in().y() + (time - initR0) * w[1];
122  x[2] = pIn[i].x_in().z() + (time - initR0) * w[2];
123  x[3] = pIn[i].x_in().t() + (time - initR0) * w[3];
125  //Extract fluid properties
126  std::unique_ptr<FluidCellInfo> check_fluid_info_ptr;
127  double tau = std::sqrt(x[3] * x[3] - x[2] * x[2]);
128  double temp, vx, vy, vz;
129  //Only get a temp!=0 if in_vac=0
130  //if (x[3]>=tStart && !in_vac) //Can use time if there is preequilibrium eloss
131  if (tau >= tStart &&
132  !in_vac) //Should use tau, not t, in absence of preequilibrium eloss
133  {
134  GetHydroCellSignal(x[3], x[0], x[1], x[2], check_fluid_info_ptr);
135  if (!GetJetSignalConnected()) {
136  JSWARN << "Couldn't find a hydro module attached!";
137  throw std::runtime_error(
138  "Please attach a hydro module or set in_vac to 1 in the XML file");
139  }
141  VERBOSE(8) << MAGENTA << "Temperature from Brick (Signal) = "
142  << check_fluid_info_ptr->temperature;
144  temp = check_fluid_info_ptr->temperature;
145  vx = check_fluid_info_ptr->vx;
146  vy = check_fluid_info_ptr->vy;
147  vz = check_fluid_info_ptr->vz;
148  } else
149  temp = 0., vx = 0., vy = 0., vz = 0.;
150  JSDEBUG << " system time= " << time << " parton time= " << x[3]
151  << " tau= " << tau << " temp= " << temp << " vz= " << w[2];
152  JSDEBUG << " energy= " << pIn[i].e();
154  //Do eloss in AdS/CFT if:
155  // *Virtuality below Qcut ( QS[GeV^2] , NOT taken from XML yet )
156  // *Fluid temperature above Tcut ( T0 from XML )
157  // *Parton is not completely quenched ( Ecut = 0.00001 )
158  double QS = Q0 * Q0;
159  if (pIn[i].t() <= QS + rounding_error && temp >= T0 && pmod > 0.00001 &&
160  pIn[i].pstat() >= 0) {
161  //cout << " ADS Q= " << pIn[i].t() << " Q0= " << Q0 << " temp= " << temp << " T0= " << T0 << endl;
162  //cout << " ADS tau= " << tau << " x= " << x[0] << " y= " << x[1] << " z= " << x[2] << " t= " << x[3] << endl;
164  pIn[i]); // Generate error if another module already has responsibility.
166  VERBOSE(8) << " ************ \n \n";
167  VERBOSE(8) << " DOING ADSCFT \n \n";
168  VERBOSE(8) << " ************ \n \n";
170  //Fluid quantities
171  vector<double> v;
172  v.push_back(vx), v.push_back(vy), v.push_back(vz), v.push_back(1.);
173  double v2 = std::pow(v[0], 2.) + std::pow(v[1], 2.) + std::pow(v[2], 2.);
174  double lore = 1. / sqrt(1. - v2); //Gamma Factor
176  //Color Factor (wrt quark)
177  double CF;
178  if (pIn[i].pid() == 21)
179  CF = std::pow(9. / 4., 1. / 3.); //Gluon
180  else
181  CF = 1.; //Quark
183  //Energy (three-momentum) of parton as it entered this module for the first time
184  double ei = pmod;
185  double l_dist = 0., f_dist = 0.;
186  if (pIn[i].has_user_info<AdSCFTUserInfo>()) {
187  ei = pIn[i].user_info<AdSCFTUserInfo>().part_ei();
188  l_dist = pIn[i].user_info<AdSCFTUserInfo>().l_dist();
189  f_dist = pIn[i].user_info<AdSCFTUserInfo>().f_dist();
190  } else {
191  pIn[i].set_user_info(new AdSCFTUserInfo(ei, f_dist, l_dist));
192  }
194  //JSDEBUG << " ei= " << ei;
195  //JSDEBUG << " px= " << p[0] << " py= " << p[1] << " pz= " << p[2] << " en= " << p[3];
196  //JSDEBUG << " x= " << x[0] << " y= " << x[1] << " z= " << x[2] << " t= " << x[3];
198  double restmass = pIn[i].restmass();
199  if (abs(pIn[i].pid()) <= 3)
200  restmass = 0.;
201  double virttwo = p[3] * p[3] - p[0] * p[0] - p[1] * p[1] - p[2] * p[2] -
202  restmass * restmass;
203  double virt = std::sqrt(virttwo);
204  //JSDEBUG << " virt= " << virt;
206  //Needed for boosts (v.w)
207  double vscalw = v[0] * w[0] + v[1] * w[1] + v[2] * w[2];
209  //Distance travelled in LAB frame
210  l_dist += deltaT;
212  //Distance travelled in FRF - accumulating steps from previous, different fluid cells
213  double insqrt = w2 + lore * lore * (v2 - 2. * vscalw + vscalw * vscalw);
214  if (insqrt <= 0.)
215  insqrt = 0.;
216  f_dist += deltaT * std::sqrt(insqrt);
218  //JSDEBUG << " l_dist= " << l_dist << " f_dist= " << f_dist;
219  //Initial energy of the parton in the FRF
220  double Efs = ei * lore * (1. - vscalw);
222  double newEn = pmod;
223  if (temp >= 0.)
224  newEn = pmod - AdSCFT::Drag(f_dist, deltaT, Efs, temp, CF);
225  if (newEn < 0.)
226  newEn = pmod / 10000000.;
227  double lambda = newEn / pmod;
228  //JSDEBUG << " lambda= " << lambda;
229  //JSDEBUG << " Elost= " << pmod-newEn;
231  //Update 4-momentum (don't modify mass)
232  for (unsigned a = 0; a < 3; a++)
233  p[a] *= lambda;
234  virt *= lambda;
235  p[3] = std::sqrt(p[0] * p[0] + p[1] * p[1] + p[2] * p[2] + virt * virt +
236  restmass * restmass);
237  virttwo = p[3] * p[3] - p[0] * p[0] - p[1] * p[1] - p[2] * p[2] -
238  restmass * restmass;
239  virt = std::sqrt(virttwo);
241  //DON'T Update 4-position here, already done at beginning
242  //for (unsigned a=0; a<4; a++) x[a]+=w[a]*deltaT;
244  double fx[4];
245  fx[0] = x[3], fx[1] = x[0], fx[2] = x[1], fx[3] = x[2];
246  //Feed into parton list
247  int pLabel = pIn[i].plabel();
248  int Id = pIn[i].pid();
249  int pStat = pIn[i].pstat();
250  //cout << " pStat= " << pStat << endl;
251  FourVector pVec(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
252  FourVector xVec;
253  pOut.push_back(Parton(pLabel, Id, pStat, pVec, xVec));
254  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_x(fx);
255  pOut.back().set_user_info(new AdSCFTUserInfo(ei, f_dist, l_dist));
257  //Copy variables needed in case parton returns to MATTER in future steps
258  double velocity_jet[4];
259  velocity_jet[0] = 1.0;
260  velocity_jet[1] = pIn[i].jet_v().x();
261  velocity_jet[2] = pIn[i].jet_v().y();
262  velocity_jet[3] = pIn[i].jet_v().z();
263  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_jet_v(velocity_jet);
264  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_mean_form_time();
265  double ft = pOut[pOut.size() - 1].mean_form_time();
266  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_form_time(ft);
268  //Add missing momentum
269  FourVector pVecM(pIn[i].px() - p[0], pIn[i].py() - p[1],
270  pIn[i].pz() - p[2], pIn[i].e() - p[3]);
271  pOut.push_back(Parton(0, 21, -13, pVecM, xVec));
272  pOut[pOut.size() - 1].set_x(fx);
274  } //End if do-eloss
276  } //End pIn loop
277 }
279 double AdSCFT::Drag(double f_dist, double deltaT, double Efs, double temp,
280  double CF) {
281  if (kappa != 0.) {
282  double tstop = 0.2 * std::pow(Efs, 1. / 3.) /
283  (2. * std::pow(temp, 4. / 3.) * kappa) /
284  CF; //Stopping distance in fm
285  double beta =
286  tstop / f_dist; //Ratio of stopping distance to distance travelled
287  if (beta > 1.) //If did not get to stopping distance
288  {
289  double intpiece = Efs * deltaT * 4. / (3.141592) *
290  (1. / (beta * tstop * std::sqrt(beta * beta - 1.)));
291  return intpiece;
292  } else //If reached stopping distance, subtract all energy
293  {
294  return 100000.;
295  }
296  } else
297  return 0.;
298 }
300 void AdSCFT::Clear() {}