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1 #include "TrackFitUtils.h"
3 #include <trackbase/MvtxDefs.h>
4 #include "ActsGeometry.h"
5 #include "TpcDefs.h"
7 #include "TrkrClusterv5.h"
8 #include "TrkrDefs.h" // for cluskey, getTrkrId, tpcId
10 #include <cmath>
12 namespace
13 {
16  template <class T>
17  inline constexpr T square(const T& x)
18  {
19  return x * x;
20  }
21 } // namespace
23 std::pair<Acts::Vector3, Acts::Vector3> TrackFitUtils::get_helix_tangent(const std::vector<float>& fitpars, Acts::Vector3& global)
24 {
25  // no analytic solution for the coordinates of the closest approach of a helix to a point
26  // Instead, we get the PCA in x and y to the circle, and the PCA in z to the z vs R line at the R of the PCA
28  float radius = fitpars[0];
29  float x0 = fitpars[1];
30  float y0 = fitpars[2];
31  float zslope = fitpars[3];
32  float z0 = fitpars[4];
34  Acts::Vector2 pca_circle = TrackFitUtils::get_circle_point_pca(radius, x0, y0, global);
36  // The radius of the PCA determines the z position:
37  float pca_circle_radius = pca_circle.norm(); // radius of the PCA of the circle to the point
38  float pca_z = pca_circle_radius * zslope + z0;
39  Acts::Vector3 pca(pca_circle(0), pca_circle(1), pca_z);
41  // now we want a second point on the helix so we can get a local straight line approximation to the track
42  // Get the angle of the PCA relative to the fitted circle center
43  float angle_pca = atan2(pca_circle(1) - y0, pca_circle(0) - x0);
44  // calculate coords of a point at a slightly larger angle
45  float d_angle = 0.005;
46  float newx = radius * cos(angle_pca + d_angle) + x0;
47  float newy = radius * sin(angle_pca + d_angle) + y0;
48  float newz = sqrt(newx * newx + newy * newy) * zslope + z0;
49  Acts::Vector3 second_point_pca(newx, newy, newz);
51  // pca and second_point_pca define a straight line approximation to the track
52  Acts::Vector3 tangent = (second_point_pca - pca) / (second_point_pca - pca).norm();
54  // get the PCA of the cluster to that line
55  // Approximate track with a straight line consisting of the state position posref and the vector (px,py,pz)
57  // The position of the closest point on the line to global is:
58  // posref + projection of difference between the point and posref on the tangent vector
59  Acts::Vector3 final_pca = pca + ((global - pca).dot(tangent)) * tangent;
61  auto line = std::make_pair(final_pca, tangent);
63  return line;
64 }
66 //_________________________________________________________________________________
68 {
69  // Compute x- and y- sample means
70  double meanX = 0;
71  double meanY = 0;
72  double weight = 0;
74  for (const auto& [x, y] : positions)
75  {
76  meanX += x;
77  meanY += y;
78  ++weight;
79  }
80  meanX /= weight;
81  meanY /= weight;
83  // computing moments
85  double Mxx = 0;
86  double Myy = 0;
87  double Mxy = 0;
88  double Mxz = 0;
89  double Myz = 0;
90  double Mzz = 0;
92  for (auto& [x, y] : positions)
93  {
94  double Xi = x - meanX; // centered x-coordinates
95  double Yi = y - meanY; // centered y-coordinates
96  double Zi = square(Xi) + square(Yi);
98  Mxy += Xi * Yi;
99  Mxx += Xi * Xi;
100  Myy += Yi * Yi;
101  Mxz += Xi * Zi;
102  Myz += Yi * Zi;
103  Mzz += Zi * Zi;
104  }
105  Mxx /= weight;
106  Myy /= weight;
107  Mxy /= weight;
108  Mxz /= weight;
109  Myz /= weight;
110  Mzz /= weight;
112  // computing coefficients of the characteristic polynomial
114  const double Mz = Mxx + Myy;
115  const double Cov_xy = Mxx * Myy - Mxy * Mxy;
116  const double Var_z = Mzz - Mz * Mz;
117  const double A3 = 4 * Mz;
118  const double A2 = -3 * Mz * Mz - Mzz;
119  const double A1 = Var_z * Mz + 4 * Cov_xy * Mz - Mxz * Mxz - Myz * Myz;
120  const double A0 = Mxz * (Mxz * Myy - Myz * Mxy) + Myz * (Myz * Mxx - Mxz * Mxy) - Var_z * Cov_xy;
121  const double A22 = A2 + A2;
122  const double A33 = A3 + A3 + A3;
124  // finding the root of the characteristic polynomial
125  // using Newton's method starting at x=0
126  // (it is guaranteed to converge to the right root)
127  static constexpr int iter_max = 99;
128  double x = 0;
129  double y = A0;
131  // usually, 4-6 iterations are enough
132  for (int iter = 0; iter < iter_max; ++iter)
133  {
134  const double Dy = A1 + x * (A22 + A33 * x);
135  const double xnew = x - y / Dy;
136  if ((xnew == x) || (!std::isfinite(xnew))) break;
138  const double ynew = A0 + xnew * (A1 + xnew * (A2 + xnew * A3));
139  if (std::abs(ynew) >= std::abs(y)) break;
141  x = xnew;
142  y = ynew;
143  }
145  // computing parameters of the fitting circle
146  const double DET = square(x) - x * Mz + Cov_xy;
147  const double Xcenter = (Mxz * (Myy - x) - Myz * Mxy) / DET / 2;
148  const double Ycenter = (Myz * (Mxx - x) - Mxz * Mxy) / DET / 2;
150  // assembling the output
151  double X0 = Xcenter + meanX;
152  double Y0 = Ycenter + meanY;
153  double R = std::sqrt(square(Xcenter) + square(Ycenter) + Mz);
154  return std::make_tuple(R, X0, Y0);
155 }
157 //_________________________________________________________________________________
159 {
160  position_vector_t positions_2d;
161  for (const auto& position : positions)
162  {
163  positions_2d.emplace_back(position.x(), position.y());
164  }
166  return circle_fit_by_taubin(positions_2d);
167 }
169 //_________________________________________________________________________________
171 {
172  double xsum = 0;
173  double x2sum = 0;
174  double ysum = 0;
175  double xysum = 0;
176  double y2sum = 0;
177  for (const auto& [r, z] : positions)
178  {
179  xsum = xsum + r; // calculate sigma(xi)
180  ysum = ysum + z; // calculate sigma(yi)
181  x2sum = x2sum + square(r); // calculate sigma(x^2i)
182  y2sum = y2sum + square(z); // calculate sigma(y^2i)
183  xysum = xysum + r * z; // calculate sigma(xi*yi)
184  }
186  const auto npts = positions.size();
187  const double denominator = (x2sum * npts - square(xsum));
188  const double a = (xysum * npts - xsum * ysum) / denominator; // calculate slope
189  const double b = (x2sum * ysum - xsum * xysum) / denominator; // calculate intercept
196  const double denominatoryx = (y2sum * npts - square(ysum));
197  const double inva = (xysum * npts - xsum * ysum) / denominatoryx;
198  const double invb = (y2sum * xsum - ysum * xysum) / denominatoryx;
201  float sumresid = 0;
202  float suminvresid = 0;
203  for (const auto& [r, z] : positions)
204  {
205  sumresid += square(z - (a * r + b));
206  suminvresid += square(r - (inva * z + invb));
207  }
209  if (sumresid < suminvresid)
210  {
211  return std::make_tuple(a, b);
212  }
215  return std::make_tuple(1. / inva, -invb / inva);
216 }
218 //_________________________________________________________________________________
220 {
221  position_vector_t positions_2d;
222  for (const auto& position : positions)
223  {
224  positions_2d.emplace_back(std::sqrt(square(position.x()) + square(position.y())), position.z());
225  }
227  return line_fit(positions_2d);
228 }
230 //_________________________________________________________________________________
232 {
233  const double D = square(r1) - square(r2) + square(x2) + square(y2);
234  const double a = 1.0 + square(x2 / y2);
235  const double b = -D * x2 / square(y2);
236  const double c = square(D / (2. * y2)) - square(r1);
237  const double delta = square(b) - 4. * a * c;
239  const double sqdelta = std::sqrt(delta);
241  const double xplus = (-b + sqdelta) / (2. * a);
242  const double xminus = (-b - sqdelta) / (2. * a);
244  const double yplus = -(2 * x2 * xplus - D) / (2. * y2);
245  const double yminus = -(2 * x2 * xminus - D) / (2. * y2);
247  return std::make_tuple(xplus, yplus, xminus, yminus);
248 }
251  const bool& isXY,
252  const double& dca_cut,
254  TrkrClusterContainer* clusterContainer,
255  std::vector<Acts::Vector3>& global_vec,
256  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey>& cluskey_vec,
257  const unsigned int& startLayer,
258  const unsigned int& endLayer)
259 {
260  float slope = std::get<0>(fitpars);
261  float intercept = std::get<1>(fitpars);
263  int nclusters = 0;
264  std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey> keys_to_add;
265  std::set<TrkrDefs::TrkrId> detectors = {TrkrDefs::TrkrId::mvtxId,
270  if (startLayer > 2)
271  {
272  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::mvtxId);
273  if (startLayer > 6)
274  {
275  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::inttId);
276  if (startLayer > 54)
277  {
278  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::tpcId);
279  }
280  }
281  }
282  if (endLayer < 56)
283  {
284  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::micromegasId);
285  if (endLayer < 7)
286  {
287  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::tpcId);
288  if (endLayer < 3)
289  {
290  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::inttId);
291  }
292  }
293  }
294  for (const auto& det : detectors)
295  {
296  for (const auto& hitsetkey : clusterContainer->getHitSetKeys(det))
297  {
298  if (TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetkey) < startLayer ||
299  TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetkey) > endLayer)
300  {
301  continue;
302  }
304  auto range = clusterContainer->getClusters(hitsetkey);
305  for (auto clusIter = range.first; clusIter != range.second; ++clusIter)
306  {
307  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluskey = clusIter->first;
309  TrkrCluster* cluster = clusIter->second;
311  auto global = tGeometry->getGlobalPosition(cluskey, cluster);
312  float x, y;
313  if (isXY)
314  {
315  x = global.x();
316  y = global.y();
317  }
318  else
319  {
321  x = global.z();
322  y = std::sqrt(square(global.x()) + square(global.y()));
323  if (global.y() < 0) y *= -1;
324  }
330  float perpSlope = -1 / slope;
331  float perpIntercept = y - perpSlope * x;
334  float pcax = (perpIntercept - intercept) / (slope - perpSlope);
335  float pcay = slope * pcax + intercept;
338  float dcax = pcax - x;
339  float dcay = pcay - y;
340  float dca = std::sqrt(square(dcax) + square(dcay));
342  if (dca < dca_cut)
343  {
344  keys_to_add.insert(cluskey);
345  }
346  }
347  }
348  }
350  for (auto& key : keys_to_add)
351  {
352  cluskey_vec.push_back(key);
353  auto clus = clusterContainer->findCluster(key);
354  auto global = tGeometry->getGlobalPosition(key, clus);
355  global_vec.push_back(global);
356  nclusters++;
357  }
359  return nclusters;
360 }
362 //_________________________________________________________________________________
363 unsigned int TrackFitUtils::addClusters(std::vector<float>& fitpars,
364  double dca_cut,
365  ActsGeometry* _tGeometry,
366  TrkrClusterContainer* _cluster_map,
367  std::vector<Acts::Vector3>& global_vec,
368  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey>& cluskey_vec,
369  unsigned int startLayer,
370  unsigned int endLayer)
371 {
372  // project the fit of the TPC clusters to each silicon layer, and find the nearest silicon cluster
373  // iterate over the cluster map and find silicon clusters that match this track fit
375  unsigned int nclusters = 0;
377  // We want the best match in each layer
378  std::vector<float> best_layer_dca;
379  best_layer_dca.assign(endLayer + 1, 999.0);
380  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey> best_layer_cluskey;
381  best_layer_cluskey.assign(endLayer + 1, 0);
382  std::set<TrkrDefs::TrkrId> detectors = {TrkrDefs::TrkrId::mvtxId,
387  if (startLayer > 2)
388  {
389  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::mvtxId);
390  if (startLayer > 6)
391  {
392  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::inttId);
393  if (startLayer > 54)
394  {
395  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::tpcId);
396  }
397  }
398  }
399  if (endLayer < 56)
400  {
401  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::micromegasId);
402  if (endLayer < 7)
403  {
404  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::tpcId);
405  if (endLayer < 3)
406  {
407  detectors.erase(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::inttId);
408  }
409  }
410  }
412  for (const auto& det : detectors)
413  {
414  for (const auto& hitsetkey : _cluster_map->getHitSetKeys(det))
415  {
416  if (TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetkey) < startLayer ||
417  TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetkey) > endLayer)
418  {
419  continue;
420  }
422  auto range = _cluster_map->getClusters(hitsetkey);
423  for (auto clusIter = range.first; clusIter != range.second; ++clusIter)
424  {
425  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluskey = clusIter->first;
426  unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluskey);
428  TrkrCluster* cluster = clusIter->second;
430  auto global = _tGeometry->getGlobalPosition(cluskey, cluster);
432  Acts::Vector3 pca = get_helix_pca(fitpars, global);
433  float dca = (pca - global).norm();
435  Acts::Vector2 global_xy(global(0), global(1));
436  Acts::Vector2 pca_xy(pca(0), pca(1));
437  Acts::Vector2 pca_xy_residual = pca_xy - global_xy;
438  dca = pca_xy_residual.norm();
440  if (dca < best_layer_dca[layer])
441  {
442  best_layer_dca[layer] = dca;
443  best_layer_cluskey[layer] = cluskey;
444  }
445  } // end cluster iteration
446  } // end hitsetkey iteration
447  }
448  for (unsigned int layer = startLayer; layer <= endLayer; ++layer)
449  {
451  if (best_layer_cluskey[layer] == 0)
452  {
453  continue;
454  }
455  if (best_layer_dca[layer] < dca_cut)
456  {
457  cluskey_vec.push_back(best_layer_cluskey[layer]);
458  auto clus = _cluster_map->findCluster(best_layer_cluskey[layer]);
459  auto global = _tGeometry->getGlobalPosition(best_layer_cluskey[layer], clus);
460  global_vec.push_back(global);
461  nclusters++;
462  }
463  }
465  return nclusters;
466 }
468 //_________________________________________________________________________________
469 Acts::Vector3 TrackFitUtils::get_helix_pca(std::vector<float>& fitpars,
470  Acts::Vector3 global)
471 {
472  // no analytic solution for the coordinates of the closest approach of a helix to a point
473  // Instead, we get the PCA in x and y to the circle, and the PCA in z to the z vs R line at the R of the PCA
475  float radius = fitpars[0];
476  float x0 = fitpars[1];
477  float y0 = fitpars[2];
478  float zslope = fitpars[3];
479  float z0 = fitpars[4];
481  Acts::Vector2 pca_circle = get_circle_point_pca(radius, x0, y0, global);
483  // The radius of the PCA determines the z position:
484  float pca_circle_radius = pca_circle.norm();
485  float pca_z = pca_circle_radius * zslope + z0;
486  Acts::Vector3 pca(pca_circle(0), pca_circle(1), pca_z);
488  // now we want a second point on the helix so we can get a local straight line approximation to the track
489  // project the circle PCA vector an additional small amount and find the helix PCA to that point
490  float projection = 0.25; // cm
491  Acts::Vector3 second_point = pca + projection * pca / pca.norm();
492  Acts::Vector2 second_point_pca_circle = get_circle_point_pca(radius, x0, y0, second_point);
493  float second_point_pca_z = pca_circle_radius * zslope + z0;
494  Acts::Vector3 second_point_pca(second_point_pca_circle(0), second_point_pca_circle(1), second_point_pca_z);
496  // pca and second_point_pca define a straight line approximation to the track
497  Acts::Vector3 tangent = (second_point_pca - pca) / (second_point_pca - pca).norm();
499  // get the PCA of the cluster to that line
500  Acts::Vector3 final_pca = getPCALinePoint(global, tangent, pca);
502  return final_pca;
503 }
505 //_________________________________________________________________________________
507 {
508  // get the PCA of a cluster (x,y) position to a circle
509  // draw a line from the origin of the circle to the point
510  // the intersection of the line with the circle is at the distance radius from the origin along that line
512  Acts::Vector2 origin(x0, y0);
513  Acts::Vector2 point(global(0), global(1));
515  Acts::Vector2 pca = origin + radius * (point - origin) / (point - origin).norm();
517  return pca;
518 }
520 //_________________________________________________________________________________
521 std::vector<float> TrackFitUtils::fitClusters(std::vector<Acts::Vector3>& global_vec,
522  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey> cluskey_vec)
523 {
524  std::vector<float> fitpars;
526  // make the helical fit using TrackFitUtils
527  if (global_vec.size() < 3)
528  {
529  return fitpars;
530  }
531  std::tuple<double, double, double> circle_fit_pars = TrackFitUtils::circle_fit_by_taubin(global_vec);
533  // It is problematic that the large errors on the INTT strip z values are not allowed for - drop the INTT from the z line fit
534  std::vector<Acts::Vector3> global_vec_noINTT;
535  for (unsigned int ivec = 0; ivec < global_vec.size(); ++ivec)
536  {
537  unsigned int trkrid = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(cluskey_vec[ivec]);
539  if (trkrid != TrkrDefs::inttId and cluskey_vec[ivec] != 0)
540  {
541  global_vec_noINTT.push_back(global_vec[ivec]);
542  }
543  }
545  if (global_vec_noINTT.size() < 3)
546  {
547  return fitpars;
548  }
549  std::tuple<double, double> line_fit_pars = TrackFitUtils::line_fit(global_vec_noINTT);
551  fitpars.push_back(std::get<0>(circle_fit_pars));
552  fitpars.push_back(std::get<1>(circle_fit_pars));
553  fitpars.push_back(std::get<2>(circle_fit_pars));
554  fitpars.push_back(std::get<0>(line_fit_pars));
555  fitpars.push_back(std::get<1>(line_fit_pars));
557  return fitpars;
558 }
560 //_________________________________________________________________________________
562  TrkrClusterContainer* _cluster_map,
563  std::vector<Acts::Vector3>& global_vec,
564  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey>& cluskey_vec)
565 {
566  for (unsigned int iclus = 0; iclus < cluskey_vec.size(); ++iclus)
567  {
568  auto key = cluskey_vec[iclus];
569  auto cluster = _cluster_map->findCluster(key);
570  if (!cluster)
571  {
572  std::cout << "Failed to get cluster with key " << key << std::endl;
573  continue;
574  }
576  Acts::Vector3 global = _tGeometry->getGlobalPosition(key, cluster);
578  /*
579  const unsigned int trkrId = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(key);
580  // have to add corrections for TPC clusters after transformation to global
581  if(trkrId == TrkrDefs::tpcId)
582  {
583  int crossing = 0; // for now
584  makeTpcGlobalCorrections(key, crossing, global);
585  }
586  */
588  // add the global positions to a vector to return
589  global_vec.push_back(global);
591  } // end loop over clusters for this track
592 }
594 //_________________________________________________________________________________
596 {
597  // Approximate track with a straight line consisting of the state position posref and the vector (px,py,pz)
599  // The position of the closest point on the line to global is:
600  // posref + projection of difference between the point and posref on the tangent vector
601  Acts::Vector3 pca = posref + ((global - posref).dot(tangent)) * tangent;
602  /*
603  if( (pca-posref).norm() > 0.001)
604  {
605  std::cout << " getPCALinePoint: old pca " << posref(0) << " " << posref(1) << " " << posref(2) << std::endl;
606  std::cout << " getPCALinePoint: new pca " << pca(0) << " " << pca(1) << " " << pca(2) << std::endl;
607  std::cout << " getPCALinePoint: delta pca " << pca(0) - posref(0) << " " << pca(1)-posref(1) << " " << pca(2) -posref(2) << std::endl;
608  }
609  */
611  return pca;
612 }
615 {
616  std::vector<double> residuals;
617  // calculate cluster residuals from the fitted circle
618  std::transform(rz_pts.begin(), rz_pts.end(),
619  std::back_inserter(residuals), [slope, intercept](const std::pair<double, double>& point)
620  {
621  double r = point.first;
622  double z = point.second;
624  // The shortest distance of a point from a circle is along the radial; line from the circle center to the point
626  double a = -slope;
627  double b = 1.0;
628  double c = -intercept;
629  return std::abs(a*r+b*z+c)/sqrt(square(a)+square(b)); });
630  return residuals;
631 }
633 std::vector<double> TrackFitUtils::getCircleClusterResiduals(TrackFitUtils::position_vector_t& xy_pts, float R, float X0, float Y0)
634 {
635  std::vector<double> residuals;
636  std::transform(xy_pts.begin(), xy_pts.end(),
637  std::back_inserter(residuals), [R, X0, Y0](const std::pair<double, double>& point)
638  {
639  double x = point.first;
640  double y = point.second;
642  // The shortest distance of a point from a circle is along the radial; line from the circle center to the point
643  return std::sqrt( square(x-X0) + square(y-Y0) ) - R; });
645  return residuals;
646 }