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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FluidcellStatistic.cpp
1 // Copyright @ Chun Shen 2014
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <sstream>
4 #include <fstream>
5 #include <cmath>
6 #include <iomanip>
7 #include <string>
8 #include <cstdlib>
10 #include "./FluidcellStatistic.h"
11 #include "./SurfaceFinder.h"
13 using namespace std;
16  ParameterReader* paraRdr_in) {
17  paraRdr = paraRdr_in;
18  hydro_type = paraRdr->getVal("hydro_type");
20  grid_tau0 = 0.0;
21  grid_tauf = 0.0;
22  grid_x0 = 0.0;
23  grid_y0 = 0.0;
24  if (hydro_type == 0) {
25 #ifdef USE_HDF5
26  hydroinfo_ptr = (HydroinfoH5*) hydroinfo_ptr_in;
27  grid_tau0 = hydroinfo_ptr->getHydrogridTau0();
28  grid_tauf = hydroinfo_ptr->getHydrogridTaumax();
29  grid_x0 = - hydroinfo_ptr->getHydrogridXmax();
30  grid_y0 = - hydroinfo_ptr->getHydrogridYmax();
31 #endif
32  } else {
33  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr = (Hydroinfo_MUSIC*) hydroinfo_ptr_in;
34  grid_tau0 = hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->get_hydro_tau0();
35  grid_tauf = hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->get_hydro_tau_max();
36  grid_x0 = (- hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->get_hydro_x_max()
37  + hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->get_hydro_dx());
38  grid_y0 = grid_x0;
39  }
40  T_dec = paraRdr->getVal("T_cut");
41  grid_dt = paraRdr->getVal("grid_dt");
42  grid_dx = paraRdr->getVal("grid_dx");
43  grid_dy = paraRdr->getVal("grid_dy");
44  hbarC = 0.19733;
45 }
50  cout << "check the position of the freeze-out surface "
51  << "at (T = " << Tdec << " GeV) ... " << endl;
53  int ntime = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt) + 1;
54  int nx = static_cast<int>(abs(2*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
55  int ny = static_cast<int>(abs(2*grid_y0)/grid_dy) + 1;
57  double tau_local;
58  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell();
59  ofstream output;
60"results/checkFreezeoutSurface.dat", std::ofstream::app);
62  for (int itime = 0; itime < ntime; itime++) {
63  // loop over time evolution
64  tau_local = grid_tau0 + itime*grid_dt;
65  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
66  // loops over the transverse plane
67  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
68  for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
69  double y_local = grid_y0 + j*grid_dy;
70  //hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
71  // fluidCellptr);
72  double temp_local = fluidCellptr->temperature;
73  if (fabs(temp_local - Tdec) < 0.001) {
74  output << tau_local << " " << x_local << " "
75  << y_local << " "
76  << sqrt(x_local*x_local + y_local*y_local) << endl;
77  }
78  }
79  }
80  }
81  output.close();
82  delete fluidCellptr;
83  return;
84 }
87  cout << "output temperature vs tau ..." << endl;
89  int nt = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt + 1);
90  int nx = static_cast<int>(abs(2*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
91  int ny = static_cast<int>(abs(2*grid_y0)/grid_dy) + 1;
93  ofstream output;
96  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell;
97  for (int it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
98  double tau_local = grid_tau0 + it*grid_dt;
99  double avgTemp, stdTemp;
100  int numCell = 0;
101  double tempSum = 0.0;
102  double tempSumsq = 0.0;
103  double tempMax = 0.0;
104  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
105  // loops over the transverse plane
106  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
107  for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
108  double y_local = grid_y0 + j*grid_dy;
109  // get hydro information
110  if (hydro_type == 0) {
111 #ifdef USE_HDF5
112  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
113  fluidCellptr);
114 #endif
115  } else {
116  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
117  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
118  }
119  double temp_local = fluidCellptr->temperature;
120  if (temp_local > T_dec) {
121  numCell += 1;
122  tempSum += temp_local;
123  tempSumsq += temp_local*temp_local;
124  if (tempMax < temp_local)
125  tempMax = temp_local;
126  }
127  }
128  }
129  if (numCell == 0) {
130  avgTemp = 0.0;
131  stdTemp = 0.0;
132  } else {
133  avgTemp = tempSum/numCell;
134  stdTemp = sqrt((tempSumsq - tempSum*tempSum/numCell)/(numCell - 1));
135  }
136  output << tau_local << " " << avgTemp << " " << stdTemp
137  << " " << tempMax << endl;
138  }
139  delete fluidCellptr;
140  return;
141 }
144  cout << "output u^tau vs tau ... " << endl;
146  int nt = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt + 1);
147  int nx = static_cast<int>(abs(2.*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
148  int ny = static_cast<int>(abs(2.*grid_y0)/grid_dy) + 1;
150  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell;
152  ofstream output;
153"results/tau_vs_v.dat", std::ofstream::app);
154  output << "# tau (fm) V4 (fm^4) <u^tau> theta" << endl;
156  for (int it = 1; it < nt; it++) {
157  double tau_local = grid_tau0 + it*grid_dt;
158  double volume_element = tau_local*grid_dt*grid_dx*grid_dy;
159  double V4 = 0.0;
160  double avg_utau = 0.0;
161  double avg_theta = 0.0;
162  int count = 0;
163  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
164  // loops over the transverse plane
165  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
166  for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
167  double y_local = grid_y0 + j*grid_dy;
168  if (hydro_type == 0) {
169 #ifdef USE_HDF5
170  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
171  fluidCellptr);
172 #endif
173  } else {
174  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
175  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
176  }
177  double temp_local = fluidCellptr->temperature;
178  if (temp_local > T_dec) {
179  // inside freeze-out surface
180  double vx_local = fluidCellptr->vx;
181  double vy_local = fluidCellptr->vy;
182  double v_perp = sqrt(vx_local*vx_local + vy_local*vy_local);
183  double gamma = 1./sqrt(1. - v_perp*v_perp);
185  double theta = compute_local_expansion_rate(
186  tau_local, x_local, y_local);
187  avg_utau += gamma*volume_element;
188  avg_theta += theta*volume_element;
189  V4 += volume_element;
190  count++;
191  }
192  }
193  }
194  if (count < 1) {
195  avg_utau = 1.0;
196  avg_theta = 0.0;
197  V4 = 0.0;
198  } else {
199  avg_utau = avg_utau/V4;
200  avg_theta = avg_theta/V4;
201  }
202  output << tau_local << " " << V4 << " " << avg_utau << " "
203  << avg_theta << endl;
204  }
205  return;
206 }
209  cout << "output utau vs T ... " << endl;
211  int nt = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt + 1);
212  int nx = static_cast<int>(abs(2*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
213  int ny = static_cast<int>(abs(2*grid_y0)/grid_dy) + 1;
215  ofstream output("results/T_vs_v.dat");
216  output << "# T (GeV) V (fm^4) <u^tau> theta" << endl;
218  int n_bin = 41;
219  double T_max = 0.5;
220  double dT = (T_max - T_dec)/(n_bin - 1);
221  double *T_bin_avg = new double[n_bin];
222  double *V4 = new double[n_bin];
223  double *avg_utau = new double[n_bin];
224  double *avg_theta = new double[n_bin];
225  for (int i = 0; i < n_bin; i++) {
226  T_bin_avg[i] = 0.0;
227  V4[i] = 0.0;
228  avg_utau[i] = 0.0;
229  avg_theta[i] = 0.0;
230  }
232  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell;
233  for (int it = 1; it < nt; it++) {
234  double tau_local = grid_tau0 + it*grid_dt;
235  double volume_element = tau_local*grid_dt*grid_dx*grid_dy;
236  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
237  // loops over the transverse plane
238  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
239  for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
240  double y_local = grid_y0 + j*grid_dy;
242  // get hydro information
243  if (hydro_type == 0) {
244 #ifdef USE_HDF5
245  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
246  fluidCellptr);
247 #endif
248  } else {
249  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
250  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
251  }
252  double temp_local = fluidCellptr->temperature;
253  if (temp_local > T_dec) {
254  double vx_local = fluidCellptr->vx;
255  double vy_local = fluidCellptr->vy;
256  double utau_local = 1./sqrt(1. - vx_local*vx_local
257  - vy_local*vy_local);
258  double theta_local = compute_local_expansion_rate(
259  tau_local, x_local, y_local);
260  int T_idx = static_cast<int>((temp_local - T_dec)/dT);
261  if (T_idx >= 0 && T_idx < n_bin-1) {
262  T_bin_avg[T_idx] += temp_local*volume_element;
263  avg_utau[T_idx] += utau_local*volume_element;
264  avg_theta[T_idx] += theta_local*volume_element;
265  V4[T_idx] += volume_element;
266  }
267  }
268  }
269  }
270  }
271  for (int i = 0; i < n_bin; i++) {
272  double T_bin, utau_bin, theta_bin;
273  if (fabs(T_bin_avg[i]) < 1e-10) {
274  T_bin = T_dec + i*dT;
275  utau_bin = 1.0;
276  theta_bin = 0.0;
277  } else {
278  T_bin = T_bin_avg[i]/(V4[i] + 1e-15);
279  utau_bin = avg_utau[i]/(V4[i] + 1e-15);
280  theta_bin = avg_theta[i]/(V4[i] + 1e-15);
281  }
282  output << scientific << setw(18) << setprecision(8)
283  << T_bin << " " << V4[i] << " " << utau_bin << " "
284  << theta_bin << endl;
285  }
286  output.close();
288  delete[] T_bin_avg;
289  delete[] V4;
290  delete[] avg_utau;
291  delete[] avg_theta;
292  delete fluidCellptr;
294  return;
295 }
298  cout << "output momentum anisotropy vs tau ... " << endl;
300  int nt = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt + 1);
301  int nx = static_cast<int>(abs(2*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
302  int ny = static_cast<int>(abs(2*grid_y0)/grid_dy) + 1;
304  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell;
305  ofstream output;
308  for (int it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
309  double tau_local = grid_tau0 + it*grid_dt;
310  double TxxSum = 0.0;
311  double TyySum = 0.0;
312  double epsP = 0.0;
313  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
314  // loops over the transverse plane
315  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
316  for(int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
317  double y_local = grid_y0 + j*grid_dy;
318  // get hydro information
319  if (hydro_type == 0) {
320 #ifdef USE_HDF5
321  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
322  fluidCellptr);
323 #endif
324  } else {
325  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
326  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
327  }
328  double temp_local = fluidCellptr->temperature;
329  if (temp_local > T_dec) {
330  double e_local = fluidCellptr->ed;
331  double p_local = fluidCellptr->pressure;
332  double vx_local = fluidCellptr->vx;
333  double vy_local = fluidCellptr->vy;
334  double v_perp = sqrt(vx_local*vx_local
335  + vy_local*vy_local);
336  double gamma = 1./sqrt(1. - v_perp*v_perp);
337  double ux_local = gamma*vx_local;
338  double uy_local = gamma*vy_local;
339  double pi_xx = fluidCellptr->pi[1][1];
340  double pi_yy = fluidCellptr->pi[2][2];
341  TxxSum += (
342  (e_local+p_local)*ux_local*ux_local + p_local + pi_xx);
343  TyySum += (
344  (e_local+p_local)*uy_local*uy_local + p_local + pi_yy);
345  }
346  }
347  }
348  if (fabs(TxxSum)+ fabs(TyySum) < 1e-10)
349  epsP = 0.0;
350  else
351  epsP = (TxxSum - TyySum)/(TxxSum + TyySum);
353  output << tau_local-0.6 << " " << epsP << endl;
354  }
355  return;
356 }
359  cout << "output 2D contour plot for temperature as function of "
360  << "tau and x ... " << endl;
362  int ntime = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt) + 1;
363  int nx = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
365  double tau_local;
366  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell();
367  ofstream output;
370  for (int itime = 0; itime < ntime; itime++) {
371  // loop over time evolution
372  tau_local = grid_tau0 + itime*grid_dt;
373  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
374  // loops over the transverse plane
375  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
376  double y_local = 0.0;
377  // get hydro information
378  if (hydro_type == 0) {
379 #ifdef USE_HDF5
380  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
381  fluidCellptr);
382 #endif
383  } else {
384  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
385  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
386  }
387  double temp_local = fluidCellptr->temperature;
388  if (temp_local > 0.05)
389  output << temp_local << " " ;
390  else
391  output << 0.0 << " " ;
392  }
393  output << endl;
394  }
395  output.close();
396  delete fluidCellptr;
397  return;
398 }
402  cout << "output Knudersen Number as a function of tau and x ..." << endl;
404  int ntime = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt) + 1;
405  int nx = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_x0)/grid_dx);
407  double eps = 1e-15;
409  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell;
410  ofstream output;
413  for (int itime = 1; itime < ntime; itime++) {
414  // loop over time evolution
415  double tau_local = grid_tau0 + itime*grid_dt;
416  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
417  // loops over the transverse plane
418  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
419  double y_local = 0.0;
420  double theta = compute_local_expansion_rate(tau_local,
421  x_local, y_local);
423  if (hydro_type == 0) {
424 #ifdef USE_HDF5
425  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
426  fluidCellptr);
427 #endif
428  } else {
429  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
430  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
431  }
433  double eta_s = 0.08;
434  double L_micro = (5.*eta_s
435  /(fabs(fluidCellptr->temperature) + eps))*hbarC;
436  double L_macro = 1/(fabs(theta) + eps);
437  double Knudsen = L_micro/L_macro;
439  output << Knudsen << " ";
440  }
441  output << endl;
442  }
443  output.close();
444  delete fluidCellptr;
445  return;
446 }
449  double tau_local, double x_local, double y_local) {
450  // this function computes the local expansion rate at the given
451  // space-time point (tau_loca, x_local, y_local)
452  // theta = \patial_mu u^\mu + u^tau/tau
454  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell;
455  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptrt1 = new hydrofluidCell;
456  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptrt2 = new hydrofluidCell;
457  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptrx1 = new hydrofluidCell;
458  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptrx2 = new hydrofluidCell;
459  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptry1 = new hydrofluidCell;
460  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptry2 = new hydrofluidCell;
462  if (hydro_type == 0) {
463 #ifdef USE_HDF5
464  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
465  fluidCellptr);
466  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local-grid_dt, x_local, y_local,
467  fluidCellptrt1);
468  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local+grid_dt, x_local, y_local,
469  fluidCellptrt2);
470  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local-grid_dx, y_local,
471  fluidCellptrx1);
472  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local+grid_dx, y_local,
473  fluidCellptrx2);
474  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local-grid_dy,
475  fluidCellptry1);
476  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local+grid_dy,
477  fluidCellptry2);
478 #endif
479  } else {
480  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
481  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
482  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
483  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local - grid_dt, fluidCellptrt1);
484  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
485  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local + grid_dt, fluidCellptrt2);
486  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
487  x_local - grid_dx, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptrx1);
488  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
489  x_local + grid_dx, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptrx2);
490  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
491  x_local, y_local - grid_dy, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptry1);
492  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
493  x_local, y_local + grid_dy, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptry2);
494  }
496  double u0 = 1./sqrt(1. - fluidCellptr->vx*fluidCellptr->vx
497  + fluidCellptr->vy*fluidCellptr->vy);
498  double u0t1 = 1./sqrt(1. - fluidCellptrt1->vx*fluidCellptrt1->vx
499  + fluidCellptrt1->vy*fluidCellptrt1->vy);
500  double u0t2 = 1./sqrt(1. - fluidCellptrt2->vx*fluidCellptrt2->vx
501  + fluidCellptrt2->vy*fluidCellptrt2->vy);
502  double u1x1 = (fluidCellptrx1->vx
503  /sqrt(1. - fluidCellptrx1->vx*fluidCellptrx1->vx
504  + fluidCellptrx1->vy*fluidCellptrx1->vy));
505  double u1x2 = (fluidCellptrx2->vx
506  /sqrt(1. - fluidCellptrx2->vx*fluidCellptrx2->vx
507  + fluidCellptrx2->vy*fluidCellptrx2->vy));
508  double u2y1 = (fluidCellptry1->vy
509  /sqrt(1. - fluidCellptry1->vx*fluidCellptry1->vx
510  + fluidCellptry1->vy*fluidCellptry1->vy));
511  double u2y2 = (fluidCellptry2->vy
512  /sqrt(1. - fluidCellptry2->vx*fluidCellptry2->vx
513  + fluidCellptry2->vy*fluidCellptry2->vy));
515  double d0u0 = (u0t2 - u0t1)/2./grid_dt;
516  double d1u1 = (u1x2 - u1x1)/2./grid_dx;
517  double d2u2 = (u2y2 - u2y1)/2./grid_dy;
518  double theta = (d0u0 + d1u1 + d2u2 + u0/tau_local);
520  delete fluidCellptr;
521  delete fluidCellptrt1;
522  delete fluidCellptrt2;
523  delete fluidCellptrx1;
524  delete fluidCellptrx2;
525  delete fluidCellptry1;
526  delete fluidCellptry2;
527  return(theta);
528 }
531  cout << "output inverse Reynolds number as a function of "
532  << "tau and x ... " << endl;
534  int ntime = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt) + 1;
535  int nx = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
537  double MAX = 1000.;
539  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell();
540  ofstream output;
543  for (int itime = 0; itime < ntime; itime++) {
544  // loop over time evolution
545  double tau_local = grid_tau0 + itime*grid_dt;
546  for(int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
547  // loops over the transverse plane
548  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
549  double y_local = 0.0;
551  if (hydro_type == 0) {
552 #ifdef USE_HDF5
553  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
554  fluidCellptr);
555 #endif
556  } else {
557  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
558  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
559  }
560  double pi2 = (
561  fluidCellptr->pi[0][0]*fluidCellptr->pi[0][0]
562  + fluidCellptr->pi[1][1]*fluidCellptr->pi[1][1]
563  + fluidCellptr->pi[2][2]*fluidCellptr->pi[2][2]
564  + fluidCellptr->pi[3][3]*fluidCellptr->pi[3][3]
565  - 2.*(fluidCellptr->pi[0][1]*fluidCellptr->pi[0][1]
566  + fluidCellptr->pi[0][2]*fluidCellptr->pi[0][2]
567  + fluidCellptr->pi[0][3]*fluidCellptr->pi[0][3])
568  + 2.*(fluidCellptr->pi[1][2]*fluidCellptr->pi[1][2]
569  + fluidCellptr->pi[1][3]*fluidCellptr->pi[1][3]
570  + fluidCellptr->pi[2][3]*fluidCellptr->pi[2][3]));
572  double inverseReynold;
574  if (pi2 >= 0)
575  inverseReynold = sqrt(pi2)/(fluidCellptr->ed
576  + fluidCellptr->pressure + 1e-15);
577  else
578  inverseReynold = MAX;
580  output << inverseReynold << " " ;
581  }
582  output << endl;
583  }
584  output.close();
585  delete fluidCellptr;
586  return;
587 }
590  cout << "output bulk inverse Reynolds number as a function of "
591  << "tau and x ... " << endl;
593  int ntime = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt) + 1;
594  int nx = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
596  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell();
597  ofstream output;
600  for (int itime = 0 ; itime < ntime; itime++) {
601  // loop over time evolution
602  double tau_local = grid_tau0 + itime*grid_dt;
603  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
604  // loops over the transverse plane
605  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
606  double y_local = 0.0;
608  if (hydro_type == 0) {
609 #ifdef USE_HDF5
610  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
611  fluidCellptr);
612 #endif
613  } else {
614  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
615  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
616  }
618  double inverseReynold;
619  inverseReynold = fabs(fluidCellptr->bulkPi)/fluidCellptr->pressure;
620  output << inverseReynold << " " ;
621  }
622  output << endl;
623  }
624  output.close();
625  delete fluidCellptr;
626  return;
627 }
630  double V_3 = calculate_hypersurface_3volume(T_cut);
631  double V_4 = calculate_spacetime_4volume(T_cut);
632  double average_tau = calculate_average_tau(T_cut);
633  double average_T4 = calculate_average_temperature4(T_cut);
634  double average_GammaT =
635  calculate_average_integrated_photonRate_parameterization(T_cut);
636  stringstream output;
637  output << "results/volume_info_for_photon_Tcut_" << T_cut << ".dat";
638  ofstream of(output.str().c_str());
639  of << "# V_4 <tau> V_3 <T_4> <GammaT> " << endl;
640  of << scientific << setw(18) << setprecision(8)
641  << V_4 << " " << average_tau << " "
642  << V_3 << " " << average_T4 << " " << average_GammaT << endl;
643  of.close();
644 }
647  // this function calculates the space-time 4 volume of the medium
648  // inside a give temperature T_cut [GeV]
649  // the output volume V_4 is in [fm^4]
650  // deta = 1
652  cout << "compute 4-volume inside T = " << T_cut << " GeV ..." << endl;
654  int ntime = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt) + 1;
655  int nx = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
656  int ny = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_y0)/grid_dy) + 1;
658  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell();
660  double volume = 0.0;
661  for (int itime = 0; itime < ntime; itime++) {
662  // loop over time evolution
663  double tau_local = grid_tau0 + itime*grid_dt;
664  double volume_element = tau_local*grid_dt*grid_dx*grid_dy;
665  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
666  // loops over the transverse plane
667  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
668  for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
669  double y_local = grid_y0 + j*grid_dy;
670  // get hydro information
671  if (hydro_type == 0) {
672 #ifdef USE_HDF5
673  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
674  fluidCellptr);
675 #endif
676  } else {
677  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
678  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
679  }
680  double T_local = fluidCellptr->temperature; // GeV
681  if (T_local > T_cut) {
682  volume += volume_element;
683  }
684  }
685  }
686  }
687  delete fluidCellptr;
688  return(volume);
689 }
692  // this function calculates the average <\tau> of the medium
693  // inside a give temperature T_cut [GeV]
694  // the output <tau> is in [fm]
696  cout << "compute <tau> ... " << endl;
698  int ntime = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt) + 1;
699  int nx = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
700  int ny = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_y0)/grid_dy) + 1;
702  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell();
704  double average_tau = 0.0;
705  double volume = 0.0;
706  for (int itime = 0; itime < ntime; itime++) {
707  // loop over time evolution
708  double tau_local = grid_tau0 + itime*grid_dt;
709  double volume_element = tau_local*grid_dt*grid_dx*grid_dy;
710  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
711  // loops over the transverse plane
712  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
713  for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
714  double y_local = grid_y0 + j*grid_dy;
715  // get hydro information
716  if (hydro_type == 0) {
717 #ifdef USE_HDF5
718  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
719  fluidCellptr);
720 #endif
721  } else {
722  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
723  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
724  }
725  double T_local = fluidCellptr->temperature; // GeV
726  if (T_local > T_cut) {
727  volume += volume_element;
728  average_tau += tau_local*volume_element;
729  }
730  }
731  }
732  }
733  average_tau /= volume;
734  delete fluidCellptr;
735  return(average_tau);
736 }
739  // this function calculates the average <T^4> of the medium
740  // inside a give temperature T_cut [GeV]
741  // the output <T^4> is in [GeV^4]
743  cout << "compute <T^4> ..." << endl;
744  int ntime = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt) + 1;
745  int nx = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
746  int ny = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_y0)/grid_dy) + 1;
748  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell();
750  double average_T4 = 0.0;
751  double volume = 0.0;
752  for (int itime = 0; itime < ntime; itime++) {
753  // loop over time evolution
754  double tau_local = grid_tau0 + itime*grid_dt;
755  double volume_element = tau_local*grid_dt*grid_dx*grid_dy;
756  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
757  // loops over the transverse plane
758  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
759  for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
760  double y_local = grid_y0 + j*grid_dy;
761  // get hydro information
762  if (hydro_type == 0) {
763 #ifdef USE_HDF5
764  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
765  fluidCellptr);
766 #endif
767  } else {
768  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
769  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
770  }
771  double T_local = fluidCellptr->temperature; // GeV
772  if (T_local > T_cut) {
773  volume += volume_element;
774  average_T4 += (
775  T_local*T_local*T_local*T_local*volume_element);
776  }
777  }
778  }
779  }
780  average_T4 /= volume;
781  delete fluidCellptr;
782  return(average_T4);
783 }
787  // this function calculates the average Gamma(T) of the medium
788  // Gamma(T) = 1.746 T^4.095 for T > Tsw = 0.18
789  // = 11663.923 T^9.024 for T < Tsw
790  // inside a give temperature T_cut [GeV]
791  // the output <Gamma(T)> is in [1/fm^4]
793  cout << "compute <Gamma(T)> ..." << endl;
794  int ntime = static_cast<int>((grid_tauf - grid_tau0)/grid_dt) + 1;
795  int nx = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_x0)/grid_dx) + 1;
796  int ny = static_cast<int>(fabs(2.*grid_y0)/grid_dy) + 1;
798  hydrofluidCell* fluidCellptr = new hydrofluidCell();
800  double average_GammaT = 0.0;
801  double volume = 0.0;
802  double Tsw = 0.18; // switching temperature for QGP rates to HG rates
803  for (int itime = 0; itime < ntime; itime++) {
804  // loop over time evolution
805  double tau_local = grid_tau0 + itime*grid_dt;
806  double volume_element = tau_local*grid_dt*grid_dx*grid_dy;
807  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
808  // loops over the transverse plane
809  double x_local = grid_x0 + i*grid_dx;
810  for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
811  double y_local = grid_y0 + j*grid_dy;
812  // get hydro information
813  if (hydro_type == 0) {
814 #ifdef USE_HDF5
815  hydroinfo_ptr->getHydroinfo(tau_local, x_local, y_local,
816  fluidCellptr);
817 #endif
818  } else {
819  hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr->getHydroValues(
820  x_local, y_local, 0.0, tau_local, fluidCellptr);
821  }
822  double T_local = fluidCellptr->temperature; // GeV
823  if (T_local > T_cut) {
824  volume += volume_element;
825  double GammaT = 0.0;
826  if (T_local > Tsw) {
827  GammaT = 1.746*pow(T_local, 4.095);
828  } else {
829  GammaT = 11663.923*pow(T_local, 9.024);
830  }
831  average_GammaT += GammaT*volume_element;
832  }
833  }
834  }
835  }
836  average_GammaT /= volume;
837  delete fluidCellptr;
838  return(average_GammaT);
839 }
842  // this function calculates the surface area of an isothermal hyper-surface
843  // at a give temperature T_cut [GeV]
844  // the output volume V_3 = int u^\mu d^3\sigma_\mu is in [fm^3]
845  // deta = 1
847  cout << "compute 3-volume at T = " << T_cut << " GeV ... " << endl;
848  // first find the hyper-surface
849  void* hydro_ptr = NULL;
850  if (hydro_type == 1) {
851 #ifdef USE_HDF5
852  hydro_ptr = hydroinfo_ptr;
853 #endif
854  } else {
855  hydro_ptr = hydroinfo_MUSIC_ptr;
856  }
857  SurfaceFinder surfFinder(hydro_ptr, paraRdr, T_cut);
858  surfFinder.Find_full_hypersurface();
860  // load the hyper-surface file
861  ifstream surf("hyper_surface_2+1d.dat");
862  if (!surf.is_open()) {
863  cout << "FluidcellStatistic::calculate_hypersurface_3volume:"
864  << "can not open the file hyper_surface_2+1d.dat!" << endl;
865  exit(1);
866  }
868  double volume = 0.0;
869  double tau, x, y, da0, da1, da2, vx, vy, T;
870  surf >> tau >> x >> y >> da0 >> da1 >> da2 >> T >> vx >> vy;
871  while (!surf.eof()) {
872  double u0 = 1./sqrt(1. - vx*vx - vy*vy);
873  double ux = u0*vx;
874  double uy = u0*vy;
875  volume += tau*(u0*da0 + ux*da1 + uy*da2);
876  surf >> tau >> x >> y >> da0 >> da1 >> da2 >> T >> vx >> vy;
877  }
878  return(volume);
879 }